Newspaper Page Text
JCSO continued from 6A
licitation on Lake Vista Dr.
where a woman received a
call from someone claim
ing to work for the JCSO
indicating she had warrants
for not showing up for jury
•computer child exploita
tion on Brockton Rd. where
a juvenile sent nude photos
to someone.
•warrant; obstruction of
officers; giving false name
to officers; driving while
license is suspended or re
voked; and headlight viola
tion on Hwy. 129 where a
man was arrested during a
traffic stop. He initially gave
officers false identity infor
mation. He also reportedly
resisted arrest.
• lost/found item on Black-
stock Rd. where someone
reported a missing firearm.
• agency assist on Sparrow
Ln. where a juvenile was
taken to the hospital after
a report that they weren’t
breathing. The child had
reportedly begun to breathe
again before being taken to
the hospital.
•dispute on Shamus Way
where a man had a dispute
with someone over the
•damage to property on
Creek Nation Rd. where a
mailbox was damaged.
•theft by taking on Sto
rey Ln. where a property
manager reported a former
tenant took a washer and
• suspicious activity on
Storey Meadows Dr. where
a man knocked on some
one’s door while looking for
his dog. The man may have
been experiencing a mental
health episode.
•dispute on Harold Phil
lips Rd. where neighbors
had a dispute.
• animal complaint on Ra
ven Ridge where someone
reported an aggressive dog
killed two cats.
• agency assist on Bill
Wright Rd. where a woman
was taken to Piedmont Ath
ens Regional Medical Cen
ter for a medical emergency.
•mental person on Laven
der Rd. where a man made
several allegations, but may
have been having a mental
health issue.
•damage to a vehicle on
Brockton Rd. where a patrol
car rear-ended another after
the officer looked down at
the maps on their computer.
•damage to a vehicle on
1-85 where a vehicle was
damaged after striking a
wood pallet in the roadway.
• suspicious activity on
Silverwood Dr. (Gillsville)
where a woman reported a
man went into her yard and
recorded her dogs.
•juvenile issue on Hale
Rd. where a juvenile didn’t
want to go to school.
•agency assist on Gills
ville Rd. where officers
assisted the GSP after a ve
hicle versus bicycle wreck.
The bicyclist was taken to
NGMC Gainesville.
• suspicious activity on
Yarbrough Ridgeway Rd.
where someone saw a mo
torcycle off the roadway.
• information on Hardman
Orchard Rd. where someone
reported suspicious vehicles
had been seen on the road
during the night. Hardman
Orchard Rd. is currently
closed to traffic. Officers
found a man asleep in a ve
hicle. Someone came to pick
him up.
• suspicious activity on
Deadwyler Rd. where a
woman noticed items were
moved and the lights were
on at a residence where she
was house-sitting.
•mental person on Pine-
tree Cir. where a man was
taken to Piedmont Athens
Regional Medical Center
after having a mental health
•welfare check on Beacon
Dr. where officers attempt
ed to check on a man, but
weren’t able to make con
• possession, manufacture,
etc. of certain controlled
substances or marijuana;
possession of drug-related
objects; possession of mari
juana less than an ounce; and
headlight violation on Dry
Pond Rd. where two people
were arrested during a traffic
stop. Officers saw large bag
of marijuana in the vehicle.
They later found suspected
methamphetamine and other
drug-related objects.
•damage to a vehicle on
Hwy. 441 where a vehicle
struck a coyote.
• suspicious activity on
Musket Ct. where a woman
reported someone left house
shoes on her property.
• suspicious activity on
James Maxwell Rd. where
someone noticed a person
standing on their property.
•warrant service and
obstruction of officers on
Hawks Ridge Rd. where a
man fled from police on foot
while they were attempting
to arrest him for a warrant.
The man also grabbed a fire
arm while fleeing, but threw
it down when officers told
him to do so.
•custody dispute on Tall
Timber Trail.
• information on Chandler
Bridge Rd. where a woman
said she received threaten
ing text messages.
•welfare check on Ivy
Creek Dr. where officers
checked on a man who was
•agency assist on Jim
David Rd. where officers
assisted after a woman fell.
EMS checked the woman.
• criminal trespass on
Chandler Bridge Rd. where
someone reported spray-
paint on the roadway and on
a sign.
•dispute on Emily Forest
Way where officers were
called to a residence twice
for reports of a dispute.
• agency assist on Hwy. 60
where officers assisted the
GSP after a wreck.
•welfare check on Old
Gainesville Hwy. where
officers stopped a woman
who was driving all over the
roadway. She reportedly ap
peared confused.
•dispute on Emily Forest
Way where a woman may
have had a mental health
•juvenile issue on Main
St. where three juveniles
were at an abandoned build
ing taking photos of graffiti.
• financial transaction card
theft on Old State Rd. where
a woman reported a juvenile
used her debit card without
• simple battery-family
violence on Old State Rd.
where a woman was arrest
ed after allegedly punching
a man in the nose.
• theft by taking on Wayne
Poultry Rd. where someone
reported a vehicle was sto
len, damaged, then returned.
• theft by taking and dam
age to property on Nichols
Rd. where a woman report
ed vehicles were damaged.
Items were also missing and
the interior of a house was
• information at Legacy
Knoll Middle School where
a student wanted to make a
report about an incident that
occurred at home.
•civil matter on Com
merce Rd. where a woman
wanted to retrieve belong
ings from a residence.
•dispute on New Kings
Bridge Rd. where a road de
partment employee report
ed a man got angry after he
tried to get a load of asphalt,
but couldn’t tell them who
sent him.
• information on Com
merce Rd. where a woman
said someone accused her of
stealing a debit card.
• suspicious activity on
Clarksboro Dr. where a
woman reported someone
called her and claimed she
missed jury duty.
•agency assist on Brock
Rd. where officers assisted
the Jefferson Police Depart
ment with locating a man
who had family violence
charges against him.
• criminal trespass on
Roquemore Rd. where a
man was given a criminal
trespass warning after sleep
ing in someone’s vehicle. He
told officers he didn’t know
how he got there.
•noise complaint on Hwy.
129 where someone report
ed loud music.
•damage to a vehicle on
Crooked Creek Rd. where a
man was taken to the hospi
tal for a possible concussion
after a motorcycle wreck.
• suspicious activity on
Commerce Rd. where a man
reported seeing a possible
burglary via live feed cam
era footage.
• aggravated assault-fam
ily violence; battery/simple
battery-family violence;
and cruelty to children on
Jefferson Rd. where a man
was arrested after alleged
ly punching a woman and
holding her down. He also
reportedly held a knife to
ward another woman.
• information on Mason
Dr. where a man reported a
family member was plotting
against him.
•agency assist on Com
merce Rd. where a man was
taken to Piedmont Athens
Regional Medical Center
after expressing suicidal
•civil matter on Crest
Club Dr. where a woman
said her neighbor displayed
yard signs using vulgar lan
guage in retaliation against
the homeowner’s associ
ation, which had cited the
neighbor for violations.
Some signs reportedly de
picted “profane hand ges
tures,” while others called
the homeowners association
members “evil people.” The
neighbor reportedly refused
to remove the signs.
•welfare check on Bent-
water Way where a woman
reportedly told an employee
at a doctor’s office that she
stopped taking prescribed
medication and no longer
wanted to live. A deputy
responded to the woman’s
house but could not contact
her. The woman’s son later
contacted the JCSO, report
ing that his mother made
suicidal comments. But she
reportedly told medical unit
workers that she did not
want to harm herself.
•suspicious activity on
Rouse Rd. where a wom
an said a security camera
alerted her to a possible in
truder in her home and she
also heard footsteps. A dep
uty searched the house and
found no one inside.
•terroristic threats and ac
tions on Marshall Clark Rd.
where a man with mental
issues reportedly left a mes
sage threatening to “put a
bullet in the head” of a state
senator in Connecticut. The
man reportedly left the mes
sage on the state senator’s
phone and reportedly called
another senator and made
the same threat. The Con
necticut State Police is in
vestigating the incident and
contacted the JCSO about
the reported threats. Accord
ing to the JCSO, the agency
has had extensive contact
with the man and suffers
from mental issues. He has
reportedly threatened law
enforcement in the past. Ac
cording to the report, further
review is required to deter
mine whether venue could
be sought in either jurisdic
tion for terroristic threat and
harassing communication
charges. Prosecution has
been requested, according to
the incident report. The case
was turned over to the JC-
SO’s criminal investigation
•theft on Lewis Braselton
Blvd. where a man report
edly test drove a vehicle
and didn’t return it. The
alleged theft occurred two
weeks before notification
of law enforcement. The
owner said he knew the man
through friends and family
and attempted to convince
him to return the vehicle.
According to the owner, the
vehicle is currently in Au
burn, Alabama. He said he
wants to press charges.
•911 hang-up on Helen
Valley where a woman was
heard crying and telling
someone, “you don’t have
to hit me.” A woman and a
man were then heard yell
ing at each other before the
call disconnected. A deputy
responded to the woman’s
address but only found her
mother there. The woman’s
mother said her daughter
had been arguing with her
husband but that her daugh
ter was OK. The deputy,
who noted that the woman’s
mother seemed uncooper
ative, could not contact the
•information on Cooper
Bridge Rd. where a man told
a deputy that he went to a
residence to retrieve a bike
for his incarcerated broth
er and encountered a male
who said he could not have
the bike. The deputy said
he could not intervene and
that his brother would have
to settle the issue when re
leased from jail. The man’s
brother reportedly told the
deputy he would legally or
illegally retrieve the bike.
He was reportedly warned
that he could be charged
with criminal trespass if he
•suspicious activity on
Hwy. 332 where a bulldoz
er was found with its head
lights, interior lights and
computer screen on. An
open shipping container was
also found, but the possible
theft of any items was un
•identity fraud on Pock
et Rd. where a man said
someone took out a $29,808
loan in his name and also
bought six iPhones valued at
•failure to secure load
on Hwy. 60 where a trac
tor reportedly lost a load of
metal pipes, one of which
struck another vehicle. The
pipes also damaged a neigh
borhood post and concrete
Arrests continued from 6A
• Phyllip Andrew Tour-
ville, 31, 588 Matt Ln.,
Bethlehem — driving while
license is suspended or re
voked and operation of a
vehicle without a current
• Larry Scott Griffin,
53, 5909 Hwy. 82 Spur,
Maysville — driving while
license is suspended or re
voked; DUI-alcohol; fail
ure to maintain lane; flee
ing or attempting to elude
a police officer-felony; no
insurance; reckless driving;
and tag/registration viola
•Donald Ray Jones, 36,
6229 South Hall Dr., Flow
ery Branch — theft of lost/
mislaid property.
•Larry Duane Willis, 56,
558 Dunahoo Rd., Winder
— driving while license is
suspended or revoked.
• Christopher William
Maney, 33, 647 Skye Dr.,
Commerce — criminal
trespass-family violence
• Kristen Anne McCo
nnell, 40, 2640 Hwy. 51,
Lula — DUI-multiple sub
•Elyse Nicole Grimes,
34, 2044 Baker Rd., Atlan
ta — two counts of finan
cial transaction card fraud
and two counts of theft by
•Germe Rene Ortiz Iza-
guirre, 44,1093 Cooley
Dr., Gainesville — driving
without a valid license and
tail light violation.
• Donovan Reed Thur
mond, 28, 1410 Brock
Rd., Athens — aggravated
assault and battery-family
•Jeremy Wade Sudberry
Sr., 40, 412 Heritage Hills
Dr., Commerce — posses
sion of marijuana less than
an ounce and vehicle turn
ing left violation.
•Cesar Gomez, 25, 5358
Forest Way, Braselton —
The Jackson County Board of Commissioners will hold a public
hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 18, 2023, at the Jack-
son County Courthouse at 5000 Jackson Parkway, Jefferson, Geor
gia, to consider the following matter:
1. Southwind Subdivision, represented by Angie Wiggins, is re
questing the creation of a Special Tax District for Street Light
ing to provide a mechanism for the property owners of the sub
division to pay for the street lights within the subdivision. (Tax
Map 094, Parcels 016)
Applications, maps and public hearing procedures are available for
review in the Planning Division Office, of the Department of Pub
lic Development during regular office hours.
All interested persons are invited to attend.
driving while license is
suspended or revoked;
hold for Hall County; and
holding a wireless device
for voice communication
while driving.
• Charmaine Lajuan
McWhorter, 44, 426 In
dian River Rd., Jefferson
— DUI-alcohol; failure to
maintain lane; and speed
ing (77/55).
•Edwin Alfonso Perez,
37, 1468 Thyatira Rd., Jef
ferson — DUI-alcohol and
•James Austin Tillery,
54, 63 Lewis Bond Rd.,
Jefferson — driving while
license is suspended or re
voked and failure to main
tain lane.
• Shuler Orenthel
Holmes, 38, 255 Edwards
Ave., Spartanburg, S.C. —
affixing tint to windows or
windshields; DUI-alcohol;
license to be carried and
exhibited on demand; and
speeding (88/60).
• Edwin Pablo Mu-
noz-Lucio, 31, 4058 Hwy.
105, Baldwin — driving
while unlicensed; DUI-al-
cohol; failure to maintain
lane; and failure to obey an
authorized person directing
• Roxanne Elizabeth
Long, 50, 267 Fern Valley
Dr., Toccoa — DUI; im
proper turn or lane change;
and instruction permits and
graduated license violation.
•Kimothy Latay Parker,
34, 1844 Roanoke Ave.,
Roanoke Rapids, N.C. —
possession of marijuana
less than an ounce and Vi
olation of the Georgia Con
trolled Substances Act.
• Zachary Daniel Bill
ings, 35, 1506 River Mist
Cir., Jefferson — criminal
trespass and violation of
oath by public officer.
The Commerce City Council will conduct a public hearing prior to its regu
lar meeting on September 18, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., at the Commerce Civic Cen
ter, 110 State Street, Commerce, GA, 30529. Following the public hearing and
during its regular meeting the Commerce City Council may act on the following:
1. Unified Development Code (New Zoning Ordinance)
All interested persons are invited to attend. A full copy of the ordinance is avail
able for review for public inspection in person at the Commerce Planning & De
velopment Office, 545 Cedar Dr., Commerce, GA 30529 during regular business
hours or online at:
For more information, call 706-335-3359.
This the 13th day of September, 2023.