Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, April 29, 1881, Image 3

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BREVITIES. ijF’Spring goods in demand ! was lively last Saturday! UTTSee “ ad” of the minstrel troupe ! l*T'But little liquor drank here now ! arc grumbling about the rain ! Harrison has built a chimney over his well. t frCountry bar-rooms arc doing a nourish ing business. F. M. Bailey swapped mules with the gypsies. iHarmony Greve settles the liquor question to morrow week. HTThc knowing ones say that lung fever is fatal when it attacks a horse. ( W* Mark Few lost a horse last Wednesday. Lung fever was the cause of its death. Farmers take advantage of the wet weather to haul supplies from Athens. J3OPMr. John Mitchell, an old citizen of this county, died on Thursday night of last week. dTLast Tuesday, the ‘26th inst., was Memorial Day. It was observed in most of the large cities. CtPl'liere is a great deal of complaint about the steep prices that people ask for their lots around and in our town. merchants are getting in their summer goods, yet none of them will let you know of it, except Brock & Cos. OF A union Sunday-school was organized up at Dick Williams’ school-house last Sunday 7. Mr. JefT Lanier is Superintendent. desire that all read the notice and request of the ladies who arc on the Dinner Committee for the Sunday-school festival. IT Jesse Williams has to keep his eye on some of the inmates out at the poor house. They have a habit of leaving when things don’t suit them. • I'F’The “city dads” propose to tax us again and want to look after our back yards. We suggest that they 7 cut their weather cy 7 c on the streets for a few minutes. are dying, and an exchagc truth fully remarks that it is principally owing to the long time between the giving out of the winter forage and the advent of spring grass. I the rains have caused a good many farmer’s to visit our town, yet there is a dearth of news even in the country, and we have been able to get but few items from them. Walton county Vulette has been informed that there is small pox in this county. If there is, we have heard no one say anything about it, and conclude that the Vulette is mistaken. here on last Tuesday, awaiting his conveyance to the Asylum. From Mr. Worsham, the jailor, we learn that he is very violci.t at times, and it is dangerous to go about him. Fif Judge Bell decided last week that the public road leading from the Federal road near Mr. Wood’s house into Hall county was of public utility, and there fore ordered the same to be continued as a public road. IF“A gang of men and women camped on the Athens road near Sir. Jack Bell’s last Saturday, and remained several days. They claim to be Irish, and just roam about the country trading and swapping horses. One of the females in the crow 1 sold lace. IdF’Jim Williamson went to Athens last Wednesday. lie says that while returning in the evening up the River road, lie met a crowd who were out hunting the tiger that is making its headquarters in Newtown District. The whole District is aroused upon the subject, and several lulling parties have been organized to catch the varmint, but up to date their clforts have proved unavailing. n$PMr. Willie Pittman and lady met with quite a severe accident whilst returning to Athens last Sunday evening. When near Mr. Erwin Hayes’, one of the shaft shackles broke and scared the horse so that Mr. Pitt man could not manage him. Both of them were thrown out and received several bruises, but no bones were broken. Mr. Pittman was compelled to return to his father’s after a conveyance to get himself and wife to Athens. rise in Georgia railroad stock has caused some trouble between Mr. Stephen Roberts, of this county, and Mr. W. A. Burn?, of Athens. Mr. Burns bought ten shares or stock from Mr. Roberts for 130, when it was worth one hundred and fifty. Mr. Roberts claims that Burns misrepresented the matter to him, and caused him to sell wlion he knew that the stock wa6 worth more. Upon Mr. Burns' failing to make the necessary restitu lion Mr, Huberts procured a warrant for cheating and swindling, and had Mr. Burns arrested. The preliminary examination was held in this place on last Tuesday evening, and the warrant was dismissed. But this is not the last of it, as we learn that the matter will be carried bofore the next Grand Jury, and civil proceedings will be commenced to secure the stock. Sad Death. Mrs. Lydia Nichols, wifo of Mr, Alonso Nichols, died at her home, near the Gum Hpriugs, on yesterday morning, after a brief illness, Kho leaves a heart-broken husband and a littlo infant to mourn the irreparable loss. Mrs. Nichols was a member of the M, E. Church, and was a bright and happy Christian, May God comfort the bereaved ones in their great sorrow. The Greatest Blessing. A. simplcy pure, harmless remedy, that cures i'cry time, and prevents disease by keeping the mood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Ifop Ritters is that remedy, and its pro prietors aro being blessed by thousands who havp been saved and cured by it.' Will you try it>^= Gossip. Zack Niblack and bride were in town last Saturday. Or. J. 11. McCarty has resigned his pro fessorship in the Atlanta Medical College. The minstrel troupe would have been in a bad fix if the gypsies had carried off Ilarry Hell. We acknowledge a pleasant call last Tues day from the lion. Hugh Carithers, of Walton county. Eddie Bush and Dick Gholston w’ent to Athens last Sunday. Wonder what the}' were after ? Miss Mar}’ Carithers found time to visit our city last Saturday. She returned to the Grove on Tuesday. Granger Tom Niblack wears long wollen gloves when lie visits his farm. What do you do it for, Thomas ?. Mr. W. M. Pittman and lady, of Athens, were up visiting the family of Col. M. M. Pittman during the latter part of last week. Judge Pittman is interesting himself with scouring machines at present. It is said that lie is really enthusiastic upon the subject. Colopel Barge will commence his writing school on or about the 10th of May. lie is now engaged in copying Messrs. Silroan & Thompson’s form book. Under the heading of “ A Jackson county man,” the Athens Banner says: “ Some y 7 ears ago—no matter how many—there was a young man in Jackson county, who felt within him an impulse toward a more exten sive business career than was promised by the rural community in which he was reared. He went to Augusta, where he improved to the fullest extent, the opportunity for expan sion which was offered by the large and grow ing business of that city. That man was W. J. Pollard, who is to-day 7 recognized as one of the leading business men of Augusta. Mr. Pollard still has a high regard for his old home. He says this immediate section con tains the best class of people in Georgia.” Letter from Hosch’s Store. Mu. Editor: —According to promise, I will drop you a few lines to keep you posted from our side of the county 7 . Spring has opened upon us with all its lovely and sublime beauties. Nothing affords us more pleasure than to stroll out among the sweet-scented buds and {lowers which our Creator causes to burst forth and fill the at mosphere with rich perfume. The farmers, generally speaking, are done planting cotton, and arc preparing their low lands for corn. I believe the people have calmed down about the railroad. They decided to run her on the Hosch and Lyle line, so the people on this line are contented. I visited Mr. J. N. Thompson the other day r , and find lie has erected a good saw-mill for the accommodation of the public. His merchant mill is in good running order, and makes both good meal and flour. Besides this, Mr. Thompson has a first-class stock of goods on hand, and Mr. Junius Williamson takes a great pride in showing these goods to the public, and especially the ladies. Junius is a persevering boy, and means to make his mark. Mr. Russell A. Ilosch has a splendid select stock of goods in his well arranged store, and is getting his share of trade. Rus is a right good salesman and determined in his efforts. We next come to Mr. I). R. Lyle, who is so favorably known in this and adjoining counties. This clever and good gentleman has a fine stock of goods on his shelves, and Mr. Hugh L. Seymour is there to wait on any and all who may call upon him. Hugh is one of old Jackson's first young men, and besides that, lie is a pious and good boy. Mr. Lyle is one of the oldest merchants in this county, and knows just how to please his customers in selecting his goods in market. Of course everybody wants to hear some thing more from the boys’ fine Western grain. John and myself laid off to look after that matter, and think wc will yet, though John failed to get any showing at the grain. So our chances are up as to getting in seed this year. Cal. says his is up so soon, and comes a hand high at one shoot. So, if it grows that fast, the boys will be obliged to have stilts when they go to reap. lloosier. Hosch's Store, Ga., April 2oth, 1881. Notes From Miller’s District. Mr. Editor :—I will drop j-ou a few items from our part of the county. The weather has moderated from ice to heat. Farmers are busy planting their crops. They are badly behind in their farming operations ; a good many arc not through putting in their guano, while some are just planting their cotton and corn. We have plenty of fruit left, provided it is not yet killed, The Justices Court for this District is a travelling one-—it travelled about for about five days last week, It kept the Deputy Sheriff busy keeping up with it. W. B. Patrick is our Justice of the Peace, and Mr, Jesse Carter is our Notary Public, and C, L. Pharr is our bailiff. Mr, George Pcadwylor has the finest wheat in the count}', Oats are looking well. Fish ing hud piemies are now in order. A Grange Lo<lgo has been organised at Dry Pond, We have two stores in this Nnun’s and Spencer’s, Mr, R. D, Moore has a fine school. The stock law is the question of the day up here, . Lambeht, ——. Attention I Grangers. The members of Planters Grange aro re quested to meet on the first Thursday in May. at 10 o’clock P. M, Planters Agricultural Club will meet in the evening at 4 o’clook P. M. Question for discussion—■“ Which is the most profitable. C.tton or . HOME ENTERPRISE. Tannery and Mills of Mr. F. S. Smith. Mr. Editor :—A few afternoons since I walked along the River road to Athens as far as the place of the above named gentleman, just on the line of our corporate limits. Having a little leisure, I turned in, and found one of the boys turning the water on the wheel to grind some corn for a nice lot of hogs enclosed in a pen hard by. On looking around, I was greatly surprised at the display of energy and enterprise here manifested on the part of this exceedingly quiet gentleman. I venture the assertion that not one-fourth of those who could patronize it are aware of the existence of such a mill as this of Mr. Smith. I myself had heard of it, but thought it only a family affair, with a capacity 7 of but few bushels per day 7. I found it, however, about the usual size and with ample power to reduce sevcnty 7 -five or one hundred bushels of corn to the very best quality of meal every day. Mr. Smith had just received a bill of a first class flour-mill shipped to him from the North a few days previous. This he proposes to put in operation as soon as possible, so that his customers may have their wheat and corn both ground at the same place. lie has for several years been running a saw mill with a capacity of 3,000 feet per day. He also has a gin which can turn out 500 bags of cotton during the few months of the ginning season. All these, with a patent press and bark-mill and pumps, are driven by the same water wheel of some ten or twelve horse power. Connected with these, and al most under the same roof, is a tan-yard with a capacity of some 20,000 or 25,000 lbs. of leather per annum. Of course, these enterprises are not now operated to their fullest extent; but we see from the above what may be done and what will be done in a short time after our railroad is completed. I felt no small degree of astonishment after looking through and seeing the immense amount of work that had been done here so quietly in our midst, that very few of us knew anything about it. The ingenuity displayed is as remarkable as the energy 7 ; and I would especially re commend any one intending to build a dam on a small stream, to go and see Mr. Smith’s before commencing the work. His arrange ments for the discharge of surplus water during freshets would do credit to the best engineer in the country 7; indeed, he seems to have secured the very best results with the least possible outlay 7 of money 7 . I found in his tannery 7 some of the prettiest leather I have seen in many a day ; and I am assured by those capable of judging that it is of the very 7 best quality, and at prices lower than that asked for an inferior article. Mr. Smith certainty deserves great credit for his contributions to our home enterprises, and our people should encourage him by a liberal patronage. Let them go and see for themselves, and I think they will find it to their interest to aid in the development of his plans to enlarge our home resources. J. W. Glenn. Notes from Harrisburg. Everything is quiet in our District as usual, except the babies. They are the most noisy creatures of the season—at home, at church and at other places. It appears that they are all blessed with splendid lungs. But, notwithstanding they get up so much racket, they are charming little creatures after all. Ours have just got still and very quiet, and arc taking a pleasant little nap. While that is the case, and as it is raining to-night, I will try and write you a short note, Mr. Ed itor, from our glorious old District. Our farmers have been moving right along for the past few weeks, preparing their lands and planting. Corn fields are, as a general thing planted, and for the last few days we notice that the corn is coming up beautifully. One of my neighbors had some corn that came up twice ; the first time it was all right, but the second coming up was by the pigs’ snout. He says that was all wrong, and I agree with him, for it is not very pleasant to do so much work just for the pigs’ snout, when we can get so much meat from the West. There is another neighbor complain ing. lie says that some of his corn has come up the second time. The cause of the second coming up was by an old goose and gander. They went toddling along and slipped through a crack into the field, to see wldeli one of them could saw down the corn the closest. So the}' tried, one after another, until they found that they were [lulling nearly every hill up. So there is more work to do for the old goose and gander’s saw. Our neighbor don’t like to do so much work for the toddling old geese, since he can purchase guano so bountifully with which to raise cot ton, and have a snug cotton bed. Now, as to the cotton crop, many have planted and there are many yet to plant. The time for some little disappointment cr disaster in the cotton crop will probably come about the middle or last of May. If you will come around about that time, Mr. Editor, my opinion is that you will see the farmers very busily engaged trying to keep the grass down so they can make enough cotton to pay for their guano and supplies. The melon crop is being planted. Judge Colquitt says he is going to raise enough for us all, but the trouble about it is he says that lie is going to supply Apple Valley. But the melons will have to be paid for before they are eaten, Well, lam thinking that money will be very scaroo by that time, and the Judge will have to sell on credit. lie has sowed down two acres of his new-grounds in oats and clover, and from the prospeot now it will be very fine. He is going to put the other six acres in peas and melons; peas four Rube Anthony has been informed that some of the preachers of late have been preaching that the world is coming to an end soon, and that they preached to the people that it was not worth while to plant. But Rube says lie must plant cotton anyhow, it makes no differ ence what comes. lie thinks that it will not do to stop planting. Rube is about right. W. S. Matthews made a speculation a few days ago, and anybody who wishes to pur chase any Durham bulls will find them at his house or on his farin, and they 7 will find Mr. M. ready to trade any time. Judge Colquitt say's that Mr. Vanzant is going into the rice and doodle agriculture. \\ ell, we need a few new crops the worst in the world, to get the people interested, so they will stop raising all cotton. I saw Mr. Yarbrough to-day at Apple Val ley 7 . lie is as fat as ever, and hard work don’t have any effect upon him. Messrs. D. M. Nix & Bro. are supplying the people with the various articles necessary for their comfort. The Valley is getting to be a live place. Several new houses have been put up lately, and others are to be built soon. George Matthews and James Taylor are doing the blacksmithing and the wood work for the village, and for the community at large. Pony .Stark is their boot and shoe maker, and Charlie Pittman their school teacher, he is learning the little ones to spell and read. All we lack now to complete Apple Valley is DeWitt Akin. We have organized our de bating society, and it is in full blast. Stock law is the question for next Saturday night —whether it would be beneficial or not. John Wilhite has the finest clover in the District, and he is farming without the use of any guano this y 7 ear. Mr. Joseph Wilhite is a very early riser, lie means business. Mr. Ray says he gets up at two o’clock in the morning. Joseph’s wheat looks fine. Capt. Bennett is cultivating three acres of land from which he expects to gather five bales of cotton. Mr. Ray is still running his steam saw mill, and is sawing out lumber in a hurry. Mr. S. G. Barnett is the champion stock hauler. lie and John Espy stick close to the business. William Barnett has improved his farm considerably in the past few months. There was an election at Harris’, in our District, last third Saturday for Justice of the Peace, and W. P. Boggs was re elected to serve the people for the next four years. Mr. Ray is getting uneasy about the wet spell, lie says it is not a good time to saw logs. Henry Barnett is having a considerable bill of lumber sawed. When that is done Mr. Ray will want another bill. We are listening and waiting anxiously to hear that the Jefferson and Gainesville rail road is graded. This is a splendid time for all the overseers of the public roads in Harrisburg (257th) Dis trict to put their roads in good condition. We hope they will see to it at once, while they can’t work on their farms. Now, Mr. Editor, before I close I must not omit telling you something about our trip last Sunday to Mizpah, a Presbyterian church in Clarkesboro’ District, near Mr. Washing ton Arnold’s. It was the day for the install ment of their pastor, the Rev. Mr. Graves. We had quite a pleasant time going down in the morning, reaching there just before eleven o’clock, and was welcomed by many of our old friends of the District. We heard some very good singing by the Sabbath-schools, when, after a short intermission, the congre gation assembled in the church and listened to a splendid sermon by the Rev. Mr. Milner. After which wc were dismissed, with the benediction, for refreshments. And just here let me tell y 7 ou, Mr. Editor, that y r ou missed a treat. All were invited to remain for din ner and for evening services, and I believe all did remain. Dinner was soon prepared and announced ready, and still another invi tation extended. The congregation went to the tabic ; and that was not all—they 7 went for the ham and turkey, lightbread and bis cuit, fruit pies and custards, tea cakes, spunge cakes and pound cakes, and other things too tedious to mention. Now, laying all jokes aside, it was a nice dinner, and very much enjoyed by the people. All of us had a pleasant time with the Clarkesboro’ people. S. C. Potts, Esq., had not reached home this morning. We can’t tell what is keeping him away; wc arc looking for him all the time. I came near forgetting to tell you that after dinner we listened to a fine sermon from Bro. Lane, of Athens. The sermon was short, but very interesting. After which the instal lation ceremony was performed by the Revs. Messrs. Lane, Milner and Grow. The exer cises were very interesting and impressive. After the installation was over, we all started home, or home with someone else; I was in company witli Mr. W. Barnett, and we enjoy ed our evening’s journey very well coming home, considering all things and how it rained. When yon see Mr. Frank Smith ask him how he enjoyed the dinner, and how much cake he got. Pump him close, if yen don’t he will get around you. Yours truly, W. P. Elmo, Commissioner. April 2bth, 1881. Take Notice. The ladies forming the table committee for “ Children’s Day,” beg that all who send crockery will write their names distinctly on the backs of plates, Ac., with ink. - Please mark baskets, towels and napkins carefully, fastening tbe towels to the baskets. No special invitations will be issued to any one, but it is tho wish of Sabbath Schools and committees that all come, all bring baskets. nvc-A-OniisrEivz" i m WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH The “ Tanner;’ The “ IFoDrZ, Taber ft Morse,” ES3\TC3rIIVrE!S. onrf “ Ault man- Taylor” ’ “ Aultman- Taylor ” BEPAIIATOR., “Za/ie ( j- Bodley” SLA."W MILLS, “ SteeZ Brush” COTTON CSrIIST, “ Chicago” HAY SCALHS, dbc. We are manufacturers agents, and can therefore sell as low as any house in the State. We refer to a few of the many who have bought from us in the past two years : J. E. Randolph, J. G. Dunnahoo, JR J. Mathews, J. I*. Bird, Jackson county. Hon. J. M. Smith, J. L. Jarrill, Mathews & Hull', Tiller & Broach, Oglethorpe county. J. I?. Eberhart, W. 11. Long, G. C. & J. O. Daniel, Madison county. J. F. Jackson, A. B. Jackson, Oconcc county. ORR & HUNTER, March 25. Athena, Ga. IRON A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllC only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give •headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading —sent free. BROWN CHEMICAR CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS Harmony Grove. BY OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. —Mr. D. J. Sanders has a fine crop of peaches. —The boys are glad this week. A rain brings them in. —Summer time is at last here, “ and we should smile” is what the boys say with winter clothing on. —The majority of our male citizens have on a fishing spree this week, and the minnows have had a hard time. —lloeing cotton will be in order next week. Let everybody be ready, and none of our neighbors will be in the grass. —Tom McElhannon may make a good Sheriff’, but it is a little funny to see him tackle a man that has been adjudged crazy. —lf we fail on the date of marriage of Col. J. W. Hill this time we would beg to offer an apology, as wc think we have been reliably informed. —Some of our citizens are getting to be experts at “yarn spinning,” and the “fish bone tale” generally gets away with any that can be hatched up. — W. N. McDonald is now a permanent citizen of our village, and will supply our citizens with an innocent beverage, called “ Loggerheaded beer.” —Last Tuesday Mr. Nathaniel Hix was put on trial for lunacy, and after a thorough examination was found a subject for the Asylum, and was taken charge of by Sheriff McElhannon, who carried him to Jefferson —A young merchant of Athens has been traveling through Jackson and Banks counties during the past ten days buying up railroad stock, and we hear of some parties that are very much dissatisfied with the trade they have made. —Col. W. 11. Simpkins represented the prosecution in the case of Neal Chandler vs. Nathaniel Ilix, lunacy, last Tuesday. Col. W. H. S. is not only a good “ divorce lawyer,” but seems to know exactly what to do with lunatics. —Married, on 28th inst., Col. J. W. Ilill, of Ilomer, and Miss Vannah Deadwyler, of Harmony Grove. I have published this in a roundabout way about a half dozen times, but to no effect heretofore, but this time will settle the matter. The Col. carries offonc of our prettiest } r oung ladies, and Banks county may well feel proud of her gain. —Mr. R. L. Hardman, one of our leading merchants, is not only a good fisherman, but can sport as fine a mustache as can be found in Jackson county. He has recently turned them loose, and they are growing beyond description. If there is any of the young ladies that don’t believe this, they can be amply satisfied by calling at the store of Messrs. Chandler, Power & Cos. Taylor Gordon thinks he will turn out his mustache soon. — SI.OO Per Day. Wanted, 50 hands, to work on the Gaines ville & Jefferson Railroad, at ONE DOLLAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, \ Jefferson, Ga., April 11, 1881. f Council met at 8 o’clock P. M. Present and presiding. W. A. Worsham, Mayor; and Alder men Williamson, Randolph and Gilleland. J. E. Randolph was appointed on the Finance and Ordinance committees, and A. J. Gilleland on Street and Public W orks committees. On motion, the following account of J. D. Pike*, for 25 cents, was referred to the Finance Commit tee. J. E. Randolph, A. J. Gilleland and P. L. Pen dergrass was appointed a committee to examine into the condition of all cellars, backyards, &c., in the town of Jefferson, and if any arc found in bad condition they arc authorized to have them, put in good repair at once, cither by the parties owning the property or by the Town Council, at the property owner’s expense, and report at the next regular meeting. On motion, it was ordered by the Council that a tax of one-half of one per cent, be levied on all property in the town of Jefferson subject to State and county tax. Said tax levied for the year 1881, to pay all outstanding debts against said town. On motion, Council adjourned. W. A. WORSIIAM, Mayor. J. E. RANDOLPH, Clerk pro fan. Council Chamber, l Jefferson, Ga., April 25, 18S1. ( Council met at 81 o’clock P. M. Present and presiding. W. A. Worsham, Mayor; and Alder men Williamson, Randolph, Gilleland and Pen dergrass. Reports of the Clerk and Marshal for the 2d quarter ending March Ist, 1881, read and, on mo tion, referred to Finance Committee. On motion, adjourned until Monday night. May 2d, 1881. W. A. WORSHAM, Mayor. J. C. WHITEHEAD, Clerk. in ni:noKnn. Death has visited our community, and from the home of John and Sarah Fallin, near Hosch’s. Store, Jackson county, Ga., have been taken two precious little children. On the 25th of April, 1881, at nine o’clock A.. M., little Jeffie Fallin, whose age was seven years, four months and twenty-two days, heard his Master’s call, and passed from earth away to dwell in the mansions above. No more in the school-room will his innocent face be seen, or his firm but gentle voico be heard in his prompt and good recitations. No more at home, with ready icct and willing mind, will ho be to perform his many errands. God knows best. He is gone. At nine o'clock P. M. of the same day, just twelve hours after his death, the messenger cam© for his little sister May, whose age was three years, live months and thirteen days, and called her to the realms of bliss. Thus, in the lovely days of childhood, these tender flowers have been taken and transplanted inear the crystal stream above. Side by side they were borne away, Unto the charnel-house of clay; Side by side they were lain away, Little Jeffie and little May. Side by side they have made their flight, From death and woe to life and light; Side by side they may ever be, From sin and pain forever free. Side by side they’re with Him to-day, Who is the Truth, the Life, the Way ; In Heaven above they’re blest for aye, Little Jeffie and little May. Frank S. Hudson. The Washington correspondent of the At* lanta Constitution says that it is common talk in Washington that the Independent leaders of Georgia have agreed to break up the Democratic party in this State, or rather to assist the Republicans to do so, in consid eration of the services that the Federal pa tronage will be turned over to them. What amount of truth there is in this rumor we cannot tell, but we do know that they have