Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, December 09, 1881, Image 1

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JACKSON HERALD. ROBERT S. HOWARD,? Editor and Publisher. $ VOLUME i. C. w - dupre 3 Graincsville, C3r^-, ]'S HEADQUARTERS for good reliable goods, and the Leader in Low Prices. My stock of General Merchandise is the . largest I have ever carried, and the most extensive and best selected stock ever brought to Gainesville. My Dry Goods 33o]psL:r*t33 7 xe:o_t Is full and replete in everv line. The most elegant line of DIIESB GOODS. SILKS, SA lINS. PLAIDS, SI RTPLS and BROCADES ever offered here. A superb line of FLANNELS, WATERPROOFS, C’ASIMERES, JEANS, CLOTHS, etc. My stock of LADIES’ CLOAKS will equal that of every house in the city together. This line is complete in all grades. Every lady can be suited here. My Glove, Hosiery and Corset Departments Arc full of the best goods and lowest prices. In MILLINERY, IIATS, RTBBONS and TRIMMINGS, for ladies wear, I have an elegant line, with MISS MARY IIEADEN, a superb Trimmer, at the head of this Department. Clothing l ClotbLing 1 1 In my Clothing Department may always be found everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store. This stock is uncqual cd in this section. “ KEEP’S” Shirts, Collars and Cuffs a specialty. No fancy prices. I have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes, for Gents. Ladies and Children, ever offered to the trade in Northeast Georgia. Ziegler’s Shoes, and other noted brands in full lines. My stock is complete in every department, and as to prices 1 will guarantee to sell anything in 1113' stock as low as similar goods can be bought in Atlanta or Athens, or any other market. All l ask is an opportunity to convince you. Come to Gainesville. Come to see me. * C. W. DuPHE. P. S.—l buy all kinds of Country Produce at highest market prices. £epf Hibertisemmk Postponed Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold, before the Court House door in the town of Jefferson, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January ncx't, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land, situated in Jackson county, Ga., on the waters of the South Oconee river, in the 212d District. G. M., containing two hundred and tift3 r -five acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Varnum, Wallis, Long and others. <hi said place there arc two tenant houses; about thirty or fort} 7 acres of the land in good state of cultivation, the balance of the land is in old field pines. Levied on as the property of John 11. Harrison, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county in favor of Wm. Patman vs. John H. Harrison and W. 1). Harrison. Said fi. fa. now controlled by M. A. Patman. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Written notice given to the tenants in possession, as the law directs. T. A. McELIIANNON, Sh’ff. Jackson Sheriff's Sale. \\l ILL be sold, before the Court House IT door in Jefferson, Jackson county. Ga.. on the first Tuesday in January, 1882, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit: Twenty-five bushe’s of corn in the shuck, eight hundred bundles of fodder and one bale of cotton, weighing about three hundred and thirty pounds, more or less. Levied on as the property of G. L. Wood, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county, at the February term, ISSI. in favor of S. P. Thurmond vs. Green Wood and M. B. Doster. Property pointed out by 8. P. Thurmond, plaintiff in fi. fa. T. A. McELIIANNON, SU’ff. Whereas, Helena E. Long applies for Letters of Guardianship of the property and persons of Hubbert Long and Homer Long, minors of John A. Long, dec’u— This is to cite all concerned, and the next of kin, to show caus% if any 7 , on the first Monday in January, 1882, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why said Letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my oflicial signature, No vember 30th, ISBI. 11. W. BELL, Ord’v. Jackson County. Whereas, O. 11. P. Pettyjohn, Admin istrator on the estate of Temperance Pet tyjohn. late of said county 7 , deceased, rep resents to the Court that he has fully and completely administered said deceased’s estate and is entitled to a discharge— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in Feb ruary, 1882, why said Letters of Dismis sion should not be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, Oc tober 29th, 1881. 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. HCXOdSES and Cattle Powders. OF ALL the powders that arc in the market, none stand the test of trial better than JACOBS’. They have a very EXTENSIVE SALE, ami their great reputation is due more to real merit than to any putting in the news papers, as they have not been indiscrimi nately advertised, but have grown into favor by actual use. This Powder is carefully prepared from the best materials, and is warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. It gives Horses an appetite, and causes them to digest and appropriate their food. It is a sure preventive and cure for LUNG FEVER, Colic, Yellow Water, Distemper, Etc. Many Horses have an appetite and eat heartily but do not gain tlesh, the skin is tight and the liair rough and dead. In such cases “ 3<\coW YoyyaW" will give a soft, healthy look to the hair, the skin will become loose ancl the Horse improve rapidly. By the use of this POWDER the quan tity of Milk and Cream will be increased ten per cent, in Cattle. Directions for Use.—For Spring Fc ycr from two to four tablespoonfuls a day. lor all other diseases a tablespoonful three tunes a day. Large Packages, price 23 Cents. FOlt SALE BY Dr. J. B. Pendergrass. Jeffers n. Ca. L. G. Ilardman, Harmony Grove, j )r */h L. Harden, llarino- y Grove, Ga. LA. Madden, Maysville, Ga. nov 18 Kith scribe for the Herald. A :'war N£n fllqS The leading MGeiUlstsi of to-slay agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, there fore, the Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will he the re sult. 'lbis truth lias only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find re lief. The discovery of Warner’s Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure marks anew era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just the elements necessary to nour ish and invigorate both of these great or gans, and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a E*OSIT2ViI Eieiuedr for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver —Headaches—Jaundice— Dizziness—Gra vel—Fever. Ague—Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucor rhooa or Falling of the Womb. Asa Blood Purifier it is unequalcd, for it cures the organs that make the blood. This Remedy, which has done such won ders. is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the mar ket, and is sold by Druggists and all deal ers at per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER’S SAFE DIA BETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Rem edy. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. Yov AY wYeYves, YVocWs, Jewelry and Silverware, CALL ON TIIE “Old Reliable/’ The largest and best assorted stock in the city. Headquarters for Guns and Pistols: ALL KINDS OF Ammunition ana Hunters’ Supplies Always on Hand. ALL KINDS OF Ilri.eipfstiirxiASf . done promptly and neatly. MY GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR casw \ and T will sell cheap. Give me a call, and look at my stock. AY. A. TALMADGE, < oil, in.l: aviai a:, Athens, - Georgia. October 2Sth. HARTWELL HIGH SCHOOL. Hartwell, Ga. MORGAN L. PARKER, A. B, Principal. HP IIE Spring Session for ISS2 will open JL on Monday, the 9th of January, and close on Friday, the 25th of June. Tuition, per’month, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and SI.OO. according to advancement. Music (extra) SI.OO. Board from ss.oo to SIO.OO per month. Those seeking a place to send their chil dren are invited to give our school their consideration. For full particulars, apply to the Prin cipal. dec 2 JEFFERSON. JACKSON COUNTY. GA.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1), 1881. >5 All Ac (X. vxVvscAVaww . Spoopendyke’s Sardines. “ Look here, mv dear,” said Mr. Spoopendyke, tossing over the ribbons and laces in his wife’s bureau drawer, *“ wlull's become of the can opener ? I don’t see it anywhere.” “ What do you want of it ?" a-ked Mrs. Spoopendyke, fluttering up to protect her trinkets, and trying to gain a little time. “ I want to open some sardines with it,” returned Mr. Spoopendyke. aban doningthe drawer and hunting through the work-basket. “ Think I want to comb my hair with it? Imagine I want to write a letter with it ? Well I don’t. I want some sardines. What have you done with it?” “ You might take your big knife,” recommended Mrs. Spoopendyke. “The large blade is just the thing for that.” Mr. Spoopendyke seized the knife and bored away atone corner of the box. while his wife looked on with considerable distress. “ Hadn’t you better put a paper un der the box? You'll get the oil all over the table cloth,” suggested Mrs. Spoopendy ke. "No, I wo.i’t, cither,” said Mr. Spoopendyke, as the knife plunge*! through and the oil spattered. “ Serve you right if I did,” lie continued, plow ing avva3 7 at the tin, while the grease flew in all directions. “ It would teach you to put the can-opener where 3 r ou could find it. What kind of house keeping do you call this, anyhow ?” he yelled, as the blade slipped out and closed up on his fingers. “Did you hurt yourself, dear?” asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, anxiously. “ No, I didn’t hurt nij’self,” grinned Mr. Spoopendyke. “The dog-gasted knife struck the bone, or I would have heen dead with agony an hour ago. Give me some ether!” lie howled. " Fetch me some chloroform ! S’pose I’m going to saw at tlii3 box any more without an anesthetic ? Got an idea I'm going to chip off a couple dozen fingers without something to deaden the [lain ? Where’s the laughing gas ? Give rue some laughing gas while I extract these measl y- old fish and Mr. Spoopendyke pranced around the room, and then jabbed the knife into the box again, an 1 ripped away as though he was run by steam. “No use to hide away from me !” he y 7 elied, hacking away at the box with all his might. “ I know you’re in there, and there can’t any dog-gasted sardine that ever was built get away from me. Come out. I tell 3 7 e,” and he seized a fish by the tail and slung him across the room. “You’re transacting busi ness with Spoopendyke now !” and he clawed out a handful of mashed sar dines and slapped them down on bis plate. “ Won't you spoil ’em, dear ?” ask ed Mrs. Spoopendyke, dodging the flying heads and tails. “ They won’t be very good if you open them that wav.” “O, won't they ?” howled Mr. Spoopendyke. “If you don’t like 'em that way, what’d you ask for them for? Maybe you want me to take ’em out in a baby carriage ? P'raps you've got an idea that I ought to climb un der 'em and lift’em out? Maybe you want me to get into that box with a boat, and take ’em out with a seine? Well. I won't, I tell ye. Give me the tongs; 1 want that fish at the bottom. Where's the tongs ? Gone to get married to the can opener, haven’t they ?” and Mr. Spoopendyke grabbed another fish and fired it into the grate. “Be patient, my dear,” said Mrs. Spoopendyke, soothingly. “ Make the opening a little wider and they'll eotne out.” “Ain't I patient?” shouted Mr. Spoopendyke. “ P'raps you want me to sing to ’em, 4 1 wish I was an angel with the ,’ dod gast the fish ! Come out of that?” and with a wrench Mr. Spoopendyke hauled off the top and disclosed the mangled remains of his enemies. *• Now give me a lemon,” and he eyes the repast with anything but con tentment. “Stir around and get me a lemon, quick, now !” “Upon my word, my T dear, I don't believe there’s a lemon in the house,” stammered Mrs. Spoopendyke. 44 I had one.” “O, you had one !” proclaimed Mr. Spoopendyke, “only you’re just out. If you'd been brought up right you’d only need an awning and a family on the top floor to be a grocery shop ! S'posc I’m going to eat these sardines FOR THE PEOPLE. alive? Gimme something to put on them, will you ?” “ What would you like m3 7 , dear,” queried Mrs. Spoopendyke. “ Ink, dod gnst it! Fetch me some measly ink! Got. any nails? Can’t ye find some laudanum somewhere?’ and Mr. Spoopendyke projected him self into the closet and pranced out with a bottle of arnica. “ There,” he howled, as he dashed the contents over the sardines, “there is your fish all ready for yon. and the next time you'll have a lemon, will ye? Find a can opcne\ won’t ye?” And Mr. Spoopendyke flopped into his clmir and picked up the pa per. “ Don't }’ou want some of the fish ?” asked Mrs. Spoopendy ke, after a long pause. “ No, I do’n’t," growled Mr. Spoop endyke. “ But this is a fresh box,” said Mrs. Spoopendyke, displaying the sardines in neat layers. “ 1 low’d you get it open ?” deman ded Mr. Spoopendyke. “ With the can opener,” replied his wife; I found it in 3'our tool-box, where you put it to sharpen it.” “ Mai be I put the lemon in there to sharpen too.” grunted Spoopendyke, pegging away at the box and looking tip with his mouth full ; but, recogniz ing the taste of vinegar, he made some remark about some people only need ing a handle and a cork to be a fortu natusjug, and having finished the lot he demanded why his wife hadn’t ask ed for ’em if she wanted some, and went to bed with some incoherent ol) nervations on the absurdity of some folks sitting around like martyrs with fish within reach.— Brooklyn Eagle. Mr. Martin A. Connolly 7 , a merchant in Oil City, Pa., writes: “I inherited ill health from m3 7 parents, who were both short lived. My wife is a sickly little woman, and has suffered consid erably. We have had five children, three of whom died in infancy; the otiier two, a boy 4 years of age and a girl of 7 years, have always been quite puny, weak, and sickly. Some time ago I read a medical work that spoke of iron as being essential to life, that a want of iron in the blood was the principal cause of ill health. Shortly afterward I saw an advertisement of Brown’s Iron Bitters. I determined to try it for myself and family. The result has far exceeded my greatest anticipation. Myself, wife and chil dren have all grown healthy and strong. Sores, aches and pains, head aches, indigestion and sleeplessness, formerly so common in my family, trouble us no more. Every 7 bottle is worth its weight in gold.” The Pink-Eye. The disease known as pink-eye, now prevailing among horses all over the country, threatens to prove as epi dernic in character as the epizootic of nine years ago, and equally as dis astrous in its consequence. It first made its appearance in the Western cities, and was not long in spreading, until now horses in almost every village and hamlet in the country are more or less affected by the disease. The following, from the New York Star, is of interest: Surgeons differ somewhat as to the origin and cause of pink-eye, but are generally unanimous as to the effect and necessary cure. Dr. Thomas Barron, who was called on in reference to the matter, said that with proper treatment a horse could be easily cured. He had already had a number of cases, and of those brought to him in time not a single animal had died. lie thought that pink-eye was due to the inhaling of an atmospheriegerm, which enters the system and poisons the blood. There are four stages. At first, the horse experiences a heavy, languid feeling, and is noticeably weak. In the second stage, the eyes become in flamed and discharge a watery sub stance. During the third stage the animal loses its appetite, and in the advanced stage his limbs and body begin to swell, until death relieves liis suffering. A horse should not he put to any work while sick, but should be kept in a clean and well ventilated stable. The medicine which is given is intended to work on the liver and kidneys, it being the object of the surgeon to carry off the surcharged watery matter, which would otherwise undoubtedly end in a dropsical affec tion. If care is, therefore, taken, both as far as sanitary and phyical meas- ures are concerned, the horse will recover in almost every instance. Dr. Barron showed the reporter a stable where, on the floor, lay a large white horse, which had been brought to him after it had readied an advanced stage. The animal’s limbs and body were greatly swollen, while his groans testified his suffering. Opposite to him stood a large bay horse, who was also in an advanced stage, but more likely to recover than his neighbor. The re porter also visited the stables of Dr. R. P. Lord, on Pennsylvania avenue, who was also at work on his horses. In reply to the question as to the origin of pink eye, lie said he attributed it to an excess of bile on the liver, superinduced by feeding the animals on too much rich food, combined with the excessive heat during the past season. Unless this bile was carried off the system, and the horse given tonics, the b’ood would eventually be poisoned. The pinkish color of the eyes, he thought, was due to the effu sion of the red particles of the blood under the mucous membrane. The disintegration of the blood is the cause of the dropsical swelling all over the s body. Dr. Lord also expressed him self strongly against the practice of allowing horses to work while infect ed with the disease. They wore not lit to be in harness, and would un doubtedly recover if placed in comfort able quarters. The disease might be contageous. nevertheless he kept his own stock in the same stable with the diseased horses. lie mentioned a number of stables of which he had change, and in which hardly a horse escaped the attack. “The disease,” said he, “seems to be misunderstood in New York, where they 7 compare it with the epizootic. The latter is altogether different, it being a catarrhal disease and affects the lungs while pink eye affects the liver and kidneys.” He called atten tion to a young colt in the stall, which was just recovering. It was Sadie Bell, by Bash a. and well known in sporting circles. The doctor also spoke of the cattle disease known as pleuro pneu monia. and which is now prevalent in some of the counties in the State. He thought that stronger measures should he taken to stamp it out before it spreads over a greater extent of terri tory. ami referred to the action of the English Government about seven years ago, when the disease | revailed in Great Britain. On that occasion the condemned cattle were purchased hy the Government at half price an 1 slaughtered, and thus the plague ex terminated. It was an expensive proceedings, costing between two and three million pounds, but was most effectual. A Kind Word Of Advice. If y f ou feel yourself growing weak, your strength failing, the natural func tions of the body becoming impaired, take warning in time; your system needs Iron, which, when combined with proper vegetable extracts, produces a tonic of rare medicinal effect. Such a remedy is Brown’s Iron Bitters, Buy it of your druggist and do not be persuaded to take a substitute, for this is the only remedy which gives per manent strength. It contains ro alco hol, nor does it blacken the teeth. It receives the universal endorsement of clergymen, physicians, druggists, and all who have used it. The Editor and the Shoemaker. One day an editor, hard at work try ing t*> devise a plan to make delin quent subscribers pay their dues, was called upon by a shoemaker who drop ped in to give the editor some valuable hints on running a newspaper. The editor, overjoyed at the opportunity, gave the man his cane-bottom chair, handed him a fresh cigar and listened attentively 7 . Quoth the shoemaker, as he lit the weed : “ Your paper needs a hundred improved features. You don’t grasp the topics of the day by the right handle ; you don’t set the lo cals in the right kind of type; your telegraph news is too thin, even the paper itself is poorly 7 manufactured, not thick enough and of too chalky a white ; you don’t run enough matter, and what you do run ain’t of the right sort; your ideas about protective ta riff arc infernally foolish, and your stand on the Conkling matter was bad, bad. I tell y r ou these things because I want to see you succeed. I tell you as a friend. I don’t take your paper myself, but I see it once in awhile, and as a paper is a public affair I sup pose I have as good a right to criticise as anybody. If a man wants to give me advice I let hiru ; I’m glad to have him in fact.” “That’s exactly it,” said the editor, kindly ; “I always had a dim idea of my shortcomings but never had them so clearly and convincingly set forth ashy you. It is impossible to express my gratitude for the trouble you have taken, not only to find out these facts, but to point them out also. Some peo ple knowing all these things perhaps nearly as well as you are mean enough to keep them to themselves. Your suggestions come in a most appropri ate time; I have wanted somebody to lean on, as it were, for some weeks. Keep j'our et'es on the paper, and when you see a weak spot come up.” The shoemaker left, happy to knojp that his suggestions had been received with such a Christain spirit. Next day, just as he was finishing a boot, the editor came in, and, picking up the mate, remarked : “I want to tell you how that boot strikes me. In the first place the leather is poor; the stitches in the sole ae too wide apart, and in the up pers too near the edge. Those uppers will go to pieces in two weeks. It’s all wrong, my friend, putting poor leath er in the heels and smoothing it over with grease and lamp-black. Every body complains of your boots: they don't last; the legs are too short, the toes too narrow and the instep too high. Mow you can have the gall to charge twelve dollars fur such boots beats me. Now, I tell you this as a friend, be cause I like to see you succeed. Of course l don't know any more about shoemaking than you do about a news paper, but still I take an interest in you because you are so well disposed to me. In fact—,” Here the exasperated cobbler grab bed a lapstone, and the editor gained the street, followed by old knives, pinchers, hammers and awls, sent af ter him by the wrathful cobble-, who, on regaining his scut, swore by the nine gods that no impertinent, lop eared idiot should ever come round trying to teach bha his trade.— Carson (Nev ) Appeal. The Nation’s Riches. Tiie annual report of the operations of the Treasury of the United States for the fiscal year ended J line 30, 1881, has been published. The receipts were $300,782,292 .57. and the expenditures $260,712,887.59, leaving an excess of $109,069,401.98. of which $51,401,- 801 05 was used in the redemption of the debt. The receipts show an in crease over those of the previous year Iron) ncrly every source, amounting to $27,255,681.50. The expenditures are $6,930,070.19 less than last year, showing a net increase in the surplus revenue of $34,1.85.751.78. The amount paid for premium and interest on the debt- was $83,569,990, a decrease of $14,932,905.57 from the amount paid in 1880. During the year lifty foiir national banks were organized and twenty went into liquidation, leav ing 2.136 doing business at tli 0 close. No national bank failed in tiie year. 'Flie amount of United States bonds ret ired was $35,304,050. There is no law in regard to the reserve to be held for the redemption of the legal tender notes, but the custom of the department is to hold about 40 per cent of the amount outstanding, which is about $362,000,000. The reserve usually ranges from $145,000,000 to $150,000,000. The total demand for coin in redemption of United States notes since resumption has heen but $12,029,081. and since February, 1881, no notes have been presented for re demption. A feature of the legal tender circula tion in the last two years has been the steady increase in the number of notes of S2O and under, and a proportionate decrease in the notes of larger denom inations. At the close of the fiscal year 1879, there were outstanding 48,497,283 notes, at the close of 1880, 55,573,301, and the 30 th of June, 1881, 59,839,069, an increase of nearly twenty-five per cent in two years. In the last year there was an increase of $2.313,429 in onc-dollar notes, $1.891,- 310 in two dollars, $4,136,530 in five, $2,073,636 in ten dollar notes. The amount of the ones and twos has in creased $8,587,250 .in the last two years. The chief cause of this increase is the revival of business and the greater demand for small notesJbr the payment of operatives and for use in small transactions. The amount of coinage of silver dollars under the act of February 7, 28 1878, to 30th September, 1880 is $93,322,705, of which $32,373,423, or nearly 33 per cent, is in circulation, and $35,949,279 remain in the treas ury 7 . The amount put- in circulation last year was $2,367,260 less than in the year previous, showing a consider able falling off in the demand. Against the amount held in the treasury there arc silver certificates outstanding amounting to $51,166,530. Of gold certificates there are only $5,782,920 outstanding. Of the fractional currency originally 7 issued $26,034 293.13 has been re deemed, leaving $15,474,444.35 out standing. Of this amount it is estimated that at least $14,000,000 has been lost or destroyed, and will constitute a profit to the treasury. In the past year the amount redeemed was only $83,434.35. One Experience from Many. “ I had been sick and miserable so long and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was completely disheartened and discouraged. In this frame of mind 1 got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family 7 . I soon began to ifcprovc, and gained so fast that my husband and family thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told them what had helped me, they said, ‘llurrah for llop Bitters! long may they 7 prosper, for they have made mother well and us happy.’ ” —The Mother. —Home Jour mil. Not Used to Him. The other evening a Brush street policeman heard a whistle shrilly blown and a female voice calling for help, and after a short run he reached the scene of commotion. A .man was getting up and falling down again on the door steps, and a female had her head out of an upper window and seemed to bo half scared to death. “ What’s the matter ?” asked the officer. “ A man has been kicking on the door,” she answered. “ This man here ?” “ Yes. I thought he’d tear the whole house down.” The officer reached out for the man and made two discoveries. It was the woman's husband, and be was fighting drunk. “ Why, this man wouldn't hurt you —lie’s your husband,” lie called out. “Is that so ? Charles, is that you ?” “ Bet yer life’s sroee,” mumble! 1 . Charles. “Then you really must excuse me,' Mr. Officer. You see, wc have only been married six w’eeks, and I do not readily recognize him yet. I'll be down in a minute, darling.”— Detroit Free Press. It is a Foolish Mistake to confound a remedy of merit with the quack medicines now so common. We have used Parker’s Ginger Tonic with the happiest results for Rheumatism an l Dyspepsia, and when worn out by. overwork, and know it to be a ster’i ig health restorative. Times. Sec adv. S TERMS, $1.50 PER ANNUM, if SI.OO for Six Months. MAKING WATCHES. Defective Watch Cases arc one of the chief causes of so many watches not being good time pieces. The cases being thin and not litting well, admit dust and dirt to the movement, which soon interferes with the running parts of the watch, ne cessitating cleaning, repairing. &c., and the amount thus paid out, if applied to ward buying a good case in the beginning,, would have saved all this trouble and ex-- pensc. V* e have recently seen a case that meets all these requirements, it having been carried tor over twenty years and still remains perfect. We Veter to the •IAS. BOSS’ Patent Stiffened Goi.it Case, which lias become one of the staple articles of the Jewelry trade, possessing as it does so many advantages over all other watch cases, being made of two heavy plates of solid gold over a plate of composition, and we advise all our rea ders to ask their Jeweler l’or a card or catalogue that will explain the manner in which they are made. It is the only Stiffened Case made with two plates of gold, seamless pen dants and center, solid joints, crown pieces, &c., all of which are covered by letters patent. Therefore buy no case be fore consulting a Jeweler who keeps the •JAS. BOSS’ Patent Stiffened Gol.iv Case, that you may learn the difference' between it and all imitations that claim to be equally as good. For sale by all responsible Jewelers. Ask to see the warrant that accompanies each case, and don’t be persuaded that any other make of case is as good. Col. John C. Whitner, of Atlanta. Ga., says he owes his life to Warne’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. The Marietta Journal gives the fol lowing romantic account of the reun ion of u couple in Cobb county after a separation of eighteen years : “When' Mr. El'jali Walraven enlisted in the Confederate army in 1.3G3 lie left be hind him a beautiful young wife and three children. When lie returned’ home at the close of the war his wife and three children were not to be found. He learned that she had been persua ded when the Federals occupied this country, that her safety was in going North. For years no tidings came of her whereabouts, and not knowing* whether she was alive or dead, he in stituted procc-e lings for divorce, which was granted. Mr. Walraven married a worthy lady in this county, who bore him one child, and she died. In the meantime his first wife, learning of the divoce and marriage of her hus band in Georgia, began to receive mat rimonial proposals and married a Northern man, who, after a brief mar ried life, died. Not desiring to live alone she married the third husband, a Mr. Beckner. lie sickened and died. One child as the result of this union was left her. Her three children by her first husband grew up and married well off, and they opened correspon dence with their father. Last Feb ruary their father paid them a visit to their home in Indiana. While there he met the wife of his first love. The meeting was a joyous one, and old times were talked over and mutual ex planations made. The result was they became re-engaged. Mr. Walraven returned to his home at Kennesaw, in' this county, and according to agree nent Mis Beckner arrived at Kenne saw last Thursday'. There she was met by Mr. Wa'raven, who had the marriage license ready, and forthwith the happy couple were reunited after a separation of eighteen years, J. L. Hughes, J. L\, performing the ceremo ny. Certainly truth is stranger than fiction, and the whirligig of time brings around some strange events. It, is the wish of Mr. Walraven’s friends that h s last marriage may he happier than his ! r t and never again be 1 r ken.” Rheumatism, neuralgia, hysteria, female weakness, etc., promptly cured wit’n Brown’s Iron Ritters. A few days ago some workmen who had bored an artesian well near Rich mond and Carr streets in Cincinnati to a depth of eighty three feet were' astonished to see the water stop flow ing and to find that gas was escaping from the pipe. When lighted the gas from a one inch pipe made a flame seven feet in length and equal in illu minating power to nearly five hundred ordinary gas burners. The gas is ap parently pure, and is said to cotne from a bed of coal oil. Spectators are flocking by the thousand to, sec the phenomenon. Among the first to formally approve' and use the revised version of the New Testament were the Protestant clergy men of New Haven. A few days ago, in a meeting fur discussing the sub ject, a majority announced a change of opinion by voting that it was too faulty to bo acceptable. The chief condemnation was of bad English, the Itev. Dr. John E. Todd declaring that lie had counted 150 errors of graram: x uncorrocted in one of the epistles to the Corinthians alone. A C roner’s jur\ r at Brackett, Texasj was some what surprised to see a Mexican who had been shot by a jealous husband, and who was thought dead, rise up just as they were about to begin sitting on him, and inquire what all the fuss was about. The sup posed corpse came to just about in time to prevent the usual dissection and post-mortem examination. r>aron Von Mueller, curator of the* splendid botanical gardens at Mel bourne, says that he has seen pepper mint trees {Eucalyptus piperita) on the Dandenorg range. Australia, 480 feet high—-almost as high as St. Raufs* Cathedra], London. NUMBER 49,