Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, August 26, 1926, Image 6

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(Advertisement) Mmm stands for the elimination OF MACHINE RULE AND THE SUBSTITU TION OF BUSINESS EFFICIENCY Georgia today is on the threshold of great prosperity. The state needs at its helm a man of vision, one who can plan greater things for the fu ture; an,executive of ability that will give to this state a business administration. I3r. L. G. Hardman, candidate for governor, has these qualifica tions. He is a man who has at tained success in life as a physician, orchardist, banker, manufacturer and farmer. Dr. Hardman has for years been a close student of the needs and possibilities of Georgia. He was one of the first to advocate a system of good roads, and while a mem ber of the legislature introduc ed the first bill to organize a ■state highway department. He realizes the importance of good roads, but believes they should be constructed under; methods that will eliminate waste. , Dr. Hardman is a banker and pledges to the people his sincere support of such ■changes in the state banking laws as may be necessary to protect both stockholde'rs and depositors. Dr. Hardman is a physician and as such realizes the neces sity of safeguarding the health and lives of present and future generations. Dr. Hardman is a farmer, with a practical working Farmers and Business Interests Need Hardman Dr. L. G. Hardman, who is asking for the Democratic nom ination for governor, is a busi ness man of the type sorely needed in Georgia. Standing four-square for clean and con structive methods in business and in politics his public and private life defies criticism. It ifi a significant fact that the charges and counter charges his opponents are filing against each other, not one of them has ventured a single criticism of Dr. Hardman. Dr. Hardman is aligned with no faction. He is frankly com mitted to the interests of the people as a whole, and when he id elected the people who have been using the machinery of the state to further their own per sonal interests will find that for every dollar of public money thej receive they must give an honest value. Dr. Hardman knows the han dicaps under which the Georgia farmer has worked for so long. He knows the possibilities of Georgia farm lands, and knows that Georgia can only hope to become permanently prosperous when Georgia farmers are mak ing money. He can be depended upon to do everything that is humanly possible to improve ag ricultural conditions, and his ex perience as a practical and suc cessful farmer and or-hardist has given him a practical in sight into these problems that will prove of great value when he is governor. Dr. Hardman stands for a properly administered State De partment of Agricmture%Jn charge of capable, highly and practical farmers who will tpmtd their time in assisting the T * , ’ ■ DR. L. G. HARDMAN knowledge of the problems of the farmer, and will be found working earnestly for the things that will make Georgia the great agricultural state that it should be. Dr. Hardman has for many years been committed to an improved school system and as governor will leave nothing undone to insure the education of every Georgia boy and girl. Dr. Hardman is construc tive and progressive. His elec tion will create new confi dence in Georgiy as a state that chooses as its chief exec utive a business man who will administer the business of the state as efficiently as he has administered his own. DR. L. G. HARDMAN, Outstand ing Candidate for the Democratic Nomination for Governcr. farmers of the state instead of in the building of a political ma chine for the purpose of keeping its members in office. Dr. Hardman stands for cor rection of the state backing ftivvs that will make forever im possible another such scries of disasters as has taken place dur ing the past few weeks. The farmer and the people in the smaller towns are ♦he ones who suffered, and they are the ones who could least afford tjie loss. Dr. Hardman is asking for your vote.solely upon his fitness for the office to which he as pires. He is the candidate ©f no faction; no organization, and when elected will go into office with no pledges and under no obligation to any one except the ceople of Georgia as a whole. Is there another candidate that can say as much ? COMMISSIONER’S SALE In the District Coilrt of the Unit ed States for the Northern District of Georgia, Gaine3yille Division. John Hancock Mutual Life Insur ance Company, Complainant, vs. A. Paul Deadwyler, Defendant. No. 148. In Equity. Under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale passed by Honorable Samuel li. Sibley, Judge of said Court, in the above entitled cause, on July 28, 1926, I, W. K. Meadow, Special Commissioner ap pointed by the Court in said cause for thi3 purpose, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the court house door of Jackson county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in September, 1926, between the legal hours of sale, in bar of and freed from all rights and the equity of redemption of the said defendant in the above entitled cause, the following described pro perty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in' the Four Hundred Fifty-fifth (455th) G. M. district of Jackson county, Georgia, bounded on the north by lands of J. G. Deadwyler and Company; on tho east by lands of Boone Suddeth and Strickland lands; on the south lands of Moore, of Garrison and of Harber; on the west by lands of Carter and of Moore, ' containing three hundred eighty-seven and forty-two hundredths (387.42) acres, more or less, and more particularly described by plat made by Benj. H. Barrow, Surveyor, June 1, 1916, and recorded in'Book “TT”, page 564, of the records of Jackson county, Georgia. As provided in the decree above mentioned, this sale will be reported to the Court by the Special Com missioner, for confirmation or re jection. This the 2nd Jay of Au gust, 1926. W. K. Meadow, , Special Commissioner. Leave To Sell Land Georgia Jackson County. Where as, J. S. Brooks and Mrs. Wilnor Jackson, now Mrs. Wilnor Compton, administrators on the estate of R. E. Jackson, late of said county, de ceased, make application for leave to sell the land belonging to said estate; this is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any, at the next regular term of the Court of Ordinary for sai l coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in September, 1926, why said leave to sell land should not be granted the applicants. Witness my hand and official .ignature, this 2nd day of Au gust, 1926. W. W. DICKSON, Ordinary Pains disappeared "QEVERAL years ago I was badly run-down,” says Mrs. John Bunch, R. F. D. 3, Colum bia, S. C. "I could not do any of my work. I was so weak I could not wash a dish. My back and sides hurt me at limes dreadfully. I dragged around until I finally got down in bed.” Then, explains Mrs. Bunch, she happened to read about Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and decided to give it a thorough trial, the results of which she describes below: "It seemed to reach the cause of my trouble at once. I did not take it long before my appetite began to improve. I gained in weight from 114 pounds until now I weigh 125 pounds. I soon was able to be up around the house. I took up my household duties and was delighted with my return ing strength. "I now do all my own work, i The pains in my sides and j back have disappeared and I feel like a different person.” Cardui has been helpirg suf fering women for nearly 50 years. Sold by all druggists. CARDUI For Female Troubles inWIQM M-ffimi ii r A. Torvic Grove's Tasteless Viill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Biood. W>en you fee! its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and bow it improves the appetite, ou will theti appreciate its true tonic value. Groves Tasteless hill Tonic i> simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IKON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect, do c. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER' State o/t Georgia, County of Jack son. By virtue of the power con tained in a trust deed to secure bonds [executed by J. C. Shields of Jackson County, Georgia, on the 19th day of ■July, 1922, to W. J. Tilson and Chas. D. McKinney, Trustees for bondhold ers, said deed being recorded in deed book “TT,” pages 590-1-2 of the rec ords of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia, I the're will be sold at public outcry be -1 fore the court house door, in Jackson I County, Georgia, by the said W. J. Tilson and Charles D. McKinney, Trustees for the bondholders, during ! the legal hours of sale, op the first | Tuesday in September, 1926, the fol- I lowing described property, to-wit: Tract A —All that tract or parcel ,of land situate, lying and being in county of Jackson, State of Geor gia, and in Jefferson district, bound ed on the north by lands of Parks i Adams, on east by lands of Will [ Smith, on the soutji by lands of A. S. Shields, and on the west by lands of Parks Adams, and more particularly I described as follows: Beginning at ,an oak on Shields line, and running • north 85 degrees east nine and forty five hundredths (9.45) chains to a rock corner, thence north 33 degress cast eight and forty-three hundredths I (8.43) chains to a rock corner 6n Jefferson and Statham highway, thence north 4 degrees, east sixteen and four-tenths (16.4) chains to a rock corner, thence north 73-3-4 de grees west twenty-one and eight tenths (21.8) chains to a rock corner, thence north 69 degrees west thirteen and four-tenths (13.4) chains to a rock corner, thence south 10 degrees east tlventy-five (25) chains to a rock corner, thence south 71 degrees east fourteen and eighty-six hun dredths (14.86) tfhains to a rock corner, and thence south 3 1-2 de grees west five and thirty-seven hun dredths (5.37) chains to the begin ning oak cornel’, containing seventy three acres, more or less, according to survey made by C. M. Thompson, Surveyor, and recorded in deed book QQ, page 547. Tract B—Ail that tract or parcel of land in Jefferson district, Jack*' son County, Georgia, boupded on the by lands of Dudley George, on the east by Oconee river, on south by J. C. Shields, and on the west by Mrs. E. F. Saxon, and more particu larly described as follows: Begin ning at a post oak on the west bank of the Oconee river, and running [thence south 79 degrees west 19 chains to a stake, thence south 12 degrees east 9.32 chains to a stake, thence south 78 1-2 degrees west 40.14 chains to an iron pin on the road, thence along said road north 41 , degrees west 6 chains, thence north 28 1-2 degrees west 5.30 chains to a ( stake, thence north 61 1-2 degrees; east 26.80 chains to an elm stump at the head of a branch, thence I down said branch 37.10 chains, more! or less, to the river, thence down the river south 14 degrees east 14.10: chains to the beginning point, being marked tract/ two (2) on plat made by 1.. A. House, and recorded in deed book MM, page 402 of Jackin coun ty records, containing one hundred and one-fourth (100 1-4) acres, more or less. | Tract C—All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Jefferson district of Jackson county, Georgia, and bounded o<i the north by the j lands of Mrs. E. F. Saxon, on the northeast by*lands of J. C. Shields, on the southeast by the lands of Ilarber, on the south by Mulberry river, and on the west by the lands Of Mrs. E. F. Saxon, and more par ticularly described as follows: Be ginning at a common corner on the public road, and running thence westerly along said road 13 1-2 chains to a rock corner, thence north 1.7 7 chains to hickory corner, thence north 62 degrees west 11 1-2 chains to a pine, thence south 9 degrees west 5.90 chains to a corner, thence north 78 degrees west 19.20 chains to a post oak, thence south 11 de 'grees, cast 7.97 chains to a red oak on the road, thence south 34 chains to a birch on Mulberry river, thence down said river 42 chains, more or less, to a sycamore corner on Bar ber's line, thence north 28 1-2 de grees east 15.32 chains, thence north 40 degrees east 7 chains, thence north 43 degrees east 6.60 chains, thence north 30 1-2 degrees east 9.32 chains fo a pine on the public road, 'and '.hepce northwestwardly along I said public road 19 chains to the beginning point, containing two hun dred one and three-fourths (201 3-4) ' acres, more or less, as per plat' by W. T. Appleby, recorded in deed book j MM, page 201 of Jackson county records. I Tract D—All that tract of land lying and being in the county of ! Jackson and State of Georgia, and jin Jefferson district, and more par jticularly described as follows: Begin ning at a rock an the public road and running thence south 15 1-2 degrees west 35.51 chains to a red oak on Mulberry river, thence down the meanders of said river 78.03 chains, | more or less, to a water oak. thence j north 66 1-2 degrees west 28 chains , to a rock cornc-, thence north 6 1-4 degrees east 3 chains to a rock corn er, thence along the meanders of the public road 46.48 chains to the be ginning point, containing one hun dred eighty-throe and one-half (183 1-2) acres, more or ’ess, as per plat made by W. T. Aopleby, and recorded fn deed book MM, page 201 | of Jackson county records. Tract E—All that tract or parcel j of land lying and being in Jefferson 'district, of Jackson county, Georgia, (bounded on the north by lands of T. IW. Ethridge, on the east bv lands of Carruth, Coleman. I. W. Ethridge, |J. N. Ross. J. A. \Vills and E. H. j lands of j. C. Shields, the 6/one's north 87 1-2 degrees east 75.88 chains to a stake -r. Martin’s creek. thence north 9 1-2 degrees east 1.40 chains, thence north 73 degrees east 3.60 chains, iherrte south 11 degrees east 2.29 chains, thence south 83 de grees east 9.70 chains, thence south 25 1-2 degrees east 4.40 chains, thence south chains, thence south 64 degrees west 10.55 chains to a dogwood* thence north 85 1-4 degrees west 19.80 chains to a roe>c corner, thence south 3 1-2 degrees east 3.86 chains to an oak, thence south 88 1-2 degrees west 9.60 chains to a rock corner, thence south 1 1-2 degrees west 18.50 chains, thence south 53 1-2 degrees east 20.13 chains, thence north degree.) %ast 13.50 chains to a sAfe on Mar tin’s crock, thence south 57 degrees west 15 chains to gum corner, thence north 86 3-4 degrees west 26.33 chains to a rock corner, thence south 19 1-4 degrees east 16.85 chains, thence south 83 3-4 degrees west 93 links, thence south ?5 1-4 * degrees west 10.82 chains to a gurti corner on Oconee *river, and thence northerly along said river to the beginning point,-containing four hundred nine and one-fourth (409 1-1 acres, more or less, and being tract or.e (1) of plat made by L. A. House, and re corded in deed book MM, page 402, of Jackson county records. The deed above referred to author izes and empowers the said W. J. Til son and Charles D. McKinney, Trus tees fof* bondholders, to sell the property herein described upon the failure of the said J. C. Shields to pay ar.y principal or interest note secured by said trust deed, and, whereas, the said J. C. Shields has failed to pay interest coupons aggre gating tho sum of $640.09, which matured January 19, 1926, and in terest coupons aggregating the sum of $640.00, which matured July 19, 1926, and the said W. J. Tilson and Ch2s. D. McKinney, Trustees for bondholders, demanded payment of same, which has been refused, the said W. J. Tilson and Chas. D. Mc- Kinney, Trustees for the bondholders, has declared the entire series of said bonds, which aggregate the sum of sixteen thousand (16,000.00) dollars, in default, due and payable. Therefore, by virtue of the powers conferred by said trust deed, the said described property will be sold as the property of the said J. C. Shields, by W. J. Tilson and Cjias. D. McKmney, Trustees for bond holders, to the highest bidder for cash at the time and place in dicated, and the proceeds will be ap plied, first, to the expense of con ducting the sale, then to the pay ment of said indebtedness, and the remainder, if any, to J. C. Shields, as provfded in said deed. This 2nd day of August, 1926. W. J. Tilson and Chas. D. McKinney, Trustees for Bondholders. Hal Lindsay, 1408 Hurt Bldg., At lanta, Ga. COMMISSIONERS SALE Georgia, Jackson County. Pursu ant to an order of the superior court of Jackson county, granted on the 4th day of August, 1926, we, Claud Barnett, Clifton Barnett and J. A. Standridge, as commissioners, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the county of Jackson, on the first Tuesday in September, 1926, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, A certain tract or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in Jackson county, Georgia, and containing thirty-one and one-fourth (31 1-4) acres, more or less, known as a part of the Amanda Williams place, and being the place where Ebb Williams now resides, in Harrisburg district, and adjoining lands of Y. D. Maddox and others, with the improvements thereon. This property will be sold in pur suance to the above mentioned ord er, which is of file in the Clerk's of fice, superior court, Jackson county, and said land is being sold under partition proceedings, so that the pro ceeds arising therefrom can be dis tributed in accordance with the par tition proceedings. The sale of the said land is made subject to the confirmation of the court. If sale is confirmed, deed will be executed pursuant to the laws regulating par tition proceedings. Clifton Barnett, Claud Barnett, * J. A. Standridge, Commissioners. Year’s Support Georgia, Jackson County. To all it May Concern: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers ap pointed to set apart and assign a year’s support to Mrs. F. A. Ivey, the widow of F. A. Ivey, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the court at the -September term, 1926, of the Court of Ordinary. This August 11th, 1926. W. W. DICKSON, Ordinary. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Clyde Ilarvil, Milia Harvil and John Har vil have filed their application before jme to require S. V. Wilhite, Admini strator of Mrs. M. C. Wilhite, de . ceased, to execute titles under bond for titles, and I will pass upon said application the first Monday in Sept., , 1926. This August 9th, 1926. W. W. DICKSON, Ordinary. T!:a iu'-n'ne That Does Not Affect ttvs Hear ! Er :euse of its tonic ned laxative effect, LAXA- Vi YE HKC.MOU ININS ia better than ordinary ®c.lr far the icr.atcrc of R. W. GUC'.'E. ANNOUNCEMENTS JOE COLLINS FOR CONGRESS To People of Ninth District: I am a candidate for Confess subject to Democratic primary ’ Born in log cabin in Union county poverty compelled doing without edu cation or making my way. TaVj n " provisions from home, I did my COok 8 ing and laundry nearly three year* at Hiawassee. After graduating there, at Mercer and Virginia Uni versity, have practiced law in Gained ville since 1902. I have never held office except 8 years ago I carred 8 of 9 counties for Solicitor General, served four years, retired without asking re election. I favor more Federal aid for roads. I favor bettering farm conditions and labor. I believe Congressmen from South could exert more influence on National legislation by being mors outspoken. Will appreciate your help. Joseph G. Collins. FOR CONGRESS To the People of the Ninth Con gressional District of Georgia: I am a candidate for Congress from the Ninth Congressional District of Georgia, subject to the primary to be held in September. My candi dacy for this high office is based up on my experience in farming aAd business, and upon my record as a citizen and legislator. I was bom and reared in the Ninth District. It was the home and birth place of my father and mother. lam bound to this district by tie3 of interest and affection which can never be broken. It i3 the desire to serve my people and to advance the welfare and pros perity of this district which prompts me to seek the honor and privilege of representing you in Congress. If I' am given this opportunity of service, I shall discharge the duties of the of fice faithfully and conscientiously, always having in view the best in terest of all the people. I shall ap preciate your vote and influence. Respectfully, Herman P. DeLaperriere. FOR CONGRESS To the People of the Ninth Dis trict: In announcing my candidacy for the Democratic nomination to Congress, to be determined at the polls on September the Bth, I wish to say it is my purpose to visit all the counties in the district at as early date as possible and give an account of my work as your public servant. I must at the same time keep up with my official duties, which I have never neglected. It will be a pleasure to me to meet nil the peo ple, and shall make it a point to do so. In the meantime, I shall appre ciate very highly anything done by the people in behalf of my re-elec tion. If re-elected, the people, one and all, may depend upon me to continue my offorts for them in all matters in which they are interested, and to do my duty in the future as I have in the past. Sincerely yours, Thomas M. Bell. 4 FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative of Jackson coun ty, subject to the rules and regu lations of primary election Sept. Bth, 1926. I am serving my first term as Representative, and hope that my record and experience will be re garded by the people of the county &s entitling me to an endorsement, by re-election, which is usually accorded officials who have served only one term. In this connection, I wish to express my gratitude to the people of this county for their kindness, co operation and help during my term or office. Your interest and continued support will be highly appreciated. Respectfully, W. B. Rice. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the next General Assembly of Georgia from Jackson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Having served only one term, and having given my best efforts for the interest of the county, I am asking for an endorse ment. My experience in the of the present General Assembly have fitted me for greater and more effective service to the people, an if elected I pledge to look carefully after all questions that touch upon the welfare and economical admini stration of State affairs. Respectively, • Homer Hancock. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Having been urged by friends, and having a desirp to be of service o my people, I announce myself * era didate for Representative of Jack son County, subject to the action o the Democratic primary' to be Rt \‘ September Bth, 1926. Earn.;*? soliciting the votes and influence o the good men and women of Jac'-'