Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, August 19, 1926, Image 7

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A. & M. SCHOOL Clarkesville, Georgia Opens first Monday in September, 1926. Offers cours es in Home Economics, Agriculture, Mechanics, and also prepares girls and boys for college and for life. Stand ards high. Expenses low. Christian atmosphere. Non sectarian. Tuition free. Healthful location. Safe place for boys and girls. Write for information and catalog. TRAIN SERVICE TO AND FROM ATLANTA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Leave Jefferson G. M. 9.03 a. m. 4.53 p. ra. Arrive Athens G. M. 10.10 a. m. 5.50 p. m Leave Athens S. A. L. 2.45 p. m. 6.15 p. m Arrive Atlanta S. A. L. *4.10 p. m. *B.OO p. m Leave Atlanta S. A. L. *6.10 a. m. Arrive Athens S. A. L. 10.00 a. m. Leave Athens aG. M. 11.15 a. m. (Ex; Sunday) Arrive Jefferson *G. M. 1.00 p. m. *Atlanta, Central Time For further or other information, write or call on C. G. LaHATTE, T. P. A., S. A. L. Ry., At lanta, Ga. H. E. PLEASANTS. Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent. S. A. L. Ry., Atlanta, Ga. “ ralfch “ | ~ ■. p;- . j \i, Jack Sprat and His Wife "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, Hts wife could eat no lean; —’’ NO one ever heard of what be came of Jack Sprat and his wife, but it’s likely enough that Jack became thinner and thinner as his wife grew fatter and fatter. They seem to have disappeared for every one nowadays seems to be making a courageous and sensible attempt to eat sanely. Over-indulgence in fat tening foods is looked upon with gen eral distaste and women in particular abhor the thought of becoming too stout. Thin people and especially thin men make desperate attempts to lay on weight in order to retain a youthful and healthful appearance. In the vast assortment of healthful foods that come in tin cans there are many fattening ones and many thin ning ones. The housewife who knows what foods reduce and what tend to r Jellied, Vegetables , A rare treat was offered to some American visitors by a Vene tian host who gave a dinner in their honor one summer evening on a barge afloat in the Grand Canal not far from the Doge’s Palace. Every dish served was cold, and prominent on the menu w r ere jellied meats and vegetables, f These are excellent summer foods, whether one eats them on the Grand Canal or in an American home. Here are suggestions, simplified by the use of canned foods. Chicken in Tomato Jelly Bring one can chicken soup and two cans tomato sauce to boiling point, pour onto two envelopes gelatin soft ened in one cup of cold water. Add three diced cucumbers, two small cans of chicken, two tablespoons sugar, increase weight keeps on her supply shelf a variety of cans of both kinds. Practically all of them come in tins of different sizes easily suited to the limited needs of a small family of two or three. Here are special luncheon menus from the shelf of canned foods that will suit the highly individualized tastes of a modem Jack Sprat and his wife, but which also represent a balanced food plan: Tomato Soup Corn Saute Spinach Salad Pineapple Sherbet Cheese Cream of Corn Soup Stringless Beans on Toast with Potatoes Fruit Salad Nuts half teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Pour in mould. When cold, serve with mayonnaise. A decorative effect is secured by putting sliced hard cooked egg and strips of red pimien to into the mould before pouring the jelly in. Jellied Peas Soften two and a half tablespoons gelatin in two-thirds cup cold water, add two and a half cups boiling water, two-thirds cup sugar, two thirds cup vinegar, two and a half tablespoons lemon juice, salt. Strain and cool. When almost congealed, add a can of drained peas and a can of carrots. Pour in mould and serve sliced. This dish serves as a meat substitute. Mayonnaise or a boiled dressing should be served with this dish. * BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Pure bred White Leghorn Baby Chicks, $8.75 hundred, postpaid. Brown Leghorn, $lO hundred. Anconas, sll hundred. The best layers. Rhode Island Reds, the best meat producers, sl2 hundred. Barred Rocks, sl2 hun dred. All pure bred and strong. We pay postage charges, and guarantee live arrival. THE NICHOLS FARMS Rockmart, Georgia Just five years ago at the fore most scientific industrial research in stitute of its kind in the world anew product was developed. This pro- i duct now known thruout the world s Fly-Tox is benefit ting mankind ev erywhere. Get Fly-Tox at your re tailer, always in bottles with blue label. Fly-Tox tonight and sleep in com for—undisturbed by mosquitoes. KEEPS YOU ROBUST THE VITAMIN-TONIC Scott’s Emulsion OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL We have Fleischmann’s Yeast fresh on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.— Boggs Bros. & Dadisman, Phone 245. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedule Effective May 19, 1925 No. 2 leaves Jefferson for Gain esville 9.03 a. m. * No. 12 leaves Jefferson for Gainesville 1.00 p. m. @ No. 6 leaves Jefferson for Gainesville, 4.53 p. m. @ No. 5 leaves Jefferson for Ath ens 9.03 a. m. * No- 11 leaves Jefferson for Ath ens 9.13 a. m. @ No. 1 leaves Jefferson for Ath ens 4.53 p. m. * Daily except Sunday. @ Daily. * Daily except Sunday. Schedules Nos. 5 and 6 are cover ed by Passenger Motor Car 400. No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c pet bottle See us for your needs in the Grocery line. We try to car ry a full line at all times. — Boggs Bros. & Dadisman, Phone 245. , - ■ NOTICE All parties indebted to the estate of H. L. Bigsby, deceased, are re quested to settle same; and all parties holding claims against said estate, are requested to present same in due form for payment. This July 14, 1926. D. T. Barnes, Ad’m. Buy Butterfly Bread and save your wrappers. We get it fresh every day.—Boggs Bros. & Dadisman, Phone 245. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove tbi cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine' F. W. GROVE S signature on box. 80e Butterfly Bread is the best in town. Just a trial will con vince you. We are always glad to serve you.—Boggs Bros. & Dadisman, Phone 245. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days 'LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates.- Very Pleasant tc Take. 60c oer bott'e. Did your roof leak during the re cent rains? You cannot make a bet ter investment on your property than to re-cover it right now. We keep a supply of the best grade of Shingly and Roofings, and will appreciate an opportunity to figure on your re quirements.—New Winder Lumber Cos. GAS TAX REVENUE INCREASE NOT DUE TO ROAD BOND ISSUES Figure* From State Auditor’s Office Show Georgia's Gasoline Revenue Has Doubled Since 1922. Road bond advocates, in pointing to Illinois, North Carolina and other heavily bonded states, reckon erron eously and illogically in citing in creased gasoline tax returns as con comitants of the public debts in curred in highway construction. The fallacious contention, which recently has been revived in Georgia is shat tered by figures obtained from the state auditor’s department respecting Georgia’s experience in the matter of gasoline tax returns. Asa matter of fact, sustained by figures or. record at the auditor’s de partment, Georgia’s gasoline tax re turns within the last few years have shown a greater increase than the revenues derived by the bonded states from the same source, and Georgia is committed against the is suance of highway bonds. The experience of Illinois in issu ing road bonds, it is said, has result ed in an increase of about 100 per cent in six years in the gasoline taxes collected by that state from the sale of fuel oil. The tax increase, it is argued, is wholly accountable to the bond issue, though no comparative figures as tp the rate of taxation are given. Whether the rate has been increased or remained stationary through the period of comparison is not indicated. Inquiry at the office of the state auditor Thursday morning disclosed that Georgia’s revenue from the fuel oil tax, involving the sale of gasoline has increased over 100 per cent since 1922, and this increase is figured on the same rate that applied in 1922. The figure cited relate only to so much of the fuel oil tax as is con verted into the general treasury, and the gneral treasury fixed allotment, under law, is the same today as it was in 1922, namely 1 cent a gal lon on each gallon of gasoline sold in the state. The proportionate part of the gasoline tax that was converted into the general fund in 1922 was $739,185.55. This, as remarked, rep resented 1 cent a gallon tax. In 1925, at the same rate of 1 cent a gallon, the general fund re ceived from the gasoline tax $1,338,- 868.59. For the first six months of the current year, and at the same rate Of 1 cent a gallon, the revenue re ceived by the general fund from the sale of gasoline has been $736,058.83. Thus, from the records, it is appar ent that the revenue from the sale of gasoline, for the first six months of 1926 in Georgia, was practically as much as for the whole year of 1922. And two last quarters of the year, the records show, unfailingly bring in a bigger return from gasoline sales than the first two quarters. In other words, the auditor’s de partment expects the 1926 increase in gasoline tax returns to exceed by considerably more than 100 per cent the revenue derived from the same source in 1922. From the records and compara tive figures, it is therefore apparent that although Georgia has issued no road bonds and has continued to op erate on the pay-as-you-go plan, the returns from the state’s gasoline tax has more than doubled since 1922. Should the figures quoted by bond advocates include increase of rates of taxation Georgia’s fuel oil tax has increased in total amount from about $700,000 in 1922 to over. $4,000,000 in 1925, or approximately six hun dred per cent.—Atlanta Journal. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES Schedule of Appointment* Ist Sunday: Galilee, 11 a. m. and 8.30 p. m..; Erastus, 4 p. m. 2nd Sunday: Jefferson, 11 a. m. ind 8.30 p. m.; Harmony, 4 p. in. 3rd Sunday: Jefferson, 11 a. m. and 8.30 p. m.; Unity, 4 p. m. 4th Sunday: Jefferson, 11 a. m. and 8.30 p. m.; Maysville, 4 p. m. Public cordially invited. H. H. Ambrose, Pastor. drove's Tasteless ililll Tonic restores vitality and energy by •'■urifying and ea riching the blood. You cas soon feel its Strejgth •niug. Invigorating Effect. •> tee 60c. Pure Apple Vinegar, 50c per gallon.—Kesler & Legg. When thinking of your next win* ter’s COAL supply, consider quality, quanity, prompt delivery and courte ous treatment. We solicit your ord ers on these merits.—New Winder Lumber Cos. —■T ■ ■ —— To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Giblets.) h stops the Lough and Headache and works off the Cold. E.W. GROVE'S signature oa each box. 30c Detours And Construction Politicians there may be who are so wise that they can build hard surfaced roads with no need for de tours while construction is going on, and so powerful that they can control the rain from heaven, making it to fall on field and garden, with never a drop cn ways of travel. But the Gainesville Eagle doubts that such wonder-workers are really to be found in Georgia, although there are partisans and propagandists for state bonds who seem fully equal to pro fessing those miraculous gifts. The Eagle’s remark is prompted by an attempt of theirs to misrepresent the roads of Hall county and to be little the work of the highway de partment. During the recent down pours a certain detour between Gainesville and Buford, around a stretch of the main road which is be ing hard surfaced, became soaked and heavy. Thereupon the camp of politics, whose strategy it is to dis credit or ignore what is being achiev ed for Georgia, set up a cry that ho tels were empty, that crop values were being destroyed, that ruin and desolation were threatened—all “On Account of State Highway.’’ The 1 incident would have been too trivial for comment save for the fact that it was so characteristic of the meth ods of extremists trying to force an immense state bond issue on the taxpayers. The Gainesville Eagle’s editorial rebuke of such tactics is supplemented by a trenchant thrust from Colonel H. H. Dean, who says in the course of his statement: “If one short five-mile detour which becomes impassable for a few r days, while a hard surfaced road is being constructed, has the effect of closing hotels, destroying peach crops and bringing financial loss to the country, what would happen should we undertake to construct five thou sand miles at one time with five thousand miles of detours as a con sequence? It would drive every tourist out of the state, close all the hotels, break every merchant, destroy ail our crops and devastate the state; we would be entirely iso lated for the next five years if de tours are such terrible things. At the present time there are more hard surfaced roads being constructed than ever before in the history pf our state. While every new construction compels a detour, I am glad to note there are few complaints, as most of the travelers realize the necessity of some inconvenience, especially in bad weather, while the state is pushing forward the highway construction.” Growth has its natural pains, and progress its inconveniences. But these, far from being a cause for downheartedness, are, to thinking men, the best of omens. If Georgia were not building highways, there would be no detours; their presence is proof of construction. And while certain overwrought inamginations profess to see wreck and ruin because their pet political schemes are not adopted, the old state moves steadily and prosperously forward, paying as she goes.—Atlanta Journal. POISON LIQUOR Persons who insist on disobeying the prohibition laws by drinking li quor that is now available through “bootleg” channels are taking their lives in their hands, according to authorities who have tested it. The “kick” is not worth the chance taken in drinking liquor, they say. Analysis shows that some of the booze is worthy the name of “coron er’s cocktails” because of the poi son it contains, and practically all is detrimental to health. The results of the tests made are borne out by deaths from bad liquor and acute alcoholism, as shown by health statistics. Every year since the, advent of na tional prohibition in 1919 there has been an increase in deaths from bad liquor and alcoholism. These facts have been brought out on a number of occasions since pro hibition became effective, but there are still countless men who are will ing to take their lives in their hands in order to quench their thirst. Seed Rye For Sale. See Harwell-Rankin Hdw. Cos. You can save money by placing your order for your winter’s supply of COAL during August. We will appreciate an opportunity to serve you, and can make prompt deliveries —New Winder Lumber Cos. Get your Seed Rye from Harwell-Rankin Hdw. Cos. Now is a mighty good time to re cover your house. We have plenty of good Shingle* on hand, and will be glad to furnish you an estimate. —New Winder Lumber Cos. 20-YEAR JOURNEY FROM LEFT ARM TO RIGHT TOE TAKEN BY HYPO NEEDLE I Sparta, Ga.—John S. Cheely, well ' known farmer and large land owner of this county, and candidate for the office of county commissioner in the primary of September 8, has just re turned from a three week’s stay in an Augusta hospital where he was treated" from rheumastim. While there, he experienced pain in one of the toes of his right foot and called his physician’s attention to it. Upon examination, he found that the toe contained a hypoder mic needle, which was deeply im bedded in the skin. The needle was cut out and Mr. Cheely recalled that a physician twenty years ago had broken the needle #ff in his arm while giving him a “shot” of mor phine. The needle had worked its way through the entire length of his body and had never been felt during the twenty years until it reached his toe According to Mr. Cheely, the needle was broken off in his left arm so ( that it rnpst have crossed his body in making the trip dowm. HELP ME TO TO HELP OTHERS My Dear Colored Friends: I am here as your Home Demonstration Agent. I have been here since July Ist. I have walked 127 miles during the month of July. I am tired. Will you now come to my res cue? I want your aid. I need your help along the line of getting from one community to the other. Friends, you are in great need of my help. Will you wake up to your duty, and hitch up the jar-head mule, the long-tailed ox, or you can step on the gas, and come for me? I am anxious to reach as many of the communities and clubs as I can before the Southeastern Fair, to be held in October, in Atlanta. I don’t want you to stop to look up your white collar to put on to come for me; put on your clean blue work shirt, and overalls, and hurry after me. I am waiting! I have no way to reach these com munities, only by walking, and that is a slow go. Come for me, it is your duty; I am working to help you better your conditions. Come af ter me, I don’t care what you come in, just so my feet are swinging. There is a great demand for boys, girls, women and men, who can do 1 practical things. So come on after your “demon strator,” it is your duty. Help get old Jackson county ready for the Southeastern Fair, and I will assure you that old Jackson county will bring home the “bacon.” Love your county, love your demonstrator, and above all, love yourselves and God. Do your duty. Come carry me around; it is your duty. In the language of Burns: I would not give a copper placque, For any man who turns his back on duty clear, I would not trust him with a groat. Nor lift an oar in any boat, That he might steer. Your humble (Col.) demonstrator. Mattie R. Torbert. WHILE CHANGES ARE BEING MADE (By Edgar A. Guest) I may be foolish, but when she Decided that she’d like to make A sun room, just for beauty’s sake And build another room to be A slumber chamber. “Yes,” said I, “We’ll make those changes in July.” I like the house the way it stands, Here I could dwell till death shall come, Without that tiled solarium, But since it’s something she demands, This latest whim I won’t deny, We’ll make those changes in July. Rip, carpenters, and bang about! Go to it, masons, all you wish! I’m on Lake Huron catching fish, I cannot hear the plumber shout. Go to it, fellow! Bang and pound I shan’t be there to hear a sound! I’ve been thru changes once before, I’ve swallowed dust and tried to be At home with earnest carpentry, And once will last forevermore When masons and plunders enter here ® I pack my grip and disappear. Now here beside the lake I sit, And while those workmen put up shelves And build that room to suit themselves, A.id if they’re honest they’lll admit, It suitg them better thru the day. To have the owner miles away. Fresh Lettuce, Celery and Tomatoes.—Boggs Bros. & Dadisman, Phone 245. n