Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, September 06, 2023, Image 19
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 THE JACKSON HERALD PAGE 7B Public Notices Continued Floor, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Witness, the Judge of Jackson County Superior Court. This, 9th day of August, 2023. By: Camie W. Thomas Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia Prepared by: D. Andrew Folkner Georgia Bar No. 695599 Bradley A. Hutchins GA Bar No. 380682 Counsel for Petitioner Candace Taylor-Heaton, in official capacity as Tax Commissioner of Jackson County WEISSMAN PC One Alliance Center, 4th Floor 3500 Lenox Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (404) 926 4500 | F 4600 (AU16, 23, 30, SE6 B/15032-60) | Notice of Service by Publication IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CANDACE TAYLOR-HE ATON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY, GEOR GIA, Petitioner, v. PATRICIA ANN CASE AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR SPRINGLEAF MORT GAGE LOAN TRUST 2013-1, SOUTH STATEBANK SBM COMMUNITY BANK AND TRUST- JACKSON, ANY AND ALL PARTIES THAT MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE EXCESS FUNDS GENERATED FROM THE AUGUST 7, 2018 TAX SALE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 110 STEEPLECHASE ROAD, NICHOLSON (TAX PARCEL: 013A-043), Re spondents. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 23CV0185 To Respondents - Any And All Parties That May Claim An Interest In The Excess Funds Generated From The August 7, 2018 Tax Sale For Property Located At 110 Steeplechase Road, Nicholson (Tax Par cel: 013A-043): Please take notice that Petitioner CAN DACE TAYLOR-HEATON, in official capacity as TAX COM MISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY (“Petitioner”) has filed a Summons and Petition for Interpleader in the Supe rior Court of Jackson County, Georgia in the above-cap tioned case. Respondents are hereby commanded to file their An swer to the Petition within 60 days of the date of the Order Directing Service by Publication, or by October 3, 2023, with the Clerk of Supe rior Court of Jackson County, 5000 Jackson Parkway, Jef ferson, GA 30549, and serve a copy of their Answer on Petitioner’s counsel Bradley A. Hutchins, at WEISSMAN PC, One Alliance Center, 4th Floor, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Witness, the Judge of Jackson County Superior Court. This, 9th day of August, 2023. By: Camie W. Thomas Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia Prepared by: D. Andrew Folkner Georgia Bar No. 695599 Bradley A. Hutchins GA Bar No. 380682 Counsel for Petitioner Candace Taylor-Heaton, in official capacity as Tax Commissioner of Jackson County WEISSMAN PC One Alliance Center, 4th Floor 3500 Lenox Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (404) 926 4500 | F 4600 (AU16, 23, 30, AP6 B/15032-240) | Notice of Sale Notice of Sale Under Power State of Georgia, County of Jackson Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by JACKY DAILY AND WILMA JEAN DAILY TO BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (the Secured Creditor), dated November 23, 2007, and Recorded on December 7, 2007 as Book No. 317 and Page No. 136, Jackson County, Georgia records, conveying the after- described property to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of $95,400.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, as last assigned to Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Coo per by assignment that is or to be recorded in the Jackson County, Georgia Records, there will be sold by the un dersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the Jackson County Court house within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 2023, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 465th G.M. District of Jack- son County, Georgia, contain ing 1.386 acres, according to a plat of survey prepared by Christopher J. Carlan, GRLS No. 3003, dated February 12, 2021 and recorded Febru ary 15, 2021 in Plat Book 82, Page 100, Jackson County, Georgia records. Tax ID: 046 037 The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due be cause of, among other possi ble events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the man ner provided in the Note and Security Deed. Because the debt remains in default, this sale will be made for the pur pose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attor ney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Nationstar Mort gage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper holds the duly endorsed Note and is the current assignee of the Security Deed to the prop erty. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper is the entity with the full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44- 14-162.2, Nationstar Mort gage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper may be contacted at: (833) 685-2565 or by writing to 350 Highland Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067. Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the secured creditor is not re quired to amend or modify the terms of the loan. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party/parties in possession of the subject property known as 7131 MAYSVILLE ROAD, MAYSVILLE, GA 30558 is/ are: Jacky Daily and Wilma Jean Daily or tenant/tenants. Said property will be sold subject to (a) any outstand ing ad valorem taxes (includ ing taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Secu rity Deed first set out above, including, but not limited to, assessments, liens, encum brances, zoning ordinances, easements, restrictions, cov enants, etc. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirma tion and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9- 13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be pro vided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the pre ceding paragraph. Funds used at sale shall be in certified funds and pay able to “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, LLC”. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper as Attorney in Fact for Jacky Daily and Wilma Jean Daily . Any information obtained on this matter may be used by the debt collector to collect the debt. Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: 23-55078 (AU23, 30, SE6, 13, 20, 27 P6) | Notice of Publication In the Juvenile Court of Madison County, Alabama In the Juvenile Matter of M.D.C., A child under the age of 18 years. JU 2022-700.01 KRISTEN MICHELLE CAMERON, whose where abouts are unknown, must answer petition for custody of M.D.C. and other relief no more than thirty (14 days) after the last date of publi cation, or thereafter a judg ment of default may be ren dered against her in Case No.JU2022-700.01, Juvenile Court for Madison County, Alabama /s/Debra Kizer Juvenile Court Clerk Debra Kizer Madison County Court house 100 Northside Square Huntsville, Alabama 35801 (AU23, 30, AP6, 13 P4) | Baxter Estate NOTICE TO: Whom it may concern: Mandy Leigh Cromer has petitioned to be appointed administrator of the estate of LARRY CLAY BAXTER, de ceased, of said county. The petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond, waiver of reports, waiver of statements, and/or grant of certain pow ers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All interested persons are hereby notified to show cause why said peti tion should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before Sep tember 18, 2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. Sherry C. Moore Judge of the Probate Court By: Jalyn Ross Clerk of the Probate Court 5000 Jackson Pkwy, Suite 140 Jefferson, GA 30549 706-387-6277 (AU23, 30, SE6, 13 B/1247-45) | Notice of Service by Publication IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CANDACE TAYLOR-HE ATON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY, GEOR GIA, Petitioner, v. PHH MORTGAGE COR PORATION D/B/A OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, ANY AND ALL PARTIES THAT MAY CLAIM AN IN TEREST IN THE EXCESS FUNDS GENERATED FROM THE FEBRUARY 2, 2021 TAX SALE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1136 HUNTER ROAD, JEFFERSON (TAX PARCEL: 071-033), Respon dents. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 23CV0160 To Respondents - Any And All Parties That May Claim An Interest In The Excess Funds Generated From The February 2, 2021 Tax Sale For Property Located At 1136 Hunter Road, Jefferson (Tax Parcel: 071-033): Please take notice that Petitioner CANDACE TAYLOR-HEA TON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY (“Peti tioner”) has filed a Summons and Petition for Interpleader in the Superior Court of Jack- son County, Georgia in the above-captioned case. Respondents are hereby commanded to file their An swer to the Petition within 60 days of the date of the Order Directing Service by Pub lication, or by October 16, 2023, with the Clerk of Supe rior Court of Jackson County, 5000 Jackson Parkway, Jef ferson, GA 30549, and serve a copy of their Answer on Petitioner’s counsel Bradley A. Hutchins, at WEISSMAN PC, One Alliance Center, 4th Floor, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Witness, the Judge of Jackson County Superior Court. This, 17th day of August, 2023. By: Camie W. Thomas Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia Prepared by: D. Andrew Folkner Georgia Bar No. 695599 Bradley A. Hutchins GA Bar No. 380682 Counsel for Petitioner Candace Taylor-Heaton, in official capacity as Tax Commissioner of Jackson County WEISSMAN PC One Alliance Center, 4th Floor 3500 Lenox Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (404) 926 4500 | F 4600 (AU23, 30, SE6, 13 B/15032-45) | Notice of Service by Publication IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CANDACE TAYLOR-HE ATON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY, GEOR GIA, Petitioner, v. BOBBY MELTON AND/ OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, JAMES J. CUNNING HAM AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, ANY AND ALL PARTIES THAT MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE EXCESS FUNDS GENERAT ED FROM THE MAY 3, 2022 TAX SALE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT G W WILSON ROAD (TAX PARCEL: 013A- 024), Respondents. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 23CV0125 To Respondents - Bobby Melton And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, and Any And All Parties That May Claim An Interest In The Excess Funds Generat ed From The May 3, 2022 Tax Sale For Property Located At G W Wilson Road (Tax Par cel: 013A-024): Please take notice that Petitioner CAN DACE TAYLOR-HEATON, in official capacity as TAX COM MISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY (“Petitioner”) has filed a Summons and Petition for Interpleader in the Supe rior Court of Jackson County, Georgia in the above-cap tioned case. Respondents are hereby commanded to file their An swer to the Petition within 60 days of the date of the Order Directing Service by Pub lication, or by October 16, 2023, with the Clerk of Supe rior Court of Jackson County, 5000 Jackson Parkway, Jef ferson, GA 30549, and serve a copy of their Answer on Petitioner’s counsel Bradley A. Hutchins, at WEISSMAN PC, One Alliance Center, 4th Floor, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Witness, the Judge of Jackson County Superior Court. This, 17th day of August, 2023. By: Camie W. Thomas Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia Prepared by: D. Andrew Folkner Georgia Bar No. 695599 Bradley A. Hutchins GA Bar No. 380682 Counsel for Petitioner Candace Taylor-Heaton, in official capacity as Tax Commissioner of Jackson County WEISSMAN PC One Alliance Center, 4th Floor 3500 Lenox Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (404) 926 4500 | F 4600 (AU23, 30, SE6, 13 B/15032-60) | Notice of Service by Publication IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CANDACE TAYLOR-HE ATON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY, GEOR GIA, Petitioner, v. MARVIN R. WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, WILLIAM ROY WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, TED M. WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, OUIDA JOYCE W. WOOD AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, JERRY D. WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UN KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, JACK WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, ELLEN WHITLOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, TONEY R. WHITLOCK AND/ OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, BEVERLY ANN WHIT LOCK AND/OR HIS OR HER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW, ANY AND ALL PARTIES THAT MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE EXCESS FUNDS GEN ERATED FROM THE JULY 6, 2021 TAX SALE FOR PROP ERTY LOCATED AT 1647 BILL WRIGHT ROAD, JEF FERSON (TAX PARCEL: 078-013), Respondents. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 23CV0164 To Respondents - Marvin R. Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, William Roy Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, Jerry D. Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, Jack Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, Toney R. Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, Beverly Ann Whitlock And/Or His Or Her Known Or Unknown Heirs At Law, and Any And All Parties That May Claim An Interest In The Excess Funds Generat ed From The July 6, 2021 Tax Sale For Property Located At 1647 Bill Wright Road, Jef ferson (Tax Parcel: 078-013): Please take notice that Peti tioner CANDACE TAYLOR- HEATON, in official capacity as TAX COMMISSIONER OF JACKSON COUNTY (“Peti tioner”) has filed a Summons and Petition for Interpleader in the Superior Court of Jack- son County, Georgia in the above-captioned case. Respondents are hereby commanded to file their An swer to the Petition within 60 days of the date of the Order Directing Service by Pub lication, or by October 16, 2023, with the Clerk of Supe rior Court of Jackson County, 5000 Jackson Parkway, Jef ferson, GA 30549, and serve a copy of their Answer on Petitioner’s counsel Bradley A. Hutchins, at WEISSMAN PC, One Alliance Center, 4th Floor, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Witness, the Judge of Jackson County Superior Court. This, 17th day of August, 2023.By: Camie W. Thomas Clerk of Superior Court of Jackson County, Georgia Prepared by: D. Andrew Folkner Georgia Bar No. 695599 Bradley A. Hutchins GA Bar No. 380682 Counsel for Petitioner Candace Taylor-Heaton, in official capacity as Tax Commissioner of Jackson County WEISSMAN PC One Alliance Center, 4th Floor 3500 Lenox Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (404) 926 4500 | F 4600 (AU23 30, SE6, 13 B/15032-75) | Garrison Estate NOTICE IN RE: The Petition of Douglas Zee Garrison to Probate Will in Solemn Form for the estate of SARAH A. GARRISON having been duly filed. TO: The unknown heirs of Sarah A. Garrison This is to notify you to file objection, if there is any, to the petition to probate will in solemn form, in this Court on or before September 25, 2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. Sherry C. Moore Judge of the Probate Court By: Jalyn Ross Clerk of the Probate Court 5000 Jackson Pkwy, Suite 140 Jefferson, GA 30549 706-387-6277 (AU30, SE6, 13, 20 B/1247-30) | Notice of Sale NOTICE OF SALE UN DER POWER, JACKSON COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Secu rity Deed given by SARAH JOHNSON TO CITIFINAN- CIAL SERVICES, INC. dated 10/18/2007 and recorded in Deed Book 50L Page 307 Jackson County, Georgia re cords; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Sav ings Fund Society, FSB as trustee of WV 2017-1 Grantor Trust, conveying the after- described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $54,677.18, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Jackson County, Georgia (or such other area as designated by Order of the Superior Court of said coun ty), within the legal hours of sale on October 3, 2023 (be ing the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday, in which case being the first Wednes day of said month), the follow ing described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF COMMERCE, COUNTY OF JACKSON, STATE OF GEORGIA, AND BEGINNING AT A STAKE IN THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE JOHN WHITE PROPERTY CORNERING WITH AN UN NAMED STREET TO THE SOUTH, THENCE NORTH 78 DEGREES WEST 20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BE GINNING; THENCE NORTH 7 1/2 DEGREES EAST 105 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE NORTH 78 DEGREES WEST 75 FEET TO A STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 7 1/2 DE GREES WEST 105 FEET IN THE NORTH MARGIN OF SAID STREET; THENCE SOUTH 78 DEGREES EAST 75 FEET ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF SAID STREET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING BEING THE SAME FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED FROM WILLIAM S. JOHNSON TO SARA JOHNSON, DATED 04/06/1999 RECORDED ON 04/08/1999 IN BOOK 19- J, PAGE 342 IN JACKSON COUNTY RECORDS, STATE OF GA. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due be cause of, among other pos sible events of default, fail ure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all ex penses of this sale, as provid ed in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is com monly known as 101 Dun can Street, Commerce, GA 30529 together with all fix tures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in posses sion of the subject property is (are): Annette Louise Cowen, Administrator of the Estate of Sarah D Johnson or tenant or tenants. Carrington Mortgage Ser vices, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to ne gotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Carrington Mortgage Ser vices, LLC 1600 South Dou glass Road Suite 200-A Anaheim, CA 92806 (800) 561-4567 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not re quired by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstand ing ad valorem taxes (includ ing taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing au thority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an ac curate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encum brances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirma tion and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pur suant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be pro vided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB as trustee of WV 2017-1 Grantor Trust as agent and Attorney in Fact for Sarah Johnson Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Piedmont Center, 3525 Pied mont Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 2191-2757A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COL LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN FORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 2191-2757A (SE6, 13, 20, 27 B/12587- 120)| Notice of Sale NOTICE OF SALE UN DER POWER, JACKSON COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by CHUNTA GILL AND GEORGIA BIBBY TO MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as grantee, as nomi nee for NP, Inc., its succes sors and assigns dated 1/28/2022 and recorded in Deed Book 100Q Page 506 Jackson County, Georgia re cords; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but solely as Owner Trustee of OBX 2022-NQM7 Trust, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $584,910.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the un dersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Jackson County, Georgia (or such other area as des ignated by Order of the Su perior Court of said county), within the legal hours of sale on October 3, 2023 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday, in which case being the first Wednes day of said month), the follow ing described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE 245TH GMD JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, CONSISTING OF 1.370 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 63, PAGE 10 OF THE JACKSON COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE FOR A MORE COMPLETE DE SCRIPTION OF SAID PROP ERTY. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due be cause of, among other pos sible events of default, fail ure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale continued on following page