The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, August 11, 1838, Image 3

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j , ls the currency—to equalize the exchanges,' them equal. That capital; large cap ", secured by Government charters, aiul sus ; !'.,j |,y Government patronage, is accessary to 'lien the local banks sound, It may be so; but !ius maintaining the purity of tj.p ciwtenev, you ‘ anew and fearful department of Feder- C \i!ministration— .-the Money Department of the I’ Government. \ssamiii" that the revenues ought to be, nay, *1 be reditced to til* standard of the wants of the tlovernnreut; and that U they should not, that the MrP l lls as U accumulates, ought ami will be dis tributed ».mu ß the States it remains only for how the Government shall so collect .'jie revenue and disburse it as iu the least degree ,o interfere with the currency and asm the great ,... decree tod.vorcetlie Government horn Banks. Discarding then, all the experiments ot the late v \ present Administration, l conclude that tjie , ,r„ v of the Resolution of 1816 is the safest in erv aspect iu whieh I can view the question. t ; , t resolution directed that all debts, and tax- r due to the United States might he paid a notes "of banks which are payable and paid on . nn i, i.i the legal currency of;lie United States, iihkiug nn discrimination whatever, and prc.icrib ,, „ . condition but the redeemability ot ban.; , i , u.-miad, iu specie, (diving the Govern iH at no eolif .1 over rhe Bauks—extending its natronage, so tar as its receipt of bank notes a imums to patronage, to, ait rite banks equally— , such receipt to depend upon no caprice ;, Executive —no provision of Jaw, but the i, ‘ o f i.i; bills being nptble wit# specie. 'Such provision ordered by the law, an 1 placed lievoad the control of “orders iu council” aqij ex ceil rive iutennedling, would operate as a salutary iuditceni'nit to the banks to good management, .id thus aid in preserving the soundness of the , nnency. As to who shall keep the money of United States in its process of receipt and pay ment, that must bo left in a great degree to the discretion of the Government. The Government fhjitl I be left as individuals are, to c’u.» •-.• ifstein ;iorarv depositories : nor do I conceive that this mover cf choice would give to it any .seriously al arming power over the money or the currency; .in,',' its deposites must \>u small, ought to be. acini, on very short periods; aud the safety of j'riveruinent funds should be provided for by the mule security of the rcceiyiug and disbursing igeiiis, or by penal enactments, if necessary. I vie no more practicable divorce than this. An ! | i.itiiis, upon the supp isition of there being no • surplus, lean see no fearful union of Govern-, •uent and thinks. The indy power left to the Gov-- erum •♦it over the banks, is found in its capability «f refusing their bills w li.-n nut redeeoutble with «pe ,•;,;—cerutiaiv a salutary check, aid a negative over on!v. It may he said that a!i .h.s could ■ml aatwer u-.nv, all the banks being suspended, so a.iih I reply, ill am to pro icribe for t •mpor :uv evils, 1 should apply temporary remedies ; but t\m u...v looking to what ought to be tile uni form nollev of the Governm nt. Upop this plan, t l ie wiiui 1 not he a better currency for the Gov i nim • it, an Ia worse currency tor th ■ pronle. but'» . iwml 1 rest upon the same footi'ig. !) 'bt „r> t i ' iover.lutotit in G sargio could «!ischarge to n o iligations in tit" money they nft e.r.uipelied to roe-iv •. Tue tiui •is upt far removed, when ' we of tii ■ South shall make our own importation* --shill haw t,.“Southero Bank or Batiks, t .by the Sr,-,. nO, ofsufficieut capital to answer te is of southern commerce; with these ohiccis ir. vr v, .ill we a>k is, that our money and our banks shall be on the footing, in relation to the Government, as the diplomatists say. “of the htost f ivot; 1.” We shall ask no government union for <• vr bank,— we . hall resist all government war up on them. And this equality of priviligo will besc • eure-i to us upon the plan above intimated. Such are iny views. Doubtless some may have expec ted that 1 would have mounted someone of the rainoaut. impulsive hobbies of the times. Such are now nuclei suved. lam but a State Rights man; and when my viewspf right conduct are at vaneuci! with the principles of repuWtca’.iism. I shall solve the difficulty, bv retiring at once from ad connexions with polities. To be moderate, is ■olten equivalent to being criminal. The justice "i an enlightened public will, l know, acquit me ot the criyie : albeit they may not commend mp for the virtue. In conclusion, allow me to -say that ■! belong neither to the house of York or of Lancaster.— My .principles wiil not permit lue to support cither and anßnrenor Clay. The latter 1 admire greatly, as one of the pure and consistent —a generous, gif ted and noble man. But he is aT a riff man—an r 'ittrntiliniprovnn u?' ma.i—a Haul,' n.iaji—a latitn tlinarian: as such, li • mxvnot expect the support ”■ a State High is man. Mr. Van Byron, to .say .nothing about the Jong, long catalogue, advised and supported the Proclamation and Force Bill. That, is enough. I shall be most willing to yield my humble sup port to any gentleman, whom, at a proper time the s 'fate Rights party may designate for the Presi dency. ‘ 'ft. A. NISBET. From the Columbus Enquirer. La Giuxok, 26fh Lily, 12.38. Fear Cooper: —l am not a Sub-Treasury man, and although 1 am willing to Jet it he known to all and each of our friends and enemies, still I feel myself under obligations to fulfil my promise to our friends, that that question shall not divide our ranks. As far as 1 know in this part of the State, the people are cool, and all desire to sec a glorious ttiuniphof the good old cause of republicanism, mi",, “leefi,", of every man upon the State Rights ticket. I his reply to your letter will answer the t*vo-fold purpose of an answer to the questions of _ i-.\ Macon Messenger, as well as vour letter to me. ; presume a reply through the papers is agreeable tu you, as you lay no injunctions t of secrecy on tav, id r s ,. e y oll ;ire writing in the prints on that soujecr, under your own proper signature, and I lo not know where a letter would reach you. Vour friend. JULIUS C. ALFORD. From the Aft von Messenger. TO THE STATE RIGHTS PARTY. AA lien in the lap of victory, it would seem, that by foolish divisions, you are upon the eve of defeat, If in the coming elections you should as heretofore, act in unity, success would be certain. Be not, then, deluded by those who are prone to look alone to their individual interest. Let not rhe interested movements of the exclusive Batik men, the exclusive merchant, the capitalist, or even the exclusive internal improvement men be puile you into a division of your force. All those mterests (anil especially the latter.) should be re garded to a reasonable extent. But remember, if y°u are defeated, you will have no power to ben f bt any interest whatever* and that each of those ere prone to sacrifice to their own indi vidual interest. Be not divided. The vile Sub- ' 'treasury scheme ha3 been decisively rejected by Congress . and the people, and the States at their recent elections have proclaimed that that system of Executive patronage and power, and of aggran dizement to the capitalists, shall never be. And such proclamation of the States and the people thereof dare not be violated. That question is Virtually at rest, and should not distract your party now, nor at the approaching elections. Let ev ery States Right man ask himself this question— What cau be gained by a defeat of either or any of otir candidates l Yes, although some of them may be deluded, or in some degree may consider themselvos committed by a defensive movement bv a portion of their party in Congress sometime since, yet the question still occurs, what are you fp make by discarding them, or either of them 1 (Jan vos# vote for the opposite ticket ? They are to?u#au, Sub-Treasury LocoFoco Van Buren tes, Executive pgtr.Qnuge. and spoils men. You cannot therefore, without violating your cardinal principles, support one upon the list ottjie oppo sition : and to talk of breaking up your party and forming anew o le, at this late period, is non sensical, and as impracticable as it is nonsensic al. For what purpose is such a rash movement to be made---what ob ject to be attained to war a gainst the dead! Oh ! murdtr. Yes, Fellow Citizens, to the Sub-Treasory system, which is already as dead as a door pail, you are called upon to give up your long, long cherished associations and y our party organization, and to risk all upon the desperate hazard ot the result ot this mere project. And out ot what materials is this new parly to l>e formed ? A decided major ity of vour party vid not abandon their present position ; nor is it probable that you would be countenanced iu such a movement by any respec table portion of the Union party. And if you were, do vou desire to continue iu their hands the power of dictating the measures of the State: of seating upon your benches a set ot weak, imne eil.e Jud _-c?. an.d of appointing stage-drivers and generally the mast ignorant members of the Bar vour .Solicitors / It has been truly said, that of all people on earth, tlie party you would thus u nitc, “have the rao3t unfortunate hack of perver ting aud abusing the power ofappointment.” And surely you areas much interested in the adoption of a lib ral thorough internal improvement sys e it, in the appointment of able, honest and dißgeut judicial and other St.ite officers, and iu a juVreions management of the fiscal and other con ceit;.-. of the Stare, as you can be in the promo tion of strifes about an already defeated Sub-'l reg.s ury measure, But there arc strong rejs>»ni yvhy you should cleot your nv Your candidate? genet ally agree with yo#i in jinpcinles and irtestsnres —the adversary in i. ;;; generally <1; agree with you upon those topic . According toti.e doctrine ol your own candidates, they are bound to obey your instructions. If then, tjwy should attempt to vin dicate measures against the will of their party, you have the power ol instructing and ol reqv i iug t!:i;m t execute vour will, or resign, and they arc bound to do so. put it t i«* adverse tick et should be o-dccted, they w. 1,1 as uu'edly support the Bub-Treasury, or any other abominahle treasure Van pttrpn ti»a.y r.eepy.’ytii.ejgd. ( huose ye, then, between them. Again—your party last' fall; recommended to the counties to send delegates to a convention, to select candidates for Congress. It was then known a difference of opinion existed upon the present subject ot diffictfliy; and It was believed, that a decided, yea, a vast majority was Anti-Suh- Treasuvv and United States Bank men, and it was understood generally, that those difiereuces of o pinion were not 1o he considered in the nomina tious: there was to be no proscription on account of jcuch difference in sentiment upon tliose topics, fs it proper or just now to take up those matters ? Did not the party stand virtually pledged to support the ticket so nominated by their delegates ? The writer of tins article so considered both #n fact and upon principle, and U« ouy, cannot, and will not, violate s.ucli pledge. Believe me. Fellow Citizens, there is a sinister effort to OUtzaeJ .our ranks. It takes two parties to form an issue. The Loco Focos insist that the issue is betwixt their Bob-Treasury system and a United States Bank. When, atul where, and how was such issue folined. They desire to avari themselves of the unpopularity ol the late United States Bank, and to drag up its tthost and the ghost of their defeated yml condemned Sub- Treasurv. and ;»inuscyou with a ghost fight, while thev may’ as uswl, run oil with the spoils. Will you sutler yourselves to be thus deceived ? The people have condenyued tlwir measure, find tucy dare opt pass it. B’lie late President murdered the United Slates Batik, and the people have not haft time #o mature their .winds. No reasonable United States Bank man would desire .to force that measure, i hoy know that there are many good men and trim, that honestly believe that measure and others have their fares of the power ot null an institution. Let therefore, no premature issjae be formed. Thy Banks are about to resume specie payments. Let us sec hot things wiU work. It a majority shall seethe absohrio necessity of such an institution, it will be adopted : it they do not, let it go. But we suouhibe guarded against prema ture issues. Let us unite .as one man, and let there be no ih vision o 4 opr voice, and get into power, and the superior ipteiligence, and I might sav, integrity oi the party, w ill he a guarantee tor its action. Tiieie never was a,period when more good could and ought to be. done. Jhe I niou party has been in power for several years, and what have they done, \vhile other States have pledged themselves for, and obtained millions, pud have dag canals, -levelled or cut-through mountains, built rail-roads, .and broughi and poured hito the lap ofthpih' people prosperity,and alpiost every tem poral blessing : jpdmt has the Union party accom plished for Georgi?) 'they have granted a few rail-road and bank charters: the most o.f them with but illy guarded banking priviliges, and ap propriated 83&),00(> to build the main trunk rail road—ihat is all. 'Clvetojhy State lights party the saine power, and my word fori*, a plan ,\vtll be adopted and quickly canned out. that will not complete all the present noble individual compa ny enterprizes, but others alsp, ot vast utility arid of great benefit to our people, anil the honor ral glory of the party and the State. W ill you, the**, by petty divisions in your own ranks, defeat those great anil glorious results? Never! Oh! never, never. Third Axti-Sub Ttreasurv Mvx. Our Van Burcn democratic opponents are crowing too soon. Thev must not mistake the : headlong recklessness of a few ot our political j friends, for the sound, sober sense which guides i the great body of the Anti-Van Bnren party of J Georgia; ami they may take our word for it, that THU GEORGIA HURROI! this sound sense of which we boast, will be fully j evidenced next October. We will assure the Van Burenites, that their triumph w ill not suit our -> tr: v, l-awavetr tu.ich we may differ about particulars ourselves. Those of our friends who are opposed to the Sub-Treasurv, are uot quite so foolish as to imagine that their views will be subserved, by throwing the State into your hands, who are pledged in favor of it. Those who fa vor the project of a National Bank, are not quite so silly as to suppose that their object will be furthered by aiding the triumph of those who are likewise pledged against it. And those of our political friends who arc in favor of the Sub-Treasury, will never, to effect even a favorite measure, aid in sustaining a party who are pledged to Mr. Van Bnren, with all the corruptions of an administra tion beyond any thing to be found in the annals of American politics. No, uo We may differ among ourselves, but that will not drive us inf# the arms of those with whom we differ so funda meptallv and so irreconciliafely. We rely with the utmost confidence on the good solid sense of the great body of our party, to remedy (as they will) the present clashings, *t the polls ; and to do it more effectually still, when opportunity serves of setting forth the voice of the majority in the first convention which the party may .call, and which voice, w hen put forth, must and will be maintained. We would, in the meantime, most respectfully hint t>> the Van Buren Democratic, iNc., that it may be prudent, not to crow too loud on account of our bickerings, unttll alter the election. That will at least prove whether they have, or have not, ■list grounds to sound their notes i»f tfiunjph. Xou* r- rro/is !—Southern Recorder. The Standard does not expect that we will waste time, in noticing such ridiculous charges as those which for want of better, it lias attempted toget up against the Executive If the Executive has thought it his duty to correspond on any branch of our Indian matters, with the Chairman ot the committee or, Indian Affairs in Uongrcsp, Judge White, and the members of that Committee ot which Mr, Everett is an influential member, the Standard may rest assured the Governor is made of sterner stuff than to be driven from that duty be cause the Standard’s Speaker, Mr. Polk, has put Abolitionists upon that Committee. If there is censure to be attributed any where, it lmjst fall on the head of the Standard's political friend, the V.i i Bnren Speaker, Air. Polk, for placing Abo htionUts on y Committee ;ointimately and essen tially connected with the interests ot the Booth. But the Standard may rest assured, even should liis political Speaker. Mr. Polk, eonsiiUße the whole Indian Committee, of Abolitionists, Os any other Committee, connected with the intevests of Georgia, the Governor will never flinch from his dntv, if even in doing so, he has to face the whole Aboliton party on masse.— ih. FLORENCE, GA. SalnnSay, August SI, :il , i m ■— fititle flights Ticket. Tlie following gemb men have been nominated by the State Rights Party of this county, as can didates for the next Legislature: SENATE. Lovcrd SR'yan. HOUSE OF RE RESEN TAEIVES. .loLis West. State Slights Ticket FOS CONGRESS. 1. 1 Grange Ga., '22d July, 1838. Gentlemen :—'J'he Committee of the State Right party, to whom was assigned tlie duty of addressing the individuals nominated at its late convention as candidates for Congress, and to re quest them tp signify their acceptance of the same, state that tliey have discharged that duty. They Rave received answers from a(l, (except Coj. Daw son.) who consent tßat their names may bp placed before the people of Georgia as candidates. From some communications which a part of the committee lnve seen from Col. Dawson, they no doubt of his aequicsc.nce iu the wishes p)' his friends upon the subject. You are then-fore authorized to .announce to the party, and to the people of Georgia, the names ol" tlie following gentlemen as e andidates I for Congress at the ensuing election in October, to wit: J. C. ALFORD, of Troup E- J. BL ACK, of Scriven. W. T. COLQUITT, of Myscogee. M. A. COOPER, ,yf IJall. ' \V r . C. DAWSON, of Grccpc. R. W. HABERSHAM, of Habersham. T. B. KING, of Glynn. E. A. NTSBET. of"Bibb. L. YVARR EN, of Sumter kespectfully, A r our obedient servants, HUGH A. HARALSON, ) JOEL BRANHAM, > Cogurnittee. BENJ. F. HARDEMAN, > P. S.—Editors of all the State Rights papers in the State, are requested to publish the above ticket until t-h.e election. The Alabama Elections took place on Monday last, throughout the State. In Russell county, Col. Abercombie, State Rights, was elected over Col. Crowell, his A’an Buren opponent, by about 200 majority. W.e learn also, that in Mont gomery and Chamber? counties the State Rights tickets have succeeded by considerable majorities. We hope that all the .counties iu State have done likewise. The Elections in North Carolina have also, ta ken place, for* loveirioi and Members of the Leg islature. We have heard from but six counties, which show that old Rip A an AV inkle is wide a wake. These six ,i' e a gain to the Stay* Rights party since the last election of 1,(93 votes. It is supposed Dudley will beat Branch from 12 to 20,QuG votes. So mote ir. be. An Iron Steamboat was launched at Savannah, on tlie 16th ult. She is named‘THE LAMAR,’ in honor we presume of G. B. Lamar, Esq. of that city . Wc have ascertained satisfactorily, that our correspondent, “A Nullifier,” of last week, is mis taken irithe number of Sub-Treasury men on our Congressional Ticket. It was our opinion, when we inserted his communication, that he was in error, but haying no positive information on the subject wo were unprepared tp controvert his statement. We can now say, that five of tlie gen tlemen, at least, composing the Stqte Rights Tick et, are not Sub-Treasury men, and for the satis faction of our correspondent we insert their names, Alford, Dawson, Nisbet, King and Warren. Col. Dawson’s opposition to the Sub-Treasury is well known; Col. Alford and Mr. Nisbet have expressed tlicir opinions through the public jour pals; vye haye conversed with Col. King and Judge Warren and know that they are not the advocates of thqj measure. Wc now repeat what we have before said, that Maj. Cooper is the only name on opr ticket, so far as we know, that is in favor of the Sub-Trea surv, and lie holds a right, in common with every American citizen, to express frankly and freely his views in regard to m,en and measures. It has been our glory and boast of the party tp which wc have the honor to belong, that it did not drive its members in leading strings—elevate tjiem to places of honor and profit, or in any other way make them epuspiyupus f#>r the purpose of lace rating their feelings. It is utterly impossible for any ninn to know or even coujeetur# what may be his own future views and opinions, or those of his political friends on points of minor importance; but there is one thing he may know, which is this: that lie will never violate the fundamental principles of the party —guided by ihp:;c principles lie cannot be ra ? dically wrong. We differ from Maj. Cooper on the Sub-Trea sury question, but shall wc therefore discard him and be accessory Jo the elevation of a Union man, who is also, a Sub-Treasury man, and any and ev erv kind of Sub that A r an Buren would wish him to be ? No! Never! We must have good and undoubted evidence that the Major has sacrificed his State Rights principles, of which we now have no fear, before wc can consent to strike him from the list of our friends. THE M AGIO’OF A N A ME. Iris not in h,union nature to be comfortable un der opprobrious epithets, and politicians have learned that the people associate naughty acts with naughty names; hence, the press of the pre sent day teems with ugly epithpts ,on tliose who differ from their oun peculiar views and opinions, each claiming for himself that name which carries with it all that is meant by disinterested patriotism and ardent love of country. Republicanism, be cause it is a popular name, has been claimed by every party in these United States, no matter how foul their design, or how fiend-like their project, and tin deeper and darker the design, the louder and longer the shout. Federalism is thought to be a mighty ugly name, am! it is pretty generally believed ,tbgt the people will hate and discard every person or party on which the stigma cap be fixed; many, there fore ate industriously employed in branding an antagonist party with this dreaded name, and un less you tire right smart, before you are aware of it, you will have it stuck upon your forehead like a negro trader’s advertisement on his hat. Stale Rights, among other ngflies, is becoming quite popular it would seem, at#d it is now sung on so many keys, and by such a variety of voices and characters, that we begin to feel pretty much, like the ancient folks did about the tower of Babel, wc, rue almost afraid to sound the notes ofour own reednt all, lest we should be found piping in the wrong crowd. Men, who seme short time ago could scarcely tip their beaver-, and give you the common street salutation, without saying Union, and would sub mit Jo almost gpy encroachment .of the General Government, now stilt themselves on some favor ite hobby gnd tramp it off ip great style, to the tune of St it( Rights. Others, with clenched fists and stentorian voice threaten to “ castigate a Stair. •” because, forsooth, they are State Rights men. Sub-Tieasury Anti Sub-Treasury, Bank, Anti Bank, Van Buren and Clay men, all, all shout for State Rights. In proportion as tlie people become enlighten ed, and learn to examine and think for themselves, w ill the pres? be forced to address itself to their reason, their judgement, instead of tßeir passions and prejudices, and a mere name w ithout a rea son to support it, .will be deemed as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.” Our .neighbors of the Senyinel and Herald throw up.their hats and snap their fingers at the bare idea of our having anojßer nomination for Concrpst;-. Keep eoid, gentlemen-, and attend well to your own nags. They are not of clean limb and strong muscle no how, and unless you admin ister to them pretty freely of Renton Mint drop's, rub them down with Van Buren sliioplaster, and ride jockey, they’ll be beaten. RESUMPTION. AVe learn from our exchange papers that the Banks of Savannah have determined to resume specie pavu n’s on the first of Oetob' , and so licit the other Banks in the State to follow their example. It will be seen from our extracts that the spirit of Resumption is abroad in the land, and w e feel convinced that by the first of October every Bank in the United States w ill have resumed. AVe have no fears for the Georgia Banks. From Bicknell's Reporter, July 24. BANK CONVENTION. A GENARAL RKSUMATION ON THE 12TH AcatWT, The Bauk Convention assembled in this city yesterday, at 12 M. The place of meeting ww the Bank of Pennsylvania. John B. Morris, Esq. President pf the Me chanics, Bank of Baltimore, was elected President of tlie Convention; and Elihu CliauiiGey, Esq. of this city, Secretary. The Banks of the following States were rep resented, citfier by delegates, or by letters, bind ing the Institution to abide by the decision of the Convention. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Khode island, Tensylvania. Delaware, j)l ar >Hnd, Vir ginia, Kentucky, Missouri. After considerable debate as to the proper and appropriate day for ,a general resumption, the fol lowing resolution w as unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the Banks represented in this Convention, will resume specie payments on the 13th August next, and recommend that day for the adoption of tlie Banks generally. The thirteenth day of August, it will be remem bered, is the day recommended in Gov. Rimer's Proclamation. It will be a glorious day for Penn sylvania, and indeed tortile whole Union. Huz za for specie payments and more prosperous times. RESUMPTION AT HOME. The Bank of the State (N. C) will rr*umt pay ments on the Ist of August next. We are proud to say the Bank of Cape pear resumed on Wed nesday the 25th just. Much has be -a said at home and abroad of the sound condition and ju dicious management of these institutions. AVe now say, judge them by their fruits. North Car olina never vapours, and she is consequently some times sneered at by those braggarts whose gas conading her silent modesty reproves. Such things never excite our wonder or provoke any other expression than a smile.--- IVil. Advertiser. Fmm the Darien Telegraph Ertra , July 31. INDIANS NEAR HOME!!! AVe have received the following letter from our obliging correspondent, the Editor of the Brun swick Advocate : ? Brunswick, Tuesday Morning. Dear Sir, T have just learned, from an authentic source, of the murder of two families in Ware county, by* the Indians. Mr. Wilde aud family were mur dered on the 17th inst and Mr. John Davis and family on tlie 24th, not more than twenty or twen ty-five miles from Waynesville. Mr. Davis is I believe, well known, having formely been a member of the Legislature. These murders were perpetrated by five In dians, whose trail was fallowed by tJ^j’neighbours into theOkefenoke Sw amp, where they found trails so large, and indicating the vicinity of so many Indians,’flint they were obliged to return. They estimate that there are as many as four or fivq hundred in the swamp. Great excitment prevails in Ware and Camden on the subject of these mur ders, and from Waynesville an express has been to obtain particular information ; and a meeting of the citizens is to be held tp morrow, to take such measures as the urgency of tuc may require. l’ write this in the greatest haste, thinking it may possibly, in the absence of more particular and recent intelligence than has been received here, boos service to you. "Yours, 6ce, J. LYMAN. C.MacArdell. Esq. From the Lexington (Ky.) Intelligencer. AVe learn that Peter AV. Grayson, Esq. of Tex as, committed suicide at Bean’s Station last week, by shooting himself with a pistol through the head. Mr. Grayson was on his way from Texas to Washington city, having received and accept ed, from tlie Government, of Texas, the appoint ment of Minister Plenipotentiary to the Govern ment of the (Jnitcd States. The aer, we learn, was committed with much deliberation. Mr. G was a native of Kentucky! and is well known to many of our citizens. [A letter published in the Lexington Observer the day after the above anunciation, states that Mr. Grayson, though nominated as Minister to the United States, had declined that appoint ment, aud was on his way to Baltimore as Naval Agent, for flic purpose of procuring a naval force for Texas.] SINGU LAR COlNf T DEN CP.. The schooner Martin A f an Buren, sailed yes terday for Foily Landing. How singular that the real Martin Van Buren, of AVashingfon, should have already arrived at the same port.—JY. Y. Times. 'FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, In ti»c Citv ot* St. Joxepli, Fla. . r l’he undersigned have formed a [ M copartnership under the firm of kffy^ r '4* ANDERSON STARR & Cos. for conducting a Forwarding and Commission Business, and have undertaken the construction of Commodious Warehouses in St. Joseph, Tola, and the Chipola Depot, for the stor age of Cotton and other agricultural productions. AVe pledge our best exertions for the interest of all concerned, and respectfully solicit a share of con fidence from the public. AV. ANDERSON, J. B STARR, & AV. E. ANDERSON, August 11, 1938 00. LANDS FOR SALE. «The subscriber offers for sale the fol lowing valuable lots of Land, lying in a rich and prosperous part of the State, rf JL^ i on very liberal an ( d accommodating tglans. ’ N*. 91 in district, Randolph. 100 in I.oth „ do 127 in 10th „ do 276 ifi sth „ do 140 in 2d „ Stewart. 117 in 18th „ do 149 in 2Dth ~, Sumter. 215 in 29 th „ do 32 in 2d „ Muscogee. 96 in fth ~ do For further information apply at the office of the Mirror, or to the subscriber, in Appling, Co lumbia county, Ga. V M. GLO) ER. August 11 20 5t fflaiik Holes, NEATLY PRINTIU> AND FOR SALE AT TUI'S-OFF$|