The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, June 15, 1839, Image 1

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a- Tilt GEORGIA HIIKiOIi, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, By IS. Gardner tV J. L. Hull, (EJilor* and Proprietors.) At NIREE DOLLARS a - year, if paid in advance, or FOUR DOLLARS, if not paid until the end of the year. Advertisements will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar per square, (15 lines or less,) the first, and 50 cents for each sub. sequent insertion. All a tvertiseiuants liauded in for publi cation without . limitation, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Execu tor3. Ad uinistrators and Guardiaus, are re quired by law to be advertised in a public Gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal property must be •Over ise** in like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, uufst be published weekly for four months. All Letters on business must be post paid ta insure attention. JOB HUNTING. CIONNEOI'ED with the office of the J MIRROR, is a splendi 1 assortment of ‘X>is And we are enabled to excute all kind of Job work, m the ueatest manner and at the siiort st notice. ShYtTi&iL , of every description will constantly be kept on hand, such as Attachments, Justices’ fclxecutions, do SumimuH, Jury do Subpoenas Clerk’s Recognizance, Seicri Facias, Appearance Bonds, Ca. Sa. Declaration —Debt, Declaration—Assumpsit, Sheriff Deeds, Tax Collector Executions. Blank Note'*. <Ve Aciv V j a iiivtioii House. * subscribers have as- T 3 * sociated themselves to f: getlicr as COMMISSION MERCHANTS, under the name andstvleof ,f f)ll v />. PIT VS // To. R'liev hive purchased the commodious AWRB-II )ITSE and CLOSE STORE, lateiv occupied by Jcrnigan, Laurence & Cos wh ‘ie tli<*v will receive CO l’ i’ON or GOODS instore, and advance only upon rot t»m iii their possession anti under their con trol. Their charges will be as customary. The business will be conducted by John D. Pitts. We solicit the patronage of the public, an 1 are prepared to give Columbus (•rices for Colton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 33 ts J. B. STARR, ~ FQdWAR3ir4G AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT\ St. Josc|»2i, Fla. January 19, 1839. -drTgoodsT ffY'lE subscriber having recently replen .l. islied his stock, invites his custom sirs and the public, generally, to call and ex amine for themselves. His goods are new and wall.selected and ha is offering them on as good terms as any in tho market. His stock consists in part of the following: Woolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Ciotlw, Circassians, Merinos, Bombazines and Bombazettes, Red and White Flannel, A g tod assortment of Rently ,llitrle Clothing A large supply of BOOTS and SliULb, oentemen's aSb LADIE * SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALS. Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery, With a variety of other articles suitable to the season, which he takes great pleasure in offering to his customers and the pub lic, at his uew store ou tlie North side Cen tre street. Jan 12 40 THO: GARDNER. NEW STORE. riRIIE undersigned having associated L them selves under the name and style of Harvey & Chastain, offer lor sale anew and well selected Stock ot Goods, Wares, end Merchandize, from Charleston, viz. Broad Cloth, Sattinetts, Emernetls, Merino, Silk Lustring and Mattronas, French Muslin, do Giughams. . do Prints, Scotch Ginghams, r Anew assorted Stock ot English and A merican Prints, Furniture Prints, Bonnets, Hats, Shoes, of all kinds, Bridles, Saddles and Martingales. Besides a variety of oth er articles too tedious to mention. Which will be sold low for cash or undoubted cre ditors. The pnbli* are requested to call and ex amine for thatoselves. JOHN P- HARVEY. MORGAN CHASTAIN. March 26. 1819 50 rpHE SUBSCRIBERS hav« just re- X. ceived a select lot of GROCERIES, which they offer on reasonable terms for Cash. f ROOD &TALMAN Dec 15 37 ts THE MIRROR. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. YTIHIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted A chiefly to Literature, but occasioti > ally findiug room also for articles tha fall I within the scope of Science ; and not pro essing an entire disdain of tasteful selections, though its matter has been, as it will con tinue to be, in the main, original. Party Politics, and controversial Theol ogy, as far as possible, are jealously exclu ded. They are sometimes so blended with discussions in literature or in moral sci ence, otherwise unobjectionable, as to gain admittance for tha sake of the more valu able matter to which they adhere: bu» whenever that happens they are incidental, only, not primary. They are dross, tolera ted onlv because it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incor porated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occu py their due space in the work : and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a three fold tendency—to convey,in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting in cidents as are embodied iu the works re viewed, —to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—anti to warr him against wasting time and money upon that large number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety and multitude, distract and o verwlielmn every uudiserimiuating student, impartial criticism, governed by the views just mentioned, is one of the most inesti mable and indispensable ofauxiliaries to him who does wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility nr amusement, or both ; Historical sket ches—and Reminisences of events too min ute for History, yet elucidating it, and heightning its interest—may be regarded as forming the staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is publish ed—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to demand such a work—and not one alone, but manyt The public mind is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes: The soft, assuusive influence of Lit erature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad: —They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, in to their fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an immense proportion of our pco pie:—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to increase th p ir number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portent'aus cloud, over the destinies of our country. Vnd to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be employed, than a periodical on the plan of the Messenger; if that plan be but car ried out in practice? The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Uuion, south of Washing ton, there are but two Literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this con trast justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared with those of the Northern ? No : for in wealth, la’ents and taste, we may justly claim, at least, an equality with our brethren md a domestic institution exclusively *>nr own, beyond all doubt, aifords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for reading and writing which they enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this lore? want that the word Southern was engrafted on this periodical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate sup posed local inteiests. Far from any such thought, it is the Editor’s fervent wish, to see the North and South bound endearing ly together, forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. Far from meditating hostility to the north, he has al ready drawn, anil he hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, by making each region know the o’tlier better contribute in any es sentia! degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace of both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties of fraternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has now been in existence four years—the pre sent No commencing the fifth volume. How far it has acted out the ideas here lit tered, is not for the Editor to say; he be lieves, however, that it falls not further short of them, than human weakness usually makes Practice fall short of Theory. CONDITIONS. 1. The Southern Literary Messenger is published in monthly numbers, of 64 large superroyal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at $5 a year— payable in advance. 2. Or five new subscribers, by sending thcii names and S2O at one time to the edi tor, will receive their copies for one year, for that sum, or at $4 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments for sub scriptions, which have been properly com mitted to the mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assumed by the editor 4. If a subscription is not directed to be discontinued before the first number of the next volume has been published, it will be taken as a continuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the be ginning of the volume, and will not be ta ken for less than a year’s publication. 5. The mutual obligations of the publish er and subscriber, for the year, are fully in curred as soon as the first number of the volume is issued : and after that time, no discontinuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be dis continued for any earlier notice, while yna thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the Editor. _ NOTICE. IN conformity to a Resolution of the Flor ence company, will be sold on the Ist Monday in July, two wharf lots. Terms made known on the day of sale. H. W. JERNIUAN, Agent April 15 1839. 1 TTENR Y A. GARRETT is the author JtjL ised agent to take not«s, receive cash and give receipts for any demands due the Male and Female Academies at Florence. May 6 4 THE TRUSTEES. iKkS'jiainm* irtsra am* asaa* Prospectus or YUK SOl’ FARMER. AT the earnest solicitation of a large number of our fellow-citizens, we is sue a Prospectus for the publication of a weekly paper to be styled THE SOUTH ERN FARMER, and devoted exclusively to the improvement ol Agriculture, and the general intereg' of the Planter. We are persuaded that a work of this character is csscntia'ly needed in this State; that its ad vantages are duly appreciated ; and that we have only to commence the publication in order to be patronized ar.d sustained by the great body of the people. At the North, where works of this kind have long been ‘ostcred and encourapcd, Ag riculture is studied as a department of sci ence, and is theiefore in a continued and rapid state of improvement; inconsequence ot which, industry and economy are pro moted in all classes, and the substani a com mits ol life arc accumulating around every hearth. We, of the South, have always been su pinely negligent of our best interests in ref erence to this subject, and it is now high time that we should shake off our lethargy, and our shameful dependant e upon tl.e North for every valuable sugp >stion in Ag riculture as well as Literature. Why is it, that the fresh and fertile fields <>f th • South cannot vie in the quantity and quality of their productions, with the old and worn out fields of the North ? An answer may be found in the fact that Northern farmers de vote more attention and study to the im provement of ti e various branches of Agri culture. With the advantages in point of soil and climate, which our Southern States undoubtedly possess, we see no other reason for the paucity of their productions, than imperfection in the Agricultural system here in vogue. Agriculture may be considered both as an art and a science, depending upon innumer able sources for its perfection, and applica ble to every spot of earth inhabited by man ; and no individual can acquire by his own ex perience alone, more than a limited degree of knowledge on the subject. A paper of the kind we propose to establish, will offer great advantages for the interchange of ex perience and opinion, by which every indi vidual may possess himself of the combined observations of a great number, with whose interest his own is identified. By this means a general intelligence in relation to agricul tural subjects, and a competent knowledge of the principles that govern its operations will be diffused throughout the community, and thus afford increased stimulus and en couragement to all who are engaged in its puisuits. We conceive our undertaking to be a laudable one, and therefore respectfully call upon the public for patronage and sup port. Communications from practical men, on practicable subjects, will, at all times find a place in the columns of the SOUTHERN FARMER, and from the interest which some of our intelligent friends have already evinced for its success, we hav« no doubt of being able to present to the public an inter esting and valuable paper. The publication will be commenced as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained to authorize it. TERMS. The Southern Farmer will be published weekly, on fine paper, in quarto form, at the rate of Three Dollars per an num, j tyahle, in all cases, in ndva iee. Sub scriheij to the Georgia Mirror wdl be en titled to receive 'he Southern Farmer at Two Dollars per annum. Roth papers will he sent ;o one address for Five Dollars. GARDNER Sc BULL. Florence, Ga. May 17, 1839. NOTICE* IOST or mislaid, two promisrory notes -J o i William Winn, payable one day after da’e, in favor of the subscriber, one for twenty dollars, and the other for eigh teen dollars, due the first day of January 1839. The public arc cautioned against trading for the above notes, as the payment of them has been stopped. JAMES M. MILNER. June I 1839k 0 if " ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. NHALF 9 14 30 • S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 '2B N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands wiil be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Macon. July 26 18 J- COWLES. STEWART SUPERIOR COURT FEB. TERM 1839. Cain, Sc Pope Sc } Mark M. Fleming, & I Neil Robertson, vs. > Bill for Discovery, William Solomon, Relief Sy injunction. John Martin, Jolin Chain, and Arthur A. Morgan. IT appearing to this court, that John Chain, one of the defendants to the said bill of complaint, resides out of the limits of this State, On motion, of the Solicitor of complainant, ordered, that service be perfected, by pub lication once a month for four months, in oneef the public gazettes of this State. A true extract from the minutes of Stew art Superior court, February term, 1839. F.LTJAH PEARCE, Clerk April 1,1839. From an Irish Magazine. THE OCEAN. Likeness of Heaven agent of power! M.m thy victim, shipwrecks thy dower! Spices and jewels from valley and lea, Armies and banners arc buried in thee. What are the riches of Mexico’s mines. To the wealth that far down iu thy deep wa ter shines? Proud navies that cover the conquering west; Thou fiing'st them to death with a heave ot thy breast How humbling to one with a heart and a soul, To look on thy grent ness and list to tliy roll; To think how that heart in cold ashes shall be. While the voice of eternity rises from thee ? Yes! where are the cities of Thebes and Tyre ? Swept from the nations, like sparks from the fire! The glory of Athens, the splendor of Rome, Dissolved, and forever, like dew in thy foam. But thou art almighty, eternal, sublime. Unweakened, unwasted, twin brother of time! Fleets, tempests, nor nations thy glory can bow; As the stars first beheld tliee, still chainless art thou ! But hold! when thy surges no longer shall roll, And the firmament's length is drawn back like a scroll. Then, then shall the spirit that sighs on thee now, Be more mighty, more lasting more chain less than thou. MiSS lilTi The Rtferee Case, AN OLD GENTLEMANS STORY. ITT EMMA C. EMMRY “Many years ago,” said Mr. E , “1 happened to be one of the referees iu a case which excited unusual interest in our courts, tfotn the singular nature of the claim, and the strange story which it dis closed. The plaintiff, w‘.o was captain of a merchant ship which trsded principally with England and the West Indies, had married quite early in life with every pros pect of happiness. His wife was slid to be extremely beautiful, and no less lovely in character. After living with her io the most un nterrupted harmony for five years, during which time t«vo .laughters were ad ded to his family, he suddenly resolved to resume his occupation, which he had re linquished on his marriage, and when his youngest child was but three weeks old, sailed once more lor the West Indies, llis wife who was devotedly attached to him, sorrowed deeply at hit absence, and found her only comfoit in the society of her chil dren and t e hope of his return. But month after month passed away and lie came not, not did any letters, those insufficient but welcome substitutes, arrive to cheer her solitude. Months lengthened into years, yet no tidings were received of the absent husband; and, after long hoping against hope, the unhappy wife was compelled to believe that he had found a grave beneath the weltering ocean. “Her sorrow was deep and heartfelt, but th/* evils of poverty now added to her affliction, and the widow found herself obliged to resort to some employment, in order to support her helpless children. Her needle was her only resource, and for ten years she labored early and late for the miserable pittance, which is ever grugdingly bestowed on the humble seamstress. A merchant of New-York, moderate but prospering circutnstai ces, accidentally be i ante acquainted with her, anil pleased with her gentle manners no less than her extreme beauty,endeavored to improve their arquain tance with friendship. After some n onths he offered her his hand, and was accepted. As the wife of a successful merchant, she soon found h-rself in the enjoyment of comforts and luxuries, such as she had never before possessed. Her children became his chil dren, received from him every advan tage that wealth and affection could pro cure Fifteen years passed away; the daughters married, and by their step-father were furnished with every comfort, requisite in their new avocation of housekeepers. But they had scarcely unitted his roof, when their mother was taken ill. She died after <» few days’ sickness, and from that time until the period of which 1 speak, the widower had resided with the youngest daughter. • Now comes the strangest part of the story. After an absence of thirty years, duriug which time no tidings had been heard of him, th tfirst husband returned as suddenly as he had departed. He had changed hi* ship, adopted another name, and spent the whole of that long period of time on the ocean, with only transient visits on shore while taking in or discharging cargo; having been carelul, also, never to come nearer home than New Orleans.— Why he had acted in this unpardonable manner towards his family, no one could tell, and he obstinately refused all explana tion. There were strange rumors of slave trading and piracy afloat, but they were only whispers of conjecture rather than truth.* Whatever might have been his motives for such conduct, he was certainly any thing but indifferent to his family toncerns when he returned. He raved like a madman when informed of his wife's second mar riage and subsequent death, vowing ven geance upon his successor, and terrifying his daughters by the most awful threats, in case they refused to acknowledge his claims. He had returned wealthy, and one of those mean reptiles of the law who are always to he found crawling about the halls of justice, advised him to bring a suit against the second husband, assuring him that he could recover heavy latrages. The absurdity for instituting a claim for a wile, whom death had already released from the jurisdiction of earthly laws was so manifest, that it was at length agreed by all parlies to (cave the matter to be adjudged by five referees. “It was or, a bright and beautiful after noon in spring, that we first met to hear this singular case. The sunlight streamed through the dusty windows of the court room, and shed a halo around the long grey locks and broad forehead of the defendant ; while the plaintiff's harsh features were thrown iu'o still bolder relief, by the s: me beam which softened the placid counten ance of his adv» rsary. The plaintiff's law yer made a most eloqueut appeal for his client, and had we not been better informed about the matter, our hearts would have been melted by his touching description of the return of the desolate husband, and the agony with which he now beheld his house hold goods icmoved to consecrate a stranger's [hearth. The celebrated Aaron Burr was counsel forjthe defendant, and we anticipa ted from him a splendid display of oratory. I had never before seen him, and shall cer teinly never forget my surprise at his ap-. pearance. Small in person but remarkably well-forn ed, with an eye as quick and as brilliant as an eagle's, and a brow furrowed by care far more than time, he seemed a very different being from the. arch-traitor and murderer 1 had been accustomed to con sider him. llis voice was one of the finest I ever heard, and the skill with which he modulated it, the variety of its tones, and the melody of its cadences, were inimitable. But there was one peculiarity about him, that reminded me of the depths of darkness which lay beneath that fur surface. You will smile when I tell you, that the one thing 1 disliked was his step. He glided rather than walked : his foot had that quiet, steal thy movement, which involuntarily makes one think of treachery, and in the course of a long life 1 have never met with a frank and honorable man to whom such a step was habitual. “Contrary to our expectations, however, Burr made no attempt to confute his op ponent’s oratory. He merely opened a book of statutes, and pointing with his thin fingers to one of the pages desired the ref erees to r«ad it. while he retired for a mo ment to bring in the principal witness. We had scarcely finished the section which fully decided the mutter in our minds, when Burr re-entered with a tall and elegant female leaning on his arm. She was attired in a simple white dress, with a wreath of ivy leaves encircling her large straw bonnet, and a lace veil completely coneeaiing her countence. Burr whispered a few words, apparently encouraging her to advance, and then gracefully raising her veil, disclosed to us a face of proud, surpassing beauty. ] re collect as well «s if it had happened yester day how stimultaneous'y the murmur ot admiration burst from the lips of all pres ent. Turning to the pi rintiff, Burr asked in a cold, quiet toue, ‘Do you kuow this lady V Answer, ‘I do.* Burr. ‘Will you swear to that ?’ Answer. ‘I will; to the best of my knowl edge and belief she is my daughtar. Burr ‘Can you swear to her identity ?* Answer. 1 can.’ Burr. ‘What is her age ?’ Answer ‘She was thirty years of age on the twentieth day of April.’ Burr. ‘When did you last see her ?’ Answer. ‘At her own house a fortnight since.’ Burr. ‘When did vou last see her pre vious to that meeting?' The plaintiff hesitated—a long pause en sued—the question was repeated, and the answer at length was, ‘On the fourteenth day of May, 17 — •When site was just three weeks old,* added Burr, •Gentlemen.’ continued he, turning to us, ‘1 have brought this lady here as an important witness, aud such, i think she is. The plaintiff's counsel has pleaded eloquently in beha'f of the bereaved hus band, who escaped the perils of the sea and returned only iu find t,ic But « ho will picture to you the lonely wife bending over her daily toil, devoting In i best years to the drudgery of sordid poverty, sup ported only by t lie hope of her husband's return? Who will paint the slow progress of heart sickness, the wasting anguish ot hope deferred, and, finally,the ov* rw helming agony which came upon her when her last hope was extinguished, and she was com pelled to believe herself a widow ? Who cab depict all this without awakening in your hearts the warmest sympathy for the deserted wife, and the bitterest scorn for the mean, pitiful wretch, who could thus tram ple on the heart of her whom he had sworn to love and cherish ? We need not inquire into his motives for acting so base a part. Whether it was love of gain, or licentious ness, or selfish indifferenc •, it matters not; he is too vile a thing to be judged by such laws as govern men. Let us ask the wit ness—she who now stands before us with the frank, fearless br» w of a true-hearted woman—let us ask her which of these two has been to her a father.’ “Turning to the lady in a tone whose sweetness was in strange contrast with the scornful accent that had just characterized his words, he besought her to relate briefly the recollection of her early life. A slight flush passed over her proud and beautiful face, as she replied. ‘My first recollections are of a small, ill furnished apartment, which my sister and myself shared with myjmother. She used to carry out every Saturday evening the work which had occupied her during the week, and bring back employment for the following one. Saving that wear isome visit to her employer, and her regular attendance at church, she never left the house. She often spoke of our father, and of his anticipated return, but at length she ceased to mention hitn, though 1 observed she used to weep more frequently than ever. I then thought she wept because we were so poor, for it sometimes happened that our only supper was a bit of dry bread, and she was accustomed to see by the light of the chips which she kindled to warm her famish ing children, because she could not afford to purchase a cand'e without depriving us of our morning meal. Such was our poverty when my mother contracted a second mar riage, and the change to ns wa« like a sud den entrance into Paradise. We found a home and a father.’ She paused. •Would you excite my own child against tr<& me?’ cried the plaintiff as he impatiently waved his hand for her to be silent. • The eyes of the witness flashed fire as lie spoke. ‘You are not my father,’ ex claimed she vehemently. -The law’ may deem you such, hut I disclaim ycu utter'/ What! call yon my father! you, who basely left your w ife to toil, and your children to beggary? ‘Never, never! Behold there my father, pointing to the agitated defend ant, ‘there is the man who watched ever my infancy—who was the sharer of my childish sports, and the guardi«n of my ii extern n ced youth. There is he uho clain smy affection, and shares my home : there is mu father. For vonder selfish w retch, I knew him not. The best years of his life have been spent in lawless freedom from social ties; let him seek elsewhere for the erm panion ot his decrepitude, nor dare in sult the ashes of my mother bv clainun* the of kindred fr u rt he'r deserted l children!’ ‘She drew her veil hastily around her as she spoke, and giving her hand to Burr moved ns if to withdraw. •Gentlemen,’ said Burr, ‘I have no more to say. 'J he words of the. law are expres sed iu the hook before you ; the voice of truth you have just heard from woman’s pu»e lips ; it is fur you to decide according to the requisitions of nature and the de crees ot justice.’ ‘1 need scarcely add that our decision was such as to ovet whelm the plaintiff well merited shame.” Brooklyn, L. 1. THE HUSBANDMAN. i here is one prevailing error among this class ol society, which ought to he era dicated and destroyed—it is more fatal to the butsuess of agriculture than the growth ot Canada thistles, or jhe destruction of iMay frosts—we mean the neglected ed ucation ol the farmer's children. It i« frequently remarked, that education is of little use tj the farmer; a very little science will do for him. Great knowlede is onlv beneficial to the professional man. Expres' «onsof this sort are founded upon a false estimate of one of the most useful and eljvatcd professions oflife. if the habitual buisness of the cutivator does not afford the mental powers of ■ held for their most extended exercise we know not where to look for such a field. The study of agriculture unites to the theory of science, the very essential ma tenal ol its practical parts. It makes the the study experimentally and truly lear- Nearly all that is useful in our pilgri mage through life is drawn from the earth. 1 he main use ot science is to explore the minutas of nature, to fathom its secret caverns, and to bring forth the hidden possessions of the earth into comprehensible identity. \\ here, then, is the occupation that m hly furnishes a perpetual supply of men tal tood as that of agriculture.—ls (be constant exercises and every day labor of the farmer, and the buisness of his science is progressing, if his intellect has been set right in the education of his youth 1 The theory is all essential, for this constitutes the implement by which he is to prosecute utTlity U< y ° humau f,aturfi 10 i,s [’tactical A man cannot go forth upon the land with any good degree of promise in scienti fic experiment, without the light o' past experience upon his pathway, an <l this he -can only obtain by a passage through the literary institutions of the country, where the result of the labors of the learned for ages are collected together n,a,le accessible to the student lo atempt a pros-cution of the scicn, es independent ot the past e X| as we sometimes incline to consider ourselves would Le vain. '\ here is scarcely a vahi able discovery of modern times, but has borrowed something of its proportions or utility trom the mind of antiquity .:..T i, lV l L?. fa t r " , H r ’ b * a . Bck '"'i& cultiva great extent its productions, there d,* e £ not exist a rational doubt. And that the time is coming when there will be actual necessity for this increase of j reduction i here is every apentenee. It is, therefore* not only wise and expedient to commence or carry on now, but it is a high duty which ts owed to post.tity, i„ consideration of all the blessings which past ages l ave bequeathed us. Permit ns, therefore, i D our humble wav, to impress upon the minds of the faiihers the very great usefulness of education. Give vour son* and daughters not the less education, because you design them for rural life and agricultural pursuits. If you are able, educate them—they will fiid abundant inipioyment for all their science, though their farms be located in the deep wilderness of the west; though they be cast amid barren rocks and sterile sand plains, science will aid them there. Not a blade of grass nor a spear of grain but will grow better u.xlor the eoltrrrtioa of intellectual care. Kot a flower, but will show beauties to the eye of science which the v u |gar woYld knows not of Not a vine but rears fiucr, and produce more, where educated hands superinttnd its growth- In short, all nature is beauti fied, improved and bettered, where the cultivator is uo stranger to its properties and the science of its developments. Farmers, give your children education. It is the only earthly inheritance you can bequeath them, that is beyond the reach of accident. All other human property i« constantly changing and transitory .--Sci ence is not transferable—not like the mutibility of other goods, negotiable, Firm and unshaken by human vicissitude it will be the enduring companion of your children though life, it will suport them in all the afflictions of Providential chastise ment, and prepare them for an inheritance in that undiscovered country beyond the land ol death.— !/Ym/ Whig. From the Mobile Chronicle. A FEW THOUGHTS. In Answer to the Objections some Gentle men have for refusing to sign the Petition to the Legislature, to discontinue Drink- - ing Concerns in the State. The first objection heard is “that the city of Mobile derives a revenue of SSO,CoA annually, from drinking houses,” and that it will consequently lessen the income ot the