Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, April 29, 1881, Image 1

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gggggggg ROBERT S. HOWARD-,/ Editor and Publisher. \ VOLUME I. frofeaswnftf & business (Eunk. foio .1. M ieiriti.\m>. ATTOIiN EY-AT-LA W, DaNIELSVILLH, Ga., Will promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. dec 17,’50. Dbc. >. it. 4' Asia. NICHOLSON, GA., Tenders his professional services to the surround ing country. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and the dis eases of women a specialty. Feb. lfth. 1880. ly n<m AECi> TIMMIIVHO.A, A TTORNE Y- AT-L A W, Gainesville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all busi ness placed in his hands. Wll.i:i IIOWAKII, Atlorm- and Connselar n,t (,<uv, JEFFERSON, GA. Will attend faithfully to all business entrusted <o his care. >|f 4| U mch4, Simian a rnom*v(. ATTORNEYS-A T-L AW, J KFFKItSON, Ga, Will practice in Jackson and adjoining counties; £e(j(if itdvertisctumis. Notice to Contractors. WILL be let, to the lowest bidder, before the Court House door in Jefferson, on Wednes day, the 18th day of May, 1881, the contract for building the bridge across the Mulberry river, at the place known as the Lyle bridge*, under the following specifications, to-wit: Said bridge to be built on a level with west bank of the river, with two spans—one a queen post truss fifty feet, the other common span length to suit length of balance of bridge; one arch, to be built in river upon a crib, length of same to suit heighth of arch and eight feet wide, with middle sill at the bottom, and of timbers 10x12 inches, notched into each other so as not to leave more than two inches space between, and pinned with two-inch pins at each corner and filled up with rock ; arch or trestle to be set upon said crib and fastened b}' banding over end of mud sill with three-inch bar iron, bolted into three logs of crib ; two main rods ofiron. I.] inches in diameter, to extend from through middle sill in bottom of crib up through mud sill, cap sill and'onc sleeper, and securely fastened with tap and washer ; two other arches to be built in the same manner and let into the ground'at least six feet and filled in on with rock and dirt at each embankment. All sleepers to be 10x12 or Sxl2 inches, and to lap three feet over cap sills; uprights to trestle or arch to be 10x12 inches, teneptod aud .mojticed half through qap sills and pinned ; dap sins* 10x12 incites, 1.7 feet long; mud sills 12x14 inches, length to suit highth of arch ; flooring 2x12 inches, 14 feet long; ban isters made of 3x4 scantling; uprights placed S„ feet apart, morticed through the floor and keyed on under side and braced on outside; floor to be spiked down with -iO-pcimy spikes, two in each end of plank, and right and left in intermediate' sleepers. Sleepers in old bridge down the river allowed to.be used in crib and all flooring that is sound and suitable. Ail tfmbers.to be good-heart, and if hewn Colic well and smoothly done. Bond, with two good securities,required in a sum double the amount of the* bid, conditioned for a faithful complyance of the contract, immediately after the letting. The work to be paid for when completed in accordance with the specifications, arrd to be completed in fifty days from the time of 5, letting. Full and complete specifications can be seen at this oflice. aplly 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. Jackson Postponed Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door in Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder at public out-cry, on the Ist Tuesday in May, 1881, the following property, to-wit: 'One tract of land, lying in said county, and in Clarkesboro’ District, on the waters of Red Stone creek, ad joining lands of Mrs. Martin, E. P. Clayton and others, and further described as the place where on John J. Flournoy resided at the time of his death, containing two hundred and sixty-five acres, more or less. Said land moderately well improved. Said tract of land levied on as the property of .John J. Flournoy, to satisfy a li. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Charles Witt against said John J. Flour noy, which said fi. fa. is now controlled by L. C. Matthews. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Legal notice of levy given tenant in possession. S. E. BAILEY, Deputy Sheriff Jackson County. Jackson Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold, before the Court House door in Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Mav, 1881, to the highest and best bidder, the following property, to-wit: A tract of land, situated in said county, on the waters of the South Oconee river, adjoining lands of Lanier. Duke. Webb and others, and known as a part of the Washington Lay place, containing eighty-four acres, more or less. On said place there is a good log dwelling house, out-houses, Ac. About thirty-live or forty acres in cultivation, balance in old field pines and forest timber. Levied on as the property of M. N. and M. J. Duke, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from the County Court of Jackson county in favor of Upshaw A Griffeth vs. AI. N. and M. J. Duke. Fi. fa. now controlled by T. R. Holder. Written notice served upon Thomas Bennett, tenant in possession, as the law directs. T. A. McELHANNON, Sheriff J. C., Ga. e Idmiuistf'tyLor’s Sale. V Gil EE A Bid! to an order from the court of Or dinary of Jackson county, will be sold, before the Court House door in Jeil'erson, on the first '1 uesday in May next, withfn the legal hours of the following property, to-wit: A tract of sitnated in said county, on the waters of cych Creek, containing five acres, more or less, a< joining lands of Harper Arnold and Jas. Mc- J aniei. About one and a half acres bottom land and the balance old liold. Being a part of the >.u o y Chandler estate, and sold for distribution, ierms cash. J. \y. u. HAMILTON, , . . T. K SMITH, s of Bailey Chandler, dcc‘d. Jackson County. W heieas, tlie load commissioners, appointed for the purpose of reviewing and reporting upon the public utility of establishing as one of the public roads of said ihp commuting near Pleasant Hill school-house, on the Caines vide and llomcr road, and running the traveled way over the lands of W. S. Crisler and J. U. Brownin'*, and intersecting at the forks of' the GainfesVille ami Gillsville roads, on the llall county line; also, the road comineneing-at the Jefferson and Monroe road, near' bridge, oh thif Mulberry river, and being tire traveled way by 1. T. Austin's, the Holliday mill place and intcrsecung with the Athens and Lawrenceville.road near James Thur mond’s. Said commissioners having reported said roads of public utility', an order will be granted, finally establishing said roads as public roads, on Monqay, the 2ml day' of May, ISSI, if no good cause to the contrary is shown on or by that day. Given under my r ollicial signature, this April -’Oth, im. 11. W. HELL, Ordy. Administi * atoi ,y s Salc . EY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Gwinnett county. Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Lawrencevifle, on the Ist Tuesday in May. 1881, the following described tract or parcel of land situated in Jackson county, Georgia, and belong ing to the estate of Jessce Osborn, deceased, to wit : One hundred acres of land, more or less, adjoin ing the line between Jackson and Gwinnett coun ties on the west, tiie lands of I. N. McMilian, on the east. Martha Benson, on the north, and on the south by the road leading from Lawrcnccvillc to Jefferson, and being the place whereon Mr. Shelluut how resides. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of said Osborn, and to carry out his last will. ROBT. 11. BRADFORD, AdinTde bonis non. .{a<ks<Mi Comtiy. Wh creas, upon application to me. in terms of the law, by one-fifth of the qualified voters of the 255th District, G. M., of said county, asking for an election to be called in said District, that the question of the restriction qf the sale of intoxicat ing liquors in said District may be submitted to the voters thereof— It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elec tions in the same, on Saturday, the 7th day of May, 1SS1; that those voting at said elections who favor restriction shall have written or printed on their bollots the words, ‘*For Restriction, ’’ and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “ Against Restriction,” and that the managers of said election shall keep duplicate list of voters and tallcy sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be tiled with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and the other forwarded without delay to his Ex cellency the Governor. 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. April Oth, 1881. QISOKIA, Jackson County. Z IV. HOOD, j Jackson Court of Ordi- Propoundcr of the last j nary, April term, 1881. will and testament of | Application for probate Steven Wilson, dec'd. (-of will in solemn form vs. | and for Letters of Ad- Ilcirs at law of said | ministration with the deceased. J will annexed. It appearing to the Court that one of the heirs at law in the above stated case resides without the State, to-wit: Andrew Harris; it is, there fore, f • Okjikred, That service or notice of the above application lie perfected upon said Andrew Har ris by publication of this order once week for three weeks in the -Jackson Herald, a newspa per published in'said county of Jackson, prior to the hearing thereof on the first Monday in May, 1881. April 4th, ISSI. 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. A trite extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinary of Jackson county. Georgia. 11. W. BELL, 15 Ex-OUicio Clerk Court Ordinary. JackMui County. Whereas, Jas. L. Williamson applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Mica gah Williamson, dec’d, late of said county— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and credi tors. to show cause, if any exist, at the regular term q £ the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in (May, ISSI, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, this March 28th, 1881. li. W. BELL, Ordinary. THE TRADE! A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS AND Stationery, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, LETTER BOOKS, WRITING PAPER. ENVELOPES, INK, MUCILAGE. INK STANDS, PENCILS, Etc. Churches and Ministers supplied with Books at publishers prices, by BURKE & ANDERSON, Feb. 25 Athens, Ga. EffIOIIEAGE JQIE MANUFACTURES. Mnysville Slide Factory. We manufacture all kinds of shoes ; mens’ Brogans and Boots,-ladies’ High and bow Quar tered Shoes, childrens!!Shoes, HARNESS and BRIDLES. We are prepared to makl all kinds of tine work. We work the best material in the most popular styles, and Warrant our Work Equal to any Goods on the Market. Wc have experienced workmen employed, for both coarso and fine work. As we defy competi tion in quality, prices and service, wc hope to have the pleasure of supplying you with B<sots and Shoes. BROWN & RILEY. Maysvillc, Ga. ft@“We also keep constantly on hand a select stock of Groceries and Provisions. Bacon, Lard. Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Dry Goods,*Ac., &c. Notice to Tax-Payers! I will be at the following named places and dates, for the purpose of receiving your Tax Returns for the year ISSI : Randolph’s, April 4th, May 2d and 17th. House’s, April sth, May 4th aud 18th. Chandler’s, April Gth, May sth and 19th. Santer Fe, April 7th, May Gth and 20th. Clarkesborougli, April Sth and ISth, May 9th. Iluman’s Store, April lltli and 29th, May 23d. William Grilieth’s, April 12th and 27th, May 24th. Maysvillo, April iSth amlj26th, May 25th and 2 Ith. * . Harmony Grove, April 11th and22d I Mny 12th. Nicf|oß(Mi*Aki£jl 20Ui, May 11th. Cenier, -VpviFfptli. Wliita'b Mill, April 21st. Nairn’s Store, April 25th. Berfjamm Atkins*, April 2stk. Jasper N. Thompsoir s. May ifcb t Williamson’s Mill, May 10th. Apple Valley', May' 13th. May Kith. , DeLaperr lore’s Stole, May 27th. I will be at Jeiierson every Saturday till first of June, at which time my books will be closed. J. W. X. LANIER, Tax Receiver Jackson C untv. SUBSCRIBE FOR ‘ THE JACKSON HERALD.” JEFFERSON. JACKSON COUNTY, GA., FRIDAY. APRIL 29, ISSJ. [From the Department of Agriculture. Prevention of Fowl Cholera. Although the cholera of fowls is an excecd ingly virulent and fatal disease, destroying vast numbers of birds of different species, and remaining on pemises for years after be ing once introduced, wc are satisfied, after a long series of experiments, that there are points in its natural history which enable us to control it with comparative ease and with a considerable degree of certainty. These points are: 1. The virus is not diffusible. —That is, the disease germs are seldom if ever taken up by the air and carried any considerable distance to produce the malady. The virus remains in the Axed form, and is generally, if not al ways, taken into the body with the food ; it is distributed over the grounds, feeding places, etc., in the excrement of affected bird*, and the food, drink, and gravel are thus con taminated. Healthy birds may be kept in coops within a few feet of the sick ones for months without contracting the disease ; but if the former are now placed in the same in closure with the latter they sicken in a few day's. 2. The virus must be carried upon the grounds frequented by foicls bejore they con tract the disease. —lt is not probable that this disease originates, in any considerable num ber of cases, in an}’ other way than by con tagion. There is a possibility that it may originate in occasional instances by filthy surroundings if closely confined, or by feed ing on decomposing substances; but there arc few- facts to support such a conclusion, and it appears certain that in the vast ma jority of cases the disease is imported and kept up by contagion alone. It is thus brought upon farms either (1) with sick or infected fowls newly acquired, (2) with the blood or parts of the bodies of dead birds carried on the feet of people or brought by dogs or other animals, (3) with infected manure or feathers, or (4) possibly by wild birds, animals (rabbits), or even in sects that have contracted the disease or have eaten the blood or bodies of affected birds recently dead. The origin of the disease can generally be traced in country districts, where houses arc a considerable distance apart, to recently acquired poultry. It is only in districts more thickly peopled, and then in exceptional instances, that the germs are carried by wild birds or animals or by insects. PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOE GROUNDS AL READY INFECTED. 1. Is the disease cholera ?—Fowls frequent ly die in considerable numbers from diseases that are not|contagious t and lichee it is a matter of primary importance' to decide as to the nature of the affection when cholera is suspected. In my own experience I have found that this might be done with compara tive certainty by inspection of the excre ments. With fowls the excretions of the kidneys are joined in the cloaca with the un digested parts of the food, and both solid and liquid excrement are consequently voided to gether. They are not mixed to any great extent however; the part excreted by the kidneys is easily distinguished, as (luring health it is of a pure white color, while the bowel discharges are of various lines. The kidney excretion will be hereafter referred to as the urates, and it is the only part which claims our attention. After a fowl takes the contagion into its body the first and only reliable symptom.is a coloration of the urates. At first these have only a faint yellow tint, which rapidly changes, however, into a deep yellow color"; up to this time the bird shows no other signs of the disease, its temperature is unchanged and its excrement of a normal consistency. In one or more days after this yellow color appears the urates are greatly increased in quantity and constitute the whole or a greater part of the discharges and an obstinate diar rhoea sets in ; in a few cases the urates now become greenish, aud exceptionally they arc of a deep green color. The only lesion seen in post-mortem ex aminations that is likely to attract the atten tion of non-professional observers is the en larged liver, which is nearly constant—it may be of various shades of color. Besides this the presence of yellow urates in the cloaca and ureters is a valuable sign and is generally present. 2. Sick birds must be destroyed. —The ex crements of sick birds are the principal means of spreading the contagion, and the first step in stamping out the disease is, consequently, to destroy all which are voiding yellow urates. Care should be had to make the distinction between the urates and the bowel dejections, for the latter are frequently or a yellow color in health; but a little observation will pre clude any mistake of this kind. The killing should not be by any method which allows the escape of blood, as this fluid is even more virulent than the excrement; wringing the neck is a quick and easy method of destroy ing the life. Once killed the bodies are to be taken beyond the limits of the poultry run and deeply buried. If it is decided to keep the sick birds till they die or recover, they should be placed in an inclosure by themselves, as far as possible from the healthy ones, where they may be cared for without entering, so that there will be no danger of carrying particles of the ex crement on the boots aud spreading the in fection. o. Healthy birds must be placed on disin fected grounds. —lf a piece of land is at hand to which the sick birds have not had access and which is consequently free from the con tagion, the healthy birds should be penned upon it; but if all of the land is infected, then a piece is to be selected and thoroughly disinfected with the solution mentioned furth er on in this paper. The fowls are to be re stricted to this disinfected ground for several months, or even a year or more, if practicable. The drinking vessels and feeding troughs are to be new, or if used before they must be soaked for twelve hours with the same solu tion before being placed in the new inclosure. 4. Observations to be continued to note the first re-appearance of the disease. —Some of the fowls, though well at the time of removal to disinfected quarters, may be infected with FOR THE PEOPLE. the disease, and after the period of incuba tion, which varies from three to twenty days, will sicken. It is necessary, therefore, to make a careful inspection of the excrement each morning for at least three weeks after the separation of the sick fowls. If yellow urates are discovered, the birds must lie watched until the sick: one is detected. To facilitate tiie early discovery of such sick fowls and prevent infection of the health)' ones it is advisable, where practicable, to separate the birds into lots of two or three each at the start; and this separation may always be practiced as a last resort where the disease successfully defies our efforts for a considerable time; but where this is impos sible a little ftatience will generally enable one to pick out the sick before any harm has resulted. As soon as the sick bird is re moved the excrement must be scraped up and burned, and-the run must be again sprinkled witli the disinfectant; or, the well birds may be changed to fresh ground as before. This method of management is to be continued as long as new cases of the disease occur. By a careful observance of these rules one can frequently check the disease with a loss of but one or two fowls out of a large flock. 5. Disinfection. —For this disease we have a very cheap and most effective disinfectant. It is a solution made by adding three pounds of sulphuric acid to forty gallons of water (or | lb. of acid to 3| gallons of water) and mixing evenly by agitation or stirring. This may bo applied to small surfaces with a com mon watering-pot, or to larger grounds with a barrel mounted on wheels and arranged like a street-sprinkler. In disinfecting poultry houses the manure must be first thoroughly scraped up and removed beyond the reach of the fowls ; a slight sprinkling is not sufficient, but the floors, roosts, and grounds must be thoroughly saturated with the solution, so that no particle of dust however small escapes being wet. It is impossible to thoroughly disinfect if the manure is not removed from the roosting places. Sulphuric acid is very cheap, costing at re tail not more than twenty-fivo cents a pound and at wholesale but five or six cents ; the barrel of disinfecting solution can, therefore, be made for less than a dollar and should be thoroughly applied. It must be remembered, too, that sulphuric acid is a dangerous drug to handle, as when undiluted it destroys clothing and cauterizes the flesh wherever it touches. The safest way is, therefore, to take a five-gallon keg nearly full of water to the druggist and have him place the strong acid in this; the contents of the keg may then be safely transported and added to the barrel of water. 6. Fumigation. —ln those cases where the disease has been raging for a considerable time the feathers become saturated with the contagion and it is necessary, before placing the fowls on the disinfected run, to put them in a close building and thoroughly fumigate them with sulphur. For this purpose a pan of burning coals is taken and flowers of sul phur thrown upon them as long as the air can be breathed without danger of suffocation. When the disease is recognized at the outset this is not necessary. PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR GROUNDS NOT YET INFECTED. 1. Newly acquired birds to be isolated. — When cholera is raging in a locality, all birds introduced from other flocks should be placed in an inclosurc by themselves for at least three weeks, until it is certain that they are free from the disease. No fowls should be accepted from a place known to be infected for at least a year after the last-kno/vn cases occur. 2. Precautions in regard to eggs. —All eggs from a distance to bo used for hatching must be thoroughly cleaned of all particles of ex crement adhering to them, and the water with which they are washed, as well as cloths or brushes used, must be raised to the boiling point before being thrown upon grounds to which poultry has access. The virus is al ways destroyed by a boiling temperature, or even by 140 deg. F., if maintained for fifteen minutes. 3. Folds not to ivander upon adjoining in fected premises. —A stone wall is, in towns, frequently the boundary line of an infected place, and though fowls are upon each side of it the contagion may not cross for years. In such cases it is a matter of the greatest importance to prevent the healthy fowls from trespassing upon the infected grounds. 4. Fovds from neighboring infected premi ses to be rigidly excluded. —lf it is important to keep healthy fowls from infected grounds, it is not less important to exclude fowls liv ing in infected quarters from entering on runs that are still free from the disease. Even though insusceptible to cholera and, conse quently, healthy, they are able to carry the virus on their feathers and feet and may even distribute it with their own excrement; for although the virus is unable to propagate it self in the blood and tissues of insusceptible birds, there is reason to believe that it may still multiply in the contents of their diges tive organs. 5. 'Other infected substances to be excluded from the runs. —Manure from infected places is often purchased and spread upon land to which healthy poultry has access and thus becomes a means of spreading the disease. This should cither be entirely excluded from the farm or the fowls should not be allowed to come near where it is placed. It cannot be safely disinfected. Feathers and dead birds are also at times carried a considerable distance by various agencies, and should be guarded against when possible. By a careful observance of these rules the fowl cholera may be excluded indefinitely, and may be exterminated when it has made its appearance. The writer has had a very virulent form of the disease among experi mental fowls for nearly eight months, and though his home flock is but a short distance from them, but a few of these have sickened, and then the disease Las been checked with the loss of a single bird in each instance. It is believed that the birds which thus contract ed the disease were infected by flies, which would gorge themselves with virulent blood in the laboratory, where dissections were made, and then fall victims to the poultry ffhich were running about outside. No cases have occurred in this manner since the cold weather has destroyed these insects. The experiments on which the above regu lations are founded will lie detailed in future reports of this Department; they arc suffici ently numerous to be worthy of the fullest confidence. The value of the method of preventive in oculation or vaccination discovered by Pasteur has not yet been decided, but in view of the comparative ease with which the affec tion may bo controlled by the measures de tailed above, we doubt if it can ever bo ad vantageously adopted as a means of prevent ing this particular disease. D. E. Salmon, D. V. INI. Asheville, N. C., Feb. 18 th, 1881. ♦ ♦ m —• About Love. Mr. Factandfancy has noticed— That the boy who is most afraid’of the girls is the first to be corralled in matrimony. That the little boys prefer boys to girls. That they soon change, never to go back to their early love. That little girls love the girls best. That they don’t get over their preference a9 soon as the boys do—some of them never. That women love the men because they love everything they have to take care of. That men love women because they can't help it. That the wife loves her husband so well that she has no thoughts for other men. That the husband so loves his wife that he loves all women for her sake. That girls who have given over all hope of matrimony, or who never had any, love to flirt with married men. That the married man is apt to think him self all killing among the fair sex simply be cause lie has found one woman fool enough to marry him. That homely husbands arc the best. They never forget the compliment paid them by their wives in accepting them. That homely wives arc the truest. They know how to make the most of what they have. Lightning seldom strikes in the same place, and homely women feci that a similar law governs question popping. That the man who marries late in life does well. That the man who marries young docs bet ter. That the man who never marries is to be pitied. That the woman who marries does well. That the woman who does not marry docs better nine times out of ton. That the young man who prattles about the “daises” would turn as rod as a beet and tremble like an aspen if ono of them should look at him out of the corner of her eve. That the fellow who makes the most con quests has the least time to brag. That the man who thinks the girls arc all in love with him is happy after his way. That the man who loves all the girls is happy after the true way. That the man who loves his wife may still love other women. That the least to saj' about liis love for other women the smoother will be his matri monial career. That old people think that lovers act like fools. That thcse*samc old people would like to be young lovers again if they had to act like fools too. That it is a mistake to say a person *• falls” in love. Love is a long step upward toward heaven. It is heaven. That as wc are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves, wc should see to it that our neighbor is a charming young wo man. That it is time to stop, for fear our readers might become lovesick. —Boston Transcript. How a Rebel Major Got His Pardon. A few days after the war had been declared at an end, Major Urewry went to Washington, and, without the usual ceremony of sending in liis name, lest he.should be refused an in terview, made his way into the presence of Secretary Stanton. “ Mr. Secretary,” said he, “ I want my pardon as soon as possible. I’ve fought against you as loDg as I could, and I’ve been whipped, and now I want to go home and go to work. I’ve got hundreds of acres of land that have been lying fallow for the last four years, and I want to gent seed into every inch of it this spring, so I'll thank you to give me my pardon and let me go.” 110 talked so fust that Mr. Stanton could not get in a word ; but being amused and rather pleased by Major Drewry’s bluff’ manner, he asked at last, “ On what ground do you ex pect to get a pardon, sir ?” “On the ground, sir, that I showed you how to build a navy. You sent your fleet of old wooden ships up to Drewry’s Bluff, and we knocked them all to pieces and showed you, sir, that wooden ships wern’t worth a d—. And then you went to work and got together a navy that was worth something, and it’s on the ground that m3' men proved your needs to you that I want a pardon.” The Secretar}’ laughed, and told the honest rebel to call next day, as he would like to talk further with him. Next day Major Drewrj' got his pardon, and in return, gave Mr. Stanton a great deal of valuable in formation concerning the South and its prospects, lie went back to his pleasant homo on the James, and has ever since been a wise, enterprising, prosperous citizen. S TERMS, $1.50 PER ANNUM. ) SI.OO for Six Months. \\ vv\\su\e C\u\WYuw s. Several of the Western States have every spring an arbor day, appointed by the (Governor, and devoted to the planting of trees along the highways. A German girl of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, has been married to a Chippewa Indian, and has followed him to the lodges of his tribe, where she dwells with him in the usual attire ot a squaw. The Rev. Mr. Titus, of Indianapolis, chal lenges anybody to take the negative of the following proposition in a public discussion : Resolved, 1 hat it is right for a minister to take all the people are willing to dve him.” A Berlin pipe manufacturer recently pre sented Bismarck with a superb meerschaum pipe, bearing the Prince’s arms. .The latter returned it with a note from his secretary, saying .that when he waited a pipe he could afford to buy one. The heavy duties imposed in Germany in consequence of Bismarck’s new tariff liavo largely developed smuggling in German ports, and proportionately the number of arrests, prosecutions, and sentences of lino and im prisonment. In Bremen a bloody conflict occurred recently between smugglers and revenue officials. The circus manager who advertised for the handsomest woman in the United States has chosen from among the applicants Louise Montague. She is a singer in variety shows, a beauty of the brunette type, and a favorite of the Bowery youths. She will represent Lalla Rookh in a street pageant. A Vermont clergyman makes the future of good Christians clear by saying : “ After crossing the mystic river, we shall goon from the man to the angel, from the angel to the archangle, from the archangel to the celestial, from the celestial to the divine, and then, gathering the stars in clusters aboutour heads, dream out the endless dream of eternity.” The following is from an advertisement published at Bristol. Conn.: “ Lost, strayod, or stolen from his bereaved household, "one red-headed man, five feet and eight inches tall, full set of false teeth on upper jaw, and one real one on lower jaw. Please cause said man to be arrested and returned to his bereav ed wife.” Nevada farmers are in a quandary. When those in Carson valley began to plough they found that they were turning up whole beds of grasshoppers. The Virginia Chronicle says that if they cultivate the crops they wHV bo eaten by the grasshoppers, and if they dp not stir the soil they will have no crops. Farmers have suspended ploughing to oonsidor tho matter. There is a division in the First Congre gational Church at Bangor, Me. One of the accusations against the pastor is that, after modestly retiring from a meeting while resolu tions in his praise were being discussed, ho listened to and watched the proceedings through the crack of a door. A man built a house worth SIO,OOO at Andover, Mass., without spending a dollar, lie bought all the material on six months’ credit, and at the end of that time reffused to pay. All the stuff was fast in the house, which he had sold to his wife. The labor was obtained on the same plan, and even tho widow who boarded the workmen was swindled. The man lives placidly in his fine residence, but is not greatly loved by his neighbors. The new Emperor of Russia has a passion for economy. As Czarewitch lie looked after every penny, and in his palace there was neither waste nor extravagance. lie groaned over the lavish generosity of his father to the very questionable gang, who had only to mako debts for their imperial master to pay them. One thing at least is certain, that the Emperor will wage a war of extermination against' speculators, and will not allow any friends or Ministers of his to dip their hands into the public Treasury. Lord Beaconsfield had two brothers— James, deceased, and Ralph. lie never as sociated with any of his kindred, but he ap pointed James, in 1852, when he became Chancellor o£ the Exchequer, a Commissioner of Inland Revenue, the salary of which is .£2,000 a year, and his brother Ralph was, at his request, appointed by Lord Chancellor Cairns, in 1867, deputy clerk of the House of Lords, the salary of which is £1,200. They both, particularly James, bore a strong like ness to their remarkable brother. The question is asked along the Pacific coast, What is to be the future of Nevada, if, as seems more than likely, the Comstock mines are wholly exhausted ? The State has a population of scarcely 50,000, and offers few inducements to new settlers, especially if her mines are used up. Only a few patches and streaks of the land are fit for agriculture, and pot much is good for stock raising. Even the small population now possessed by tho State is diminishing, many of tho miners about the Comstock migrating to California, Arizona, and Colorado. The expense of con ducting a State Government is very burden some under tho circumstances, and it is thought that a return to the condition of a Territory will be considered an imperative necessity before long. A negro maniac started out at St. James, La., brandishing a long knife, and declaring that he had been deputed by heaven to kill everybod}'. He stabbed four persons in going as many miles. A mounted messenger was sent ahead to give warning of his coming, and the people locked themselves in their houses. At length a company of men, armed with guns, was hastily formed. They lay in ambush to shoot the madman when he camo along. But Jules Dufresne said it was a shame to slay him in cold blood, in view of the fact that he was irresponsible, and offered to capture him alone, without taking his life. Taking only a club, Dufresne faced the negro in the road, and after a desperate struggle disarmed him. NUMBER 10.