Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, October 07, 1881, Image 4

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What the Women Say at Weddings. The following remarks have mostly been said time after time at all our “ tdny” weddings, and will ’bo said ngain And again ‘on every such occa sion : 1 lere she comes ! Pretty, isn’t she ? Who made her dress ? ’ls it Surah silk or "satin ? Js her veil real lace ? 'She's as white as the wall! Wonder how much he's worth ? Did he give her those diamonds ? lie’s scared to death ! *lsn't she the cool piece ? That train’s a horrid shape ! Isn’t her mother a dowdy ? Aren’t the bridesmaids homely ? That’s a handsome usher ! Hasn't she a cute little hand ? Wonder what number her gloves are ? They say her shoes are fives. ’lf liis hair isn’t parted in the mid dle ! Wonder what on earth she married him for ? For Ids money, of course ! Isn’t he handsome ? He’s as homely as a hedge hog ! lie looks like a circus clown ! Pio, he’s like a dancing master! ( Gobli enough for her, anyway. ■She was always a stuck-up thing. 'She’ll be worse than ever now. She jilted Sam Somebody, didn’t she ? No, he never asked her. He’s left town, anyway. There, the ceremony lias begun. ■lsn’t he awkward ? White as bis collar! Why don’t they hurry up ? •Did she say she would “ obey?” 'What a precious fool! There, they are married ! T)ocsn’t she look happy ? Pity if she wouldn’t! (Wish I were in her place!) What a handsome couple ! 'She was always a sweet little thing, ‘llow gracefully she walks ! ’Dear me, what airs she puts on ! Wouldn't be in her shoes fora farm ! I’ll bet those jewels were hired ! Well, she's oIF her father’s hands at last! Doesn't she cling tightly to him, - though ! ■ She has a mortgage on him now ! Hope they’ 1 !! be happy. 'They say she's awful smart. Too'Smftrt for him by a jugful! 'There, they are getting in the car * riage ! That magnificent dress will be smashed ! The way she docs look at him ! *T bbt slie-worships him! 'Worship "be hanged ! she's only 1 making believe 1 It’s kind o’ nice to get married, isn't it? No, it's a dreadful bore. Wasn’t it a stupid wedding? What dowdy dresses! I'll never go to another ! •I’m just suffocated ! 'Tired to death. Glad it's over ! : Oh, dear ! —Gulden Era. 'A Timely Warning, or the Expe rience of a Minister. If you suffer from generrl debility, brought on by too close application to business and excessive brain work ; or ‘from increasing protration and sinking spells, that even a rest or removal of the cause will not relieve, make haste to do as did a reverent friend of ours. ! lie secured from his druggist a bottle ‘ of Brown’s Iron Bitters, having heard of its merit from a physician, who told him not to take any other Bitters or Tonic, for with the exception of Brown’s Iron Bitters, they all contained alcohol, and had failed to give his patients lasting relief: nor "should he take any other preparation of Iron, for with the exception of Brown's Iron Bitters, they all blacken ed the teeth, and often gave headache, which Brown’s Iron Bitters never did. but in fact, cured headache. The effect was most satisfactory ;he immediately realized wonderful results. Ilis old * energy 1 returned, his natural force •' Cftme back, and 4ie felt himself alto gether anew man, full of health, • strength and vigor, and he has con tinued to remain so ever since. Now he recommends Brown's Iron Bitters to all his friends, which we unhesita tingly do to all our readers.— Globe. Food for the Brain and Nerves that will invigorate the body without intox icating is what we need iu these days of rush and worry. Parker’s Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes the nerves and bring good health quicker than anything jou can use. Tribune. See other column. A South Carolina paper says that the wife of Representative Tillman, of that State, notwithstanding the cares of a numerous family, mounts her ! horse daily and personally superin tends every detail of her husband’s extensive planting interest, and is considered one of the most successful • managers of a farm in Edgefield coun ty. Owing to the Congressional du ties and business relations of Colonel Tillman, he has turned the plantation over to her. Traveling Men find it hard to keep in good healht, owing to the constant change of water, diet, and the jarring of the cars. All these things injure the kidney, while Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure NTew Opening! WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ATHENS, . . . GEORGIA. CHARLES A. SCXJDDER, DEALER IIST WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. ALL kinds of Repairing done by the latest improved methods. Gold Plating and Engraving. All jobs and orders sent by mail or Express promptly attended to. BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, College Avenue, Athens, Ga. sep 30 pAFf Emil m CURE M The leading Scientists of 10-day agree that most diseases arc caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, there fore. the Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re sult. This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find re lief. The discovery of Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure marks anew era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just the elements necessary to nour ish and invigorate both of these great or gans, and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a‘ VK Kcmcaly for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for JCorpid Liver —Headaches—Jaundice— Dizziness—Gra vel—Fever, Ague—Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy It will control Menstruation and is invaluable forLeucor rhcea or Falling of the Womb. Asa Hlood Purifier it is uncqualcd, for it cures the organs that make the blood. This Remedy, which has done such won ders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the mar ket, and is sold by Druggists and all deal ers at £!.£.> per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER’S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. 11 is a P<)SITI V£ Rem edy. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. IRON na BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain core for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm Jon the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. ® Baltimore, Md. • See that all Iron Bitters are made by Baoww Chbmica* Cos. and have orosaed red lines and trade mark on wrapper BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Agents Wanted for the Standard Edition Revised New Testament. -g c\ NTVIiRiN'.j ELEGANT Edition, JLO Large Typef a boutGOOpages. Com- From 81.00 to 87.|P‘ l ( '^ tivc Edition, over new versions on opposite pages. “ History of the Bible and of the New Revision’’ giyen to subscribers. The secret of suc cessful canvassing given every agent. Send for our liberal terms. [Mention this pa per.] THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING CO., Established 1847.] Norwich. Conn. Farm for Sale. I OFFER for sale my plantation, situ ated about two miles and a half from Jefferson, on Curry’s crock, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres of up land and bottoms. Enough land open for a four-horse farm, and in good state of cul tivation. Good dwelling and necessary out-houses, orchards, Ac. I will sell the present growing crop and deliver posses sion at once. Persons desiring a good farm, can get a bargain. Terms CASH. july22 S. B. WEIR. To Debtors Creditors . ALL persons having demands against the estate of Julia F. Burson, late of said county, deceased, are hereby requir ed to present them, duly authenticated, for payment to the undersigned, and those due said estate are requested to come for ward and settle. W. S. FLANNIGAN, f of Julia F. Burson. “wimt win Tsirrnnl's* Se!l*ei* Aperient ellre•. >~ asks the sufferer from a multi tude of diseases. We answer : It will re move from the system the active cause of most of the diseases that flesh is heir to. It won’t mend a broken limb, nor close a bullet hole ; but it may he profitably used in stomachic diseases. It will do no one anj- baun, and may do much good. Try it and see if it won't suit your case. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. KNABE Plii-NTO-FOELTES. UNEQUALLED IN Tone. Touch, WorSmaashir & Durability, WILLIAM KAA3E & CO. Nos. 204 nnd 206 Weft Baltimore Street, Baltimore. No. 112 Fifth Avenue, New York. Bnynrd Taylor, post & Mefe Said : “ 1 take great pleasure in recom mending to parents the Academy of Mr. Swithiu C. Shortlidgc.” Hon. Fernando Wood, M Said (1880): •• I cheerfully consent to the use of my name as reference. My boys will return to you (for their fourth year) after their vacation.” For new Illustrated Circular address SWITHIrI C. SHGRTUQGE. A M.. liatrvnrd University Gradiiaic, Media, i"a., 12 miles from Philadelphia. A YEAR and expenses 4 ft ft to agents. Outfit free. Address P.O. VicKEllY, Augusta, Me. Advertisers by addressing geo. p. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce Street. New York, can icarn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in A ine rican Newspapers. I'ampldH, g.>c. CHA^KIN^ Rotary Harrow. r rHIIS Harrow is simple in its construc -L tion. combining strength and light ness, and cannot easily get ou of order. It revolves continually while in operation, so that turf, stones, corn huts, or any oth er obstruction of the kind cannot clog it. The reason of it is the rapid motion of the teeth; therefore, as a Pulverizer, Soil Mix er, Destroying Bermuda Grass, and for Covering Grain, it has no equal. We ear nestly invite all farmers, mechanics and businessmen to examine this Harrow, feel ing assured that it cannot fail to meet their highest approval. The following named gentlemen, who have bought and used them have authorized the proprietor to re fer to them, at Athens, Ga. : John A. Meeker, J. N. Montgomery, A. L. Bear ing, Thomas Hudson, Athens. Ga., and many others. J. 11. NEWTON, Sept. 23 Owner Patent State of Ga. THE TRADE! A large and complete stock of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, LETTER BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, INK, MUCILAGE, INK STANDS, PENCILS, Etc. Churches and Ministers supplied with Books at publishers prices, by BURKE & ANDERSON, Feb. 25 Athens, Ga. Coffins! Coffins! I WILL keep on hand, in Jefferson, a full supply of COFFINS —AND— BURIAL CASES of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every effort will be made to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respectfully, apl 2£> .W- A. WORSHAM. Kangaroo tendons are now used by fashionable surgeons for the sewing up of flesh wouuds. John of Abyssinia and Alexander of Russia are the two potentates whose food is all tested ere they partake of it. There are 390 educated female phy sicians in active practice in twenty six .States of our Union —tbe majority in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. An enraged belle at White Sulphur Springs bit the cheek of a young man at a moment when he expected a kiss, lie had her arrested on a charge of assault, but failed to appear before the Justice, and she was discharged. A woman in Bucharest was ailing, and her physician prescribed a sojourn at a medicinal spring. Iler husband refused to let her go, and she resorted to law, finding a Judge who decided that she might raise S4OO by a loan to defray her expenses, her husband being held responsible therefor. According to the New York Commer cial Bulletin $7,000,000 worth of property was destro3*ed by fire in the United States and Canada during the month of August. This is the severest for any August for five years. The Bulletin thinks the total losses for 1881 will reach $30,000,000. Wliliam l’enn, the founder of Penn sylvania, once lived in a house in Norfork street, London. He had a peeping-hole at the entrance through which he surveyed every one who earn e to see him before they were admitted. One of these, having boon made to wait for a long time, asked the servant impatiently if his master would not see him. “Friend,” said the servant, “he hath seen thee, but lie doth not like thee. ” The caller was one of Penn’s creditors. Clara Judd of Buffalo claims to have cured herself by prayer of an illness that had been pronounced hopeless. A few days ago she consented to go and pray for Mamie Leo, daughter of an Erie principal of a high school. Mamie had for years been a bedridden sufferer from a spinal disease. Before the praying had lasted ten minutes she got out of bed unassisted and has since been well. An electrician at tbe Palais de I’ln dustrie, Paris, thusexplains the friend ly relations that often exist between eats and dogs. Generally, the dog who makes friends with a cat is an old dog, who has lived a good deal, and who suffers more or less from rheuma tism. Well, every time he licks the cat, or passes his paw affection all}’ along her back, he is simply doctoring his rheumatism by the aid of the elec tricity in tbe cat’s skin and luur. The dog does not regard the cat so much as a friend as a magneto-electric a! machine. Texarkana lies partly within Arkansas and partly within Texas, with a broad street marking the boundary. It has two Mayors, nod the State laws governing on one side have no binding force on the ot'.mr. Arkan sas made a severe enactment against the free sale of firearms, whereupon the hardware merchants moved thcii stores to the other side of the street, thus going into Texas, where the saie of revolvers.like their use, is free. The Arkansas Mayor issued a proclamation against the sale of liquor on Sunday, greatly to the advantage of the saloon men in Texas, until the venders on the other side moved over and regained their customers. Lieut. D. A. Lyle has eaten grass hoppers out west, and he lately read a paper before a Springfield science association praising them as food. Although the}’ naturally have a disa greeable smell, he says that when cooked they become pleasant to both smell and taste, disguise being requir ed. They can be eaten after boiling two hours, with pepper and salt, thus prepared are not easily distinguished from beef broth. Fried in their own oil they have a nutty flavor. One drawback to their use as food is the bones in the small locusts, though in the larger ones these can be easily re moved. Some residents of St. Louis have tried a dinner of these skillfully prepared, and liked it very well, and after becoming accustomed to the flavor they are considered a desirable addition to the bill of fare by some. These locusts feed or. vegetable matter, and so may properl} 7 be classed as clean food. Mrs. Mary Martin, of Harrisburg, Fa., says : “ I suffered severely from a complication of female diseases ; that sense of bearing-down seemed as if it would kill me; ray habits were very irregular: nothing seemed to benefit me until I tried Brown’s Iron Bitters. They acted like a charm, and now I enjoy perfect health.” A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is fur nished by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular from its superior cleanliness.. professional’ (Ennis. R. B. ADAIR, Dentist, JunelO-'SI. Gainesville, Ga. OIIN J. STRICKLAND, A TTORNEY-AT- LAW, Danielsville, Ga., Will promptly attend to all business en trusted to him. dec 17, ’SO. It. N. B CASH. Nicholson, Ga., Tenders his professional services to the surrounding country. Rheumatism, Neu ralgia and the diseases of women a speci alty. Feb.l3th, 1880. ly OWARD THOMPSON, A TTOI t xev-at-Law, Gainesville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business placed in his hands. WILEY G. HOWARD, Attorney-at-Law, Jefferson, Ga., Will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to his care. inch 4, SILMAN & THOMPSON, A TTt >RNEYS-AT-LAW, Jefferson, Ga., Will practice in Jackson and adjoining counties. Notice to Trespassers! I HEREBY forbid V. A. Toney. M. G. Toney, E. Rowden and IV. Ilowdcn from trespassing upon my land in any manner, under the penalties of the law. Sept. 23, 1881. J. B. DUNNAUOO. Motice. WILL be let to the lowest bidder, be fore the Court House door in Jef ferson, Jackson county, -Ga., on Tuesday, the 25th day ofOc ober, 1881, the contract for superintending, managing and caring for t!ie inmates of the Poor House of said county for the years 1882 and 1883. the county to furnish all provisions, clothing, medical attention, See., necessary for the paupers, and the person making the lowest hiil, per montn, for said service of superin tending, Ac.. will be awarded the contract, upon the following conditions : The con tractor will be required to do and perform all duties necessary for the comfort and welfare of said paupers, and to control said inmates with humanity, looking both to their welfare and the county’s inter ests; to plant and cultivate, at his expense, a garden sufficient to supply vegetables for the inmates of said Poor House ; and will be required to give bond, with good secu rity. in the sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned for an honest administration, respectful and humane treatment of the paupers, and faithful discharge of all du ties thereto required ; and will be required to make monthly reports to the Ordinary, showing the number and condition of the inmates, amount expended for provisions, clothing, medical attention, Sec., during the month, and the amount of provisions, Ac., on hand at the end of each month. Besides forfeiting said bond, the contrac tor will be subject to removal the Ordi nary at any time upon a case made for failure or refusal to conipty with any of the conditions or regulations. The person to whom, said contract shall be awarded will be allowed the proceeds of the farm, cultivated at his own expense, to be taken as a part compensation for services as Su perintendent. Also, at the same time and place, will be let to the physician who is the lowest bidder, the contract for rendering medical services to the inmates of said Poor House per month, subject to like regulations as to duty, monthly reports, See., as the Su perintendent. For more definite specifications, apply at this office. 11. W. BELL, Ordinary Jackson County. Sept. 23, 1881. Jackson Postponed She riff's Sale. WILL be sold, before tho Court Douse door in Jefferson, on the first Tues day in November, ISBI, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit: A tract of land, situated in the 242d District, G. M., of said county, containing eighty-one acres, more or less, adjoining lands of J. E. Arnold, Lee Morris, Robert Morris and others. Levied on as the property of J. 11. Eads and S. J. Eads, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justice’s Court of the 212d District, G. M., in favor of J. R. Crane vs. J. 11. and 8. J. Eads. Levy made and returned to me by J. C. Williamson, L. C. Notice given the tenant in possession, as the law directs. T. A. MgELIIANNON. Sh*fF. Jackson Mortgage She riff's Sale. WILL be sold, before the Court House door in Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November, 1 SSI, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to wit: One black mare mule, about eight years old. Levied on as the property of Croft'Duke, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage ti. fa. in favor of 11. Atkins & Cos., vs. Croff Duke, issued from the Supe rior Court of said county. The property described in said fi. fa. T. A. McELIIANNON, Sh’lf. Whereas, John I. Pittman and J. W. Strickland, Administrators dc bonis non on the estate of John I. Parks, deceased, applies for leave to sell the land belong ing to tlie estate of said dec*d— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any, on the first Monday in November. 1881, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why said leave should not be granted the applicants. Given under my official signature, Sep teinber 20th, ISBI. H. W. BELL, CrPy. FLORESTON Fragrant, COLOGNE. Be freshing'. A New, Delightful and Fashionable Perfume. Sold by druggists ami fancy goods dealers. None genuine without signature of HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. Y. ; (Tinge r, Buehn, Mandrake, Stiilingia and .many of the best medicines known are combined! 'in Parker s Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of. ,such varied and effective powers, as to make it' the greatest Blood Purifier and the I Beat Health & Strength Restorer pver nsed.. It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-' Eia, Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the! tomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Urinary. [Organs, and all Female Complaints. , If you are wasting away with Consumption or] any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter, [what your symptoms are, it will surely help you.' Remember! This Tonic never intoxicates,' •cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Med-! [icine ever made, and entirely different from' !Bitters, Ginger Preparations, and other Tonics.' • Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist. None gen-! >uine without our signature on outside wrapper.. ! w Hiscox & Cos!, Chemists. N. Y. 1 PARKER’S HAIR BALSAMIS&'^S Land for Sale! I OFFER for sale the place whereon I live, near Hood’s mills, in Jackson count}', containing two hundred acres. Fifty acres of good land open for cultiva tion. a very fair residence and other build ings, and plenty of good strong lands in forest and old field pine, and also" bottom land uncleared. Will sell at a bargain. Call on W. C. Howard, Jefferson, Ga., or myself, on the place, for information. MARGARET CARITHERS, Sept. 23J, 1881. Apple Valley, Ga. 500 MEN Can be supplied with the finest Cooking Stoves ever brought to the market of Northeast Georgia. With our excellent Cook Stoves , we give everything that is WANTED in the Kit alien for all cooking purposes, and guar antee in every cook stove to give satisfaction . tf you want something that is good and will be cer tain to give you satisfaction, APPLY To W. 11. JONES, Sup ’t, A.t tlie “ Red. Stored OPPOSITE COHEN’S. Athens, Ga., Sept. IGUi, 1881. One Thousand People Wanted! TO BUY THOSE CHEAP GOODS AT PARKER & CAMP BROS. We are receiving daily, a large and well selected assortment of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrup, and the Best Mackerel ITST THE CITY. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF CAoOtX.S, &VVUVYS Wc have bought in large quantities, and can offer Great Inducements TO THOSE PURCHASING BAGGING AND TIES. REMEMBER, WE SELL ONLY AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES l. Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton. Call and See That We Mean What We Say! PARKER $ CAMP PROS., Feb. 25 No. 12 Broad Street, Athens, Ga: MARBLE I A. R. ROBERTSON,. DEALER I3ST Monuments, and Tomb Stones,.. I HAVE A LARGE LOT OF MOSILUENT& HEAD AM) FOOT STONES, Cradle cfc Box Tomtos^ YawVAyc A tv\u\ soys oy YjvA\.yyv\w ■> That 1 Will Sell this Fall at Very Low Figures. GIVE 3VLE A. CALL, AA3NTID GET MY PRICES.. A. R. ROBERTSON, Monumental Builder, Athens, Georgia. J. N. MONTGOMERY, (Broad Street, next door to Col. Dobbs, Athens, Ga.) DEALER IILV LOUIS COOK’S BUGGIES, Carriages cfc Harness, Which I warrant equal to any sold in this market at same prices. THE OLD IIICKOR'Y WAGON—warranted as good as the best. THE FARQI IIAR ENGlNE—noted for power and durability. THE FARQUHAR SEPARATOR—nothing better nor cheaper in market. THE ATLAS ENGINE—one of the most popular and cheapest on the market. The well-known ECLIPSE ENGINE, and the BOOKWALTER ENGINE, Horse Power, for 835 J. The well-known BROWN COTTON GIN, CONDENSER and FEEDER, Cheapest Gin on the market. Also, the celebra.ed IIALL GIN: nothing liner. COTTON PRESSES, PORT ABLE CORN, WHEAT and SAW MILLS, SORGHUM MILLS, EVAPORATORS, SHINGLE MACHINES. The well-known OLIVER CHILLED TURN PLOW, SULKY and GANG PLOWS. Improved HARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS, REAP ERS, MOWERS, and other improved agricultural implements. Also, several brands of FERTILIZERS. ENGINES and other articles kept on hand. Sept 9-ly J. N. MONTGOMEEY.