The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, July 27, 1839, Image 2

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Abencerrage by the right hand, in their pre sence, exclaiming sofoinu.y, * iou ptomtse, uu the faitt) of a cavalier, to return to my cattle of Allou wituin tltree days, and ren ds. v j iirseti hi prisoner (’ And the Aoeu cerra»e said, *1 promt**.’ T.icn said tne Aleayile, ‘On! and may goo i tj.tu le alien I you. It you require iy l and my cavaliers are rcaJy t • ha your companion*.’ I tj; V».*ncerrire k'.**ed the haul of llie A'c.iyJe, in grateful acknowledgement.— • i;ve m.*,’ Sint lie, -my own armor, and my f-taaJ, a>d I re pure o i gu tr l. It is nut lively that I shall again meet whir so val oro'i* a (Vie.’ Tiu s'l 11 mos ni -‘it ha 1 fallen, when tin* Inin ot tne da >ple gray steel n-sounded over the drj v firidge, and imm *diately af t -rwarJ the hi it fh l '" "* noots a!oni the rvi i, lie spake the neerncss with winch the y itt !i hi I lover h i vtene Ito his bnd*. It was deep eight, elies the Moor arrive I at the i title of Coyu. 11; silently and cautiously w alked Isis panting steed under its dark walls, an I having nearly passed round lliem, ci ns to the portal denoted by Xuris.i. He paused a i I lo iked round to sen that he was not observed, and cke.l three times with the butt of his I mce. in a little while the potto! wis ri.ridlv unclosed by the and jenm of X irria. ‘Ain! s»nar,’sai l she, ‘what ha* detained yo t tints long l Ev*tv night have l watched for you : and my lady s s iek-at hsart with doubt an I anxiety.’ Tits A leueerrige li ing his lance, and eliiel I, an l sti nitar against tne wall, and then follow • 1 the duenna, with silent .steps, no a win ling stair-case, to tlte apartment ot Xarisa. Vain would be the mtempt to licscriho the raptures of that meeting.— Tun ' d* V ton swiftly, anl the Abencer rag' 1 . ini nearly figettoii. until too late, hi® pro nix; to return 4 prisoner to the Alcayde of AH ira. TIC r'C.oller.iio'i of it came to him with a pang, >n I suddenly awoke him from his dream of bliss. Xarisa saw his altered looks, and heard with alarm his Mid ■ I sighs; bather countenance bright ened, when she heard 'he cause -Let not thy spirit he cast down,’ said she, throwing her white arms around him. ‘1 have the keys of my father'* treasure! send ransom more than enough to satisfy the Christian, an I remain with me. ‘No,’ sai'.l Abencerrage ‘I lisve given tny word to return in person. and like a true kni rht must fu'til my promise Alter that, form ;e in ist do with in"' as it pleases.’ ‘ i l nan,’ sail Xarisa,‘l wiil accompany the>. Never shall yon return a prisoner, and I remain at liberty.’ l’u ■ Vbencerr.ige wis transported with jiy :ii mis new proof of and w.itio i in his hn le. Alt preparations were speedily in .I • for their departure. Xarisa mounted be li i I the Moor, on his powerful steed; thev left the castle walls before day break, i.or di I they pause, un'il they airived at th‘ gate of the castle of Allora, which was 11,i »g wide to receive them. Aliighring in th; court, tlte Abencerrage suu iorte I toe steps of his trrinbliing bride, who re naiiu and closely veiled, .into rbe pres e ice of Rolrigo ds Narvaez. ‘Behold, valiant Alcayde !' said lie, uhe way i:i which n;i Ahencerrage keeps his word. I prom ised to return to thee a prisoner, but I de liver two captives into voiit po.vcr. Behold Xarisa, and judge whether I grieved without ica-un, over the loss of such a treasure. Receive us as your own, for 4 confide my life and her honor to your hand. Tlj® Alcayde was lost in ad miration of the beauty of the lady, and the noble spirit of the Moor. ‘I know not," said he, ‘which of yon surpasses the other; but I know that my castle is graced and honored by your presence. Enter into it, and consider it your own, while you deign to reside with m For several days, the lovers remained at Ail ora, happy in each other’s love, and in the friendship of the brave Alcayde. Tne latter wrote a letter, full of courtesy, to the Moorish king of Grauada, relating the whole event, extolling the valor and good faith of the Ahencerrage, and craving for him the royal countenance. The king was moved by the story, and was pleased with an opportunity of showing at tention to the wishes of a gallant and chiv alrous enemy; for though he had often sul f.irod from the prowess of Don Rodrigo dc Narvaez, lie admired the heroic character he had gained throughout the land, (bill ing the Alcayde of Coyu into his presence lie gave him tlie letter to read. The Al cayde turned pale, and trembled with nge, on the perusal. ‘Restrain thine anger,’ said the king : •there is no.thing that the Alcayde of Ai'nrt could ask, that 1 could • not grant, if in my power. Go thou to Al lora ; pardon thv children; take them to thy home. I receive this Abeneerrage iuto my favor, and it will be my delight i<> H**»p upon you an.’ The kindling ire of the Alcayde was sud denly appeased. lie hastened to Allora; nod folded his children to his bosom, who would have fallen at his feet. The gallant Rodrigo the Narvaez gave liberty to his prisoner without ransom, demanding merely •a promise of his friendship. 110 siccmn pnnied the youthful coupfo and their father toCoyn, where the'r nuptials were celebra ted with great rejoicings. When he fes tivities were over, Don Rodrigo de Narvaez returned to his fortress of Allora. After his departure, the Alcayde of Covn addressed his children; ‘To your hands, said he, 'I confide the disposition of my weal. One of the first things 1 charge you. ia not to forget the ransom you owe to the Alcayde of Allora. His magnanimity you can- never repay, hut you can prevent it from wronging him of his just dues. Give hint, moreover your entire friendship, for lie m >rits it fully, though of a diifercnt faith:’. * The Ahencerrage thanked him f>r his ganeforts propositions, wlucli so truly ac corded with his own wishes. He took a large sum of gold, and enclosed it in a rich coffer; nod. on his own part, sent blx beau tiurt horses, superbly caparisoned ; with six shields au3 lancos, mounted and embossed with gold, Tiro beautiful Xarisa, at the sine times WTori> a letter to the Alcayde, (Red with expressions of gratitude and trim Ghip. and sent him a box of fragrant cypresi wo id. containing linen, of the floa t quality, for iiis person. 'Die valiant Ale ay-le disposed of ttie pr*-s***-t in a charac teristic naimier. The horses and armor lie •k nred among the cavaliers who had accom panied him o*i the night of the skirmish. The Hox of cypress wood an.J its contents, _V; retained for the sake of the beautiful ’Xarisa; nnd sent her, by tne hands of the messenger, the sum of golJ paid as a rjn sin, entreating Tier to receive it as a wed present. This Courtesy and mag riity raise Jtlie character of the \ tcavde P i b.iqo de Nrrvaez still higher in the t-tj. tni*m of the Moors, wu*> extolled hi nas a ; in*rror »f clii.alrio virtue; and from 1 f'ts ffrtn f>i* »H. tli-re «ras a confirms! ex c l ih;e of g it 1 oTi • *s I) ;t wesj Vi;.l ofth?t »* di-rterii,ter.’ *vis‘he verdict o<Jtinu*tjur| orC;tA*de>l body ol a top-r. A Wedding at Sea.— A. Paris eorespon-i dent of the New-Englatid Review, gives the following sketch of an iuiereatiug scene which occurred on board the ship in wliicu he sailed Irma this country; A novel sircumstauce took place while on our passage, which 1 must relate. There was a Mr. H., on board who was formerly a merchant in Massachusetts, since in Con necticiit. and late of New dork, lie was a kin-1, open-hearted fellow, full of lull, and withal vary intelligent as well as handsome, ills aje about twenty-seven. He cam -on hoard an euiiie stronger to us all, lint ;*s we made it a point to h «ve but orte family on boar), as soon discovered his amiable qualities ue was very soon made a welcome member. O.imir sixth day out, he came to m ; and ciry** , «4 th-. »»*»e mid circumstan ces of an eidetly gentleman passenger who wa- accompanied by liis daughter, with whom .Mr. 11. seemed deeply smitten. For 1 mv own part I could see nothing exceeding Iv attractive about Miss J., save that she was very agreeable in her manners ami high ly intelligent. 1 informed him, and at his request, gave him a formal introduction which terminated in tlie following man ner. Soon aftPr tlip introduction it bpcarnc evident that a mutual liking and affection existed between Alr. 11. and .Miss .1., «ho, from the open expressions of loudness, began to .attract the attention of all and the admi ration of many of the passengers. Toey were fre ineutlv observed in their close con versations and ag in •of whist was scarcely ev»*r play .‘din whic.n they were not partners. On the second S inday of our passage, we solicited the Rev. Mr. G. who was on ids wav to Italy,'© preach a sermon.—By the politeness of Captain X. a large awning was spre 'd above m, seats were prepared, and acting egation of seventy-six persons, inchidi it the steerage passengers and sadors, was collected to participate in i!ie religions exercises. A s nail dirsk was formed into a pulpit, and a choir was formed bv “going into a committee" The text was read and the sermon delivered, of which I need not speak. At tlie-couclusiou of the jermtm, our minister rose and read the following card which lay on Ids desk. “Wm. Bk.ntlkv 11 .Ksq’r. of .Xcn- York, intends marriage with .Miss 'Maria We were more surprised at the novelty of the thing than at the lac' itself, and, indeed, such was the feeling created by ihe sud den and unexpected announcement niade, that we all forgot I'm serious impressions made on our minds by the minister, in our' hearty and vociferous congratulations ot the happy pair. But it did nut end here. A proposition was made to the parties to have the ali'air consummated that evening, which was cheerfully acceded to by them lo the great pleasure of all on board. Accor ditigly tlfings were arranged to order, the best state room was to be given up to them, and every one felt gay and happy as the hour approached which should witness the consummation «,f their nuptial vmvs. The evening was rahn and delightful; not a sail fluttered in the breeze; not a voice was heard; not the I -ast stir or hustle about the deck; and the moon Inol ed down in loveli ness on that tranquil scene. As at noon, every soul on board gathered to the tem ple, which had been erected for religions worship, and in less than fifteen minutes the marriage ceremony was performed by om worthy minister, who made a lew remarks and closed with prayer. 1 he scene was truly as sublime as romat!- tic. The fair bride came out dressed in a robe of pure white satin, leaning on the arrn of her lover, bound to the alter, and heard her imrri iagp.vew -pror.oamced w here only an hour or two before she had uttered her vows to God. Many a tear of joy stole down the cheeks of those who looked on, anil not a rare cast I lie shadow of its wing across that scene ol triumphant love ami bliss. The novplly of this affair had thrown its all into an excitement, ami nothing was to lie talked of but weddings, wedding pa l ties, marriages at sea, love, honey moon, Arc. Arc., and l was at times half tempted to make a similar proposition myself to the (jnoenhke M is® (. ~ il tor-nothing ehsc but the purpose •of hating the joke jntMx/ h«u/, A Philosopher. —The Editor of the De troit Press sends forth the following homily to his readers. liis- notions of kissing are very good for a srib-'J’reasurer. * John John —bov—-Get money- —honestly, r p , 01 , can John—-but at any rate get money !" “Re..tier ! don’t look so melancholy---there are b< ttei times for you y< t m store- and drop that unceasing inurmior ous expression of yours-of "hard times.*’ Why, mart, one would suppose you were under sentence of oon«l<»i»riHviK»n loj fntriciilp or some other wrong ride. Come now, he cheerful—-if you cant pay your debts im mediately, do tiie best you can, and pay them as soon as you ire able—“care killed a cat”—if you havu’t fifty cents to luxuriate on a beef steak ami "fixers,” appropriate half the amount for a codfish; it will prove equally as palatable, if you drill your mind iuto a proper humor. Kissyour wile it you have got one---if you havn’t one, ivliv, kiss somebody’s else wife, or get married imme diately. for acts of desperation frequently re sttl happily nnd beneficially iu their effects. Il you have got any children, romp with them if you havu’t any, romp with somebody 's else children. Look upon the bright -ide of things—put on a clieptful counfettnce—- keep your mind in (he right trim, by subscri bing lor the i ost auil (.'taftsmsiti, and it you have the money pay m advance—if you havn'f it, why, they will trust you if you are worthy -it s alt tliesaine witii theni. fol low these ins,roc ions, "an*l we ll answer for it, you will find yourself a arm man.” There wnsn croud lately at the cathedral in New-'> And such a croud, says the Times—“there wasn’t room lor a man to take snuff, a little yellow dog was so squeezed he couldn't hark.” Nonsense! That don't begin. When Master Burk played at Tremont, some years since, the cic authoritiaa forbade any person to enter the theatre without first marking his legs with a piece of chalk so that lie might lie sure of finding them arg on. One of the Bnstoh editors, not Indng able to beg or borrow any j chalk, managed to get in by evading the or- j (finance ; but bitterly has he lamented his I imprudence ever since, fie lost his own ! legs, and got a pair that belonged to some person of w eaker i.ndeistnndiiig. Yon may see him about tile streets to this clay, unable to support himself perfectly without the as sistance of a Jump* post,' O that was a crowd 1 On Monday, the Ist inst., a voting lady r'siding in the family of Mr, I). Shumate ol this county, was badly wound- I bv tho accidental discharge of a gun—-While Mr. j '*'• was engaged in picking the flint, the gun went o;T, and its contents were lodged iin the .indy of the ladv only a ew feet dis tant. \\ lien I-ist heard from, was not \ -expected to survive,. MiG blLPllEX’fc M'LELH. By Ctieeley Bumvw, Esq-’ the Reader ol the Declaration ol ludcj>enu®i.ce ; Alexan der H. Stephen*. E*q.—'l alo.lerio’s native sou— -by (he leallc«s discharge ot his public du.ies, tie has 0000 uiucu on. log our late Legislauve couihcis, to obtain honors for nmi self, tuid secure the tonhdence and es ter in otiii* constituents.---(Cheers,) Alter the clotting bad subsided, Mr. Stli HK.xsaio.-e in le. pon-e to the sentiment and expiejssed ~is mi.tne tt.anks for Ihe ve ry flattering reception witii w Inch the com pliuieut paid him had l.eeu received by the company ; and after congratulating loins* it wirti flaring an opportunity of adilies-ing his feiiowcitizei.s uuderthe appetlaiion ol consUl ur.nls, ami reodt-riiig lo titern **an account ol liis stewardship," he entered, in review, up on .1 wide field ol interesting topics —em- bracing many of the important questions ol a public nature now- presented to the trouth ern a ini American people—particularly 'he ensuing Presidential election, and the two most prominent national parties, the II it tg and the Admin,!.:ration, vvho seem to have taken that question uuder their conjoint, sole, especial keeping. S how mg a deter mination to < ompel -li e | enple to ( I c ose a I’iesideiit from amongst the leaders ol otic or ihe oth-r ol ilmir ranks, lie dwelt at lengili upon the histoiy, c l.arai t* t, posi ion principles and objects ot these parties - apal ing neither —“nothing extenuating nor set ting down aught 111 malice.’’ While he lieid up the Whigs as embodying the reviving spirit of the old Federalists and Nationals, Ac*-, he showed the leaders of the Adminis tration to be the wolves in sheep l ’* clothing, who have crept into the ranks ot the Re publicans; by which that pi rly is now lit erally scattered abroad without any concert ol action, or any common head -as sheep, indeed, without a shepheid. That they vv* re tiie Jiidas-Ik.c traitors hv whom, (or the spoils of O'tflce, the Republicans had been deceived and betrayed. They had been con tided m by the peop.e upon iliei r profession of opposition to the Tariff; and when placed in power were the lirsi to attempt its enlorce.- the point of the bayonet. Th*y were amongst the loudest in tlmir cry tor red in hiTien' and reform; aid promised the people if entrusted v. ith the power., to carry out lliPse great measures—-while they have iucrcuce-l the<\ptees tj’lht. l Govern tiiemfrom a little over eleven to nearly forty millioiiA ol dollars pi r annum! Th y were loud against a subsidized press, and Exectriv* in terference -with electfons-—while since their promotion they lia-ve taken lead, far beyond ail precedence, in these abuses, anil openly defend and justify their course! They made * omiuoti cause with the Si ale Banks in deirn lisliiug the (Junited Slates Bank, and tii n turned against them .with the cry of divorce, divorce, when their whole object was to divorct the public moneys from the Banks, it is true, but to their own pockets. He was in favor ol divorce sometimes, but not from one to another ad I:Herrons he. /. That these leaders profess to he theonlv true Re publicans. and si.unlaid of Democracy,while many oftheir members are known to have been ultra-Federalist themsi Ives and even Hartford Conventionists! They profess to be tlie only guardian*, of the people's rights w hen they give the most important fiduciary trusts to notorious bankrupts in fame and in fortune ; and for years ask tint even a bond fur the Ihuhlul discharge ofthe duty. Thus permitting their sub Treasurers to pocket to themselves, or sj end fur the benefit of the partv,'hundreds ol thousands of the public funds-—then, alter taking gentlemanly leave of the country, to spend their future days in splendor, in foreign climes. They profess now to be the friends ofthe South, and only lmpe for the protection of our institutions while many of them are the known advocates of free-negro suffrage—and their Magnus Appolio himeelf, a Missouri Restrictionist. That such a party so masked, with every badge ofol’emruption. fdsehood and treach ery, should he utterly spurned by -1 free peo ple. Iledep sated the day w lien we should iic driven to the necessity, the forced choice. of appealing to such men for protection and the salvation of our liberties. It is true they profess every thing and promise every thing, to get ii to office ; and then there is nothing-they will not do except ho ert up iiuhl action, in order to scente it. W hile the people, th-* great body of the people, are no less deceived, their minds are blinded their rights are outraged, nnd their treasury is pilngt and and plundered. He said the ques tion presented to the patriot was one of thriilimr inter* st. These two parties were now each com tine an alliance w ith our State; and never vvisa fair rnahlen more art fully allured by the wiles of seduction, t'*aii was the integrity of the State now nssa’ded, by these polite *1 suitors ! But as soon would lie see a beloved s : t r wedded to a knave or a rake, as the fair character ol Geor gia’s lame tarnished by an alliance with •either. Jll the success of neither have we any interest. The one is an old enemy, the other a traitor t-o our cause. It is no question upon which we should take sides or make any capitulations; nor should we suffer ourselves, as Georgians, lobe forced into a choice between such evils —either is death to our principles, an l we should mu* unprotnisi glv wage war t gainst both. 'I hough we he in the minority, let us he rite Spartan hand. Self-defence is the first law of < ur nature—-t//c venrtsl enemy always first —am! after the extermination ol tlte pie oeut occupant of the field, if another make his appearance we can again rally to the 011-, set. The price of liberty is not only “eternal vigilance,” but eonlinval win fare ; aud if we are to have an executioner, li.r our own and ; our country’s sake, let us at least leave it lor others to provide him. ) We give the hare skeleton or outlines of the remarks of Mi. Sicplu ns, which were Concluded witii the following sentiment ; Henry Clay and Martin Van Hurcn—-can didates for the n* xt Presidency--When the sfrjf" is between Caesar and Pnmpcy, ti e patriot should rally to the standard of nei ther. (Much cheering.) From the Georgia Journal. We a-e much gintified'nt the informa tion conveyed to its by our friends, from time to time, in many sections ot the State, that the State Rights Party are, in their several counties, niahh'g active preparations ‘•to meet tlie enemy" a{ the p l'j on tl>r first Monday in next l)ctnlitr.-7)t could not be otherwise. The c utse which thev have es poused is too holy -to be neglected. Tha weltare of Oeo’rgia, identified as it is with the success of correct principles, arouses to 'action every number of the State Mights Party, aud Irnm the mountains to the sea board, one “busy bum of preparation” is he:;rd, which is icsj ordej to at the same ' moment in the Pastern and West' in sec tions of the State. Our pofl'ietil opponents, 1 the followers of Mr. Va:» BcrkS, dread nothin- halfso much as tint unity of action j on our part, which has generally distinguish- I cd the istate Rights Party from ail others, i it would annihilate their hopes, and end in thi-it disnoiutiun. We know of uo period, since the organi aa.ioo ol the I‘;rty. in which eliorls, not uiily ot the must oaring, but insidious char acter, have not b«*eu made tc retard the ad vancement of our principles, at.d to sow- the seed ot discord in our lanks. 'J bey were promptly met and casny defeated. 'J he early History ol the State Rights or Troup Pany furnishes us with many glorious ex amples 01 stern devotion, on the part ol its nu mbers, to Republican principles; and ahtmug.i in the contest bet wet 11 the Genet .*1 Government and t-ouih b’aioi la, ti.r doc trine ot Nullification as a Mate's rime di, met v. i,h ihe opposition of a small poiiioti ofihe Troup Party, yet the State Rights Party have tau-te to congratulate themselves. [ at the disposi'ion u anil* stt-d by many dis- I uaguiriied 111*11, who, di-gusted v.itti .lie do* trines ol ti e Proclamai .O i ami the cor KIPT A Unix IST RATION OK TIIK GkNKIIAI, Gov Kti.NMi-.5T, are prepared to act v.iili j them “fur wed or for wo,’’ and to rise or j fall iii their cause. This togcihcr w ith the • warm s* pprt which many ofthe Clark Partv j ii uiifested fur their cause, and th* 1 opposi tion which they have invariably made to Martin Van Bu*cn. restored the party to power, notwithstanding the many firebrands which hail lifen industriously scattered, with almost savage lerocity. in their ranks, by 1 lu- sy, oj hunts ol (ieuetal Jackson, and the pailizans of his sncca-M.-r in office. Ilobhv after liohhy has been 10 death, ami yet the tsmte Rights Party increase in numbers, and their voters control the elec tions f,t the Mu e, ('net- in a minority of u> arJive thousand, they have gradunlli in creased in miinbets until the last general election, when their (’otign ssional ticket was triumphantly elected liy ;in average ma jority ol near <>ue ll.avstn.d three hundred rotes. This eh; eg* 1 has produced utheis cl a more singular character. It is no un common occurrence, in the present day, to read able articles on ,Stale i'orengnty and State J.jgltts in the cob mi sos political journals which, a few years ago, weie lie voted to the propagation and su|ipoit of principles diametricallv opposite, ami lie Editors «>f which, with Ma tin Tan Buren, Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster, were pre pared to trample the rights of a sister State into the dust, to invade her territory with the hired soldiery ts the Coreli n.ent, and to ini mola'e her patriotic people, in deli nee of a im-asur* that, like a vampyre, wa s surkiri'j the very heat's blond of the South!!! To preach our doctrines now that tin y have be came the doctrines of the people and to nructi e. at a former period, what the State lliehts Party then advocated, is recorded ot our pnli ical opponents. For the State Rights Patty t*» be united in the ensuing contest, is to involve them in utter confusion find inglorious defeat.—That this will be the result our friends ii: old Tainan, Morgan, Hancock, Monroe, Jones, lircen w ith her Inin, drffts majority and T.oup and Elbert with their thvusamh, -confidently affirm. How gratifying,-and how rich wiii he the toward 10 every State Rights man, when, his party again victorious, he retires ff-omthc contest, wirti n proud cooHcionsness ofhaving dove all in his potcet lo contribute to the Victory. and to advance the true interests of his Stale!! How completely lias Mr. Van Rurcn ac ted out his leading charafetistie of insin cerity, on the currency question ’ Ret us see. By loud declamation and vociferous denunciation against ihe connection ot “Bank and State,” as they put it, Mr. Van Buren has succeeded even in gaining over to his support, some of the friends of Mr. Calhoun—whose favorite sclmnie at present is this disconnection. Not only has I e *:< - eerved Mr. Calhoun, in riiis matter, but ro perfectly impressed is almost the whole pat ty that this is got up as the distinguished measure of Mr. Van Buren. on which he trusts to make his rally, that from almost (V*-ry mouth Democratic, we hear the cry, ‘•Deliverance and Rilu-rly—the great meas ure of severance of the -Government from all connection with Batiks; and hurra for the yellow hoys !’’ Well, having led liis followers on to tins decisive stand, where do we find Mr. Van Buren, at the last accounts ? In Ids last me sage to Congress, Mr. Van Buren says, ‘When 1 lie Govi rnmeiit can ace* mplislt a financial 01 elation bitter with the aid < ftlm Banks than without, it should be at liber* v to seek that aid.”. It should indeed! anil call you this total disconnection with tlie Banks, the great measure of deliverance and liberty ? Why isjust as it has al ways been hitherto, and the Banks ~s much involved with the Gov-inmeni as ever. A sfranee divorce truly, an l admirably chaiac tcristic ol the usual sincerity ami consis tency of Martin Van Buren. On this head were there any thing further necesssary to -how the empty pretences of this hollow Administration, it would be the fact, that while on the one hand they are crying nut against tlte Banks, they are th* tits* lv*s em ploying them as the fiscal agents of the Gov ernment ; and what is worse than all, thev have been and probably ate at this time, using the financial agency of the very in-, stitntion against winch the war cry oY de dtmei uioh has been most fiercely vocifera ted, as the disbursing medium ol the Tr-eas-’ uiy. With such scenes as these befo-re their eyes, who will venture, no matter how much devoted to Air. Van Buren, any hyi g*er to put faith lu Ids words? —Southern Recorder. From the Lebanon Chronicle. MM. VAN BOREN'S DEMOCRACY. It Mill perhaps somewhat astonish the i peopl. ofthi> country to learn that Maitin Van Bure ii, who hns’been held up here as the great leader in Democracy, is actually op OSf (I to Universal Suffrage* in favor lit Property Qualifications, and opposed o the right o) any man to vote in elections w Ho can not show that he has some interest to pro tect besides his person—that he is opposed to Revolutionary Soldiers voting at elections unless they can show that they have proper- V e doubt not there are many .honest men, who think they arc supporting n true Republican, goiug for Mr. Van Bnreu; but tl e following extracts—w hich we make from the Procc editigs and Debates of the Con vention of the State of New York in IpCl, ; lor the purpose ol amending the Constitution ot that State, and of which Mr. Van Boren was a member—will show ronclus v Jvwbat Ins principles and sentiments are i t n the points above referred to. On Thursday, 27ih September, 11=21, “7 he EUetive linn In sc" being the subject ot discussion on Ceil. Root's amendment. [See Proceedings of the Convention, page 27fi.| “Gen. Tallmadgc withdrew his motion of, yesterday to strike out ifre v. ids on the ! highways,' and offered the following sub stitute :---“Or shall for six months ruxt and immediately preceding the election have rented a tenement therein of the yearly value of five dollars, and shall hare beriTrateu j and paid a highway tax, either by labor ox! comnnuatioa*” “Gen. Root said the amendment of the grutUmar. It* in Duchess was | lending tor the (iistrai.cluscmeiit ol a ui.itiCiuus class ol citizens. 'J lie tenting ol tet.c ii>< Ms bad be come odious to tl.e people, . uu led to mat 3 Hand*, iietnlaigtd upon the nmaikso the gentleman Irom Niagara (Mr. Russell) who in* in ion, and two 11. Macias to l.ts .out, vv l.» re two revolutionary | atriuls and soldo ts, ore ol w born fought unit Moi.igrSmcty un der ihe walls ol 1 ec, and the oil.or un der \V ync at triorcy Point, would be (Its iranihlsed it ibis pi virion «* re~stru kt ii out.---lint the 1 oi.otal.le gt ml* man from Uisfgo (A.i. \ E-) *1 *1 Is that il tilt- , laiisr is retained, .he ; 111 - nniucnts vv id h*- j* oj ;.rd izt and. atd piohahty he rejet ted by the j ei p!e. '1 1 e honorable g* nth man must th rbtle.-s hi better acqitainied with bis i nrslili ents than bittiM il, \Mr. Root.) 'this might be tl.e case so far as it r garde*! C’oop* islaw n, which (be ge(i(l*-inan rejusented; but as Delaware w as eot-t iguons lo Otsego, aid as a part of the latter comity was nearer to Delhi than 10 Cooperstowu, lie must claim •<* be as well acquainted with the sentiments of the peoj le in that quarter as their rep j resent at *ve. Mr. Van Buren felt himself called on to | make a few remarks in reply to the gentleman | Irom Delaware, lie observed thu it was evident, and indeed some gentlemen did not j seem disposed it, that the amend ment [imposed by the honorable genile | nan from Delaware, contemplated nothing | shot tof uni nr. .«! suffrage. Mr. \an Rurcn ! did not believe that llteiewcre twenty metn i vets ot that committee, who were the bare - naked qtu-si ion of universal suffrage potto , them, w ould vote in its favor ; ami he was j sure that ils adoption was not expected, and would not meet the views of their constitu ents. Mr. Van Buren then replied to a state ment unde yesterday by Ids honorable and venerable friend from Erie. (Mr. Russell,) in relation to the exclusion of soldiers who had fought at Quebec tnd Stoney Point, under the banners of Montgomery and \\ aytte.-- And he telt the necessity of do ittil this, because s ch rases, urged' by such gentlemen as Ids honorable friend, were cal ctdoted to make a deep and lasting impres sion. But although a regard for them did houoi to that gentleman, vet it ivastli** duty of-.he Convention t<> guard Against the ad mission of those impressions i\ hie It sympathy in individual eases may excite. It was al ways dangerous to legislate upon the impulse ol in livid sal cases, where the law about to be enacted is to have a general operation Vv it It reference to the ease of our soldiers, the people of this State at.d country had certainly redeemed themselves from the im putation that republics are ungrateful. With *an honorable liberality, they had lies towed the military lands upon them; and to gladden the t vetting of their days, had provided them will pen-ions. I-’cvv of those patriots were now living, and td that tew-, the number was yearly diminishing In fif teen years, the grave will have covered all these who now survived. Was it not then unwise to hazard a who'e«oim> ru-trictive provision, lest in its operation it might eflei t tin se few individuals for a veiy si < rt time? He would add no mote. His duty would t.rt per tiit him to say less ” MR. VAN BUREN’S VOTES. We copv the annexed for the benefit of our Van Buren readers. It is the opinion ofthe man who/noiv conducts their leading orttari and of rottrse will be taken as ortho dox. The Republican Banner lias in pns s* s’ton n and isiiovv j ul lis 1 tug irom tlte old files of the Editor of the l men rank abolition articles, and among -the test the following appears. We presume it is the reason win Harris is so warmly in favor of Van Buren. But retd them. Front the New Bedford Gazette. Nov. 2, 1 SGti. (By .TKBKMtAti G. Harris.) “In lhil Mr. A an Buren voi*d that Cor gross bad the ('or nti< tml p-ovverto Abol ish slavery m the '1 err tto 1 ips, : ml Hist tic ted the New Voik Senators in Cr.ugiess to vote against the admission ol Missouri. “Iti 133(>, he says that Congress Iras the constitutional | out 1 to abolish slavery in the District -of Coinin' ia. ‘ in 1821. lie voted to give free blacks the right ofsnliVa; e. ‘•11)1322, he voted in favor of restricting the introduction -«i('slaves into Florida.’! We ask every candid Southron to read aft 11 ive'y the above rxtiact. The state ments therein xrp not “mere Whig asser tions" hut come lr< hi the titan who now conducts the leading \an Buren Organ in Tennessee, itml were n tide me of by him while advocating the claim® of Mr. Van Bu re uto the Presidential chair. W* l ask an aitm live perusal in nrdcrll ; t Tennesseans may see what I iud of a man he is. to whose support Col. Pud; wishes to transfer them. 1 e Dangers <J Detteng.-- t- otoe. weeks since, a clerk of a market rear our city, look ed into the lir.t'er ti 1> of ;i uiaihct man, and thought li-e discovered a small deficiency in the size ot lumps. Whereupon, ho brought Lis ha la ices. vith an air o (justice, and , proemded to weigh rhe whole by parci Is Every lump was «-liort of weight. So that tliirtv pounds of butter (less tho illegal de ficiency in eac h lump) -w confiscated. A week orl'voaftt i wnrds, the clcuk, in the j faithful discharge his duty, stopp ed at a bm- J ter tub, :u,il tried a "'pound in his scales - it I* eas cortect; he tried another, and anoth er. At length the ownersnid‘Von need not trouble yourself- y-u will find all oi my butter correct -- f l he clerk looked up. and disc vered his old friend of the light lumps. I ‘Perhaps J shall, said lie: dim if I am not ' mistaken, I took thirty pounds from you, a j w c k since,’ *lt was not from me. 1 ‘lt was- -I know you.’ ‘1 will bet five dollars you nevertook thir ty pounds ct butter fiom me, at any one timed ‘Done.’ The money was staked and the clerk fob! his story. It looked blue tor the country man. ‘i admit the loss of thirty lumps of butter,’ said be, ‘but to have been thirty pounds, tin ie must have been a pound in each lump.’ ‘Now, cither, the rleik did me injustice* by confiscating my butter for tit lawful weight, and I may claim hack < I him (hit tv pounds, at 25 cents perpound, w hich is $7.50; or he and and not take thirty, and I may claim niv debt i of five dollars. The <hi! gave i | the bet. j Moral.---Make no light lumps of butter and no heavy five dollar bets.-- Philadelphia U. £'. Gazette. ."SC Fad. —The Columbia Telescope makes the following reply in an honest spirit to the complaint of a couple of his subscribers to whom he tells home truths: “Two of our Mibcribers complain to us that their eyes are tormented by steing in nor paper long ipiacl; advertisrnenis for a year at a time, \\ t- have only to sny that we publish them because they are paid for —in which respect they have the advan .tage ovoi- many of our patrons. Our Sub cr.bers need neither read the advertisments i.or take the physic, units# they cLoose tj do so. “We have never taken either, vr.d trust to be forever preset via tiom i|, tn ,. Dr. Evans’ meuitior, v,e ate suit, is ot as efficacious as .he bob-'l teatuiy : ai-u f, I'eteis’ pills cannot bt more bill* t thau ’ tin Van Dure 11. w i on. Dr i.itt tt atittoi u-j to persuade tlte p< oplc- ul the State to fcHa j_ i* » at the (J*illc-t«»ii *itntitr.” TO r J HE torus MKK( HAN'lri, FAC'IOIRS. a\il J I.ESIDI.NTS AND DihEWlOrs th 'l iti. sEVfhAL banks op 'TEE fcsCL'J HERN b'iAiLs- CIRC l EAR. Ft UOW Citizj ns; Initritsied like J cur ie Ives, in 1 !;c cultivation and disposal ot tl t e gt at staple of A met itatt agii*ultuie nj eon merce, we liavc- accidcctally nit , j (J “. 1 ! ‘«y. in the midst of a crisis which discloses some strikingly momentous features in history of this most important brand, 0 | it!! i trade of our country. When the Cotton Crop of the Unite,! j States was a in re itt tn in its trade, ami ,]; 1 ; reach a procliutioii exceeding five | l n dred Ihottsaml bales, it was pethaj s lo consider tt as one atm t g nat v ani ( b s , f j barter and exchange, whit h, left euti,, | V , I ’ b*> lortuitous circumstances of*,, imnerrp I would find its level uuder tie iifi..,.,,, !• i the ordinary laws of trade, will,out th. 1,1- j eessiiy ol resorting to any means ot Me * j caitti*,naiy pi t* eticn. j Tiift s. however, have chat gtd Cottc n j ha* passed fit m the ct iidil.oit of a re article conintt rt-e, to the ptilorm.utetf j the mi :hty (nt ctit.u ol b. irg in a gi, ;i ifi e | gtee the legulalt r,-f the , xthatt* e,. attltl-e standard of value ol out t i.uittty. J ( ,| j iiumte of this material forbids it- «>i terii « ' into 011 r eir, illation, it isn-audv l t>s basts of our t it, rt r-ey. than the | trej,., s metals; ft 1 t! e fioeluatic os in ils price i lt . telt w ith a sensibility t qually as !:t ute a '| ,j sea 1 citing, a.® any of those variations whit f, In lona to :he tlemantl and ®up| |y 0 | ~ rse s< nsitive and mysterit us tokens of natiai al value. 'I be production of thi® smplp. 1 ; , s rr(y become so immense, t! at it In hoove® t| , fe who produce it Ly a large inveMtn, nt 1 f capital at a high rate of moult-i.tal cm t, anil in » climate perilous to liumau health, to consider well, whether the re are not .suit e mat, rial cirt-un st: 1 ces in to ,i„. mod.-in vv hi, h this )r. ,!ut t* f th. ir | ; ,L ( r i* *!tip|)ctl front t 1 i lot t try, and is tin t - I t to matkcl at the point of iis final sale ; tu,| consumption, which .tc„;rt;,l li t r] phcs.t.oi, t.f a frompt and effective lcmttly. In ute wnid. is not the important fact thst l(;sed, that stitdi is tl*e 111,wieldly amount of this ju-at staple of Southern industry, that it cannot be sent forward and disposed of ai fair re inuncratiitg prices, thrui gli the oriiinai v medium of the mercantile establishments of this country and in Europe; without the direct cooperation of our banking institu tions ? If we have ice, mesaibfieu 11 this fact, ought we not to organize a sistem, « hid) shall give p* tfet t s*. miiy to 'h;'s gn-at interest in the romntrtd and fiiianteset our country ? and It* 1 titivviseand tuinotts.sys tem of sending the nop foivvaid to hou’**-. of ciictiinsuiibed mean*, r.n the otl.ei side of the w.uci, who are incapable of holding their ecr.sigi n*t fs t n hour I* l * v<! the maturity ot the hili® drawn against such shipment*, subjects in diet, nearly t| , «|, |,. amom-t of American *ntere*rs "to hu igti conibination, which might act. not oi.dvwitlt entire -concert, but wit ha pci feet knowledge of the period, when Horn the maturity < f the aicepianees in question, property in a stupendous amount helot ging to iliis icui;- Hy . may be ready for sacrifice. 1 lie great and vital changeivhicti mn c fbo operated, is to sustain American inter* sts, by American credit To rrali/c at ! c tne. !l v rc-t uiees necessary for the ptolct tit 1 of large and inconvenient drafts ou th*- capital and meai.sol our great cu*tßnicr. In other words, the ccnitueia ia! reloini we desire, is lusi ijiionr staple to irarkel, wall,cut the period being den-i mined by the il >le of Btliol Exchange, w I rn it is to l*e brought lorwani lor absolute atal ui iHa essaty sacti fif e. We helirve that ti e steadiness In price, which would result from a portion, at least, ot Cotton cri p being ext npt from tlte dt>asitoiisfluctuations arising Irom roiu- I uismy sales, would in the end, be srane’v less v . Itifible to tlje spinner and consumer in England, than to the grower and shipper here. A lad, which v.e think demonstrable from lit*- following pustulates, which we cot-side* altogether seif evident: E Tlte natural price of Cotton is the ef fi-co! tl-e fair ami natural influence of slip py :i and detn: u i. 2. Tl.e price cannot be steady, and the '''tit le cannot be c uir'-nt, so as to admit of s; (e cah tratioi s uu the j art of the plai.tciS, il *in 'tufa'l tti(*r at;tl tb* uu tcliat:), unless the 1 r:* t- b;- 1 atural. It isconscqtirntlv the ml*ust ol these three classes, that the ar tiole shott'd he prote-cted, on th* cue hand kom any great a-nd limine sjt* < tilative action, which might inflate prices above the natural • ate and on the other, front at y derange " enl in the money mark* t, or at y other ac chleuial cause, vrl.ii h might depress it lu-lovv that rate. Ihe effect ol great and undue s| eeulation being to derange the money mark »t, and to produce reaction, with an undue depression of j iters. G. J he stall it the currency mainly de pend- 00 tiic 11,cans which the country pos sesses, to pay its forego debt, bv ; liip.n en's of its p’oducc. ’Jo the extent its produce or manufacture fill's short of that object, exports ol spt ci* 1 may he induced, the effect of which must be. a reduction ol «|b< circu lation, with depreciation of property and general distress. 4. Cotton, in tins country, being Vv far the most important produce, and affording the great means of paying its foreign debt, it is the interest ot the community, and particularly oft 1 e monied institutions, that the price of it in England, (the great mar ket.) should be steady, ant) that the article should he of current sale, so as to be the means of large and effective remittance. It follows, that the interest of the banking in stitutions here, arc the same as those of ilie three classes first mentioned, namely, that tho price should he natural, that it may be steady, nud of easy realization. 5. T‘>e interest of the British Govern ment, o( the Bank ot England, and ol the banks of >hat country in respect to this ar ticle arc the .-ame us the interests ol" the banks hcic The imj ortationof these 'eing immense, and the employment of a most numerous body of the laboring classes, dt pending on the steadiness of prices. M hen they are not steady—the foreign de ni', ml for manufactured cotton is reduced greatly, the operatives aic thrown out of employment, and the great means of set tling the balance of trade, without the ex portation of the precious metals are with drawn, Manufactured cottons affording by far, the most important branch of their ex port trade. 6. Consequently, any arrangement tha* could ba formed, by which tho artiole woukt