Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, July 22, 1881, Image 4

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Sow Cow Peas. Would Ihftt Southern farmers could be im pressed with the importance of restoring and increasing the fertility of their soils, the im {H'actfe&'bililv of accomplishing it by the aid sf commercial fertilizers alone, and the cer dainty with which it can be done b}- means of what are called renovating crops, such as peas and clover ami Bermuda grass. Even when simply allowed to rest—all stock being •kept off—the soil will improve by the restoring eflcct of the weeds which naturally spring up ; o that by resting every fourth year, and planting the intervening years in cotton, corn, ■nmall grain, manuring the first two. any farm, In the course of two or three rotations, may be brought to exceed its original productive ness. But the comparative slowness of the process will defer most farmers from adopting and adhering to such a 93’steru. A crop of peas may be grown the same year the oats or wheat are taken off, and will improve the soil greatly more rapidly than the spontaneous growth. We notice in Northern papers that quite an interest is springing up in the mat ter of the ‘’Southern Cowpea” a* a substitute for clover in such soils as will not grow the latter freel}’, and the editors are besieged for information about them, which the}' give— not always very correctly. It would not surprise us at all if the inde fatigable Yankee should get ahead of us in the proper appreciation and extensive use of the pea as a renovator. The Northern far mer is more apt in seiiflng upon an} 7 advan tage he sees within his reach than the South ern is. We have long boasted of the value of the cow peas, the sweet potato, and of our advantages of climate in the growth of these two crops, as well as sugar cane and cotton, but we have never properly or fully availed -ourselves of these advantages, excepting as to the one crop— cotton. We do not raise 'one fourth as many potatoes and peas as we ought, and sugarcane—even in favored South Georgia—is a mere side crop. If we do not bestir ourselves, give less at tention to cotton and more to other crops, we may as well cease our vaunted claims. The North is now selling us a great part of the syrup we use, and will soon supply us with sugar, and perhaps after awhile we will buy our seed peas and sweet potatoes in Cincin nati !— Dixie Farmer. An Agricultural Creed. 1. Do not cultivate poor land. It is a feeble mother who can give no sustenance. 2. If your land is poor, you must limit the area of cultivation to your ability to manure —let it be ever so little—and you will be the gainer by it. 3. Exert yourself to produce manure on the farm. Such manure i9 the flour that makes ithe loaf, and a commercial fertilizer is only it leaven to it. Home made manures cost -some labor but little money, while commer cial fertilizers will bring you in debt, and are a kind of food which mother earth cannot entirely rely and fatten upon. We are not their enemy but active friend, when judici ously used, and can be had without too great strain on the farmer’s credit. 4. Bring to the aid of your manure pile green fallow crops, and try to clothe the bo som of mother earth with the green verdue of grass, from which live stock can be fed. 5. Keep as much stock as can he fed well, for this adds to the manure pile, and their increase and a few fat carcasses afford a big iutcrest on the investment. 6. Diversify crops as much as possible, and do not rel} r on one staple. This will make your manure and labor pay a profit in some places when they fail in others. 7. Manure! manure! manure! and, as be fore suggested, rely on the farm principally to produce it. It will “put money in your pocket.” 8. No grass, no stock ; no stock, no ma nure ; no manure, no improvement of the Jand.— Richmond Planter and Farmer. Soil Exhaustion. 'The soil is said to be exhausted when it "fails to give paying crops under the most fa vorable circumstances of tillage, weather, etc. This exhaustion is brought about by the re moval of the constituents needed by the plants, through the growth and removal of plants, without any corresponding addition to these food elements. Thus a soil may con tain enough phosphoric acid in an available form for ten full crops, but after that, if none of this substance is added to the soil, the crop cannot make a full return for the labor expended upon it. A soil may thus be ex hausted or deficient in only one of the several food elements, and yet it is not much better, as far as plant growth is concerned, than if all the elements were equally lacking. All crops do not exhaust soils equally—some re move more potash than others, and one re quires a greater amount of nitrogen than another. This is very clearly shown in the Jong extended experiments of Lawes and Gilbert at Rothamsted, England. It is found by them that the plots upon which continu ous crops of clover, beans and roots have been grown without any manure, have declined more rapidly than the land devoted to cereal grain crops. This is surprising; in so far as clover, etc., are generally considered as resto rative rather than exhaustive crops. A ju dicious rotation of crops is as much needed to preserve the even fertility of the soil as to keep it mellow and free from weeds. Cornstalks.— Mr. George Conner, of Bur lington, lowa, considers a ton of cornstalks worth more than a ton of hay for cows, lie feeds to each miloh cow one bushel of finely cut stalks, two quarts of bran and two quarts of cob-meal mixed and wet with water, both jporning and evening. /Twabner t s J ISAFCi r BitterSj WroTiamsm <■ Mothers, Wives, Daughters, Sons, Fa thers, Ministers, Teachers, XEnsiness Men, Farmers, Mechanics, AIJ, should be warned against using and introducing into their HOMES Nostrums and Alcoholic Remedies. Have no such prejudice against, or fear of, “ War ner's Safe Tonic Hitters.” They are what they are claimed to he—harmless as milk, and contain only medicinal virtues. Extract of Choice Vegetables only. They do not belong to that class known as “Cure-Alls,” but only profess to reach cases where the disease originates in debilitated frames and impure blood. A perfect Spring and Summer Medicine. A Tliorongii Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appetizer. Pleasant to the taste, invigorating to the body. The most eminent physicians recommend them for their Curative Properties. Once used, aheays preferred. Trial Size, iOc. Full Size (largest in market) sl. i?TRY THEM.^i For Ihe kidneys, I.iver and Urinary Organs, use nothing but “ WAWYFIFS SAFE kIIEY AAD EIVER CURE.” Tt stands UNRIVALLED. Thousands owe their health and happiness to it. j&gT'Wc offer “ War ner’s Safe Tonic Bitters” with equal confidence. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. MORE lET! Notwithstanding the heavy inroads up on our stock, we still keep enough of v>\av\\\a iyy\A Ahu\cy^ Dry G-oods on hand to supply our customers, and shall con tinue to add to the same as the requirements of the trade demand. WE ARE STILL OFFERING BARGAINS Staple Dry Goods and GROCERIES. Call and price. We will take pleasure in show ing our stock. A. 11. BROCK & CO. Jefferson, Ga., April 29th, ISSI. fLYON & HEALY& Monroe, cor. o! State St„ Chicago, ja send prepaid to any address, their AND CATALOGUE, f jSHr 881, 190 pages, 260 Engravings off aments, Suits, Cans, Belts, rom-W ‘ ftjWßft , Epaulets, Cap-Lamps, Stands, A MB a Major’s Staffs and Hats, Sundry *3Bp l Outfits, Repairing Materials; also in- // tl ■s Instruction and Exercises for Amateur if IX W s, and a catalogue of choice Band Home Manufacture. SHOES! HARNESS!! LEATHER!!! WE are now making the very best quality of the above articles right here at home, and they are for sale. We do not expect to sell them merely because they arc home manufacture, but because of their excellent quality and low price. We are making regular of the very best material and workmanship, and offering them for 25 per cent, less than the usual price. Our BROGANS cannot be beaten in excel lence. or cheapness for the quality. These sell only by the case. Bridles, Collars and Harness, double or single, always on hand, or made to or der. Wc have the most experienced workmen. All we ask is a trial. ATKINS. CARR & CO. Maysville, Ga., June 17th, 1881. •professional & lousiness (Ennis. JQ. R. 15. ADAIR, DENTIST, June 10-"S1. Gainesville, Ga. JOII* .1. STRICKLAXD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Danielsville, Ga., Will promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. dec 17, ’BO. Dr. nl R. cash, NICHOLSON, GA., Tenders his professional services to the surround ing country. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and the dis eases of women a specialty. Feb. 13th, ISSO. ly Howard Thompson, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Gainesville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all busi ness placed in his hands. WILEI C. HOWARD, Attorney and Counselor at I.avr, JEFFERSON, GA. AVill attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. mch4, SIL.UAA & THOMPSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. J EFFERSON, GA, Will practice in Jackson and adjoining counties. LOOK AT THIS! THiaSTK: OIF 1 IT I A.I NED COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. JUST RECEIVED * 300 ELEGANT COOK STOVES, 3000 Dozen Wash Pans, 100 Dozen Splendid Baking Pans, 100 Dozen Elegant Dish Pans, And a large stock of goods in onr line which will be sold CHEAP FOB CASH. A. K. CHILDS k CO. Feb. 25 Opposite Reaves. Nicholson & Cos., Athens, Ga. A/TATfRT .TVS! MAPLBLjE I % __ „ _ A. R. ROBERTSON, DEALER IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARIiLE Monuments, Tombs, Head & Foot Stones, LARGE and SMALL CRADLE TOMBS, Marble and Granite Box Tombs, AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. A Large Tjot of Finished Monuments and Tombstones on Hand for Sale and Ready for Lettering . My Yard is Full of Marble, and Ready to Fill Any Orders. <3-I'VE HVLE -A. CALL, AND GET V PRICES. A. R. ROBERTSON, Monumental Builder, Athens, Georgia. BALDWm & BURNETT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, J\ r o. S Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. WE HAVE just, received the largest and most complete stock of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Athens. The quality of our goods is of the highest order, and our prices within the reach of all. We deal EXCLUSIVELY in this line, and promise the most courteous treatment and perfect satisfaction to all who may call. TO MERCHANTS: Our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we guarantee prices as low as any house in the South, and will save } T ou freight. C3-I V E US A. C -A. EE. BALD WRY BURNETT. Athens, Ga., October Ist, 1880. LcrwiE &c co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, EStc., Etc. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Stone Mountain Corn Whisky. Corner Broad and Jackson Sts., Athens, Ga. Feb. 25 V. W. SKIFF, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES S' JEWELRY, Cloclts, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Tie Diamonfl Spectacles aufl Eye-Glasses. Fine watches adjusted to heat and cold, and re paired in the best manner. Hair Jewelry, and all other kinds, made to order and neatly re paired. Sign of tlie “Re*l Watch,” BROAD STREET ATHENS, GA. April Ist, ISSI. i Coffins! Coffins! I WILL keep on hand, in Jefferson, a full sup ply of COFFINS —AND— BURIAL CASES of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every effort will he made to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respectfully, apl 20 W. A. WORSHAM. Richmond and Danville Rail Road. Passenger Department. ON and after May loth, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows : 1 U. S. Mail, iN. Y. Express, jU. S. Fast Mail,! Suwanec EASTWARD. No. 43, No. 47, j No. 49, j Accommodation A. j L>. j O. j JSo. 21. Leave Atlanta ; 4.00 A. M. ; 3.15 P. M. ; G. 30 P. M. 5.00 P. Arrive Suwanec >l4: 5.18 “ 4.37 44 | T. 45 4 ‘ • 7.08 “ Lula Ei 0.45 44 j 5.59 “ j 9.00 44 j 44 Toccoa F; 7.58 44 j 7.15 44 j 10.10 14 j 44 Seneca G: 9.20 u j 8.40 * 4 ; 11.25 u ; 44 Greenville Hi 10.58 44 j 10.20 44 ; 1.00 A. M. •; 44 Spartanburg Ki 12.14 P. M. 11.40 * 4 j 2.11 44 Gastonia Lj 2.30 44 j 2.04 A. M. j 4.27 “ i *• Charlotte Mi 3.35 4> j 3.15 4 4 ; ! U. S. Mail, jN. Y. Express, iU. S. Fast Mail.: Suwanec WESTWARD No. 42. No. 48. j No. 50. ! Accommodation i j ! i No. 22. Leave Charlotte Mi 12.30 P. M. 12.20 A. M. 12.10 A. M. “ Gastonia Lj 1.27 44 j 1.30 44 j 12.50 44 j 44 Spartanburg Ki 3.50 44 I 4.05 44 ; 2 .53 44 j 44 Greenville Hi 5.07 44 j 5.18 4 ‘ j 4.05 4 * j 44 Seneca G: G. 50 4 4 7.02 4 4 5.2 7 44 44 Toccoa Fi 8.01 44 i 8.15 44 ! 0.30 44 j “ Lula Ei 9.10 44 ! 9.31 44 7.59 44 j 44 Suwanec Di 10.38 44 j 10.54 44 j 8.51 44 j 5.40 A. M. Arrive Atlanta i 12.05 A. M. 12.20 P. M. j 10.00 4 * j 8.00 4 ‘ CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & W. P. Railroads. J> with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & TV. P. and \V. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. D with Lawrcnccvillc 11 ranch to and from Lawrenccville, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elbcrton, Ga. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. II with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with Spartanburg .and Ashvillc, and Spartanburg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashvillc, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Guage to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C., C. <fc A—C. C.—R. & D. and A. T. & O. for all points West, North and East. N with North Carolina Division It. & D. Railroad to and from the North. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Wc have within the last few weeks opened up a first-class stock of FANCY and FAMILY GROCERIES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, STAPLE DRY GOODS, HATS AAD SHOES, All of which we are offering at Rock Bottom Prices. Our Goods Are Bought From Manufacturers For Cash, And Wc Will Sell As Cheap As The Cheapest . GIVE TJJS A CALL, ■KwA S>e CowvAweeA r V\\uY ATe- AWv\\\ AY\\u\. AYc Respect fully j PARKER & CAMP EROS., Feb. 25 No. 12 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. Marble Works -A USED ISAL ANUP ACTO JEL Y • GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. WE call the attention of the public to our new and the ONLY IHARBLE WORKS in Northeait Georgia. We are prepared, with ample capital, large experience and skilled workmen, t<> fill orders on short notice for G-IELA.'VIE STONES beautifully and artistically finished, Monuments, Marble Mantels, Etc. Wc guarantee all work m our line, and will sell as cheap as the same can be procured in .-mv’ market, North or South, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Office on Main Si., near the Depot. 11. T. MENGS, Proprietor. December 17th, 1880. Hr. J. H. ’VEHDERHRASS HAVING BUILT AND FURNISHED A SPLENDID BRICK. DRUO STORE, HAS OPENED UP A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines of every description. He is now prepared to furnish the public with anything usually found in n first-class drug store, such as PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, DYE STUFFS, PAINT BRUSHES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, STATIONERY, PENS, PENCILS. iNK, HAIR BRUSU hS. COMBS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, DEN TRIP ICES, MA TCHES, BLA CKING, BLACKING BRUSHES, Ac., sc. Special Attention Given to the Compounding of Prescrip - tions at all Hours, With thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, he still offers hi* pro fessional services to the public, and will endeavor to answer calls promptly and treat diseases w it *1 skill, after the most approved methods. Charges as low as the lowest. The ACaftS.VM'N WA.'U'KI) for the Best and Fastest-Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Cos., Atlanta, (ja. apl 1 3m NEW ROCKS! I HAVE just put in operation a NEW SET of WHEAT ROCKS at the Long Alills, and all of the machinery is in order to make first class Hour. Send your NEW WHEAT right along, and I will give satisfaction. JAMES E. RANDOLPH. Jefferson, Ga., July Ist, 1881.