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Jefferson PD
Man trying to buy beer finds Jefferson business burglarized
Arcade PD
Recent incidents
reported by Arcade PD
A man who was trying to
buy beer at a Jefferson con
venience store found that the
facility had been burglarized.
Officers with the Jefferson
Police Department were called
to the Hwy. 129 business on
Sept. 16.
The complainant said he
came to the store to get beer,
but found the cooler door was
standing open. He then looked
down the aisle and saw that
merchandise was on the floor
and the shelves were in dis
array. When the man couldn’t
find anyone in the store, he ex
ited and called 911.
Officers said the building’s
power had been shut off. The
doors on the ATM were open
and the box containing cash
was laying on a shelf and it
appeared someone tried to pry
open the box with scissors.
Another ATM and a lottery
machine also appeared to have
been tampered with. All the
cigarettes and tobacco were
stolen. A safe under the reg
ister was open. The suspect(s)
also attempted to pry open the
register, but were unsuccess
Other recent incidents re
ported by the Jefferson PD
•three-vehicle wreck with
one injury on Lee St. One per
son complained of back pain.
•two-vehicle wreck with
one injury on Hwy. 129. One
person was taken to the hos
•theft by taking-felony
(parts from vehicle) on Apex
Dr. where someone stole cata
lytic converters.
•computer crimes; criminal
trespass; and deposit account
fraud (felony) on Katherine
Dr. where a business computer
was hacked and a wire transfer
was compromised.
•simple battery-domestic
violence act on Canvasback
Ct. where a woman reported
a verbal dispute with a man
turned physical. She said the
man pushed her and covered
her mouth when she screamed
for help.
•leash law violation on Fair-
lane Dr. where dogs were al
lowed to run off leash. Some
one reported the dogs had
chased children.
•information on Hwy. 129
and Speedway Dr. where a
man was given a criminal
trespass warning at two busi
nesses after reportedly harass
ing customers for money and
cigarettes and loitering. The
man was later arrested after he
was seen lying down in an area
where he’d been trespassed
from. Officers found marijua
na on him.
•burglary on Elberta Dr.
where a woman reported
someone kicked in her front
door. Clothing and makeup
were missing.
•entering auto on Hwy. 129
where a man reported some
one entered a vehicle and took
•speeding; driving while li
cense is suspended; reckless
driving; and wanted person on
1-85 where a man and woman
were arrested during a traffic
stop. Officers also smelled
marijuana in the vehicle and
later found the substance.
•scam on Duke St. where
a woman reported she was
scammed out of S600 when
purchasing UGA football
game tickets on social media.
•theft by taking on Dry Pond
Rd. where a woman reported
her purse was missing.
•criminal damage to prop
erty-first degree on Hwy.
129 where a woman reported
someone damaged her vehicle.
•two-vehicle wreck with one
injury on Lee St. One person
complained of a neck injury.
•domestic dispute on Glen-
field Dr. where family mem
bers had a dispute over a living
The following incidents
were recently reported by
the Arcade Police Depart
•theft by taking-felony
on Athens Hwy. where a
woman reported a theft at a
deceased family member’s
• information on Nathan
iel Dr. where someone ac
cused another of stealing
•stalking on Azalea Dr.
where a woman reported
a man contacted her via
social media by using a
false name, in violation of
a court order.
• agency assist on High
tower Trail where some
one reported a criminal
act that occurred in Hall
• suspicious incident
on Athens Hwy. where a
man slept on a porch of
a church. He said he was
back-packing and was try
ing to get out of a storm.
•violation of a family
violence order on Rock
Forge Rd. where a wom
an wanted a man removed
from a residence. She had
previously gotten a tem
porary protection order
against the man, but al
lowed him to come back to
the residence.
•suspicious incident on
Sandy Lane Ct. where a
man thought someone si
phoned gas from his ve
hicle. He also found the
power was off at his resi
• criminal trespass on
Swan Rd. where a man
was given a criminal tres
pass warning after he was
seen on a property.
Arrests continued from 6A
•Andrew Wayne Coker,
56, 3584 Stock Rd. SW,
Monroe — deposit account
fraud (bad checks) $1,500
or more (felony).
•Shannon Wesley Jack-
son, 43, 5788 Riley Farm
Rd., Lula — probation vi
•Eric Crow Nolan, 35,
homeless — probation vi
• Sandy Ramon San
tos Jr., 30, 277 E. Carv
er Dr., Athens — driving
while license is suspended
or revoked and speeding
•Jesse Kip Smith, 37,
2156 Hwy. 326, Cames-
ville — terroristic threats
and acts-felony.
•Joseph Lee Turk, 45, 63
Hunt Club Rd., Nicholson
— battery-family violence.
• Christopher Michael
Vaughan, 45, 100 Guy
Maddox Rd., Braselton
— forgery-first degree; no
proof of insurance; posses
sion and use of drug-relat
ed objects; possession of
a Schedule II Controlled
Substance (methamphet-
amine); registration/license
violation; and removing or
affixing a license plate with
intent to conceal.
•Na Yoon Hong, 26, 213
Amber Meadow Dr., Bra
selton — simple battery.
•Lino Jose Soto Hernan
dez, 31, 3018 Falls Pwky.,
Duluth — driving without
a valid license and no in
•Chloe Leigh Casey, 20,
homeless — criminal tres
•Diego Contreras, 22,
355 McDaniel St., Alto —
driving on roadways laned
for traffic and DUI.
• Jordan Mekhi Gaskin,
25, 348 Fallen Timber Ct.,
Stockbridge — hold for
Gwinnett County.
• Kenbrianna Alei-
yah-Ranell Mitchell, 25,
47 Kerry Ann Way, Com
merce — failure to main
tain lane; possession and
use of drug-related objects;
and possession of a Sched
ule I Controlled Substance
(THC gummies).
• Cassie Nicole Pruitt,
29, 394 Hillcrest Dr., Com
merce — crossing state/
county guard lines with
weapons, intoxicants or
drugs without consent;
DUI-multiple substanc
es; possession and use of
drug-related objects; and
possession and use of a
Schedule I Controlled Sub
stance (fentanyl).
• Jay ’ Viyon Michael
Smith, 19, 48 Courtland
View Ln„ Commerce —
two counts of battery-fam
ily violence; cruelty to
children-third degree;
adn terroristic threats and
•Jesse Wallace Roach,
32, 325 Grist Mill Ln„
Lawrenceville — criminal
trespass-family violence
and simple assault-family
•Gerardo Manuel Carras-
co-Diaz, 27, 1650 Maybell
Trail, Lawrenceville — no
license and seatbelt viola
• Romil Makeye Lewis
Prescod, 26, 7326 Park
land Bend — Fairburn —
driving with a suspended
or revoked license; hold
for Riverdale; possession
of marijuana less than an
ounce; reckless driving;
and speeding (90/60).
•Jason Jeffrey Patterson,
39, 4474 Cold Creek Trail,
Buford — criminal trespass
and possession of marijua
na less than an ounce.
• Aniyah Marie Saunders,
25, 8340 Taylor Rd., Riv
erdale — hold for Clayton
• Van Robert Mitchell,
49, 2337 Commerce Rd.,
Jefferson — failure to ap
pear and open container.
•Jeremiah Elijah Tyrek
Parks, 21, 9050 Hwy. 106
South, Lot 10, Hull —
driving while license is
suspended or revoked and
speeding (74/55).
• John Shedrick Carson
Jr., 42, 206 Old Castle
Ln., Forest City, N.C. —
possession of a Schedule
I Controlled Substance
(mushrooms) and traffick
ing marijuana.
• Stoney Lynn Harness,
57, 459 Monte Ln., Jeffer
son — DUI-alcohol.
•Joshua Lee Steele, 44,
155 Loggins Rd., Com
merce — driving while un
licensed; no brake light; no
insurance; and no tail light.
• Kelley Jean Evans, 2142
Hwy. 278, Covington —
hold for Gwinnett County.
•Felix Adrian Martinez,
31, 1995 Villa Spring Ct.,
Dacula - hold for Law
•Bricola D. L. Baughns,
28, 160 Carriage Ct., Ath
ens — cruelty to chil-
dren-first degree.
• Luke Avery Brookshire,
31, 66 Harmony St., Com
merce — probation viola
• Christopher Shawn
Robinson, 51, homeless
— escape-felony; hold for
Banks County; and proba
tion violation.
•William Ronald Wild
er, 49, 208 Jefferson Rd.,
Statham — escape-felony
and hold for Barrow Coun
JCSO continued from 6A
said he was going to sew up
his mouth. He declined be
ing transported for a mental
•suicide threats on Hwy.
441 where a woman was
taken to Northeast Georgia
Medical Center Barrow af
ter a possible overdose.
•harassing communi
cations; false report of a
crime; and unlawful con
duct during a 911 call on
Summit Ct. where a woman
reported his ex-wife made
harassing reports.
•welfare check on Old
Athens Dr. where officers
checked on a woman who
had previously fallen.
• suspicious activity on
Cooper Farm Rd. where a
woman reported a missing
•damage to a vehicle on
Taylor Brook Ln. where a
vehicle rear-ended another.
•battery/simple bat
tery-family violence on
Hunt Club Rd. where a
man and woman argued
and there were conflicting
stories about a physical dis
•dispute and civil mat
ter on Kimberly Ln. where
people had a dispute over a
• simple battery-family
violence on Emily Forest
Way where a woman was
arrested after a verbal dis
pute with a family member
turned physical. The wom
an reportedly grabbed the
family member. Jail intake
officers found suspected
marijuana in her purse.
• simple assault; mental
person; and juvenile issue
on Hwy. 129 where a juve
nile was taken to the hospi
tal after making comments
about self harm and possi
bly taking allergy medica
tion. The juvenile also re
portedly swung at a family
• lost/found item on
Stockton Farm Rd. where a
woman found a firearm on
the side of the road.
• suspicious activity on
Seasons Valley where a
woman reported someone
knocked on her door and
mumbled something.
• suspicious activity on
Belmont Oaks Dr. where
a woman was parked in an
undeveloped portion of a
neighborhood. She said she
was checking her bank ac
• welfare check on Rapids
Dr. where officers checked
on a family after a report of
a fall.
•damage to a vehicle on
Tallassee Rd. where a ve
hicle caught fire, but there
were no injuries.
•welfare check on
Wheelis Rd. where officers
checked on a juvenile after
someone had a dispute over
•civil matter on Com
merce Rd. where a flea
market seller and facility
manager had an issue over a
payment arrangement.
•battery on Brock Rd.
where multiple people had a
physical fight.
• civil matter on Hwy. 330
where there was an issue
with a living arrangement.
•damage to property on
Masters Way where a vehi
cle damaged a water line.
•identity fraud on Dav
enport Rd. where a woman
said someone in Clarkston
used her identity to open a
Comcast account. She said
she received notice that she
owed $626.
•agency assist on Yau-
pon Trail where a man
with mental health issues
stopped taking his medica
tion and was tended to by
a mobile crisis unit. A dep
uty transported the man to
Northeast Georgia Medical
Center in Gainesville for a
mental health evaluation.
•dispute on Reece Dr.
where a woman said she and
her husband argued while
drinking and that he took
her keys, phone and wallet.
She also said he grabbed
both of her arms to keep her
from leaving the residence.
The woman’s son said he
saw his father take the items
but did not witness him grab
his mother. The woman’s
husband said he took her
keys and phone to keep her
from driving while intox
icated. He said she tried to
rip his shirt off and punched
him in the chest. According
to the incident report, the re
sponding deputy could not
determine a primary aggres
sor and made no arrest.
•damage to a vehicle
where the rear window
of an abandoned car was
found shattered. Accord
ing to the incident report,
the window was not bro
ken when the Coordinat
ed Highway Assistance
and Maintenance Program
(CHAMPS) had tagged the
vehicle a day earlier.
•suspicious activity on
Hwy. 53 where a vehi
cle was seen parked in a
church parking lot with the
rear driver’s side wheel re
•information on Marshall
Clark Rd. where a deputy
responded to a possible sui
cide threat at a residence. A
man was reportedly found
lying on the floor but said
he had fallen and had no
thoughts of harming him
•information on Crest
Club where a man said his
stepdaughter began filming
him, saying she was un
comfortable around him.
The man said he had gone
downstairs in his home and
saw his stepdaughter at the
residence, unaware she
was there. He said he nev
er came within 20 feet of
her and wanted the incident
•noise complaint on Ston-
eview Dr. where a woman
reported hearing gunshots
behind her residence for an
•entering automobile on
Canyon Ferry Way where a
woman said someone stole
her purse from her car.
•agency assist on Hwy.
332 and Hwy. 124 to a
three-vehicle accident with
•agency assist on Curk
Roberts Rd. at New Cut Rd.
where a driver reportedly
ran a stop sign and crashed
into another vehicle, leav
ing her in critical condi
tion. She was transported to
Northeast Georgia Medical
Center in Gainesville. The
other driver said the wom
an’s vehicle struck the pas
senger side of his vehicle
as he crossed Curk Roberts
•agency assist on Rainy
Ct. where a man said his
girlfriend slapped him
during an argument. He did
not press charges but want
ed his girlfriend to leave his
•agency assistant and ani
mal complaint where a man
was reportedly bitten by
two dogs who attacked his
puppy. The man’s wife re
portedly stabbed one of the
dogs. The other dog report
edly ran into their home,
where they were able to trap
it. Emergency medical ser
vices transported the man to
Northeast Georgia Medical
Center to treat his wound.
•dispute on Michigan Cir
cle where a woman said her
son had been staying with
her for multiple days and
sent out threats in a fami
ly group chat. The woman
said the threats did not tar
get her specifically. She also
said her son broke a rod in
a closet but did not make
physical contact with her.
•dispute on Jackson Trail
Rd. where a man said his
landlord goes through his
belongings while he’s not
at his residence, which the
landlord denied.
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# Jackson Herald
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