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About Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1860)
epr • - - J Lb • • •. .%js-i*> ..rY ; v- < TaiH^^^ f^jfiM4 i ; v “* RKnyL|^HHp : *v ... Hf*-- •’ l. :”7 C TANARUS, ‘ : * 4 ’ e. r .. ;:tr BY SYS’ms 4 FULLER. Volume 3. THE PLANTERS’ WEEKLY PITBUSHHU AT CS-a. ROUS H. STHVESS. ( p raDrS . torß . EKED. <l. FULLER. \ l 1 ° l>4 iStIOTS ’ * TRUSTS.—TWO DOLLARS A YEAR; OB ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS IN ADVANCE. - SARD . ---JOHN C7REIdT’ ATTOnnST AT L , AW ’ • jtinol’s9-ly. G mnrsboro, (xeorgtu. UO EVENS, ikTT OEN E Y AT U A VY, GtIRR.VSBOIto’ Gkoiuiia. practice in the counties of Greene, HiWvin, Putnam Oglethorpe, Tli*frro and Hancock. {Fob.2, 1859-rtJ (JASBV, MHJ’IN & <;>• WtroLESALE DUUGGISTS, ASH IMPOST 1”,’..} OF RSaUS'I, FRK.VCU, AND GERMAN DRUBS, ChemicaU. I’erfmncry anil F.mey Artir.lis, • ra-STL’Pf.S I’AIVTi, 011.3, W'SIMIHIS OI.CS*, itc., &c., Ac. S. W. Uor. ondgkt an I Lombard streets, baltimohe. W. T. €0034. Trav, Agt. —Gy 28-C Slciiikuil GavL WIERKBV loml'r my thanks to I ho pn'ilio for kitoi- Pbcliiwin* on mo heretofore, I wiser share of nitron vA than l .ntieipnlwi, nn*l njt'tin offer mt pro fvt.i.i.ial aerWce* t. my jrhh muv me a cull. \V-i in n on? .(feii. I may bo.fouiitl •i Wjoil’s I)rn/Store. .. .1 m. U. H3) ly. w. Ij. RE MBA. M. !> / I) E NT I S r r RY. *>?t. If*.?#. MORGyMo SUTgPo.s and Mteehsalcal Dentist. Penfield, Georgia, WslTt •’ i ‘•** the cUU-ne of Grebe nrnl ml ... 4 ’ /, ,“ip, i( prepared to perlorin I ouio? 3 .anl ft*,. ‘ * ‘ withneat l* f •;> >rU i.i jnirlAininir th tll r ..m .n I tmpatch. tin wi'l irtwrt from uJ 1 - C h Kir * ,et of teeth. It Unis intention to please. li- vili li-in Ci . i'll Mhoro on Moinlsv, 1 jostlay iFT• i t fy of o.i.vli weeek autl in PimAdd the rnm.i i ler of hU time. Anr en the eointry flint in iy lie tendered In i moot i-itli prompt Attention. Ho refers to I*- f .:oi * viiir.ihy of Kon i —Fob. 29. IKfi.i. ’ c logksTwatolies” ‘ J 1 W II S l2 r|T'fl{ ji!'lorsi-:noJ w-.mM respectfully £L * idform tlm sit intuit of t tis \ia nify jLji nu l flic public in gon'o ?U, that he has *• ||.>tiirncd lo Grecitesboro, n „ | will oons.artt'.y keep on hand a well selco t.i'l .lock of Wniches ft Jewelry, on 1 wll rdf Irw ili-iii Over. C;ill in and try kbit. ISJ3U Hltto'is, Wiit-'h.M and Jewelry, also, am* vl It Is i) as lmrotof*ire at the old stand. J. B*. AilLimtOM. lire,', C i., M.y3(), 1S10; If. MiGliousE. SPEAES & KIGeKT, STILL OCCUPY THEIK OLD STAND, OrrosiTK ths I'lantibs 1 Hotel, No. Sl6, TV lu re they Constantly keep on hand one of THS LARGEST STOCKS l\ THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY! Comprising* Every Article in the Ih*a? and Fancy Coeds Trade, all nr Which they will sell AT NEW YORK PRICES. Price Before Yen Buy. AUB'ityb Gi.i Januatf 10. h, IS6O. j s. & ##., |. 8.1R.1 iPM#, ■ * MAA Tu factuheus of . Saddles. ila: *ss, Trunks *••* ’ .r. Ti AVfi established ljl. themselves in ihe fttwn of Pen llfA ntiield. Tbev are <n roc.ipt 0. a Fine La! of materials, lint! will constantly keep on hand a good Assortment of Wution. Coarli ai Bistfsxy Harness ,f TIIKIII OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. > ,manlike manner of the best material Repairing done at the shortest no ” {.Taii. 1,1860-ts. NOTICE. te I'bß. N F. POWERS, having boon burnt i U put ha* had'to get an office elsewhere.— j He is now st v'*ng in the house formerly held . by Dr. Latimer. Ir. P. solicits the patronage ] of those who may grant it. and who arc willing j to pay for it., , GLOBE HOT El *.! AU€iHTA, LEORfIU. . Lr,AUKY. % J} Puuntirruu. J£ r-* N ’•*•“ liMMtgtr* Moldiit).’ Tlirotigh Tinltftt* 1 ! I IAN of jtwwrfwl t *h*l Low this 11 did free f ,r< * S\ p/ * ,v A WooUy i<mcaal--OovotoS to Horn® Litoratnro, Po?e%i3i and Bomestio Hows, wit, fcim or, &c. Neiv Advertisements. REMOVAL. WS hereby give notice to all of our friends and customers and the public generally, that wchave been compelled to moveto Nortasis Old Stand, (in order to avoid Litjgation,) where we ex pect to remain until our new House is com pleted, which wc hope will be but a short time, and in order to reduce our Large and Complete Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, we will offer Extra Inducements, weare determined not to bo undersold hv any - r —.r Homo or Foreign competitors, all wo ask ofanv one u, fiolc i ! anc l EXAMINE OUR STOCK, we fori confident, that the inducements we offer, cannot fail to give general Satisfaction, wo offer GOOD Goods at Low Prices, Our stock consists of everything usually kept in an up country Town, such as Staple and Fancy Dry GOODS, Domestics of all discriptiens, Cloths and Caai mores, Vest'ngs, Hats and Caps, Tweeds and Kerseyr, Blankets. Ladies Gentlemen find Childrens shoes, B. ogar-s 11-ud were, Crockery Groceries, Yankee notions, Ac. \V e would call particular attention to our stock of GEOIKUA MADE GOODS, such ns Kerseys, Tweeds, Casimers, Sheeting and Shirting, Osnabnrgs, YTool Hats Ac. We will sell any of our o and goods, at New York Cost without the expenses ol getting them here, cal! and see us, we shall charge nothing (or si,owing our GOODS, but will take pleas ure in doing 8, dent buy before you examine our stock, as you might regret it after it is too late. Come mo:, C,n:ie all. WIN FIELD, JACKSON & CO. 10th Out. lU6O till 23d iVtig. 1801. Coparlnorship Notice. \\T C, the undersigned, having formed a co s ? partnership for tho purpose of carrving *ho CI.OTHING AHB Funiisliing Goods Business, And liaving bought Kenby C. V.'oavek’s interest in tho old firm of Crsbbv & Wer.ver, weald our friends ar.d tho public gen eraily, that wc offer Extra Inducements in the,sale of what goods w entW have on hand, our ohj -ct is to reduce the present ’lock, as ,ve int-nd t*> offer one of the Largest iiad Boat Stocks cf Clothing and Furnishing Goods. ever offered to this community, wo intend to make this ft BUSINESS OF ITSELF, and therefore our stock will ho complete.— \ v c hope that by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a liberal share of you,r patron age. Oil ABBE, PORTER & CO. R. It. CIIARRB, I L B. JACKSON. J. T. POltTEli, | J. W. WINFIELD. August 10 th, 1880. GUNsf&BKS! <3- XT IN S! r BMIE undersigned has put up n shop for the A purpose us Slaking and Bepatring Double (juns, Itllles & Pistols. I will do nil work entrusted to me with neat ness and dispatch, on reasonable terms, and warrant it. {££?“ Give me a Call. Shop over J. P. Aui.struMs’ Jewelry store. W. ‘J/.-1 GEWALTER. ffrccnesboro’, July 18, 1800. 3—3 m. UNEW GOODS! PITHE subscriber hereby respectfully informs 11 his old customers and tho public that he hasjust opened an Entire new STOCK-OF GOODS at his old stand (late W. C. Smith’s) where he invites their attention. The Goods consist of Hr,- Goods, Groceries, Hardware, a large lot of Clothing, Boots, .Shoes, Ac. &c Without following the cust on of publishing iny private retWOii® for every act, 1 will merely state that I can be easi.J found, that [ warrant every article offered to be, that I will sell them of the same quality and quantity, as low as any one else can or will do it, and to one customer as low as another, not contracting to sell any friend goods at cost. Call and sc-e me and 1 will be obliged. W. GRIFFIN. ISreencsboro’ Oct. 24 1 B<>i'.—2m. ft go UiUY U YNIfFYIVTO | OF SADDLES & HADNESS, !G llro.til Hired, US It EH J UUUBTA HOTEL, iMACHINESTRETOHED BELTING OK (J.jkt Hum!ork ah f linUnfm I Urn Hand* of Oak % Hemb#k and liuUur. jrjejus da it now. f*’Ui , UIKTk. % t I j | ”ts, 1 hi*(i I*#^ GREENESBORQ’, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 18(50. New Advertisements, , NITBOSENISSD SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. nBMOVAXj. r’ undersigned, Agent for the above A Fertiliser, in consequence of its marked success tho past, season*jtnd the greatly in creased demand arising therefrom, has made arrangements with the manufacturer for a ‘arge *.nd full supply; ar.d requiring greater facilities for storage and otheraccommodation, has taken the four story Warehouse as belov., where he w*ill be able to supply any quantity required, with promptness. He may be al lowed to express his satisfaction m view of the fact that of the numerous purchases made of him by planters, generally for the purpose of making comparative tes'-s with other fertil isers. not one case has come to his knowledge where our Fertiliser has not shown a decided superiority. Plantrrs who have used JJapes’ Phosphate, now make it their sole reliance, and are ordering (some of them) as much as fifty tans, for use the next season. This fact speaks for itself. Wc have discover, ds, qual ity, developed in the drouth, which was before unobserved, viz; its hygrotnetric power, or capacity, to absorb moisture from the atmos phere, which obviated to a large extent the lata unparalleled drought where it was used, while most other fertilisers were not. only val ueless. K..* posittv'” : "j"r;yur t ge piant. The safety and profit as a mo.toy investment, arising fren the use of Wipes’ Phosphate, arc now placed beyond question, and the experi ence of the past season, has established what we have, without hesitation, always asserted for it, that it is the only fertiliser reliable un der all circumstances or soil, mode of cultiva tion, and of weather. Tbe nn ler signed is also prepared io supply anv description of AGRTOT7LTURAL MA CHINERY and IMPLEMENTS, of the latest improved patterns adapted to Southern culti vation, at lowest, pries. J. A. QUIMBY, No. 3, Wari-fn Block. Augusta, Geo. October 10 ISftO.—wsm. ~ OsANDEiroUDESriNGT ~ ■ 28-1 Broad Street 254. UNDER GLOBE HOTEL. Dealer in Fancy and Ihy Goods. I have anything you want, and at the. lowest prices. Augusta, Ga., Sopt. 26, ISGO. tv. ““neWTfSll - G OODS, - !BGO. it-vie g received our stock of Fal l Dry f?ooils (all of which are entirely new, having no old stock on hand) wc- ( ake this occasion to ‘osll the attention of tho rca^..T c of the ‘‘.‘Pldntiirs’. Weekly,” to our floods end prices—* “our stock of Dress Goods, KERSEYS A!SD BLMfK&TR, HOOP SKIRTS, and all other articles in the Dry <7oods line is full and complete, all of which will be sold at prices to suit the short crops of Cotton anil Corn. Planters will oblige ns by calling and examining for themselves which will cost them nothing. KEAN & CZARK. 2nd door above Globe Corner. 258 Broad Street- Augusta, G a. Sept.2G, 1860- —ly. SOUTHERN RIGHTS. MUCH lias been said of late about South ern Rights and Southern Trade, espe cially since .the Charleston Convention, You cun now, “show yonr faith by your works.” J. W. WINFIELD, Offers for sale HARNESS .of all kinds, made in this city, out of the best Southern materially a Southern man and ho will give a Southern nwff, mu tee, for all work done in his shop, lie is’ prepared to make, to order, anything from a throat-latch of a Bridle to the finest Carriage Harness. peg"*Call at hi., shop in front end of Brother Copelan’s Livery Stable and you will he waited on by a Southern man. G. W. GROGAN, reencsh'.iro, May 15. |feb.22-ly] Agent. MARBLE WORKS, Broad Street. Scar the Lniccr Market, Augusta, Ga. MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, &C. AIjSO MARBLE MANTLES. And Furniture work of all kinds, From the Plainest to the most Elaborate, Designed and furnished te order a! short no tice. HI! work for the country carefully Boxed and forwarded. Avgusta, 6'a, <S pt. 20, 1860, —ly> Job Work of all J kinds neatly done iV fchif* M I B & & IF!* A N E 0- U S. Ths t?rae to Marry. _ The. would- be aviso this council give— “ Lot love’s found passion cool. The man who early weds will live himself n fool. .i’iie gathering chain that frets his limb, Wears deeper day by day, > Experience little teaches him i Who gives his heart away. lie wisely weds who weflfletli late, ; Aithiifty, unlinpassionCa mate.” When wrinkled oak-s shall twining cling, With tendrils like the .vine ; When ravenc,B ; like the linnet, sing’ Witli melody divine ; When honey drops from withered leaves And not from summer flowers ; When winter brings us golden sheaves The snow drift sunny hours ; • When truth abused makes falsehood right Go withering wed and find delight. Tho trembling notes the yonttg birds wake Rise sweetly into tune, As April buds expanding rnako The flowery wealth of June ; So love begun in life’s young day, Matures witli manhood's prime— Defies the esaker of e’eeay. And stvungor grows with time. On, early quaff Love’s nuptial wine, And all that’s best in life is tbino^ It is mentioned, as a medium of com merce, in the i v.’cnfy third chapter of Gen esis, when Abraham purchased a field— that of Maclipelali—as a sepulchre for Sarah, in the year of tho world 2130, or 1861 before Christ. In profiure history, the coinage of money is ascribed to the Lydians, one of whose kings,’ Croesus, pos sessed enormouswealth, having tlui power, it is said, of converting everything he touched into gold. Mor.eta was the name’ given to their silver by the Romans, it having been coined in the temple of Juno Ymieta, 269 13. C- Money was made of different ores’, and even ofleathcr and oth er articles, both, in ancient and modern times. It was made of pasteboard by the Hollanders so late as 10l l. Silver lias in creased more than thirty times its value since, the Norman Conquest in 1068. A pound in that ago was three times the quantity it is at present, and twelve times its value in purchasing any commodity. During the reign of Solomon, 13.0. 912 as mentioned in 1 Kings, eh. x,- v, 21, both ’ gold and silver must have been profusely abundant with the Hebrews; for as the re cord has it, “all King Solomon’s drinking vessels were ot gold —none /cere of silver: it was nothing tut ousted of in the days of fSolo/nonS’ The worthy Spanish historian, Friar Antonio Agapida, has given us the. follow ing, as being the origin of paper money: ■‘The Count tie Tendilla, while besieged I y the Moors in the fortress of Alhambra, was -destitute of gold and silver wherewith to pay bis soldiers, who began to murmur, as they bad not the means of purchasing tho necessaries of life from ihc people of the towft. ‘lu this dilemma,’ says the his torian, ‘what does this most sagacious'com mander ? He takes a number of little morsels of paper, on which lie inscribed va rious sums, large and small, and signs them with his own hand and name. These did lie give to the soldiery in earnest of their pay. How, you will say, arc soldiers to be paid with little scraps of paper? Even so, and well'paid, too, as I will presently make manifest; for the good Count issued a proclamation, ordering the inhabitants to take these morsels of paper for the full n mount thereon inscribed, promising to re deem them at a future day with gold and silver. Thus, by subtle aml most mirqcit . Totis alchemy, did this cavalier turn worth less paper into precious gojd and silver, and his late impoverished army abound in money. The historian adds, ‘The Court’ , tie Tend ills redeemed his promise like a royal knight, and this miracle, as it ap peared in the eyes of Agapida, is the first instance on record of paper money, which has since spread throughout the world the most unbounded opulence.” Cartslu Lecture. Boon out all niglit again. I’d like to know where you keep yourself till this time iu the morning; its not ten minutes since I heard the clock strike four. You didn’t hear it ? No, of course you didn’t. You wouldn't hoar the last trump; the noise woul 1 have to travel through an acre or two or beer before it would get to your hearing,- llhd to go among your frieuds 1 11.-ul to go like to know howyoii had to go. Seme folks are very willing to had logo. Yes, I know it’s election times; that’s a good excuse to get away from your family and home. 1 wish tlicreg was no election in the whole country; it would bo much better if we hadn't any. Who did you elect ? Who did yon sco 1 Thea tre and dance. Now turn over here. Oh, |>i!’ am I iu a hop-yard or a rlistilory, or where ant 11 What have you got out -1 side of you? Didn't drink much. You I mart hafe got into n beer barrel, then, ! f,,r j<H liming out all over you, and how it if You dn,,ced. rr ’ /’ ’* ‘ * W off to dance all night ? Who did vou _ dance with ? I’ll bet she was as homely as a pumpkin with two holes in it. Look 1, 1 p ro ! you needn't pretend to sleep; I want to have little domestic --onvic-rsation with you. lam your bettor h -'L m ’ vour bet ter half proposes to discuss > mtfevs a little. Late? llow do you know it’s late ? It’s ’ early enough to give yon a piece .of'a wo man’s tongue. Tor.guey? Yes, I am a tonguey; that’s part of a woman’s preroga tive, and I nrn going to use some of it on you. Let yon alone < Did you say that to the girl you danced with ? Oh no! noth ing of that sort; it was, “Miss, shall I have the pleasure of youv very bountiful person for the next cotillion?” I wish I could see her; I’d take the beautiful out of her at a jerk. Can get no peace? Yes, you car, get plenty of it; go to the theatre; go elec tioneering; dance with the girls till morn ing, and come home ntjd I’ll have you peace by the long measure; I’ll give you a pieco of my mind. Come back here, where are you going? Get into another bed? Not exactly; this bod has been large e nough heretofore, and has not grown any smaller lately. You danced, did yon ? I’d like to see you dance with me. I’m too ol;’, I suppose. I ain’t too old to give you fits, you can bet youv life on that, old fellow, if you don't conduct yourself prop erly hereafter. Pau!e : or|gißof tk o word. Ilia coindo of papers on the financial crisis of. 1857, occurs this fine passage’ in. the Mount Vernon series, by. Edward Eve rett : “IJnt even tho dictionaries teach us that it is idle to. inquire into ike cause of a panic that is, the immediate cause ; flic word fs used to signify n great and general alarm without any apparent adequate cause. In the oldest heathen mythology, Pan blew his conch shell vrirea the Titans were fight ing witli‘die Gods. The audacious lobels had stood undaunted against the thunders of Jupiter, but they fled at tho blast of this harsh clarion. Having succeeded so well on this occasion. Pan accompanied ‘Bacchus orrhisexpedition to India, where, on a certain occasion, ho gave a wild scream, which filled the echoes of the mountains, and put tho enemy to flight. These old'fablos (what foundation of fact they maj have had in the experience of infant humanity, who can teli ?) struck to the heart of the race, and liavo given a name to saddest realities in every period-if histo ry, Old dynasties have epuk—mighty battles have been lost—wcluVioiiii have been commenced by I’an-ic fears. One ol the most authentic signs of t!:e Jast diend Conor -nitration is “men’s hearts failing them for fear and when this takes place, no form of disorganization and mi. is just mat ter of surprise. The racking >f a Seat, or .a mischievous cry of fire, will, in an instant, set assembled thousands qiuiS'hlHgent per sons frantic with terror, t£n<t sp-vuse them to trample each other to death,’- in their iu 'ov.e haste to escape Loin the building, A great, strong ship strikes an. iceberg, and discipline i? sot* itimes instantly sub verted, all hope of escape in the life-boats blasted, by the fierce haste with which they are lowered into the sea and over crowded in tho dismay of the moment, and hundreds of lives lost when All might have been rescued. Almost all the great bat tles of ancient and modern times, from Pharsalia to Waterloo, have probably been decided at last by panic. Miracles of valor are performed by bravo men, blood flows like water; at length a wild cry is beard, on one side or the other, that all is lost— and with that cry, all is lost.” Kilisjftess. Be kind, to all* In these few words how much meaning there may bo, —mean ing of vital importance to the person con cerned. By being kink nothing can, be lost, much nsy be gained.—even if noth ing is g i. *d directly to the donor of kind ness, there is indhcctly, a notrer-failiing supply of benefit accruing to him. By an act of kindness, not only the blessings of the benefitpd, but of the world, and of God, alight on the head of him who does tho act. Through all our lives wo may look in vain for any other trait which gives greater celebrity to its possessor than kindness. Washington was a grot man, but was that the only reason why his name is revered and blessed by thousands ? No, —it is because-ho used that greatness for , the benefit of his country and fellowbeings. Napoleon is recollected ; but is it with the same kind regard with which wo ro inember Washington? No, —it is with bitter feelings and a loud lament that the name of Bonaparte is iecalled. And why? Because lie had no nobleness in his sold. May each and all read and reflect upon the lives of the departed great, of onr own a3 well as other countries, judging wheth er they are recollected for kind deeds or for cv*i ones, —consider how they are re garded, whether !iko Washington or Na poleon, and then make a solemn vow— i I will be kind—renewing the vow as of j ten as the tempter cornos. Those who : thus Ink. 4, at the coning of gray hairs, l'l j have lilt! to repent of I I” reading sporting paper a lad found tl*o leherr J’. H. (prim ring) md . |ii tathsr wh t lion’ met it. The old “111. ♦*# ititft lnntlo ! #j'f ‘• I#*1 #* Terms—ll,so Always In Advance. WTSi’ GLITOKftS. I :..v -..u- ~ j. Curious Piece of T ersificahon. —Some English Knight of the Gooscquill (does ho j grow tho quill no wields?) lias-just per petrated f!te following, which he prefatorily. ‘ uescribes as As'Ortions, Briefly Golli'cted, Describing Elegant t Flirtatious, Generally Happening In Jok ing Kissing Larking, Merry-making, Nut ting, {Opportunity Producine Queer Run.- 1 pusses,) Small Talk Under Volk’ a Wind ows, Xciting Youthful Zonl,”&c. Arthur Ask’d Amy’s Affection, Bet. Being Benjamin's Bride, Gicily Cut* Chales’ Coin section, Deborah Dicky Denied, Eleanor's Eye, Ivtiica'c.iou.s. ,Frederick’s Fatality .Peels; Giles Gained Georgiana-Good Gracious! Harry Hales Helen’s High Ilools Isaac is Isabel’s Idol, Jenny Jeer’s Jonathan Jones; Katharine Knows Knoak-Knocd Kit Kri cdal, Loves .Leering Lucy’s Long-bones. Mary Meels Mortifications, Nicholas Nancy Neglects, Oliver's Odd Observations Proves Peter Poor Patty Protects! Quaker Quintitlian’s Queen Quibbles Red Rachel’s Reasons Resist; Soft Simon’s Sympathy Scribbles Tales To Tall Tal.ilby wist. Ur's la, Unthinking, Undoing Volatile Valentimo's Vest. William’s Wild Wickeder Wooing ’Xceeds Youthful Ze.licaV Zest. Experienee. —There is a pretty German story of a blind intin, who even under a misfortune, was happy—happy in a wife lie passionately loved ; her voice was sweet and low, and lie.gave ‘her credit for that beauty which (bad he'boen a painter) was tiic object of liia idolatry. A physician *camc, and curing the disease, restored the husband to sight, which he chiefly value! as it would enable him to gaze on the love ly features of his wife. He looks, and sees a face hideous in ugliness ! He is restor ed to sight, but bis happiness is ever. Is not this our history ? Our cruel physician is Experience. The Mystery of Music. —Wliat a mys tery is music—invisible, yet making flic evo Shine; intnngitlijpp*t#p.akiMg.all the nerves to vibrate; ilq*liug between onriji and heaven; falling upon (fils world us if n strain from that üboW, fißti’ui'iqe to that as a thank-offering from, guy. It is God's gift; and it is too lofty for Myth mg but bnfe Tis praise; too near to Inc immaterial to be made the minister of sordid pleasure; too clearly destined to rnoulit upwards to be used tor'inclining heart/ to earth. 0, that.the churches knew how to sing; mak ing tpusic fjj’fiy, a triumph, a sunshine, a song of the nightingales !■ I/ally i:u Trim sit ion,” by B/Alfl'HUß. ‘ ’ Piety. —The first : nil most indispensi bio conditioy of piety is submission of the intellect, the- life, the conscience*’4<> God. This is blind, but *4M irrai&iuifUf it is the: submissiofi ofjj*, sightless t-hilo to’ ini lb seeiug .Pather—of a fce!J4f -bt^ wiled in telligence to the Infinite riiTcmgencc. It is not only reasonable, bat indispensiblc, both as a safeguard from skepticism, and for the rational exercise of pietyv ,— 4 ■ ~ When “Rewind moves at tiro rate of one mile jPi hour, it is hardly .perejmtib*; at two lriilWan hour it fans me gentle zephyr. and at, six it becomes a pleasant, wind ; from tf'ii to twenty it be comes high, from tliuly to fifty charac terize light to hard ; at eighty miles an hour it becomes a hurricane, and at one hundred a torimdo. tr / J Aromantic I’rench chemist is sail! to have burned the body of his friend, ex tracted from it the iron Hint was Contained in the blood, and had it mode into it linger ring, which lie war in memory oMhi* friend. t A by a sewing ma chine at which X handsome young lady was at work looking alternotebr at the machine and at its fair operator, at length., gave, vent to his admiration with ; “By golly ! itis mirt.y, ‘specially the part covered with Rioter.” Gardener, wliy do yon water the jside walk so much ? Gardener — “Sure, /gaistor lias hothiiwp | to amuse him, ami stimakes me koap two I sidewalk wet, while he.looks out ef\. lie windy at the ladies ankles.” “Grandpa, have you been twice a child'! “No, boy; I liaint reached second child* hood yes, by a long ways 1” i Weil.ijwfti, I wish you’d hurry up your cakes, forV want coma one to play hop. scotch *nd leap-frogVith me?” A, pious ohj la% was .asked why she J nunftd her <lfg4 “moreover*’ Why, said i gflo putting her siimdpfcies to find the , ftlncc in ujjohible, 11 1 It n blble limn' — i|t;re. : V*Moreove| ffm dog came ld 1 l/ikcd liis iiorcsrV U , • .... J>. . I in# I'l/it /uni V 1.,. lifivit viii'il it * ’ y , NUMBER 2