The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 5

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1923 SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY. BROKEN OUT SKIN Ahy breaking out or skin irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mciilho-.Sulpliur says a noted skin specialist. Because of Itrigerni destroying properties, noth ing |ias ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that My brings case from tile itching •d irritation. Iphur heals eczema right (he skin clear and smooth. 5 f:i| l s to relieve the torment urement. A little jar „f .Mentho-Sulphur may be .,b- t jjn.v drug store. It is Used PUBLIC SALE OF VALU ABLE TOWN PROPERTY The BEST Emergency Remedy for Man and Beast "The Good Old Stqndby Since 1848” Says Wm, Blalock, Lvndovcr. N. C. — "I have used. Mexican Mpstang Liniment for all kind: of sprains, bruises, cuts and sores, in horses as well ns man. and believe it to be the best lini ment now in use. 1 keep it in my house all the time and recom mend it to all as the best liniment for all purposes*’' Mustang Liniment is composed of soothing, healing oils that, when nibbed in, penetrate the tissues to the bone! Mustang contains no alcohol, acids or pet >. per, and docs not smart or sting •^nr A UHina Mustang Liniment “MV , v Cur family ailment*, nml f<> IM !# -" ,l !'" ullly South fifth St., Brook- Sold by Drug anc General Stores ICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT I. | Waists Washed— I I I Ironed Perfectly Why fuss with wash ing and Ironing your fancy waists when you can send them to us and get them Lack perfectly dean and faultlessly Ironed? The cost's so little, the satisfaction so great, that you really can’t afford to attempt the work yourself. IDEAL LAUNDRY CHARLEY FONO, Prop. DEPOT STREET On (ho first Tuesday in January, 1024, at I o’clock, on the premises on Mandeville avenue and Cedar street, the undersigned will sell for ensh, to the highest mid best bidder, the prop (lly hereinafter described and located in the city of Cnrrollton, Carroll coun ty, Georgia: One lot with burnt house located thereon, fronting .Mamlevilel avenue 7d feet and running' back 110 feet, equal width. Also, one house and lot fronting Man- devillo avenue 7.") feet and running back equal width 110 feet, there being l. thire room house located oil the above : , • « i / lot. Also, one'bouse and lot. located on Mandeville avenue, fronting Mandeville avenue 70 feet nml running back equal width 110 feet,, having thereon a five- room bungalow. Also, one vacant lot on the .corner of Maude vile avenue and Robinson avenue, being 75 feel front and running back 100 feet. Also, one lot on Robinson avenue, fronting 73 feet and running back 100 feel. Also, one bouse and lot located on Ceil ar sti out, fronting 'edar sire •t i>r» feet, coil! lining one and onc-hnlf : ercs, more or 1 •ss, being an oi glit room lOllSO thereon, mm and onlln ibrings lo lltcd nn it, ami lining the plae ■ whom !h e un- dpisigncil now lives. Also, some-vacant lots behind tin ■Inst described piece of propc rtv. will All the above doscribi 1 property In sold on this day bet inning at 1:00 o ’clock. if vou aiv in! nested in buy- ing ritv iropertv, well orated, be sure to attend this sulc. AVn ter.conncc lions touching ill this proper V. AV. M. ROBIN'St X. Dcceml or 10, 1023. 2(hl »i*‘21 c OUR MERCHANTS ARE HAVING GOOD TRADE FARMER BILL ALPHABET A for Atlanta, the homo of this game, That’s cheering up hearts and storm ing to fame, B is for Byrd, who prints and binds This merry game for weary minds. C is for casket, in which you may lay Your troubles, by playing this game each day. ' D is for dull Hoy, who lias worked too much. He lias lib ■games and toys and such. S for ov-or happy and gay. When “A Year With Farmer Hill V’ you play. , ., j*- is-' fbr Free Press, winch we should read, And its editor’s warnings well to heed. G is ft.r grateful. Your boys will oboy If vou will get tlntin this gome and ' teach them to play.- ... H is for Horton’s, Carrollton s busiest store, V. ' . , That’s selling this gaife t,<V*the rush and the poor. 1 is for instructions for playing the gn mo, .,, ,, i 'i«. ck of the board you will find 4.. you'll do admired, On ba quite plain. J is for Journal, tin* South Who's artists cartooned this-game <m. desired. K is for knowledge, which you. may gain. . , . • Of farmer's life by.playing this gain*. L is fof lively girls mid.hoys, Who brighten their homes with games and toys. M is for merry, voting mid old. Bill's help to home life can’t be told. N is for name, describing this game, That’s affording amusement you n find it the same. O is for olmdinet, as children should be, And this to. accomplish,; have home life glee: ' / • P is for pity, for,the Wears A long face -no gladness shares. Cl is for Queen, your darling duiigntn, Get her this game-you really ('lighter. R is for Rhodes Howell, the game s in ventor, lie loves to make happy '» sumraei and winter. . , fc is for system of work and play, The system that keeps us happy and ■X is fmMrouble of various kinds. Until “Farmer Bill’ controls 11 lines. - . _ . U is fof unity- -group Bill settles disputes of fun. V is for vagabond, wretched scamp, No .iovs at home and lie s made : tramp. . W is for wonderful, “Farmer Bill For driving off gloom lie has marvel ous skill. . X is just x.wlio lives by himself He lias no games, tile Y is for youthful, we stay, Then buy the new .game dismay. Z is for zealous. If Carrollton merchants have done a wonderfully good business the past sea son—in fact better business than for many years, Those dealing in holiday goods made wonderful preparation for this line of business and n walk around the square each day looks like Christ mas Eve. The abundant crops of cot - ton, coni, hay, potatoes, e^gs and other products have brought to Carrollton an immense amount of money’, and it is be ing used and spent economically and profitably. The stores in CnrrMltOn are tlw best you will find in any (own of equal size. A glance nt the windows of those stores will impress you with this fact. In any line, dry goods, groceries, drugs, lO^eut goods—any line will impress yon with 1 ho care with which these goods were selected. More holiday goods are being sold here and fewer dollars are going away from home for Christians gifts. Why buy out of town when you can buy nt home.’ Carrollton merchants long ago learn ed that the way lo get move business was to go after more business, and by going after more business they have made Carrollton n much' greater trade center. On first Mondays Carrollton merchants reap a much larger trade than on any other one day ia the month. Oil these days customers come here from oniles and miles around. 1 u fact | these trade days arc like trade days during a holiday rush. The pnst few days trade is brisk, and the next three days they expect the largest trade they have ever had. It’s a pleasure for the Free Press lo speak these words of truth which show marked, oommiinity progress. The Car rollton stores shout a message of life, fujtli, aetivily and prosperity. For all this fine business the Car rollton merchants, bankers, manufactur ers mid others desire to express their appreciation and good will to all their custonicrs and friends, wishing them one and nilgti Merry Christmas. This sentiment is. expressed in few well chosen words in the form of “Greet ings”-'advertisements in The Free Press this whole. ReacMjvory ad, considertjvpry thought as .coining from the JSjisart of each store, business oY concern. They mean all t)int is expressed in these columns and- more. Again—Merry Christmas. GEORGIA—Carroll County. liv virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned by law, “The Carroll 'Free Press,’* a newspaper published in the city of Carrollton, said county and state, is hereby designated, as the offi cial organ o£ : snid county for the year, 1024. Let mil ice of this designation bp given by publication of this order for four weeks in the “Carroll County Times”' next proceeding the first day of January, 1024, AVITNESH our hands and official •signatures, this the 3rd day of Decem ber’ 11123. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. T. J. 11. ROBERTSON,' C. S. C. AV. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. m | Roop Hardware Cd. Are showing the largest stock of Furniture, Rugs and Hardware of any store in this section of Georgia. Present prices are very low compared to those prevailing some time ago. Quantities of new things for every nook apd corner of the house. Big lines in every department, and at prices that will interest ajmost any one. Our goods are kept upstairs, except our show window down stairs. Bed-room Suites in all the woods. Dining-room Suites in. all the woods. Living-room Suites in abundance. Overstaffed and Cane-back Suites for parlors and living-rooms. Fiber and reed Furniture in sets and odd peces. More Days Shopping For Just 3 more days to do Holiday shopping. Maybe there’s some Suite of Furniture or odd piece that you wish for a Christmas present; if so, come look over our special display. , When you come to Carrollton and want to rest and warm before trading, you will be a welcome visitor at our store. If you need anything for the next few days come to see us. Our business this fall has grown by leaps and bounds, and next year we hope to double even what we have done this year. Come to see us. We thank vou. . „ Roop Hardware Co. FURNITURE—HARDWARE J' chicks from well selected mid inspected Hocks. Popular breeds. Place orders at mice. Buy at home and know what you are getting. Visitors welcome at all times.—Fourth District A. & M. School- -N. V. Davis. ISocttfuc and affords lots Kish old elf.' are hopeful to ind rout the B iliousness sick hnndncho, sour stomach. Oonstipatlou, easily avoided An active liver without calomel. CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Never sicken or jnpe—only 25c (NOiE: Dr. Fierce ia president of the Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for 50 years past chronic suf ferers have been coming for special ized treatment from all over the U. 3. A., Canada and foreign lands.) Will Undo Much Evil By Dr. V. M. Pierce Kilo wing the vast amount of wrought by disuuses ot the kidHeye, anil having nud opportun ity fo observe the analyses and the sucOessful methods of treatment in thousands oi' cases of kidhey tiouble at the invalids' Hotel. 1 have re cently given to the public the latest anffiperhaps most important of the nkfepieroe home remedies, An- uriclf (anti - uric - acid) Tablets, v/hiftb 1 now recommend to those vflii, suffer with kidney backache, Irregularity of urination and tne iiato and disturbances that come liMpfexefess of uric acid in the blood. 5bin-uric” can be had now at all thefSrug stores. The mere drinking ofWvmp of hot water each nwwn'ing iwt-in “an*-iirip.” before every bound to become Farmer Bill ’ ’ you accept, as your cliiim. FOR SALE AT HORTON’S BOOK STORE CARROLLTON, GA. * OAK RIDGE-SOOTH J «jt :k * * ' • * Mrs. .1; E. and Miss dusie Little .spent Tuesday with the former’s parents, Mr. mill Mrs. R. F. ’Molt, and family, of Whooping Creek, and report that their France, Jr., got his arm broken Clean Kidneys By Drinking Lots of Water Take Salts to Flush Kidneys Bladder Bothers or Back Hurts Eating too much rich food may pro duce kidney trouble in some form, says a well-known authority, because the acids created excite the kidneys. Then they become overworked, gel sluggish, dog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region, rheumatic twinges, severe Monday morning while erniilting thoiy^; headaches, acid stomach, constipation, AVe hope it will soon be well torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and; 1 I urinary irritation, again. . j The moment your hack hurts or kid- ,■ Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Talley and family j neys arcn ’t acting right, or if bladder ] have moved near Ringer’s store. Max Lester Lyle made a business trip to Atlanta'.Thejolay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stallings spoilt Sunday nigbt with her parents, Mr. mql Mrs. AV. L. Little and family. *• Several from’this place were in Car rollton shopping Tuesday bothers you, begin drinking lots of good water and also get about four, ounces of Jad Salts .front any good pharmacy; take, a tablcspoonful in a glass of water before breikfasi for a few days and your kidneys ntay then 'act -Title. '1 his j famous salts is made' from (the acid ( of j grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to 1 - f flush clogged kidneys and stimulate Mr Ed Lee and Miss Fannie Gray them to activity; also to neutralize the jui. r^u s ; acids m the system so that tliev no Good Bye Old Year— Welcome to the New A Message From the Heart to Our Loyal Friends and Patrons The year just closing seemed short to us but we pre sume it passed quickly because we were busy and the fact that we have been busy prompted us to stop with the sounding of the.signal or the passing of 1923 to give thanks for the patrons who have made our business possible. And This is Our New Year Wish For You May tlie sunshine be brighter, the sky more blue, friends more true and your pathway free from any ob structions to hinder your success and happiness. May the opportunity for helpful service come to you and may 1924 bring you new and broader visions of life that will prove helpful and inspiring to you and those about you. ’ To all of our patrons we send our best wishes and our hearty thanks for patronage, large or small. We want to serve you in 1924. it. tfed adifjl little ‘‘AiT-urlc” before every meal: should bring Improvement. kionp)’ trouble and not know Tfii&langm' eignuls te ; be wa,b fo&hlfcd quickly heeded are b«e« ucfjfr' depression, aches, paras, hakVfness, drowsiness, dizziness, irritability, headaches, chilliness, rneupattfi ! .ttvltt**s,. swollen joints, had a r sale Monday And are -going lb remarkably ( to live. AVe wish them con You may have t^Jtincntjri their new home.' ’ “ o Miss Josio IJttjo spent Wenncsday afternoon. witli little Miss Lucy Sta)-- lines who lias the measles. Merry Christmas and a Happy New lYcJlr to tye Free Press and all* «f its correspondents and editor. J. L. ___ _ that .they no ’ iotiger irritate, thus often relieving Wad- t • ; (ler disorders. . . . 1 Jad Salts' can not injure anyone', makes a delightful effervescent lithia-' water drink 1 which millions'6f me» arid women take noW and then-to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus oftcn. avoiding serious kidney dis- . orders. By, all means have your physi-ri clan examine ydur kidneys atJeasf a year,