The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, July 21, 1838, Image 3

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. n <r of Presidents, and the dry details of poli #,lk \V'e hope that it will claim the attention of ,lCS ‘ ext Legislature in such a manner as to call lUr " oine decided action. Individual enterprise ! ° r! *h in the present instance* accomplish won ,vVJ' jj l|t a3 we have heard it facetiously said, Je |' re is but one Col. King, and iimumerablo . f i,e completion of whieh the necessities SSenienceof the peopledemand.” Surely people's representaiives w.ll do something *or v ‘of themselves and the State. us the Rail finds, and we will not dispute about the petty, FLORENCE, GA. Saltis’dnv, July ISJIB. —i State MigM* Ticket. The following gentlemen have been nominated bv the State Rights Party of this county, as can didates for the next Legislature: SENATE. Loverd Bryan. HOUSE of reresentaeives. John West. State flights Ticket FOR CONGRESS. J. C. ALFORD, of Troup. K. J. BLACK, of Scriven. \V. T. COLQUITT, of Muscogee. JVI. A. COOPER, of Hall. \V. C. DAWSON, of Greene. R. W. HABERSHAM, of Habersham. T. B. KING, of Given. K. A. NESBIT, of"Bibb. L. WARREN, of Sumter. COL. DAWSON’S SPEECH. We are indebted to the politeness of this gen tleman for a copy of his excellent speech on the bill for the prevention of Indian Hostilities, as also a copy of the speech of Mr. Bell, of Tenn. on the same subject—for which favors we return our thunks. In publishing this Speech of Col. Dawson, we have no apology to make because of its length— but will assure our readers that nothing could be extrohte'l into our columns of more interest, or so amplv calculated to repay them for their time and trouble. We solicit for it an attentive perusal, for we know that no man, we care not to what party he mav belong, can rise from its reading, without feelings of the greatest satisfaction for the able and dignified manner in which their Representa tive has defended the character of the State and the rights of her citizens from the foul aspersions cast Upon them by Northern fanatics. We understand that Templeton and Ilays, who committed the murder mentioned in our last number, have been committed to jail in Lump kin to await their trial at the next Superior Court for this county. We regret to state that Hugh Stephenson, the late President of the Commercial Rank of Flor ida, who was engaged so extensively in the fraud and swindling practiced upon the country by that institution, has made his escape. He was committed to the Pensacola jail, not be ing able to give bail in a bond of $20,000, the a mount required by the authorities of St. Joseph, and afterwards released from prison by the civil authorities of Pensacola, who reduced the a mount of i’ue bail to S2OOO, and placed under the charge of a guard for the purpose, we presume, of procuring someone to stand his bail, and while in their custody, it is said, he treated them bounti fully on Champaign?, Arc. and by this means suc ceeded in escaping the punishment the enormity ■cd his crimes so imperiously demanded. GEORGIA AND MAINE. Our readers will recollect the controversy be tween Georgia and Maine, in relation to the de mand made by Governor Schley on the Governor of that State, for a couple of fugitives from jus tice, who inveigled away a slave from Savannah. It will be also recollected that Gov. Dunlap re fused to comply with the demand of Gov. Schley, on the ground of some informality in the proceed ings. This refusal was made known to the last Legislature by Governor Schley, in his message to that body, who very truly and emphatically re nt.irked, that should the Constitution fail to se cure and defend our rights, we should be compel led to resort to means above that instrument, and "provide new guards for our future security .” The Legislature thereupon, took the matter into consideration and passed some real patriotic Re solutions, tainted considerably with the doctrine of Nullification , instructing the Governor to re new the demand, and in the event of a second re fusal, we believe, (not having the Resolutions be fore us are not positive.) he was teqnired to issue his Proclamation calling on the people to elect Delegates to a State Convention to determine "hat other steps were necessary for Georgia to pursue. We learn from our exchange papers that the demand has been renewed,.and a compliance again rc fuscd, Gov. Kent contending that the men de manded by Georgia, are not fugitives from justice, and that their case is not such an one as is provi ded for in the Constitution, where tugitives flee ing from one State are liable to be redeemed in another. The Sheriff of Chatham, who carried the demand of the Governor, we presume, is on his return, who, when he arrives, will report to the Governor the result of his mission, when the w hole matter will be laid before the people. How this difli. ulty will terminate we are unable to predict; of one fact, however, we are certain, that Governor Gilmer will not be wanting in his duty to his State and her people, and every thing that justice, patriotism and the rights of the State demand of him w ill be cheerfully and promptly performed. Matters indeed, have arrived to a high pitch, when the inhabitants of another State can come into Georgia, rob her citizens of their property, and be screened from justice and the just judgements of the law, by the Executive of the State to which they may flee. Let this but be known—let this crime pass unpunished—let the Constitution be thus trampled upon with im punity, and our rights, under the Federal Govern ment are not worth contending for—the Consti tution to us, will be a dead letter. We wait with anxiety, the return of the Sheriff of Chatham, and hope, when the matter is brought before the people of Georgia, they will not think of “ 'petitioning , rmemstraling and protesting ,” but if the Constitution shall fail to secure and de fend their rights, they will do so themselves, and if necessary, in the language used by Gov. Schley, "provide new guards for their future security,” as well as the “ mode and measure of redress.” TIIE STATE RIGHTS PARTY AND THE SUB-TREASURY. It is with much regret w e perceive efforts ma king to destroy the unanimity of feeling which has hitherto existed among the members compos ing the State Rights party, and in fact endeavor ing to blot out the old land marks, and create new party distinctions, founded upon an opposition to the Sub-Treasury bill. In a communication, purporting to eminate from a State Rights mau, published in tiie Macon Messenger of the 12th inst. addressed to the “Auti-Sub-Treasury party of Georgia!" having for its object the destruction of the State Rights party, we find the following sentence : “When the subject of the Sub-Treasury bill came up we all deemed it an abstract question, in volving merely the “mode and measure" of reg ulating the revenue of the government. Not one upon which parties were to be annihilated and men proscribed.” Is not the thing the same now it was then ? We can see no difference between a Sub-Treasu ry Bill in 1837, and the same bill in 1838. If “we all deemed it an abstract question then,” why not deem it such an one now, and why not suffer men to exercise their minds and express their opinions upon a subject of this kind, without incurring the most bitter denunciation and rebuke. But, says the writer in the Messenger, “Mr. Calhoun has chosen not to act singly, but to identify the old State Rights party with the interest of Mr. _Van Burcn and the fate of the Sub-Treasury.” It is true, Mr. Calhoun has contended, with all his en ergies, for the Sub-Treasury Bill, but that he would sacrifice State Rights or the party which maintains those rights for that bill, we never can believe. Mr. Calhoun is a State Bightsman, and will always, wc doubt not, remain one, no matter what changes circumstances may bring about, — although he may differ with most of his friends on some abstract and minor questions, where mere matters of expediency alone, are concerned.— Mr. Calhoun, however, does not stand alone in relation to this matter, there are many others of the party in this State who are in the same situ ation, as honest and true as ever existed beneath the broad canopy of heaven. In the communication refered to, wc also find, with much i egret, the following paragraph : “Parties are disrupted. The rational and nu merical strength of the whole country have con demned, by the most explicit method, Mr Wright’s hill and with it the unholy coalition. In truth, the voice of a great people demand the resurrec tion of a National Bank, and they will have it es tablished, and that as it may be. with the proper con stitulio.ial restrictions. Do you shrink from one of the two results —the Sub-Treasury under the present administration, or a National Bank under Mr. Clay’s? Or by a negative course sacrifice the independence of action, and subject the con trol of our monied affairs to an abandoned oligar chy ?” In relation to the opinions of the people upon a National Bank, we have nothing to say at this time—they may be in favor of a Bank or they may not —and so far as regards the State Rights party, we care not. The members composing that party have ever differed upon the subject of a United States* Bank, but have always considered it an abstract question entirely, not of sufficient magnitude to bring about a disruption of the party or a total annihilation of its doctrines, for the pur pose of merging it into the question of a Bank or no Bank—such a course was never dreamed of— but on the contrary the party boasted of the inde pendence which characterised its members and tho liberality of sentiment prevalent in its ranks, and why that same spirit of toleration should not ex ist as well upon the Sub-Treasury as a Bank now as formerly, we cannot conjecture. In reply to the interrogatory propounded in the conclusion of the paragraph, we can say, as op ponents of “the Sub-Treasury under the present Administration,” that we never can, nor never will, for the sake of securing a National Bank, support Mr. Clay. We claim to contend for high er principles than those contained in a Bank or the Sub-Treasury, and with them principles w e expect to swim or sink, wc care not what becomes of the Bank or the Sub-Treasury,—and we hope and trust thxt others of the party feel the same way,—and if Mr. Clay and Mr. Van Burcn are the only candidates for the Presidency, wc expect to pursue ft neutral course. TIIE GEORGIA MIRROR. What, we would ask, will the State Rights par ty gain by supporting Mr. Clay—a man, who is as much opposed to the fundamental principles ot the party as it is possible to conceive? The em bodyment of every thing that is revolting to the patriotic feelings of every State Rights man.— State Rights men claim to be Jeffersonian Repub licans—Mr. Clay is openly opposed to the doc trines of the Jeffersonian school. State Rights men are, and ever have been opposed to the Fed eral and arbitrary doctr nes of the Proclamation and Force Bill—Mr. Clay is a warm advocate of these pernicious doctrines. State Rights men are opposed to the Tariff, and have stood out boldly and openly in opposition to its unconstitutional en croachments upon their rights, and when it threat ened to shake, as it were, this vast Republic from centre to circumference, did not shrink from the avowal and support of their principles—Mr. Clay isthe fatherof the Tariff and its ablest supporter, contended against the interest of the South, and was instrumental in heaping oppression upon oppression in the shape of this bill, until the peo ple of the South could stand it no longer, and then he used his influence, and succeeded in bringing the matter to a compromise, but not uu til he found the State Rights party were determin ed to maintain or sink with the Constitution. In fact, every principle which actuates the State Rigl ts party, finds an opponent in Mr. Clay, un less it is a United States’ Bank, or opposition to the Sub-Treasury, and upon these two points the party is divided. Then, taking this view of the matter, we ask, how can any State Rights man, who wishes to be considered honest in the sup port of the leading tenets of his faith—honest iD his opposition to the Tariff, to the Proclamation and Force Bill—honest in defence of the Rights of the States—can support Mr. Clay for an office in which the interest of their principles are so deeply involved ? We are convinced none will, none can, and mainraiif ilieir former principles. Let the friends of Mr. Clay and Mr. Van Bu ren fight it out among themselves, and if either are palmed upon the county, the State Rights par ty will have nothing to censure themselves with— and by manifesting an opposition to both, will be consoled by the happy reflection that if the Con stitution is trampled under foot by them—if the Rights of the States are annihilated—if Repub licanism is only known as a boon that was, they had no hand in producing the mischief, but on <he contrary, that they fought and contended maniful ly to prevent results so disastrous. We say again, and would to God we had power to impress it successfully upon the heart and under standing of every man between the Potomac and Mississippi, the Slate Bights party of the South cannot, consistently support either Mr. Clay or Mr. Van Burrn ; and it would be a suicidal policy, view it in the most favorable light it can bo pic sented. The writer in the Messenger continues, that the Sub-Treasury must be the "test, question in Georgia and throughout the Unitod States,” and announces that the State Rights ticket for Con gress, so far as this subject is concerned, is “com posed of heterogenious materials,” and recom mends that some plan be adopted to find who of them are for and who.are opposed to the bill— “support alone those who arc its unalterable ene mies," and supply the places of the others by a “second [//] Anti-Sub-Treasury Convention!” and contends that “this is the only[subject now be fore the country by which parties are to be discrim inated !” Was there ever a more dangerous plan conceiv ed? Let the course recommended by the cor respondent of the Messenger be put in force, and away goes all the principles for which we have contended and battled. What, forget our former principles?. ’STRIKE DOWN THE STAN DARD OF STATE RIGHTS and hoist one which must pass away as the mist of the morning before the rays of a refulgent sun ? Forbid it pa triotism—forbid it ye friends of liberty, whose ac tuating motives arc the freedom of your country —the maintenance of the Constitution. Not only would such a course prostrate the party, but it would be a gross act of injustice to wards those of our Congressional Ticket who are in favor of the Sub-Treasury. This fact was known, positively known, when the Congressional nomination was made—it was then considered, as the writer in the Messenger a'lm.ics, an abstract question , with the determination and understand ing that it would so CorAinue to he considered, and the nomination n',ade with that understanding —now to pursue a different course, we again say, would bo/an set of gross injustice. We know ourselves, of but one of our Con gressional candidates who is in favor of the Sub- Treasury—and that man is Maj. Cooper, whose letter to the party may be found in another co lumn. He speaks the language of a patriot and freeman, and although we regret he differs with us on the point so often alluded to. yet we do not feel disposed to proscribe and spurn him from us, merely for opinion sake, and so long as he stands in ourranksand “answers to his name” as a State Rights man, and battles to keep the banner of lib erty w aiving to the breeze, we will support him, differ as we may upon abstract and minorconsid ations. Maj. Cooper does complain, and he has cause to complain, of the course pursued by some of the State Rights presses towards those of the party who differ with them on the Sub-Treasury ques tion, and we do hope that for the future, they will be more cautious, and not so far endanger the wel fare of the country, and the existence of the par ty, upon which we believe the welGw r.f.L- try depends, by such a course of opposition to their friends who choose to act upon these points as their better judgements dictate—and not re nounce them until they renounce the leading doc trines of the party. We would say more on this subject did time and space permit. Believing, however, that the success of the party depends upon a full under standing of this matter, we will refer to it at anoth er time, and exert our feeble energies in endeavor ing to keep the party united upon the main points —STAE RIGHTS AND STATE SOVE REIGNTY. FOR THE MIRROR. Air. Printers : I wonder how you Georgia folks celebrated the last 4th of July—the way we Alabamians tipt it ntf in Irwinton was the way the Vanocrats w anted it. I’ve always thought that the names of our Revolutionary Fathers ought to be toasted on that day, likewise the good deeds and bad deeds of our Rulers, that they may know what the folks think of’em. But VAN, you know, is a cunning little fellow, and lie’s larnt his folks the art of sneaking out of a scrape quite genteelly. They concluded that it would’nt do to have a party cel ebration, and all went to hear our two beardless State Rights boys talk about the way our fathers did and how our big men ought to do now; and when they heard the prologue to the Declaration of Independence, and the Oration, both coming piping hot from the hearts of little fellows that never sucked any thing but Republican milk, and then saw how mightily the folks clapt the boys whenever they talked of the State Rights Banner, they concluded ’twould be better for "peace sake” to have no toasts at dinner. Well, we ate dinner, and drank our cold water in peace, sure enuff, and that saved the Vanocrats from taking the quivers. But a few of us thought we’d git you to print our toasts any how’, as we had no chance to drink ’em. so Imre they are; —and if they amt all spelt and wrote in skollar style, you must blame no bo dy but your old friend, who, you know is no part of a skollar, but he’s tryed to write ’em oft' jist as they were handed to him : Our next President: The Emancipator, the great organ of the Abolitionists, informs us that “ftici/ prefer Martin Van Burcn to Henry Clay.” The people of the South will prefer the man whom the imps of the Devil oppose, no matter who he is. Colony Bights and State Bights: Our fathers contended for the former and were den ounced as Rebels— their sons contended for the latter and were denounced as Traitors. If our fathers were Rebels their sons were Traitors—if Patriots, their sons are Patriots, Wm. C. Preston: The high soul’d patriot, the diplomatic scholar, the accomplished orator, the virtuous citizen—his speeches have secured him the unshaken confidence and esteem of the virtu ous, and the anathemas of Vanocrats and the Ab olitionists This is "glory enough ” for the true patriot, and iris only reward in this dark day of our country’s history. The. Sab-Treasury Scheme : NERO might per suade his subjects that their Rulers were entitled to a better currency than the populace, but the President of the United States will never persuade his subjects that the officers of a Republic are en titled to better money than the honest yeomanry of the land. Wilson Lumpkin: The fawning, skulking dem agogue— the jesuit is caught at last, in the snare of his own partisans. George B. Gilmer: The statesman, the scho lar, the patriot ami the soldier—he has taught a corrupt Administration what it is to tamper with the rights of a sovereign State. Richard M. Johnson: According to the statute of Maryland, if he had been a citizen of that State, he would have been sold as a VAGRANT for seven years, for spurning the laws of decency and wedlock, and selecting (or his bed and board a Lady of the Ebo tribe—may his next elevation be to the Presidency of a Negro Festival, and no higher; then will the youth of our country be no longer encouraged by the suffrages of American citizens to do as he has done. Joel B. Poinsett: The great tourist, whose fame is based solely upon his extraordinary travels —in his rambles over the world he must have ta ken lessons from the celebrated Abbe tie Protte, who maintained that "words were unme.aniv.g terms.” The Governor of Georgia has taught him a better lesson, i. e. a diplomatic scholar des titute of candor and integrity, is qualified for a seat in the councils of a corrupt 'Government only. Levi Woodbury: A notorious advocate of Abo lition principles—chosen as Vne Treasurer of our National Fund. John Forsyth,: When he turned a somerset in the face of his speech on Foote’s Resolutions, John Re.mlolpli said, “the gentleman is highly taler* cd and utterly corrupt, and shines and strikes hhe a red herring by moon light.” The Ship of Government: May she splurge through the roaring and turbulent waves of Fanat icism, with Calhoun at the Helm and Benton at the Mast Head, on the look out for SPECIE SHOALS. I want you, Mr. Printers, to send word to Mr. Calhoun, that when I saw his name enrolled ou the vote list with such men as Wright, Tony Lumpkin and the great Missouri Tumble Bug BENT-ON rolling his BLACK BALL of EX PUNGERATION right over the fair face of the Constitution, a dont know howishness came all over me. It grievesjme mightily to Ree him in the company of the Biaek Knights and Abolition pe tition supporters. Tell him ever since the E mancipator came out for Van Bnren, his friends in this quarter look mightily downcast, and if he dont quit advocating the measures of the very man the Abolitionists want elected, he’ll have to ■quit his own dear Carolina, and take up his abode with’em. Tell him the Vanocrats are boasting mightily about his turning Union man. and though I know its not the truth, it makes me feel like laughing and fighting both, every time I hear the very folks that wanted to hang him like a dog, now boasting of his merits and his advocating Van’s schemes. The truth is, it was his scheme that Van recommended, and though I believe he is honest in his opinions about it and opposes a Big Bank because its CAPITOL will be at the North, and may he brought to bear against the South, nevertheless it wont do—it wont begin to take with the people, for ever since VAN made A MOS order Lis Post Masters to take nothing but specie for letter postage, his Alabama friends have been dropping oft' in a hurry, for as they have to give from 20 to 30 per cent for specie, they say if they have to mtf up witjj Ra» M— - ' a. \i n ..a a xma their Post Masters and I Stage Drivers ought to put up with Rag Money too. This is downright common sense logic.— Tell him the folks have found out at last, that all the fine things that Benton tell’d ’em about "the gold shining through their purse crevises, life. ’ is all a humbug, for there aint a single MINT DRAPtobe had in the State to save the life of a t>oor fellow dying with the gripes. God Save Mr. Calhoun. I loved him so mighti ly, and believed so strong that he would die right, and die in good company, though ’twas against my creed to name a child after any man until he was dead, I named my last born son John Cald well Calhoun, just at the very time Jackson and the Vanocrats were going to hang him as a traitor. From the bottom of my heart 1 say, God save him, and help him to "come out from among the wicked” and take his stand once more among the high souled sons of the South, aloof from the Black Knights and Abolition gentry. No more at present, but remain your old friend in the bonds of State Rights. PETER PORCUPINE. We are indebted to Col. Win. C. Dawson, for a copy of the annexed bill, which we publish lor the benefit of those interested. A BILL To authorize the issuing of patents to the last bona fide transferer of reservations under the treaty between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians, which was concluded on the twenty-fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. lie it enacted by the Senate and House cf Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the Presidei.t ol the l nited States be and he is hereby, authorized and requi red to cause patents to be issued to such person or persons as may be bona fide purchaser, assignee, or transferee of any selection or reservation, which has been made to, or in bcltall ot, any chief or head of an Indian family, under a treaty conclu ded between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians, at Washington city, on the twentj fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thir ty-two, whatever may be the number ot interme diate transfers or assignments: Provided, The person or persons applying for such patent or pa tents shall adduce satisfactory proof to the com missioner of the General Land Office ot the (air ness of said several preceding transfers or assign ments. * Gov. Call and the Indian Ag- nts, Messrs. Walk er and Boyd, have recently succeeded in making a treaty with John Walker and Econ Chafamic co’s tribes of Apalachicola Indians. r l he treaty provides for their removal oil the 20tli October next. The Indians are paid for their lands and improvements, and a liberal allowance for thetr emigration. This treaty has long been desirable —the con tact of the Indians with the whites in the neigh borhoods of settlements bordering on the reserve, is productive of bad consequences to both parties. The reservation too occupies some of the best lands in the Territory, will be settled immediate ly upon the extinguishment of the Indian title. The removal of these tribes will give greater ad vantage for the capture of these liostiles who so frequently lurk around the friendly, and give in formation of the movements ot the whites, thus enabling the hostiles constantly to elude all pur suit.—Floridian, Eclipse of the Sun. —There will be almost a to tal eclipse of the sun on the 18tli of September next, in the United States. It will be the last central eclipse of the sun visible in the United States, until that of May 26th, 1854, which will be almost annular. The next total eclipse of the sun will be August 7t1i,1864. NOTICE. The ev ’ r ’ a Pr,Bhy £fMnPS?r?>terean Minister, wiil preach at 3 o’clock P. M. on Sabbath next, £j*mS£l* in the Methodist church in this place—at which time it is in con templation to constitute a Presbyterean church. Those persons that may feel disposed to connect themselves with the church, arc respectfully invi ted to attend, Florence July 20th 1833. FLORENCE ARTILLERY. “ APPEAR on your parade ground in Flor ence, on Saturday next at 10 o’clock A. M- By order. July 21 17 S. McGRAW, O. S. GEO R,G IA —St evv art County- PERSONALLY came before me, Charles Riley a Justice of the Peace in and for said county. Elijah Waters, and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith, on oath, that the following notes are lost or mislaid so that the giver of the same refuse to pay them, to wit: One on Reuben Roach for Twenty Dollars, payable 25th Decem ber, 1837, with 20 percent interest front the dato of said note; also, one on James M. Milner for Sixty Dollars, made payable to Malcolm A. Chish olm,’due the first day of January, 1838, with a credit on the same to the amount of $lO, but does not recollect the date of said credit, the said note was endorsed to Elijah Waters by M. A. Chisholm, the date of the endorsement not recollected. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 7th day of J uly 1838. his ELIJAH X WATERS*. Charebs Riley, j. r. mark. Also, om; on Drury Murrray, of Sumter coun ty, Ga. for Twenty Dollars, made payable to Eli jah Waters, and due the 25th day of December. 1837. Sworn, to and subscribed before me this the 7th daylof July, 1838. his ELIJAH X WATERS. Charles Riley, j. v. mark. Also, one note on James Beard, to the amount of One Hundred And Seventy Dollars am* 50 cents, due the first day of January, 1837, w ith interest from the date; also four notes on Malcolm A Chisholm, that I, the said Waters loaned the said Beard to make a settlement with the said Chish olm all due the 25th day of Dec-ombcr, 1836, w ith interest from the date. Sworn to, this the 7th day 0 f July, 3 S3,a ELIJAH X WATERS. Charles Riley, j. p. mark. Also, one note on Calemon Tucker, for Twenty Dollars made payable to Elijah Waters, due tho 25th day of December, 1837, w ith 20 per cent in terst from date. Sworn to before me this 7th dav (jf j uly his ELIJAH X WATERS, Charles Riley, j. p. -.-jl July 21, 1938 %r ft