The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, May 04, 1838, Image 2

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It is not an easy task to describe at any time the \ nous and rapid feelings of a human heart, and 'ja«. neart a woman’s ail we will say in the pro s' >( case is, that indignation, surprise, sorrow and pr Ue, were ail busy with Lady Caro hue, the last .nentioneil gained the victory for the time and she roac as ne ottered the bracelet, cheek, neck and brow, were crimsoned with passioti, auJ she spoke last and thickly. ‘Excuse me, sir, it is I who have to return that trinket, and to express my regret at ever having accepted it. The foolish professions made ou both sides at the time of the gift, had better, nay, indeed, shall be forgotten. 1 am glad my con tact of last night saves ine the trouble of expres (i:ug my feelings, and congratulate you on your talent for reading manner so perfectly.” Now, Charles Leslie had by no means calcula ted on such a speech, and it had exactly the same ed'ett upon him as his had previously had on the la Iv, that of making him more angry, more in dignant and more proud than ever; so, drawing on his white gloves in such a manner as indicated that he really was in earnest, that is to say, at the expense of a fracture to one of them from top to bottom, he answered, “Such being the case, MaJ '. ! wih intrude on your valuable time no longer,’ . .1 taking up his hat, and walking towards the door, he ended his visit w ith the same words in which h“ commenced—“ Good evening Lady C aroline!”—and disappeared. It is not to be sup posed tiiat Caroline had retained her’composure without a severe struggle and now when there was no longer a necessity for it, now she was alone (alone, indeed! he had just gone, forever!) she who had been all coldness and pride, and appeared as though she had never heard of such a thing as a heart, was all tenderness and sorrow, and burying her face in the pillows of the sofa, she sobbed in intense grief. She had remained so for some minutes, when a hand touched her shoulder; she started—-trembled violently—but dared nut look up; she knew that Vie was beside lier, and a wit ness td all her weakness. He had returned with intention of telling lier that he should leave England the following week, but that was forgot <n; her conduct, her harsh words and all were forgotten, for the sake of those tears, lie laid his hanu on lier shoulder, a few low whispered wor H were uttered Os repentance and forgiven ms ; she suffered hereself to be drawn nearer to him, his arm encircled her waist and—— But is it not a most unfair intrusion of ours, Gentle Hea der ? We will be guilty of the rudeness no lon ger; suffice it, the two proud, indignant, angry people," were the best friends in the world in five minutes, and after another word or two about “that puppy, Mordnuat,” it was all over. And well do vanished frowns enhance The charm of every heightened glance, Aird dearer seems each dawning smile For having lost its light awhile. Education of Daughters. —Since there isn season when the youthful must cease to be young an i the beautiful to excite admiration, to learn how to if row old gracefully is perhaps one of the rar est and in ist valuable arts that cau be taught to woman. Audit must be confessed that it is a most severe trial for those women to lay down beauty who have nothing else to take up.—lt is for this sober reason of life that education should lay up its resources. However disregarded hith erto they must have been, they will be wanted now. When admirers fall away, and flatterers become mute, the mind will be driven to retire into itself, and if it find no entertainment at home, it will be driven back again upon the world with increasing force. Vet, forgetting this, do we not seem to educate our daughters exclusively forthe transient period of youth, when it is to maturer life we ought to advert ? Dowe not educate them for a crowd and *iot for themselves ? for show and not for use ! for 'line and not for eternity ?— Mrs. Moore. Cousins. —There’s nothing like a cousin. Jt is ■he.sweetest relation in human nature. There is no excitement in loving your sister, and cour 'iug a lady in the lace of a strange family requires he nerve of a martyr; but your dear familiar cou -’i with her bewitching freedoms, uml the romping frolics, and the stolen tenderness over the skein if silk that will get tangled and then the long fr'Es which nobody talks about, and the long tctc - ides which are nobody’s business and the long " vs of which nobody pays the postage no, there nothing like a cousin—a young, gay, beautiful witch of a eousiii! Depravity. —A. peasant, of the name of.T. A ugly, is lately convicted at Mentz along with a woman t!i whom he cohabited of haviug murdered ten r ons dmiug eighteen months. It appeared, by ■ i.e evidence, that the criminal was a wood-cutter, mi resided six miles from the city ; being idle, and >.rous of subsisting without labor, lie determined mob all single travellers who passed through a ighbouring wood; for this purpose he used to oneeal himself in a high tree, and take deliberate • nat his victim : if he fell, he descended to finish i:s work, after plundering, buried the body; if, ikewise, lie missed nis aim, or the person, though wounded, attempted to escape he gave the sig lal to a dog which lie had trained, and which ef fectually prevented that design. The number of p rsons who had suddenly disappeared while pass : through the wood, gave rise to suspicions, and i'-d to the apprehension ot Angly and the woman both of whom, struck w ith remorse, made a full confession of their guilt. Angly and the woman v re executed, and the dog was shot by order of the magistrates. Origin of the. Word Yankee. —Yankee is the 'chan corruption of the word English—Yenglccs, fine lees, and finally Yankees. It got into general use as a term of reproach thus : About the year IT 4 4, one Jonathan Hastings, a farmer, it) New En gk‘ id, used the word Yankee as a cant word to ox : s excellence, as a Yankee (good) horse, Yan kee cider, 6~c. The students at the college having frequent intercourse with Jonathan, and hearing him employ the word on all occasions when he iii fended to express his approbation, applied it sar castically; and called him Yankee Jonathan. It soon became a cant phrase among the collegians to designate a simple, « eak, awkward person ; from college it spread over the country, till, from its cur rency in New England, it was at length taken up and applied to the New Englanders generally, as a term of reproach. It was in consequence of this, the song called A aukee Doodle was composed An Irish tailor who had made a gentleman a cod? and waistcoat too small, had orders to take t ncui home ami let them out Sonic days after tac gentleman inquiring for liis garments, was told by the Knight of the thimble, that as the coat happened to fit a countryman of his, he had let em oat at eighteen per e a week. In a late dispute subject of climate, ®n honest Irishman vv ho was present, contended vvannlv in favour ot liis own country. ‘ln tlie first place,’ said lie, ‘the weather there is much finer; in the next place, we have greater abun dance of rain, and in the next place, the days arc much longer.’ Tins however said a bye-stauder, cannot be the case the whole year round. ‘Arrah, dear lioucy, hut it is though ; and that is not all; the days are not only longer, but laith, sard he, ‘there are more of them.’ Mistaken Civility —A Gentleman mistaking a very small lady who was jh< king her way over a very dirty channel, for a young one, snatched lier up in his arms and landed lier safely on the other side, when she indignantly turned up a face ex pressive of the anger of fifty winters, and deman ded why he dared to i ike such a li!. rty. “O! 1 humbly beg your pardon, (s;ud the gentleman,) I have only one auiends*to make; ’ and he again caught her up and place I her w here he first found her. Tiepartee. — An cldtily genth man travcll'iim in a stagecoach, was amused by tiie constant ineM words kept up between two ladies. C>ue ot them at last kindly inquired it their conversation dm! not make liis head ache, when lie answered v.ali .i great deal of uaivettc, “No ma’am, 1 hate Lecu married twenty-eight years. I low did In die.— A small lad, the son ofa poor woman, went the other day for a minister to at tend the funeral of his hale brother. “Where did lie live ?” asked the minister “He did’nt live,” answered the boy. “Where did he die thru ?” “He died at home.” “What made him die?” “Cause he did’nt live, poor tiling.” *■] mean what did he die of ?” “He del of nothin';-.” “He diua’t die of nothing? How did he die then.” Why, he died a homing*, if you must know. Absence of Mind. — it is related ofa Prussian duellist, that repairing to the place appointed, ac companied by a friend, lie mistook liis bu.iucss, and instead of shooting his antagonist deliberately blowed out his brains.—lt would be very fortunate for society if ail duellists made the same mistake. / isilcr. Love is like a runningrivfcf—it goes downward ; and downward; but it does rot comeback to the spring. The poor o'd granny in the chimney corner is a withered tree up the stream, and the youngest born is a pretty flower on the bank be low. Love leaves the old tree and goes' to the flower. Moderate capacity is best suit ’d to manage common affairs; momentous transactions require prompt consideration of many diversities and ex tremes, which mediocrity of genius is iH quuiiificd to collate. From the. New Orleans Bulletin. TEXAS. By the steam packet Columbia, from Galveston, we have received files of the I ioustou Telegraph' to the date of March 31st. The District Court was in session at Houston. Os its proceedings the Telegraph remarks, tlie decorum that has uni formly been observed,the cordiality and even oili ciousticss, which have been every where shown in sustaining tlie officers of justice in the discharge of their duties, the intelligence and respectability of the jurors, the decorous and gentlemanly de portment of the several attorneys engaged, and the ability, integrity and decision ( f the presiding Judge, have combined to render the Court one of the most august an i intere ting spectacles, which our city has e\ er afforded. On the 28th, at Houston, W. C. Quick and David Jones were executed for murder. Tlie confession and dying speech of the former was forwarded to us, but there is no space for its publi cation. On* the frontiers there was no di uimanee except ail occasional skirmish between wandering bands of savages. A party of surveyors, from the head waters of the Gunldaloupe, report an en gagement, in which a troop of Shawnees fought the Caniaiicli vs and put them to flight with the loss of eight men killed. By way of improving the currency, soma iaeeii ious’persims have suggested that the Government of Texas, instead if issuing promissory notes, should issue bills, each of which should be an im mediate title to land representing some specified portion, designated in advance, and numbered on a map prepared forthe purpose. The scheme does not seem to take, and will scarcely be attempt ed. The Mexican fleet had disappeared from the Texian coast, whether driven off by the fright they received from tlie steam engine of the Columbia, or by the dread of other enemies equally formida ble, has not been revealed. Recent arrivals from Tampico, state that the blockading squadron had returned to that port and sailed thence for Vera Cruz. From this it would seem that all tlie par ade of this blockade was got up more for bravado, than from any serious intention of shutting up an enemy’s ports. Perhaps the prime motive to this excursion, was the hope of booty, which a rich harvest might have been gathered from unarmed passengers, but for the rccontre.with the Colum bia. Extract from a letter from the Collector of the Customs at the port of Galveston, Texas, da ted, “Port of Galveston, April 7, 1838. At the west it (Texas promissory notes) is now better than any other bank paper except C. id. banknotes. It is the only kind of paper money, lam told, which passes current among tlie Mexi ol Bexar; indeed, there is nothing to prevent its solvency, when there is so large an amount due the government for tpxcs and custom house bonds, to say nothing of the large amount of government fees due on lands, as well as the a mount to pay ou the new grants. Tlip revenue at this port last quarter is On Tonnage, $3,400 00 Duties paid, 10,979 07 do bonded, 35,904 90 Secured in public store, 2,505 05 $32,809 08 Less amount duties refunded, 2,707 83 Nett revenue last quarter, 850,101 25 Bonds to considerable amount are now becom ing due and will take much of the money o'Ot of i ‘circulation. Your friend. Ac.” THE <jSEOR*SIA MIKROIt. From the Columbus Enquirer STATE RIGHTS MEETING. At a meeting ot the State Richts party in Wn.tesville, Harris county, on Friday the -Oth of April, Charles Keiinou, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Dr. A. N. Light foot appointed Secre tary, wire.i the following preamble and resolutions w ere read and adopted. Whereas, at a meeting of the Union party of Harris county, at Hamilton, on the 4th of April iust. certain resolutions *ere introduced and a flopted, which convey a direct charge upon tlie State Rights party, and all other Anti- Cau liurcn men, of being Federalist and Abolitionist, or of giving to tliem h'/'h countenance and support: In answer to which charge, Resolved, That although our political party is tin’s criminated* this meeting will not recriminate b\ charging the Van Boren party of this State with giving their countenance and support, either direct!) / or indirectly ley Abolitionism. K> ioii•’J That tliis meetiug believes all polit- | ie and ; Titles in the slave-holding States to he op po-ed to Abolitionism, awl that it those ‘lunatics shall i v r procure the passage ot an Abolition law by Congress, the Van Buren as well as the Anti \ hi Boren partv, —the Union as well as the State Rights party, cfihoje States, will he found side by aide resisting the execution of such law, even to and ath, if necessary; which resistance must and wiii-be choanal, and which will either dismember the Union, which will be revolution; or put down the law, which will be Nullification. R ■•Milled, Tin t if the charge contained in tlie resolutions is countenanced by the Van Buren partv generally, wo may bid.adieu to all kind feel ings’anil expressions of honest difference of opin ion in politics : for such a slander is calculated to engender iVclihg totally subversive of our social in tercourse. Resolved, That the introduction of such a charge betrays in the author, either ignorance or the most recklcs: indifference of consequences in making charges or statements, for political cflect. Resolve.!. That it is an aggravating feature of the charge, that It was introduced by an individu al who is not of us, but was brought up among habits and institutions totally "different from ours, and who is hot, cannot be so competent as our selves, or those brought up among us, to judge of our peculiar Southern institutions, interests and polities. Resolved, That inasmuch as tlie late Union meeting referred tq, claims that the Van Buren party is exclusively the Repuclican ami Anti- Ab olition puny, this meeting asks where is tiic evi dence that the Anti-Van Buren party ot Georia ever gave their .countenance and support, either iliifst!v or indirectly, to the Federalists or Aboli tionists ! Have not the Federalists in Georgia su'iej with the Union party ever since its organi zation ? And u not the first Federalist placed in the Executive chair by the almost itnamiinous voice of tlie Union party l and has not yottr meet ing identified the Union atid Van Buren party as the same ! Po the members ol’your meeting be ll- ve those Federalists will tliauk you for coupling 11.c.p with the Abolitionists? or do you think that the old Federal party Iras become extinct in Geor gia? This mooting- without charging them wirh cither Abolitionism or a want of patriotism, de nies that they have act; 1 with the .State Rights or Anti Van Buren party of Georgia. We fur thor ask, whom did the Anti-Van Boren party of Georgia support for the Presidency in opposition to Mr. Van ilnreu ? Is Judge White an Aboli tionist? is lie.uot a sinvc-lioidvr ? did he ever en tertain the high Federal doctrines, that Congress has the constitutional power to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia? lias not Mr. Van Buren given from mid -r liis own hand, that lie entertains that dectrne? do tlie members of your meeting hold th'* same doctrine? We Anti Van Baron man deny most positively that Congress has the constitutional power to legislate away pri vate property, in the District of Columbia or out ofit. Was this doctrine once thought of while adopting the resolution, that the present adminis tration is entitled to the co-operation of the whole Republican party ? We believe that no member of your meeting, who was brought up among us, hold any such doctrine. Resolved, Tiiat tliis meeting docs not recog nize the" offensive resolutions as having been ap proved by :dl tiie members of said Union-meeting, for we speak advisedly when v.e say they were op posed by at ’least one individual present, who has abilities, if called' into action, equal, to any other in that meeting. Resolved, ’! hat the proceedings of this meet ing be signed bv the < 'Lairinan and Secretary, ami published in tin Columbus Enquirer. ( 11"A RL i ’.S KE XNON, Cli’m’n. A. N. LmtriToiiT, Seedy. From the Columbus Enquirer Messrs. Editors:—l perceive from some re marks in you last paper, that certain resolutions, passed a late meeting in Harris, have received a construction which 1 think they would not admit of when fairly Construed; a construction which 1 know that those who acted upon them never in tended they should receive. If you believe the meeting intended to make the direct charge which you seem to infer, your strictures would be merited and just; for it would certainly betray the most consumr.te “ignorance” and lnaiu Ax to charge any party hi Georgia with intentionally ?iving countenance to the designs of the northern f.aalico. Such a charge, if iafera- Ide, was ni’Vcr iiifeudud, aadwc were cert July un fortunate hi expressing our ideas, if such an infer ence can fairly Lc drawn from the Resolutions. It will be observed that they have reference especi ally to the question with regard to a National Bank, and hence to the next Presidential Elec tion; ahil it is very manifest that either Clay or lj < bsfcr will be the candidate of the Northern V. lug Party—a party every where known and d‘ -guati-d as the 1 Viiig Party. In Georgia no party is generally known by that term.' It was the opinion ol tlie meeting in Harris that our rights and institutions would be much move safe in the hands ol the preseat Chief Magistrate than in ei ther of the individuals named above; and as they are the favorite candidates of the fanatics, the me -ting thought it no treason to say to those who might go in for the same candidates with them, “hands off;” "touch not. the unclean thing." Wc may have erred ta our conclusions; if so, wc err iu common with many Others, and are willing to stand corrected. So fai from wishing to create any tl.visions upon this all important subject, it was the aim of opr meefingto unite and concen trate the voice,of the whole people. I know this to have been the sentiment of all who were in our inecting; it toe “Author” of the resolutions shall even so far forget hj.nself, or forget what is due > from him to the community, the blessings of whose institutions are daily show tied upon him, and of whose kindness and hospitality he is daily partici pating, as to coinpromit, or by thought, word or deed to jeopardize its sacred rights and interests, or fail to eontributerto its deftuce and ; refection, he will then patiently submit to the appellation of tr .tor and in that huur he prays that he may meet a traitor’s doom. “AUTHOR OF TIIE RESOLUTIONS.” Fiom the New Orleans Bulletin. THE ABOLITIONISTS. The measures of the Abolitionists have been hitherto looked upon with too much indifference p.nd contempt by ihe Southern people. We have regarded them as the offspring of men blinded by a mad zeal and foolish philanthropy, who neither reflected upon what they were purposing, nor pos sessed the strength or tiie talent to organize any systematic plan for the accomplishment of their purposes. In this we have deceived our: elves, and while slumbering in a dangerous security, the work of the Incendiary has steadily moved on ac quiring ue-.v strength and zeal from the spread of its opinions and the of its supporters, un til now it appears before <;S as an organized host, disciplined by vigilant and skilful leaders, extend ing from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and con scious of its power, ckunurhig loudly and unceas ingly for our destruction. Weal.h, talent, relig ious bigotry, and the fearful influence of tlie press are ail combined in the promotion of the cause, and--lira ao.v beginning to hi* used a formida ble effect. Books, p.i’n dib’ts, tracts, periodicals and speeches are disse.Mr .:ted in every quarter ol the laud, and stealthily conveyed even to our plan tations and houses, while artful emissaries are sent abroad to see that they produce the desired i;n-- pressious. Such ties are formed, conventions are held, petitions are for warded by the thousands to Congress; in short, by day and by night the work is going oil, and no measures left untried which may facilitate its progress. .Shall we continue then to-repose in fatal security and attempt noth ing for the preservation of oar rights, against which the standard of abolition is raised, until it lie forever too late. Laugh and jeer as we may at the impoJoney of their fanner proceedings, their strength can no longer lie and • put°d—areal danger now hangs over us, an 1 unless and cited uai attempts nr* made to dispel ij the bo nth may soon he involved m one general ruin. The contest must be stripped of its r, ligious mantle, and marie a political om*. ‘Then, and not till then, will the friends of the Abolition cause i.e stayed in their mail career. A solemn declaration of the rights and privileges guarantied lo us by the Constitution, should i.e made bv the Southern States, followed by an appeal to the disturbers to say, whether wc shall remain louver hi the peace able enjoyment ol those rhht', or whether they will force us to for.-;a : the glorious thii m, cemen ted by the blood of otir common, and under tie a iustli nth.ns tl:e snf-ty U.hh they rie-nv us. Yv e hat*- pets’-on*--"!, eutr'-ated and reasoned in vain. Our petition ; have bcmi sec-rued. Our advocates have b r-n 'mocked, and our reasoning ridu-*.!-‘d, a- r-im; !!!<’. sophistries of the interested. VV knt tl;!-* re oatus (hr us but a final appeal in be hah ot «>vr .a • lit-made, not in anger, or a tone ol rept'H.ioh, but adh tiie tnilil forbearance and finuur i xx inch tlie justness of our demands will warrant, it we pursue not this course what have we to hope lor, or what reason is there to expect that any other means iff reljcf shall he found a gaiust our enemy, whose 'watch word is destruc tion, whose effort?• are unceasing, and whose stan dard requires unconditional submission to tiie im mediate liberation ot ml slaves, and makes it pira cy to buy or s-etl an African, or subject him to ser vitude ? Patriotism is the. only weapon we can use against stuh fanatics, and it may erelong be too late to try even ti.i-. It becomes ns then, as we value our safety, and the peaceful enjoyment ofour possessions, to resort without delay to the only measure which promises to shield us from the ca lami fric-Mliieh threaten. r Fhc Suh-1 reasuvy /i t'.—Wc are happy to learn, upon .so good ail authority as the Rich mond Enquirer of .Thursday, that neither the Sen ate Lit] nor tiie House Bill tor regulating the de positories of the public money has any chance of success; that the calculations and predictionsoi the official journal on that subject are altogether fal lacious ar.d gratuitous; and that the defeat cl"both tbe-e b.i.s is inevitable. ’! I* * toll, wing is a copy oi the paragraphs of the Enquirer from which we derive this information: “In fart, we understand that neither the Senate Bill nor the House bill has any chance of su cess. Avery intelligent member of Uongress writes us ou tnc 2d instant: ‘j think no one now sincere ly believes that the Sub-Treasury scheme v"iH be come a law, either in the shape iff Mr. Wri 'ht’s or Mr. Cambrel eug’s bilk’ ‘‘Another writes u.s as .follows: ‘Do riot be de ceived bv the apparent confidence of the Globe in the ultimate success of either Wright's or Cambreleng’s bill in the House of Representatives. Their fate is as fixe.l r.s destiny. The defeat of both is inevitable, "’lie Semite's bill cannot be called attain. If it were, of those who voted a painst laying on the table, eleven (whom lie enu merates,) and perhaps others, will vote against it, as lam confidently told, and do not doubt. Tala' oil'Gray, who voted for laying on the table, and the ayes wll! 1;: lOo: toth. :c add 10 a’:§?:;U-es, as admitted by the Globe, and dm above H, mid there will lie ILT) against the bill. Excluding the Speaker and six vacancies, there are 235 votes, leaving 109 votes in favor of the bill. The vote on Mr. Cambrel*, ug's bill will have, in addition to the Hlb, 12, and probably 13, (whom lie speci fies;) add to these 1(1 absentees, and we have J 27 against, and 103 for it. In cither ease thevacan cies cannot alter the game—the bill will be lost.’ National Intelligencer. kVo are further indebted to the Richmond En quirer for information on the subject of the minor of contemplated changes in the Cabinet, which we noticed the other day as bring in very general eir cuiiiion, Mr. Dickerson, the Enquirer states, will resign the office of Secretary of the navv about the adjournment of Congress, and Mr. Ruder will resign the office of Attorney-General nt an rarlv day. Two members of the Cabinet therefore are to he changed, Mr. Stevenson, the Enquirer thinks, may withdraw from the mission to En gland, but will not 1)3 recalled —which we believe is what nobody presumed. Who will be suc cessors to the retring members of‘lie Cabinet, adds the editor of the Enquirer, “the deponent! ,a ith not.” That is we presume, the deponent knows, hut under the rose, aud can’t di. dose. Nat. Int. The lion. Charles E. Haynes, of sugar speech memory, decliuts Lcing a candidate tor re-eiectirn to Uongress cn the '.rounds that he has been there already long euoiy n, auk that there aie many i* . ii in Georgia more able to serve ti c himself".—ln beth of these reasons we heartily a gree with Charley, and think at least lor the hon or of ihe F-tate he should be exiusedircm further service. Aipnpcs. —We had, ou a time a iazv lean, good for nothing cur, that alwavfe walked very deliberately out "of doors when saw preparations making to kick him out. We have often thought of the prudence of this same dog.— Col. Emu Mr. Biddle's l> ll r. Mr. Biddle has addressed along letter to Hon. John Quincy Adams, on the subject ofa resumption of specie payments.—Ho concludes Lis letter as follows : “On the whole, the course which in my judg ment the banks ought to pursue is simply this: The banks should remain exactly as they are, preparing to resume, but not yet resuming. They should begin, as the Bank of England did, under similar circumstances, by paying the small notes, so as to restore coin to all the ini aor channels oi" circulation —but not make any resumption until tuey ascertain what cour.-c the Government will pursue, employ ing in the meantime their whole ]».».v--r to forward the crops to market. The American Banks should do in snort what tire American Army did at New i Cleans, stand ! ist behind their cotton bales un til the e.noii" Iris le.t the country. r i i.ese are n:v opinion verv .bdiheraU-rV Inrun and, and very frankly expresse '. ’] hey ale thus set forth, nqi to inffiii dice the course u.'or'u vs, but to ox pi. mi my o -,va.’* Tlie N. V. I Id- ml of lire loth inst.says, that Mr. J. 1). Beers of Wall-street, New Fork, lias receiv ed a Utter tii i.i the Hon. Levi Woodbury, in which lie state;, t ? t if the B inks will resume in Mav next, the ovemnent wli extend to them all its Mipp .n't an I influence, and timt as soon as tire resumption takes place the notes of resuming Bn-iks will be taken lor dues to the Government and no or sudden demand made on them tor spcc.e. T-»is js a bait to catch; and at the same time some exploit, imi of Mr. 1? oner’s resolutions, it is to lea ue the Ranks of New York with the Gov rumen?, agaisst ail the other Ranks of this nation, to the final ruin oi them all. He aims to Use the Banks to ur.jjeiii tin Ban 'is.~Colu.uhit 1 'inns uJki sb From the Jacksonville Courier and fades. Four Gu.lil.vnu. ) NewnansreU., (E. F.) April 1 3, idtjij. J Mr. Editor . —it is with painful regret that ihe citizens ot Alachua County have to acknowledge the distress to which they arc ayain reduced, and. . the sufferings th r y ate again to experience frem. the depiid.uiuns of the Seminole Indians. And 'low (to their fair prospects promise So be blasted, and they bti'f /hi l > wa it, and compelled to fur -ake their lields, a .- ! bent their ptou-Ji siiares iaio swords and in place of the hoe, substitute the mus ket. r lie enemy ; c again arouu-.l and a.naiig t us, and almost every day a ids to the sad Utle of their inhuman butchery. Here may emphatically be said to b” t o- scat oi hostilities; lor the In dians arc, to a May cciiswicvaLic number, prowlin'* about, murdering the i oiabitaats, and driving eif our cattle and horses. There appears to be a tic tachmetit of Indians who have left tiie nation ami the main body, and tome to this section of the country; and are pas-ing in the vicinity of fields and settlements where they' can best mcltri ami drive away those u ho are i ngaged m nrah-ng tin- r ci\<ps, and some of v.horn Uu-y si.cor down iti their fields. On Sunday morning 1 art the 8 k iart. a party of about tiltceu Indians were disci.vei. .t bv a liny in a hammock near th? house of Mr. South, oa tiie Ohesta River, about six mil s iroin the Natural Bridge, on the .Santa i'e *in Columbia Cos. about fifteen miles from this place. The Indians came up to the toy threw him on the ground, and told him to cover liis nu-e with his hat, and then shot him in the head with liis own gun, loadj’d with solid! shot and hit i tor dead. In about one and a half hour the hoy so far recovered as to be able to go homo, and reported that there were In dians near by, wYeli report being confirmed by the wound ho exhibited, a hasty flight was made by all tile family except Mr. Ftnfffe, wbp was iciy infirm, and about 110 years of age. The tijiioly had got but a short die .afl?c from tjic house, when they heard the report of two guns. 'Tire alarm was son!) spread, and Capt. llandly with two men went to the place where they saw the Indians sit ting around tlie house and ou tire fences, apparent ly very unconcerned. After the Indians were gone, it was found that Mr. Fmith had been kit led, and the hsus.* plundered of all that was valua ble. Among wlm li wa. cm- 1<- of powder, frur or live guns, p revisions, bedding, Ac. 'The next uay it was ascertained that they were making tin-ir way hack towards the south, and 'about one hour before sunset a party of Indians, heavily loaded, war. discovered passing within one and a liaif miles west of tliis fort. This was soon made known and a small Dumber of citizens (there being at that time about twenty t fh'mive l.icr. at the place) went out with u "Mu to ambuscade them, In.t as the lial g.ns I ad stopped at a liamock, they did not pass the place of ambuscade until alter darn, and the party returned home. The next day a party of about twenty went in pursuit of mem, but owing to live difi'ir lty of trailing from the dryness of the ground, and it being ascertained, that they had taken to the hammocks, the Indians were not discovered, though it is since well known that they were closely pursued. Indian signs were seen on the road in the eve ning where apart of the scout party had passed on their return not more than two hours before, with in three miles of the fort. ’The same day one Indian was seen but a few miles from this on ills' * Creek road, ar.d it is probable that others were near him. On Monday the 9th, two men, Mr. Snowdon and Mr. Townsend, were s hot down in the field while at work, on New River, about twelve or four teen miles trrnn this place, and their bodies awful ly mangled by the Indians, supposed to have been about six in number. In the vicinity of Hog Town and Paine's Prunes there are known to be a very considerable number of Indians, divided into small parties and it is supposed that their head quarters is at the Wanka-hoota. Indeed, this section of country seems at present to be thronged and overrun with these marauding foe®, and not only do they murder the inhabitants while peaceably pursuing their avocations, but families are again driven to seek shelter and protection at the forts and compelled to abandon their hah made crops, aud all the comforts of home. h’n less some speedy relief is afforded, not less than