The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, June 29, 1839, Image 1

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THE GEORGIA RIKKOK, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, 15y 15. Ganliier A: J. E. l£uil, (Editors and Proprietors.) At f IIIvEE DOLLARS a year, it' paid in ■advance, or FOUR DOLLARS, if not paid YUitil the end of the year. Advertisements will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar per square, (15 lines «>i less,) the lirsi, and 50 cents for each sub. sequent insertion. All advertisements handed in for publi cation without »limitation, will be published till forbid, ami charged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Execu tors, Vd ninistrators and Guardians, are re quired by law to be advertised in a public <I i/.eite, sixty days previous to the day of sale- Tii: sale of Personal property must be alver ise<* in like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an € , t . lte oust be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to se'.;*Land and Netroes, must be published weekly for four months. ■p-;•■*» All Letters on business must be post t’Ain to insure attention. JOB PLUN riNG. / ONN'dJ I’d!) with the office of the V J MIRROR, is a s ilendid assortment of \nd we are enabled to exettte all kind of Job xv.w-R. .n the neatest manner and at the sliort- Ht notice. _ .-t !• 'X j> > (>i every description w ill constantly be kept on b ml. such as Attach nc its. Justices’ Executions, do Summons, Jury do Subpoenas. Clerk's Recugni/.ance, Srieri Facias, Appe irancc Ronds, Ca. Si. Declaration —Debt, Declaration —Assumpsit, Sheriff Deeds, T i:< C dlec.tor Executions, 111 ink Notes. Ace \ e iv • House. r MIIE subscribers have as- T * sociated themselves to -ethrr »» COMMISSION MERCHANTS, under tin n I ne and st•' I c ot IP. PITTS# Cos. They have purchased the commodious W\RE-HOUSE and CLOSE STORE, l.ty.y occupied by Jernigan, reaurenco &Cos whe>‘e they will receive. COLTON oi COO OS in store, and advance only upon cot- t■ ■ n in t'lieir posie.isiou and umlei their con t Tlieir charges will be as customary. 'i'he business will be conducted by Jnlm 1) Ihtts. We s,.licit the patronage of the . :Oi ■, an 1 I C. prep .red to give Columbus | ‘ CCS i'Ji 1 ' JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 5-> 11 J. ]». STAIUt, A'D G jMVH33IQN ME LIC IfAN r l\ MS. Joseph, Fin. January Id, 1830. DRY GOODS. rg l ?lii subscriber having recently replen -1 islted his stack, invites his custom ers nnltho public generally, to call ami ex amine for themselves. His goods are new and well selected ami lie is offering them on as good terms as any in the market. Ilis stock consists in part ol the following. Woolens, SiVt'metts, A variety of Broad Cloths, Circassians, Merinos, Bombasines and Bombrzcttes,' Red and White Flannel, A good assortment ot SZe/€:ly *llade Clothing* A supply ot 800 L 3 «uul StiULS, G SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINSALS. Crockery, Hardwire and Cutlery , With a variety of other articles suitable to the season, which he takes great pleasure in offering to his customers and the pub lic, at his new store on the North side Gen trjanT2 40 THO: GARDNER. NEW STORE. rpilß undersigned having associated I them selves under the name and style of Harvey «Sc Chastain, offer for sale anew and well selected Stock of Goods. Wares, rad Merchandize, from Charleston, viz. Broad Cloth, 8 ittinetts, E mernetts. Merino, Silk Lustring and Mattronas, French Muslin, do Ginghams, do Prints, Scotch Ginghams, n ew assorted Stock of English and A merican Prints, Furniture Prints, Bonne's, H its, Shoes, of all kinds, Bridles, Saddles and M irtingales. Besides a variety of oth er articles too tedious to mention. Which will be sold low for cash or undoubted cre ditors. The pnblis are requested to call and ex amine for thainselves. JOHN P. HARVEY. MORGAN CHASTAIN. March 25, 1819 50 rpHE SUBSCRIBERS have just rc- JL ccivod a select lot of GROCERIES, which they offer ou reasonable terms for Cash- ROOD & TALMAN. " -- Laz ts THE HIRROR. FLORENCE ACADEMY. UfiOHE exercises of tlie Male De| artn cut oi the F'orence Academy, will com mence on Monday next, 7th iust. unucrtLe superintendence of Mr. George J. Mr* Cues key, who comes well recommended as an instructor of youth. Tlie followu j> will be the rates of tuition, por quarter: Orthography, Reading ami Writing Si Os do do do with Arithmetic, 500 English Grammar and Geography, 6 0C Higher English Branches, 8 CO Languages, 10 fC The Female Department will commence on the same day, under the direction oi •Miss Margaret Harvey. Os Miss Hur vey’s qualifications the Trustees deem it uu* necessary to Speak, as they are too wall known to require any recommendation iron them. The terms of tuition, will be th< same as stated above, and ior Drawing and Painting, 1-3 Qf Needlework an extra charge of (A Board can be had, for males and fern lies in the most respectable houses, at rajßjna ble prices. Jan. 5 39 BY THE TRUSTE EL. CAbTnet furniture/ (NEORGE H. A WM. J. WILLKAri P respectfully inform the citizens oi Florence and the surrounding country, that they have permanently located themselves in Florence, and are prepared to execute in the most neat and workmanlike style, Side- Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Work and Wash Stands, and Furmtuie of every description used in this section of the coun try. Tl.-ey (latter themselves, from their long experience, that they will be able to give general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. April 9 52 LAWN OT ICE. r2O HE undersigned have associated them JL selves hi the PRACTICE OF LAW, under the fi, ;H of Bull A: Mitchell, and will attend promptly to all business eulrus ted to their care in the Courts of the fol lowing counties, viz. Stewart, Sumter. Muscogee, Lee, Ga. and Randolph, Barbour, Ala. J. L. Bull may be found at his office i.i Florence, and J. M. Mitchell, at his office in, Stewart co. Ga. JESSE L. BULL, JAMES M. MITCHELL. Feb 1. 47 St .1. A. 12. L!ACB\, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, STARKSVILLE. LEE COUNTY. GEORGIA. WILL attend the Courts of the CHAT TAHOOCHEE CIKCUM. Nov. 25 35 1 y WTLLIAM it MAY, IKornty al l,aw, STARKS V ILLE, Lee county, Ga. wii practice in all the counties of the Chat tahoochec circuit. March 10 43 lv Da*. Win. Jl. Elai’ttwicV, LUMPKIN, GA. f'l AN, nt all times be found by those wish- Kj iug Ins services, at his office, ar t’.e house of 31. McCullar, Esq. wken not pro fession,.'!)’ engaged. J an 2fi 4‘2 DF*. WaSfim & Si.’tiu- HAVE > nited themselves iu the Prac tice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY, and tender to the public their services in the various branches rtf their profession. When not professionally engage 1, they may be found at tlieir office, (occupied also, liv Maj. J. L Bull, as a I,aw office,' oppo site Mr. 'l'. Gardner's store. May (5 4 gj'ioti al This. f tj HIE subscribers are determined to bring IL tlieir business to a focus by the first day of July. Those indebted will do well to call and settle by, or previous to that time, •ind save cost. ROOD &TALMAN. Florence, June 18, 1839 11 . 3t PVoti re-iP issoi ntum . 7 S’"'HE late partnership existing between JL the subscribers in the mercantile bu siness in the county of Stewart, in the State of Georgia, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, ever since the 4th day of the pre sent month. John S. Rice is authorised to close the business of said concern. JOSIAiI DICKINSON. JOHN S. RICE. June 11,1539. 11 6t ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. NIIALF 9 ]4 30 • S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half U 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 3G 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 13 21 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands will be sold on term* to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Macon. July 26 18 J. COWLES. TIIE Subscriber will attend to the roll** tion of all debts di»» th* late firm •( Gardner At Barrow, up to April, 1839. Persons indebted to said (inn will please make payment immediately A-ril.W H H BARROW 1 FOREWARN all persons of Georgia and Alabama, from trading with Martha Elizabeth Foster, on my account, as l con sider myself do longer accountable for her contracts. JOHN B. FOSTER, Randolph co. June 12 Id 3*t> 3?xD'i4iiaTQa, o-a. irara as* :mi>> PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. 'j'HiS is a monthly Magazine, devoted A chiefly to Literature, but occasion ally finding room also for articles that fall within the scope ol .Science ; and not pro e.ssing an entire disdain of tasteful selections, though its matter has been, a.« it will con tinue to be, in the main, original. Party Politics, and controversial Theol °"}h as Or as possible, are jealously exclu ded. r I key are sometimes so blended with discussions in literature or in inoral sci ence, otherwise unobjectionable, as to gain admittance for the sake of the more valu able matter to which they adhere: bu» whenever that happens they are incii/mtal, only, not primary. They are dross, tolera ted only because it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incor porated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occu py their due space in the work : and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a three fold tendency—to convey,in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting in cidents as are embodied in the works re viewed,—to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—and to ivarr him against wasting time and money upon that large number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety and multitude, distract and o verwlielmn every undiseritninating student, impartial criticism, governed by the views just mentioned, is one of the most inesti mable and indispensable ol auxiliaries to him who docs wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or amusement, or both; Historical sket ches —and Reminisences of events too min ute for History, yet elucidating it, and Lieightning its interest—may be regarded as forming th*» staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is publish ed—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to demand such a work—and not one alone, but manyt The public mind is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes: The soft, assuasive influence of Lit erature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad:—They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, in to their fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an immense proportion of our peo pie :—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portentous cloud, over the destinies of oitr country. Vnd to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be employed, than a periodical on the plan of the Messenger; if that plan be but car ried out in practice? The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washing ton, there are but two Literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this con trast justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared with those of the Northern ? No: for in wealth, talents and taste, we may justly claim, at least, an equality with our brethren md a domestic institution exclusively onr own, beyond all doubt, aifords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for reading and writing which they enjoy. • It was from a deep sense ot this local want that the word Southern was engrafted on this periodical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate sup posed local interests. Far from any such thought, it is the Editor’s fervent wish, to see the North and South bound endearing ly together, forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. Far from meditating hostility to the north, lie has al ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will ho deem himself, should Ins pages, by making each region know the other better contribute in any es sentia! degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace ot both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties of fraternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has now been inexistence four years—the pre sent No commencing the fifth voj.ume. How far it lias acted out the ideas here ut tered, is not for the Editor to say; he be lieves, however, that it falls not further short of them, than human weakness usually makes Practice fall short of Theory. CONDITIONS. 1. The Southern Literary Messenger is published in monthly numbers, of 61 large superroyal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at $5 a year— payable in advance. 2. Or five new subscribers, by sending theii names and S2O at one time to the edi tor, will receive their copies for one year, for that sum, or at $4 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments for sub scriptions, which have been properly com mitted to the mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assumed by the editor 4. If a subscription is not directed to be discontinued before the first number of the next volume has been published, it will be taken as a continuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the be ginning of tli (# volume, and will not be ta ken for less than a year’s publication. 5. The mutual obligations of th» publish er and subscriber, for the year, are fully in curred as soon as the first number of the volume is issued : and after that time, no discontinuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be dis continued for any earlier notice, while yna thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the Editor. . NOTICE. IN conformity to a Resolution of the Flor ence company, will be sold on the Ist Monday in July, two wharf lots. Terms made known on the day of sale. H. W. JERNIGAN, Agent April 15 1839. 1 HENRY A. GARRETT is the author ised agent, to take notss, receive cash and give receipts for any demands due the Male and Female Academies at Florence. Mays 4 THE TRUSTEES. i IPQIBgSFgo Prom the Southern Post. THE DROUGHT. Iloiv desolate all nature seems around ! How blighted all the bu !ding hopes of man! ThU urid sky looks withered up and scorch ed By the fierce fury of the burning sun, Its deep blue bosom buried faraway In distant space, seems to recede from earth While sun and moon and all the stars of night Pour down their fiercest burnings on the land ; Or like the sullen waters of the sea, After a long and airless calm, it lies Smooth and unruffled as if li r e had fled, Sometime towards the close ofsultry day. A lew pale death-like clouds perchance are seen To skim the ether blue. They look like shrouds Wherein are buried all the hopes of man ; But yet they are mere messengers to tell The late of all their kindred, who so oft Have rode upon the temest winds, and shed Reviving showers o’er all this barren waste, But now, alas! their flowing streams of life Are staunched, or wasted on the burning air, And they are nothing more than haggard sprites Floating around the horizon at eve. Withered and parched and shriveled in the winds, Or lo ng since dead and buried in tlielsun. I'he thunders too, those old familiar friends Whose angry shatterings in early youth So Oft have frighted (lie dull octiual to/ home, And made him speculate on their portent— And how they traversed all around the skies With such loud startling peals—they too are dead, And buried in the vaults of netherskies, Or their loud voices have long since been hushed, And their fierce restless bolts ofdeath chain ed down By the strong arm of the Eternal One. And then the winds, those heavenly mes sengers Once bearing health upon their fragrant wings. Now seem to come o’er Afric’s arid sands, Like tlie dread monsoon, burning to destroy Before its fiery blasts earth withers up, And all her children languish but to die. The flowers hang drooping on their sapless stems, And the green herbage, once so full of life, Lies bleaching in the summer’s sun. While brooks And rivulets have long since been exhaled, To quench dread Phoebus burning thirst, and e’en The rivers seem fast dwindling down to rills. Old Niglit herself, no longer sheds the dew In plenteous flow upon the gladsome earth, But seems to treasure up in her dark breast All that she can, lest e’en her sable realm Should perish in excessive heal! Alas! There seems no Pity in the clouds for man, Or suie, they’d weep themselves away to see The burning desolation of the earth. And the fierce ruin that broods o’er the world, O, for the thunder's voice once more to wake To life, the sleeping clouds of heaven, and send The streaming lightning round the deep blue vault Os you high canopy, that the soft rain Might fail in genial showers on the lan' l , And Nature lilt her drooping head again. And smile triumphant o’er tho ruined scene ! Then would glad anthems of unmingled praise Rise up afresh from many a grateful heart As holy incense to the God of Heaven. ALCKUS. J.'/C ££> (J IJ iTi *'l L) C/iDi The Unnhippcd Sltool Boy. Reformation is the order of the day; and among the manifold modern improve ments, Mr. Strap, the school master, had his. “I instruct,” said Mr Strap, “on an en tire new system.” “You do ?’’ raid old Mrs Gosling. “1 do,” said Strap oracularly. “Now do tell !” said Mrs. Gosling. “Madam,” said Mr. Strap, “the world is six thousand years old.” “Law !” said Mrs. Gosling, admiringly. “And it has been all that time wrong on the subject of education of youth.” Mrs. Gosling opened her eyes and ears. She knew Mr. Strati was one of the wisest of men. lie saw she tiked to hear him talk, and he went on. “Madam, children should never be whip ped.” “110 ?” said Mrs. Gosling, interrogative ly, and with a guilty look. She had fhrgei lated her little son, Jim, every day o! his life, once, at least, on an average. If ever she had omitted one day, from absence, illness, or any other accident, slic made up the deficiency by flogging him twice the day after. Jim was ten years old. len times three hundred and sixty-live makes three thousand six hundred and fiity. This seems prettv hard ; but 1 solemnly believe ten calculation to bo within the truth.— I solemnly believe James Gosling had re ceived the rod at least that number of times. Mrs. Gosling generally made these inflic tions with her own hand; she looked ther. - the rather confounded at this opinion of Mr. Strap, who was her oracle, and who, somehow or other, she had imagined, by his name, had her view of the subject. “Children,” said Mr. Strap, “should never be whipped.” “No ?” asked Mr. Gosling. “Never,” said Mr. Strap. “How would you govern them, then J” asked Mrs. Gosling, with simplicity. “Kindness, madam, said Mr. Strap. “But when kindness won’t answer 1” “Reason, madam." rejoined Mr. Strap, with a magisterial wav* of the hand. “Reason may do well enough for some," s aid Mrs. Gosling, shaking her head doubt fully. ‘•lt will do for all, madam, if properly ap plied. We are created with reason. We are not brutes. We are—we are—that is.” “Certainly?” said Mrs. Gosling. “I shall hcreaftsr conduct my school on an entirely new plan,” said Mr. Strap. “I shan't have a rod in it. I shall make my boys love me; respect my kind intentions; bow to my leason, and obey me for their own good." “What do you charge a year?” asked Mrs. Gosling. “Two hundred dollars, and each boy to bring a silver spoon—two suits of clothes, and two pair of sheets,” said Strap. “I’ve been a thinking,” said Mrs. f os ling, “whether my son Jim is not old enough to be put under your care.” “What is bis age?” asked Strap. 1 “Ten, last .Tune.” “Certainly, said Mr. Strap, “I'll take him with pleasure.” “I must tell you frankly,” said Mrs. Gos ling, “that 1 have had trouble with him.” “I’ll take linn, madam,” said Strap. “lie’s very wild,” said Mrs. Gosling. “No matter, mad im,” reiterated Mr. Strap, with a smile of self-confidence. “I’ll take him.” “He’s a boy of good parts,” said Mrs. Gosling, “but lie’s beyond my manage ment.” “1 think I understand his case, madam;” said Mr. Strap, smiling, again. “And you never flog ?” “Never, madam. When shall he come?” “When you please.” “Send him to-morrow.” “I will,” said Mrs. Gosling. The next day Master Janies Gosling, with two suits of clothes—a silver, spoon ; and two pair of sheets arrived at Mr. Strap’s boarding school in the country, not far from town where he had hitherto resided. He was a little red headed boy, with short sandy hair standing straight out like a shoe orusn, anu his forehead half an inch high , a little pug nose—an enormous mouth; no eyebrows; and a pair of small eyes which looked green in the morning and red at night. Four of his front teeth had been knocked out fighting. He bit his nails half way down, so that you could not look at them without setting your teeth on edge. His hands were covered with wants, and he had a shrill, cracking voice—Jim was a sad fellow, and one would think from the num ber of whippings he had received must have led but a sad life of it. It appeared, however, that he hod accommodated him self to his si.nation, and that he lived amid his multifarious flagellations almost un hurt, like a salamander in the sue. He had been literally whipped through life, and had become hardened to it, soul and body, as a camel’s knees are to the sand ; and though he screamed and kicked from mere hnLit, you mij-Vst Unntwo UliliUtCtt ttttei one of these skin-flaying operations, with a smile of unclouded cor foit on his sue, or careless mirth, eating a piece of bread and butter, or playing marbles, or mumble the pek with the first scaramouch he met. He had been enured, poor tellow, to till the forms and varieties of be iting. Now it was a sudden whack on the ear, now a dozen slaps on the palm with a fiat ruler---now a smart rap on the knuckle —now a cuff, and now a kick. These were mere child's play to those regular executions which varied the monotony cf every three or four days, when “coat and vest off—stand erect, sir ?” and the birch was laid on till the arm that wielded it paused from fatigue. At these times Lis outcries were wont to be limited only by the quantity of his breath and the power of his lungs; and the unfortunate boy would shriek and roar till the neighbors, disturbed, would shake their heads dubi ouslv and tell each other it was “that Mrs. Gosling lic.king poor little Jim.” Such was the lad sent by the overwearied mother to Mr. Strap--not more, if the truth must be told, to get rid of a heavy trouble, than from curiosity to see what Jim would do in a school where they “never whipped.” On arriving at school, Jim was let loose among the rest of the boys to play. He got into a game of marbles, but his antag onists soon perceived that he cheated and turned him out. He then took to the top, but the “fellows” found that he had bro’t into the arena a great, long-pegged thing, that cut their little tops to pieces. No rea der that lias ever been a boy, need be told that this play consists in one top’s being spun in the circle, whilst the rest are spun in the circle, whilst the rest are spun down at it—sometimes splitting the mark quite in too. Jim’s top, with his accurate aim, split two or three, and the boys protested against such unequal chances. One of them said ii was like the horse crying “every one for himself!” when he danced among the chickens. By-and by lie was taken into a game of ball; but in five minutes, a round stone, instead o( a ball, was flung with such violence at one of tlie small boys, as to knock him down and inflict upon him a severe contusion. Jim protested it was a mi-fake. Mr. Strap reasoned with him. IJ,* begged pardon and was forgiven. Tiie next morning the rope of “the swing” broke while a person who was s-vinging fell, to the imminent danger of his life. It was found that it had been cut two-thirds through. In the afternoon the pair of g\obes were scratched to pieces with a nail or knife; and when (lie usher went to ring the hell for bed, that necessary instru ment was no longer to be found. A chain of circumstantial evidence fixed these things on James Gosling. Mr. Strap took took the boy in his private room. “James.” “Sir.” “Did you scratch the globe ?” “No, sir.” “Do you give nte your word and honor?” “Yes, sir.” “Do you know what an oath is ?” “Yes, sir.” “Should you be willing to swear?” “Yes, sir.” Mr. Strap then said : “My son, to be candid, I dont believe you. I know you to be the author of these de linquencies.” James looked up into the face of his in structor with astonishment. “If you will confess the troth 1 will for give yon. Are you not guilty ?” wo an. i “1 thought so. Now you have imagined yourself here, doubtless, among enemies. I wish to show you that you are not so.— We are all your friends. If you do wrong, you do so against those who love you. Is that right!" “No, sir.” “Well, then, I am willing to believe that you have done these things from bad hab its ; from want of reflection; from ignor ance of the character of the instructors. I pardon you. Go down among your com panions. Bea better boy for the future. I shall never have cause to complain of you again, shall l ?” “No, sir.” “Go, then, my dear child. Remember that the way to be happy is to be virtuous.” “Yes, sir.” * “That if you intend to be respected in so ciety. you must begin as a boy the honor able conduct which you mean to practice as a man. 1 could have punished you for th» fautls you have committed had I so pleased. I wish you for my friend Here is a place of plumcake for you. Go out, my dear boy. Do not forget that you have done wrong and that you have been forgiven. Da you hear me ?” “Yes, sir,” said Jim, with his mouth crammed full of cake. “Go, then remember I love you and trust to your generosity that you will not hereaf ter infringe any of the rules. Good morn ing, my dear son.” “Good morning, sir,” said Jim, putting into his mouth the last bit of his cake. Two days after this occurrence one of the ushers tound a pin very ingeniously placed iu his chair, to the great derangement of his own ideas and the undisguisable merriment of all the school when the discovery was proclaimed. The next day tlqe cat was kil led, a creature which had been much be loved and was universally lamented, and in the evening one of the little boys was frightened actually into fits by asghost four teen feet lfigh, with the head of a pumpkin and eyes as large as tea cups. The culprit was detected in James Gos ling, and he confined to bread and water diet for three days, which did not prevent sever al of the boy’s stockings being filled, before they arose in the morning, with jirickiy pears, and the usher, who slept in the room with the lads, on waking in the morning, found his toes tied together by a long string communicating with tlie toes oi six boys who were also thus tied, the whole being linked together. Mr. Strap looked grave at this, and James Gosling might thank his stars that lie was inmate of an establishment where “they never whipped.” He had to wear a fool’s cap two feet high, with a pair of jackaKsgs ears attached to the top: hut one of the little boys near him being unable to repress his laughter, James gave him a blow on the eye which blinded him for a month. That very evening Mr. Strap’s foot caught in a string laid across the lop of the stairs, in such a w ay as nearly to break his neck, lie took James agaiu into the closet and talked to him an hour. The arguments which he used would be quite too long for the limits of this article. Socrates could not have spoken more wise ly At the end he gave him another piece of cake, and sent him into tlie schoolroom with a kindness more than paternal. James was this time melted. He wiped his eyes and blew his nose, and Mr. Strap went on with his argument, till at length the worthy disciple of the uew system felt assured of its success. “lie is mine!” said lie to himself, with rather a benevolent smile. “He feels his error. He will do wrong no more. How much better thus to overcome errors than with the brutish use of this!” and he re garded a small bamboo cane, which he usually carried out with him in his walks. The month had expired, and this was the day appointed for the visit of Mrs. Gosling. In tlie afternoon Mr. Strap went into his library, where he had sent James on some errand. The boy not returning, he follow ed him. He had been detained by a cu rious attraction. A beautiful little canarv bird, accustomed to fill the house with music, had been banging in its cage against the wall; the repentant boy had taken it down and plucked off all its feathers, and" was amusing himself by regarding its con tortions and distress with a grin of delight. Mr. Strap forgot his system, but obeying tlie honest and doubtless correct impulse of his soul, seized the yourig reprobate by the collar, and having accidently in hand his bamboo eane gave him what people in the every day world would term a regular trouncing. Mrs. Gosling entered while he was in the act. The naked canary bird revealed the story. “I ought to apologise,” said Mr. Strap,, taking breath. “For licking my Jim ?” asked Mrs. Gos ling, surprised. “No, madam, but for having ever been such afoul as to suppose myself, wiser than Solomon. I shall renounce neic systems, and hereafter take the world as it is!” and poor Jim, alter his brief reprieve received liis daily portion as regularly as ever.— N. Y. Minor. A Horse Chaunter.—\ loafer being brought up before one of the London Courts, the Judge demanded, •What is your trade 1 ' ‘A horse chaunter, my lord.’ *A what? a horse chaunter, why what's that ? ‘Vy.fmy lord' an’tyou up to that are trade ?’ ‘I require you to explain yourself.’ •Vel, my lord.’said he, ‘I goes round the livery stables, the all on’ ent kuows me, and when I sees a gen’man bargaining for an’ orse, 1 just stepts up like a teetotal stranger, an’ ses l, vel that’s’ tin, I’ll be bound, ses I, he’s got the beautifullest’ead and neck as l ever seed, ses 1, only look at iz open nns trials, he’s got vind like a nogo motive, I’ll be bound he'll travel a hundred miles a day and never vunce think on’t, them’s the kind of legs that never fails Vel. this tickle* the gen’man, ami he says’ imstlf, that’ ere onest countryman’s a «le judge of a ’orse, so please you my lord, he buys’ imand rot off. Vel, then I goes up to the mon vat keeps the stable, and I axes’ ini, vel are you going to stand for that ere chaunt, and he gives me half a sovereign; vel, that’s vat I call’ orse ebaunting, nty lord, there’s iiF little’ arm in’t—there’s a good many sortc* on us, ebaunts cattles and some chauntsy^i