Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, February 25, 1881, Image 4

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Housework. Washing, mopping, I taking, churning; Next day ironing must he done, And the busy housewife fimlcth Little rest till set of sun. 'i hen the knitting and the sewing D ith tlic buttonhole* to make ; Gh. the patching ami the darning. How they make our lingers ache. Hut of all the varied duties That wc busy housewives find, 1 do think that washing dishca Is the most provoking kind. B hy, the times they must he handled, O’er and o’er, day after day. Almost makes one wish the china Were in hits for children’s p’ay. Now, don't tell ine 1 am wicked— f know that as well as you ; Hut somehow, when I am weary, Dishes make me feel so blue. And the only cure I’ve found yet Is a paper or a book, When my family are settled Each in his own cosy nook. I know well that very many Have obtained the needed grace ; With a patient, cheerful spirit, All life’s petty ills to face. Oh, that 1 were of that number ! Then, with heart for any fate, I might, with cheerful spirit, *' Learn to labor and to wait.” —Our Home Journal. Recognition in Heaven. Mil. IIATFIKLD ON THU ItEUNION OF FIIIENDS AFTER TIIE RESURRECTION. Rev. Mr. IlatfieKl spoke at tlio Washing ton Square Methodist Episcopal Church of the “ Recognition of Friends Beyond the Grave.”. Shall we meet again? he said, is the question which has suggested itself at every deathbed and has supplied a hope to allay the pain of every parting. That beyond the grave there will be a reunion of those wc loved on earth, that we will bo able to recog nize them and indulge for them an affection far more tender and elevated than that we bear them hero—these have always been sweet and consoling reflections for the Christian to cherish. It seems but natural, too, that when we are inducted into that new life where all is happiness, those who have moved around us here and with whom our fondest associa tions have been formed should there rejoin us and Increase the measure of our joy by their presence. The reunion of a family should be ono of the greatest assurances of future happiness. Reason itself teaches this. But let us take revolution, always to be pre ferred to reason, and there we find the same suggestion made, tho same hope extended. When David wept over his child yet rejoiced when lie died, he explained his actions by saying that lie was to rejoin his child again. It was the thought that he was to mect°him in another and more beautiful world that fill ed him with rapture. llis mind had been turned by the child’s death from the contem plation of the sorrows and ills of life to the glorios of tho hereafter which he saw opening f o both. This thought long after made an ’’cr write : “ I have heard you say we will a. our friends in heaven. If that be so 1 led et my boy again.” In the Scriptures hall me heavenly feast is spoken of, the dierc the * < i ic quests in meeting 13 describ lappinoss of t ’j t so it - they were stran d. Why snou u M)rG likely for them to ; ers? How much u- • nr a i n the joy of Paul je reunited ft’.cm t before the throne Is spoken of at presenting connected hv hose with whom he had been connected by pastoral ofllccs and kindly coim. nnmn ; and that should be tho hope of every and Sunday-school teacher that he shall one day meet thoso whom he has brought to the knowl edge of the if hi!*: Nor is this belief conlnk dto believers in the Bible. It is common to humanity. v lccro cried out: “ Oh, happy day when I shall join the spirits and meet my dear Cato, ray most valued son.” Long before the meeting of Ulysses and his mother was described— Tliricc to my arms I tried the shade to bind. Then there was that beautiful although heathen belief that a messenger bird winged its way between tho spirit land and this to bear the ghostly greetings of its tenants to us with tidings of reunion. This universal sentiment of humanity goes far to confirm the Christian belief that in the hereafter we will call the lost dead back to us. A Glance Back One Hundred Years. One hundred years ago not a pound of coal nor a cubic foot of illuminating gas had been burnt in the country. No iron stoves were used and no contrivances for economizing heat were employed until Dr. Franklin in vented the iron-framed Ure-placc, which still bears his name. All the cooking and warm ing in town, as well as in the country, was done by the aid of a fire kindled on the brick hearth or in the brick ovens. Pino knots or tallow candles furnished the light for the long winter nights and sanded floors supplied the place of rugs and carpets. The water used for household purposes was drawn from deep wells with creaking sweeps. No form of pump was used in this country, so far as we can learn, until after the commencement of the present century. There were no friction matches in those days, by the aid of which a fire could be easily kindled, and if the fire went out upon the hearth over night and the tinder was damp, so that the spark would not catch, the alternative remained of wading through the snow a mile or so to borrow a brand of a neighbor. Only one room in any house wa9 warm, unless some member of the family was ill; in all the rest the temperature was at zero during many nights. How Ho Found He Had a Trotter. “ Stranger,” said the stage driver, “ this was how I found out her speed : I was driv ing along tt c railroad track just as a big load of hotel furniture started. The freight car wouldn’t hold it all, but they managed to squeeze everything in except a long bar mirror, which they tied to the side of the car. The mare saw her reflection in the glass, and thought it was another horse spurting for the lead. You couldn’t haye held her back with a steam windlass. She just laid back her ears aud snorted along like a twenty inch shell. The passengers all began to get ex cited. They rushed out on the platforms and began to make bet 9. The conductor stood upon a seat and began to sell pools. The engineer pulled the throttle valve wide open, and tore along at ninety-five milc9 an hour. Soon the mare was abreast of the cow-catcher. At San Bruno we had half a mile the lead. Near the Six-mile House the train was so much ahead of time that it fell through an open draw and everlastingly smashed up— -72 killed and 109 wounded. It was pretty rough on the passengers, hut then we dis tanced the train, bet ycr life. Aboat a month after I sold that maro to her present owner for SOO,OOO.” —AY to Or\‘‘ini' Picuyunv. Religion in the Pocket. HY S. C. M’DAMEL. There are three places where ever}’ body ought to have religion. In the head, in the heart and in the pocket. I once knew a man who suffered a great deal with headache and a neighbor recommended bathing the forehead with brandy as a remedy, but the afflicted man declared that lie could never test the remedy, for, after repeated trials, he was never able to get the brandy above his mouth. Religion in the head is very common, and religion in the heart is professed by church members but large numbers never get it down as low :i3 the pocket. A man once lived in a Georgia town in rented houses, who always moved when his landlord pressed him for rent, saying very indignantly as he would leave that in- would live in no man’s house who required him to pay rent. And there are not a few members of the various religious denominations in this country who would move out if required to pay for religious privileges. —M tho did. ——— l ■ jratasew iarr m i niBHHMnaBBBvex .--tin ■■■■!!— Coffins! Coffins! WILL keep on hand, in Jefferson, a full sup- COFPINO BURIAL CASES, of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every efloit will be made to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respectfully, se pt3 tv. A. WORSHAM. Waters’ Perfection Organ* Qusen Anno Style of Case. p-, L '-'''a These organs are unrivaled in Tone, Work tu&ahii), Harability and Fliiiith. At the very low price* I am selling, there is no reason why every one should not own one of these beautiful instruments. Every organ sold by ine is fully warranted for Mix years to give entire sat isfaction. A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches and Schools. Agent* Wanted in every County. Sendformy new Illustrated Catalog: tie, Circulars and Testimonials, just out. Send a postal card and it will receive prompt at tention. r T. L. UVATKISS, 14 East 14tH St., New York- ifh Outfit furnished free, with fullinstruc da-tU? tions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The busi ness is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women arc as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn largs sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dol lars in a single week. Nothinglike it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. Wc take all the risk, lliosc who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True & Cos., Augusta, Maine. TIT£ 1 P A~V AbE>' T s 5.$ '! e H 1 - %. G- . WANTED. A E At ANT A LI MI LED number of active, ener getic canvassers to engage in a pleasant and prof liaolc business. Hood men will find this a rare chance TO MAKE MOITET. Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating what business they have been engaged in. None but those who mean business need apply. Address FINLEY. HARVEY & CO., Atlanta. Ga. UUU/UUUUU?? Simple and easy to 'mm. A^OWsACONf^ C || 5 F T T R iAM W Useful for Washing Carri ages. • SPRINKLING LAWNS, a-a * rethrowing poisonous liquids. I g, t\ OH TREES AND PLANTS HTC.ETS. 1-4 ; *m*\*- % u -V; c ; •: fc tel /sA £ l toiDBYH|SISj^7 ter Outfit sent free to those who wish to en gage in the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $lO a day and upwards is easily'made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money ever}’ day than can be made in a week at any ordinary empk yment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to for tune. Address ii. Ballet i’ it Cos.. Portland, Maine. TCT-py 's3 1 ourselves by making money -ifffinillliL JGI odl Mu wl uvi ‘ur.na is olier ed, there’ , always keeping poverty from your door. Those who always take advantage of the good chances for making naonev that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many nun, women, boy. and girls to work for us right in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare' moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson* y Cos.. Portland. Maine. TEETfiIIM. (TKKTHIKG POWDEBS.) Cares (holrra Infantum. Allays Irrllatlon and niakt-s Tcfiliing easy. Ucnion-s and prevents Worms. iVwusantls of Children mail he .yam l cru uaing tin ov I’on derx. For . ale at DR PENDERGRASS' Drue Store T. FLEMING. J. 11. FLEMING. 11. FLEMING. T. FLEMING & SOJVS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Wagon and Buggy Material, Blacksmiths Tools, RUBBER BELTING, TENNESSE WAGONS, HARNESS, DOORS, SASTI AND BLINDS, Ca,i"penters Tools, A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE. Ws Would ho filad !e Show Yon Ora’ Cords and Giye Yon Prises, 1 ’ery Respectfully, T. FLEMING & SONS, September 10th. Athens, Georgia. Marble Works I \/L ANUFACTOR 'y , insr GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. WE call the attention of the public to our new and the ONLY MARBLE WORKS in Northeast Georgia. We arc prepared, with ample capital, large experience and skilled workmen, to fill orders on short notice for GRAVE STONES beautifully and artistically finished, Monuments, Marble Mantels, Etc. We guarantee all work in our line, and will sell as cheap as the same can be procured in any market, North or South, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Office on Main St., near the Depot. MADDEN 8f MENGS, Proprietors. December 17th, 18S0. Hr. J. B. PENDERGRASS, HAYING BUILT AND FURNISHED A SPLENDID BMIOIS 33RITG JSSTOIEiES, HAS OPENED UP A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines of every description. He is now prepared to furnish the public with anything usually found in a first-class drug store, such as PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFFS, PAINT BRUSHES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, STATIONERY , PENS, PENCILS, INK . IIAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, DENTRIFICES, MA TCIIES, BLA CKING, BLACKING BRUSHES, * c ., s c . FspeeiAfl. . i tt-GTI tl Oil. CrIVPAI to ih.P. doi)) jLIOU 77 f.JI Jl JJ ZV j' PlW.£oJ'7.pi tions at all Hours . With thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, lie still offers his pro fessional services to the public, and will endeavor to answer calls promptly and treat diseases with skill, after the most approved methods. Charges as low as the lowest. A,k .-'X A/ . i0 f f IT wjf Cam liy absorption fKatnrfs wa*; E3EIiSKLSa*SBB3SErj:’!3S£2aSI :£2EHBK3E!&. SM* B H LUNG DISEASES. ALL THROAT diseases. BREATHING TROUPAES. It Itf E’!*' the syAcm curative agents and healing medicines. It DIKAW N I’!£►>! fho diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Tljousau-ls Teslify to its Yirhics. YGu CAK be relieved aud cured. Don't despair until you have tried this Sensible, Easily Applied and EFFECTUAL Remedy. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of Price, $2.00, by Send for testimo- The “ Only” Lung Pad Cos., nials and our book, “ Three Millions a Williams Block, Year,” sent free. Detroit, Mich. At Wholesale in Atlanta, Ga., LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS OF— TJTSriIF'OIFLiM: EXCELLENCE. Tjiglat ! Stylisli ! "Warrantoci { SAVE your MONEY, write for Catalogue and PEICE LIST to The Boston Buckboard Cos., Bvckboabi* or MUE.EAY WAGON. NEW HAVEN, CONN. JUDSON’S MARBLE WORKS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, M ANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Italian and Rutland Marble, Monuments, Box Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Iron Railing for Grave Inclosures, &c. OFFICE AND WORKS ON CORNER OF LOVD AND ALABAMA STREETS, Opposite Georgia Piailroad Depot. Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled. Prices Reasonable. Terms Cash. Address D. N. JUDSON. Atlanta, Gu. improved Excelsior 1 V CURE YOUR BACK ACRE And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad It is a MARVEL of HEALING and RELIEF-. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Powerful. It CURES where all else fails. A KEYll and KS-:Vo3al.”a'So3i in Medicine. Absorption or direct application, as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail, on receipt of price, $2. ADDRESS This is the Origi- The “ Only” Lung Pad Cos., nal and Genuine Kidney Pad. Ask Williams Block, for it, and take no . .... other. Detroit, Mich. G. W. WALKER’! CAlllllAGE SHOPS. Main Street, Gainesville, Georgia, manufacturer of Phaetons, Buggies and Farm Wagoi! T RESPEOTM LIA :nntc the people of Jackson county and the public generallv to call ai . | vrei" 1 "'' 1 ww\A,l nir il:lsn F elsewhere. As IAM STILL IN THE CXKKIVC!' >■ 1 NEbb, with GOOD SiOt !v, COi !) WORKMEN, and CLOSE ATTENTION TO RUMN! am prepared to olter them anything in m y line at - m % 1 / Reels. lOotrtcxocL Figures! So send on your orders and work. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing Done in all of Its Branches. Respectfully, Feb. Oth, 1880. G. W. WALKEI BALDWIN & BURNETT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS AKTD SHOES, No. 3 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. WD ILA.Vi'I re-rd 4ho largest atiti moat coinjtlvW niiooW mrl 4.0 anar to Athens. The quality of our goods is of the highest order, and our prices within the reac of all. We deal EXCLUSIVELY In this lino, and promise tho most courteous treatment and perfect satisfaction to all wli< may call. TO MERCHANTS: Our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we guarantee prices as low a= any house in the South, and will save you lrcight. GIVE US -A- c j\- JL E . BALDWIN Sf BURNETT. Athens, Ga., October Ist, 1880. fa ft. > U Z o 5 11 UIIL E Y & S M1T11 ; (SUCCESSORS TO HODGSON BROS, and D. C. HURLEY,) AtHens, .... CStca. WE MANUFACTURE AND DEAL IN Fine Vehicles of Kvery Description! Fine Hand-Made Harness, of Superior Leather. Wagon ami Harness Repairing Promptly Done in the Best Manner ana at the Lowest Prices. WE HAVE ON HAND A FEW OF THE CELEBRATED HODGSON BROS. BEST MARE OPEN BUGGIES. AT GREATLY REDTJGEID PRICES. WE WARRANT all of our work, and CHALLENGE any one else to produce as good for the SAME MONEY. \ w.vX As 'Strove. XRwYvvw* AiWvvAvevc. HURLEY & SMITH, Ilodgson Bros, old stand, Oconee Street, Athens, Ga. J P. S. —I have associated with me in business Mr. FRED. C. SMITH, of Atlanta, Ga., a Carriage Trimmer, and with enlarged means, line shops and good workmen in every department, am better prepared than ever to give my friends good work at reasonable prices. Sincerely thank them for their liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting its continuance, I am. very truly, h. C. HUKLET. A PERFECT STRENSTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON RITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re- I quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching , Heat in the Stomach , Heartburn, etc. Tile only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ARC Rook, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ~ " are the AUTIFCL In BTYI EH —.a MK PERFEC Tin TONE ever made. They contain every Improvement necessary for a first-clas* vjjjSF.-'r ORGAN, including oar Celebrated tIKLESTK fcTOP which is a Kino Imitation of the r i ; r jh.U man Voice. WATER!-* HARMONIC, “NEW f4fe ‘s® _ ORCHESTRAL”CUORALE nml DULCET OR GANS,in unique French caseg,elcgiuit design*, combine PURITY of VOICING with GREAT VOLUME of TONE, snitable for Parlor, School upward. ***** * 7s ’ $S5 ’ * WV > and UPRlGHT,nretbe BEST MADE. mf For QFAi.ITY of TONE, HEAUTY of FINISH ‘; * { L AT ~,UAH IIITY they CANNOT be Rook n i , u . , . . tXCF.LI.EI), Price, with stool. Cover and n)lv^vv"f hl rF? ww ar,! . r,! - Kvery PIANO '".id ORGAN WARRANT. “ ,r SIX \ EARS, to fcive Entire ••atipfaetion. Price* Kxtremclv Montblv Inatol* enema received. Illustrated Catalogue Free. AGENTS W4NTE s monthly IDBtot HG>?AG£ V.ATtRS* CO., Wlanufacturere and Dealers, 1 Warcrouxus, No. 826 liroadveuy, N Y.(P. O. Sios. 3,6u0.J