The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, April 16, 1839, Image 1

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the GEORGIA MIRROR, IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, By A Harrow, (E filora and Proprietors.) PUREE DODLARS a yoar, if paid in advance, or FOLK DOLLARS, 11 not paid until the end ot the year. Advertisements "ill b* conspicuously inserted at One Dollar per square, (15 lines or lass,) the first, anil id cents for each sub sequent insertion. All advertisements handed in for publi cation .Vithoui « limitation, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Execu tors. Ad uiiiistrators an i Guardians, are re quired by law o bo advertised in a public Gazette, sixty days ; n viuus to the day ot sa.e. qh- sale of Personal property must be adver 'jsc* l m like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors aud Creditors ot an estate 'HH"t be published lorty days. Notice that application will be made to the ourt of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Ne.roe.-, must be published weekly lor tour months. ■-» Letters on business must be post eAio to insure attention. JOB PRINTING. CIONNKOTED with the oflice of the J MIRROR, is a splendid assortment of And we are enabled to exeute all kind ot Job work n the neatest manner and at the short est notice. of every description will constantly be kept on hand, such as Attachments, Justices’ Executions, do Summons, . Jury aio Subpeenae, Clerk’s Recognizance, Scicri Facias, Appearance Bonds, Ca. S.i. Declaration—Debt, Declaration— \ssumpsit. Sheriff Deeds. Tax Collector Executions, Rlni.U Notes. A-r ileiy EosnaiUtiioti House. T I AHR subscribers have as / <s, JJT JL sociated themselves to te-tty-waeetbpi- as COMMISSION M&msam MERCHANTS, under tbo name and stv le ot .JOII.V O, FSTTS&' Cos, 'l'liev have purchased the commodious WARE HOUSE and CLOSE STORE, hiteiy occupied by Jeruigan, Laurence Ac Cos where they w ill receive CO 1’ PON or HOODS instore, and advance only upon cot ton in their possession and under their con trol. Their charges will be as customary. The business will be conducted by John 1). Fitts. We solicit the patronage of the public, and are prepared to give Columbus prices lor Cotton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 33 tl J. B. STARR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, M. Joseph, IT;». January 10, 1839. DRY GOODS. r ¥A IE subscriber having recently replen- JL tsiied tiis stock, invites bis custom ers and the public generally, to call and ex mine tor themselves, tlis goods a renew and well selected and ho is offering them on as good terms as any m the market. 1 iis stock consists in part ol the following: Woolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Cloths, C treassians, Merifios, Bombazines and Bombazettes, Red and White Flannel, A good assortment of iteatiy •fiarte Clothing, A large supply of BOOTS and SHOES, GE 'TEMEX’S ASD LADIES SftOOLtS, BRIDLES AND MAMIINGALS. Crockery , Hardware and Cutlery, With a variety of other articles suitable to tin 1 season, which he takes great pleasure in offering to iiis customers and the pub lic, at his new store on the North side Cen tre street. Jau 12 40 TIIO: GARDNER. NEW STORE. fJJUE undersigned having associated JL litem selves under the name and style of tlarvey 6c Chastain, offer for sale anew and well selected Stock of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from Charleston, viz. Broad Cloth, Sattinelts, Emcrnells, Merino, Silk Lustring and Mattronas, French Muslin, do Ginghams, do Prints, Scotch Ginghams, Anew assorted Stock ol English and A merican Prints, Furniture Prints, Bonnets, Hats, Shoes, of all kinds, Brid es. Saddles and Martingales. Besides a variety of oth er articles too tedious to mention, * Which will be sold low for cash or undoubted cre ditors. The public are requested to call and ex amine lor tharnselves. JOHN P. HARVEY. MORGAN CHASTAIN. March 26, 1839 50 SUBSCRIBERS have just rc eeived a select lot of GROCERIES. 'O’/tch they offer on reasonable terms for VVis-Ji. , , RoOd <feTA|jman. *5 7f *f THE MIRROR. NEW STORE. JUST RECEIVED and for sale, a gene ral assortment of JYew Cnglinh Goods, all of the first class, and which will be sold CHEAP and on accommodating teitns. — The public are respectfully invited to give us a call. SMITH 6c WINFREY. Dec. 1 35 fTI H<)M AS GA K DNER has just receiv X ed a good supply of White Lead, Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil, Sperm Cand'as, And Soap, Which hv offers to his friends and tb public cheap, for Cash. Jail 12 4U Cabinet furniture. CNEORGE 11- & WM. J. WILLERS W respectfully inform the citizens of Florence a id th** surrounding country, ’hat they have porutan -ntly located themselves in Florence, and are prepared to execute in the most neat and workmanlike style, Side- Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Chaiis, Work and Wash Stands, and Furniture of every description used in this section of the coun try. They flatter themselves, from their long experience, that they will be able to give general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. April 9 52 __ If \itrlns, Jewelry, Jtc. jCA CURRIER, (soon to X-2 • return «o the noith) -qj offers his remaining stock at ‘&SL' P r *‘’ es greatly reduced. lie has remaining on hand, war ranted gold and silver Watches, Brass docks, Oold Rings and Pins. Silver Spoons, Pencils, Si ectacles, Gold and steel Chains, Seals and Keys, table Knives, fine Pocket do. Scissors. Razors, and Straps, best Nee dles, work Boxes, ivory combs, pocket books, iic. Ac. Many of the above article* will be sold at cost. Irwinton Ala. April 6 2t 52 s*ioo lUAVARI). ANA WAV from i he subscriber, S XV on the 21st of March, uit. ane gro mannatned STEPHEN a car ■"*” penter, by trade;—said negro is a bout fire teet 10 inches high, and is about forty years of age, dark complected, speaks very quick when spoken to, and has a large scar over his left eye, ami another on his leu shin occasioned by the kick of a horse, he has a snnil white speck on his right eye and is a very intelligent negro, he has. no doubt procured lire papers from some white 1 put vi»ttc«»il Ri»*» 4*qih Mt • D<t» ill Price, of Stewart county in the fall of 18.37, and he has no tb übt gone back to Stewart county, where he says he has a wife and children When lie ranaway he had on a new beaver hat, a pair of old bools, s red flannel shin and sattinet pantaloons, and he also, took with him a bag containing many other different kinds of clothing. Any per son who will apprehend aud deliver said ne gro to me in Hamburg S. C. or lodge him in some safe jail so that 1 can get him again, shall have the above reward. T. G. SALDAVJA. Hamburg S. C. March 24 18S9, ' 52 QUIDNUNC. jrfb nrillE season having com- X tneuced on the first I vfflf of March, this horse will stand at Lumpkin and Flor ence, each, alternately, three days at a time. Persons may know where he may be found, by counting *he days which he re mains at each place. He was in h iorence on the 3d, 4th and sth : in Lumpkin 6th, 7th and Btli, and from thence by my house and Wm Porter’s on his return to Florence, ev ery week regularly, thereafter. Any solvent gentlemen who will make irp a company of 12 mares, shall receive the 12th the season gratis. T. W. PEARCE March 12 48 ALABAMA LANDS' - FOR SALE. ]Vf HALF 9 14 30 IN . S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 8. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 8. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 N. half 36 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 ifi 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 08 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 of the above Lands will be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John I). Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Macon. July 26 18 J. COWLES. NOTICE. THUS is to inform the public that a bond, 1 given by Jesse|simmons to George W Gallaway, for Titles to Lot of Land No. 127, in the 22d district of originally Lee now Stewart county, for which the said Galla way gave two Notes, one for SSOO, payable 25th December 1837. and the other for $5lO. payable 25th December 1838. The titles to have been effected the 25th Dec. 1838. The said Gallaway having failed to comply with the contract by not redeeming the above mentioned notes, nor can neither be found or heard of, the subscriber will not consider the bond any longer binding upon hitn, unless he shsJl come forward within 30 dayswiththe bond and redeem the notes, when he may obtain the Title. JESSE SIMMONS. MNrintr* Cos. Ala. March 2ft, TR39k Blank Deeds, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFfCS’. . (UJB 3KLt>:B»»G2L SfA. ALUBTL I<L If IRK PROSPECTUS or THK ©lS£Effiffi©lPo “V¥7‘E again appear before the public, in TT the form of a Prospectus, soliciting aid for our undertaking. The MIRROR lias been published uow nearly to the close ot its first volume; aud t« those who have extended to u* their patronage, and botue up our hands with the amount of their sub scription, we return our most sincere and heartfelt thanks, aud solicit a continuation of that patronage, and an exercise of their itr fiueuce in our behalf. The Mirror will continue to support the principles of the State Rights party, believ ing, as the Editors do that upon tho?-e prin ciples rest the perpetuity of this Union, and the happiness of its citizens. To this end it shall be the constant eudeavor ol the Editor.; i to expose to the gaze of an honest and iu j jured community, the corruptions, mis- 1 ! management and faithlessness of the pre sent Chief Magistrate of this UnioJ, and I us« all honorable means to prevent, so far as their humble es forts will go. his re-election to au office which lie has so unfaitlifulJy and uuprofitably filled. I The Mirror, however, w ill be devoted en tirely to the su| port of a SOUTHERN CANDIDATE io» the high and responsi ble oflice of President of the United States, believing that unless we guard our rights and liberties at every point, ere we are a ware of it, the fanatical and infuriated Ab olitionists will have seized upon them with a pertcnacious grasp from which it will be impossible Jyj’Vtsl? £S4jv»te ourselves, un til our shall have been snatCll’"! fr“!« us, our liberty annihilated, and our bright prospects aud present happiness forever blasted. No man, therefore, can receive the support of this paper, who is not like Cajsar’s wife, not only innocent of the vile doctrine of Abolitionism, but entirely above suspiiion. The Mirror will, as heretofore, continue to be a vehicle of general information, both Domestic and Foreign, so far as may be of interest to the general reader—it will also, contain its usual quantity of Literary aud Miscellaneous matter —in short, every ex ertion will continue to be made to render it both useful and entertaining to those who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage. It is tlie design of the Editors to enlarge their sheet after tin* expiration of the pre sent volume should the patronage of the pa per at that time justify such a step. We respectfully request all those who feel any interest in the dissemination of cor rect principles to lend their aid in giving the Mirror a more general circulation. Terms, —THREE DOLLARS a year, paid in advance; or FOL K DOLLARS it' nut It’-Lir" tt»o » »>1 -,C *ljv- j • GARDNER & BARROW. Feb. 15. 11*39. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. Til IDS is a monthly Magazine, devoted chieriy to Literature, but occasion ally finding room also for articles that full within the scope *1 Science ; and not pro essing au entire disdain of tasteful selections , though its matter lias been, a: it will con tinue to be, m the main, original. Party Politics, and controversial Theol ogy, as far as possible, are jealously exclu ded. They are sometimes so bleuded with discussions in literature or in moral sci ence, otherwise unobjectionable, as to gain admittance lor the sake of the more valu able matter to 'Rich they adhere: km’ whenever that happens they arc incidental, only not primary. They are dross, tolera ted only because it cannot well be severed from the sterileore w hare with it is incor porated. Review?, r.nd Critical Notices, occu py tbeit due space in the work: and it is the Editor’s atui that they should have a three fold tendency—to convey, in a condensed form, su<Si valuable truths or interesting iu ejdents asap? embodied iu ;ne work? rs* viewed,—to direct the readers afti ntio'n to books that deserve to be read—arid to warr him against wasting time and money upon tha; large number, which merit anlv to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety amt multitude, distract a"/’ q verwhelmn every undi: crimin'tir student IMPARTIAL CRITICISM. <’&Vr 1 iT S .i ’ ovr, fle d by the views just mentioned. u -ne #f tke ineflti . > j’ 1 ■•‘-.apensable of auxiliaries to him Ivisk to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or amusement, or both; Historical sket ches —and Remi.msehces of events too min ute for History, yet elucidating it, and heightiiiug its interest—may be regarded as forming th« staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is publish ed—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical tasve aud talents ot our country. The times appear, fur several reasons, to (K-tnand such a work—aud not oua alone, but maTTyt The public mind is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes : The soft, assnasifte influence of Lit erature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad :—They should be dgiveu by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, in to their fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an immense proportion of our pco pie:—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portent ous cloud, over the destinies of our country. Vnd to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be employed, than a periodical on the plan of the Messenger; if that plan be but car ried out in practice ? The Sooth peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washing ton, there ave but two Literary periodicals Northward of that city, there are probably at loast twenty-five or thirtyl* this con trast justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared with those of the Northern ? No: for in wealth, talents and taste, we may justly claim, at least, an equality with our brethren and a domestic institajiOn exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, affords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for reading and writing which they enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this local want, that the word Souther?! was engrafted on this periodical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate supr posed local iuteiesrs. Far from any such thought, it is the Editor’s fervent wish, to see tne North and South bound endearing ly togrtlior, forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. Far from meditating hostility to the north, he has al ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence: and happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, by making each region know the other better contribute in any es sential degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace of both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred tie* of fraternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has now been inexistence four years—-the pre sent No commencing the fifth volume. How far it has acted out the ideas here ut tered, is not for the Editor to sav ; he be lieves, however, that it falls net further short of them, than human weakness usually makes Practice fall short of Theory. CONDITIONS. 1. The Southern Literary Messenger is published in monthly numbers, of 64 large superroyal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at $5 a year— payable in advance, 2. Or five new subscribers, by sending they names and S2O at one time to the edi tor, will receive their copies for one year. fiV that sum, 0” *4 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments for sub scriptions, which have been properly com mitted to the mail, or to the hauds of a post master, is assttmed l>v the editor. 4. If „ Is mu iliitrcicil to oe discontinued before the. first number of the next volume has been published, it will be takeu as a continuance for another year. •Subscriptions must commence with the be ginning ol' th<* volume, anil will not be ta ken for less than a year’s publication. 5. The mutual obligations of the publish er and subscriber, for the year, are fully in curred as soon as the first number of the volume is r*«ued : and after that time, no discontinuance of » subscription- will be permitted. Nor will a subscsiptiet. be dis continued for any earlier notice, while any thing thereon remains due, unLoss at the option of the Editor. I»R rSPE€TIS TO THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE PHILADELPHIA VISITER, Csntainiv% Quarterly Fashion Plates, Ulus irsxt+U -A-rtiolee, THE CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD. IN commencing anew Tolume, the pub lisher would take occasion to observe, that not only will the same exertions be con tinued, which have secured to his subscrip tion list au unexampled increase, but his claims upon the public favor will be enhan ced by every means which uuceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal ex penditure can command. The subjoined is a brief plan of the work : Its Oiuet.tAL Papers will be so varied rs to form a combination of the useful with the entertaining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful sci ence, essays, tales, and poetry which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visiter agreeable to the old and the young —to the sedate and the gay—to mingle the valuable with the amusing—and to pursue the tenor of his way with the entertainment of rood feelings toward all parties. TERMS.—The Visiter is published ev ery other Saturday, on fine white paper, each number will contain 24 large super royal octavo pages, enveloped in a fine prin ted cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pages, at the v**-\ low prict; of $1 25 per ln i vunce, or 6j cems per Humber payable on delivery. Post Masters, and others who w ill pro cure our subscribers and e>*fclose Fire Dol lars to the p: JBX&tor shall recetv e the sth copy gra^.^, Au orders addressed to the publisher, 49 Che-nut Street, post paid, will receive ira mediate attention. Editors, by copying this prospectus and tiling a paper of the same to the oflice, shall receivr th* Visiter sot one vear. A Heart-felt wish. —The Newbery port Herald relates the following anecdote: In the United States ship Wasp was fitted out from thatown, and carried out a number of brave tars, amoung whom were come who left behind wives and children.—The ship was lost, and the representatives of her crew received a very haudsome sum from tiie govermetit. At the time the money was paid, the wife ol a lost husband receied about five hundred dollars, in presence of some other wives whose husband* had remaiml at home’ and ware then living. One of them looking at the money as it was paid to the wife of a husband who wjs lost exclaimed,” I wish tny husband had been in il le V asp. A Fair Ruisinrss Transaction. —A .‘"low was engaged to a girl in main, but liked lie.’’ sister better than hr did tier.—Wishing to be off with the old love b 'fore he was on with He new, l,e asked l: ; s betrothed what she would take to release him; she replied that about sixty two dollars she thought was ns much as he was worth; whnteupon hepotqed up the dust, took quick claim and married her sister. Poimtf.d Reproof.—Two gentlemen one day, at a public-table, got into a vehe ment dispute upon a sul ject on which, it was quite evideut, they were both profoundly iguornt. A big bulldog, which had been quitely sleeping on the hearth, became rou sed by there violence, and began barking furiously. An old gentleman, who had been quietly sipping his wine while the dosputnnts were talking, gave the «lo,g a kick, and exclai med, ’’Hold your tongue’ yon brute. You know no more about it than the» do.” The laugh of the w hole table was turned immed iately upon the noisy Brawler.?. ‘ r Tn; /'ft* - W -S. »Ji J>» ii _0 alia 1 From the -V. V. Sunday Morning News. THE OLD CLOCK. BY JAMES SACK. Two Yankee wags, one summer day, Stopped at a tavern ou their way, Supped, frolicked, late retired to rest, Atnl woke to breakfast on the best. The breakfast over, Tom and Will Sent for ilie landlord and the hill; Will looked it over; “Very right— Bui liolil; wh&t wonder meets my sight! Tom ! the surprise is quite a shock !” “What wonder? where?—“The clock! the cloi k!” Tom and the landlord in amaze Stared at the clock with stupid gaze, And for a moment neither spoke ; At last the landlord silence broke— “ You mean flip clock that’s ticking there! I see no wonder I declare ; Tho’ may lie, it the truth were fold, ’’Pis rath':r ugly—somewhat old ; Vet time it keeps to half a minute; But, if you please, what wonder’s iu it?” ‘‘Tom ; don't you recollect,” said Bill, “The clock at Jersey near the mill, The very image of this present. With which 1 won the wager pleasant!” Bill ended vith a knowing wink— Torn scratched his he: and and tried to think. JlSil. he-ging n;|idnn t‘..r mnniijine The Tiitiuloi'd said, with grin admiring, “Wliat tvager was it ?” “You remember It happened, Tom, in last December, In sport l bet a Jersey Blue That it was more than lie could do, To make bis finger go and come in keeping with the pendulum, Repeating, till ouc hour should cl -sc. Still, ‘IL-resile goes —and there she goes' — lie lost the bet in half a minute,” “Well, if 1 would, the devil's in it!” Exclaimed the landlord; “try me yet, And fifty dollars In* the bet.” “Agreed, but «e w ill play some trick To make you of tin wager sick.” “l’ui up to that!” “Don’t make us wait, Begin. Tlip clock is striking eight.” He seats himself, atnl loft and right 11»« fingn- wucs with ail its might. And hoarse liis voice and hoarser grows With— I "here she git s --and there she goes “Hold!” said the Yankee, “plank the ready !” The landlord wagged his finger steady, While his left hand, as well as able, Conveyed a purse upon the table, “Tom, with 'he money let’s be off!” r i his made the landlord iuly scoff; He heard them running down the stair, But was not tempted-from his chair; Thought he, “the tools! I’ll bite them yet! So poor a trick shan’t win the bet.” And loud and loud tiie chorus rose Os, "here she goes — and there she goes!" While right and left his finger swung, In keeping to his clock and tongue. liis mother happened in, to see Her daughter; •‘where is Mrs. 7> ? When will she come, as you suppose? Son !” * Here she goes—and there she goes!" “Ilerc ! whey,, '“-—the \nay in surprise Hff* ..'ngci' followed with her eyes ; “Son, why that steady gaze and sail— Those words—that motion—are you mad ?--* But here’s your wife—perhaps she knuivs- And”—— 'Flcrc she goes—and there she goes /” His wife surveyed him with alarm, And rushed to him and seized his arm ; He shook her off, and to and fro liis finger persevered to go, While curl'd his very nose with ire, That she against him should conspire, And with more furious tone arose The, "here she goes—and there she goes." “Lawks!” screamed the wife, “Tin in a whirl! Rundown and tiling the little girl; She is his darling, and who knows But” “Here she goe ■ —and there she goes ?” “Lawks! he is mad! what made him thus ? Good lord ! what will become of us ? Run for a doctor-—ruff-—run—run- For doctor Blown, aud doctor Dun, For doctor Black, atnl doctor White, And doctor Grey, with all your might.” The doctors came, and looked and won dered. And shook tbrir heads, and paused and •■•ondcred,' 'Till one proposed lie should be bled, • •No—leechCti you mean—-” the other said— “flap on a blister,” roare,,’ another, “No cup him” no— broth er!” A sixth would recommend a purge, The next would an emetic urge, The eighth, just come from a dissection, Hisveiuict gave for an injection; The last product-:! a box of pills, A certain cure for.earthy ills; “I had a patient yesternipLt,” Quoth he, “and wretched was her plight, And as the only means to save her Three dozen patent pills 1 gave her, And by tomorrow I suppose That”—— "Here she goes—and there she goes /” “You tOl'rro foot*,” tßothdy iM. ft® 2. “The way is, just to share his head. Run. Lid the barber cime anon”—- “ Thanks mother,’’ thought her clever son, “ You help, the knaves that would Lave Lit tile, But all creation shan’t outwit me!” This to himself, while to and fro His huger perseveres to go. And from his lip no accent flows -* But '‘here she goes—and there she goes.” The barber Came—“ Lord lielphim ! what A queerish customer I've got; But we must do our best to save him— So hold him, gemmen, while 1 shave birr!” But here the doctors interpose— “A woman never” “ There she goes /” “A woman is no judge of physic. Not even when h.-r baby is sick, lie mnst be bled”—“no—no—a blister:” “A purge you mean”-—“I say a clyster”— “No-—cup him—” “leech him” “pills! pill! pills!” And all the house the uproar fills. What means; that smile ! what means that shiver? Tiie landlord's limbs with rapture quiver, And triumph brightens up his face— liis finger yet shall win the race ! The clock is on the stroke of nine— Aud tip he starts———“’Tis mine! ’tis mine!” “What do you mean ?” “I mean the fifty! 1 never spent an hour so thiifty; But you, who tried to make me lose, Go to the devil, if you choose ; Bui how is this? where ate they ?” XVJau** “The gentlemen—T mean the two Came yesterday-—are they below ?” “They gallopped off an hour ago.” “Oh, purge me ! bl’ster! shave and bl I ! For, curse the knaves, I’m mad ind.eiJ!” «. 11•-?\i'S£,«ri-OJj From ths trim them Literary M t stinger. Dorcas Lindsay, OR, TIIE BACHELOR’S WRITING DESK. BY TIIE AUTHOR OF “THF. BACHELOR’S DEATH-BED.” ( Concluded.) 1 here is an old stovy of two sharpers who met, and by appearing each to each the most simple hearted of beings, cheated each other out oi live hundred dollars apiece.— Somewhat a ter tne same sort was the game now tube played by Mrs. Harris and Rob ert*. Gucli had to ,-iT*-rt tho „ta:. interestedness and simplicity, and each put every art in play to make a tool of the oth er. We shall see how they succeeded. Soon after the departure of Roberts, Mar tha came into the room and walked listless ly I, P to tin giat s, with the ostensible de sign of arranging her ringlets, but as these were already in perfert order, we may char itably suppose that there was some person in the glass whom she felt inclined to call upor. >ho took one finger and lightly, ve ry lightly, touciiing here and there a curl, said, while thus engaged, to her mother, •\V hat did Mr. Roberts want, mother 7 Didn t he ask to see n.ej? As soon as I saw him coming, I took the papers out of my hair and dressed mvself, aud waited for him to send for me; but when 1 saw he didn t 1 thought I would come down any how, and see what you were talking about. But lie has gonj, and I have had all my trou ble for nothing about tne—not even ask how 1 was ? I think he might,” ‘■lle catne ovc;, my dear, to tell me that ar -’T 8 a rah are going to be married. “vl'liy, mother, I thought you said I might have Tyler ?” “I used to tell Von so to keep you quiet when you ware a iittlo girl, but only then. Since the Lord opened my ryes, 1 ’think it wrong for first cousins to marrv.” “But, mother, good jteoplo often marrv 1 ‘."’.V lir>t cotu-ins, and I don’t see why 1 can’t hate Tyler. He’s handsome, mother.” “We should feel it our duty to set a bet ter example, anti then, may be, they will not do it any.more. But go and call Dor cas ; she will feel more interested m the matter than you do, for you know she arid Tyler were to be married.” “Well, if she wants Tyler, site id-.- him for she is so good. But ah R nb „, s shall not, because I want hi'*;, myself-” md so-saying, she went up stairs and told Dor cas to go down a >*j tdl her mother that Sarah should “ot have Tyler; “for,” said she,-*a letter has just come from Europe, I mean from France, that says they are go ing l*» be married. But, la !'how queer you look ! lain sorry—are not you ?’! With an aching heart, Dorcas sought her aunt, and found her ready-to confirm her worst fears. After having played about w ith her victim, and fully satisfied her that there was no hope, Mrs. Harris, and*to pro vide for herself a plausible way of escape in case of accident, affected to turn consoler. She was careful, how ever, to’delay her hy pocritical conversation, until there was no hope of its being received. “Cheer up, Dorcas,” said she ; “you know Sarah, is, like all girls, ford ofmakiu” conquests, and her natural desires may h ive ied her to attach more importance to the at tentions of Tyler than ho actually designed. Perhaps, r„o, he only has devoted himself a great deal to her that he might forget his suspicious jealousies.” This last was art luliy hiouglit in, and Mrs. Harris well knew the effect it w ould have upon Dorcas. “1 love you tenderly, aunt, for your at tempt to pour oil en my wounds; hut I have no hope oftheir being closed, until closed by death. It i» uot his attentions to Sarah, so much as his suspicions of me, that has given mo tip to despair. Had he loved, he could never hive doubted me.” “Well, tny dear, ifrlouds are about you, you know who sent them ; and knowing who sent them you know where to seek your light amid your darkness.” “And I will seek that light,” said Dorcas gratefully. “And I will not forget to thank Him that I have one to remind me whence* our help cotnetb.” “Know who sent them !” said Mrs.Harri* scornfully to herself. “She knows uot that bnt she shall krnw it.”