The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, October 27, 1838, Image 3

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, fl »tt«rtog iKstifittion by hi* perfect acqun.nt ' with- and prompt and exdcf discharge of alt aP injoarfairt duties, «nd by the general sarisfoe t rt hicli h* gave in the impartiality of his, cun «« ;iIJ | iiie aiitenity <>i tut tnunnerp. “ t lUeatisfacuoii with his conduct as Speaker, I ol' the ruo’~ which beheld as a lawyer and au a °ator, P vefy honorable proof «\u quickly given, 01 at’tlie close of the very first session of tlieje 'uiatttfeover which h"* had presided, he was unan 'T°thc ofate; an office not only highly important ° 1 responsible in itself, but one which had never heen filled by any but the most eminent lawyers ,’ ae State. Lt'may be proper also, here to state, \ at shortly after his election as Attorney-General, M if jvne was offered the appointment by Pre len’ Monroe, of Attorney of the United States Untile district of South Carolina, which he de ' Mr! Hayue continued to serve as Attorney Gen ‘l tb r four years, at the expiration of which, in December, 18*2, (having just them attained his n,.. vnr Ihe was chosen Senator to Congress fjr si's years from the 4th of March, 18*5. To this station he was re-elected in 1828, without op uosirion, f'«r another period of six years. The ebufacter and public services of General Ili'.uje open a Wide field; but our limits »ather restrict*us to an outline, titan permit us to fill up ' n j develop a)l the features of the picture. a lawyer. General Hayne was deeply skilled - the prhictples of the science, and always happy IU I judicious in their application. His forensic dimkrys exhibit great versatility of powers, and an admirable union of all the essential requisites of oratorical distinction. Comprehensive in his views, lucid pi- ltiif arrangement, and possessed at at the same time of the very happiest mode of iiablic speaking, he was equally successful in con vincin'! the- understanding of the court, and in eti hsting'aml controlling the feelings of the jury.— Liberal in practice, and courteous 111 demeanor, lie not only never took an unfair advantage of an opponent, bit always extended the hand of kind ness to those of his profession who required his aitl. Os hliil it may be truly said, that he had no superior in legal learnihg at the Charleston bur, so approached him iu eloquence, or in public es t.illation. No man was .ever more popular in his profession or more regretted, as the loss of a dis tinguished ornament, when he was removed to.a higher sphere. Hut it is as a statesman and an orator, that Gen. Havue is best known to- the Union at large; and it is to his displays srvl services in the Senate of the United States, tb it he is rainoijlaHy indebted for the reputation h«- now enjoys. Although scarcely of the eoustitutiond age when he first ■he Si. 11 ate. lie soon attained a ve ry rank among the enlightened and , rreneed poTrticinhs who composed it. A s-t bis fort efforts, was his speech against the Tariff of j 824, fa v'iich lio exhibited the views ■t the SttfedTreweps 'tented, and forcibly exposed x ii n tin Co•rrt.fore i the impolitic and ruinous ten dencYof the rr ’rietivo systetut He Soon after |if r i aT tcd and supported a gran raj bank r i:;'t ip •=-, w’alc U ••Utbotigh it dkl pot sucee •l. was iis; dio less -ihdjuif.'ied'-tyMhe necessities of the .-sjijctrv or ihs pr.i triple* of R«s es .0 reforenfo’ to that bill have been ;g»v.v at*d universally adlhkrdas very able arguments mve ■iiq-ence to a great question of constitutional and mercantile law. As dhforinan of the naval coin-' niiuec of the Sen d'*, he deservedly obtained high common Intiuh, both for h'is;intimate knowledge of the wants arid derails of the Navy, and tor Ins pa triotic devotion to its interest nnd honor. It is to him that the nation is indebted for the excellent law tor the gradual improvement of the Navy, and preservation of ship limber, and for several other acts which have tended greatly to increase its use fulness, perfect its discipline,' and preserve its pop ularity. These were not, however, the only acts which he originated, ortbeenly matters which en gaged his attention as a Senator. Few members 01 the Senate were more attentive to business, or took a move active part in general legislation.— But of all his displays in that body, none, per haps. have been so universally or so highly admir ed, as his two speeches, and particularly the last, in the ‘•gyeat dcbate,” np'oh Mr. Foot's resolu tion respecting the surveys of the public lands.— Asa constitutional argument, his second speech upon that octasiou will rank with any ever deliv ered in the Senate. ‘‘Cogent and njasterly in its reasoning—keen and delicate in its irony—pure, perspicuous ami elevated in its style, it exhicits," says a correspondent, “a profound knowledge of the true principle-sot our constitution, and ot the relative rights and duties of the I edCral and State Governments; exposes the fallacy and danger of constructive dnetrinn, and lias already done much to bring the Federal Government hack to its original limits and intentions, and to revive and re-establish the principles of Jeffersonian democ racy. As an effort of intellect, it will rank a mongstihe highest in the annals of American el oquence; and; os a faithful exposition of the true structure and objects of the American confedera cy, it will be regarded as a text book by the sup porters of the sovereignty of the States in evqjjr section of the Union.” History lias already recorded the events of the latter part of the vear 188(2; and of the rommeri* e» ment of 1838. The opposition against the pro tective policy in South Carolina, which had, for many years existed, had acquired such strength 111 the first mentioned year, that the Legislature, Assembled in sjiecial session, enacted a law, on the 26th of October, for a convocation of a convention of the people of the State, for the purpose of ta king “into consideration the several acts of the Congress of the United States, imposing duties on Foreign imports, for; the protection of domes tic manufactures, or, for oilier unauthorized ob jects, to determine on the ehar.icier thereof and to devise the means of redress, &e.” Os this convention Mr. Hayne was elected a member from Charleston, the place of his residence, and when that body, on the 21th November, adopted the cel ebrated ordinance of Nullification, he voted with the majority. In December following, he was elected by the Legislature, Governor of the State, and was inaugurated on the 11th of that month, resigning his seat in the Senate ot the United States, which was filled by flic election of Mr. Calhoun, who had vacated the post of Vice-Pre sident. As Governor of the State. Mr. Ilayne war very soon called upon to act. The Procla mation of the President, issued on the 10th of December, in relation to tbtf proceedings of South Carolina, reached Columbia iu a very few days, and was met by a counter Proclamation from Go vernor Ilayue, expressed in terms oi lofty defiance, on the tiOth of the sains month. The warlike as pect of these two documents, exhibiting on the one hand a determination to put down South Car olina by force, and on t3ie other, a fixed resolution lo resist nntn death, very naturally excited an a lmn fertile satety ot the Union, iu all parts of the United Stales, which pre Lsposed the majority of the people in lavor of conciliatory measures. In South Carolina, preparatiims-of the most vigorous arid efficient kind were eveiy where made for the defence of the State, ami in these arrangements the Governor took an active and conspicuous part. The proceedings wlfich took place in Congress on the 2d of March, 1833. are too well known to need a recapitulation here. Suffice it to say that the simultaneous passage of a bill modifying the Tariff, and of one designed to enforce the collec tion of the revenue, put an end to the apprehen sions of an approaching conflict between the Fed eral Government and the State of South Caroli na, which induced the Convention, On the 15th of March, to enact an ordinance, repealing the pre vious one of the 24tli of November. Os this Convention Governor Hayne was elected Presi dent at its second session, which commenced on the 11th of March, and closed 011 the 18th; Gen eral Hamilton having previously resigned. From this memorable epoch nntil the month of December, 1884, Governor Hayne continued in the Executive Chair, though not w ithout hav ing subjects of exciting interest to demand his solicitude. Tile spirit of party in South Caroli na, had not appeased by the settlement of the dis pute with the government at Washington. The predominant party were desirous of enforcing o bedience to the State in all future by demanding an oath of allegiance, whilst the Yni liority threatened resistance to any law which should be designed to exact it. Iu casting oil up on those troubled waters. Governor Hnvne was mainly instrumental, by putting forth a Proclama tion enjoining obedience to the decision of the Court of Appeals, which pronounced unconsti tutional a military oath enjoined by tbe Legisla ture, in opposition to the decided opinion enter tained by the party in power. Perhaps to this wise and prudent course of the Governor, may be traced that gradual rel axation of the spirit that urged the enforcement of an oath of allegiance, which subsequently terminated in the reconcilia tion of the two parties in the Legislature, com memorated by the almost unanimous election of Mr, McDuffie as Governor of the State, and the abandonment of the bill designed tp exact an oatfi of allegiance. In his valedictory message. Governor Hayne signified his wish topassthe residueof his days in retirement trom public life; but in this desire he will scarcely be indulged The great characteristics of Mr. Ilayne’s mind, are comprehensiveness, clearness and strength. He readily perceives aud embraces the strong paints of a subject, and, directing all bis euergjes to them, omits those which arc merely minor pr incidental. His speeches, therefore, whether long or short, are generally strictly confined to the sub ject before him; nor docs be indulge in unneces sary amplification, or occupy time with the discus-, sion of irreyalent or subordinate topics. He never speaks for the sake of speaking. Ho is always more intent upon ideasthan words—more desirous to convince than shine. His style, therefore, h G none of those little arts or affectations which are Usually more designed to tickle the ear than to in form the sense. Lot it not be supposed, however, that his speeches are not polished as well as vigor ous, beautified by ornament, as well as recom mended by AvMbtteut, Ifolcrt!'tsils' forte, bathe also possesses, and often draws, into requisition, extensive s'ores ot' classical literature, and the rich and varied resources of an active and fertile imagination. If he docs not abound in met aphors and similes, his illustrations are nature! and apt, and always strengthen what they are intended to embellish. His speeches iu fact, may be con sulted with equal advantage, ns sources of politi cal information, or as furnishing a happy speci men of that Qjjusheil style which might ever to be aimed at in Parliamentary debate. Generally mild and persuasive, he is frequently, notwithstanding, vehement au 1 impassioned; and though lie prefers to reason or persuade, he often deals out invective with no sparing lfovd. 11 is style, indeed, is always admirably adapted to his subject, and his readers are often astonished and delighted by vivid bursts of indignation, or by ex quisite appeals to the best feelings of their hearts, llis voice is full and melodious, and his 'manner earnest and impressive. Full of ingenious sensi bility, his eyes are as expressive as his tongue, and as he pours out his thoughts 'or feelings,' eith er in .a .strain of.capt»v:hing v sweetness, or of im petuous and overbearing, passion every emotion of his soul ik distinctly depicted in the lineaments o£ his countenance. When he does not convince he delights, and eveu prejudice itsell hangs charm ed upon hi; .lips. Oyr limits now cumpcl us to a close, and there fore w-e shall only further, that no man in the Uuion is more distinguished by public spirit, and by an ardent devotion to the welfare of his coun tiv. Though steadfast in his own political prin ciples, he is without a particle of intolerance to wards his opponents, and in all the relations of do mestic and social life, he is beloved and respected, amiable and affectionate, pure anti irreproachable. Mr. Van Ruren's religion. —The religion of Mr. Van Buren bps long be.en a riddle : uot only with his opponents, burwith his confidential friends Mr. Oasey, of Illinois, at the request of sorno of his Methodist constituents, once essayed to ferret out the matter, by a series of questions, propoun ded to the then candidate for the presidency. But it was the little Magician, w ith charac teristic candor, replied through Mr. Vauderpool, of Kin lerhook, that he was a Dutch Reformer bv birth, a Presbyterian by marriage, and an Old Baptist by practice, faitendinaj Dr. Ironside’s Church in Albany) and in addition, held a pew in the Episcopal church ; occasionally attended Me thodist class meeting ; and had written toMie Pope of Rome ! Ihe riddle has at length been solved; and it is now esiablishnh with tolerable clearness tli it the President is inclined to Wormouism, —a disciple of the celebrated Joe Smith of golden bi ble fame. Joe and his followers now tarry in and about Caldwell county, Missouri, and at the late election. Jos delivered a special charge to his brethren, to vote the loco foco ticket entire. He said it had been revealed to him in a dream, that Martin Van Buren was destined to be the chosen deliverer of his persecuted tribe, it was necessary they should rally so his standard in advance. Accordingly, every mother’s son of them went the ‘•whole swuiie-” for the administration, there being but two whig votes in Caldwell county, and they believed to be a couple ot (Jliristum missi ounries. Nash. iVhig. Arkansas Indians. —The Governor of Arkan sas, has issued his proclamation, iu obedience to the request of Maj. Gen. Gaines, calling upon the young meo of his State to volunteer and engage for the defence of the Western frontier. THE GEORGIA MIRROR. SLft&Rfitfjk mXJ£tC»3L FLORENCE. GA. SiitiirUaj, October OT, RECAPITULATION, OT ALL THE Dawson 33,128 Colquitt 32,287 Alford, 32,197 Habersham, .32,150 King, 32,090 Warren, ...... .31,765 Nisbet, ....... .31,724 Black, 31,675 Cooper, ...31,602 RETURNS FROM EMANUEL. State Rights.-—Alford 90, Co.qaitt 90, Cooper, 90, Dawson 93, Habersham9o, King 90, Nisbet 90, Warren 90. U nion.—Burney 147, Cantbpell 147, Graves 147 Hillyer 145, Iverson 146, McWhorter 147, Pooler 147, Patterson 147. Senator, Swain—-Representative, Sumner. K C? 5 * Our supply of paper, wc regret to say has given out with this publication, and unless we can procure some elsew here, we shall not able to issue another sheet until a fresh supply is received.— M e hope our readers will look over tbe matter if w'e should be compelled to stop for a few weeks, as the (ault is none of ours. We made an order on New-York a sufficient time back to have been supplied before this, but it has not arrived and there is no knowing when it will. Wr Jiave made another order, on Charleston, which »e expect iu three or four weeks, when we will be able to re sume our publications, if we should be so unfor tunate as to be compelled to stop after this week. REPAIR YOUR BRIDGES. We uuderstaud that the bridges on the road leading (romthis place to Lumpkin are in a very bad coilditioii, it being dangerous to pass over them with wagons or carriages of any kiud. We would tiierelore respectfully suggest to the com missioners nnd overseers of said road to see that they are torthwith put iu good and substantial or der, and uot wait until someone shall get a bro ken neck 01 some wagon and team seriously dam aged before they think of going about it. Be sides, the season has arrived in which a great deni ot passing is done over this road so that is absrt iutrly necessary the work should be doue forth with, in such a manner as to prevent any accident occurring and’to insure its standiug during the season. ROBERT Y. HAYNE. As this gentleman has been spoken of as the Southern candidate for the Presidency, and we have announced our willingness to give him our feeble support, we this week publish, in another part of our pajß'r, a sketch of his life aid public services, in order that our readen may properly appreciate his worth and talents, and be better prepared to give him their suffrages should he be a candidate for that high and responsible office. The work from which this sketch b taken is pure ly of a National character, not putlishcd with the view of advancing any political party or doctrine, and what is found within its lids may be set down us historical truth, and we would therefore, re spectfully recommend our readers to give this sketch au attentive perusal. It is not for us to tell the people that they can not be too particular in the selection of a man to fiil so high and Responsible an office as that of President of the United States; that they should be fully convinced he is capable of discharging its high functions; ami not only capable, but honest, faithful and patriotic—of this they are all con vinced. all willing and ready to admit. But con vinced as they are of the fact, how strangely does a portion of the jieople act in supporting with so much earnestness and zeal the present incumbent particularly that portion attached to him in Geor gia ? They arc ready to acknowledge, at least a majority of them, that he is not the man of their choice, and they profess neither lorr or friendship (or him—in fact, the only object the) have in view in supporting him is to “keep up the tarty," and it seems they would be willing to damrttlie country for the purpose of “kecjnng up the party /” But not so iu supporting such a man as Robert Y. Hayne —in him we find the statesman, the patri ot, the orator. Descended from a family who fell martyrs to the cause- of liberty and indepen dence, he has inherited the spirit of Republican ism, and every act of bis life fully sustains that o pintou ; and could the people be brought to ap preciate the services of this statesman and patriot, and place him in the Presidential chair, the coun try would rise to a pre-eminence no other nation lias ever yet attained, nnd such an one as it is im possible for her to arrive at under the direction and guidance of such a corrupt and dangerous politician as Martin Van Buren, even had he a century to experiment upon. But some worthy disciple of the Van Buren school, may be ready to ask, “why urge the claims of your candidate, as it is impossible for him to succeed ?” Even admitting there is no chance for him to be elected, yet must wc, because we cannot elect a patriot, lend our aid and support to one who we believe is dangerous qnd corrupt, and who, when placed in power, would trample the constitution and liberties of the country under his feet for the purpose of carrying out his det igns 1 No- Heaven forbid. If the coimtry has to btf ruled by such an one—if misery aqd wretched”- are still to be brought upon tic cotir ■ 7 l m the person of Martin Van Buren, we wish to wash our hands of the sin. But why may not such a patriot, statesman and soldier as Robert Y. Hayne succeed over a man who has no claims on tbe country for patriotic services rendered—whose only object has been office and power? Have the people become so corrupt—are they so blinded to their better interest as to be led away by designing men after this manner? We hope—we believe not. And all we think necessary for the people of the United States to do is, to weigh well the lofty virtues and political character of Gen. Hayne— scan well his principles and conduct, and then im partially compare them with either of the other candidates spoken of, and we have no fears of the result, for we have yet son.- confidence left iu the virtue and intelligence of the peopde. The people of Georgia have over and over again asserted through the ballot box that they did not wish this man Martin Van Buren to rule over them, aud the question is very often asked, to whom will Georgia give her vote ? Some are in clined to the opinion (but only those who desire it,) that she will yet support the little Magician,— others suppose that she will give her support to Henry Clay; but we are of the opinion that nei ther are correct—Georgia never will support eith er. We would therefore say, let us go heart and hand into the support of a Southern candidate, and let that candidate be ROBERT Y. 11AYNE, eveu if not another State in the whole Union goes with us— and if the country must be again bur tliened with the Prince of Kinderhook, or ruled by Harry of the West, our skirts will be clear, and “if Rome must fall, see are innocent." COUNTIES. Campbell,..... .30,989 Iverson, 30,967 Patterson, 30,912 Grave* 30,789 Pooler, 30,768 Buruey, 30,705 llillyer 30,678 Nelson 30,570 McWhorter, ...30,520 The Washington Chronicle, in noticing the result of the Georgia elections, uses the following language: “We have no confidence in some of the politi cians on tbe State Rights ticket. In fact, wc are convinced that the principles of the State Rights party have been prostituted to the shameful pur poses of promoting U. S. Bankisin.” Our readers will be the more surprised at the above remarks when we inform them that this pa per claims to be a State Rights print, but gives its hearty and cordial support to the Administratiou of the Little Prince, and rejoices at every success of the party attached to him, as well as laments whenever that party is defeated. And they also can be tbe better prepared to judge in whom the most confidence is to be reposed, when wc iufonn them that the editor of the Chronicle was one of Mr- Van BuVeu’s most bitter opponents, when lie was a candidate for the Presidency, and perhaps ■ used more exertions to defeat his election than any othereditor in the Union. Yet this man has the effrontery tp manifest a want of confidence in those lie once could rejoice with, because they have remained true to their principles while he has prov ed recreau*. Hon D. 11. Lewis's Opinion of Van Buren and his Party. —“He is pledged to follow in the •footsteps of au Admiuistratioo which has visited ‘on the country a proclamation, a foreebill, aud ‘an expunging process. As long as a single rem nant of our gallant party is to be found, such ‘measures and each Administration will meet ‘the sternest opposition. With a party practising ‘such ! outrages on the Constitution and pop ular liberty, we can have no common sympathy, no political union." —fiiuttifer No. 1. Such are the sentiments of Dixon H. Lewis the great champion of nullification in Alabama, while writing an able series ofessnvs in favor of the Sub-treasury system. .Such 100 are the views and feelings of most of those in this State who advocate the same Administration measure. We refer to? these views of Mr. Lew is and others, at this time, because we should be pleased to know now, that the South Carolina Sub-Treasury party bus openly identified itsell with the I’an Bu* ren administration with all its enormities, what the gentlemen to whom we refer think of their Sub- Treasury allies in South Carolina? So far have this party committed themselves, that they have we. prcccive, actually dropt the name of the State Rights party—that name which has given them all their fame and all their influence—and we see the popular appeal of the party in Charleston, addressed to the “Dci/iocrafULiidependent Treasu ry party.” What will Mr. Lewis and other con scientious supporters of the Sub-Treasury mea sure, say to this recreancy of those with whom they still act upon this subject? Whatever they may think or say ©f this .natter, of one thing we are well assured that whenever the affair is thor oughly understood by the State Rights party of the South, that a Sub-Treasury man aud a Van Buren man are to be considered synonymous terms, and that State Rights is to give place to De moncratic Sub-Treasury ism, with the single ex ception of South Carolina, the whole party will cry shame upon such a manoeuvre; and whatev er they /nay do or say in regard to the Sob-Trea sury, will at least divorce a vin culo matrimonii. Hi® parties so sacrelegiously united, and wash their hands of all participation in the iniquities of the most corrupt and faithless and hollow-hear ted Administration that has ever cursed the couu try.—Southern Recorder. Augusta Oct. 18, 1838. At a meeting of the Delegates from the State of Georgia to the recent Commercial Conven tion, WILLI AM DF.ARING, Esq. was called to the Chair, and OSSIAN GREGORY, appoin ted Secretary. On motion of N. W. Cocke, Esq. it was unan imously Resolved, That in accordance with a res olution of the Commercial Convention recently held in Augusta, that the Delegates now present, recommend to the citizens of the different coun ties in the State of Georgia, to send delegates to a State Convention, at Mtlledgeville, on the second Monday in November next, to deliberate on such measures as may be deemed proper and necessary, to recommend to the Legislature for the purpose of promoting a dil ct export and import iraJe with foreign countries. Resolved, That the r *~’ nre* preSfpt will use .» ciiorts fp procure a * u ** attendance 01 yetegaiey from the different counties of this State. On motion of John Phinzy, Esq., it was Resolved. That a Conauiittee of- .—he ap pointed to prepare a petition Sc obtain signatures, praying Congress to make the City of Augusta a port of entry ; and Joan Phinzy, James Harper, and B. H. Warren, Esqrs. were appointed that Committee. On motion of G. B. Lamar, Esqr., it wsts Resoired, That the public gazettes throubotrt the State be requested to publish the proceedings of this meoting, and that the Chairman and Sec retary be requested to sign the proceedings. The meeting then adjourned Wm. DE .A.RIWG, Oaairman. OssiaK Gregory, Secretarv. To the Citizens of Wtcwart; Fellow Citizens: I HAVE seen a handbill addressed to yoa by Green B. Ball, in which I am pronounced for tbe first time in my life, a “base caivounater and a contemptible Liar." which necessarily compels me* to appear before you and vindicate my character against tills attempt on the part of • political as pirant to uphold his sinking popvlarity, and rise to future eminence by blastiuf and destroying my reputation id standing among yoq. It may be necessary, as the gentleman, (if indeed a man who can use the language he haw both iw the election eering campaign just past and in the band bill sered to, can be called a gentleman) has notdono so, to state the circumstances of the case which took place between the honorable gentleman and myself out of which this difficulty has grown— they are these :—I am one of those, who have for R number of years supported, ignorantly, what is called the Union party, my eyes having however, been opened to see my error, I have came out” boldly, openly, ami independently and acknowl edged the fact of my change. On the day before* the election, (Sunday) Green B. Ball, one of tho candidates of the Union party, came to me forth** purpose of inducing me to alter my determination and vote for those I have hitherto, much to my sorrow, supported. He appealed to my grey hairs, how long I had given my adherence to the Union' doctrine, mentioned my religious profession, how long I had been a Baptist—and asserted that non«> but the Methodist voted on the other side, witU some exceptions, and that they sprang from th» tories, and that it was a great pity so good a Bap tist and Union man as I was should turn over to , that side, and very politely invited me to go home with him and he would convince me. This con versation took place or a great portion of it whew we were by ourselves, at least, if any person heard it, they were engaged in an occupation which I should desdaiu to follow, that of “ eve dripping.” It is very true the gentleman's certifiers were pre sent at the conclusion of the conversation but they will not. I am confident, pretend to say that they heard all that took place Wmcuu candidate and myself oil that evening. I know that I cannot prove what I have said by any one, as Green Ball asked me off to have a conversation with me, and being always on friendly terras with the gentleman I obliged him in his request, when the conversation ensued. But fellow-citizens, this gentleman has endeav ored to sliaka off the charge by publishing a cer tificate of two of his friends, and by this mean* b’anded me as a Calumniator and Liar —let the gentlemen bo more explicit in their hngnago— let them swpnr, if they will, that they heard all the electioneering chat used by Gveeu B. Ball to me, and then I may know how to meet them and sustain my reputation and standing. Did I deem it necessary, I can procurokhe certi ficates of hundreds,as to my character for trath.and veracity—but such a step I conceive uoeleoß as I flatter myself that 1 am too well known to bo in jured even by Green B. Ball—however, shomld it be desired l will prove my standing both by many of the most respectable citizens of Stcwnrt, as well as the county from which 1 came. PATRICK GARLAND. October 23, 1838 31 A DMINISTRATORS SALE. . A GREF.ABLE to an order of th* Inferior jljL Court of Stewart countyi when sittiag for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day i» January next, within the legal hours of safe, before tbe Court House dsor in Lumpkin, the negroes belonging to the estate of Timothy Carrington, kits of said county, deceased, to wit Mariah, a girl, about serentoen years old, and Kesiah a girl, about eighteen years old; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Term** load# known «*n the dav of sale. JAMES HiLLIARP, Adm’r. Oct. 24, 1838. 31 _ EXECUTRIX SALE. AGREEABLE to the las* will and testament of James Parker, late of Stewart county de ceased, will be sold to tli* highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, two tracts or lots of land, to wit—Lot No. 216, in the twenty third district, aud Lot No. 37, in the twenty hrst dis trict, both in the county aforeeaid. Terms of sale made known eu the day. MARTHA PARKER, Ex’rx. Lumpkin Oct. 20 1838 31 “notice STOCKHOLDERS in the Florence Company are requested to meet at my office est the Ist Tuesday in January next, to reoeire my annual renort. aud transact the husineea of tbe Company. 1 H. W. JERNIGAN, Agent. Oct 18 30 3t JS'otire to leot I'tAtam. A GENERAL MEETING of tbe Stockhofo ders in the Florence company will take place on the Ist Tuesday in January next, at which time payment will be expected. ' H. W. JERNIGAN, Oct. 18 30 3t Agent Florence Cos. NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the subscriber, either by Note or Account, are requested to forward nnd make immediate payment, or they will find them in the hands of an officer. I am compelled to settle demands against tne and con sequently am compelled to collect those due me to be enabled to do so. WM. C. HA\* Oct. 20 4t 30 RUNAWAY NEGRO. RANAWA Y from the Subscriber, on thel3tll of September, a negro man by the name of WARREN,about 25 or 26years old, having lost s „ ra e of his fore teeth. It is presumed that he* has shaped his course for Charleston, S. C. A 1 reward will be paid for his apprehension s0 ,hat 1 get him again. and safe keep**..,. BYRD M. GRADE, , Oct.Jre Jilt reach me either at Coltfln* P . o.—Letters »“• . u 0 Yfo bus Ga, or Henry Court Ho