The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, July 20, 1839, Image 4

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jS/rtn »•/ Xhtfitf *ttUs. "Wf ILL. c» ' I to. lore the Court lle’i«e If Jour n th«. tow •ol Lumpkin, Bit*- art county, on me first Tuesday in AUGu> i urn, iH-uti-eu the usu*’ hours o. sale, I lie 1011. ring (HojH-rty, to * •: I, »t ol Liu I An. 24, m Ihe 24th district ol origin my L'-e, now Stewart county, li v j,> loa .»4 i,if (‘iojk-hv ol’ Ji ad 11. tiarielt to < a Fi r’ * isatitd Si.-jjii «ii* |iei-ur con. l, in l.itor ol 1* “i(J i nin W . 1 la.k, b.-arer, t.i 4 o lie.v. s.ud il i icil and Jo tutu H- K sen. Lo: oi’ Lind, No 15, i.i the 25ili district pf Siowart count), taken aa liie property ol Stephen Glover, lo >. u- y an t 1 i k s is s.ic inj oi a justices cii.i ol .> .v in c uin t\. i.i t.ivor oi Culieu Roberts ami others, vs said Glover. AGo, o.ic negro iiinn by the name of Le vin, l*lt as UIC !>| a :•’rt V ol \» ill .1 'll l*. Tt»»V••tins. Ist) a ri Fa. issue 1 : ■ i Stew ..rt super.-ir court in i ivor ol Rich : I V. .Morrison vs. Lulelou Collins arid \V in. P. Tompkins. Also, one sorrel horse an ! one yoke ul ox en a id cart, tak- i as too i>: iperty ol Kob ;t Bir i, to s .-.siy a Fi l*’a. issued from Stewart *u;>cri ir co tit, infavorof James Tuomas vs said Bird. Aim. rbi nisj. ivostorsoii’s interest in lo.sot L lid N >s. ‘I I, 9i a a I 111, iu th- 22d district of S -wi.t county, lev. 1 oo ; n satis fy sundry Ft Fas. issued from ;» justice's court in s a id county, in favor ot M.iftfio Par ker, a I n'rx on the es’.ue oi’ s Pavser, dsceased, vs i’mma is J. Kestcrsou, lie;.:y Breaer and . vs. Also, No. 1 18, m Ihe 24th district of St-*w ari co inly, lev e.t on as'tbe prop, By of John Alien, Isi satisfy >under Fi .' ts_. is- led tio.n a j isii'-f-'s ci»*h of‘Wa!!(«Vmmty, in I vor of .1. A. A. Grcsnum, and others, vs sai I AI let). A 1 i, the t half f Lot, N . 163,in the 2ou of Stewart county, leviei hi ns tlie iper'v u. “V !■>’>. y, o salislv Err a isS i itr .m Muscogee inferior court ii invar of St-iv i.t V Foutai :e vs sat I .Mas sey an I Fiteo.ohilus tlemy. Ats > .No. 74 aid l;)». ta Fie 1 a t!t distiict of 6Lew art con tty, levied on as tin; property of Rouen ili Iter, to satisfy suud-y Fi Fas Hsu ■<! from a’ j i- ire's cuiltt ol Stewart Cos a it y in favor of Jam s .lord at and others, vs Robert i late her. Also. lot No. 73, in the 18th district of Ste var. cniu'lly. levied on as the property of JT*,\.n;l AI - Michael, lo satisfy sundry ' i. Fas issue I from a justice's c .mt oi sail county,in favor of \ff. P*. !’> lit vs said Me Mich ioI it. I Rob.-ri limber. Also, No. 153. in lit -3ls: I strict of Stew art county, taken as the proprrtv ,and Abnei A. Langford, to satisfy a Fi Fa Hsu I mi of Sti vart superior court, i-i t ivorol R. .1. Crews, for the use of B. Pop-:, vs said L Hi J ford. Also, Nil. 10, in the 32 I district of Ste w art county, taken as the pro petty ol Robert D Junes, to satisfy a Fi Fa and out of a justice's co-art of il msion county, hi l.ivo> of Idauiel B. Rhodes. Alsu, No. 131, in tlie 22.1 district of sai i county, taken as tin; prunerty ol Gdlis Po v ell, to satisfy sundry i-h Fas, i sit" I out ol a justice’s co irt of -Mewart eouniy, in lavor m Charles \. S:nitll, and Others. Alsu, N ». 4% in F'c 13th ill tri -t of said county, taken is the property m AVJliam V \Vori hington, to satisfy sin dry i-h i- is- u cd o’dt of a justice's co irt of- I county, “fin fivnr of (Jadiy .Mathis, at ! others, vs Win. A. Worthington. Also, a negro buy by the name of Bill, IG ve ns old, taken as the property of I'lunins Justice, to satisfy a Ft Fa, issue I out ol Stcw-art sikperior rourt in favor ol Julius (J. E chilis vs Thom as Justice anil Allen Bates. Also, No. 21 5, in the r>th district ofSte v art county, taken as the - rujn ity ol Henry tJpears, to satisfy one Fi Fa issued out ol the inferior court of Talbot con ity, in favor of Bailey Gu-|.lard vs. John I., an .' He.try Spears and Willia.n B irnes, secitri ties. Also. No, 3,in the 27 I di-trictof Stewart c(uinty, taken as the prunerty of Charles Dunning to satisfy one Ki Fa. ts-un 1 I out of Stewart superior court, in lavor of William E. Collier, vs Robert Hatcher and Ch tries Dunning. Also. No. 53, indie intli district of Stew art county, taken as the property of lanes S. Lunsford, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued out of a justice's court of Stew art county in favor of E. E. Crocker and others. Also, loi of ii I Na. 10 3 in the 13th Dist. of Stewari ( onnty, levied on as tlie property of Riclrn >n I V Black, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Justices (.'«urt ofSfevart county, in favor of John liimiltnn, bearer, vs. Rh-huiun l \. Black, principal, and Du-van \. Nicholson, se curity. Property pointe I out by the secu rity Levied and returned bv a const-able. - A'so, No 201, in ihe 23 1. District of Stewart coiintv, taken as the property ol Is me 'lriui’s to s i'isiy sundry ft tiis issued out of a Justi.-es Court of Stewart county, in favor of Maso-i il ilnsli and others. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE. At thf sum /-'•«? do > /-h--', 7i-ill be sold. Lot No. 11 Lin the Dili district, Stewart, as. the property of Wiley S. Wbiteheod, to satisfy smihv Fi Fas. iisued out of a jus tice's court of Stewart apunty, in f'vor of T. M trsltall ’uurnthers. M. ’I. FLE MING, ShiV MORTGAGE SALES. Also will be s-ili/ ns above o-t Ihe first Tues day in •'i yi/c ,tiher ne.rl. Lucy a woman 2G years old. Arthur a man 20 years old, Sampson a man. 35 years old, Dianna, a woman 122 years old, and her two children, Tetter, a woman 30 years old. Amy 12, Jack I", Allred 15 years, George a boy’ 13 vears old. Rose a woman IS) years old. Nathan a hov 2 years old, Calvin 5 years old. Hester 3 years old. Daniel 7 years old, Dave 1 year old, all taken as the prop erty of Robert 11 tcher, t.> satisfy three ALirtSnge ft fas issued out of Stewart !■ Terror C’".ik fiv -f Will. .! B-xtUoi , h, v-erd Bryan, 1 ouuisou Koit and Elijah E. Crocker, F “enter* .' e ' Wi. I'i .-, •. I. > ■ ■ - i’> . l llatciier. Also, one boy by the name o'" Toney, n’-i mt 21 vc trs >;! ag *, one ..irh f»y tile tia'rie ol Silva about Id years of age, ;.|| levied oil as trie property of R In rt Ha'ch' r. to satTfy a M rt age fi fa, i ;sn.d out of Stew mt 1 ufeti >r L'aiiit i(i favor of Co ley VS. Ruber ! iie'i M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. July-5. 1330. no r ice: TJJNfTTS JORDAN, is the ipg.,ii v a „. thariaed Age t of Rio I <te Talman, during nay absence from the July 10. 11 It A P. ROOD. ' NOTICE. IFORWARN alj persons from trading for two promissory notes, made'by my self, payable to Peter Me Arthur, for \!7.hil -1 ai-s each, dated Bor Otii March l.axt. doc 2Vn Due* nb r irxt. Th • cons’ lervi ti for s ini antes vv.i given having failed. JOHN NUSO'I. Georgetown, Ga. July 10. at g l Sumter sheriff sales . b - sohi, on tilt* fust Tuesday in tv AL-GUST next, belorc the court house dm.r iu the lohii ot Aiiierirtis, Sum ter rOuuty, within the usual hours of bale, the following | rup»-rly,to wit: Two Ini -oi Land, Nos. 141 and 148, in the 27th ii t.i* tot foriiit-riy Lee. now Sum ter county, It vied oil as th*' prnperiy nl Reu ben B. I’itl.eti, to satisfy one Fi Fa. is-ued tfniii S'tuitt . superior court, in f.,»or of Eil «tn F., vs. s ,id Pickett ; property pointed out by the defendant. Also, one town lot. No. 1, under letter Id, in ike town of Atneriesis. Sumter county, containing one halt acre, more or Its*, levied on as the properly ol \k illniiu S. Kai»i*ey, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued Com a justice's court ot Suoiler comity, in favor of Jo«iah a el I -aa.-Ogden, vs sunl Ramsay ; property pointed o ;t by the plaintiif. A 1.-. >, Lot of Laud, No. 102, in the 27th divtii I of formerly Lee now Sumter «•< untv, leviel o.i as the property of James W. Bai ley, lo satisfy me Fi Fa. issued from a justi ce's court of Sumter c iunty> in lavor of John W. Lv.his vi. James W Bailey and Green 'L Wheeler; propeity pointed out by Green M. Wheeler. POS I'PONED SALES. Also, tci'l be sol-l us abo re. Lot of l in l. No. 215, in the 15th district of for nerly Lee now Snniler county, levied o:hh the prop-ify of John Ei-lson, to si'isfy o-i:* Fi Fa from aj i -lice’s c.mrt of Wilkes county, in favor of J. 2c .!. Anderson, vs said EG >, levy made and returned to me by a coll.’ah'". \!so. the east half of lot of land, No. 146, in the 27'h district of formerly Lee now So liter county, and five negroes, to wit, Wa!!i<, -t min. 30 years old. L'loe, a woman, 50 year- old, Cl in sa, an Mian, 50 years old, ?*li si.nri, a girl, 10 years o . Peggy, a gi.i 10 vears old; nh ; .v ion as too prop ■itv rv, Mark M. Brown, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas (run Sumter Inferior court, one in favor of Turner Coley v> said BroVvn maker, aa I .1 oil rt T. McCrary endorser ; .--.d one in of James il. Cox and (,’a - v G. Cox, vs Mark M. Brown, .Michael Madden, ail Richmond B. Goar, and one iu favor id Da vid Ralston vs Mirk M. Brown; and one in favor of George Walker vs. Mark M. Brown. JOHN KIM.MEA, Sheriff. June 1 0, 1839. also, will nr: sold as above : Lot of Land .No. 8. in (lip 17th District of formerly L p e, now Sumter county, levied mi ns lit ■ property of Daniel Harris lo sat isfy one li f.i from a Justices Court of Ncw ii.n co nlv. in li.or of .) R. M Neal vs. Daniel lit its. levy til tde and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Lhi 1 No. ?31. in the QStli Distr;.- 1 of for oei Iv Lee, m w Sumter coun ty. levied on i< the property of Jolm A. C.avto . *o a ■ y c >e ti Ik Ijnm a Justices Court of Walton c runty, i-i favor of Cash W'lli -gham. vs John \. Clayton, property , oiut-d out by John l!o-l;es, levy made ami i- urn.' Itome bv a cons able. -\li. Lot of L hi I No. 139. in the 17lh Dis tie! .-!’ formerly L<*<, now Su niter court ly. lev! i on ns t’’c propertv <d" James 11. Miv in -ati-ly one (i fa from Sumter Su perior I’onrt, in favor of Asaph R. Hill, vs. Jam >s II Alay an I o*lters, ft fas in I over of others aga .aid May, prt.perly pointed oui bv the defend.n-r. A1 - 1 ». Lot of La id No. 133. in the 17th Di a.: iet of formerly L'e, nmv Sninfer eojil ly. I-. -i on-is ihe tiroperty of J'ouclilas 11 B i" -,. to satisfy one li fi from Sumter Inferior Court, in ! avor of George Hnnting i in A: Cos vs. Douglas 11. Brown maker Hid Jo-i ih Ogden and Isaac O'den. endor sers properly pointed out by John C. Shuf fi'-l 1. Also, T,nt of TANARUS, m 1 No 333. in the -23tii District offormerlv L"e, nmv Sumter conn lv, levied on as the prapertv of Lacy .T. Sini'uons lo Ratify Sundry li fas from a Jn tiers Court til 'l.i titer county, in favor ol Th en h M. Mann, and others against sai I Simmons, h-vy made and returned to in - bv a constable. Also, T/'ii of Lam! No. 130, in the 27ih District of formerly Le'', now Sumter coun ty, levied on as the property of James 11 '! iv. to -• I'isfy sundry fi fas fro::- a Justices Court of Sumter county, one ti fa in ta v of M. 21. (; 1 rry, vs, James 11. Mav, a i l Fm oth'T in favor of others against said May, property pr-in'edout by the defendant, lew 111a !e and retur-ed to me by a consta ble'. Also. Lot of Land No. 292, in the 27th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter county levied on as the the property of Ephraim Higdon, to satisfy Sundry fi fas ft'-i-u a Justices Court of sumter comity, i• • ftvnr of Ishmaet Bran nan, vs. Ephraim Higdon, property pointed out by the defend ant, l°vy made and returned to me by a con stable. • POSTPONED SALES. - At the same time and place tcill be sold. One Grey mare, one Yoke of white add rod hrindle pi led Oxen, one so re I Idaze face horse, till levied on as the property of Ad am I I'irdin. to satisfy one li fa from Sumter Inferior Court, in favor of John Snelgrove, vs. Allan) Hard n. and other fi fas in favor of others, vs. said ! lurdin, property pointed out by Lott AVarrrri. V Iso, one Bay Itorse, and one Yoke of white and black pitied Oxen, levied on as the property of Wiley Gilmore to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inferior Court iu favor of Griswold N: Popes, vs. said Gil more. property pointed out by Lott War ren. GREEN M. WHEELER. TANARUS). Sli’ff. June 19. 1 '. 1 1-2 GUARIIIAN’S SALE. * ILL be sold on tlie first Tuesday y v in August next, between the legal Lour; of Sale, before the Court House door at Starksviile in Lee County, a lot of land lying in said County, known as lot Number Twenty Six [26] in the second District, eontaini g two hundred two and a half fi ! '24] acres, drawn bv William 11. at i Svdnev Ann ’’ aids, Mb gititnates; so -! 1 'li:i beeei it «1 said children. Terms at ihe sale. HENRY W. MASSEXGALE, Guardian. Wri.btsboro, M v 28. 4939. 9 Atlmii:iMiai(>r v $ *«!»% \ ILL fie sold agreeably to an Older of ••v the Inferior Court ot Sunifrrcon »y h 11 siting j r ordinary purposes on the, iii st “oe •:’) (ii A • gust 1 ' \t, t'etween 1 lie usual hours nt sale before the Couit House door of siad count v . One acre ol Land in the North East cor nel ot lot of Laud 1/5 In the 27 1 ii district of originally EOO now Sumter countv, whereon William 11. Beg-/ now lives. Also a lot in tlie l own ol Danville, in Sumter county No. not recollected. Terms made known 011 the day «( sale. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of S. M. Pegg, de ceased. WILLIAM PEGG, ) SAMUEL G I’EGG, ( Adm r, ‘ Mav 26 1R39 7 GR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Lice sheriff safes. TTTILL be sold on the first T uesday In ♦ f AL'GL’ST next, at the Court House dour in Ihe Town of Starksville, within the usual hours of sale the following property to wit : Lot of Land No. 170. in the 12th dist. of Lee county, levied on as the property of lesse Faust, lo satisfy a fi fa issued Irotn a Justice Court of Lee county, in favor ol' Green Knowles, property pointed out by the plaintiff levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 2GP, in the Oil district of Lee comity, levied on as the property of J< shna Mrrier, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court ol Lee county, in favor of Harrison Jones, Ail’mr. the Estate of l,ewis Bond, deceased, vs. said Joshua Mercir. Also. Lots Nos. 3,4, and 28, in the 12th Ulistrict of I,re county, levied on as the property of John Lawhon, to satisfy two fi fas issued from the Superio Court of Lee county, and i favor if Elfcy Dyson, vs. John Sherrard principal, and John Lawhon security anil one in favor of H. Jones, and J. Bond,Administrators, vs. Joint Lawhon principal and Elijah Tucker, se curity oil appeal. One biv horse, about six or eight years old. levied on as the property of Garrett Oglesby, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Mer iwether superior court, in favor of John J. Ridgeway, vs said Garrett Oglesby; proper ty pointed nut by M. Ellis. Also, Lot of Land, No. 130, in the 16’h district ol Lee county, levied on as the pro perty of Jesse Scarborough, to satisfy a Fi. Fa issued from the stipei lor court of Lee county, in favor of Cani| bell. MeDougahl 6c Harris, vs. said Jesse Scarborough. Also, tlie undivided half of Lot No. 217, in the 12th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Paschael .1. Watlev, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice’s court of Walton county, in favor of Ismae W. Wooldridge and James J. Mastcn, vs. ssa and Paschael J. Watlev ; property pointed out by James J. Master); levy made and re turned to me by a constable. ,\ Bin ham DYSON, Sh'iT. June 20. 1839, Also trill Ic sold he asahoie. Lot ol Land No. 75. in the lotli district ol origi a y Dooly but now Lee county, levied on to satisfy a li fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, Joseph Gla totJ. vs. John J. Ford, Moses Pipkin, Luke Jenkins and Benjamin Pearson, for cost. Also, JLot dl Land in the Ist. district of Lee county. No. not known, the place whereon John Cain now lives, Pine Land with a smali imprnvoniet.r, Leviedon nsthe pro; erty of said John Cain, to satisfy an Alias fi fa issued from the SuperiorCourtof Houston county, in favor of Richard V. (J. Ruffin, vs. said John Cain. Property point ed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. D. GOFF, Dep. Sheriff. June 27, 1839. Adminfeti a tors’ Safe. VT the Court-house in Baker county, will be sold on the !irG Tuesday iu August next, by an order of the Inferior Court of Lee county, tlie following describ ed Lots of Land, belonging to the estate of the late Lewis Bond, deceased, all sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said, deceased, audio effect a distribution ; a part ot which lots comprise the Baker planta tion.-.-Sales to continue from day to day un til the whole is sold. Terms made known on the day of sale, viz: Lots 317 2d, 214 2d, IS7 2d, 137 2d, 136 2d, 145 2d. North half of 215 2d, 186 2d, 111 2d, 354 2d, 118 2.1, 173 2d. 148 2d, 331 2d, 223 2d. 1382d. J 26 2d,213 2d, and 192 in the 2d District of Baker, originally Early county; and also Lots 186 3d, 183 3d, 205 3d, 234 3d, 137 3d, ! 13,3d, in tlie 3d District of Baker, formerly Early county ; andalso. Lots 1 ) 100,21, 63, in I 257, in the seventh district of Baker, formerly Km ly comity ; aid also. Lots 40) Hid 197. in the 12th district of Baket coun ty, formerly Early, and also lot 78 in -the first lixtrict of Baker county, formerly Early. Also, on the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold, at Starksviile, Lee coun ty, before the Court-house door, the follow ng Lots of Land belonging to tlie said de* ceased, ami sold for a similar purpose, viz : 216,200,217,211, 168,230, Wi, 199, 202, 185,56, 184,203, 141, 215 and 201, inthese >-<!inl district of Lee county, a part of which lots cotnpii ise that valuable plantation known as the Fowl-town settlements and also lot -03 in the third, and the north half of lot 217 in tlie first district of Lee county. Also, on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Court house door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county, the following Lots of Land, belonging to said deceased, a part of which comprise the Wilkinson plantation, sold lor a similar purpose, viz: 211 4th, 119 23d, 96 Ith. 28 4th, 313 4th, 123 4th, 174 4th. 262 3d, 124 4th 25 llh. 261 th, 29 4th, 30 4th. 282 sth, 283 slh, 266 s;h, 194 lilt, 131 sth, 185 sth, 297 4th, 300 4t!i. .325 3d, 349 3d, 350 3d, 553 3d, 351 3d,31l 14th, 342 11th, 347 4th, 34 stn. 45 sth, 287 sth, 296 Ith, 280 sth, 309 4th, 299 4th, 170 4th, 279 sth, 196 4th 167 4th. 179 Ith, 151 sth, 160 sth, 130 sth. 200 4th, 207 4th, 914th, 91 4th. 92 4th, 210 sth, 178 23.1, 93 4th, 218 4th, 275 4th, 169 4th, 278 5th,'400 12th, 1822d, 114 sth, 115 sth, 133 sth, 187 4th, 92 Kith. 2724th, 252 4th. 263 4th, 280 4th, 2494th, 217 4th, 231 sth, 2.31 4th, 233 sth, 237 sth, 2*6 4th, 330 4th. 28 4th, 207 sth, 171 4th, 175 4th, 168 4th, 208 sth, .326 3d, 2115th, 182 sth, 46 sth, 159 3d, 159 23d, 326 23 I. 1 Lot, No. not known, sth, 552 J acres; 1 lot in the town of Irwinton, 4 acre ; 4 lot in No. not known. 101. J a cres; 1 lot No. 36. 'ruction, 3d, 66} acres; a part of lot No 90. in the 4th, 20 acres : a parcel of land 166, 4th, containing 5:4 acres; part of 169, in 4th, containing 70 acres; part ol 206, in 51! 1 , eontaing 50-i acres; all the above lots ot land lyin* in the districts an nexed to each number. T he said several sales of land to continue from day to day until the whole is sold.— Terms of sale, one third the twenty fifth day ot December next, tin balance iti two equal annual instalments. FT. JONES, JOSEPH BOND, Adm' rs of Lewis Bond, dec’d. March 23,1839 51 enwtf GUATOI rN’SS \ LK. (1 Ft >RGI A, Sumter Cos unty.—Agreen- ble to ail order of the Honorable In tenor ( oirt of Sumter county when sitting (or oid ’ irv purposes, will be s.d.l on the first Tuesday in August next, before Ihe Court House door in Americus.Sumter county, a tract of Lfind, known as Lot. No. 220 in the 30th District of formerly Lee now Sumter county, containing 2024 acres. Sold for the benefit of John Mathews minor and John Mathews idiot. - Terms on the day of sale. MOSES MATHEWS, Guardian. Americus, May 16, 1*39 6 For Sale, VFTN'E four wheel CARRIAGE, on accommodating term Apylyto J. L. BULL. loreuce, April 32 3 3t 1 The article publish' and below, concerning tils r.ew aid popu ar doctrine advanced by the-illustriou ■> G »eiicke, 01 Gi-riiuiiy, cannot tail ol exciuug a deep and thrilling interest ihroUphoui our eouutry. .IliuclilctG Sunaliic. Fur LON SUM P I’ION. '*3 [ TrunsL<ted from the German.] LOiJIS OFFJN GOEItCKc, or u »rfl m a > t THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizens of Srrrth an l South A neriea, Locix Orr i.x Gokmckk, Al. D. of .1 Germany , Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding a xkiv and fkkcious DOCTKisn ol’the Science of Medicine—a oetriue which, though vehemently opposed hv many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be well founded iu truth as any doctrine of H >ly Writ-—a doctrine, u ><> 1 the verity of which are suspeu le 1 the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz ; Go-nu nplion is a dis ease it-civ/s occasional by a disordere l slate of Vis Cit e (or Life Fri icipl )of the human bod i/: often secretly In kino iu the sys tem for years before there <* the least o nplainl of the Lunas Jfft— Hn l which may be as cer tainly, thou "li not so quickly cured, as a com mon raid or asiuj le headache. An invalua bly precious dectrine this as it imparts an important lesson to tlie apparently healthy of botlrse.xes, teechia g them that this insid ious fee 11 ay be an,unobserved in nate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gine themselves secure fro .1 its attacks, teaching them that 'THE GREAT .3E CRET 1N THE AUTOF PREBERAMNG HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE is THE BLADE, AND NOT WALT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illusfriott soenefactor of man is also entitled toour unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, lor the invention of his MA TCHLESS SANATIVE, —whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it basso signally triumphed over our great common enemy jj?*CONSUMP TION, bothir. the first au I last stages,—a medicine which has throughly filled the va cuum in the Materia Modica, and thereby proved itself the ([/“’Co.SquKRoR of Puysi < —a medicine, lor which all man - will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence, —a medicine whose won Irons virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some ol our clergy, in their pastoral visits to tlie sick chamber; by which means they olten bg cotnothc happy instruments ol changing de spondency into hope, sii kness into health, and sadness of friends into joy luluess. «? *3 T 9 1 GOELICKE’S isa me licineot more value to man than the vast mi les of Austria, 01- even the united reasttres of our globe,—a medicine, which is oh lined equally Irom the vegetable, animal and mineral kin gdoms, and thus possesses a turs'.k fold power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the 1 .man system, —a medicio-), which begines to he value.l by Phy deans ; w) j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the g'aspoi the I x.u- iabck Ga yve. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a ii.i’f drop; and tor in ants,a qnarterdrop ; the directions explain ing the manner of taking a halfor a quarter drop. A certificate fro n three, members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We, tlie undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in Germany are well aware that, by otir course, we may forfeit the fr'enJsliip of some of the facul tv, hut n it of its benevo lent member*, who are uniuflucnce I by sel fish motives. Though *ve shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either ot the soundness or uiisomidn-‘.*s of Dr. ' loelicke’s new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative 100 valuable not tn be generally known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis O'!on Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, an,l openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced. Irom motives of cu riosity merely, to onke trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our seif inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only con®unu)!ion, but other fe ir ful ina'udies, which we have heretofore be lieved to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; an I, as amends for our abuse of hint, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist, who does honor to the profession, atidto otir count.-y, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tnis medicine into some of-our European hospitals is a su-'fi jent guarantythat it performs all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used H is its own best witness. HERMAN ET.MULLF’t, M. D. W ALTER V AN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M D. Germany, December 10, 1338. hbb b b h Post Office Chaplin, Wiudhain, Cos, Con. July 20, 1838. , Sir—A most wonderful cure Ins lately been effected, through the virtues of Dr. Go elick’s Sanative, in the ease of an elderly gentleman, who was fargsne and wasted aw iy in CONSUMPTION, and considered BAST R ECOVE R Y '! Y HIS FA MI L Y PHYSICAN. lie is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him mvselfa few days since, in company with’ltis wife starting on a journey to the western part of this State. He ascribes his escape from tlie very jawsol death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug propei ty, hut, sav< In. •[ WOULD WILLINGLY BAY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT,, I F 1 COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR A LESS PRICE. To hin’he Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL, P. M. The above Medicine for sale, by Tilt) 'IAS GARDNER. Agent. Florence, Jan 26 THE GOOD SAMARITAN. A CONTRAST. VLL nations, from the remotest ages, have had ships, but Coiutnbus only found out the way to America. Before the tuue of the great Spanish navigator people u ere only eu.-bled to paddle about the shores. J ust so with the Lite Medicines. It is but two short years since 1 first ventured upon an unknown ocean, and 1 ltavu discovered the precious obji ct I was in search of- HEAL I’ll. Vegetable medicines were in deed known when 1 commenced my semi h, but their use was not. By the use of ti cm, 1 tiave not only passed troui the dejected invalid, to the hale nearly and active man of business, but comparatively speaking, I have renewed my youth. I can thus, with confi dence in my own experience, advise with my fellow-citizens. Does the reader want proof that the VEGETABLE LIFE ME DICINES are suitable to hi: own case ! 1 Ii ive on tile at iny 0.1ice,367 Broadway, hun dreds of letters, from some of the most re spectable citizens of tiiis my native land, voluntarily offered in testimony of the vir tues of A GOOD VEGETABLE MED ICINE. * Persons whose constitutions have been nearly ruined by the “ ill infallible” mineral prep irations of the day, will bear ine witness, that the Life Medicines, and such only, are tlie true course to permanent good health. JOHN MOFFAT. GENERAL REMARKS RELATIVE TO MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND PH CENT X BITTERS. These medicines have long been known for theirextraordmary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suffering u der nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. In many hundreds of certificated instances they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge es an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums oft-he day had utterly tailed; and to many thousands the have permanently secured that uniform enjoy ment of health, without which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved that it lias appeared scarcely less th in miraculous to those who were umte qnaiwith the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they are compoun ded, and upon which they consequently act. It was to their manifest and sensible action iu purifying the springs anil channels of life, arid enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their name, which was bestow*.! upon them at the spontaneous request of several individuals whose lives they had obviously saved. The proprietor rejoices in the opportuni ty affoided by the universal diffusion of the naily press for placeing his VEGETABLE LIFE BILLS within tlie knowledge and reach of every individual in the community. UuJlke tlit* host of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vege'able ingredients, tlie Life Bills are purely and solely vegetable, and contain neither Mercury, Antimony. Arsnic, nor any mineral whatever. They are entirely composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues ofwliich, though long known to several Indian tribes, and re cently to some eminent pharmaceatical chemists, are altogether unknown to the ig norant pretenders to medical sci nee; and were never before administered iu so happi ly efficacious a combination. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various' impurities and crudities[constantly setting n round them; and to remove the hardened beees which collect in the. convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only par tially cleanse these,and leave such collected masses behind, as to produce habitual cos tiveness with all its train of evils, or sud dchdiarrhißa, with its imminent dangers.— This fact is well known to all regular aoat o (lists, who examine the human bowels af ter death ; and hence the prejudice of these w« 1 informed men against the quack medi cines ofthe age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys anc the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which enti el v depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The bin id, which takes its red coier from the agency of tlie liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, atiol nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part ofthe system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of healthy in the blooming cheek. The following are among- the distressing variety of human diseases, to which the Ve getable Life Bills are well known to be in fallible • DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow or of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind:— Flatulency, Pal pitation of the Heart Loss of appetite. Heart burn arid IPad ache. Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety Languor, and 1/ dan eh oily, which arc the general svintoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days, Diarrhoea and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid ti itids by which these complaints are occa sioned, and by promoting tlie lucrative se cretion of the niuens membrane Fevers of all kinds by restoring the blood to a reg ular circulation, through the process of per spiration in some cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstructions in oth ers. The LIFE PILLS have been known to cure Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Goaf in half that lime, by remov ing local inflammation from the muscles, and ligaments ofthe joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kid neys and bladder ; they operate most de lightfully on these important organs and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also, Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bow els the slimy matter to which these crea tures adhere; Asthma and consumption, by relieving the air vessels ofthe lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds will cccason, which if not removed becomes har dened, and produces those dreadful diseas es. Scurvey, Ulcers, and Inverterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood, and all the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and, Bad Complexions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skifi. the morbid state of which oc casions all Eruptive complaints, Salow, Clou dy and other disagreeable Complexions. — Tite use of these Pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum. Erysipelas, and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two. even in the worst cases. Piles. —as a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserve a distinct' and emphatic re commendation. It is w_Jl known to hun dreds in this city, that the Proprietor o£ these invaluable Tills, was liinuelf a ffiici ed with this complaint for upwards of t/dr ty-jjxeyears, and that lie tried in vain evtiy remedy prescribed withiu the whole ctm pass ol the Materia Mtdica. He I.onexcr at length, tried tin medicine which h< offers to the public and be was cured iu a very short time, alter bis recovery had been pronounced cot only improbable, but abso lutely imposible by auy human means Direction fur lse— ’ihe pro - ot the Vegetable Lite Bills docs 1 ut follow the base and mercenary practice ot the quacks ol the day, in advising | ersous to cake tiis Tills in large quantities. No good medicine can possibly be so required, i heac Tills arc to be taken at bed time eicry t ight, tor a week or iortuight,according to the obstinacy oi the disease, 'ihe usua dose is Irom 2 to 5. according to the consti tution ol the person. Very delicate per sons should begin with but two, and in rease as the nature ol the case may require* 1 hose more robust, or of ve y costive j, :i bi< may begin w ith 3, and increase to 4 or even o Tills and they will effect a suff.cieutly happy change to guide the patient iu their tuituer use. These Bills sometimes occa sion sicknessjtnd vomiting though very sel dom unless the stomach is very foul; this however may be considered a lavorable'svm ptom. as the patient will find himseVt at once relieved, and Ly perseverance u i|| soon recover. Tiny usually operate within 1° or T 2 * lours a"' l never give pain, unless the bowels are very much em umbered. 1 hey may be taken by the most delicate fe males under tiny circumstances.—lt Rhow ever recommended, that those in later pe riods o( pregnancy should take but one at a time, and thus continue lo keep the bowels open, and evcti two may be taken where the patient is very costive. One pill in solu tion ol two table spoons full 01 water, may be given to an infan* in the following doses —a tea spoon lull every two hours till it op erates ; lora child Irom one to live years tff age, halt a pill—and Irom five to ten, one THE PHCENIX BITTERS, are so cal led, because they possess the pow*-r of re storing the expiring embers of health, to 1 it'owing vigor throughout the constitution, as the Phoenix is said to be resto ed to life from tlie ashes of its own dissolution. r q’Le PliaMiix Bitters arc entirely vegetable, .com posed of roots found only in certain | arts of the western country, which will* in (nllilily fire FEVERS AND AGUES of all kinds': will never fail to eradicate entirely all the ef fects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation* of Sarsaparilla, aid will immediately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD ; uru rfail i„ the sickness incident to young females; nd will be found a certain remedy in all cases ner vous debility and weakness of the most im paired constitutions. Asa remedy for C/m/. n'n-ami Inflammatory Nhcu/mllisin t Le effica cy ofthe Phoenix Bidets w ill be demonstra ted by the use of a single bottle. The usu al dose of these bitters is half a wine glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be fatten two or three time a day, aboil! hail' an hour before meals, or a less quantity may be taken a all times. To t*'osc who arc. afflicted with indigestion after mevls, these Bitters will prove in valuable, as they very greatly increase the action ofthe principal viscera, help them to perform their func tions, and enable the stomach to discharge into the bowels whatever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and speedily removed, appetite restored and the mouths ofthe ab sorbent vessels being ch ased nutrition i- fa cilitated, and strength of body and energy of mind are the happy results. For I filter particulars of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS and PIKKNIX BITTERS, apply at Mr. Moffat’s office No. 367 Broadway, New York, w here the Pills can be obtained for 25 cents, 50 cents,or $1 per box ; and the Bitters fi r §1 or $2 perbottle. umerous certifi cates ofthe wonderful efficacy of both, may be there inspected. in some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic and inflnrymatury Rhrumathin, Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague, Dyspep sia, Daisy, Pilts, injuries from the use of mercury, quinine, and oilier diseases of long staniliii"\x may be found necessary to take both the Life Pills and the Phoenix Bit ters, in the doses before recommended. N. B.—These Pills and the Bitters will tret all mercury out of the system infinitely faster than the best preparations of Sarsapa rilla and are a certain remedy for the rush ing of blood, to the head or all violent head - aches, tie douleuien.c, Arc. —All persons who ara predisposed to appople.ry, palsy, <V'r., should never bo without the Life Pills nr the Bitters for one dose in time will save life. They equalize the circulation of the blood, draw all pressure from the bead, re store perspiration and throw ofi every impu rity by tb« pores of the skin. I be above medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. April 1. 1839 M (iK()i{ 1i 1 A Lee County. IT/HFRKaS Wliliam I!. May. applies t t to m - for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Daniel A. Carrington Deceased. These tire therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Law, 'o show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Civen under my hand at office, this the 26th day of June 1 839. SAME. C. WVCIiE. r. c. o. MONTHS after date apj licatioii will be made to the lion. Infeiiot Court of Sumter county, when setting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of Alexander Currcthers a minor. ELIZABETH .TOINER, Guardian. Ame tic us Ga. May 20 1839. 7 FOI R Mouths after date application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Albert 11. Shepherd, deceased. JAM KS M SMYTH. Adm’r. ANN E. SHEPHERD, Adrs’rx May 14 1839 6 4 m MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable, the in ferior court of Sumter county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Uriah Fuller, late deceased, of said county. WALTON W. FULLER, Adtn’r. May 13, 1839. 10 NOTICE. LOST or mislaid, two promissory notes on William Winn, payable one day after date, in favor of the subscriber, one for twenty dollars, and the other for eigh teen dollars, tine the first day of January 1839. The public arc cautioned against trading for the above notes, as the payment of them has been stopped. JAMES M. MILNER. June I 1832. 9 ts