The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, November 10, 1838, Image 4

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S iOHK. T 11HE subscribers offer for sale at their store iu Jl. Florence, (the one forruerly occupied by Jer uigan, Laurence & Cos.) a well selected stock ot FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Haa*d%»are and ('wHery, Among which may be found the following articles: 200 ps. fancy Prints, 50 ~ Furniture do. 50 ~ assorted Cambrics, 75 „ „ Mnslms of every variety, 100 ~ 3-4 brown Shirtings, 75 „ 4-4 Sheetings, 25 ~ 4-4 do. fine article, 25 „ 4-4 bleached do do 25 ~ superior English Cloths, assorted colors, 15 „ 4-4 Merinos, assorted, i* ~ uo. double width, 5 ~ Circassian, Carpetting, ~ line do 10 ~ Sacking, 20 do/.. Napkins, Jit’S », A I.YRGK AN 0 lit EG ANT ASSORTMENT OF flats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Sattincts, Cassimere, Pro linen Drillings, white do. bro. Holland, Vestings, Diapers, Russia Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Ladies aud gents, kid Gloves, gents buck do. Silk and cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, A splendid assort Bonnets & Bonnet Ribbons, Thread and bolt Laces, do. 'lnserting?, Bob ini’t, Grecinet, AN ELEGANT SUPPLY OF STILKS, SATINS, FRENCH MUSLIN, CHALLY,CHALLIETTE, Silk, Bombazine and Satin Stocks, Black Satin Bosoms, Collars, fee. <3cc. Together with a complete and splendid assort ‘ment of SUMMER CLOTHING, Among which are a few THIBET VESTS, a ‘frew ami superior article for wear. LIKEWISE, A GOOD SUPPLY OF ISi'idie*, Saddle*, ]lnrlia;a!s HOUSINGS, S niIHVPS, Hiding whips, driver’s whips, a-c. All of which will bo sold on such terms as will suit purchasers, who are respectfully invited to Call. Me KEITH AX, WIMBERLY & Cos. Oct. Cj 28 __ ~ NEW STORE. f 1 4 FIE subscribers would respectfully inform the -E- inhabitants of /lorence, Stewart county and f tic adjoining country, that they have refitted the store lorm nlyoccupied by Mr. J. M. Miller, and more recently by Wm. Stafford, Esq. on Centre '•street, where they are now opening A NEW AND SPLENOII) ASSORTMENT OF nu\* aooits, HATS, BOOTS. SHOES, & BROGANS. liiulit’M and lloiuk’ln, Hard and Hol/ow Ware, WAGON AND CART BOXES, Ac. Ac. The above stock has just been selected from the Xmv York and Boston markets. ALSO, A L\RGK STOCK OF GROCERIES, Viz. EACON---HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Flour, I j aril, So star *V Coffee, BRANDY, RUM/ WHISKEY, IVINKS ANI) COIiDIALS. All of whic h they offer for sale on the most rea ■STKiuble terms. ANDREWS A BE MIS. Florence, August 1 10 N. B. We are daily expecting PAINTS, Ol LS and WIN DOW GLASS, and a large as sortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, ME DIG INKS, BAGGING and ROPE, Ac. A & B. NE W (; OO PS~ rpilE subscribers, in addition to their former JL stock have received a fresh supply of Wry and i! littery, IVoin Charleston and Augusta, making theii as sortment tolerably good. They are now offering articles suitable to the season, on as good terms as any in the market; in their stock may be found Challys, Challietfs, Silks, Muslins, Grass, Brown Rod Irish Linens, Fancy Prints, French Callico, French Muslins, a splendid article, Diaper, Nankeen, Domestics, Checks, A variety of gentlemen and ladies Hose and half Hose, Shoes. Hats, Cotton Cassimere, With a variety of other articles not enumerated. Onr customers and the public generally are invi ted to call and examine for themselves. June 9 11 GARDNER A HARVEY. FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Ii» the Citv of St. Joseph, ~The undersigned have formed a I <s> copartnership under the firm of ANDERSON STARR A Cos. ■ for conducting a Forwarding mid Commission Business, and have undertaken the construction of Commodious Warehouses in St. Joseph. lota, and the Chipola Depot, for the stor 'nge of Cotton and other agricultural productions. We pledge our best exertions for the interest of all f.oncerned, and respectfully solicit a share of con fidence from the public. W. ANDERSON, J. F> STARR, A W. E. ANDERSON. August 11, 185S 20. DRS. R.W.&Z. C. WILLIAMS, HAVING associated themselves in the P R \C TICEOF MEDICINE, respectfully ten der their professional services to the citizens of FLORENCE and the surrounding country. From their extensive acquaintance with diseas es appertaining to a Southern clime, they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give coin-’ plete satisfaction to their employers. One, or both may be found at their office at all times, when not professionally engaged, conse quently those who will honor us with a call, may el ways expect prompt and immediate attention. Florence, April 0 2 Attorney at Law, FLORENCE, STEWART, COUNTY, GA April 16 I.X StEWART feUFfcRIOR CotffiT AUGUST Y'tMl 1838. Allen Fletcher 1 h. \ Libel for devorce. Cynthia Fletcher. } Rule to perfect service. IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Cynthia Fletcher is not to be found in said county. It is ordered that service be perfected by publication in one of the public gazettes of the State once a month for three months previous to the next Term of this Court. ALFONSO DELAUNY, riffs. Attorney. The above is a true Extract from the minutes of this Court, Sept. 24th 1838 27 E. PEARCE, Cl’k s. c. GE O JIG IA S UMTE R C OUNTY. VVTHEREAS Joel Joiner applies to me ’for it letters of administration upon the estate of Guilford Joiner, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law to lile their objections, if any, why said letters of administration shall not be gra'.lted. Given under my hand at office in Americus this 2nd day of October 1838. JACOB W. COBB, c. c.o. 2D 117 ILL be sold before the Court House door Yi in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county on the first Tuesday in December next. Lot ot Land No. 43 iti the 23d district ofsaid county, sold under an order of the Inferior court ol Stewart county, being the real estate of Geo. Shaw, deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ofsaid deceased. Terms made known on the day. JOHN BLACKSIIEAR. Adm'r. Sept. 22 26 INSTILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the ii Inferior Court of Stewart county, while sittiug for ordinary purposes, ou the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, all the real estate of John A* Shirling, late ol Stewart county, deceased, viz. one Lot ot Land, No. 31, and the north half of 33 and 32, all in the 33d dis trict; also eight negroes. Terms made known ou the day. WILLIAM B. SHIRLING, ) Xih , JAMES WEliB, $' Sfept.3,lß3B. 24 WIRE be sold on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER. next, before the Corn Uousr. door in the town of Americas, Sumte couiuv within the lawful hours of sale, LoPol Land, N•. two hundred and forty seven, in the 28th distrii i formerly Lee, now Sumter county, the same be - to the estate of Philip Troy, deceased— to be sold lor the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms m e known on the day. NANCY "TROY, dm’x JOHN PENNING TON, Adm r July 4, 1738. 16 __ All MINI BTJ l A TOR 8 SALE WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, befoie t!.e Court House door in Early county, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, a part of the real estate of James Gillespie, deceased, of Mississippi, viz. Lot No. 103, in the 28th district, and Lot No. ,360 in the 26th district, both of Early county; also Lot No. 267, in the 19th district of Decatur coun tv Terms Cash. RICII’D KIDI), Adm’r. "Oct. 1,1838. 28 _ ADMIN ISTRATOKS SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior jljl Court of Stewart eonntyi when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in January n'ext, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Lumpkin, the negroes belonging to the estate of Timothy Carrington, late of said county, deceased, to wit —Mariah, a girl, about seventeen years old, and Kesiah a girl, about eighteen years old; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sa id de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAM ES HILLIARD, Ad m’r. Get. 24, 1838. 31 “executrix saleT A GREEABLE to the last will and testament /V of James Parker, late of Stewart county de ceased, will be sold to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, two tracts or lots of land, to wit—Lot No. 216, in the twenty third district, and Lot No. 37, in the twenty first dis tiict, both in the county aforesaid. Terms of sale made known on the dav. MARTHA PARKER, 'Ex’wc Lumpkin Oct. 20 1838 31 IT* OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the luferior Court, of Sumter county sitting for ordinary purposes for Dave to sell the real estate of Guilford Joiner deceased. BY THE ADMINISTRATOR. Americus Oct. 2 1838. 29 FOU R months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court ol the county of Sumter, whilst sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate o Philip Troy, late of said countv, deceased. NANCY TROY, Adm’x. JOHN PENNINGTON, Adm’r. July 4, 1938. 16 FOUPc months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting as a court of ordina ry, for leave to sell the real estate of James Gilles pie, late of the State of Mississippi, deceased. July 2, 1838. 15 RICH’D KIDD. MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the land and negroes belong ing to the estate of John A. Shirling, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM B. SHIRLING, ) . . , JAMES WEBB, Ad.nrs, Sept. 3, 1838. 24 FOIt SAUK ’ ~ J /"AfA pieces best Kentucky bagging, ivu bales best! ” Rope bv JERNIGAN LAURENCE A Cos Sept. 22.1 26 ff valuable property l'ou v.//-/;. T/*OR the purpose of closing the estate of Asaph R- Hill, late ol btewart County deceased. 1 he subsriber will sell at private sale, one third or the whole ot the following property, viz. ONE COMMODIOUS NEW STORE HOUSE AND LOTS, Ihe well known stand of Hill Laurence Ac Cos. Lumpkin Ga. Also 34 acres Land adjoining said 1 own, handsomely situated lor private resi dence. Also the well known, E’fefrsji* Hold, I'm* nit tire And Lots, in the Town of Florence, at present occupied by Mr. A. Burnett. Also the large framed, WARE HOUSE AND FIXTURES, In the Townof Florence, at present occupied by Jernigun Laurence &Cos Also two unimproved Lots, in said Town, Nos. 108 and 109 in square H* high elevated ground for building. Also two settlements of valuable pine Lands, con taining 740 acres, 3 miles from Florence. Also 8 Lets in the city ol hit. Josephs, amongst which are Lots to suit the merchant or the settler. Also 27 shares of the Capital Stock in the St. Josephs Rail Road Ac Canal Company. Also one fine Sad dle Horse. Any of the above property will be sold on ac commodating terms, by application to the sub scriber at Florence Georgia 11E NRY W. J ERNIG AN Ex’tr. and partner of A. R. Hill dece ied The Subscriber will sell several valuable settle ments of Land, from 202£ to 1000 acres. May 25, 1838 9 H. W. JERNIGAN. Columbus Enquirer and Southern Re corder will please give the above three insertions and forward their accounts for payment. 11. W. JERNIGAN. LOTS IN TLOUENCET FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on ac vO*lilf commodating terms, several Business and Residence Lots in the town of Florence, beautifully situated, and one improved lot with a comfortable dwelling house, on the same for sale or rent. PeYsons wishing to settle in Florence and are desirous of purchasing Lots for business or residence will do w ell to call and examine mine as they will be sold on very liberal terms. Florence is rapidly thriving and in a short time must become a place of immense In siness, situated as it is in a healthy section of the country, surrounded by wealthy "and industrious planters. J would also remark that the citizens are ma king arrangements to have fine schools established both Male and Female—which are now in opera tion. A line female Academy is in contempla tion which will shortly be completed when Flor ence will be enabled to compete successfully w ith any town in Georgia for advantages of this kind. The subscriber also offers for Sale on libera! terms GOO acres of land with some improvements on the road leading from Lumpkin to Irwinton, 5 miles from the former place. The situation is beautiful and healthy, the water good. Persons washing to purchase orvlfcw the premises will call oft Mr. James P. Matthews near the place who is my authorised agent for the sale of said lands or to the subscriber near Florence. JOHN T. B. TURNER. July 28, 1839 18 ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. NHALF 9 14 30 • s. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 oc) S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands will be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Ma con. j. COWLES. July 26 18 The Columbus Sentinel will publish the above. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for sale a vai mk uable TRACT OF LAND whereon he now lives, lying in Stewart county, one mile and a half from Florence, containing 1,000 acres, of which there is between 200 and 300 acres in cultivation. On the premi ses there are comfortable houses, a good GIN HOUSE, superior GIN and GEAR. Also, a FIRST RATE SAW MILL, which has only been in operation about six months; surrounded by an inexhaustible quantity of pine timber, near several tow ns, situated on the Chattahoochee riv er. The land is rich and level. I have good spring water, and a healthy and beautiful situa tion for a residence. Any person wishing to pur chase will call and view the premises. JOSEPH REESE. July 28 18 eotf LANDS FOR SALE*” TffJHE subscriber offers his settlement of Land JL for sale; Three ME and reel •teres, on the waters of Lannnhassee creek, second qual ity, oak and hickory land. Good houses on the premises, with one hundred acres cleared, in a nice state of cultivation. Said land is near the old Lannahassee town, say three miles. Any person wishing to purchase a good settlement of Land w ould do well to call and examine for himself as there can be four or five hundred acres purchased adjoining my land to make a settlement. Call on the subscriber at Lannahassee. Oct. 6 28 JOSEPH M. HARPER. It lank Notes, NEATLY PRINTED AND FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Town lots for Sale. rpHE Subsnbers will sell on the first Mnrwt * in January next, some valuable bi.«i - Lots on the West side of the Chattahoochee U* above 1 loreuce, immediately opposite the F JUBt The situation is beautiful tor the location^’ town—aud from the increasing wealth of the * , try bordering on t-ie Chattahoochee— those “u* purchase lots will be handsomely profitted i , , investment of their money. What w ill r 1 le town more profitable is that it is located mli* ately above Florence w hich w e have no donl,^ 1 ' greatly enhance its importance, as well as all 1 the property of the former place. Terms win liberal. I lorence Oct. 13th 1838. be MATTHEW AVERFTT Robert w. willu'S; Tost:' ONE NOTE of hand on Lewis Grimpc r Twenty Dollars, payable to Harper A ( lr fi>r one on T. C. Pickett made payable to R r : Reynolds for hire of negro for forty dollan, , seventy-five cents; one on said Pickett, -‘ivJ 1 !' myselt, amount not lecollected; one L,. " Blount Trofninn for twenty dollars , nv >ki ‘ ,S Harper & (irey; o„c gj lor lilfeei, .lollara ami I,My c.-ut,, pi ,v a |,|,. per A: Grey; one note on Ainon Y. Lunsfor.lf eighteen dollars, payable 1o Harper fc Grev note on Jepthn Pickett for twcntv-fo« r j ( ;„° ne payable to Harper & Grey; and one oTw’ > Shaw lor eight dollars, with a credit not recolfc 1 forewarn any person from trading for the aW* notes, or the drawers from paying to anv butim sell Any person finding said notes and deliS' ing them to me, or Any friend, so that 1 f . a „ them, shall be amply levvanled. 1 'joskph'm. haki-kb i,aDnaliassee, Srotviirt <-o. Julv 10 07 LOST, B'i the subscriber, on the 4th September b,. a common size leather *• Socket Kook, containing two notes for S3O each, on Gillis Jir son, of Lumpkin, made payable to the iin.lersi-t.'." ed ; one on Isaac R. Jackson for S2O. made " ble to DcLaunny <Y Gaulding; one on David and Arthur Keed, made payable to the subscriber f or 9 or 10 dollars; one due bill on James Milner for )made pavaMe to \\ S. Howell; and one on \\ ii*. ,S. Lowell f,„ ‘ 31, given by him to the undersigned. 'I he dates of the above notes not recollected, executin'.: the two 30 dollarootes which were tine last Christmas. The p w Book contained many othe> uppers - r AII persons Ate camit ! ' of the above notes, from paying them to any othe; r e;son th/nU.- subscriber. ; Oct. 18 30 notice' A LTj are hereby cautioned against tra x ding for two promissurv notes, given bv it r subscriber to a man calling hims< If Arnos Krowi from Burke county, one of the Notes was givt.. sometime in September last, for one hundred <lof lars,and payable the Ist January, 1839; the other was given at the same time for" $l5O and due the Ist January, 1840, with a credit of $25 upon it.— r I he above notes w ere given for a lot of land lying m Randolph comity, bring No. B], in the 6th dis trict of said county. The land having been frau dulently sold by the said Brow n, 1 am determined not to pay the above notes unless compelled by hlw ' ~ , , WEST LAIN. ’ Randolph co. Oct 17 4t 30 LOOK AT THIS! X FOREWARN ;d 1 persons from trading with Larkin Reynolds or his negro wife Khodv, he having quit my horl and board without any provo cat ion and taken Rhudy with him, and removed to Randolph county, I will not pay any oftheir debts unless compelled by law. ° rtl 3 M ELIZA REYNOLDS. I! UNA WA YNEGRO. XX ANAW A\ from the Subscriber, on the 13th rTiT'_ nl a negro man by the name of \V ARREN, about 25 or 26years old, h iving lost some ol his fore teeth. It is presumed that he has shaped his course for Charlestoh, C. A liberal reward will be paid for his apprehension and safekeeping, so that I get him again. Oct. 2, 18,38. 4t BYRD M. GRACE. I . S.-—Letters will reach me either at Colum bus Ga. or Henry Court House, Ala. NOTICE I OOKHOLDERS in the Florence Company are requested to meet at my office on the Ft I uesday in January nexti to receive my annual report, and transact the business of the Company -11. W. JERNIGAN, Agent. Oct 18 30 3t •Notfee to Tot Purchasers* A GENERAL MEETING of the Stockhol ders in the Florence company w ill take place on the Ist Tuesday in Jannary next, at which time payment will be expected. H. W. JERNIGAN, Oct. 18 30 3t Agent Florence Cos. LOOKOUT FOR A STORM FIUIE subscribers having disposed of theii stock A ol Dry Goods at Florence and Lumpkin, they take this method to inform their customers that all notes and accounts that remain unsettled after the Ist day of January next, w ill positively be placed in the hands of an officer for collection We will allow the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for COTTON in payment for any debts due. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE & Co s 6 28 We arc authorised to announce ISAAC L. STREET MAN as a candidate for Sheriff ol Stewart county at the next elec tion. Sept. 8, 1838. 24 V •. ( We are authorised to 7 Irfey a nnouuce LEWIS WILLIAMS as a candidate for Tax Collector of Stewart county at the election n Januaiy next. Sept. 8 24 _ We are authorised to announce WILLIAM A- BELL a candidate for Receiver of ra Returns for Stewart county af *** iXAuJimuary election. sepf. 8, 24