The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, December 15, 1838, Image 1

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J3Y GARDNER & BARROW 7 f? r, Jf - , tv S? ts" i % 42X ' * iblished every • i , .; ....... v, Ga. lit fHKEL DUULA if ■ * . idrancc, or FOUR DOLLARS, . *:> she end of the year. i. s i ■ i !.e cr>r> .pjcuott'ly r -.ted r-• ■’! ->. . ‘ »: ' ••:. and .(•!) -;t sequent • Nothing . n Lie.? w.i! be considered teas than .. .■ I totii.n wd! ■ • made for yearly . . t handed in for publi-at:.',. j, Vll , iat 'ill be published till lo .sge-l aee.-mi.'-eilv i.and Ne-roex by Executors, Ad ,...j c; k . .rdians, are required by l.v.v .» , ; ,n .t public Gazette, sixty days •us to the day of sale, sale of i'crsonal property must be adver * .t i;i like manner forty days. Gott; e to Debtors and Creditors of an estate . be published forty days. Notice that application ssill bp made to the 'ourt of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud and Ne • coos, must be published weekly for four months. y*» AH Letters on business must be post ir* to insure attention. fr: ,m mwmtr -tjm. .ns" «.»;.»">■» . Awia?- Wo are authorised to ! i-X* 2&P announce ISAAC • L. STREET MAN as a candidate lor Sheriff of Stewart county at the next elec- ; ton. Sept. * If3B. 24 _ : ■ ;■ ire auth irised to j ■ iVILhI^MS v ■ - r* a- .-..■?!»a i>, r ;** (’ ,]t«*rtor * “ , . 4 "VWT.Xt C.OlTntv ill tiiP n JriMda'v rr>‘ Sf]»l 2 ~ ..V .. ‘ ire ; 'k : .)■ Receiver ft la* , at the •• . . .» .; v? lit J A r * ■v.r.f' vahiah'o ’ . ** 8 ' » t v »>n^>o<tbf 1 ! rrfv. • ,• ,. t _ , j »,. v hr uf'r ■ '••u! th* ccvin r I.« tin Vi- tueiy profited by the . . . | .. upy. \Vhat w ■ mak e *:11 hi able is that it i* located itmtiedi , u “ ■h w' I r»c. doubt will enhanct ' in , rumt •*, as well us add to te Ttrn'iH S' the if tner place. Terms will be .... n •)••*!'! v oct. imii IRS- 5 •' \T \ HEW A VKRET7. KOI'. LET \V\ WILLIAMS. 29 tfi L( )ST. a. y: ]] NOTE r.- hand on Lewis Grimes lor IVertv lA.; 1 • ”t, payable to i-larper tt Grey; n p. ( Pickett made parable to Robert ...Ids for hire of regro for forty dollars and fire cents: one on said Piekelt, given to . imount not lecoiiccted ; one note on , ' i ■ nan for twenty dollars, payable to (>?• / i;.>v , one note on \\ illism Johnson •n Seen I'lallars and fifty cents, payable to Har ■, i ire* fie note on Anion . Lunsford for . «?en ' p.tvablc to Harper A: Grey; one • i r. Jeptlta Pickett for twenty-four dollars, v.abl" to Harper ,V Grey; and one on William dn <v for tight dollars, with a credit not rccollect t and. I forewarn any person from trading for the above cotes, or the draw ers from paying to any but tny • elf. Any person finding said notes and deliver ing them to me. or any friend, so that 1 can get them, shali be amply rewarded. ‘ ’ JOSEPH M. H ARPER. Lannahassee, Stewart co. July 19 27 S TOP THE MURDERERSI •SIOOO REWARD, ILL be paid, by the undersigned, for the v apprehension of 'Bohn s?tp fr Sot onion Step, who murdered MARTIN FKALEV, sen. on the fth October, inst near Wolf’s Ferry, in Harden ' ounty, Tenn. JOIIN STEP is about 26 years of age. 5 feet 9 or 9 inches high, dark complexion, dark eyes, black hair, inclined to curl, and very low forehead. The middle joint of the fore-finger of his right hand is considarably enlarged, occasioned, it is supposed, by a hurt. SOLOMON STEP is about 23 or 24 years of age, 5 feet I) inches high, stout built, a little in >.tied to be stoop shouldered, dark complexion, •ft- eyes, dark hair, inclined to curl, and very high cheek bones. The bones of his right hand have been broken near the middle of the palm, reap occasion a considerable ridge on the back of his hand. The Steps formerly resided in the Cherokee country in Georgia, and it is thought they will cither make their way back to Georgia or strike for Texas. The above reward will be paid on their delivery in Harden county, Ten. or a proportionable re lyar.d for cither. SALLY FRALEY, HENDERSON G. FEALFA. JACKSON FRALEY, SA M URL LENOX. OcVbC'fT 29 34 -3t LOTS IN FLORENCE, FOR SALE. ■xtygj. he subscriber offers fnrsalo on ac c' '; ’ i; »'ing terms, several Business •, ai, d R<‘ 'deuce Lots in the town of *-- v wJR FU.i-»• <•. beautifully situated, and one improved lot wit!; a cem: table hrelling house, on the s ■ . ns u ishing to settle in t ■!>•:!.. >- ,■-.!! n-sirous of purchasing •tS tor busmc:.* : ee will do well to call ; • be sold ud Terr ims 1 atvoeo is rapidly thriving and in ' oiHst •« 'i»ihp ;«I’lrtoG of irnnje.jsc r>u • •’d as it is itia healthy section of the *• • ' by wealthy and industrious vv *’ - ■'■■■ ' ''• “o we i the citizens are ma a>; "■ "me schools established both Alaie am! • riH'e wi-ici are now in opera tion. A fine Academy .» .n cot.teinpla tiou which will shortly be comp! ted when F!o» ence will he enabled to compete .successfully with any town in Georgia for advantages of this kind. The subscriber h!*.. offers lor Sale on liberal i-iius 600 acres of laud w ith some improvements on the road leading from Lumpkin to Inviuton, 5 miles from the former place. The situation is beautiful ami healthy, the water good. Persons wishing to purchase or view the premises will call oi\ Mr. James P. Matthews near the place who is mv authorised agent for the sale of said lands or to the subscriber near Florence JOII 1 V L> TURNER. July 28,1938 < 9 VALi \ RLE PR(>l r EH T Y B &St X, c / i* . >.h)R the u.pose ! !;> o,' ilw r« ue oi Asaph 4/ R. Hid lie aw-ii (N.iinty do< eased. The stibsriher will sell ,• < t,.h sic, one third or the whole of the following pi opeity viz ONE COMMODIOUS NEW SfOtit *NP LOTS, Th r w-dl known stand of Hid Laurence A Go. ut-tj kt. la. Also .94 acres Land adjoining .•aid l ts, , •».*'«■ • '.sated ‘. r private resi dence. Als th» we;! - Fhtnt:i *■ «'? rttwre Ad Lo;*. «f r ’ k'loi ■ <v, at .resent oocupit • rnett Ah " e WARt F; y TORcS, In 'lie Town of f'lorencc, , r-x-nt o -cupi/H by Jernsgan L.ttuenee V <"o Also two unimproved Lois, in said Town. Nos If and 109 in square D • inch elevated ground for hutidins «s; :'v.; settlements of vain'ble pine Lands, con ic u: 74 • acres, 3 miles from Florence. Also i. Lo • •) the city of JSt. Josepi.s amongst which ; c ! ot* to suit the merchant or the settler. Also .7 sha.-es ?.f the Capital frtockin the St. Josephs Rad Road A Canal Company. Also one fine Sad dle Horse. Any of the above property will be sold on ac commodating; terms, bv application to the sub scriber at Florence Georgia HENRY W. JKRNIGAN Ex'tr. and n r ise >f \ R Ilecere I The Subscriber will sell several valuable seitle nientß of Land, from 2024 to i 000 arres. May 25, 1 38 9 M. W. lERNIGAN. alabXma lands FOR SALE. Vs HALF 9 14 30 x . S. half 4 14 .30 N. half S 14 n.O N. half 7 11 30 S. half 7 11 .70 S. half 6 11 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 10 28 N. half 36 19 29 S- half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half .33 20 26 S. half .32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands will be sold on terms lo suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Ala con. J. COWLES. July 26 IS LAND FOR SAI E THE subscriber will s ‘ ft the highest bidder, on the t.. -‘ Tuesday m JANUARY next, tin Plantation where he now lives, lying on tlie Fort Gaines road, nine miles north of Lumpkin, con taining FOUR HUNDRED ACRES oak and hickory land, with about 125 acres cleared. Per sons wishing to purchase would do well to call and view the premises. Nov. 5 33 4t W. R. SHIRLING. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for sale a vat c ililc TRACT OF LAND whereon he now lives, lying in Stewart county, one mile and a half from Florence, containing 1,000 acres, of which there is between 200 and 300 acres in cultivation. On the premi ses there are comfortable houses, a good GIN HOUSE, superior GIN and GEAR. Also, a FIRST RATE SAW MILL, which has only been in operation about six months; surrounded by an inexhaustible quantity of pine timber, n»ar several towns, situated on.the Chattahoochee riv er. The land is rich and level. 1 have good spring water, and a healthy and beautiful situa tion for a residence. Any person wishing to pur chase will call and view the premises. JOSEPH REESE. July 23 13 cot! FLORENCE, GA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 183$. LANDS FOR SALE npilE subscriber offers liis settlement of Land for sale : Three 92tenstretf •teres, on the waters ot Lannahassen crock, second qual ity, oak and hickory lind. Good houses ou the premises, with one hundred acres cleared, in a nice state ot cultivation. Said land is near the old Lannahassee town, say three miles. Any person wishing to purchase a good settlement of Land vy.ntld do well to call and examine for himself as there can be four or five hundred acres purchased :;J|i)ii:ing iny land to make a settlement. Call on the subscriber at Lannahassee. Get. 6 28 JOSEPH M. HARPER. LANDS FOR SALE. fTHIF. subscriber offers for sale two lots of land " lying in Dooly county, each containing2o34 acres. One known as Lot No. 115, in the ssh district sud the other lift, in the 6th of said coun ts F'-iuis liberal. For further particulars ap ! 1 - to the u 1 Jersigacd in Florence, Ga. 14 J. O. BURKHART. IMPROVED LAND FOR SALE. i LL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN v V LAKY next, before the court house door in the tewn of Lumpkin, the Lot of Land ou the subscriber now lives, Veiiu* •' J S. j„ t {j e 22d district of 'btewsxti The above land is well improved witb two settlements of go»d dwellings sad out bertsss, besides about 9ft acres cleared and in 9ne stais for cultivation. Any person wish ing to purebsss weuld do well to call and view the premise* before the day of sale. Terms made known on the day. 1 v*v WIT T.H Ma Dee 8 SS 4t NOTICE. \L L those indebted to the estate of George t - .Shaw, deceased, are requested to come foi war.i and make payment, and those having de mauds against the estate will present tlicm ;tc coidjng to law. JOHN BLACKSHEAII Nsv. 10 33 Cl )T. To Breeders of tffbo The thorough brod St, liion. ( t!**’ p ||\ wi.l stned the ensuing spring sea *' •■■■-& son. at Lumpkin and Florence, under i ',r management of Mr. Thomas W. Pexrce. Th;. Horse is a beautiful blood bay. of splendid action, and choice pedigree:—Ho was got by the imported Arabian Bagdad, his dam by Sir Archv, bis crand dam by imported Wrangler, his great grand darn by imported Traveller. Ac. D. P. HILLHOUSE. lire. 8 36 2t _ * NEW GOODSr rpHE subscribers, in addition to their former 9. stock have received a fresh supply of IPry Woods nad Unticn , from Charleston and Augusta, making tlieit as sortment tolerably good. They are now offering articles suitable to the season, on as good terms as any ill the market; in their stock may be found Challys, Challietts, Silks. Muslins, Grass, Brown and Irish Linens, Fancy Prints, French Callico, French Muslins, a splendid article, Diaper, Nankeen, Domestics, Checks, A variety of gentlemen and ladies Hose and half Hose, Shoes, Hats, Cotton Cassiincrc, With a variety of other articles not enumerated. Our customers and the public generally are invi ted to call and examine for themselves. Jun? 9 11 GARDNER fc HARVEY f N FOI (A IA 'HO N \' ANT ED. f SPHERE va-; inveigled off from Mu on. Ga.. S in the winter of 1831, by some person, a Bov, then about ten years old, snare made, black eyes, rather brown hair, and very fast spoken. His re al name is marshall dees, imt the o'^i vidual who took him oft may have changed Lis j name. It is supposed he is in Dooly county Ga. Any information relative to him will be thankful ly received by his brothers and sisters, by address ing this office. dy*Thc papers i»» the lower part of this State, who feel for the distresses of orphan children will please publish the above, and the broth ers and sisters of the uuforTnate L..y, who wish to remove ta 1 *xas the c,rrrttng winterer spring, and wish to £o with them. Oct. 27, 1636. Macon 'Feltgrnjth JT)B PRINTING. /CONNECTED witli the office of the MTII ROR, is a splendid assortment of And we arc enabled to excute all kind of Job work, in the neatest manner anri at the shortest notice. B'A&WSELS* of every description will constantly be kejit on hand,such as INDICTMENTS, DECLARATIONS, SUBPOENAS, JURY SUMMONSES, EXECUTIONS. (HIST EXF.CUTIONS. SHERIFF’S BILLS OF SALE, do DEEDS, LAND DEEDS, JUS. SUMMONSES. do EXECUTIONS, MORTGAGES, do GUARDIANSHIP. LET. ADMIN ISTR AT ION, do TESTAMENTARY, And a great many others for Justices, of the Peace. Administrators. Executors. Ac. V TREATISE ON BAPTISM, by the Rev. James E. Glenn, (just published,) for sale by GARDNER & IIARVEY. Dec 3 "6 F. om the Southern Literary Messenger. TO DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia ! horrid fiend, away ! Nor dog my stops from day to day : Where’er 1 go—wherovw fly, I meet that dim and sunken eye. That pallid and cadav’rous bite, '1 hose bloodless lips, so coldly blue, Thy tott’rißg gait and fah’ring breath, Proclaim thee messenger of death. Behold thy work—my languid tratue, Its vigoi wasted, blood grown tame, Afraid of what, it cannot tell, Tshsfd in thvdainoniao spell; i )ark shadows round, thou seein’st to fling; “My ears with hollow murmurs sing My head grows giddy---»yesight dim, My senses seem to reel and swim. At night 1 start from hideous dream; My pillow fly, with stifled scream; I dare not sleep --at early moru I hear the huntsman's echoing horn; M v bnrthen’d heart one instant pound* i 0 to noise, Ani fiieer the liounds—- AJ is! no more for me the chase! Myself pursued, I fly thy face. I cannot breathe the balmy air— It cheers me not, for thou art there; 1 am not gladden’d by the sun— Hit course is glorietis, mine is run. For me the flower* all vainlv bloom; They seem but things which strew the tomb. All it.iuga mat wo**. & The earth a blank-—the world undone. Is there no power, this brow to cool, And wash me in Siloam’s pool ! i’ethesda’s waters ! where ar* they ? The friendly hand to guide the way ? Remorseles* fiend ! relax thy hold; The demons w*re cast out of old, And 1 will ciiug to Jesus’ kaee; Uh! let him speak, and thou must flee. MUGATOR. "irTTi’js'A’x, Asra s>'ta* Frum the Southern Literary Messenger. BENEVOLENCE AND MODESTY. AS LSSAY. By the author oj “ es of a Bachelor” A modest, benevolent face may *• compared to a cupboard without a lock—a repository tor pec ula ion, invitingly open to evert gjrecfly cormo rant, and as little respected whea nfled of its con tents, as a swine trough, isto which the auiuial's snout is thrust at lirsf, b«t as the contents dimin ish tha whole of its body is inserted. A modest man should always be poor; if, for no other rea son, dlilv to disappoint the ravenous sharks who know not the virtue. A mild, *pou couutouaueo may also, be compered to u ripe poar, hanging over the highway, a mark for the slings of every passer, and exposed to ail the ill winds that blow. Fie upon it ! we are taught to cherish it, and find, too late, that we have nourished a viper. It might be a valuable virtue, if ail, or even a respectable por tion of mankind harbored it: so would there be no necessity of closing our doors at uigiit if *ll men were honest. These reflection* were engendered one line Sabbath mo min after setting out for church. It was a most lovely day in autumn, in spiring, even in the city: (here bad been on# or two frosts, that paled the lindens on the leaves be - the door, and uow the sun shone out clear, mild and invigorating. It was natural for a com plaisant smile to rest on my lips, a* 1 descended the snow white steps of my boarding house, and mined the throng of pedestrians, which increased iu numbers as we approached the vicinity of the time-honored edrfles. Tii*aged umu tottered a lon? the same walk he had traversed iu childhood; and the young and joyful wended the same road, whilst few of them, it may be, entertained many thoughts of death aud th* grave hard by. Near om* ot the fluted oi ise splenam grumte “ :il *rip!eot the Lord,” vfeated on the Sold st*s, with a Crutch in one lmnd and a rusty wool hat in tim other, was stationed a cadaverous old beggar. ?xow, thought I. will be practised the holy chari ty, on the threshold of tbc holy house, where the holy precept is taught. As the crowd swept in I found myself standing before the mendicant. “Well, my good man,” said 1, “you have doubt less reaped a full harvest, this delightful morn ing.” “Behold,” said he, “my treasure.” I looked in and (bund only some half dozen coppers.— “But yrru,” continued he, holding up the lut. “have the right kind es face, and the moment [ saw you 1 knew tny little store would be increas ed.” 1 arn sure it was a natural impulse, and not his practised flattery, that induced me to contri bute, for my pocket was already delivered of its little mite, set apart for the church, before he wns half done speaking “Heaven bless your generous countenance !” continued the old man, looking me steadily in the eye, “it will be a treasure for you in heaven, but on earth you will find ft a curse, and 1 would ad vise you to dispense with it as quick as possible.” Struck with the singularity of his remark, I was rivetted to the spot in astouis’nment. “Why should you form this conclusion and tender sach advice, my friend?” I inquired. “Were this a fittiug place I would tell you; and if you really wish to hear me, you can do so by accompanying me to one ofuiy haunts. 1 will soon be compelled to leave here.” “1 will go with you,” said I, “and substitute your lessons for the eermoo. But what will compel you to leave here Just then my remarks were abruptly broken off by the intrusion of a red faced gentleman, who, with an air of uncommon im portance, placed his foot under the mendicant, and forced him to Vise. “Stop! yon impudent scoundrel!” said I, iu- Vol. I.—No. ST terferiug, on recognizing the intruder to be the sexton. ‘‘Never mind.” said the beggar, laughing, “1 am willing to exchange this stand for any other hn far as profit is concerned.” And when the old fellow hobbled oil, I followed him. “Now,” said my companion, when we were en sconced under an awning on the wharf, where an old woman, whom he informed me was deaf aud dumb, kept cakes and apples for sale, sat dozing by, “l wiil tell you why you should dispense with your geneious and modest face. Genuine mod esty comprehends more thau mere iuoH'ensivc dis li(j6oc6 jit me radiant uc jttus vCnu ur uamic*? alchemy, formed of all the most valuable particles of the soul, and consequently only fit for liea veu.” “My dear sir,” said f, “you put it all to the blush! You tell me to niy lice that 1 possess this raid compound.” “I do say it,” lie replied, “and instead of a grateful blush, a tear of iegret would be more appropriate, unless you retire from the world at.d live a hermit’s life. You would then be bevnnd the influences of the vices of the world, and, in stead of having your virtues preyed upon by the Vicious, you might eojoy the treasure which God has endowed you with in peace. Vice and virtue are antagonist qualities, aud as there is ten fold more of the former on the earth, so when they come in contact the victory is to numbers : there fore it Is wisdom to keep them asunder, or, if they muxt rniugle, it is prudence to dispense with the sembl*Hc«ofthe latter, »s a soldier does tlm badge of his Gountry when surrounded by the enemv.” “This is most extraordinary !” I exclaimed. n rth tlv n it? o tea r\ f »!■■•♦ I* r-E- A pani«a ; “and, if you will give me your attention, 1 will brefly relate some of the instances of mv lit*.” Unhesitatingly assenting, and signifying gi#at curiosity to know his history, he threw aside his crutch, aud leaning back against a keg on which I was desired to sit, he thus began : “i was the only child of humble parents, who lived by keeping a small flower garden near the city. I wassent to school when very young, and was distinguished by my learning and bash fulness- At the aga of 13 I was left an orphan—-both of inv parents dyiag the-same day ; being swept otf by an epidemic. I was now' the inheritor of a few hundred dollars, aud might have continued ruy father’s business successfully, had it not been lor iny constitutional infirmity, modesty, which ever prevented me from bustliug with my fellow men aud pushing my fortune. I hired myself to a neighboring gardener, and for several years led a contented life : but the fairest flower, the one with w hich 1 was most delighted, was the gentle Rosa, my employer’s daughter. Long 1 loved her ; und lha passion was mutual. She delighted to dis tant iu my presence on the various significations of the plants—and, at parting, sbe would pin on nay breast the one which was the badge of love and constancy. Yet the curse of timidity hung over me ! When the time arrived tor me to act, when it became necessary for tnc to declare my love iu words and solicit her hand, my tongue refused its oflioe, and I construed her silence and coyness fit to a rejection ; and without seeking another in terview, 1 fled to the city. Here, amongst stran gers, whom 1 had not confidence to ask lor em ployment, nor firmness to deny my purse to anv, lxvas soou loft destitute. When on the borders of despair, and wishiug that some tiiendly dispensa tion of Providence would take me from aiaong't the living, a war was declared, nnd 1 gladly shoul dered a musket in the defence of my country, In the first conflict, urged more by a reckless de sire ol death, than impelled by a sengi of duty, it was my fortune to distinguish myself, and re ceive the particular commendations of mv officer. Bu; in the next action I was made a cripple for life, toll into the hands of the enemy, aud wheu 1 awoke from a long delirium 1 found myself in a hospital iu England. They had evidently taken me for one cf their own party, of the same name, who, 1 supposed had perished in the battle. 1 toki them who and what I was, and soon fount! iuys*lf abandoned, iu a strange land, without mo ney, aud unable to work fora living. For years 1 puttied the occupation of a beggar. hom Jing up mv savings to return to my native lapd. I now thought of tny faint-heartedness, and felt certain that Rosa would gladly have been mine, had I on ly pressed my suit! Aye, the bitterest sting of modosty is the conviction of calmer moments, that it has been hopelessly ill-timed, and could so eas ily and profitatbly have been dispensed with ! 1 called several times on Out minister, but paused at the threshhold, and never Lad the heart to see him, even when he had granted an audience. At length a humane captain gave me a passage in the steerage, and when 1 again set foot ou this wharf. 1 hastened to Rosa’s garden, determined to try iny foitune once more, even under more unfavorable circumstances than formerly. 1 saw her from a thicket of shrubbery, culling flowers as usual, but several prattling children were round her, calliug lo ‘mama!’ I turned and fled away. “I learned that the wounded in the late war were entitled to pensions, and 1 repaired to the war office to assert my claims. The .functionary looked at the list, stared me iu the face, and thrust me out, saying 1 had been paid only the week be fore. In vain were my protestations to the con trary. I was shown my name (it was that of the Englishman!) ou the pension list, and was assur ed that I had regularly received my pay lor years ! Again I fled back to this city and pursued the mendicant’s occupation. Another had usurped my name aud taken my pay, and 1 was a bashful outcast—brow beaten out of iny ideutily, a victim : of MODESTY. “This, young man, is n portion of iny history. ! My profession has made me a good judge of la-, ! ces, and 1 advise you to throw aside youi benevo lent modesty as soou as possible. To-day I siu i gledyou out from hundreds, and rely upou it, your | want ol assurance may prove the gicatcM curso of ! your life. What have you done today ? Y our ' yielding disjiosition has caused you to be guilty ; of profanity and sacrilege : with the most lauda- I ble purpose you left borne; but instead of listen