Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, October 27, 1949, Image 3

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Home-Makers Club Entertained Saturday By Mrs. J. R. Roberts The Home-Makers Club met with Mrs. J. R. Roberts, Saturday after noon, October 15th, at 2:30 o’clock. There were twelve members and three visitors present. The following officers have been elected for another year: President, Mrs. V. L. Nunn; Vice Pi’esident, Mrs. Q. D. Wilson; Secretary, Mrs. Roy Lacey; Program Committee, Mrs. Roy Erown, Mrs. Ernest Nunn and Mrs. Clyde Short; Reporter, Mrs. Curtis Stone. The speaker for the meeting was Mrs. Henry Harris, who spoke on “Growth and Culture of Chrysan themums.” She brought some beau tiful blooms from her home. A round table discussion was en joyed by members and Mrs. Harris. Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Roberts and daughter, Mrs. Hoyt Purcell. MECHANIZING COTTON PRODUCTION IN GEORGIA Cotton farmers are faced with the necessity of reducing cost of pro duction. Profits are increased or maintained in proportion to pro duction costs. Modern labor-saving machinery offers one method of sol ving this problem. n!” ond • thl* •ttroctlvo jB9 ■gt reflector Installed FREE I i&S| SEE ANY FORD DEALER NOW! FRENCH'S ICE CREAM “ALWAYS GOOD” PINTS - 25c COCONUT HUNKIES They’re Good! P* VALS/e IN TOWN 7 WILUAMS TRADING COMPANY Three Convenient Store* In JEFFERSON and COMMERCE, GEORGIA jgfMiUii j Sunday School Lessons |^m By DR. KENNETH J, FOBEKAN SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 3; 3; 23 : 28 ; 58: l-9a; Jeremiah 35. 13 DEy oTI °NAL READING: Romans Choose The Best! Lesson for October 30, 1949 TT HURT Isaiah’s patriotism, and his religion too, to see how fast his country was going down hill. Most of the troubles Isaiah saw are with us today. Wealthy women spending more and more on them selves; leaders who are irresponsible, self-seeking and in competent; poverty unprevented and uncared-for; drunk enness high and low. Isaiah, and other prophets as well, saw in the sin and drunkenness of the times the sign Dr. Foreman and symbol of national decay. To the careless, the selfish and the wild, to those who were “leaders” but were leading in the wrong di rection, Isaiah kept saying, in many different ways, Choose the best! * * * The Prophets’ Successors THERE WAS a TIME when the church put most of her preach ing emphasis on individual religion: Get right with God! was the cry. The church of today has not by any means given up her emphasis on personal religion, but we are learn ing from the prophets what social righteousness means. The church in our time is the logical and actual successor to the prophet’s work. The church is doing more than ever to awaken the con science of society, in fact the church itself has a duty to be the conscience of society. One of the problems about which our nation needs to be waked up is one that Isaiah and Jere miah faced, only we have it in a more desperate form. We call it alcoholism; they called it by an uglier, more suitable word: drunkenness. Even in those days drinking was a problem; it cut down the national health, wealth and wisdom. Nowadays it is worse because of two factors. One is the higher percentage of alcohol in bev erages such as whiskey, unknown in those days. The other factor is advertising. • • • Where Drunkards Start n GAINST ALL THIS the church ***■ must keep saying and persuad ing people, Choose the Best! But it does comparatively little good to say this to the confirmed alcoholic. It makes more sense to say it to young people. For the sad feature of alcoholism is that it begins in the high schools. The Yale School of Alcohol Stud ies has collected evidence indica ting that two-thirds of all alcoholics begin drinking habits in the early high school years. A recent Gallup poll shows the greatest percentage of drinkers to be In the age group 21 to 39. Today, it is estimated, there are four million alcohol addicts or excessive drinkers who are in more or less con stant trouble with their fami lies and employers. Drunkenness costs industry in America no less than one billion dollars a year, and has a lot to do with the break-up of homes and with crime generally. ' • • • Allied Youth SOMETHING i3 being done to stop this, which you should know about. There is a movement known a3 Allied Youth, a national educational organization working in high schools all over the country, fts work is positive, not negative. It is not trying to pass laws or to bring back prohibition. What it does try to do—and it is succeeding re markably well in many places—is to give young people a way of life that will enable them to meet social pressure for drinking without loss of “face.” Every Allied Youth post in a school has three aims: I. To meet the social and recreational needs of young people. Every New Year’s Eve, for instance, when millions of Americans are retting; sickly drunk, more than 6,000 young people gather in Detroit for the biggest dry party in America, sponsored by Allied Youth. 2. To establish within the school a fellowship of young people who do net think it is necessary to drink to be smart. Such a group can change the attitude of an entire school. 3. To build a solid foundation of education for total abstinence. Es sentially, Allied Youth is aaying to young people everywhere, "Choose the Bestr* (Information about Allied Youth can be had by writing Allied Youth, 1709 M. Street N.W., Washington, D. C.) WWr n*w•* The Jackson Herald, Jefferson, Georgia LEBANON Rev. Truman Thomas filled his appointment here Sunday, Oct. 16. Three new members were received into the church at the morning service. Mrs. Hazle Glenn of Athens was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Martin and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Anglin and Mrs. .Emma Shields of Flowery Branch were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mize. Mr. Nathan Bowles of Atlanta spent the weekend here with rela tives. Mr. .and Mrs. Marvin Wills and Mrs. Edna Wills of Athens attended preaching services here Sunday. Mr. Key Holliday spent Sunday afternoon in Atlanta visiting rela tives. Mrs. Lenora Hunter and family spent the weekend with relatives in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins of Com merce were visiting friends here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Martin and family spent the week-end in Ash burn with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Byrd Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hunter and Mrs. Lizzie Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter of Athens, visit ed at the home of Miss Ruth and Key Holliday, Sunday. Mrs. Alma Fulcher spent Sunday in Statham with relatives. Miss Ruby Dell Holliday spent the week-end in Monroe, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Worley Guest. Mr. James Nickerson is spend ing a few days in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lavender visited Mr. and Mrs. George Shields Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Ivey and Mrs. Gladys Payne and Mr. Rudolph Payne spent Saturday in Athens. Messrs. Marcus and Thomas Col lins, of Commerce, were here Sat urday on business. Several from this community at tended the singing at Ebenezer, Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Worley Guest, of Monroe were recent visitors to rel atives in this community. Mr. Richard Hunter of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with rela tives. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER an * wo mokes combined!! Here’s real proof of truck value! Now that oper ators can gel the make they really want, Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks are setting new sales records every week. Mora and more buyers are insisting on the power, the comfort and safety they get in Chevrolet. They like Chevrolet’s rugged good looks . . . the way Chevrolet trucks handle their hauling jobs with such low operating and upkeep expense. In fact, they Idee these advantages so well that t/iey buy more Chevrolet trvekt than tha naxt two makes combined? Come in now, and talk over your trucking nt.ds with us. A. D. BOLTON CHEVROLET COMPANY Telephone 18 Commerce*, €a. Are Your Batteries Ready For The Cold Weather? A thorough check of the cooling system prior to adding anti-freeze is a majr step in preparing your car for winter driving, according to I. L. Pierce, national service manager of Ford division, Ford Motor Com pany. “Thusands of motorists lose their anti-freeze every year through boil ing away or leakage simply because they failed to take this precaution at the start of the season,” Mr. Pierce explained. “Not only should the hose lines and connections b e thoroughly chocked for leaks, but the radiator an; 1 the entire cooling system should be flushed out removing the sludge and dirty water, which prevents free circulation.” “Starting assurance for your car despite freezing weather can be gained if the motorist also observes these few additional precautions: 1. Keep the battery fully charged and charging. A fully charged bat tery will not freeze in temperatures ordinarily encountered, but a very low battery may freeze and burst the case open at temperatures not much below 32 degrees F. See that the generator regulator is working properly. 2. At the approach of cold weath er, the crankcase should be drained, flushed and refilled with thee rrect grade of oil for the coldest weather you expect during the winter. Ford recommends use of SAE 10 or 10W oil in below freezing weather and i How To Relieve ; Bronchitis ICreomulsicn relieves promptly because jit goes right to the scat of the trouble) 'to help loosen and expel germ laden: phlegm and aid nature to soothe and) (heal raw, tender, inttamed bronchial! 'mucous membranes. Tell your druggist! (to sell you a bottle of Creonmlsioni /with the understanding you must like •the way it quickly allays the cough | jor you are to have your money back.: CREOMUL3i@N! for Coughs,Chest Coids, Bronchitis Jewett Barnett, our Nicholson correspondent, was in Jefferson last Monday. A faithful newsgather er, and his interesting column is pe rused each week by our readers. Mr. Barnett is also the fair and efficient N. P. of New Town District. He has the good will and friendship of all who come in tuch with him. Charles Smith, who lived for sev eral years in Oglethorpe County where he was engaged in the saw mill business, has returned to Jack son County and now makes his home in Nicholson, near where he was born and reared. Mr. and Mrs. H M. Benson and daughter, Peggy, of Atlanta visited their mother, Mrs. H. M. Benson, Sunday. Rev. Douglas Eades of Charlotte, N. C. is spending this week with Mr. .and Mrs. Smith Bridges while conducting a revival at Talmo. 10W with one pint of kerosene add ed in extreme cold (colder than 10 below zero). 3. See if the engine needs a tune up to insure quick starting. 4. If the manufacturer reemmends it, change to winter grease in trans mission and differential. (No change is necessary for 1949 Fords.) 5. Have brakes checked for win ter driving and be sure that tires are not worn dangerously smooth they will make driving on icy roads doubly hazardous. “Careful motorists will drive slow ly until the engine reaches normal operating temperatures,” Mr. Pierce said. “And by keeping the fuel tank full as much of the time as possible, they will prevent condensation of moisture and resultant freezing-up of the gas line. A good plan is to fill the gas tank at the end of the day’s driving, rather than at the start.” HOUNDS WANTED I will be in Jefferson November 3, in the afternoon, to buy large size, nice looking untrained hounds from 3 to 5 years old. I will buy extra nice Beagle rabbit hounds from 1 to 4 years old. I will be at Singletary's Mill, in Jefferson, Ga. J. L. BEDDINGFIELD Star Route Albertville, Ala. CHEVROLET I -ill—lll II ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS Featuring valve-in-head engines e diaphragm spring CLUTCH e SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS e HYPOID REAR \ AXLES e DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES e WIDE-BASE WHCBIS • ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING e BALL-TYPE STEEBINO e \ UNIT-DESIGN BODIES v THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1949 Membership !n U. S. Naval Reserve Open To Men-Women Membership in the United States Naval Reserve is now open to both men and women. The age limit is 17 years and above for men and 18 years and above for women. Veterans may enlist with the rate held at the time of discharge and all members are eligible for retire ment benefits and advancement through free study courses. Members will not be called to active duty without their consent, except in time of a national emer gency. They may be discharged at any time upon their request. For full information see your lo cal Navy Recruiter. CORN PROGRAM In 1948 the 3,170.000 acres of corn in Georgia produced a total crop of 49,000,000 bushels. According to present estimates of yields, farm ers this year will produce an aver age of approximately 17 bushels of corn per acre, the highest yield in history. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free Book Tells of Home Treatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing. Over three million bottles of the Willard Treatment have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid— Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days’ trial! Ask for “Willard’s Mes sage” which fully explains this treat ment—FßEE—at MOORE & EL LINGTON DRUG CO., Jeffron, Ga.