Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, December 23, 1881, Image 4

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Yov AY u\c\\e&, Jewelry and Silverware, CALL ON THE “Old Reliable.” The largest and best assorted stock in the city. Headquarters for Guxs and Pistols: ALL KINDS OF Ammunition and MW Supplies Always on Hand. ALL KINDS OF Repairing done promptly and neatly. MY GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR •vvve. \ and I will sell cheap. Give me a call, and look at my stock. AV. A. TALMADGE, COLLEGE AVEM’E, Athens, - Georgia October 2Sth. D. M. Wilson’s Doot & Shoe Manufactory, C\tv. Wholesale and Retail. Every class of work turned out in elegant style at lowest prices. Patronage from abroad solicited. Consult my prices. Address D. M. WILSON, Nov 18 Cooper, Ga. To Debtors Sf Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the estate of J. B. Lyle, late of Jackson county, deceased, arc hereby re quired to present them, duly authentica ted, for payment to the undersigned, and those due said estate are requested to come forward and settle. J. AV r . LYLE, NANCY LYLE, oct 28 Adm'rs of J. B. Lyle, dec*d. Q.EORGIA, Jackson County. AVhereas, upon application to me, in terms of the law, by onc-tifth of the qual ified voters of the 245th (Jefferson) Dis trict, G. M., of said county, asking for an election to be called in said Distriot, that tiie question of the restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said District may be submitted to the voters thereof (except those in the corporate limits of the town of Jefferson) — It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elections in the same, on Monday, the 9th day of January, ISS2; that those voting at said election who favor restric tion shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “For Restriction,” and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “ Aga nst Restriction,” and that the man agers of said election shall kc,*p duplicate list of voters and talley sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and the other forwarded with out delay to his Excellency the Governor. dec 9 H. AV. BELL, Ord’y. Jackson County. AVhereas, upon application to me. in terms of the law, by one-lifth of the quali fied voters of the 42Sth (Cunningham's) District, G. M., of said county, asking for an election to be called in said District, that the question of the restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said Dis trict may be submitted to the voters thereof— It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elections in the same, on Wednes day, the 11th day of January, 1882 ; that those voting at said election who favor restriction shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “ For Restric tion.” and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “Against Restriction,” and that the managers of said election shall keep duplicate list of voters and talley sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of said county and the other forwarded without delay to his Excellency the Governor. H. W. BELL, Ord'y. To the Traveling Public. fPHE undersigned is now running the JL mail route from Jefferson, Ga., to Harmony Grove, Ga. Leaves Jefferson daily (except Sunday) at 7] o'clock A. M. and arrives at Harmony Grove at 10.] A. M ; leaves Harmony Grove at 1 o’clock P. M. and arrives at Jefferson at 4 P. M. Makes connection with the down and up train at Harmony Grove. When notified in time, will run inv hack for the accom modation of the ladies and others. Respectfully, dec 9-tf J. 11. REINHARDT. To Rent? MY plantation, on Curry’s crock, five miles from Jefferson, known as the Tom Shackelford place. A good two horse farm, consisting of twenty-odd acres good bottom land and about twenty-five acres of good cotton land. Ordinary build ings and improvements on said place. AV ill rent for a term of one or more years. AY. C. Howard, at Jefferson. (la., is my agent, and will contract with any one who may wish to rent the place. T. J. SHACKELFORD. Dec. 9th, 1881. HARTWELL HIGH SCHOOL. Hartwell, Ga. MORGAN L. PARKER. A, 8.. Principal. THE Spring Session for 1882 will open A on Monday, the 9th of January, and close on Friday, the 25th of June. Tuition, per month, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and SI.OO. according to advancement. Music (extra) SI.OO. Hoard from SB.OO to SIO.OO per month. Those seeking a place to send theirchil dren are invited to give our school their consideration. F< x full particulars, apply to the Prii = cipal. dec 2 IMPAPT AIUT TO GROCERS, PACKERS, HtC’K llfir Vl\ B 818 B STEIIS, and the GEAEItAL PIJULIC. THE KING FORTUNE MAKER: O.ZONE I -1 ME IV PROCESS FOR preserving all perishable articles, AN IMA L AND VEGETA RLE, FROM FERMENT A TION AND PUTREFACTION , RETAINING THEIR ODOR AND FLA VOR. “ O/OAiE —Purilivd air, active state ofoxygen.”—AVekster. This Preservative is not a liquid, pickle, or any of the old and exploded processes, but is simply and purely OZONE, as produced and applied by an entirely new process. Ozone is the antiseptic principle of every substance, and possesses the power to preserve animal ami vegetable structures from decay. There is noth ing on Ike face of the earth liable to decay or spoil which OZONE, the new Pre servative, will not preserve for all time in a perfectly fresh and palatable condi tion. The value of OZONE as a natural preserver has been known to our abler chemists for years, but until now no means of producing it in a practical, inexpensive and simple manner have been discovered. Microscopic observations prove that decay is due to septic matter, or minute germs that develop and feed upon animal and vegetable structures. OZONE, applied by the Prentiss method, seizes and destroys these germs at once, and thus pre serves. At our offices in Cincinnati can be seen almost every article that can be thought of preserved by this process and every visitor is welcome to come in. taste, smell, take away with him, and test in every way the merits of OZONE as a preservative. We will also preserve, free of charge, any article that is brought or sent prepaid to us, and return it to the sender, for him to keep and test. F can be treated at a cost of less than one dollar a thousand dozen, and £ w be kept in an ordinary room six months or more, thoroughly pre served. the yolk held in its normal condition, and the eggs as fresh and perfect as on the day they were treated, and will sell as strictly “choice.” The advan tage in preserving eggs is readily seen ; there arc seasons when they can be bought for 8 or 10 cents a dozen, and by holding them can be sold for an advance of from one hundred to three hundred per cent. One man with this method can preserve 5.000 dozen a day. §■ I? I| I & may be p< rmitted to ripen in their native climate, and can be ■ S\ v# i a transported to any part of the world. The juice expressed from fruits can be held for an indefinite period without fermentation—hence the great value of this process for producing a temperance beverage. Milk and cider can be Ik Id perfectly sweet any length of time. (?*** I* "IT /a I*l § & can * >c or an indefinite period in their na if Bk Sb B £-£ feu v tural condition, retaining their odor and liavor, treated in their original packages, at a small expense. All grain, Hour, meal, etc., are held in their normal condition. I? I*l kVf S? ATP O such as beef, mutton, veal, pork, poultry, i InL v* Be c afS Iv 9 game, fish, etc., preserved by this method, can be shipped to Europe, subjected to atmospheric changes, and return to this country in a state of perfect preservation. B¥T fF? HP "C* ‘O after iieing treated isv this SJ JL JL JwJ JPb will NOT become KAACII). Dead human bodies, treated before decomposition sets in, can be held in a natural condition for weeks, without puncturing the skin or mutilating the body in any way. Hence the great value of Ozone to undertakers. There is no change in the slightest particular in the appearance of any article thus preserved, and no trace of any foreign or unnatural odor or taste. The process is so simple that a child can operate it as well and as successfully as a man. There is no expensive apparatus or machinery required. A room filled with different articles, sucii as eggs, meat, fish, etc., can be treated at one time, without additional trouble or expense. 6STIn fact, there is nothing that Ozone will not preserve. Think of everything you can that is liable to sour, decay, or spoil, and then remember that we guarantee that Ozone will preserve it in exactly the condition you want it for any length of time. If you will remember this, it will save asking ques tions as to whether Ozone will preserve this or that article— lT WILL preserve ANY THING ANI) EVERY THING YOU CAN THINK OF. There is not a township in the United States in which a live man can not make any amount of money, from $1,090 to SIO,OOO a year, that he pleases. We desire to get a live man interested in each county in the United States, in whose hands Ave can place this Preservative, and through him secure the business which every county ought to produce. awaits any man who secures control of £ O’JUIjJL U lAi Jla OZONE in any Township or County. A. C. Bowen, Marion, Ohio, cleared $2,009 in two months. $2 for a test package was his first investment. Woods Brothers. Lebanon. Warren County, Ohio, made SO,OOO on eggs purchased in July and sold November Ist. $2 for a test package was their lirst investment. F. K. Raymond, Morristown. Belmont County, Ohio, is clearing $2,000 a month in handling and selling Ozone. $2 for a test package was his first investment. D. F. Webber, Charlotte, Eaton Count}’. Mich., lias cleared SI,OOO a month since August. $2 for a test package was his lirst investment. J. B. Gaylord, 80 LaSalle Street, Chicago, is preserving eggs, fruit, etc., for the com mission men of Chicago, charging l]c. per dozen for eggs, and other articles in proportion. He is preserving 5.000 dozen eggs a day, and on his business is making $5,000 a month clear. $2 fora test package was his first investment. The Cincinnati Feed Company, 498 AVest Seventh Street, is making $5,000 a month in handling brewers’ malt, preserving and shipping it as feed to all parts of the country. Malt unpreserved sours in twenty-four hours. Preserved by OZONE it keeps perfectly sweet for months. These are instances which wc have asked the privilege of publishing. There are scores of others. Write to any of the above parties and get the evidence direct. New, to prove the absolute truth of everything we have said in this paper, ave pro pose TO PLAGE IN YOUR HANDS THE MEANS OF PROVING FOR YOURSELF THAT WE HAVE NOT CLAIMED HALF ENOUGH. To any person who doubts any o.f these statements, and who is interested sufficiently to make the trip, we will pay all traveling and hotel expenses for a visit to this city, if wc fail to prove any statement that wc have made. HOW ™ OZONE A test package of Ozone, containing a sufficient quantity to preserve one thousand dozen eggs, or other articles in proportion, will lie sent to any applicant oil re ceipt of $2. This package will enable the applicant to pursue any line of tests and experiments he desires, and thus satisfy himself as to the extraordinary merits of Ozone as a Preservative. After having thus satisfied himself, and had time to look the field over to determine what he wishes to do in the future— whether to sell the article to others, or to confine it to his own use, or any other line of policy which is best suited to him and to his township or county —wc will enter into an arrangement with him that will make a fortune for him and give us good profits. We will give exclusive township or county privileges to the first responsible applicant who orders a test package and desires to control the busi ness in his locality. The man who secures control of Ozone for any special ter ritory will enjoy a monopoly which will surely enrich him. Don't let a day pass until you have ordered a Test Package, and if you desire to se cure an exclusive privilege, we assure you that delay may deprive you of it. for the applications come in to us by scores every mail—many by telegraph. “ F.rst come first served” is our rule. If you do not care to send money in advance for the test package, w e will send it C. 0. I).; but this will put you to the expense of charges for Mum of money. Our correspondence is very large; we have all we can do to attend to the shipping of orders and giving attention to our working agents. Therefore wc can not give attention to letters which do not order Ozone. If you think of any article that you are doubtful about Ozone preserving, remember we guarantee that it will preserve it. no matter what it is. S3 j™ O flf KT C*! b e desire to call your attention to a class tPL a !&p> ItS K. ■ of references which no enterprise or firm based on any tiling but the soundest business success and highest commercial merit could secure. We refer, by permission, as to our integrity and to the value of the Prentiss Pre servative, to the following gentlemen : Edward C. Boyce, Member Board of Public Works; E. O. Eshelby, City Comptroller; Amor Smith, Jr.. Collector Internal Revenue; AVulsin & Worthington, Attorneys; Martin 11. Harrell and B. F. Hopkins. County Commissioners; W. S. Cappelkr, County Auditor; all of Cincinnati. Hamilton County, Ohio. These gentlemen are each familiar with the merits of our Preservative, and know from actual observation that wc have without question The Most Valuable Article in the World. The $2 you invest in a test package will surely lead you to secure a township or county, and then your way is absolutely clear to make from $2,000 to SIO,OOO a year. Give your full address in every letter, and send your letter to CO., dec 2 s. E. Corner Race and Ninth Sts., Cincinnati, 0. Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold, before the Court House door in Jefferson. Jackson county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in January, 1882. within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit: Twenty-live bushe’s of corn in the shuck, eight hundred bundles of fodder and one bale of cotton, weighing about three hundred and thirty pounds, more or less. Levied on as the property of G. L. Wood, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county, at the February term, 1881. in favor of S. I\ Thurmond vs. Green Wood and M. B. Dostcr. Property pointed out by S. P. Thurmond, plaintiff in ti, fa. T. A. McELHANNON, SlTtf. PCNIQIAMO For e©IDI*6IM, ZS , ■ dvOlwllO widows, fathers, mother* or n I children. Thousands yotenthhul. Pensions piven t or loss > f finger, toe. eyo or ruptnro.varicoso veins l\ ILAjjh. or any Olsensc. Thousands of pensioners sni//'A'aV !y\ •oldiers entitled to INCKKASI’i uini HOUNTV. lAdifj Wy PATENTS rrocurod for Inventors. Soldiers jf \ land warrants procured, bought and sold. Soldiers •" j id and heirs apply for your ri(?lits at once. Send# IlylfX stamps for "The Citizen-Soldier,” and Pension R and Bounty laws, blanks and instructions. Wo can refer to thousands of Pensioners uml Clients. 1 lit/ Address k. W. Fitzgerald A Co.Pensioh <fe 11 A \1 I’AUST A tt ys, Lock tlox&sb,Washington. D, ti. PARKER’S Pr,,.nil 8.1.1n..,- I PARKER’S GINGER TONIC If you are wasting away with Consumption, Age, or any Weakness, you will find this Tonic the Best Medicine You Can Use for Restoring Health & Strength, rar superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as it builds up the system but never intoxicates. 50c. and $ A- 2 r" y”v genuine without signature of Hiscox _ 00., N. Y. Large saving in buying dollar size. Floreston A New, Fashionable and Exceed _ iniEly F Perfume. Sold by wU IOSU 6* Dealers In A. R. Robertson, DEALER IN MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES. Large lot of specimens ready for lettering. GIVE JVLE _A_ CALL. A. R. ROBERTSON, Oct. 21,1581. Athens, Ueurgia. \Y In Ireland the Government seems to bo learning the difference between crushing a conspiracy and suppressing it. The Land Leagues are reported as suppressed ; but they are probably hard at work, only in a suppressed way. A pathway only eighteen inches wide is cut into the side of State moun tain, near Leadville, at a height, over an almost perpendicular chasm, of 1,- 500 feet. Few men who use it have strong enorg ii erves to walk upright, hut instinctively crouch or “toon,” as the local saying is. The foolhardi ness of James Zorn n ; ttempling the passage when the ground was a glare of ice may, therefore, be imagined. He slipped, fi 11, and w s dashed to pe ces on the frozen ground more than a quarter of a mile below. A Louisville girl ma le an engage ment to elope with a young man whom her father had forbidden to enter the house. The plan was to ride in a close carriage across the line into Indiana, have the marriage ceremon y performed and return to boldly announce them selves husband an 1 wife. This was carried out as far as the start in the carriage. Then the man kissed the girl, and she found whiskey on his breath. More than that, she judged his unusual vivacity to be the result of slight intoxication. She at. once declared the affair off. As he would not turn back, she called a policeman to her aid. got, into another carriage, and went home unmarried. Not only workingmen, but employ, ers also, are feeling Chinese competi tion on lhe Pacific cost. Hop Kee ,v Cos. of San Francisco are said to have as complete machinery for shoe man ufacturing as can be found in the United States, and at a recent Crispins’ meeting in that city it was stated that the above firm, together with Hop Wo & Cos. and Hue Kai, are offering higher wages for the best skilled labor than is paid by the native American manufactures. The American super intendant of one Chinese factory i* paid $6,000 a year, and a man who had receive 1 only $32 a week recently went to a Chinese factory with wages of SSO a week. The Chinese employers make contracts with their best work men. The immunity of the notorious Jam es family of Western bandits from prosecution arises, it is now said, from the fact that they reside in Kentucky, and do none of their robbing in that State. So long as they cross the 1 or der into Missouri to commit crimes, and are peaceable when at home, the sentiment of the community is that, they are good citizens and ought, not to be disturbed. Their home is in Nelson County, but whenever a stranger be gins to make inquires about them he is speedily made to comprehend that his life is danger. The Jameses are ignorant and brutal, but very venture some and cunning. Their depredations have brought in considerable wealth, and the}" arc said to be proud of their reputation as plunderers. The Duke of Sutherland has just placed himself at the head of o com pany for the purchase of sixty square miles of land on the line of railroad to Omaha, for the purpose of founding a colony of Scotchmen. This step is snp| osed to be taken in anticipation of some great changes about to take place in the administration of the Duke’s estates in Ceo! land, consequent on observations made on his recent visit over here. Some years ago tl c world was disturbed by the departure for New Zealand, from his grand mother’s estate, of a whole clan, with its young chief at its head, leaving the the land, untilled and untenanted, to be used for shooting moors. The young chief ha 9 returned an aged man, but the children will remain settled in the land of plenty to which they were driven, and in which they have formed new ties. Moses Thompson became a hundred years old a few days ago. He is a negro, and for half a century has been a preacher, most of the time in Ar kansas. His people regarded him as an inspired prophet, and he ruled them in religious matters like an autocrat. He said that he was exempt from death, but on bis hundredth birthday would ascend bodily and resplendently to heaven. A large crowd assembled at Lonoke in an open field in expecta tion of a supernatural spectacle. Thompson wore a white robe, and was very ecstatic, singing, praying, and exhorting by the hour. lie was to rise at noon according to his pro gramme, and he attributed the failure to a rain storm which was at that time raging; but the people could not be persuaded that so important an affair would be postponed on account of rain, and they jeered and chased away their prophet. A man who can gather up his skin in folds and all but jump out of it may fairly be regarded a9 one of the first class wonders of the age. Such a man, according to the Deutsche Zeituna. ! exists in the person of Mr. Henrv Haag, a native of Erlbach, in Bavaria, who called the other day upon the editor of that journal, explained his physical peculiarity, and proceeded to demonstrate it on the spot. Grasping the skin of his neck with both hands, he stretched it out laterally until it resembled a huge ruff, and then com pletely hid his face in it. Subsequent experiments performed by him with the integuments of his arras and hands were of so startling a character that, to quote the editor’s own words, “ \Ve besought Mr. Haag to forego further demonstrations as what he had already shown us had caused our own skin to tesemble that of a plucked goose.” Mr. Haag’s skin by no means hangs from itis flesh in folds, as might be ex pected, considering its abnormal loose ness, but Gts him quite closely under ordinary circumstances, lie can, however, pick it up in handfuls at will, and pull it out to almost any extent without the least pain or inconvenience to himself. lie is about to undergo scientific inspection at the Vienna College of Physicians. Professional’ turds. jy. It. B. A 1)A I if, Dentist, JunelO-‘Bl. Gatnesyille, Ga. JUIIN J. STRICKLAND, A ttorney-at-Laav, Danielsville, Ga., Will promptty attend to all business en trusted to him. dec 17, ’BO. DR. N. 13 CASH. Nicholson, Ga., Tenders his professional services to the surrounding country. Rheumatism, Neu ralgia and the diseases of women a speci alty. Feb. 13th. 1880. ly OWAllL) THOMPSON, A TTORXK Y-AT-LAW, Gainesville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business placed in his hands. I LEY C. HOWARD, Attorn ey-at-L a \v, Jefferson. Ga.. Will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to his care. inch 4, ILMAN & THOMPSON, A tti >R nkys-at- Law, Jefferson, Ga., Will practice in Jackson and adjoining counties. CHARLES S'X’HLR.TnT &> CO., THE CLOTHIERS, ATHENS, GEORGIA. J V. W. SKIFF, The Jeweler, Keeps a well selected stock of \\ u\t\us, CYoc\u>,^ev\>cYYv^ Gold. Silver aid Seleloid Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, TIIE BEST Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. And lie is receiving weekly, New Goods OF THE Latest Designs. Drop in and lock at SKIFF, the Jeweler, when in Athens, and have vour Watch repaired and Jewelry mended, Athens, Ga., Nov. 4th. HOME MANUFACTURE! SHOES! HARNESS! LEATHER! WE are now making the very best quality of the above articles right here at home, and they are for sale. We do not expect to sell them merely because they are home manufacture, but because of their excellent quality and low price. We are making regular WNGNYSS \ of the very best material and workman ship, and oßering them for 25 per cent, less than the usual price. Our BROGANS cannot be beaten in excellence, or cheapness for the quality. These sell only by the case. Bridles, Col lars and Harness, double or single, always on hand, or made to order. We have the most experienced workmen. All we ask is a trial. ATKINS. CARR & CO. Maysville, Ga., June 17th, ISSI. 500 MEN Can be supplied with the finest Cooking Stoves ever brought to the market of Northeast Georgia, With our excellent Cook Stoves, we give everythino that is WANTED in the Kitchen for all cooking purposes, and guar antee in every cook stove to give satisfaction . If you want something that is good caul will be cer tain to give you satisfaction, APPLY To W. H. JONES, Sup't, A.t the “ Red. Store,” OPPOSITE COHEN’S. Athens, Ga., Sept. 16th. 1881. One Thousand People Wanted! TO BUY THOSE CHEAP GOODS AT PARKER & < ,tMP BROS. We are receiving daily, a large and well selected assortment of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrup, and the Best Mackerel 11ST T3HCE CITY. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF fiooU, Gsoo\a>, Cjvrnws Sc f '£o'Weeos. We have bought in large quantities, and can offer Great Inducements TO THOSE PURCHASING BAGGING AND TIES. REMEMBER, WE SELL ONLY AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton. Call and See That We Mean What We Say! PARKER S' CAMP BROS., 25 No. 12 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. J. N. MONTGOMERY, (Broad Street, next door to Col. Dobbs, Athens, Ga.) DEALER lIST LOUIS COOK’S BUGGIES, Carriages iS? Harness. Which I warrant equal to any sold in this market at same prices. THE OLD HICKORY WAGON—warranted as good as the best. THE FARQL HAR ENGlNE—noted for power and durability. THE FARQUHAR SEPARATOR—nothing better nor cheaper in market. THE ATLAS ENGINE—one of the most popular and cheapest on the market. The well-known ECLIPSE ENGINE, and the BOOKWALTER ENGINE GA Horse Power, for $355. The well-known BROWN COTTON GIN, CONDENSER and FEEDER. Cheapest Gin on the market. Also, the cclebraLed HALL GIN; nothing finer. COTTON PRESSES, PORT ABLE CORN, WHEAT and SAW MILLS, SORGHUM MILLS, EVAPORATORS, SHINGLE MACHINES. The well-known OLIVER CHILLED TURN PLOW, SULKY and GANG PLOWS, Improved MARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS, REAP ERS, MOWERS, and other improved agricultural implements. Also, several brands of I ERIILIZEItS. ENGINES and other articles kept on hand. Se Pt 9-tv J. N. MONTGOMERY. C- 3D. DVC’IKIE, ATHENS, ------- GEORGIA. AGENT FOR T. T. HAYDOCK’S Cincinnati Buggies & Carriages, The Columbus Buggy Co’s Fine Buggies and Carriages, THE CELEBRATED Milburn One and Two-Horse FARM WAGON. good assortment of Harness. Also Manufacturers’Agents for the WIN SHIP COTTON GIN, Cotton Press, Condenser and Feeder, the best gin outfit on the market. Steam Engines, Saw Mills and Agricultural Implements. Prompt at tention paid to orders. Terms liberal. Office and Ware-Rooms, corner Clayton and Thomas Streets, Athens, Ga. Jul y 22 JOHN WINN, Salesman. KTew Opening- J WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ATHENS, . . . GEORGIA. CHARLES A. SCUDDER, DEALER XjNT WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. ALL kinds of Repairing done by the latest improved methods. Gold Plating and Engraving. All jobs and orders sent by mail or Express promptly attended to. BRUMBY'S DRUG STORE, College Avenue, Athens, Ga. sep 30