The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, July 20, 1839, Image 2

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NEW YORK. July C. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION i’.iJ .-\er gljnois anniversary o'. <• 11 r ua teinl bi...j *.ij ce’ebr.Ued in ihs city on TuirsJty, jo .t always is, with every demon _ Tireboysbe* ni the use *>' t4ietr iii j-aritii the ev*i. i.ig u*'urc, mil n.'itfTev W :n JW ■ltiifKpss n•■jLt in New x 0.0 lii in ih it. Eo,you Tiiuntday r.ior -111.14. every body w.iocjufJ fl-je ihe ci v. in »ny Juvctuti, iI.J jo, wijilc tile surrou .ding ej.iitry poured i.s ten !h ms md-t into tlie to supply tiie vacviri'-s. Our Irish f.iejJs erected iliiir bait hs ns usual arouud til? park, and enj ;vej t!ic day with as much hiliarity «» though they had not been ••b«*rn in exile from their native la:i I. ’ ’] he mili tary, it i-s sail-—for w saw them only when in i-itrriua ta the n irnuig— nude a iirilliant appearance. And had it not been for painful :;ceiduuts whica clouded tin* e ijoym-nts o( those who heard the mehr'cb ily recit»’ s , ihe a .’inner* ary * .mid inve gone off with uu wjutr P gratification and spltmluj j ,y. But the great pageant of the dav, nud t’lit which attracted by fir tin most aneu tio.i, was the united cclcbraiio. of the Sun diy Schools. The design of bringing to gether snsn avail couctiura j of children for siuii an occasion—oi v ,itlidrawing them tro.u the vice and ilis*'. .ttiou of tiie citv. ini... hading them to a place of rurai quiet ---o! imparting, as it were, lessons of piety au I patriotism to the next generation, on this day sacred tu Liberty—was an exceed ingly happy conception, ;ml was as well executed as could reasonably have been ex pe .ted. It having b“en ascertained that from twelve to fourteen thousand children would hl> iIS ra,.ltns.tii *0 participate hi rite festival, exclusive ot teachers, superintended s, par ents, Irieuds, the oificers of the day, and in vited guests, numbering in all more than three thousand jtersons, ample preparations tor their simultaneous transput ration were in i le. For this purjtose four large steam boats ware pflividod, together with nine tow boats, or barges, averaging four hun dred tons each. Tuese boats were all g*n furnished gratuitously, by four transportation companies, viz: the Troy, Swiftsure, Eckfurd, and Albany aud Canal lines. For llis better accommodation of the rhildreu and their superintendents, this fleet of boats was divided into squadrons and divisious—sfatituied on opposite sides of the town, until the embarkation should be com pleted, then to unite otf the north end of the Battery, and descend the bay to Staten Islaud in divisions, and live abreast, and the residue of four, Thetsegnlarand careful embarkation of so great a number of children required a lon ger time than had been anticipated, so that notwithstanding the punctuality with which all were upon the groan 1, they could riot be taken on board, and ail tilings made ready fur departure, until near ten oclock, being a full hour and a half later than had beeu intended. One of the consequences was greater fatigue than was desirable on a sultry day, and a tut ailment, by necessity, of the intended exercise. Tire flag-ship, havin ' on bo.uJ the com mittee ul urrangetreuts, was the Sandusky, ii s Excellency Governor S vard, with several officers of li:s "sot", was on board the Sandusky, with other distitijnished gentlemen. The President of the United States being in the city, ha I accepted an in vitati 'i to atten . 1 the festival O het pres sing eng genrems. howfver, ) 1 evented his goitig down in the fl at, tin! progress oi which wis slow, and he. accordiu,*.* took tut it r s vil'nr convey mee, at a later ho'l ,r * 111 tiiellLT eon the leu f ill . s; 1,,,!,.. (iasoed hist to her site, at also were tuts other barges <>l the firs; division,) was i:t: lull an I ui.a;:tise I in tsical inndoftlie iiistifutiOmTor Hie m-trucunn of the Blind, watch struck up tlie air of "llail Colum iiU. as'tlte division swept ro .od tin* N.irtii- Carolina 71. uti in ,viu.- into tin* N *rth Riv er. Had tin* yards of tiiat noble ship been manned 6>r the occasion. the efleet would have been oxeee liogiy Vine, i to iviioie fleet h ivutg now as it were been brought in. cohim i, tin; descent of tne harbor was one of the most aniitiiting spectacles that cin be imagined. Both (leeks Ol every boat were tilled to the ut most capacity, consistent with safety. A light mi.i, which hung in the •atmosphere ti til uu in eight u’c'oo.k. lu I cleared away, aa I tne waters ol the li irbur presented a su.lact: like glass, on which the sunbeams were dancing merrily. Large, moreover, .as it was, our own hitill i coin *ose.l but a small portion ot the water parent, eiuce, in addi tio.i to the thousand ships in tlie harbor, all gaily dressed in honor of the day, steamers • and all sizes were darting about in various directions, each filled with people of With sexes, as gaily dressed as the ships, all des tined upon excursions of pleasure to such points as had been chosen. Brief but appropriate prayers to tlie great Ruler ol nation?, mingled with thanksgiv ings to the return of tlie jubilee of civil and religious freedom, and lor the blessings which tlie nation so lichly enjoys, were of fered by a clergyman selected tor tlie ser vice, on board each of the vessels—after wiiicii, at suitable intervals of time, a num ber ol animating slid patiintic odes, minu ted to the occasion, set music and taught to the children, were sung in lull chorus. The efl'eet of these exercises was very pleas ing. Os course they were not si tiul t.iueously sung ; so that when tlie children of one boat were silent, the music of more than a thousand infant voices would ste and sweetly across the -Vtiter from another. Tne occasion, and the militant and soul stirring spectacle, were subjects ft**’ rejec tion and contrast. We could not buC du'ge our fancy in a backward flight to tlie f! 1 ot September, 1303—two hundred and thirty years ago—when the adventurous lit. lspniitst entered this noble harbor, and discovered the proud liver that beats his n i ne. I'iiea the deep primative forests clothed the shares of continent and island dawn ta liie water’s e ige. Nature, in the trrsa beauty of her primeval garni b **, was repo-hig ii hot own undisturbed grandeur, tin Jin I lie sweetness of her own solitude, e ive when a dusky son of the forest shot across the bay in his light canoe, or where the lilpe smoke, curlin ' gently above the tree tops, gave a silent token tint the wil derness was not altogether tenant less. H"ra and there, too, as the hold naviga tor slowly groped his way by soundings, an occasional group of those forest children, clad in skins if clad at all, stole from their umbrageous coverts to gaze with supersti tious wonder upon the huge structure ap | rotching them upon the water. They thought it was the house of the Manitfo—- the Great Spirit—and w hen the stranger had approached so near that they cqpild discover beings in their own shape but white, they mistook them for ctsinstials from the fair hunting-grounds. One ul' them was dressed in red. He, they thought, must he the M a ditto himself, come to visit them. But as they were not conscious of ever having done him wrong, they wete not alar ned at his approach, mid they prepared I to recc've lii.n w ith ofterings of corn, beans, pumpki s. ajipies and plums, and in short ; with the best prcHui Is of their virgin Pm,!— l o say nothing of tubaccofor incense ! in one word, the wilu inhabitants of the c<i;r--i r< v rived Hudson w it Ii the greatest poa stble li i' iidsiiip; and on one occasion, when they thought their bows and arrows were oipicts .i suspicion to tho fctrangert, they in i_u .'liiiniusly broke them in pieces and biirntabr m J But we are digressing. Such, we were about to say, was tlie scene upon this do li!<’ harbor, when *t was for the first tim navigated bv white men, two hundred and thirty years ago ! Cit mark 'he change. Where are the confiding race who gave ’ (Rt faced stringers that friendly re cC | )t j 0 „? I’hey have disappeared like the ,„}V O f ,he it' ,ruing. Instead ot tlie smoke of s the occasional \vigwar (j s t a{J j towns and ci- ties, in ire thickly planted than were the i solated shelte, sf) f ti,e Indian-- -tosay notli-l iug ol the proud Queen of the West. In stead of the occasion. ! canoe, paddled light ly oyer the wave by the solitary owner, be hold now the fleet surrounding us, and the waters of the whole bay dashed into foam by the hundred wheels driven with im petuous motion by steam In the place of the scattered groups of red men seen by Hudson—behold the ten thousands of peo ple now banging upon the decks and rig zing of the ships anti steninars, in masses, like swarning bees upon the branch ! And beliol i also the feeling millions ofotir laud ! Such li tve been the changes, am! such is t lie contrast, wrought by the Anglo Saxon race in the brief space of two hundred and thirty years. The whole process of discovery, and settlement, and civilization, passed through otir mind like a dream, and the reverie was only broken by the arrival of our flotilla at the docks of the quarantine ground. i'he process of debarkation was less tedious than thatol coming on board. Still the numbers were so great and caution against accidents so essential, that at least an hour was thus consumed, although the several divisions of the fleet came to different wharves. It seemed ifldeed as though there was to be no eu 1 of the col*, mbus issuing urth from the vessels, all in regular order, and every school marching beneath its own peculiar banner, 'i’he landing was within the enclosure of the hospital and its kindred buildings. Th- place, selected for the gath ering. itatl the exercises of the island, was in a cedar glove on the crest of a hill back of the Pavioti, in the neighborltood of tlie el egant mansion of John Y. Cebrn, Esq.— Beautiful indeed, aid highly picturesque was the spectacle, as, in extended paiaifel columns, the schools issued from the hos pital gates, and ascended the winding path to the summit of the hill. Nor indeed were the thousands connect ed with the Sunday schools alone o« the beach. The interest of the occasion among our citizens was so great, that several thou sands more had repaired thither, in other steamers that were plying about the harbor and were now wending their way to the cent tral point of attraction. An he lat the sum mit. tlie scene was of surpassing magnificence Immediately beneath the leet of tlie happy innhhii'i lay the village of Totnpki isville fl V. <*d mi the left by the public buildings and girt by the waters of our capacious har bor. alive with the countless water-craft borne upon its bosom, from the heavy ships iying lazily at anehor, through all the various grades and descriptions of vessels winged w ith sails, inipcll* *► by steam, or guided by tlie swift oar, all it. brisk motion, giving evi dence of life aud buoyant joy. Glancing on the right, the vision stretched •h oti ' the Hunt' It» yotul, !lt *he East extended Long Island, dotted w,‘M* cheerful villas and rich in its garniture of :ll "l woodland. At the North, iu heavy giufdeiir, lay New York, with forests of shipping o M her sides, and her hundred domes and spires 'minting to the skies. On the West, in beautiful i'°Pose, lay New-Jersey, arrayed in robes of recetif verdure, and presenting a living picture of prosperity, happiness and peace. The wild ami rural beauty of the island on which we stood—but we must close our humble at tempt at description of a scene, and an oc casion, “where mixed ten thousand wander ing images of things.” Who indeed can paint J.dtp Nature ? Can imagination boast. Amid its gay creation, scenes like Iter's? Or can it mix them with that matchless skill, In evurv wind that blows ? If fancy, then, Unequal, fails beneath the pleasing task Ah 1 what shall language do ?*’ The Committee had been less fortunate, in tlie selection ofthe ground forthis part of the fete, so fat as personal convenience and comfort were concerned, than for tlie enjoy ment of the glorious prospect beyond and around. On the apex of the hill an immense tent had been spread, of perhaps a hundred feet in diameter. Beneath this were the j stores of provision? for the peaceful army, j Other tents had also been erected as j the bead-quarters of different schools. but a Horded no covering for ; the multitude, nor was there sufficient shrubbery upon the upland field to give relief from the blazing car of Phoebus now careering in the zenith of lus turning path way. Nor did fEolu.* deign to waft a breath from his icy cave What added to the incon venience, was the frail structure of the bench es erected for the ocoasions which treach erously yielded to toe first pressure, and brought all to the earth that fain would have reposed upon tlmm. Beneath a closer grove of orders, a few roils below the crest ofthe hill, on the North ern side, a staging been erected for the of ficers r“fthe day, the speakers, anti the invi te 1 wit!: seats for perhaps two h.un dre.rpeople, in,;hiding the mend ers of tlie Academy of Sacred ivl.’.’Stc, who had kindly volunteered to heighten the enjoymen's ol the day. Yiee Chancellor M’Coun presi ded, assisted by fifty vice presidents—too numerous, altogether, to mention. The ex ercises were commenced by prayer. Owing to the absence of a proper under standing, and to the necessity, on the part ofthe President, of making a very brief vis it, Ins halt to the interesting scene was in anticipation of the arrival ofthe Governor. Having arrived at the island before the flottihi, the President repaired to the tnan- , sion of Alderman Cebra, to await the gath- i eri 11 g upon the hill. The Governor, on the i Bay House, a mile distant in a different di rection. A committee was immediately des- | |iat"hed for his Excellency, in order that he should join the President, and both repair to the spot together. But the latter finding it necessarv to hasten his movements, was unable to wait, and having passed through the field, and been appropriately received by the committee, took his departure for the ' city belore the Governor had arrived.— j Their carriages met, in fact, just as the President had left the field. Governor Seward was accompanied by his secretary, one of Ins aids, and by several friends, among whom were Messrs. Grin ned, Curtis, and Hoff man, members ofCou press elect, by R. M. Blatchfor-', Esq. and others. His presence was warmly gree ted, aud after the reading of a portion of scripture, and the singing of an ode on the “Anniversary of Independence.” the Gov ernor, being requested to address the asse-, fl . lily, made an extemporaneous address, of which the following rej>ort contain the sub stance. [Greatly to our disappob I tnient, tlie re marks of Governor Se „ ar d have not been received. Ihe Gepernor took his departure in the (Memo f or Sing Sing, to inspect t‘ ,e pri" l u to-day. Previous to his dr par , r 'L a vote was passed requesting a copy ol nis address for publication, and die Gover nor assured us that lie would transmit it by the mail of this morning. It has not yet arrived, and the omissiou must be suphed hereafter.] f l r he Govtrnorsat down amidst the cheers of the assembly, in which we observed the clergy—among whom we noticed tlie Re». Dr. Milnor. the Rev. Dr. Cox, of Brook lyn—for the Brooklyn schools were also present—the Rev. Mr. Krebs, the Rev. Cyrus Mason, the R ;v. Mr. Sjpeers and the Rev. Mr. Somers—Joining us heartily as any. 'i’lie next class of exercises consisted of patriotic recitations, by several of the pupils. The first was a noble speech of tlie elder Adams—consisting of the burning thoughts of the veteran patriot, as clothed in the rich and thrilling language of Webster, aud em bodied in bis masterly euiogium ofthe lieu hearted father of the American revolution. Then followed other kindred recitations, which were all spoken with more trf true eloquence of feelings, and with greater pro priety and adaptation of manner, than we ever saw before from speakers of their years. A solo was then stveetly sting by Mrs. Benson, after which a patriote ode was per formed in fall chnru< bv the \cadetny of M usic. The exercises appointed for the island were then closed- the children and their teachers beintj distressed to their tents for their rations, while the guests were invited on board the to dine. We have already indulged in some reflec tion connected with the present and the past, in the early part of this rapid narrative. Others crowded upon the mind while con templating the scene of which *ve wee now in the midst, and lire occasion which had called th** vast throng together. But we have not space to give them utterance Bfcw. The location was amidst a number of eminences which sixty years ago were erested with ’fortifications, erected by a foreign power, and occupied by a foreign army, sent here to prevent the celebration of a day ’.ike this Nor was the striking coincidence forgotten, that it was on the 4th of July, sixty-three years ago. Sir William Howe, at the head of the Britsh forces, took the very ground on which we were now as setnWed—the very day on which the declar ation of independece was made by tlie brave oid Congress --that idependenee which on this 4th of July, the second generation of the sons and daughters of the frek were , celebrating. It was indeed an affecting spec tale to lo«k upon these fourteen thousand c 1 ildten—visited on tlie same day by the chief magistrates of tlie nation and of the State—chiefimagistrates taken from the ranks ot the same people whence they sprung and whose proud stations are open to the ambition of all who saw them. What a sum ofiinmor'al spirit was he<e! How many young bosoms exhibiting the pos session of every energy of thought and feel ing, which marks the most exalted of our opocics m irialuiity, though now (dooming in the innocence of youth—-speaking thro’ eyes whose piercing lustic beamed with in telligence and sparkled with joy ? And who could w ithhold a glance at the lutuie, as the thought arose as to what may be the desti ny, as well in this life as in that which is to come, of the vast juvenile throng before us ? And bow was the brightest anticipation dash ed with melancholy at the thought—-the thought of Xerxes when looking upon his myriad army—'hat of the throng composing this array of beauty and order, and splendor one liriefceutury hence, not an eye but would be closed—and net a tongue but would be still in death! But in the meantime, all must act their parts either for the weal or woe of their country; and hence we were glad to behold them thus assembled, to drink in at once, lessons of piety and patriotism. Changing slightly, the language of an old Scottish writer, we would say, that it should he the chief glory of Americans that, next to God and their parents, they love their country atul their countrymen. It should be their chief merit, that they study, from their youth to their gray hairs, all that honors their an cestry and their kindred. Hence, every A merican should be a hero for the glory of his country.' 11 should be the distinguishing endowment of Americans, that they become familiar with their national history, so that the virtues and noble deeds of the past should be ever present to their minds ; that every American, by the influenc' of ins ex ample may become an ornament to his race. Hence the s'-ene we have attempted to describe was looked upon with feelings of chastened enjoyment, grave admiration, and, we hope, of profound thankfulness to that Being who had permitted the assemblage, and smiled upon it by mercifully interposing His arm to shield every man, woman and child engaged in this peculiar festival, fiom the slightest accident during the day. We scarcely need add, after tlie last pre ceding remark, that the schools descended the mountain in regular older, and were all re-embarked before four o’clock. Taking a sweep down the bay for a few miles, the flo tilla then returned to the city, and the chil dren were all safely at home before twilight. Columbus, Mississippi, June 15 —The cot ton c rop was never more promising in this neighborhood, than it is the present year. On many farms it is beginning to bloom, and on some, bolls have been formed. ,\Te were shown the other day, a full h'ooin taken from the field of Mr, John Connell, tig tells us the blooms are fast opening all over the field. We have slso been ehev,n a boll as huge as a map'sthmnb (\ o in the lield of Mr. Hoskins, a few miles from town. This is the earliest we ever knew. Wc believe it was some three or four weeks later last year, before the bolls were formed. We will stake old Lowndes against any county in East Mississippi for early cotton, early vegetables of every kind. Quackeri/. —“Madam,” said a quack to a nervous old lady, “your ease is a scrutun tu'ury complaint.” “Pray doctor, what is that ?” “It is a dropping of the nerve ma'am, the nerves having fallen imo the pizarinkturn, the chest becomes morberous and the head goes tizarizen, tizarizen, while all the curpSreal functionaries of the system seem drowned in the torper of total exfluncti fieaton.” “Ah! doctor,” exclaimed the old lady, “you have described my feelings ex actly,” From the Baltimore Chrovirle. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. Our New Orleans slips received yesterday niurtimg bring the highly important intelli gence of the surrender of Tampico by the Federal army into the hat ds c.f the Centra lists, without a blow being struck. The news was brought by theU. S. ship War ren. which touched at the lialize. having lelt T.itifffico on 'lie 7>h inst. >ien. Arista took possession of the |.Ure on the Sth 1 The following are articles of Capitul?.ion. Capitulation of Tampico. At the ferry of Donna Ce< ilia, nn the 4th June, 1539, the first adjutant of the battalion ofTlaxcala, Don Jose B. Huerta, Col. Don M. M. liurria, Oot. Don Mariano Fernan dez, Capt. Jose Marlin Castanares, and L. Don Miguel Lazo, attorney, having met for the purpose of putting an* end to r ; vil dissensions, ami exchanged their full powers (from Gen. Arista and the coinmauder-iii chief at Tatnpido, a«ree at follows: 1 That Gen. Urrea having left Tampico on business, and the place being now in a difficult situation the garrison fears a longer resistjtice would he unavailing; wherefore to avoid tlie shedding of Mexican blood, and to end the civil war, they have agreed to the following articles : Art. 1. The garrison of Tampico will lay down their arms in the centre of the place, which shall immediately be occupied by the troojrs of Dun Mariana Arista row. Art. 2. Every-personresiding in Tampico at the eio-ment of signing this capitulation, shall beprot*? tte I a; to life, liberty, property, employment, and pursuits, which he may have eiijoyed under the supreme govern ment. excepting those accused of other than political <crimes. Art. 1. Should any prisoners be found -in .he hands of the soldiers of Gen. Arista, they sir'!! beret a liberty. Wt. 4. The chiefs, officers and soldiers of the regular army now in Tampico, shall continue hi the service or not, as they may determine. The militia shall retire to their homes with pas sports of safe conduct. Art. 5. ’The officers and soldiers now in th" hospital shall be supported by the national government until they recover, when they oharll receive aid to reach home Art. 6. .’Should Gen. Urrea wish to ac cede to this capitulation, he shall be free to do so, provided he does not continue in any place occupied by the federal ferces, and answers within a suitable delay, accor ding to tire distance he may be at. AnnjTlOlV hit ARTICLE The officers and troops who maybe at a distance from Ta mpico when this convention is ratified, c’iaall have the privilege of being included therein, provided thev make ap plication without dhlay to the officers of tlie supreme government, near where they are. (Approved) MARIANO ARISTA. iGNACIO ESCALADA. Tt will tie seen by the accompanying let ters which we find it> the Lousianiau that the troops at Tampico expressed the utmost indignation at the tervns of the surrender, exclaiming.against t.l eir chiefs, whom they accused of having -Bold the blood of the federalists to their euemfles. The soldiers remained firm and resolute at their fiosts during twenty-four liners, with their arms and ammunition, menacing tlie government party with death. Ac declaring that they would pillage the town in case they were attacked. They were at length brought to reason, and convinced t&af all resistance was useless. Extract of a letter from T'.ampico. In the night of June 3d, there was a tree tins ol The officers of the garrison, in which they threatened to massacre snd pillage the Spanish residents—but a majority was found to be in favor of good or *« r. And yet she incendiary party succecd&d in dis tributing four hundred daggers among the soldiers, and a good deal of money, lo pro mote that dreadful project. They worth! have succeeded, had it not been fc*r tlae commander, Colonel Escalada, who hearing the noise of musketry and artillery at 10 o’clock at night, come down upon them with a body of cavalry, and sent patrols in all directions. We are also much indebted to the American and French ships of \war off the harbor—which furnished armed pa r ties who patrolled all night. Correspondence of the Merchant's Ex change Reading Room. Tampico, June 7,18.39. My Dear Sir,—Herewith I enclose you the terms ofthe disgraceful captUlatiou of this garrison, on the 4th inst. After the terms had been ratified bv the officers and made known to the soldiers of the citv. they expressed the utmost indignation, and ac cused their officers of cowardice, and of having sold the blood of their families to their enemies, and remained firm and res olute to their posts. r| he officers then left them, and in this situation they remained for twenty-four hours, in possession oftheir arms and munitions—-threatening death to the centralists, and the pluuder of the city. You can therefore judge our sittiafion could not be very pleasant, when twelve hundred ignorant men, well armed, cheated out of their pay and deserted by their offi cers, were in readiness to wreak their ven geance on the foreigners. It was, however, happily go’ten over with out any very serious consequences, and the city quietly surrendered. Much credit is given in some ofthe let ters for the services rendered by Comman der Spencer of the U. S. ship Warren. He was indefatigable in I is exertions to prevent the useless spilling of blond, and bringing every thing to a peaceable close. It is stated in one account that many ofthe Federal soldiers, seeing themselves deser ted and as it were betrayed by their officers, immediately destroyed themselves, rather than witness wiial they degmed the total and entire prostration of their country at the feet of a tyrant. We must conle ss that we have rarely seen a more sol.cnn farce enac ted, and the circuiv.ktan. es,taken altogeth. r. wear very much the anpearanee of coward ice, i( not treachery on the part of the offi cers of the Federal army. Mexico seems determined to remain in her present state, and it would beuselessto expend sympathy on a nation which is, perhaps, for its oppor tunities, in a more benighted state than any other on tire face of the Globe. The news ofthe capitulation ofTarnmeo without a blow, will fall like a clap of thun der upon the friends of rational liberty in other parts ofthe country. A stand has been tai eu in many sections, but with how much success, it is exceedingly difficult to ascertain. For instance, it is stated that an attack had been made by the Govern ment troops upon Tuspan, in which they were eminently successful Another ac count states that they were repulsed and driven otF with much loss. The capinre and prompt execution of Mexia. seems to have tenoiized the officers in command of the Federal troops. When Tampico sur rendered there was between 800 and 1000 troops in the garrison, while the besieging army did not exceed five hundred men. As interesting to our commercial readers we give the following extract of a Ic-tier from the United States Consul at Tampico to the Collector of the | ort of New Orleans, under date of June bill.—After speaking of the c-'ipitulution, he says:— X il gouds that are sent to the port will of course be accompaniedfliy necessary’docu n.ents in the strictest form, in complete conformity with the provisons of the tariff, in which case no difficulty will be experien ced in their introduction. The Mexican consul in your port will of course gite bis clearances for this port in tlie jireseut state of affairs. We have had no disturbance at the time r f entry ofthe troops, aud things have gone on more quietly than we cr uld have ex pected. From the Buffalo P it riot. A BIT OF HISTORY. Soon after the evacuation of Navylslaad Ly Van Rensselaer’s forces, we that we would, at an early day, give the his tory of the patriotic movements on this fron tier. A press of other matter, continued to occupy our alien ion, and we had nearly forgotten our promise, when it was-called to rniudby the report of Mackenzie’s trial in the Rochester Democrat. It is a w et, .lull day, the papers contain no news, and the excitement produced try the events alluded to has almost entirely subside!; so we don’t know that we shall have a better opportuni ty than the present for fulfilling our prom ts". The history will lie found not without its moral. Just after the distmbances in Lower Ca nada commenced, in the fall of 1827, anil while the'Upper Province was quiet, the Eagle st. Theatre wi.s abruptly closed and the company left. A journeyman printer, whose name it is unnecessary to mention, but whose love of fun and frolic is notoit ous. was lamenting the exodus in company wiih one of his cronies, named John Cotter, at Walsh’s Coffee House. Says one to the other “whatshall wedofur fun !” - ‘1 don’t know,” was the reply ; “this tahsquaiulation is deuced unlucky. Suppose we get up a Canada war.” At this moment' one of our editorial conferres entered the room, and was asked by one of our heroes why he did not attend and rejjort the Canada meeting held the nigii! before. In reply to his an swer ihat he was not aware that anv lad been held, he was assured that there hail been one, and that another would be held the next evening. He p omixed to be preset]J, and to catty out the heax, for such it was intended, the printer immediately got tip an anonymous handbill, calling a mreting of the friends of Canada at Walsh’s Coffee House. This was posted about town. In the evening Cotter and two or three friends were,quietly seated in one of-Walsh’s back rooms, enjoying a snug game of whist, when Walsh entered in great trepidation, and said a crowd had collected and were enquiring for the meeting, accusing him of an inten tion to draw them together by a hoax for the purpose of selling more liquor. “Never mind,” says our friend ofthe type, “brina on a few tallow candles and they shall have their meeting.” The long room was soon lighted up, and the meeting was organized l>y ealiing J. O. Meat ato the chair. A com mittee was then appointed to report resolu tions expressive of the sense ofthe meeting This task was undertaken by a young mem ber of the bar, who was in the secret, and who reported a series of resolutions as broad ly burlesque as possible. They were, how ever parsed by acclamation, and ordered to be printed. This was not expected, but as the bait was caught at so greedily it was con cluded to revise them somewhatand the next day they were formally published in the ‘Star. During the meeting. Cotter, or someone at his instigation, iD order to lest the gullibility ofthe audience, stated that Mackenzie would bo presnt at and address the next meeting The announcement took wonderfully, and being noised around, the next meeting was a tremendous one. All were expecting to hear Mackenzie, but lie failed to .appear,'"and to soothe their disappointment, and account Tor his nonappearance, a letter icritten in this ci/t/, and’purporting to come from him was read, thanking the people of Buffalo for the compliment they had paid him, and expres sing his regret that he could not comply with their polite invitation, &c. Ate. 'J he meeting was addressed *by sever I gentlemen m a .very eloquent manner, and then dis pers'd. The next day, we think, or day but one, news came of the gaihering at Montgomery’s tavern back of Toronto. This added fuel to the flame which had been kindled in th" way we have mentioned, and very soon after Mackenzie did actually make his appearance in our city. The subs'equent events are matters of general notoriety.— Tne feeling,' generated here, soon extended the adjoining counties, and in a short time made itself manifest at every point from Sacketts Harbor to Detroit. 1 lie events in Canada would unquestion ably have produced a profound sensation in this country, but the fervor of patriotism which we have witnessed for the last eisrli teen months, is intytdy owing to the move ment. h°re, and it may fairly be said that what was undertaken in a spirit of frolic, and intended tneiely as a clever hoax upon the public generally and an editor in partic ular, has result in the loss of hundreds of valuable lives, beggard thousands, cost the Governments ofthis country aud Great Brit ain mi lions of dollars, and seriously threa tened to plunge them into all the ho’rrorsof wa r * From the New \vrk Spirit of the Times. RIFLE SHOOTING IN' GEORGIA. S onie tune since we mentioned a splendid rifle made to order by Harrington of this city, at a cost of SSOO, for Dr. David She'- tou. Os Talbotton. Ga. Dr. S. was to slmot a heavy match this spring, of which the particulars were promised; whether it has already come off or not we are ignorant, but w e have received a letter sign and by two gentlemen of Talbotton, giving an account ol two targets recently made by Dr. S. which, it correct, [and we have no reason to question their veracity,] will deter us at any rate, from shooting a match with him for any thing over a basket of Heidsick. Here is the report: Talbotton, Talbot Cos. Ga. May 22, 1839. Dear Sir: —We saw Mr. David Shelton, of this town, shoot at the distance of One 11 undred yards at rest, ten balls in succession, which made but one hole, the puncture farthest from the centre measuring tlifee quarters of an inch, and weight of barrels 25lbs; sex feet twist and four feet long, with but five small scores. Hie same gentleman, at the distance of One Hundred yards, with a rifle carrying i 54 balls to the pound, six feet iwist, four ! feet long, and weighing twenty pounds, about j five balls in succession, the first : the centre, and the whole five making but one hole. Yours Respectfully, RHILO BROWNSON. HENRY TAYLOR. "EXTRACT UFA LETTER FROM GOV. TROUP TO JOHN FORSY'JH. “The people of the United States, con tent with their political institutions, ask nothing of their rulers but jmtily in the ad ministration of their uffuii*. Disinterested ness—singleness of purpose for the public weal—sincerity and plain dealing on ti e jsirt of all their functionaries, from the high est tothe lowest, fidelity tvety trust, and strict accountability iu the disv barge of ev ery duly, tothe exculsion of selfishness, in trigues, tricks and devices of low ciinuino to gratify patty passions, and to subserve sordid interests. Hucksteriags and batter ings, and all the rest, they will cheerfully leave ta the mountebanks and j igglers, to whom they urore appropriately belong,” The above extract contains one ofthe se verest rebukes to the present administration tlnvt we have eve* met w ith. Our peculiar form of government has excited the wonder and commanded tiie admiration of the w hole civillized world ; and its trinni| hat.t success has done more toward the promotion ol lib eral principles in tlie old w ol id,than any oth_ ev even* within the last fire centuries. Un der this form of government, our countiy ha« prospered, increased in strength, and advanced in every useful science and geu. eral improvement, with a rapidity unparal leled Lu the history of nations. (Jnr admi- rable constitution, the result of the wisdom and virtue of the sages of the revolution, has it.sui id te i v.i people theenjny ment of every blessing which true liberty is ca) able of imparting. Under this constitution, ev ery citizen is in reality a freeman, and how ever humble and obscure his station, is en titfid to all the privileges and political l ights of the loftiest and most highly favored citizen of ibe Republic, ilojje.-t induslrv, though clothed iu rags, always insures res pect and is not suffered to go mucwrrded and every inducement is held out, and eve ry encouragement is given to enierprize and honorable ambition. Under our free insti tutions the niiml unfettered, has (till scope, and the humblest citizen may aspire to the highest stations of honor and tuist in the gilt of a free people, 'i’he freedom of speech and ol the pi ess, and (he liberty of worship ping our God accotiling to tlie dictates of our own conscience, aie amply secured to us. It is essentially a government of the people and v itb it the pi op hi are content. But they must recollect, ilia* its preservation in its purity, depends entirely on tlcm 'elves. It therefore heroines their bounden duty to watc h wi*h a jealous eye, th" con duct of their rulers, and promptly | m down every faction which may invade the temple of their liberties, and every administration, which may attempt to change the charac ter of their government; aiwuvs retrcinbci ing that “the price of liberty is eternal vig ilance.” Let the people try ti e present ndn.inis ttation by the standard of Gov. Troup, aud see how it will bear the test. They will find that it has ladet! in every particular. Instead of “purity in the administration ed its affairs," they will find it has been conduct ed on tlie | rinciple, that * to the vi i< rs I e leng the spoils,” and sustained by c | er Ini bery and corruption. Instead of* “disinter estedness.’’ they w ill discover that seljiutn est has be en the guide of all its actions, and iu place of “singleness of purpose for the public weal,” they will find that the public interest and the country’s good, have been sacrificed to the gratification of tlie baser passions, and an inordinate selfish ambition. Instead sos “sincerity anil plainde aling,” it wid be found, we have had nothing bi t de ception most gross, and hi.mbngg* ry most foul. When w«, should have had” fidelity to e very trust,” we have witnessed on ti e parttifour rulers tlie palpable vieditictiet all their pledges, and shameless treacle y to tl-,o?e principles which elevated them to power. Instead of “strict accountability,” our rulers have acknowledged no “accoun tability” to any established tribunal, but have despotically “taken tie res) cmibilitv,” of vicfTrtting the known wilhnf th" peoj le. aid tazirg to the dust all the hurriirs to absol ute power, which h..d bren established by the patriots ofthe lcvolntieu. In H ort, “selfishness, intrigues, tricks, at and devices of low cunning to gratify passions, and to sub sevesordid interests, hucksterings ard bar fertngs,” which Gov. Troup tt ulyTays, “ap propriately belong to mount' banks aud jog i.icts, h; ve most strikingly characterized the picsent adtu inist rat to n. AY’di the peo ple sustain an administration of “inouii'.e bauks and jugglers ?” If they will, they will ere long find their interests sacrificed, and cheir country ruined and eternally disgraced! I hoy will discover when it is too late, that they have been Inched out of their hherties, and “juggled” into the iron embrace ' f des pot stti Jt s for the people am! ’ihk people .'.lone to avert the catastrophe 'J he above forcible extract, \vc ir.ter.d keeping at the In ml of cur colt mi s lor some time, in full view of our readers. It contains in an admirably condensed form, tiie t,hole duti< sos the rulers of a free peo ple-—Mobile Mer. Ado. ofthe National TnteUig freer. Acte Yorhr July C. th" President continues in the city, and il be is on an electioneering tour, as the \\ Iflgs believe, he is unfortunate in his movements. Il is sub Tiea snry speech at Castle Garden, in pre sence of the Common Council, with the military of the city as 1 1 is escort, composed principally as it is of Whigs, has been very offensive, and was in very bad taste. A Pre sident of the United States, on a tour, ma king party speeches, the very moment he is receiving the honors of the constituted au thorities ofthe whole city, is not oily an act offensive, but uncivil and insulting. It is seldom Mr. Van Bcrkn so forgets him self. Tlie act has no precedent. Warm as were General Jackson’s feelings, he never thus outraged the political opinions ot his opponents w hen he was receiving tlieir hos pitality. Indeed, is not Mr. Y. B. the ve ry first President who thus avowedly started on nn electioneering tour ? This speech of course throws Mr. Van Buren into the hands of his party, and al most into their exclusive custody. And, w hat is unfortunate for a Chief Magistrate of the republic, the part of the party which now takes possession of him is not the most judicious part. Thus, tor example, Mr, Van Buren appeared la«t night in a decora ted box of the Park Theatre, which was full of Government officers, among whom were conspicuous the notorious Ming and Iviell the head and front ofthe Slain Ban gocracy. These Custom house officers are his oody guard. They keep with him at his hotel, and sally out with him from it. In deed, it seems to me. Mr. Van Buren has given himself up to them, and their counsels, and their policy. I need not add, such men cati never rule in New Y srk. The president is now on a visit to Brook lyn lie Ins been oti board the North Carolina, which welcomed him with a grand salute. Tlio military escort him through the streets of Broollvn. He then goes to the Navy Yard. T. is idle to say quiet js