The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, December 08, 1838, Image 3

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I>V Mr. Hutchins: For the more speedy aud . c et!.iin collection of costs in the Inferior courts of this State. _ The following message was received from the Governor, which was. on motion referred to the ('uiuniittee on thestate of the Republic: Executive Department, Ga ) Nor ember 17, 1838. £ 1 transmit to the Legislature the copy of a let ter and documents which 1 have received from \*[, Howard, the agent who has been sent to Lon , ‘ n , 0 procure copies of the colonial records of , <tate. It will be perceived, that at tiie time vX n Mr. Howard wrote, he had ot been per ' ted bv the British Government to execute the '“'• pct 0 f iiis mission. He asks that instructions V.V’iv hr* given him, whether he shall wait any lon -1 'on the British Government or return home. C|'ic L iW'aturc is requested to express its will ‘, -0 ( ,i, subic-t. and as soou as it conveniently ' !l \ s mui'h ti »' and money hav • already been ex „ . p-I i>v .Mi Howard and no reason being •T.OWU whv f’l Bn; ;h hr re. ament shoul i ret use 're oie-t '• ’ •: was > read.iv ranted o.’a nner ' , a si fl n w:iM seem to be advisable n.a ir 4 ,«anl ‘ r • return iHHiie jinm - u Mr. 11-eward states tltat he has paid upwvt.l: ot -(. hun ’• 't *ie’’ ■ s nrernimn on the tour hou ;;,1,1 hhe re;. i\ ed from the State, f bills o* exehauge <i .on E t«l-«d tod that t» will cost not I . ,r oi id' e.\ live huntin' . !«! :;!- to eili'. <•) • J r! [»es t<> c ' the I>c fit a relating ; v -A of G orgn. odd’ - .11 .• ,ji,. “tv of in-ia • i lit« oat anpropi i coiiipetisatt ii*. GE!> K. GILMER. ii. • r -.ate j.ersous v.'oo have taken the . le which las referred the , • t;< of Georgia, orayin r » i omi. '.iii/.c Congress upon the :,'u i iced a preamble ft I•• 01u ... our Senators and rejus ag our •>-- to e lose i iw • passed .. the i list net ol . ... e office of -aid clerk shall be if) . Milledgeville, Ga. and an i | iiMu itl term ■ >. i Court to lie hoi l-‘ti at smite : atul nrot’-. - • > rhos the stage road from Nu /i-istu to’ 1 'oiaiittius Tu sd o N ,v. i? 0. BILL LO-I. q’o exempt from ordu-ai v c ihtarv <t_v. per sons en#ege lin work» ■ • ml improvement. A message was .< • .• "it toe Governor ti visiuntoig the ret.ort of John K llet. one oi the , uiniesiotiets appoi ued t> Is out and put m ood order, a road i mi sladlomiega to the Fe.l --t q,iid. in M i rav ■•imntv ; and reqtte-tuig the . sUt:i*eto li re'! what course shall be pursu 4 Hse rase, to secure the ri tilts o’ fle State. BILI. PASSED. The bill of tit" House change tie tune of b.fksg Superior Courts in lh“ county of Bibb. \Velne«day, Nov. 21. < )n i-.iption of Mr. B iber. so much of the jour , .1 of v 1 iv as re! to the passage of a bill ■o sl '-r th'* > O.’S of h>l hug the Courts of Bibb otntt, was re. vj-sldet v d. I’ '/ i,i . i’ii/ /'mi/ first true. p,v 1?i. Branhatn*. To orovide for the cal) of a dim 'on to reduce »•«« on'uber °f the General A " •*»’ "• he S' it *of Georgia. !'• “I! presented the petition of Shal rach B t'an. »n-aying relief front penalties inflict , 1 !,.. of tip* •) ii 4 i. V u ,1'... , !,; , select Olftee , K . .r,, V* it ' c| o ss ami f i,eh ■'lL rasa *"»• f • ' 'HI Hip ' t'h ti's'lav. Nov. 22. i" - »■ ■ •/*/' -d .-{ti-il •'on.-'. • 1 *h*Vl " ■ ; ,tla{P fix the fees of - . ■ lb;, .r’r• of s • t is, for adver ' . ritf- a.'. I to i. i» '.o tne coin in of Si nr >s. H> Kmg: Fo aui'o'-i/.e ft" rmstees oi .'ivrrsbv. I’oatrv f. ao 1 Oge *l. dvr r« V to takeout the grants of such v i* . - id is have reverted or ntav revert to . - -■ v,; ’’■'; or- . a ~*■'. iorciporating the Brunswick t' ■ is . K**ad Company, passed 22d IV >"<. r - in. a> Ito authorize certain companies i taut.fui \ icant or ungrauted lands. By Mr. Jones ; To extend the charter of the * eiitral Bank. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thursday, Nov. 15. ' he bill to carry into effect that part of the L. section of tbe 3d article of the Constitution which requires the establishment of a Court for !’p correction of Errors, was made the special or c r of tiie flay for Thursday, the 29th inst. Kills intro lured wad rfyidjirst time. fly Mr. Rockwell: To authorize the business o! banking, and to regulate the same. F. Mr. Howard • To set aside all the funds of Bank, for the. general purposes of in i' ni and ..nprnvements, except so far as the appropri atit.tis already made, an ) except such appropria ' Vl ‘ < may • > made during the present session. HILL PASSKU. 1,! cc”n •• - persons who have taken the cen lor I^3H. 'hr Rockwell laid on the table the following re ■o ntious : ' ed, That a committee be appointed to in ’ . o tiie expediency ol rechartering tbe Ceu 1 dank of Georgia, with m actions to in pi ire "hi toer any or what nod. 'i< at inns, in the event >!' • a >.ror, ate necessary; and also, that said ctitiraittee bp further instructed to inquire into '•"» M'-diency of authorising abrarichot branch ■o the (’entral Bank V 1 ;>’*’and, further, That the report of said Bank !r; ti of tire committee aopoibted by the late Gen ~;' : |l Assembly, and all other matters referred to : - louse iu reference to said bank, be referred ' committee; arid that said committee re otherwise introduced a resolution, request- Av ‘.-overnor to lay before the House all re j 'tr 4th may have been made to the Execu ■' Department U the superintendents of the ,!li hhti improvements. &c. Ac. which was • *’etti ami agreed to Friday. Nov. 16. • br Speaker'being absent, the House proceed ’! E." election of a Speaker pro tent, anti on ’ Quoting our the ballots, Lewig S. Brown, Esq. [• tuber elect from the county of YVilkes, wastlu- B elected. Mr. Prior moved to reconsider so much of the i r, Urnal of yesterday, ns relates to the rejection of "'.5. b:J to alter 117*1) amend the 2d s* :tion of the ot the 3.1 article ol the Coustitutiou ; which was’ agreed so—yeas 123, nays 45. [The proposed alteration is, that "lie (the Gov ernor) shall have power to grant reprieves for of fences against the State, except in cases of im peachment. and to grant pardons, or remit auv part of a sentence in all cases after conviction, ex cept for treason or murder, in which cases he may commute the punishment to imprisonment in the Peuiteutfcnv for a term of years in his discretion; and in case lie shall not commute the punishment lV may then respite the execution, and make a it port thereof to the next general assembly, by whom a pardon inly be granted, or the punish ment commuted to imprisonment in the Peniten tiary.] On motion of Mr. Toombs, the House tool; up the bill to pardon Jarvis Brooks, which was read the third time and rejected—y"as 50, nays 80. Saturday, Nov. 17. The House reconsidered so much of the jour nals of yesterday as relates to the rejection of the bill to pardon J irvis Brooks of Wilkes countv. Bills introduc'd and read fi rst time. By Mr. Latnat. To e> emptthe members of the Ma on Volunteers from jury duty. To exempt from taxes the property of the Geor gia Fern i- College in the city of Macon. Bv v 5 Hines: To pardon William Porter of the coii’ iv of Pike. V-, Si reel : To appropriate money for the .et o; loshua Holden, for property lost and iu . -d while a soldier in the late Creek war. By Mr. Phillips: To encourage a direct ex port and import trade with foreign countries, and to authorise Joint Stock Companies, for the pur pose of dealing in foreign and domestic merchan dize aud produce —[2oo copiesordered to be priu ted. Mr. Howard . resented the petition of sundry citizens of Stewart county, praying remuneration for losses sustained by themselves aud others, du ring the late war with the Creek Indians; which was refVwred to a select committee, consisting of Vlessrs. Howard, Lamar, Meriwether, Jenkins, Poo übs. Ball, Harrison and Kelly, of Houston, a Her being read. Mon lay, Nov. 19. Bills introduced and >'(•;■* first time. Bv Mr. Kelly, of Houston: Fo coufpel owners of tflatitationr and laves, situated in counties otli ei to in the. . *he res deuce oi such owners to ii.iv taxes liier.-for in the counties where the same in t v ne situnied, 'Ve. By Mr. Uetaimrricre To xteu.l the jurisdic tion of justices of tb ■ P' l( iitty debars. Tuesday, Nov. 20. haries U • II • pit in.., me . el om tl ; count •- oi .and :r * * 1; . ( • - re a ...1 took '* veal : 01-Ii a"’. , j so n\Ur :u«.i o\ ». -f * rit at* bupe ' nor k’units ol • o*- ir. ; i* : ut i;.-] lor other I purposes. To authorize Justices of the Peace to ap; o:nt constables in certain cases. Tiie Homs • agreed to the reaoluticti of Mr. / Rockwell, r>‘iiti\e to tiie appoi b’n'nt of a com mittee to inquire into the ex,»** hen-y of reehar tpring the Central Bank of Georgia, Ate. Whereupon the Speaker appointed the following, as that committee Messis Rockwell, Brown, Hines, Tracey and Guuby. Wednesday, Nov. 21. Bills introduced and read first time. Bv Mr. Leusieur: To amend the 35th section of the 15th division of the penal code of this State. Bv Mr. Sparks: To appropriate money for in lo.itti improvement m me counties in which no mnney has been heretofore expended by the State. Mr. Howard, from the committee appointed: To extend relief to certain persons in Stewart county, for losses sustained during the late Creek war. Bv Mr. Meriwether: To aid in the coustruc (ioo ofßail Iwiads in thi« State, and for other pur ; uses connected therewith. BH.LS LOST. To alter and amend the third section of the 4th article of the Constitution. To shorten the time for fortunate drawers in the 'Kbit dis’ricts of the Cherokee country to take out tneir grants. Mr. White, of Talbot, presented tiie. petition of sundry citizens of Talbot county, relative to a Rail Road communication from Macon to Fa! botton—which was referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. White of Talbot, Sinead, Fletcher, Carr and Lamar. Mr. ALEXANDER'S PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS. Whereas the people of Georgia are deeply inter ested iu the subject of the monetary concerns of the National Government, and more especially in the mode of collecting, keeping, arid disbursing the public revenues of that government, ir be comes the representatives of the people to give such an expression of opinion on the subject, as may be best calculated to promote the interests of those, whom they tepresent. \nd whereas the Government of the United States, is one of limited and enumerated pow ers, and the power to incorporate rt National Bank is not one of those which are enumerated in thejeonstitution : and apart from the constitutional incompetency of Gongress to charter such an in stitution. experience has demonstrated that it is not of paramount importance or necessity, in sup plying the fiscal wants of the government, and that in its tendencies and influence, it is danger ous to the rights of the States and the liberties of thr people. Arid whereas the system of making the State banks -epositoides of the public revenue, has signally failed, and in its failure has produced in calculable mischief, both to the government and the people, and cannot be again resorted to, with out disregarding tlie most impressive admonitions of experience, and placing in jeopardy the most important interest- of the country. And whereas the only constitutional and safe mode of conducting the fiscal operations of the government, is to dispense with the intermediate agencies of banks, and to diminish the control which the Executive bead exercises over the public Treasury. And whereas the Government does not possess the powerof converting its exchequer into a bank, or of exercising any of the functions pertaining alone to bariffintr-- Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the State in General Assembly met, and it is hereby resolved by the authority of tire same. That a bank of the United States is un constitutional, inexpedient, subversive of the rights oflhe States, aud dangerous to the inter ests of the South, and that our Senators in Con gress be instructed, and our Representatives be requested to oppose, by all proper mcaos, the in corporation of sijch arr iostitution. THE GEORGIA RJLRROIS Be it further resolved by tire authority afore said, That the system of making the State banks general depositories of the public revenue, adopted by the last, and abandoned by the present admin istration of the Geuerai Government, tends t# in crease Executive patronage, and is calculated, by stimulating an injudicious expansion of bank issues, and thereby tilling the channels of circu lation with an unsound currency, to bring bank ruptcy and commercial ruin upon the country. Be it further resolved. That apian of colleet iug. keeping, and disbursing the public revenue, which lias for its object the gradual, but eutire and ultimate disuse of Bank as fiscal agents of the Government, is a measure calculated to di minish the monied influence of the Federal Gov ernment, and promote the commercial iuterest of the South. Be it further resolved, That the General Gov ernment has no constitutional power to create a paper currency passed merely upon the credit of the Government; and that the policy adopted bv Congress, and sanctioned by the present ad minisration, ofissuiug Treasury notes, pased ou no actual deposits, to supply a deficit in the rev enues. is unconstitutional, inexpedient, repuguant to the spirit of our government, and dangerous to the liberties of the people. Be it further Resolved, Tint the Executive powers f the Government should be so re-adjus ted aud partitioned as to separate the purse from i the sword or ihe money from the military power j of the Government, by rnakiug the Secretary of | the Treasury dependent for his appointment and removal upon tiie Senate, instead of the President of the United States. Be it further Re solved, Arc. That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be forwarded by the Governor of this State to each of eur Sen ators and Representatives in Congress. FLORENCE, GA. Saitirday. December i&ES. • *•■ Literary Messenger.—' The December No. this valuable periodical has been received by u ; Its contents are, if possible, more interest ing than usual. We deem it useless so discrimi nate between the dilfereut articles which u con- I tains, as the whole presents a specimen of Liter it‘.;e >t to be surpassed The December No. ••<*.« the Foutii Volume, person-, therefor 2, who w it to patronize tb:* work, would do well to commence - ith the ensuing volume. ANOTHER J L vMiiOAT SUNK. We regret to learn that the Steamer TEM PEST, while making l;pr first passage up the Chattahoochee, run against a snag one day last week, which caused her to sink. Her whole car go went with her, aud we understand it will be al most au entire loss, no insurance having been ef fected. The Whigs of the North and West, in a Con vention lately assembled, styled anti-Masonic, have nominated WM, H. H VRRISON, of Ohio, as a candidate for the next Presidency, and DANIEL W EBS FE R, ol Massachusetts for the Vice Pre sidency. So Mr. Clay may be considered as withdrawn from the turf. Well, Mr. Hanisoti and Mr. Webster can’t net any help from Geor gia, nor any portion of the South. From the manneuvering of Mr. Van Buren’s friends in this State, we-should suppose they fullv calculate on having Georgia swallow the Little Prince whether or no. At a late meeting of the party held in Milledgeville, they have endeavor ed to make Mr. Lin Btiren more palatable, by at tempting to kick Dick Johnson, with his family, out of company and nominating in his stea 1, John Forsyth ol Georgia, for (he Vice Presiden cy. 1 hey nave also passed a resolution, calling a'convention of the l N O-N '' party, to noir.i --i>:d-> -i candidate to be supported by the Sub- Trea sury patty, lor Governor—-the Convention to meet in Milled- evilie. the third Monday in ibis month. YV e con-ider that as going die stripe with a “per fect totality Look out State Rights Sub-Trea sury men, or you might have aY an Buren collar around your neck the first thing you know, i But they may -huffie as they please, thev never l can get Georgia to support Martin Y'an Buren— | her people will bestow their suffrages only upon i a Southern candidate—and let that candidate be ROBERT Y. lIAYNE. OUR LEGISLATURE. There never was a time, perhaps, in the history of our State, when the people looked with greater anxiety to the proceedings of dteir Representa tives in the Legislature, than they do at this time. , The supposed increase of talent which would be brought to its deliberations; the deeply important , subjects which would be brought up for action ; . the peculiar situation which we now occupy in re ! Sard to Internal Improvements, all tended to make the present session one of deep and intense inter est. It was expected, and hoped, tltat the mem bers would carry up to the Legislative Hall, a j large and liberal mind—that a high sense of honor would prevent that party chicanery, management | and manneuvering which has so shamefully dis j graced preceding Legislatures, and proved a curse I to the country. As for our elves, we candidly acknowledge, we I expected much, and were considerably elated at i the prospect of our Legisloture becoming our pride and boast, instead of our curse and shame, but, from some reflections we have seen in some of our exchange papers, nearer the scene of action than ourselves, we have been led to fear that we had looked too high—expected too much. But we will not yet despair,— too much depends on the prompt action of our R epresontatives, for them to return to their constituents with rhtur fingers hi their mouth-, it icing accMn»plish#i tlMiurij' The people expect them to do something worthy of the State, and tio whining at the hustings at a future day, will still the storm which will be raised against them, should they waste their time in par ty bickeriugs, unworthy jealousies aud distrust. Fhe State needs your concentrated atiJ vigor ous action—for one time let every thing be merg ed in the good of our catuiuou country ; put your hands to the work like men who have souls to feel and nerve to act :—trifle away the present session and much, if not all, will be lost, our State will be draiued of her wealth, and her inhabitants made pack horses for others. The Federal Union of the 3d inst. says : “The Bill to establish a Supreme Court, in conformity to the provisions of the late coustitutiou, after con siderable discussion in the House of Representa tives, in which Messrs. Rockwell, Howard and others took part in favor of its passage, aud Mr. Freeman, of Franklin, Steplnsus aud others in op position, was lost on Friday last, by a majority of some eight or tea against its passage. The mo tiou to reconsider was also negatived in the House by a majority of about twenty. ‘•The bill to call aud provide for a Convention to reduce the number of Representatives in tbe .State Legislature, pissed the House by a large majority, aud will shortly be taken up iu Senate. It will pass that body, it is thought, by equally ls large a majority. “Very little other business has been done by 1 the Legislature during the past week. The time ; of the Senate has been mostly consumed in i the discussion of he bill to increase the stock of the Central Rail Road aud Banking Company, which was lost iu that branch by a considerable majority, and a motion to reconsider negatived.” The Georgia Journal of the 27th ult. says,— j “We learn that a letter from the Rev. C. YV. Howard, the State’s agent at London, to procure c opies es the records relating to the Colonial His tory of Ufor. u. l:;u been received at tiie Execu tive Department, containing the information that he had obtained permission to examine ; ud tran ! scribe the records.” The New Y'ork Evening Post states the fact that Mr. Swart wout, the late Collector at the port of New Y ork, is a defaulter to the Government to ; the amount of one -million , two hundred thousand dollars! The securities, it is said, are ruined, j The most of Inis default, says tin* Post, happened ; since Mr. Swartwout deposited tne public funds, as the present collector deposites the money he collects, in Banks to his own credit. Some of | Mr. Swartwout’s friends say, he retains this a ' mount of money in his hands, to protect him a gainst suits that are now pending. lie, himself, is now in Europe. “N ’one are all Evil." —Tbe subjoined feeling. ! :in<l benevolent sentiments, are taken from the ! “Seventh age of Shakspeare,” in the September ' number of the Knickerbocker Magazine : “See the disappointed man, the ruined spend thrift, the murderer, the drunkard, the thief, the liar, the traitor, imagine their feelings, they are men. Yo u have your faults—yon know you have You cannot despise them. The very feeling that tells you you are their superior, in a 1 points, con victs you of inferiority. Oh, pity not the poor, for labor sweetens rest; pity riot the sick, the lame, the blind, the mourning, mother, the or phan child—pity not these, asyou pity the wicked ! Y r ice is the accident of early education. Men arc scattered like the seeds in the field of the world ; some fa!! in good ground, some in stony places, some m rank, weedy spots ; oh. pity the wicked ! They have still the power of reason, know what virtue is, and remember their early years, and the peace that goodness breathes around the heart; peace like thp serenity of early morning in the country. They stand with their immortal na tures all soiled and polluted. The bitter taunt and neglect of the world keeps them in mind of; ! what they are, aud the soul talks to itself in lan guage bitterer than human fiend can utter to an other. “Language,” says a benevolent and elo quent clergyman, implying scorn of our fellow be ings, should not be used without extreme caution and discrimination, and without a feeling of evi dent pity and regret, that a being so nobly gifted, shonld so degrade himself. The meanest knave, the basest profligate, the reeling »frtfSKarjpE what a picture does he present of a glorious nature jn ruins! Let a tear fall as he passes. Let us blame and abhor, if we must, but let us rcyercuce and pity still. YV hat hopes tire cast down', what pow ers are wanted, what means, what indefinite pos sibilities of improvement, are turned into gloomy disappointment. YYTiat is the-man, atrd what might he be ? The very body, with' its fine-organ ization, with its wonderful workmanship, groans and sickens, when it is made the instrument of ! base indulgence. The spirit sighs in its secret i places, over its meanness, its treachery, and dis ! honor. There is a nobler mind; in the deciaded body, that retires within itself, and will not look through the bloated and stolid countenance; there is a holier conscience that will not Strength en the arm that is stretched out to defraud ; but sometimes makes that arm (Vs mble with its para lysing touch, and sometimes shakes, as with thun der, the whole soul of the guilty transgressor. Take heart, poor sinner! jhou weak brother of humanity I?e up and be a man ; let not thy des- 4 ; pair drive thee deeper still in guilt! Thou hast been sorely tried but not for nothing. Butalways ! shall it be so; not always shall thy body weigh i down thvmind.” -i ——ii'l ■»— .«■».... . ■ «« ~ ' | him | BOAT NEWS!" j .7 Arrived, on Thursday, 6th inst. Steamer ARAB Upland master, from Apalachicola and St s .Toseph. with binge in tow, with merchandize to Andrews A’ Bemis, A. B. C. YVinl'ret anti departed the same dav for Columbus. Arrived, on-the same day, steamer ALABA MA. Y'iekcrsiafi; Apalachicola, with , merchandize to.IT. YY .YY oodward, and departed , seu.'tc.d.ydfbi CuFttnlAys. NEW GOODS. SUBSCRIBERS have received their I supply of. Winter Good**, co.’S6isti."*g or YVoolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Cloths, Circassians, Merinos, Boinbaziues and Bombazettcs, Red aud White Flauuel, A good assortment of Ready .Hude Clothing, A large supply of BOOTS aud SHOES,’s and units Saddles, i&ridie* A HartiujaSs, C rockery, Hardware and Cutlery , YV itii a variety of other articles suitable to the season, which they take great pleasure iu offering to their customers aud the public, at their new store on the North side Centre street. GARDNER & HARVEY. Dec. 8 36 COFFEE, FL O VU. cV JUST RECEIY ED, per Steamer Arab, and for sale for cash only, 10 bbls superior Flour, 10 sacks Rio Colfee, 20 ps best Kentucky Bagging, 20 coils „ Rope. A. B. C. YV IN FREY & Cos. Dee. 8 36 .1 I t TlO.l’, ,114 TMOJT. IYV JLL SELL at Public out cry. ou SATUR DAY next, (Bth inst.) before the store door of DcLauuay A: Y\ infrey, the following articles, viz. 2 bbls. Port Wine, 6 boxes Cbatupaigne do. G „ Claret do. 1 lot of Tea, 1 „ of Castings, of all kinds, 1 ~ of Axes, 1 ~ of Broad Axes, 1 „ of Turned Ware, And clivers other articles too tedious to mention. A. B. C. WINFREY. Terms made known on the day of sale. Dec. 1 35 MI OFFER my property in Lump kin for sale. Apply to G. DcLaunny. Dec. 8 3G eow2m VTRE ATISE < >.\ BAPTISM, by the Rev. James E. Glenn, (just published!) for sale by GARDNER dc HARVEY. Dec 8 36 To SSrerders vs if ood Colts, The thorough bred Stallion, grrfk QUIDNUNC, "ill stand the ensuing spring sea- MteitejyU son, at Liunpkiu and Florence, under the management of Mr. Thomas W. Pearce. This Horse is a beautiful blood bay. ofsplendid action, and choice pedigree:—He was got by the imported Arabian Bagdad, his dam by .Sir Archv, his grand dam by imported Wrangler, his great grand dam bv imported Traveller, Ac. * ' D. P. HILL HOUSE. Dec. 8 3G 2t _____ IMPRQYEP LAND FOR SALE. \\j 1 E E be sold, on the first Tuesday in J AN ▼ T UARY next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, the Lot of Land where on the subscriber cow lives, being No. !), in the 22d district of Stewart. The above land is well improved with two settlements of good dtvelliugs qjs(|»out houses, besides about 90 acres cleared and in fine state for cultivation. Any person wish ing tq purchase would do welt to call and view the premises before tbe day of sale. Terms made known on the dav. ROLAND WILLIAMS. Dec 8 36 4i l - agreeable to an order of the v v •Inferior Court ot Stewart county, while sitting tor ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the court house door 'in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, all the real estate of John A. Shilling, late of Stewart county, deceased, viz. one Lot ot Land, No. 31, and th« north half of 33 and 32, all in the 33d dis tHct f ako eight negroes. Terms made known on fheklay. 5 **' WILLIAM B. SHIELING, ). . . FAMES WEBB, ( vlcri rs - * Sept 3,1838. 24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE” /AGREEABLE to an older of the Inferior I'lL Court of Stewart countyi when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sobl on the first Tues day in January next, within the legaFlianis of sale, before the Court House door in Lumpkin, tiie negroes belonging to the estate of Timothy Carrington, late of said county, deceased, to wit Mfcriah, a girl, about seventeen years old, and Kesiah a girl, about eighteen years' old; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sail de , c§ased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMESHILLIARD.'Adm’r. . Qct. 24, 1838. 31 be sold before the Court House door ▼ T in Lumpkin Stewart County on tbe first Tuesday in February next, under an order of tho honorable the Inferior court of said county, one negro girl named F.lsey, 16 years of age, and one Lot of land No. 106, in the 23d district of origin ally Lee now Stewart county, belonging to the estate of Lewis Dupree, sen. deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. LEYVIS DUPREE, Jr-Adm'r. n 33 EXE(TUTRIX SALE. A GREEABLE to the last will and testamen T of James Parker, late of Stewart county de ceased, will be sold to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, two tracts or lots of land, to wit—Lot No. 216, in the twenty third district, and Lot No. 37, in the twenty first dis trict, both in the county aforesaid. Terms of sale made known on the day. MARTHA BARKER, Ex’rx Lumpkin Oct. 20 1838 31 I YOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave tb real-estate of John B. Cannon,deceased. . ...... RE<W DYK&S, Adm’r Americas, Noth 10, 1836. 35