Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, March 21, 1860, Image 3

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Cotton market. Acotsta, March 20.—Then* was a fair demand to-day, prices to 10$. Gbbk.nksbouo, March 21.—There was a fair demand to-day. prices from 7i to 10 Congressional, Washington, March 19 —ln ti e Sen ate to-day the bill authorising the publish ers of newspapers to print the date of.tlie expiration of subscription upon their pa pers was passed. 1 lie Homestead bill was discussed. The Florida claims bill was up. Sena tor loombs and Mallory were in favor of it. _ fho cost of the Congressional prin ting, engraving and binding, for the Thuty fourth and I liirty-fifth Congresses was. Senate, §875,432 35; ll,use, §1,593,065 49. . Ihe Superintedent. in his report, says that the voluminous documents ordered to be printed by the Thirty-third and Thirty fourth C mgresses, ii quarto form, with their numerous and costly illustrations, have been completed, with the exception of the fourth ami fifth volumes of the ‘Re sult of the Naval Astornouiical Expedition to Chili.’ A collection of oi l in imiscripts and books on Freemasonry, Magic, Mesmerism, Miracles, and occult learning generally, is •announced for sale in Paris and will attrJict the noiice of curious coITH-tora. In Lon doji,,t!iis branch of science is made *•/><■- ciulite by one bookseller, Mr. George Rum stead of Holboru, who has recently issued a catalogue of about eight hundred and. sixty different works devoted to the vari ous ramifications of the Clack Art. National Conrrntion*. —The National .conventions are just at hand. The follow ing are their times of meeting : The Democratic convention, at Charles ton, 23 I of April. ‘National Union party convention, at Bal timore, Ist of May. Republican convention, at Chicago, 16th of May. On its Journey. — That oft refuted false hood about Senator Toombs calling the roll of his slaves of Blinker Hill, has readi ed London, we see, where it gets an airing in the “Globe'’ with great gusto. H,nv true it is that “a Lie. will travel a league while Truth is putting on itsbo ds.” LhP M iss Martha.Haines Butt, savs the Tuppahanimck Soothe/nvr, the beautiful and talented young atu 1,-.mss, of Nudnik, Va„ has recently received a matrimonial •offer from Frederick, the young Prince of Denmark, who fell love wito her at the President's levee last week. .Miss Butt re fused him, prefering tne position of a free American lady to tout ot a D tiiislt Queen. The Prince has returned to Europe uiscon solate Present incuts of the (Sraml Jury. The Grand Jiirv, s-vm-n, ji-le-tcd *>-,d chns n tfoc the iVtarch IY‘ tu “I G-e*. e >.iocrmr t.’ou't 1-6- 1, beir leave r- • ‘p,v.i f .lly to m .Ko toe K,| lowing |i. s -otircnls . We have i-xn iwl throosrh eom ni'tccs t-A e Poor School luoil, toe nt.,,s oi um (voim, ‘treasury, il,g 11 >ss oi tin- > n-trior tun snit nor t.’ourts. Tin- It o„ ot toe I n-n'-uirr ai,,l Ordmary also th • I) . >rt iluuse ami Jail, and the Roads and Itri ig -s. e find the It -ok-, and arc nms of tin’ Or* dinary kept ‘ with ad g-e oi arc-nac, at.-d tie to be ,U, lu-sard, ntl ctiog u,„ tng icst honor upon the <AT er :ii..e'iaFli> aim alt the ac -omits paid Using lultv sustained by proper vouchers. -te Or unary received las* v (1 *S9) ‘Von, the County lax, Nine bundled and ninety four dollars and tun cents ($ hi. Joy ami from the quota ot the Siam lie lewivei; to v u hun dred seventy two and .liars ($1172 Otij making to*al ol Poor School mods two toousami, one hundr. a and sixty s x Uoliars and u-n cems 66, IU) ot tu,s amount the Ordinary has I paid out lor children win, have availed thein aolvesof the funds, including ins cos missions, two thousand nd sixty tour dollars >nd seven ty three cent- ($201,4,73) leavng a balance on hand ot one ami une and .ilais and thir ty seven cents, • The number of poor children returned for 1869 between th-- ages ol 8 and 1 - was 4jS o> this number 237 availed lueufseives ol the County. The Tax ordered to ha h*v:ed hv the Inferio, Court last year (1859) was ‘0 2 3 per cent on the. Stale lax. Jhe p*es< i.t yar (lf-tiU) ttir Children between the ol 0 and 18 wo, be admitted and cons.queully toe number win be largely increased. We would thereioro respee*fuily recommend that the fax he increased iru u 10 2 3 t. 2d per centum n toe State lax, to mee’ the Ue matld ot lh prohab,y increased iiomher ol children whose condition may require the Count v. We’ nave also examined the B > >ks arm Records of tne Superior and Interior Court aim find them kept with t at degred of neatness .and accuracy i’>at red cts tne highest honu. upon that officer. VVe have a,so car.-fully ex imim-d the Treas ures BookSanl find t ein car oi blot, an-, properly kep-, with voucmis lor ail disburse tiients, regu.aiiy le or-ho, wuich sb >ws tne competency <0 the < tticer in charge. i'he T'leaiunr has reieivid ioui a.I sources tin smii ui T'thousand one hutxlred and eighty live do ia sand eighty live cents (s’lt if,So) ,\nd has Osb iiSed by proper vouc.iefs, om thuusand i ight hundred and-seventy stv.n dollars and unrte. n c n s (1877,13) leaving a s balain c on baud now m the I re-usury the sum of (hue hu died and tig ,t dollars aud seventy two cents, (308,72. J . VVe Hud no e- tiy on the Estray Book si ce Oc'ober 1858. We liav examined th Tax Collectors. Book and nconuuerd that he be a.lowed the sum ol twenty eight-ih.llars and-thirty live cents lor hiK Insolvent List. VVe have < xtiun ed the Contt Ilo’ se and find that the Not th Column m front ol ti. bud'img neids lepairs on ti.e i lastering—th Window Bunds of the'trand Jury Room also ntcls repairing. VVe Bud the Jail neat and chsn’y kep', thon.-h s rae plastering is very much nreau in the debto sro ,m and although this condi tion of the Court House and Jail has been re potted by s v>al preceding Grand Juries, yet the rtpa'rs I ave not been made, and as long' t .delay will tend so U>e h jury ol the b .ildiogs *wo respectfully r,q test tne propjr authorise *• to have this matter attended to f ,rt,hwith. We find the Uoads and Bridges general'y in good order, w-t t ttio exception l tne Korn leading from Iho np-ou Mi ones t > Darnels Ferry, and o respectfully recommend the ■ Inferior G U't to have a Bridge erected across the Branch in fanders’ lane. This body after a care ul investigation an mature deliberation having unanimously, re ttoleaff that tha Grand am Petit Jurots ait I'l-tpy ect't'e f to a rrlt Wfkk evitacnriif k fir services rendered bo far as to cover necesrarv j expenses while in attendance at Court We ‘ therefore tespectfully ricimir.-nd the In ••nor Court assess such a tax as may l* <c es-arv to enable them to ai-ptau-riate such an amount as will allow t., .a<h Grat.d Juror th, sum of two d-iihirs p r diem, aftd also -h amount as will allow to each Petit Jurorthe siiui of one dol ar per diem, in addition to the compensation they already receive the above recominendition, embracing the present Term of.he Court. In fulfilment of the law upnn this su’ jct, onr Secretary is hereby r< q tested to pav over all i>m ‘ ints rice v-d for verdicts at this trm of the Court, into the hands of the Count, l reasure, for Countv purpos- s. In taking leave of ITis Honor Judge Hauris we deem this a fit ad proper occasion to give s rnj expression, relating to his official course during this term of the Court. His charge in organ.zing the Court was able and c-">mnrehen -ive and in commenting on the criminal Code he forcibly set forth the importance of a care ful and rigid ohse“va"ce of .11 its requirements, c early pointing out to each Juror bis duty in ferreting out crime and brinsring offenders to justice, in conclusion we herein resnectfuliv ■•ndtr him our sincere thanks for the promt ne j s, energy and fi ielitv with which ne has discharged the duties of his station, an i also tor his manitest kindness and indu-gence so rcaddy and cheetfully extended to us. VVe abo tender onr thanks to the Solicitor General Vi. A. Lomu, for his_ counsel and ourte -us intei course with this body during our dtlib, rations. VVe respxtl .lly r. q ipst tiiat thtsc prespnl” incurs he pubi.shed in the Greeuesboro Plan ters Week \. Robert L. McWhorter, Foreman. J-unes W. Goiikin. Jmnes Stvitf, Sr. Thomr.B P. Junes, John Curtrigbt, Isaac A. Wiilinma, J. Henry Wood, Win. A. Overton, Jntnes T. Finley, Oliver P. Daniel, Bonjan-in C., Alfriend, HnrrisouH. Waits, James R. Sanders, Tltouias 11. Smith, Benjaiuin E. Spencer, Darling T '. Parlintn, Thomas Miller, % Joseph P. Eley R. Thornton, Albert A. Jeruigan, Samuel D Durham, • Walter A. Porter. On m. t on ordered that t'ie above preset.'.- mer-ts !.,* published as r< q .ested. A true extract from the Minutes ts the Com t. Isaac R.JI.U.L, Cleik. V T a cl. TANARUS, r u 186 • Rouiitii li) c Balsam 1 his ce tbratea mi dv 1 r n< ak anu i. fi .med Eyes, was eo..stall iy Used, withs g ul sdcce.-S by a dis tn-gu shed Occuiist during along prolessioiiil career : and may be confidently relied upon, as the Very best salva that can be used. In eases where the Ey. lids are inflamed it acts almost like oiag.c m relieving ail irritatio. , and us-ially If.cts a complete iure afte’ a few app'-jc .tinns I’iep ired ard sold by A B. &D. SANDS, Deng vsts # 100 Fulton Street, New” York. S -i.i ttl-o by J lienry Wood, and Di -gyia’s aerie a. ll . i-S?~ Tlie leaders ot Hie 4azettc nr i qiiri u loituice me atlvcriis- iiiGtif* H c •mill-,, of Df. J. htiVft-Dmib Wii.t B fern, tor tii (i<roner-intro i>y OrafitK* and \Vt .vt i r.— I’n* y loivy been i am! aj |rove<l by on* ofiheh-Hi P ivsieiat 0 in flit? K.uib, ami although ♦ • v t> fa en tint I'vvr weeks btioic* th* |4*tn|*: u! Ge ipia, vt*f you run hr th* ir pr ost tioiii ail si r fiott of .• . Ii a-f she ro Ia -verti*-* GRLEXESiiORO rlillES ( IRUEAT. Corretfed Weekly for t!ic Cazettc. Bugging (Gunny) yd 15 © It qie per lb, 10 © Paeon Ilnms... 14 © “ Shoul loirs 12 © “ Clear sides. 14 © Lard 12 © Butter Country 15 © Eggs ‘. 12 © Chickens 15 © 20 T tilt,tv 10 © 12 Candles Tallow 15 © “ Adamantine 28 ® 30 “ Sperm,. 50 © Cheese : © Coffee Rio 14 © 15 “ Luguira 15 ©l6 “ Java.... IS © 20 Tea.... 75 ©125 .Feathers..!- Mackerel No. 1,..". * No. 2, per bbl 24.00 © “ No. 3, “ “ Smoked Herring, per Box Flour Extra Family per sack 4.75 © Corn with sacks 2.60 Meal per Bush 1,25 ® Wheat White 1,60 © Wheat Red 1.40 © Oats Peas 1,00 © Rye, Powder (Sit t-Gun). 40 © 50 Shot 10 © Lead 10 © Iron Sweeds 5} © 6 “ English 5 © 5^ Nails wrought,., 10 ® “ cut 5 ® 5| Steal Cast -.. 25 © “ German,. 18 © “ Blister English 121© “ “ American, 8 © Yew Advertisement's. LOST, OV h< 15 h irpt., h'.-<Hrcert the r* sitlnc< of Mf* Ni* k luit atul VV W. D W vc a’ a Pe .rl Hr CPi*', lor wliit'b a blv ral rewaiH will b n f*ai,t t th*’ f'nde’ • h ita dcliTpry to 11. VV .ires at fVibh* ami Wo vt r’a —March 2Nt. ff YE NAKED RAGGED AND FORLORN DOWN FROM YOIR GARRETS IIABTE. CLOTHING AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods! CN IABBK& WEAVER haw j‘,*t receivtd J md -c daily r-c. ivi'.g *0“ K-gsstand Hs. selected stock of CLOTHING anil GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS ever offered in this market, consisting o£ all descriptions and kinds of 11. ts. Caps, Boifx, Short, Coots, Vests, Pants. Shirts, Hostery. tpc,. ip. A bSO, A “n- lot if CIGARS. TOBACCO. WALKING CANES. ETC. ETC. Which they • e offering at the lowest He ins: prires. . tdT Sit e ns a call before \ puicbawit. •Vwbere, and we piomise, you ritall fe- suited. pfar.-h ?!, 1 *f Legal Advertisements- GF.OP.CIA, GfNr t*NTf Grrfli’ VI ffe, G i.vr baiiu* M try Ari* E H *if (former ly H ,rt A oi* E It *n<l*li) j-ctiiloti# thin C url for L r Di?inieoK)iy: I *• tfe'*-J*re *rb r that ll persona concerned, l*e ntil m p**ir al the (Vort i.f Ordmnry t be held in utsd ior said county on t! e Monday in Mny next, to -bow r uae ,if ai y they tonve) %vh j aid Gus ih-Irould not ih*nhe *?i#* i. Ordered (tint er ihat a copy f tbit* rtils be pub li*he<l for ! riT days in t* rn>*of she law. A trdt* e*?rac f rom lHf # -f s*id Court nf March Term 1-60. EUGENICS L KING, Ord'y. C't F.ORG A, Gheesb Coontt.— Whereas, Freder ® i’ C. Kullrr, Adininirfrattir upt>n the *alate ol S truh F> Willis, dcceaat and, pvtid,*na the C*ort of Or din ry of county f< r Diarniwoty : Th*se are ihertfor*- to cite nnd adtnoni-h, all and singnla t* e kindted anti crrdiiorv of said f , ec**a®4'd, o -now cause (if any ih*y bare) whyaui-f Adminie irKr ahould rt*t he di*-charp*d, at the Court ol Ordi nary to b** belli in and t<*r said county ou the first Monday in October next. Give** on i* r my at in fi**eenofboro, Vla't'** 6h. 1860. L KING. Ord*y. G EORGIA GmkknhCounty. —lVhewa*,lsaac .Mor* ri-ou, and Vlarv Afitinson, E*’ CUtri* •*l the l-Mt Will and T-stam* n of Nathan Arfkinaon, doc , petition.*! the C*un ol Ordinary of said county t*rL tiers Dismiss**!y : Ti*e-e are to cite and admonish all persons concern and, to show cause, (if; ny they hare) why said Executor and Ev‘*C'iirix -alionld not tlisciiArjed at the Court *f Oj ‘ioarv *o he h Id in and tor said coun tv *vo th*’ fir-t Mom lav in August n^xt. Given **id**r tnv hand :t fTi •* *r neaboro, Jan uarv lOih. 1-60 ‘ EUGEVIIH L KlNti. Ord v. Gi RORCiIA, Ghbkne Couuty —W >er**as, Nichlas T M. J i ea, Admitus'r,tmr ti; ou h*'estMteof Jess* S Jones dee., petitions the Court ul Ordinary of sai bounty or Ij "it* rs Distui-sory : Tb*s** ac there'or.’ to i ite -*nd admonish all persons concerned, to show cause—if any th*\v have—wh* said Aflm nistrator sh mid not le di-achartred at th* C urt of t. be held in and far sid coui ty the firs Monday in A*i?*'t next. G veil un ler my hant a* < ffi *e *n Jan u.rv 10,h. 1-rtO F.Tlt;> Mirk I, KINfJ O-t - 850 REWARDr RA YAW VV v- ■in tnv pUn a ‘->n on the •22 lof July tnv N — r - man KRA X IC. Do is about os*>r 3G .’e.-trs old, ot *trk complex on, ;ib ui S'X teet liigh, and weighs tho*n 16*) pounds *r more. II s thought to he ranjinff b tween Greenes b rj am! L wret cep* Mill on th* Oc*nee river. I will give he above rewr’ to any >ne who will I djjfc him in the G cene C*umtv J il *r *eliver him i , me. WM ROWLAND Sa. M. eh 14th 1360 if. LAND ro n sale. undersigned tu ving determined to move I. West offers ids LAND ior sale, roi,ei**insr o’ Fiv Ilumlreit and F •t\ O eA’ es, lying in Greene county, ner (Juioii Pmn surrounded by tvtry cou veaieuce, ami with good vmpiovements B. F. CARLTON, M. D. March 7th 1869 1 in Copnilfiiersliip Notice. rrilJß subscribers have this day formed a A <‘*p3t tn* und< r the stv le of WAK FILL s>, MIRSAY & C 9., For thi* ptt’ jif, e of tianstcuog a g'acral Met chm'ii.-.c B.'&imttd FANCY & STAPLE * v DRY HOODS, CLOTHING,• li A T>, r.vs, BOOLS an) SHOEn, J \MKS I. WAKEFIEI D, v\ AHII tM S’ MI RRAY, J.VMK.S P. V-cOAU,. fir.oncKboro’, Ga*, F.-i ruur. 15th, IHtiO 4ui NE w _:_ Sjtrinw twoods wr&R • Has just Received mi Ymmv silk robes, Ot’ New Styles of the Latest linporta'.iur. , A I. S O , French Printed Organdies. A N 0 CH&ANBILROBSS, Os CkaitAS rva i V t.Ks. French Embroideries AND MjsYfs IjJS fi M'RS.VTS, VERY HANDSOME, AND A COMPJ.STB Or Alcxnmire’s Ladles’ KID CLOVES. With oiher attii lrs bU t*bl. for the present season, to all of which the ail, niton of the public i* r-p el* • oily invited. M r M 1860 ts noticiT \LL those inti. i>t*d to *he uod*r ignfd wh *don*’ w ith to see hm sold out by the Sheriff, wi 1 please call an i settle at ;b* <a li* t onp nunttv G il THOMPSON. Gr* *n- s’ oro, Feb , 28'h. 1869, PBOSPI CT I S < F THE Southern C 0 h sec! e rac y. nf e are now publishing in the city of Atlanta, G a Daly and Weekly paper, railed il*e Sot'TU khm Confederacy, tha* n* mu of whim w ill in-ol li t uoc ‘iitpfoioiaii g S;>ur,i* rii Rights DetiUfcralii’ faith VVt sha.l endeavor 10 uutketh s P..p* r t in >.(• of it interests an ba ring-, what the name iniint<s I‘his is our u .ah* i.abie *’C f ermi>tl|on whether i* suits he popular b*Ze *r not. 1 We art* f*r the union of ttc S*atrs ronrtitulion ally a imirdsiered, in*u pemient ol ( otnprou.isc eon cession or -ts cmunl trea’ies. 2 We are under exisiiusr circnmstanc* s, and fr* n. our pr; tut policy and position ixi the Uo*on, o sa nothin-; ol the inden< y .if tnitufs, tor tr e S *u*.h, 1 - dependent, uushackt ltd, and uunainiitillcd in all n sp’ eta, .3. We arc fora perp- untion of the Union, provj ti and irte neutrality laws,! he rein promise rin aeutes *• 1850. a ‘ a!i subsequent c>npr, miet s, re repealed •i We are t.q t e r pe*d ol tne re-incii* ns upoi he African JBve Trade, regardless *ll its construe impolicy by Northern fanatics and Southern su’ mi.-* si nis*s 5 We regard rhe forejro*rg restrictions as un* wuranted by the Cunstiiu’.ino, d< printing, degrad ing, insulting, arid gfiev*usly sfc.n*nal in leg t> tne South, and their tx .Tence upon the b ufm. Bo k ias tendeo not or ly to dwkurf and tmpovtriat one section An<l build up another, but that it lias ti - cow rag* and viibaervu-ncy and deinagogtsm in our tmm • wim their concorn,tnt oils inrntt nr in the mor: tlegn* racy of a p-uud and null’ peopL*. If thee restM*"tnns aod C nipn iiiivscao be wiped fr on tin Statu'e Ekn-k. and th*‘ Goveroinetit m< tin in retried n iuoriginal purity, ui'h a strict to conou, and retrenchment, w* hop*- us*f* *l.e Union pres* r% ed; tn default of which, we arc-trfiphaticully ai.d un equivocally for Disum v. 6. We are for Five Trade un I dirre* a* the pM*per ar*d c*: s i • tit tonal mo’e ol codrcting reve nue and vi a spirit ol friendship ar and auiity 7 We sre *pp*sed to the at qwtsirion of any iici •crritwiy no il ti*e A'ri* ut Trade is re-unen* and. *nd t! e tut turd IS te sale and rn* laVt m* lit ot i.ll Fre* N* grties that are fund u iihui ihe lim r *l the .South * rii St'etea, after a p*ified time to * migrate. 8. Tub Southern Fonykiyrract alia'l not be in tl intereataof uiv party *r co nti ati**n, fanb* r tha. what wn conceive to be the aud privilegta u an people. 9 VV* shall | *uk of men aftid nie?orep at a nnirs, regartlh as of c marquccies, a* we uiy thin* th* ir positions juttify. 10 W** -b>t 11 er* ry ex to n ake Tnf SorTBERN CI\rBDBRACY Ollt* of Slit* hS’ Rd lit ft I* isb!e Political aud C*ium< rcial pMpe*e it* the Bwud> W** mien 11' pav e^peri**attention \p the latest New * Ite ra. Market H-p*-*ts. Monetary ot.d C* tntiurciul, ts*th Domestic and F*r i^r. Tkb ms Duly, $-6; Wivkly Two Djliart; Sirg! copies. Five oeiija. * No subscribe! will he taken u-Isea payment i# mad. in dva*ce. Tina rule, wr int* 11 ‘ o h h**r* l* in al* caa-s. Adder#* JAS P. HAM RLE f ON, E fitor an*t Pr *nrbaeof '•# *S •uthem Confvd* recT,* r.:*r:,n At! b.c r,* f ii; Xlmcllrmom Advertlurnnu. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! GRASD SCHEME FOR MARCH, lAAO. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. ncKIMKEY St CO , managers. Authorized by spec l Act of the Legislature PRIZES. More t/ian one Prise to erery tico Tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE,S6O,OOO. Tickets only RIO Halves, Quakteks, and Emiits in Phoi-oktion, To be Draws Each Saturday iu 1860. In the City of Savannah. Georgia. Class 61, to be Diswn March 8, 1860. Class 62, co be Drawn March 10, iB6O. Class 68 to he Drawn March .7, 1860. Class 64, to be Drawn March 24, 1860. Class6> to he Drawn March 31, 1860. Magnificent Scheme. I P’l. of 6 ,000 is #6O 000 | Sot 10. XI are (5,000 I•• 20,0001* 20.01,0 I It) •• 600 are 5,000 1 “ lOOOOia 1* **oo | 2 • 400 are 8"0 I•• 5 000 is 5 000 | 2 •• 30, are C.OO I * A 000 i 4,0"0 | 2 •* 200 are 400 I•• 3 OH) U 3 000 | 50 • 150 are 7,5'H) I “ 2,000 is 2,18)0 | lt>o •• 1(M) are 10.0 0 l •• 1 500 is 1,.50,, | 100 • 95 are 9 5'4) l •• 1,100 is 1,100 JOO •• 85 are 8 500 APHIOXIMATION PBI/.ES 25 418 tb-izen auiouuling t 0.... $212,140 9 5.823 Prizes Amt'iug to $306,040 WILL BK DBAWN THIS MONTH. CKRTiricssKs or Packagks will be sold at the fol lowin- r-tra v hi- h is the risk : Cenificute of Packages of 10 Whole Ticket, S6O •• •• 10 Hall •• f0 •• •• 10 Q >arters *• 15 •• •• 10 Eighth “ 760 LOOK AT THIS! A SPLENDID DRAWING ON The Three Number Plan ! Winch takes place on erar _v Wednesday and Satur day iu IS6O. 1 rsnltal Priie of $23,003 1 Prix of 4,500 1 •• of 4 00, 1 •• of 3.000 I•• of 2, 71.20 10 •* of |7OO ar 7,000 40 •* of 175 are 7 000 50 “ of .125 are 6,250 259 •• of 80 are 20,720 64 of 50 are 3,200 6t “ of 30 are 1 920 64 ■< of i0 are ■ 1,2-0 5,632 •* of 10 are 66 320 -28,2-24 •• ot 6 ure 141.!20 34,412 Piiies Ainountioe to $281,481.20 Whole Tickets $3, Shares in Proportion. IN ORDERING TICKETS OK CERTIFI CATES.— E-n liwe the money to our address tor the ■ icke e orO, red, on receipt ol which they will be for weriled by firs, mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in ai-v figure they- may designate. ‘I he list of drawn number* and prix, s will be cent to parch,i-M-ra immediately afirr the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders t-.r Tickets or Certificates, hv Mail or Ex ,>•<•>, I , hr dir. en and to AIcXISNEY and CO. November 2. 18 9 ly Savannah, Ga. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, Fbr the cure of Dyspepsia. tiuUgeetion, JH.nseo, FMuieucy, Lose of Appetite, nr any Bilious Complaints arising from a morbid in/tetion of the Stomach or Bowels, prmlucing Cramps, Dysentery. Colic, Cholera Atorbus, Jx. In view of the fact that every member of the human family is more or less subjected ts some of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions in life, which, by tlie assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they mny be able so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object., the true course to pursue is, Certain v, that which will produce a natural state of jliugs at the least hazard of vital strength and life; for this end Dr. Hnstetter has introduced to this country a prepara tion called HOSTETTEK'S'STOMACH BITTERS, which at thi* .lav is not anew medicine, hut oue that has been tried for y.-ars, giving satisfaction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bcwels and liver, restoring them ton healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Dtarrhoja, “dysentery or flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent. when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to he infallible t Every country have their Bitters as a pre ventive of Biseaae, and strengthdhing of the system in general, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based U|>on scientific experiments which has attended to ad varies the destiny of this great preparation in th* medical scale of science, FEVER AND AGUE. This trying and provoking disease, which Axes Its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to mere stiarfow iu a short space of time, and rendering him idiysically and mentally useless, can 1* defeated and driven from the Imdy l*y the use of lIOSTETTER’fi RENOWNED BITTEIIS. Further, any of the above Stated diseases can not be contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as it neither creates nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unnecea sary any change of diet or interruption to usual pur suits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed %s speedily as is con* tistenl with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Person* in advanced years Who arc suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restora tive of strength and vigor, and needa onljr to be trlea to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, these Bitters are Indispensable, especially where the toother’s nourishment is inadequate to tbs demand! es the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here ‘4 is where a good tonic, such as Hostetler’s Stomach Bitter* is needed to impart temporary strength aud vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and before Bo doing, ask your physician, who, if he Is acquainted with the virtues of the Bitten, will recommend their use In ail eases of weakness. CAITIOX.—We caution the public againat using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ask for Hoermu's Cxlxbratu> Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words “ Dr. J. Hotetter's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on-the metallic cap covering the cork, aud observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. O* Prepared and Mid by HOSTETTEB k SMITH, Pltubargh, Pa., aad tsld by all Draughts, graters, aid dealers generally threagkaat the Catted States, Caaada, Soatb dnerica aad Gernaiy. BCOVIL dt MEAD. NEW ORLEANS, LA.. Wheinals AgeMts. For sals in- Irrenssboro hr J. H. Wood, White Plains. H?T. D. Highto wer f A'tf 1 NEW CARPET STORE. ~ JAMBS a. BAIUCB b bbotblbß Direct Importer* of all kiuds of CARPETINas. Mattings in all Widths and Colors Mannf i CarpetLiuing,lmported Door Mata Rugs, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shads, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Cornices, Bands, Loops, &c. .WALL PAPERING IN GREAT VARIETY, All of which we will sell at the lowest market prices. Terms cash. Patronage toßtited *OS BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, And JAMES tS. BAILIE, 234 King Street, Charleston. 17 Carpets made up with dispatch, [mar. 30, lseo-iy. NOTICE. - J. T. PORTER, Having purchased the intarest of A J W. VVINFfELD in the HAR NEsS Business, will enntinue to keep “ and have made to order. Everything: in his Line. He will also keep a Few Northern Harness for those who want a Cheat Akticle- He warranti all work done at the Shop. .Repair ing upon reasonable terms. Those who want anything in his line would do weH to call on G. W OHOOAS. Agent. Greeneshorn. Feh 22. 180''. FAIR NOTICE. Bo ks of onr Store and Harness Shop . are in the hands of Jas. W. Winfield, to whom payment mutt he made; our means are to > limited to give longer indulgence, oui Cred itors are wanting their nnmev.— We therefere give each, and all, fair notice that after a reasonable time, we will use the most effectual means to wind up our Books. We hope therefore you will save us trouble and yourselves expense. Feb. 22d 1860. 6m. WINFIELD & PORTER. PROFESSOR MAPES’ ~ Nitrogeniscd Superphosphate OF LIME. Patented November. 25th, 1859. PRIOR lo the year 1547, Superphosphate had been made in England, by treating burnt bones with sulphuric acid, and by'.he formal ion of sulphate ol lime, thus abstracting one atomot lime from the bones, a soluble phosphate had been formed. In 1847, J J. Via pcs made a series of experiments, time: lie found, analytically, that Peruvian Guano contiiocd the nec essary elcinen's for insurin’- the growth of plants, but not in the right relative proportions to each other.— He instituted a scries of experiments, practically, by which he proved that one hundred pounds of burnt bones, treated with fifty-nix pounds o( sulphuric acid fifty six pounds of Pr.ruviuu Guano, and twenty pounds of sulphate ot ammonia, formed a mixture rt y ery way superior to P> ruvian Guano, and it w ould not excite the soil, but wouldcontinuilly add to its fertility. lie had found that one carrel of blood, fresh from the animal, tmx-d with a cord of organic mutter, would, hv ierqientalion, produce a manure equal to a cord us well rotted stable manure. He further found that seventeen barrels of blood, when dried, would make one bairel, and that blood r.ouid be procori and at comparatively little cost, in n t tain- sections; that it could he dried by cocking and pressing so as to pro duce a dry powder, amt bv adding to the sb vc named ingredients an equal weight of drier! bullock’s blood, a manure is formed one honored Pounds ol hiclt are equal in power anil lasting effect to one hundred,’ iv EtciiTT fiv* pounds of the best Peru vian Guano. Since he has offered l>is invention to the farmers of the country, s. me titty i ompanies have initiated this article under various names, and for the purpose ot rendering it more popular, have traduced Prof. lYlapes and his article, claiming'to make that of a superior quality. Every year presents new imitators of this article, who manufacture an inferior article, using tne mineral phosphates a basis, instead of the calcin ed bones of animals. Notwithstanding all this, the demand for Mat es’ N'itrogcnised Superphosphate ot I. me has doubled. Peruvian Guano contains an excessive amount of ammonia, fbn only use ot w hich is to render, wider capable ol dissolving a larger amount of the inorganic constituents of the noil, or as sometimes called to ad s)un excitant The market gardenetsol New Utrecht commenc ed come years ago by using two hundred weight of guano to the acre; they are now compelled to use twelve hundred weight to produce the saint ef fect, and their land is evidently impoverished l.y its use, while those who have used the Nttrogeniscd Su perpjtospha e olLitne, hhve steadily found their soils to be improved, ami instead ot requiring mure, they require less fertilising material *Bi h veac. And this is particularly true of Cotton and Tolbucco lands. Among the advantagessrtsing troin the use of Ni trogenised Superphosphate are tne following : Itcar lies no weed seed to the soil; it prevents rust, ami in sures the perfecting of plants; thus, when used on Cotton, the bolls do not fall and, ashy the experience of Mr. Lomas, Col. Davis, and Col. Goodwin, and oth ers, it gives a greater weight per acre of Cotton. For Win at, it lias steadily provid itself to he superior to Peruvian Guano; when in contact wi'h seed, tt does nut. destroy it as does tha Peruvian Goapo; and it tupplies the deficiency of Phosphate o’ Lime and oth er ingreiiiants, produced by excessive reaping o’ grain and undue pasturage The reports ol the farm of the inventor, of the A v erican Instislute,and committees of other institu lions, who have visited it.abhongh it is manured en tirely wiilt ttiis fertiliser, prove that no immure line yet tieen used which produces un equal amount us profit. —The Americin Institute have just awarded their Silver M. dal lo Profeasor Mapee, for the nesr fertili ser, after a most thorough investigation iu<o the liter its “f all in the markut. The sub.ciiber has hern appointed Sole Agent in Augusta lor the sale ol the ahove fertiliser, and ouar antess that its constituents are the materials stat'd shove, and nothing else. Planters desiring more in formation, wilt pleas'-send lor our Cireular. contain ing Testimonials, and the articles by Dr. Enderlin, which constitute the best treatise on Phosphate ever written. Price ** Ten, In AturitsHt. J. A. QUIMBY, Nn. 193 Broad Street, mxt door to, “Consliln ior alist” office. Jan. 12 ft m. “ NOTICE ~ ALL persons indebted to'me either by N >*e nr ac count for the years ol 1836 1657 an I 1856. must come up and settle, as longtr indolvencc is out ol the question, HENRY E. HUNT. Greeuesboro, G.t , February 2 t, 186 * 2.q,i ■ MEW VOLUMES OF THE KOCH REVIEWS AND BLACK WOOD Commence January, IS GO. TERMS: For or one of the four Review*. V gS'OO For any two of the four Review*, £ ft 00 For an v three oft he Jour Review*, 7 00 For*ll four ol ihe R view*, BO’ For Black wood's Mapasinc, 3 00 F*>r Blackwood ami one Rertevr, 6 00 For Black woud iMirt two R* view*, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Review*, y 00 F *ur Stack wood and the four Re%*iew*, I<> 00 Money Current in the S ate where irtued will he re* ceived at par. . CLUBBING. A discount of twenty five yer c**nt, from the above will be allowed io Club* ordering four or mor*’ copies of any one or more of the a b*sve work s Thu* : Four copie* or Blackwood, or of one R- view, will l> MM to one ad'tre# for *9; lour copies of tits font fti views and Blackwood for 03 >; amt sou- . Remittances should always be- addrissed to th- Publishers. Leonard scarr St ro No -i4 G Id Sire, t, Nl w TPo k. notice! G 1 GEORGIA. Gseexe County —All persons in- V deblert to Tltomiu Merritt, late of said count’ dec., are r.quested to mike immediate pijmr-nt,and all those havtnr claims aramst him, to present th in duly proven lotlie undersigned. JAJ.ES MERRITT, Ex’r. -- ‘o’ Thoms-< MerH r 4*o. f/eseessbeOr, rehews ey -h. 1943*. Bridge to Let. WILL be let to the lowest'bidder at Rieh. 1 land Creek on the Athens Road, on Sat-’ urday the 24th inst., a Bridge of the following ’dimensions ; ‘A flat or low Bridge, the floor t 0” be 12 feet wide, well weighted with Rock, the Span over the Creek to be 30 or 32 feet, the Abutments to be not lest than 10 feet.’ The -. ontractor to give bond with good security fe keep the Bridge up for seven years. JAMES BURK, ) G. S. TUNNEI.L, > Commissioners, J. W. GODKIN, ) March 7th, 186 u Bt. - -■ NOTICE. The fubscribcrs respectfully request those of their ‘ customers who arc in arrears for the year 18.’ 8 te call between now and the Isl ol March next, amt set-’ tie their accounts; as they cannot positively extend ‘indulgence hevond that date. Jan. 12. 1860 3m. HO WELL & NEAR*. NOTICE TO TEACHERS The Board of Education, for Greene County, wifi meet at the Court House in Grei nesboro, on Sat urday the 10th day of March next, at 10 o’clock a. m , for the purpose ol cxaiffining uny Ttschers wtte may come before said Board. VV. G. JOHNSON, J I C. Greenesboro, Feb. 7th, 1860 lm. Chairman. DENTISTRY. DR. IV*?/. JfIORGJiJW Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist* Pcnficld, Georgia, WOULD inform the citizens of Greene and ad joining counties, that he is pi epared to perform any qperation per.aining to his profession, with neat ness and dispatch. He will insert from one to an sa tire act of teeth, which, fur beauty, durability, cot,}, fort and tnaaiicatinA'will compare with any, either in this country or Europe. It tshis intention to pleats. Any call from the country that may be tendered him will meet with prompt attention. lie .refers, to Dr. John B Murphy of Rome. —Feb. 29, I860;- TO THE PUBLIC. “C Ever since rny “ Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps"— the purest and best Gin for Ihediral purpose.—be came fully appreciated throughout the cpuuiry, ,h * T f been constantly solicited by druggists, apothecaries, and large numbers ofclhe most eminent physicians-, in all parts of the Union, lo add lo my Gin importa tions, pure Brandies aud Wines, and to botiie limit the same as lam and have been doing with tits Schnapps; to seal with tny setil and give my cerlff cate guarantying their undoubted purity,'• ... . . I should long ago have t n teavored to comply with tire fiattertug requests, but I found it impossible to 4o so, especially in regard to the. important articles of Brandy, Port and Mailer ia Wines, owing tb the high prices in Europe, occasioned by short grape crops Rr some years. Happily for the But cess of tny new en terprise, the grape crops for the lustaiuf thepreviowt yeats were abundant. Another point in my favor is this : the du'y now on French Brandy is 70 per cent, less than it was when my medical frimdg began to solicit me to furnish puts Brandy und Wines. These favoring .-.L'cumstuncu l ave enabled trie to commence anew mterprise. 1 have concluded to import Cognac Brandy and Wioee to bottle them for medical as well as lor private use, I am well aware, from the bitter ejpt rience.-the vile attack-*, the misrepresentation of motives and enmity ol dealers and mines of bad articles which I inrt with and conquered in ihe caste of my Schnapps, before it obtained its present proud pre cmint nee over, all other Gins, that the new enterprise will be attended with equal opposition, more trouble 111111 involve an immense outlay of capitul. These difficulties and ex penses w-ill be much greater, because f shall have to encounter the indignity und enmity of countless thou sands who are engaged in the liquor trade,and mak ing fortunes by tbeinanulactDie of infamous itnita lions of “B. andy” made frr m pouenons compounds— their use being alike destructive to healthy human life, and of course speedy death to ffte treble invalid, ■r those in whose bclinlt eminent physicians hate urged, upon me the importation of a pure, inrjgorat ing article of Brandy. 1 shall do so, in spite of aril opposition, even that of the dealers and tellers of the stuff in buttles ratted “Brandy,”of which millions of bottles are annually sold, and wlticU is no betttcr than the worst ol poisons. 1 am perlectly willing and well satisfi-d to embark in this new enterprise, and have tin tears, no doulns about the most ultimate suco ss loj tnys< If nnd the druggists and appotheruries in the tlir : rly three Stales il they will heartily cooperate v illi me 111 my ■ Horts to drive out ol use the vihsl ol < onipoouds, Called jßran<tY,’*.and tc,laee it with thr pure, nmidoltersl ed atticle, which 1 will faithfully null truly sup| ly. The airtucs of pure French Bra'udy need not to be told. The Brandy imported by uir I will bottle, seal with niy sei.*i, my label, a rid add rny celriffrete ths* it is ol the first quality, and pure and uuaduiu rated as whenitl'fi tin-distillery in Frarco. 1 will stake my reputation as u man, my sfandinw as a merchant, aud my tried commercial integri y, that what I pledge aud certify to w ith my seal, tny tabei, ami my certificate is Corn cl, and can be relied it|>! n hy puribi.sera in nny section of the Uniou to wltich my Brandy may be sent I have madear'ang menls with the best Br.ttdy inanularttiTarK-in - Francs with those who Lav. a w rid wide teiiow 11 n. tbs file* Brandy exporters. T i'-ve selereed four eminent firms who will ship tne their Brandies I shall not drsig. oate the artieli s l.y ar.y othrr name than Wrsih’s Genuine Cosnae ijr.uuly. II I were to do otln rwiso >1 would be useless, for thm unprincipled pers- ns, who at e ihei s antly engaged in the iu lari. ua tralio of itndadit.gall valuable articles, would Boon jluitQtw and adopt my u ark 3s a cloak undr r w Itich to aeh their compound of poisons tocovi-r the vile iinposttien I am now prepared to receive und 1 X'-’ ote orders lor Wolf'S G'-nuiuc Ctjgnac Brandy addrosiif to tne, No. 22 Beaver Street. Prices w ill he-given to personal application, or in reply to letter*. lo thiscireular I have tltus far wtitleh mainly a boat pure Cognac Brandy ; I lave now to call your a yin ti m to other liquors and wines. 1 am prepared toanpiy orders for ‘Jamaica Rilth,” irnpotel and bottled by. riit; a Is.) ‘lrish anil Scotch Whiskey.’ Tim purity and g ouilienees of the !sa named articles, impothd for‘uiedical use,* I wilkalso guaranty with my s at. my lab'-l; amt uty rerttheaVe. I shall also imp’lt the pui,st and ljrt _‘A1 slieritp’ •Port,’and‘Sherry’ Wir es lor Medical -purposes; - These 1 also guaranty wiih my seat, my label, anil mv certificate. _ so cinclndOn’ par mi I me to ntfd that I shall befisp py lo hear from those this circular reaches, and whose persona,g>r pecuniary interest it may iffret, in the combination of articles teal I engage to supply. Should any such person visit New York especially a Druggist, Apothecary or Plfysiciau- I shall be inogt happy to receive a peiaortal call. , Ttiere is no importer who p-ssrases more aclttaf experienc"snd knowledge of the importing liquor se'd wine trade than 1 do, I have engaged in it offfr thirty years , ’ I have narta’ed some (acts conne*ed wrh any aVr enterprise, for the particular inloriualioa of’ thosa conmcted with the practieeor sale of medicines. .If I am favored with the visit of any such, or by friends to whom they give letters of introduction to me, they esn see with their own’ eyes, and test my truthfuinrss oy their wri übv rs i'ia'l. I respei tinlly crave foi* fhis Circular ans its icith tents, a careful and attentive perusal. ‘ I an, respectfullv. 1 our obi dient servant, , UDOUMIIO WOLFE, .. 18,20 J 22Beaver Street, Sew Torlu WHOLESALE AGENTS ’ ‘ j J.p.GBIEFF & Cos., Sim Or/rant, Lff. .S. J. & J. JONES. XTolile, A/v. HUNICUT & TAYLOR. Atlanta. Ga. HFVILANU C’HICIIESTU.Co Avgvttt* RAGLAND k BIRCH, Colvmbvt, Ga, IIOLCGMH CO., Bftvnnnek, Q*. -• Wi G. FOLUN, n. ‘ “