Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, December 09, 1881, Image 2

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TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, 12 months $1 50 “ ** < *' 75 “ “ 3 “ 5o CASH subscriptions are preferred, but to reliable parties a year's credit will be given, but not for a longer period. EACH subscriber will be notified be fore their time expires, and the paper will be stopped unless the subscription is re newed and all past dues settled. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ONE DOLL All per inch for the first and FIFTY CENTS for each subsequent inser tion. A LL advertisements sent without speci fication of the number of insertions mark ed thereon, will be published TILL KOK lill). Annual or semi-annual contracts for space will be made on application. Legal advertisements will be inserted at the rate prescribed by law. Hills for the same due, and must be paid, after first insertion of advertisement, or the ** ads’* will be discontinued. AH bills for contract advertising are due after first insertion of advertisement, and must be paid when presented. TRANSIENTS in ndtanre. \V e reserve the right to demand cash in advance, both for subscriptions and adver tising, when wc see fit. Jackson Herald. ROBERT S. HOWARD, Editor. JEFFERSON, OA. — ritllf IV, !>*<•* inlcr !), IHS!. The Gainesville Eagle is authority fr the statement that it would not be long before a Republican paper would be started in that town. The Atlanta Constitution says : “ It appears that our nice new President is hunting around for a Georgia Mahonc. There will be less difficulty in discovering a Mnhone than in find ing an clement to support him.” The clement is here but the trouble will be to get something for the idiots to talk about. A dispatch to the Athens Daily Banner, from Washington City, says that, in the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the lion. Emory Speer voted the straight out Democratic ticket. lie did not, however, go into the Democratic cau cus, and will not, in the opinion oft lie writer of the telegram, and we suppose lie knows. It is intimated that the administra tion intend to Mahono Georgia with Gen. Longstreet. While the General is a nice man and all that, we could not think of a worse man in Georgia for the job. Gen. Longstreet is no* popular and has no following amongst the people. lie has never obtained office or promineee in Georgia through the voters, and never will. First Assistant Postmaster General Hatton has issued an order permitting postal towns to be quarantined as to mails, upon the representation of the proper health officers or the county medical society that small pox prevails. Postmasters may refuse to accept the mails from such towns, but must im mediately report all the facts to the Post Office Department. The mails thus refused must be returned to the offices from which they were sent, and held until the quarantine is removed ; then they must be thoroughly fumiga ted and sent to their original destina tion. We see that Frank L. Ilarralson has announced his intention of running for Congress in the Fifth Distirct on the Independent schedule. While we would rather see him in the ranks of the raossbacks, yet we don’t know of a better man in the District, and he is just as competent to stand of for it in Congress as the most of them. We know hi in like a book, and in our knowledge he has always been a straight forward, honest and fearless champion of the people. Though young, yet he has the right kind of grit in him to make a model Represen lative and has plenty of brains to keep himself well balanced. If the Fifth must run off after Independent gods, she cannot do better than to stick to Frank L. Ilarralson. The contest over the Athens P->st Office is of great importance to the politicians. The term of office of the present incumbent. Dr. Joe Orr, will expire some time soon. Congressman Speer has united with Dr. Orr's friends in trying to secure a re-appointment for him, but the great difficulty in the way is that Dr. Orr’s politics don't coincide with that of the present ad ministration. The policy of the Ilayes and Garfield administrations were to encourage Mr. Speer in his fight against the Organized Democracy by giving him the patronage of the Dis trict. This was very trying to the regular Republicans of the District, and they have always been disposed to kick up at it, and from the present indication it seems that they are about to get the inside track on Mr. Speer, since we see it slated that it will be almost impossible to keep a Republi can from being appointed in place of Dr. Orr. Should Mr. Speer fail to get his man in it will be a sure indication of a change of policy towards the dis affected Southern Democrats to that *'dlowcd by the President’s immediate predecessors. Gi;oK€iit ai;yvs, Atlanta Post-Appeal: ‘ The atten tion of the croakers who assert that Georgia is growing poorer, is respect fully invited to the fact that a few days ago a man in Athens paid SSOO for a pointer dog/’ Rome Courier: " There was an in tercsting meeting <f the farmers- of this county, held at the court house yesterday inorn s nr, to discuss the fence question. Several good speech es were ma 10. and the proceedings generally were impoitant.” The Gwinnett Her il l says: ‘We have not noticed for several years as restlcs-i a dispos tion among ti e p< o pin as has manifested itself Ibis fall. M my of our fanners are selling out and seeking now home-* in the great west,. Most of them are i ound for Texas, but many prefer Arkansas.— All clas-es are goinu. some runaway bet ween two suns, while o* hers .sell out and leave the homes oft ictr youth without knowing exae; Iv where they will land when they lake 1 lie train. Whole families sometime-* go togeth er. Gainesville Southron: “ Franklin Yarberry. of Habcrdtaiii county, is six een years old. a l *ont four feet high, body smail and deformed in almost, every way. Upon this frail 1o ly is a cad twenty nine and a half inches in circumference, which is constantly in motion from side to side. The hoy knows his mother and some other per sons, tries at times to sing, and even makes an etfoit to t. lie. There is not such an >tln r human be n; on earth, w3 are quite suie.” The Columbus Enquirer Sun says : •• At the last term ol Chnttah >oe!i*o Superior Court there occurred on the and spontionoftheeiiminald••cketsomc tlnng that even our oldest attorney have n ‘ver witnessed, beard or read the like of. A neg-o was ciia r ge i with burglar}'. The grand jury found two indictments against him. He was arraigned on the first and plead not guilty. The case was tried and given to the jury, who retired to make up a verdict. To the second indictment he also plead not guilty. A jury was struck, the case tried and given to the jury. Both juries were out at the same time, on the same case, against the same party for the same offence, and tiie court was awaiting their re turn. But Ihe strangest patt of this strange storv is yet to be told. At Greeneshoro Ileralii: “'The omi uration fever is still prevalent in Greene county. People become fas cinated with the reports of prosperity among farmers in the We t. Occa sionally one return, here to the place of his nativity from his new ho ne in the West,. It, is the invariable custom for such a one to brag on his adopted country. This is natural. It is hu man nature not to confess that any change in our lives is for the worse. But nothing is said of the thousands who seek homes in anew country and who become absolutely to > poor to re trace their steps and tell their story of privation an 1 want. The truth is, prosperity snd adversity are common to all countries; the rich and the poor wc find among all people.” The Swainsboro Herald details the following fatal accident: “As the train at the mill of Thompson and lliendell was coming in from the sta tion last Wednesday, Mr. Sack Gil pins, a work hand at the mill, who was on the train, jumprd down with the intention of moving the switch, when from some eau c e he slipped and fell, the train knocking him on the track and ran over his left shoulder and side of his head, killing him instantly. Mr. Gilpins was a poor, hones and hard working man, with a wife and two children, who are left in almost des titute circumstances. Mr. lliendell. one of the proprietors of the mill, has kindly promised to still pay to the widow the regular salary of the un fortunate man. Such acts of benevo lence are not soon forgotten.” The Dahlonego Mountain Signal gives the following particulars of a horrible murder recently perpetrated in that town : "On Tuesday evening, at about 4 o’clock, our peaceful and law-abiding cit/zcns were slat tied the report of an atrocious murder which hud just been perpet r atcd. Im mediately proceeding to l he spot where the crime was committed (Captain Frank W. Hall's store) we found the unfortunate victim lying on the floor perfectly dead, the I all from the as sassin’s pistol had is antly done its work and sent an un| repared soul to the judgment seat of h s Creator. The particulars as far as wc c n learn, we e to the effect that a man by the name of John C. Beil, who resides about a mile from Dahloncga. had a distur bance with a trail named James Wea ver. which, however, had apparentty blown ovt r. as they had previously been intimate friends, hut whilst still under the influence of liquor, Bell bor rowed a p stol from an ex collegian. G. C. Sutcliff, and immediately hasten ed to Capt. Hull’s store, where the unf< rlunate victim, John Blackstock. endeavored to wrench the pistol from his hand, Weavorsu\ inj, ‘don't shoot, don't shoot,’ and Rlackstosk said, 'if von want to shoot, shoot me.’ Pell then replied, ‘d—n y.u. John Black stock, I will shoot you,’ and leveling liia pistol immediately tired, and Black stock, after staggeiing a few paces into the store, fell dead. The murderer, during the excitement which was thus caused, made his escape, Rut wc hope he will speedily be captured and brought to justice t > answer for the horrible deed which he has just com milted. A reward of one hundred dol lars is offered by-the citizens for his apprehension. When last seen lie was evidently making for the Tcsna tee Gap. Since the above was in type the murderer has been brought in and safely lodged in jail. He was captured about sixteen or seventeen miles from Dahlonega, by Sheriff Sat terfield, accompanied by Captain A. J. Reece and Mr. Washington Deck, as he was making his way towards his old home in Tennessee.” j. MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED ISI4. Col J PZetfrJi fsodn, Hold Sfttoratnsr 113 WATER ST., NEW YORK. The whi f est, nicest and best goods made. Guaranteed pure, superior in quality and style of package to any brand in the world. Takes less quantity to do the same work. Ask ycur grocer for it, and have no other. D M. Wilson’s Boot & Shoe Mauufiictory, *NUc\\ <As OW , hV. w 1 1 Mosaic and Retail. Every class of t V work turned out in elegant style at lowest prices. Patronage from abroad solicited. Consult my prices. Address 1). M. WILSON, Nov 18 Cooper, Ga. TO MY FRIENDS —AND— The Public Generally. WHEN you want your clothing clean ed and your suits cut and made in the latest style, 1 would be very glad to serve you. 1 guarantee my work in every respect. Respectfully, TOM JACKSON, next door to lUniversity Bank. Athens, (la., Nov. 11th, 1881. DAViD.LAMDRETH &SQMS. PHRA (A EORGTA, Jackson County. vT Whereas, upon application to me, in terms of the law. 4>} r one-fifth of the qual ified vo'ers of the 245th (-Jefferson) Dis trict. G. M.. of said county, asking for an election to be called in said Distriot, that the question of the restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said District may be submitted to the voters thereof (except t hose in the corporate limits of the town of Jefferson) — It is hercbv ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elections in the same, on Monday, the 9th day of January. 1882; that those voting at said election who favor restric tion shall have written Or printed on their ballots the words, “For Restriction.” and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “ Against Restriction," and that the man agers of said election shall kc • p duplicate list of voters and tallcy sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be filed with* the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and the other forwarded with out delay to his Excellency the Governor. dec 9 11. W. BELL, Only. Jackson County. Whereas, upon application to me. in terms of the law. by one-fifth of the quali fied voters of the -428th (Cunningham's) District. G. M.. of said county, a king for an election to he called in said District, that the question of the restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said Dis trict may be submitted to the voters thereof- It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elections in the same, on Wednes day. the 11th day of January, 1882 ; that those voting at said election who favor restriction shall have written or printed on their ballots the words. *• For Restric tion.'’ and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots the words. ** Against Restriction,” and that the managers of said election shall keep duplicate list of voters and talley sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of said county and tlie other forwarded without delay to his Excellency the Governor. 11. W. BELL, Ord'v. To till; Traveling Public. r IMIE undersigned is now running the X mail route from .Jefferson. (01.. to i Harmony Grove, Ga. Leaves .Jefferson I daily (except Sunday) at 7.1 o’clock A. M. land arrives, at ilarmonv Grove at !().• A. M ; leaves Ilarmonv Grove at 1 o'clock P. M. and arrives at Jefferson at 4 i*. M. Makes connection with the down and up train at Harmony Grove. When notified in time, will rim my hack for the accom modation of the ladies and others. Respectfully. dec 9-tf -J. ll.‘ REIXIIARDT. MV plantation, on Gurry’s creek, live lxl. miles from Jefferson, known as the Toni Shackelford place. A good two horse farm, consisting of twent v-odd acres good bottom land and about twenty-five acres of good cotton land. Ordinary build ings amt improvements on said place. M ill rent for a term of one or more years. W. C. Howard, at -Jellerson. Ga.. is my agent, and will contract with any one who may wish to rent the place. T. J. SHACKELFORD. Doe. nth. 1881. To Debtors o' Creditors. 4 LL persons having demands against the estate of J. D. Lyle, late of •Jackson county, deceased, arc hereby re quired to present them, duly authentica ted. tor payment to the undersigned, and those due said estate are requested to come forward and settle. J. W. LYLE. NANCY LYLE. oct 28 Adm’rs of J. 15. Lyle, dee’d. A NEW TOWN! Sale of Lots ! ON Wednesday, the 21st anda 3* of Decem ber. 1881, will be offered, at public outer r. resilience and business lots in the new town of lIOSCHTOX (now known as Bosch’s Store) located on the Jug Tavern line of the Gainesville. Jefferson & South ern Railroad. The place is handsomely laid off. and is located in one of the most fertile and productive sections to be found 111 the up-country. To persons seeking an investment, no hotter opportunitj' has been ottered. J. P. A It. A. BOSCH. December 9 th, 1 > 81. Gold Medal IlaCt.ng Powder, Gold Medal Oretim Tartar, Hold Medal Was ßPng8Png Crystal. I pn BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, AVant of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives now life to the nerves. Acts like a charm bn the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold toy all Drug gists ut SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, Md. Sec that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Cos. and have crossed red lines and trade mark on wrapper BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. AnikUTiKil. OKOYY, lic “Mozart,” New Style, No. 12000. 27 Stops, 10 full sets Golden Tongue Reeds, SOLID WALNUT Highly Polish ed Case. New and Valuable improve ments just added. Stool, Book, Music. Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price Only Sixty Dollars. Xet Cash. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particu lar or money refunded after one years' use. Every one sold sells another. It is a Standing Advertisement. Order at Once. Nothing Saved by Cor respondence. My new factory just completed, capacity Instruments every days, very latest labor saving wood-working machinery. Wet Capi tal. enables me to mamUacture better goods for less money than ever. Address, or call upon DANIEL E. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. New Styles of' Chromo Caros with c3 V? Name, or 25 New years' 1 Caros. 10c. Nassau Card Co s., Nassau. N. Y. CHEAPEST B3OK-STOBE world 175072 Magnificent Gift Hooks; Gorgeous Juvenile Books; Superb Bibles and Pnyy er Books almost given away. Grand Hol iday Catalogue free. LEGO AT BROS.. 81 Chambers St., near Broadway, N. Y. WONDERFUL METAL TIP LAM P WICK :i 1 Gives a Brilliant. White and Steady J light, requires no frnnming. and lasts for months. Sample wick lO cts., :i wicks2s etc., 12 wicks 75c., postage paid. Have four sizes. No. 0, I, 2,3. Agents wanted. Address METAL TIP L AMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St., New York. FL OBIBA~! Atlaiilic aesil C'iislf 4'ossst. 4 anal and Olieechohee Siasul Cos. 50,000 SHARKS, $lO EACH At PAR with a BONUS of 40 Acres for each 10 Shares from Choice Lands of the “ Oisston Purchase.” OFFICES —Third and Chestnut Sts.. Phil adelphia ; 115 Broadway, N. Y., Rooms 111, ILL Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed FREE. me OLD. &RBAL AWARDED the Author. Anew and crrciat Med ic.il \\ ork, warranted t he l>est and cheapest, i idispensahle to every man,entitled “the Science of Life or,Self-Preservation bound in finest French inusiin. embossed, full Kilt.3oo pp.contrins beantifui steel engravings, 125 prescrip tinns, price oniy $1.25 sent by mail; illustrated sample, Scents; send now. Address Peabody Med- Fjnw TUV'vFT F instituteor Dr. W. 11. PAIt- Lil UII ill I OLLI i KKll. No. 4 Bulfinch st. Boston. THE THE HIGHEST AWARDS our O PLANOS in the GREAT WORLD’S FAIR in LONDON, 1S51 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1*67; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION m CIIILI. 1575; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION iu Philadelphia, 1576. All persons wishing to purchase (or cx amine) instruments arc respectl’iilly in vited to visit our Warercozus. Send far Circular and Price List. OHICKERiHS & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue, N. Y, i 156 Tremont St., Boston, Having purchased another Store- Room, I wish to reduce my stock before .MOVING, AND 1 WILL SELL AT COST FOR TIIE NEXT 30 DAYS. F. M. BAILEY. OWING ME ARE REQUESTED TO -MEET THEIR OBLIGATIONS AT ONCE. A— SEftTTY’S PIANOFORTES —MAC- XI. NI FICENT holiday presents; square grand pianofortes, four very handsome round corners, rosewood cases, three uni sons, Beatty's matchless iron frames, stool, book, cover, boxed. 7 to 7..■<&: catalogue prices, to s I OOO; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded after one year's use; upright pianofortes, s 1 •i.‘ to catalogue prices. .<> to standard piano fortes of the universe, as thousands testi fy; write for mammoth list of testimoni als ; Beatty’s cabinet organs, cathedral, church, chapel, parlor. upward ; vis itors welcome: free carriage meets trains; illustrated catalogue (holiday edition) free. Address or call upon DAN! EL F. BEAT TY, Washington. New ■•Jersey. To the People of the South. S&iEi"* >2<m*t l:iSn sst<l Sl* Heroes. A IlistoTVofthe Battle, Oct. 7, 1780, and the events which led to it. after two years spent in preparation, is now pub lished and ready for delivery. The au thor, Lyman C. Drawer, LET)., has spent 40 years in gathering materials for this work, which abounds in stirring re citals of adventures and hair-breadth es capes. alike interesting to old and young. The descendants of such men as Campbell, Shelby. Sevier, Cleveland, Laciiy, Willi ams, llambright, McDojvell. Winston. Hammond, and their officers, now living by the thousands throughout the South, will welcome this permanent record of that glorious event which turned the tide of the Revolution. The work contains GT2 pages, on line paper, beautifully bound, with seven steel portraits of the Heroes, and numerous wood cuts, with index of 5,000 references. SPrlco, si Sent post-paid on receipt of price, or be had of Ag nts in every county. PETER G. THOMSON. Publisher. No. 170 Vine St.. Cincinnati, O. wanird for unassigned territory. Send for terms, circulars and sample copy. Agents wanted— a rare chance to make money rapidly selling our AY ic 11 uole : New Tori l>y Simlight anil Gaslight. Showing up the New York of fo-tlat/. with its palaces, its crowded thoroughfares, its rushing elevated trains its countless sights, its romance, its mystery, its dark crimes and terrible tragedies, its charities, and in fact every phase of life in the great city. Don't waste tune selling slow books, but send for circulars giving full table of contents, terms to agents, Ac. Prospec tus now ready and territory in great dc tnrnd. Address Douglass Bros. & Payne, Cincinnati. Ohio. Flaysi playsi plays i playTi For Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatri cals, Temperance Plays. Drawing-Room Plays, Fairy Plays. Ethiopian Plays. Guide Books. Speakers. Pantomimes. Tableux, Lights, Magnesium Lights, Col ored Fire, Burnt Cork. Theatrical Face Preparations. Jarlev’s Wax Works,Wigs. Beards, Moustaches, Costumes, Charades, and Paper Scenery. Nevv Catalogues sent free, containing full description and prices. SAMUEL FRENCH & SON. 38 E. 14th St., New York. ~OYnTMIB/ITm. WooP Oa i BfSfi ky. Atlanta,Ga. Ba AiSE'l' |ltfcliable evidence <II'SSK : given, and refer ence to cured patients and physicians. Send for my book on The Ilab t and its Cure. Free. ■f A CARPENTERS are now using our Aew ASss <*3iiu<* Jo S ’iSc- ?='si v sof all kinds. Price. 5-2.50. Send your address on Postal Card for o ir Illustrated Circular. E. ROTII & BRO., New Oxford. Adams Cos., Pa. tig fj fj fj A YEAR and expenses 4 9 4> to agents. Outfit free. Address P.O. Vickery, Augusta, Me. w~h e LlT^^g^B IH htfe | Bn. H pßi i' ’ iriyxA •> •^^jßbSb ‘SAFES FOR R/iiLRG/’iD TICKET OFFICES' ! for railroad and express Companies. ! IST MATES AND DRAWINGS FURBISHED POUND CORNER lAFES EXT R AT ,SECURE L Q"C K S '.' WiißliTi.£Ro. v -281 NEW YORK "ENERAL AGINT FOR DEBOLD SAFEf LOCK CO gfSv If you aro ar.mnlß|||B if you are 0f bu siness .weak • man of let- ■ ened by the strain of aga ters toiling over n lid ||your duties avoid W night work, to res- B stimulants and us o W tore brain nerve and |Hop Bitters. |8 waste, use Hop B. ! If you are young and M suffering from any in discretion or dissipaggjtion ; if you are mar ried or single, old orßyoung, suffering from poor health or languishgEmg on a bed of sick ness, rely on H o pips Bitters. ■Whoever you are, IgjSSh Thousands die an whenever you feel IIW ! ' 1 nualiy from some that your system JEJJ form of Kidneys needs cleansing, ton- disease tlrat might id ing or stimulating . IjHt; I] have been prevented I without intox/catiuff, LmX iby a timely use of j take Hop JF7L \ Hopßltters B itters. nave Jondtru-j/ST' pcpsia, kidney r> ■ p or urinary com- B Mprzstar ’* ”* plaint, disease I<i . I* 3 an absolute of the stomach, !l ITnT) i < ?? d lrresisj-a aboiccls, blood, !|ii HI IK I ®re for liver or verves t ® A,. B drunke ness, You will be !| I use of opium, cured if you use $t RlTTrpft 9 tobacco or Hop Bitters S uJI IrK\ 8 aarcotlcs - Ifyouaresim- ft jj "O * *“llul Soldbydrug low spirited, try | j NEVtR I Circular. save yo ur f CTA || IMP nrrmis lire. It has 1 | \f\ IL a E?Q co -* saved j r | Rochester, K. T. Coffins! Coffins! I WILL keep on hand, in Jefferson, a full supply of COFFINS —AND— BURIAL CASES of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every effort will be made to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respectfully. apl 29 * W. A. WORSHAM. JUST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Japanese & Fancy Goods, WHICH ARE ALL THE RACK AND VERY SUITABLE FOR Bridal Presents & Holiday Gifts, Also, Full Lines of CLOCKS and MIRRORS, besides onr regular stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. We make no idle boast when we say that our prices will average lower than those of any house in the State. Xj’srisrcue-3: sc flanigen, mu phiiirocu, vhiias, georgm. oct 2.8 SPECIAL I JUST RECEIVED AT M. G. & J. Cohen, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Black and Colored Cashmeres, PLAIDS, STRIPES AND Fancy Dress Goods In all the newest and most fashionable designs. Black and Colored Fringes. Pasa uientries. Beads, Cords and Tassels, Bunch Beads. Buttons, etc., to match all new dress fabrics. An elegant line of Black Cashmere and drab d’ete, Dolmans trimmed in Satin and Pasamentries. These goods were bought at 50 cents on the dollar, and will be sold at pnets lower than they can be sold anywhere else in the world. ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OF Ladies’ Jackets, Ulsters and Cloaks AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! An immense* stock of Jaconet Edgings, Neck Ruching, Scarfs and Fischues. Spanish Lace lies, Irish lies—all in the latest anti most beautiful styles. Our stock of Flannels, Cashmeres, Jeans and Domestics IS COMPLETE AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Ladies’ and Children's Shoes. Men’s and Boys’ Boots and Shoes 2 MEN’S, HOYS’ AND YOUTH'S CLOTHiisra i AN IMMENSE STOCK OF CARV ET S , SI IxVD ES , 3Lace Curtains, Etc. All as low as they can be bought in the State. Our stock for this season will be more complete than ever before, and would ask of our friends and patrons to look at our stock before purchasing, as we arc sure we can save them money. . I 'ei'ij respectfully, M. G. & J. COHEN. Athens, Ga., September 30th, 1881. AN UNPRECEDENTED DKOUTII Has greatly injured crops of every description, thereby rendering / ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY The strictest economy in all our expenditures. Fully alive to this fact, we have re duced the prices on Boots and Shoes Lo the very lowest possible figure. Our stock is one of the largest in the Stato. \ w\ \\\l Oyyy V\sc\^. Everybody invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. lie specifiMy , BALDWIN & BURNETT, s °i’ t3o No. 3 Broad St., Athens, Ga. REMOVALi ! FIRE PROOF MESSENGER BOXES T. FLEMIJfU & SO.XS WILL MOVE TIIEIR STOCK OF to Reaves, Nicholson A Co.’s old stand on January Ist, ISS2, and will be glad to see their friends as heretofore. xVthens, Ga., Dec. 9, 1881. IT* "T"PT*C* NEW EDITION. The most Interesting Book of Washing- JUJriLiLr ton Life ever published. xY History of every Administra- OdP THE tion from WASHINGTON to the "YTTTTmTI 7TATTO present time. Includes much wl/ -AA Mff j XS>W U Personal and Private History iievei -THkWgitt—in■ miriiiifiiiiinuww mmmam— before published. Illustrated with more than 20 Steel Portraits of the Ladies of the White House, including a sketch and portrait of Mrs. Garfield, “Mother Garfield a sketch of the President and the history of his assassination. Agents wanted. Send for circulars with full particulars. * BRADLEY fc CO.. Publishers, No. GG North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. "Srnn ‘lf €3 £3 to sav that nothing can take the place of the N. 4-4* J&S Y. WEEKLY WITNESS in the Family. It has tiie latest news of the day, reliable reports of Markets, daily report of Fulton Street Prayer-Meeting—alone' worth ahe subscription price; Sunday-School Notes by Professor Doolittle; Home Department (a great favorite with the ladies}, Chil dren’s Department, Temperance Department, Editorial Articles on all the questions of the day. 75000 families read it now. Specimen Copies free. Write to JOHN DOUG ALL A CO., 17 t0.2l Yandcwater Street, New York. I’rc.-li, ami Fearless.