Planters' weekly. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 185?-18??, April 03, 1861, Image 4

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t/rig it of ike Word ‘Fo.ihaip” Pa urr, it is well known that t huilos 1- of England granted numerous monopolies for t lie support f hi* government. Among others was the privilege, of manu facturing paper. The watermark of the finest sort was the royal arms of England. The comsumption of his article was great at this time, and large fortunes were made by those who had purchased the right to make and vend it. This, among other monopolies, was set aside by the I arha ment that brought Charles to tho scaffold, and by way of showing their contempt tor the King, they ordered the royal arms to be taken trom the paper, and a fool, with his cap and hcllm to be substituted. It is now more limn an hundred and seventy live veari since the fool’s cap and hells were taken trom the paper, but still paper of the size which the ltump Parliament ordered for” their journals bears the name of the water-mark then ordered ns an indignity to Cliales. .1 Glorious Epitaph- —On a grave stone in Now London appears the following in scription. Tho records of ancient Greece or Rome do not exhibit a noble instance of patriotic heroism : ••On the 20th of October, 1781., 1,000 Englishmen fell on the town with fire and sword. A lmo of powder was then laid fvo'n the magazine of the fort to the sea. there to bo lighted—thus to blow the fort into the. nir. William Hotmail, who lay not far distant, beheld it, and said to one of his wounded friends, who was still alive, •We will endeavor to crawl to this line.— Wc will completely wet the powder with our blood. Thus will we, with the little life that remains to us, savo the. fort, and magazine, and perhaps a few of our com rades who arc only wounded.’ He alone had strength to accomplish this noble de sign. In his 30th year lie died on tho powder he had overflowed with bin blood. Ilia friends, and seven of his wounded com panions, by that means had their lives ■preserved.” . . After tliis simple narrative are the to I lowing words, in large characters : “IIBRH ItH-STS william iiotmax.’ .1 Stiff Man to Insure. —Bv a steam boat explosion on a Western river, a pas senger was thrown unhurt into the water, mfat once struck out lustily for the shore blowing like a porpoise all the while. He reached the bank almost exhausted, and was caught by a by stander and drawn out panting. “Well, old fellow, said his friend, “had a hard time, eh ?” “Pe-yes pretty hard, considcrin. Was’nt doiu it for myself, though ; was a workin’ for one o’them insurance olliccs i a New 7 ork. Got a policy on my life, and I wanted! to Save tin m. I didn’t caie.’ nisce lancous Advlisouinis. rifSM MANHOOD. IIOWI.OST, IIOW RESTORED, j Just published hi a Sailed Envelope, On TUB X ATURK, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURK OF atorrhoka ,or Seminal Weakness, Sexnal Dc Unity, Nervousness ami lovoluntary Rmisrions, in <ltici*n£ Impotency, ami Mental aiul I’hyaioal lucu parity. Hv ROBT. J. CULYRUWBLL.,M I>- Author of the “Often Book,” o\, The worM-renosvnnl author, in lliis admirable Lecture, clearly prorj* from liis own experience tfio awful consequences olself-abuse may be el* f v*tu illy reniuvn I without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, nointimr out n mode of cure ut once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may cure himself <*iibaplt, Privately asm* Radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousand? and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post-pa in, on the receipt, of two post,a ere stamps, by addressing DR ril. J.C. KLINE. 1‘27 Dowery. New York. Poet Office Box 4,536. —April 11,1560-ly. DR. J. BOVEE DOBS’ ntPKIK.U, WOK. BITTERS, \re composed of a pnro ami unadulterated ll'mc, nbind wi h Bilberry, Salomon’s .s',ul, Coml'rcy, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, S li'teiuril, Ci n nomile Flowers, and Gentian Thev ars m inufaetured by Hr. Dods himself whtmvt oxoariene.cil and suceesslul Ph vsician and hence, should not he classed among the qua'-k nostrums which fiooil the country, and a'aim*, which the Medical Profession are sojust l v prej idi-ed. These truly valuable Bitters have not been fairly before the public for one rear, srvlyot there : s a heavy demand for them from all parts of the Union. I)r. Frink, No. “0 JFost 35th Street, New York, say a : ‘•1 have hern 2re ally boncfilted by using Dr’ IFine Bitters, and am now using the n freclv an l successfully in my practice. ’ i a mcdicinefor Females, I consider them unequ illed.” Dr. Guernsey, No, 13 West 23d Street, sa’ s . “I have used Dr. Dons’ (Fink Bittkhs in mv practice, and in cases where atonic is required ! consider them unsurpassed, and cheerfully recommend them as a valuable Family J/cdi cine,” Dr. Meaeham, of Flotida, says . ‘•For several years T sull'ercdall the horrors of Chronic Dyspesia. I used all other remedies without avail. I discarded prejudice,and used Dr. Dons’ Wink Bittkhs, which have greatly benefited me, and I believe will cure me.” Mr. G. S, Weaver, of Albany, N. Y., says: ‘‘My wife was sinking rapidly with consump tion; the host physicians in Albany and New York city pronounced her case hopeless. She med Dr. Dons'Wink Hittf.iis, and is cured.” Hr. J. B. Slants, of Newark* N. J., savs: “d/ydaughter was extremely ill; she had been attended by four of our host ph vs'cians hev disease was Inflammation of the Bowels which had produced extreme debillity. Her .use was considered hopeless by all wh > saw her. A friend roeommended i>r. Dons’ Wink ItiTraas ; she used them, and is well,” IT*. Brittain, K liter of the /tinner of Light, in Boston, savs : ‘•Dr. J. Bovke f)ons’ IFine Bitters have ciire4 mo of Piles of the worst and obstinate .character.’’ A distinguised lady of Mobile, Ala., writing t * a fc nale friend, says : “J would advis-* you to use I)r. J. Bovkk (Uobi* Isperiai, TFink Ritters. I have used them, and consider them a blessing to aur .-sex’ ” ilFe might write a small volume, and then •would not give one fourth of the Testimonials in our possession, as to the virtue of these Valuable Bitters, but we will onlv say that they arc approved of by our best Physicians, arc doing much good in all parts of tho'enintry and earnestly entreat the alflicted totrytheni. CIIAKLEK MIIIDH IllU) A CO., Proprietors, 73 William Street, A Vic York A*d sold hv Druggists generally. Wholesale and Retail Agon’s for Georgia. Pu’xn A Leitneii, Augusta, .Sold also by Craiiiie Porter, <k Cos.. Greens boro. fa’.ru ary dtb 1861.—tIv ttnCIiLLtNEOtIS. Nervous Headache x!j, CURE Jt kinfc P.> the ttseof theso Pillstheperiodic attacks of i 'ferrous or Sick Headache may be preven ted ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relieffrom pain and sick ness will be obtained. They seldom fid’ in removing the -Yu usca and Headache to which females arc susuljcct They act cmr,tlqupon the bowels, —remov- ing Conticcnees. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Fe males, and all persons of sedentary habits, they arc valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving lone and virjur to the diges tive organs, and restoringtheuatural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The OKPH.lblp PlLLS'are the result of long investigation and carefully conducted expel iemntp, having been in use many years, during which time t! iv have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache*, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They areentirely vegetable in their com position, and may he taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable taste renders it can/ to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! ’ he genuine have live signatures of Henry C. Spa ding on each Box. Sold by Druggist and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on re copt of the. PRICE ‘2.* CENTS. All orders should be addressed to. HENRY O SPALDING; 4q Coder Street, Now-York. The Following Endorsements of SPALDING’S Cephulic Pills, Wilt eon rin re you all oho sufferJium HEADACHE, Til A T .1 Speedy and Sure Cure IS I VITiIIn'tIIEIII REACH. As these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. SPALDING, they afford unquestionable proof of the efficacy of this truly sci entific discovery. Musonvillc, Conn, Feb, 5 1801. Mk. Si'Al.dinu :—Sin. I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and Hike them so well that 1 want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom T gave a few out of the first box I got from you. Sen 1 the Pillsby mail, imd oblige Your ob’t Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. llarerford, Pa. Feb, 0 ISlil. Mu. Sl’Al.DlNli. — Silt: 1 wish you to send mo one more box oi your Cephalic Pills, l have received a great deal of benefit from them. Yours, rcßpf ctfullv, MARY AN i SI’OIKIIOUSE. Greek, Huntington Cos, Pa , Ja uary 18, 1801. IJ. C. Si’.w.iiixo. —Sii: . You will please send me two boxes of y our Cephalic Pills. Sand them immediately. Respectfully yours, •INO.'ll. SIMONS. P. S. —l hare use’ one box of your Pills, and find them excellent. Belle Vernon, Ohio. Jan. 15, 1861. Henry C. Simedinc, Esq. Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which semi mo another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pills 1 have ever tried. Direct A. STOVEIt, P. M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Cos., O. Utterly, Mass., Dec. 11, 1860. 11. C. Sr.u.iuNo, Esq.. I wish for some eircuiars or large show bills to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me.’ One of my customers, who is subject to se vere Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) was cured, of an attack in two hours by your Tills, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES, A single bottle or SPALDING’S PRE PARED GLUE will save leu times its costs annually, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE 1 SAVE THE PIECES ! ECONOMY ! DISPATCH ! fdT“A Stilrh. in Time Sans Xinc. As accidents will happen, even in well reg ulated families, it is very desirable t“ have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &e. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to ho without it. It is always ready and mi to the sticking point. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B.—A Brush accompanies ench Bottle. Price, 25 cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CKR a R Street, New-Yoik, CAUTION, As certain unprincipled persons are at tempiing to palm oil'on the unsuspecting pub lic. imitations of my piikpahkd uuk, I would caution all persons to examine before pur chasing, mid see tint the full name, SPALDING’S PREPARED GLIJE, is on the outside wrapper; all others arc swlnd I line counterfeits. I November 2li t Ibffil— Iy, Miscellaneous Advertisements. it NEW FALL DRY GOODS, \ 1860. II iving received our stock of Fall Dry Goodk (all ofwni h are entirely new, having no old stock on hand) we take this occasion to ca® the attention of the readers of the i'Plantei’i Weekly,” to our Goods and prices— I OURSTOCKOF Dress Goods, KERSEYS AND BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS. and all other articles in the Dry floods line is full and complete, all of which will be sold at priees to suit the short crops of Cotton and Corn. Planters will oblige us by calling and examining for themselves which will cost them nothing. KEAN * QLATX. 2nd door above Globe Comer. 258 Broad Strcet- Augusta, Ga. Sept. 26, 1860- —1 y. , AX aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON purified ol Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen, fcauctioncd by the highest Medical Au thorities, both iu Europe and the Uuitcd Stales, and prescribed in tbeir practice. The experience ol thousands daily proves that no preparation ot Iron can be compared with it. Impu rities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and othciwiec sickly complexions indicate its neces sity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it hue proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz : In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Hiieum, Mis.menstruati >n. Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches. Rheuma tism, Inteumttknt Fevers, Pimples on the Face, &e: In cases of Gei crnl Debility, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution ol ner vous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no deacrip’.ion nor written attes a tLn would render credible. Invalids so long bud ridden as to have become forgotten, in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a’ distant fund. Some very signal instances of ibis kind are attested of female hufilters, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exhaus tion, critical changes, and tint complication ol ner vous and dyspeptic fiversiwii to air and exercise for wnicli the physician bus no name In No vous Afreet ions of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this pre paration of iron must necessarily he. salutary, for, unlike the old uxid’ S, it i vigorously tonic without being exciting *-nd overtn atiug; and gently; regular* ly aperient even in the most obstinate cjscs tdcos tivencss without ever being h gastric purgative, or indicting a<l su.gric ihle sensation. It is this latter property among others, which m'.ik. sitso i-cinnk. lly • Hectu il and p rnnin m .1 remedy lor, upon which it also appears to exert a (Ite'.inct and specific uetiun, hy disjeraing the local tendency which forms tin in. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as re its *au.s<s, t sin gle box of these Chalybeate I'.lls has often suflieed fur the nio-d habitual cases, including the utLudent CoSTtVENEFS. # ( In unchecked when advruued Dysentniy, coufii tiled, emaciating, and apparently malignant, die cfT. ots have hem equally do isive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss off esh and strength, debil itating cough, and remittent hectic, winch generally indicate Incipient Consumption, tiis r* medy hasal layed the alarm of friends and physicians; in several very gratifying and iniert sring instances. In Scrofulous* Tuberculos's, this medicated iron lias had far more than the good effect ol’ the moat cautiously, balanced preparations ol iodine without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot he too confidently invited to this remedy and restorative, in eases pe cnliarly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and infiamatr ry—in the hitter, however, more decidedly—it has been in variably well reported, both as a'l* vi.iting pain and reducing the swelling* and stillness of the joints and niusch 3. In Intcrmit'cnt Fv, rs, it mud necessarily he a great remedy and energetic restorative,and iis prog ress in the ticw pcttlemenls of the West, will proba bly he >ne of high rent wn and useful ness. No remedy has ever burn discovered in the whole history of medicine, which vei ls such promp’, hap py, and fully restorative effects. G od upp- tite complete digestion, rapid acquisition of a*ivngih, with an unusual disp'siiion for active and cheerful exercise, imniediah ly foil* w its use. Put up in neat metal hcx**s contoiiiin 50 pills, price 50cents per lx x ; for sale by di uggista and dealers. Will be sent lre to any address on receipt of the price. ■ All letters, orders, etc., should bead dressed to R. B. LOCKE and Cos. General Agents, 20 Cedar Street, N. Y. October 10, 1560. wl‘2m. PLUM If <fc LKITX EU Dni"gilts .y Apothecaries. 212 Xf'ir Broad r<jsi Street. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. We respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters, and Physicians, to our large and well as aorted stock of Unadulterated Mciltciitcs 2 CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, And all oilier articles in our lino. We feel assured that no house in the South can offer a stock superior to ours in Gknuinknkss anii Purity, all Official Preparations being made in strict accordaucs with the Formulas ot the United Slates Phtirmacoixciu, With the IiEAT MAT IHi I ALA, and by THE PR OPE It WEIGHTS and MEASURES. Our stock of DENTAL AND SUKOIOAL INSTRUMENTS is full, and our arrangements with the host manufacturers, for procuring supplies at the shortest notice, is unequalled. * W'e are Agents for the best brands in the country of While liCnd And Zinc White. Tito Finest Perfumery anti Choicest ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE In groat variety may always ho found in our stock. Wo keep always on hand a largo stock of the best brands of FRENCH AND GERMAN GLASS, For windows, Pictures, Frames, &c., Ac. ■ FRESII GARDEN, GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS, From the Rent Grown, in Large Quantity, at the Prayer Heaton. Feeling eoufldont that we can furnish our customers with U>e hot articles, on reasonalilu terms, we respectfully solicit orders and pledge ourselves to till them with Hdellty anddispaUiTi, If an v article should not prove to bn pre cisely us represented, wn shall feel thankful to have it return*) at mtr t rpense, and the in ‘li ny will he refunded, I PLI/M/Ik IE ITSHR. Vagit t. * Repli pi lair |tl, 18(h) -I v, miscellaneous ACvcrtiseiuculs. it. it. rT DR. RADWAY’S REMEDIES. TftE TRUE MEANS TO TOESERA’E AND RECOVER HEALTH. LET THE SICK READ AND RE FLECT. RADAVAY’S READY RELIEF. RADWAY’S REGULATING PILLS. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT. Secure Health to all, anti are Blessed as Providential Sacrifices by the Church. The Catholic Priest in South America, Ills Grace the Archbishop at Quito, Gen. Villamill of the Army of Equador, hate been cured by these infallible remedies, and hare given them to the sick, who have been likewise cured. “Maona est Veritas kt Pr-evalirit.” lif * invents Sick-| Vi.”- IG-! ■■ . 1: • den Attacks ofsick -Bad ways .ffeady Po- RADWAY'S |REOULATL\G PILLS, THE ri'BEST AND BEST nJUGATIVE PILL IN THE WORLD. Railway's Regulating P.lie —warranted to operate iu Six Ilnurs Rad way’a Regulating Pills are n Veritable Substi tute for Calomel, Blue Bill, Quinine, Railway’s Regulating Rills should be used by Fe males in deheute Health. Railway's Regulating Pills cure all Female Com plaints. Rad way’s Regulation Pills. Qui- ts NervoLsncLS and produces Sleep, Sleep, S.eep ! Ridwa\’s Regulating Pills. One Pill every day will cure Indigestion ? TIIE SIGNAL OF WOE, HEADACHE. HEADACHE, in all its distress ing varieties, cured IN FROM FIVE MINUTES OT SIX HOURS. BY RADWAY’S REGULATING PILLS, An 1* RADWAY s READY RELIEF. SICK HEADACHE. MENTAL HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. MALARIOUS HEAD ACHE BILIOUS HEADACHE. CONGRESTIVE HEAD ACHE. CATAR H HEADACHE. HEADACHE FROM FhVKMS. HEADACHE FROM TEETHING. HEADACHE FROM SUDDEN COLD*\ AND headache - win tlicr a? u premonitory symptom of threat* tied disease, or asa concomitant of a disease intrenched within the system, is instuntancou-ly relieved by ... % BADWAY*S READY RELIEF, ‘ * and tuitv.n in six houhs. BY R \ DW*. Y*S R KGt’LATIXfi PILLL There is scarcely u disease, Miltnent, or malady that seizes upon tin* human system but that one of its chief and prinnry syntp'oms is ukadaciik. The ■ slighltst ik*i tuigeinent <d the Stomach, Liver, Heart, Skin, Bowels, Kidtuys, or IPatlder—ora disturbance o the circulation of the blood—or in terference with perspiration -r- eults in pain, ton greater or loss decree of severity, in the head, usa r ache. is not of itself a disease, hut it is a certain sign that foreign and unhealthy humors cxiet within the system, and that disease is brewing within the body. Headache, therefore, should ngver be neglected : i* is a warning of approaching woe, a signal to the ; I suffererlo fortify hie pyß*em to resist and repel the threatened disease. Headache isjiotoolya positive sign of threatened disease, but it a con comitant of all the most violent, infections, epide mic, and fatal diseases that afflict mankind. In 1 tiie malarious, contagious, and infection* fevers —in YELLOW, TYPHOID, SCARLET, SHIP FEVER —in LUNG ’ FEVER, PNEUMONIA, MEASLES, SMALL POX IN FEYET AGUE. Ohagrt p Fever, Marsh Fever—iu an all Remittent and Intermiltent F vers—in Bilious, Nervous, and Rheumatic Fevers—in Influenza. Sore Throat Sudden Colds, in Diptheria, in Inffuijimitions, Congestions, and Convulsions. HEADACHE, HE PNCIIK, HEADACHE. Weighs down the btain wMh pain, and transform* ’ tho mi iddened hraiu to hideous insanity. In a I • tutso distressing forms of Headache. * HA DW Y’s READY RELIEF. ; II VI) ITVY’S lIKGUL VTING PILLS. , are qui k and positive curatives In nil ctses of Sy aitonntic. Tlea tache, ns diaor dered stomach, sudden cold exesive indulgence close application, and RADWAY’S READY RE LI KF will restore the sufferer to peaceful tranquili ty io a few .minutes, and Pv VI) ITAY’S KErvUZATING PILLS will in six'houra purge from the system all offending humors, and restore a healthy equalization to the Let those who are at present suffering with Head ache make the experiment. In from five minut ?e to six hours you will be free from pain, and will en joy a refreshing sleep. Don't wait, but try it at once. IMD WAY'S READY BELIEF. TUB MINUTE MEDICINE. Indttttitaii ous rnso is given by Railway’s Ready Relief in all casea of acme pain, internal or external. It stops in n moment the maddening agony of rheu matism, neuralgia, toothache, burns) ecalds, cuts and braises, ivben applied outwardly. Torture, that if continued would cause death, is arrested by a single dose of it, in five minutes. It suspends disease, giving time lor thoactiou of the other reme dies. All complaims caused by unhealthy air, such as small pox, scarlet fever, measles, lever and ague, yellow fever,cholera, dysentery, pneumonia, a.e prevented by its occasional use. When the nervous system is paralyzed or ’convulsed, it pro duces a rapid reaction, immediately relieving spasms, convulsions, hysterics. For tbe debili tated it is tbe best possible stomachic, iutiuutclv betler than alcohol in any form. Have it on hand always, for it may be required at any moment, and no drug will supply its place. WM. SYDNEY MYERS, ESQ. Havana,Cuba. Havana, Cuba, Jan. 2, 18od. Messrs. Radway and Cos., Gentlemen: I have been a sufferer from Acute Chronic Rheumatism for the last twenty years of my life ; my sufferings duriug lhat period, neither tongue nor pen can express. 1 have spent a little fortune on Doctors bills, without de riving any substantial benefit. Recently I had ono of my Irequent periodical attacka. I was very ill for a week and hud not slept an hour at any one time. A Spanish friend to whom I related my” suf lerings told mo he hud a remedy which would give me relief and he kindly pressented me with a bottle of Radway’s Rbabv Relief.” Although skeptical ol deriving any advantage from its uso. I that night applied it freely on going to bed, and to my great amazement, felt rein veil and alept soundly. The next night, I again npplied the Ready Relief, and awoke in the morning, free from pain, having ouly used about half the bottle Heartily do I return you my humble acknowledg ments lor your invaluable medicine, which may well be called a “blessing so man” Thanking yon from my soul for your wonderful remedy, I have the honor to subscribe myself. Yours, Respectfully. W.BYbNKY MYERS. C/rcat Cures of Fever and Ague, Typhoid Fever, BiliuuM Fevei, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever, Small Pox, MeaHlcs, Croup, Sore Throat, Aktlrua, And Bail Cough, IPfiooping Doughs, Influonxa I Mar rhea; Cholvia Morbufl, Fits Miscellaneous Advertisements. Rheumatism, Rheumatism, tfout, Znmbago, Lumbago. ** AH Painp, Ail Aches, And Intirinicies, CUJiED! CURED! CURED! By RADWA Y'S READY RELIEF and ‘ RA DWA rs REG ULA TING BILLS ! ALSO CERTAIN OTHER GREAT CURES ARE DALI Y EFFECTED WITH MAR VELL O US RA PIDITY. By RAD WATS RENOVATING RE SOLVENT. Humors of all kinds, Sores, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions, Salt Rheum. Tetters, Pimpl-s, Scrofula, Syphilis, Fver, Sores, White Swellings Node?, Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouths, Cankers Cancers, Severe Chronic Complaints, Gout. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Bronchitis Ulcers in the Throat and Lunge UNHEALTHY CITIES, SICKLY CLIMATES. Dr Wambarie, of Curacoa, writes to the special agent of I)r. Radway us follows ; Tula is one of the most unhealthy places in the wuiU- if icdicihes or known value that will c t - re diseases of the same c ‘fcractcr ti\ Otncr places have no effect upon the sick here. Rahway’s Ready Relief , Regulating Pill and Renovating Resolvent prove happy ex -1 ceptions, for in every case where these miraculous medicines are administered, they cure the sick. I have cured the most terrible cases of yellow fever and ague, typhoid fever, congestion of the liver, bilious f ver, by the use of the Ready Relief and Rad way’s Pills. With the Ready Relief and Reeru'ating Pills, Dysentery is bautnksr, Cholera becomes a past-time and the most violent Small Pox changes to a mild form of varioloid. The frightful Asthma is speedily | reduced to easy, unchecked hnathing. In bit* so! snakes and stings of ins ets, a single replication of tne Ready RdLl’reutralizi R the poison, and soothes the irritated fLVi. I have cured .Several daees of palpitation of th * heart, rush ot blood <n ,h head and fits of various kinds, by few does of Rad way's Regulating Pills. PADWY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Will regenerate dilapidated humanity, cleanse enricich, and purify the blood, cure every kindot humors, and insusc to all a clear akin and fair com plexion. FOR SO PE EYE’S ULCERS AND HUMORS. The Walking Skeleton, covered with S vies aud Running Ulcers. Before the introduction of Rad ways Rj novating Resolvent on the coast of Smith American the stieets of Callao, Valpara3o, Buenos Ayres, Rio and other populous cities were thronged \* iih poor and dec rip id worn out r. rnnants of humanity covered from head to foot with'frightful sores and ulcets, disctiarging filihy ami corrupt humors. The ueof Rid way’s Renovating Rsolvent has purified cleansed aud healed the sick in every ca=e No more crippled and. disabled lepers uo more foul nn<f sore eaten bodies are to be se< n in the public streets; for in. Bad way's Renovating Resolvent aided in the more severe cases by the Ready Relief and Pegulating Pills, tho most repulsive leper, covered with running sores and Mcera becomes sound, Vdcan and healthy. Bad way’s Remedies are sold by Di utrgis's. Merchants and S r oiekecpers everywhere, Piiccs of Pad way’** Ready belief 25 ceutp,so cents and $1 p°r bottle. Railway’s Regulating Pill.-; 25 cents per box, coated with gum.) 30 Pills in ra h box. Padway’B Renovating Resolvent ; #1 per bottle ‘ RADWAY and Cos. 23 Thn afreet, N’ w York. Sold also by J. Henry Wood, Grcencs boro Ga. January 16, 1861. ni.istnmEA! c:uniP! cuolkka: LIFE UliOl'Si. Tb R medicino bn* hern THS NEVKIt KAIUXO THIRT I , VF.i-Ti ni’ and l:l'%lKl)V by TBK v-BABS cxpcnync. to Uo t-'io Oili y GKUT;M’N'. s.vff ,1 r *d HFIO a ni.K rent edy for aJU nowkl i>i>>iAN<;i:.\i.:NTs, imakhfkka, J)Meot'ry, Cramps, Pains, Cholera, Cholic, Ac nuw Ix foro the pul,lie. One or two doses 20 drops, will cure the most seven- cramps io the stomach in 20 minutes. A single dose of ten cures the Diarrl oua and it never constipates the bowels. One dose will satisfy anv one of its no rits. Price only 25 Cents. Prepared by Tbai.i. ,t Srow, 43 Bowerv. N York. Ami sold in G ‘een-ishoro by & Lansdell. [a,pr. 11th, ’6O-1 r. June 11th 1800. w j v DR, J. H. EUcSiBAH J S Strengthening Cordial & Ilioosl Purifier. THE GREATEST REMEDY L\ THE WORLD ft) I’tt E . £V* Delicious t Jtff p and fllXhtrol Cordial EVER TAKEN. II ‘8 strictly a soien- ,f ’ tilie ami Vegeiablec.mi VS.-S pound, procured by die BgfM s. distillation of KolllS, V.Vrj Hrrliy ami -Hark. Ycl 1 |,nv Doclt, Blood loot, . \ More tflK!B&Sara„,,o. illn, Wild Cher Aft if tflJil!! c ry, ami Dandelion enters it* ruinpnuud. Tlic rntiiv active remedial principles of cucli ingredient is thor oughly ex*rueted by my method of <ii*titiin/r. pro* dui'init a delicious, exhilerut iug >pii it. nd the iNFALLiui.K remedy for renovating tho diseased sys ten, uiid restoring ihr ?i.k, suil’erinland del ilitated INVALID to HEALTH and STRENGTH. IVlcLesurs Cordir.S WILL EFFECTUALLY CURB LIVER COMPLAINT. DY PgPSIA, Jaundice. CJironlc or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidney, and all Disc .sea arising from a Disorder ed Liver or Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Aciditv or Sickness ol the Stomach, Fulnesso! Blood to tl.c Head, Dull Pain or Swimming’ in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Chunking or Suf focating Feeline when lying down. Dryness or Yi I lowneasof the Skin and eyt-9; Night Sweats, lmvard Fcvees, Pain in the Small of the Duck, Chest or Side, cudden Flush of Heat, I)epres*ion of Spirits, Fright ful Dreams, Langor Despondency or any Nervous Disease, Sores or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague —or Chills and Fever. Over a Million of Bottles Have been sold during the last six months, and in no instance has it failed in giving entire satisfaction.— Who then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when McLean’s Strengthening Cordial will cure you. No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change produ ced by taking this Cordial in thediseaseed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by cxeess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organization is restored to its pristine health and vigor. Married Persons Oro'here consciousof inability from whatever causa will find McLean’s Strengthening Cordial athorough regenerator of the system ; and all who may have in ured themselves by improper indulgences, will find n this Cord : al u certain and speedy remedy. To Tlift Ladies, McLean’s St e.n wt hbnin o Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENT c’XSUMI’TIJN, WHITES, Obstructed or Difficult Menstration, Insoontinence of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, Giddiness, Fainting aud all Diseases in cident to Females. THERE IS NO MISTAK A BOUT IT. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. It wili stimulate, strengthen, and invigorate you and cause the bloom of health to moudt your check again. EVERY BJTTLB IS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. . FOR CHILDREN. If your children are sickly, puny, or afflicted, Me Lean’s Corpiul will make them healthy, fut and robust Delay not amoment. try it, and you will be convinced I r IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Caution. — lie ware of Druggists or dealers who may try to palm off upou you sou** Bitter, or sarsuporilla trash, which they can buy cheap, by sayinu it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLeun's Strengthen Cordial, mid take nothing else. It ia the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly, and at the same time"strengthen the system. One tiihlespoonlul taken every morning lasting, j a certain preventive for Clioleni, Chills und Fever, Yellow Fever,or any preuuloni disease. It is put up in largo buttes. Price only # I per bottle, or six pottles J. II McLMN Hole Proprietor us this Cordial. Alsu McLean's Volennic Oil Liinant Principal l)r pot on the corner of Third and I'iuo N.l, HI- Uiufs Mu. For” nli by Massey and I.mumli 11. R1.4Y14N nf nil kUi'l* n-Btly printed t( ihistdllr , U( *h<f l notice. l'atvMt ifiedieinea, Ac. “ aTyeilr. * s Ague Cure. ‘ von THE SPEEDY CL'BK Ot Intermittent Fever or Fever and Ague, Re mittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Agne, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headata,-. and Bilionj Fevers; indeed for the who!’ Class of Diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. No otic remedy i.; louder called for by tho nt ectt eitics of the American people than a sure and safe cure for Fever and Ague. Such a remedy arc are now- enabled to oiler, with a perfect certainty that it will eradicate the disease, and with assurance, found ed on proof, that no harm can ariso from its use ia anv quantity. , That which protects from or prevents this disor der must be of immense service m the communities w’nero it prevails. Prevention is better (than c ibr tho patient escapes the risk which ho must in violent attacks of. this baleful “Cube” expels the miasmatic poison of F r. axd Ague from the system, and prevents tin vclopmcnt cf the disease, if taken oil the nr.-l proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not the best remedy ever vet discovered for this cla complaints, but also the cheapest. The large q tity wo supply for a dollar brings it within the rcai i of every laxly; and in bilious districts, where Fkvkic and Ague prevails, every body should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and protoctioti It is hoped this price will place it within,tho rcaVh of ail the poor as well ns the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any Other- ovo*— .Iweovererl’ih v* tho speedy and certain cure of Intermitttuts ispt'irV it contains no Quinine or mineral, conscqttattt?}’ i produces no oiiimsm or other ;;,j„rions etteots wlir.. ever upon the constitution, i Those cured by it a. 3 left as healthy as if they had never had tho disease. , Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders’ arise front its irritation, among which are Ncttralgt!, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Karachc, Catarrh, Asthma, I’alpitation, Painful Af fection of tho Spleen, Hysterics, l’ain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stomach,, all of which', w'.ten originating in thus cause, put otr the intermittent tvpP, or bccomo periodical. This “ Cuke ” expels tfio poison f.'om bie blood, and con sequently cures them all alike. It is an invulualdu protection to immigrants, and persons travelling or temporarily residing m the malarious districts. If takeft occasionally, or daily, while exposed to tho infection, that will lie excreted from tho system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever sudor from Intor mittents, if they avail themselves of tho protection this remedy affords. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. me so composed that disease within the ranpe of’ /heir action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and’ invigorate every portion of the human organism, cor recting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, tli'o invalid who is liowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy re stored by a remedy at once so simple aud inviting. Mot only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, hut also many formidable and dnngeraua discuses. “ The agent below named is pleased to, furnish gratis mv American A i manat-, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use ia the following complaints: Costireness. Ilrartlmri b* ! lea (lactic arising from disordered Stnmaeh, JtjmW ‘ Indigestion, Pain in aud Morbid ‘ • Is, h'laluicncy. Toss of Appetite. Jaundity 1 . “ kindred complaints, arising from a lov/aft”' 1 body or obstruction of its functions. ‘ OI 11 They me an excellent alterative for the tv lion of the-blood and the restoration of tone vj strength to the system debilitated by disease. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, ron tun rapid cum: ok Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, C.otip, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, find £or the relief of Consumptive Patients in ad vanced stages of the Disease. So wide is lTic field of its usefulness, i: lfo tinnier hus tire the eases of its cures, that almo-t every section of country abound* in persons publicly known, who have been'restored from alarming ami well tlesjn i ale diseases of tile lungs l*\ it., use. WlieU snee tried, its super ority ever ever,* other nnd.eino vs ils kind is too apparent to cs oh t rvation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for tin distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident 10 our climate. While many in ferior remedies thrust upon the eomimmirv % hav*j failed and been discarded, this has g iinvd fricmU by every trial, conferred benefits on the tdllich and tie y can never forget, and produced cures too nmaeroiK ‘iud too remarkable to be forgotten, PREPARED 11Y DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL. MASS. For sale by .i Hinry \Y uod.i.rcciicsbi ri.. and D. Hightower White P'*ns. r jn,.l.-’fit'-ly. DO YOU WANT'WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? IS IB LIKINAS HAITI’S CE UNRATED Simulating Onguenf, For the Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers take pie sure in Announc ing to the Citizens of the Unitui Slates, that they have obtained tbe Ag<n<-y for, and are row enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celebrated and world re nowned article. THE STIMULATING OIVGHENT Is prepared by Dk. C. P. Beiainoiiam, arv eminent physician of London, and is warrant ed to bring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Moustache. in from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of tho kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic u;on the roots, causing-*- beautiful groreth of. luxuriant hair. If applied to, the scalp, it will cure Baldness, and cause to spring up in place of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Applied according to directions it will turn hed ortowy hair dank, and restore gray l.air to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The “Onouent” is an indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week’s use they would not forany consid eration be n itlmut it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in the United States, to whom all or ders must be addressed. Ptice One Dollar a box—for sale by all Druggists and Dealers; or a box of the “On guent” (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (di rect), securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, Apply to or address HORACE L. HEOEMAN & ( 0., DIiUGGISTS, &C. 2t William Street, New York. March 271 h 1801.-—Cm. “(SMIMraiMPAGTORY OF SADDLES & HARNESS, IG9 Broad Street, UNDER AUGUSTA HOTEL. MACHINE STRETCHED BELTING OF Oak, Ih in/ock and Rubber, Gin Bands f Oak, Hemlock and Rubber, JULIUS DA 11 lIOYV, I’KontIETOK. Augusta, On. Mareli 0. I*ol. 1/..