The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, July 27, 1839, Image 4

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tStemvrl SAcrUT Htfes* WILL-nvs HI. before the Court Übuw door iu fftv t««j of Luuipkin, Slew art county., on* tJrt tirar Tuesday in AUGUST mii, ofeiwaw .’tor usual hours ol sake,. trie fallowing property, to wits; Lot of Land No. 24, in the 24th district •f originally Lee, now Stewart county* le*- ieJ' ou as the property of James H. Harrell to satisfy a-Fi Fa. issued Iroin Stewart su perior court, in favor of Benjamin W. Clark,, b arer, an I others, tb said Harrell and Jo siah H. Keen. Lot of Land, No. 15, in the 25th district of Stewart coanty, taketfa* the property of Stephen Glover, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas is aaed out of a. justices court of Stewart coun ty, m fuvor ol Cullen- Roberts and others, Vs said Glover. Also, one negro man by the name of Le vin, taken as the property oC WiHiamP. -Tompkins, to satisfy a Fi Fa* from. Ste Wart superior court in h+or of Richard T. Morrison vs. Lmletoo Cofltaa and Win. P. Tompkins. it iso, one sorrel horse and ihm yoke of ox en and cart, taken as the property of Robert Bird, to satisfy afFi Fa. issued (etna Stewart superior court, in favor of James f hixuas vs said Bird. Also, The mao J. KesterseoV InNMt hr lots of Land Nos. 94, 95-and 114, iu the 22d district of Stewart coumy. Uvwd oo*tosatis fy sundry Fi Fas. issued front a: justice's court in saidcomty, i:t favwr of Martha Par ker, ad ii'rx on the estate of James Parker, deceased, vs Tnon'as J. Kesterson, Henry Brewer and o'hers. Also, No. 148. in the 24th district of Stew* *rt county, levied on asjthe property of John Allen, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issued from a justice’s court of Walton county, in favor of J. 3c A. Gresham, and others, vs said Al len, Also, the west Italf of Lot, Nik 169, in ths 23 I district of Stewart county, levied on as the properly of Wiley Massey, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Muscogee inferior court In favor of Stewait A Fontaine, vs said Mas sey and Theophilus Elenry. Also. No. 74 and 106. in ihe 18*h district •f Stewart county, levied oo as the, property of Rolrert H itcher, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice's Court of Stewart guiinty in favor of Jam-s Jordan and others, vs Robert Hatcher. Also, lot No. 73, in the 1-Sth district of Stewart county, levied «n as the property of Ezekiel Me Michael, to satisfy sundry •*’*i. F is issued from a justice's court ot said county, in favor of \V. B. Butt vs said Mc- Michtel and Robert Hatcher. Also, No. 159, in the 31st district of Stew art county, taken as the prop rty ol Abner A. Langford, to satisfy aFi Fa issued out of Stewart superior court, in favor of R. J. •Crews, for the use of 4. B. Pope, vs said Langford. Also, No. 10, in the 32J district of Stew •rt county, taken as the property of Robert I). Jones, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a, justice’s court of Houston county, in favor of Daniel B. Rhodes. Also, No. 191, in the 22J district of said county, taken aw the property ofGillis Pow ell, to satisfy sundry Fi Fa<, issued out of X ( justice’s Court o 'Stewart ceunty, it» favor of Charles A. Smith, and other#. Also, No. 43, in the 18th district of said •aunty, taken as the property of William A. Worthington, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issu ed out of a justice’s court of said county, in favor of Galby Mathis, and others, vs Wm. A. Worthington. Also, a negro boy by the name of Bill, 16 1 years old, taken as the property of Thomas •'Justice, to satisfy a Fi Fa. issued out of Stewart superior court in favor of Julius G. Echols vs Thomas Justice and Allen Rates. Also, N0.243, in the 25tli district ofStew-j art county, taken as the property of Henry Spears, to satisfy one Fi Fa issued out of the inferior court of Talbot county, in favor of Bailey Goddard vs. John J. Barnes, and Henry Spears and William B irnes, securi ties. "Also, No. 3, in the 22d district of Stewart county, taken as the properly of«Charl«s Dunning to satisfy one Fi Fa. issued eut of Stewart superior court, in favor of William E. Collier, vs Robert Hatcher and Charles Dunning. Also. No. 59, in the 18th district ofStew ert county, taken as the property of James S. Lunsford, to satisfy sundry Fi. Fas issued out of a justice’s court of Stewart county »n favor of E. E. Crocker and others. Also, loiof Land No. 108 in the 18th Dist. of Stewari county, levied on as the property of Richmond A- Black, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Justices Court of Stewart oou-nty, in favor of'.Ja>,hn C-, Hamilton, bearei, vs. Richmond A. Black, principal, and Duncan A. Nicholson, se curity. Property pointed out by the secu rity. Levied and returned by a constable. Also, No 204, in the 23d. District of Stewart county, takep as the property of Isaac Grimes to satijfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Justices Court of Stewart county, in favor of Mason H. Bush and others. M. M. FLEMING. Sheriff. , POSTPONED SALE. At the same time an>l place, will 5# sold. Lot No. 144, in Ute I9ih district, Stewart, as the property'of Wkioy -8. Whitehead, 1 to satisfy sundry Fi Pm. issued out of a jus tice’# court of Stewart county, in favor of George T. Marshall and others. M. M. FLEMING, Shff MORTOAOE RALES Also will be sold a'• above on the first Tues day in September next. Lucy a woman 26 years old, Arthur a man 20 years old, Sampson a man. 35 years old, Dianm, a woman 22 years old, and her two children, Tener, a woman 30 years old, Amy 12, Jack 1-4, Alfred 13 years, Georges bay 13 vears old. Rose a woman 19 years t>ld. Nathan a bov 2 years old, Calvin 5 years old. Hester 3 years old. Daniel 7 years old, Dive 1 year .old, all taken as the prop erty of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy three Mortgage fi fas issued out of Stewart In ferior Court, in favor of Williard Bovnton, Loverd Bryan, TomilsonFott and Elijah E. Crocker, Executors of Si nuel Wil-t Kami, deceased, vs. Robert Hatcher. Also, oae boy by the name of Toney, about 21 years of age, one girl, by the name of Silva, -about 16 years of age, *ll A vied od ns the property of Robert Hatcher, taaatify a Mortage 6 fa, issued out of Stew art Inferior Court, in favor of Turner Lo- Voy vkvßobfrt Hatcher. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. .July 5.185 V NOTICE. JM tub PIRg-V TUESDAY IN SEPTEVLBR RIOCT, "FMriLL bo sold before the Court House *" * door In the Town of Lumpkin, un %Sw end order of the Inferior Court of flwwart county acting as a Court ot ordi nary. Lol or Land N®. 171, i* the 21st. district of laid county, sold for the benefit *■ thd heirs nod e reditu®* of Samuel £n ptraoo, deceased of said vounty. Terms •tod# known on-tbs day of sale. M \ RIARET EPPERSON, fn»# 27. 1839. U Ad m’n, Sumter sheriff sales*. WILL be sold, on tiie fiist Tuesday in AUGLS’L’ nsat* before the court house dtour in the an of Ainerktus, Sum* lercoanty. within the usual hours of sale, the fnihiwing pro peaty, *e witi- Two lots of Laud, Nos. 141 and" 148, in tile 27th district of formerly Lee, now Sum- Mu' «wu**ry r levied on as the property of Reu ben-B. Pickett, to satisfy one Fi Fa., issued from Sumter superior swwrt, m favor of Ed win. F.. Birdsong, vs. soid Pickett ; property pointed out by the defendant. Also, one town lot, No. 1, under letter H, m tite town of Americus, Sumter county. cotiYarmrrgone half acre* more or lfess,leviei. oo as the property of William S. Ramsey, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a justice's court ol Sumter county, in favor of Joriah and Isaac Ogitenv v» Saul Ramsay ; property pointed ou# by tite pfarrrtrrt'. Also, Lot of Land, No. 102, in the 27th district of formerly Lee now Sumter c* untv, J levied on as-the property of James W. Bai ley, to-satisfy one Fi Fa. issued from a justi ce’s court of Sumter county, in favor of John W. Evans, vs. James W. Bailey- and Green M. Wheeler ; property pointed out by Green M. Wheeler. POSTPONED SALES. Also, uriU be sold as above. Lot of laud. No. 215, in the 15th district of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of John Eidson, to sa'isfy one Fi Fa from a ju-itice’s court of Wilkes county, in favor of J. fi J. Anderson, vs said Eidson, levy made and returned to me by a ' constable. Also, the east half of lot of land. No. 146, in the 27th district of formerly Lee now Sumter county, and five negroes, to wit, Wallis, a tnan, 30 years old, Cloe, a woman, 50 years" old, Clarissa, a woman, 30 years old, Missouri, a girl, 10 years old, Peggy, a girl, 10 years old; all levied on as the prop erty »r Mark M. Brown, to satisfy sundry Ft Fas from Smntcr 1 uferior court. one in favor of Turner Coley vs said Brown ivnker, and John T. McCrary endorser ; and one in [favor of James R. Cox and Carey G. Cox, vs Mark M. Brown, Michael Madden, and Richmond B. Goar, and one in favor of Da vid Ralston vs Mark iVJ. Brown ; and one in favor of George Walker vs. Mark M. Brown. JOHN KIMMEk, Sheriff! June’9,lß39. ALSO, WILL BK SOLD AS ABOVE : Lot of Laml No. 8, in the 17th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Daniel Harris to sat isfy one fi fa from a Justices Court of New ton county in favor of J. R, McNead vs. Daniel Harris, levy made and returned to. me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 28|, in the 28th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter coun ty, levied on as the property of John A. Clayton, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justices Court of Walton county, in favor of Cash Willingham, vs. John A. Clayton, property pointed out by John' Hodges, levy made and returned to me by a consrtfble. AUo, Lot of Land No. 169, in the t?fh District of formerly Lee, now Sumter coun ty, levied on as the property of James 11., Mav to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Su perior in favor of Asaph R. Hill, vs. James H. May and others.'fi fas in favor of others against said May, property pointed out by the defendant. Also. Lot of Land No. 183. in the 17»h District of formerly Lee, now Sutnte-r eottn ty, levied on as the property of Dowghlas H. Brown, to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inferior Court, in favor of George Hunting ton. A Cos vs. Douglas H. Brown maker and Josialt Ogden and Isaac Ogden, endor sers property pointed out by John C. Shuf fieid. AlstvLnf of Land No 369, in the 28th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter coun ty,’levied on as the property of Lacy J.j Simmons to satisfy Sundry fas from a Justices Court of Sumter county, in favor of Thomas M. 'Mann, and others against; said Simmon*, levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 132, in the 27th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter coun ty, levied on as the property of James H May, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justices Court of Sumter county, one fi fa in ta vor of M. M. Guerry, v*. James H. May, ami the other in favor of others against said May, property pointed out by the defendant, levy made aud<rot«rnf»'d to me by a consta ble. Also, Lot of Land No. 292, in the 27th District of formerly Lee, now Sumter county levied on as the the property of Ephraim Rigdon. to satisfy Sundry fi fas fro ma Justices Court.of aumter county, in favor of Ishmael Brannan, vs. Ephraitn Rigdon, property pointed out by the defend ant, levy made and returned to me by,a- con stable. POSTPONED SALES. At the same time and place will be sold. One Grey mare, one Yoke of white and red brindle pided Oxen. one.sore! blaze face horse, all levied on as the property of Ad am Hardiu,*to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inferior Court, in favor of John Snelgrove, ▼s. Adam Hardin, and other fi fas iu favor of others, vs. said Ilardio, property pointed ont by Lott Warren. Also, on# Bay Horse, and one Yoke of white and black pided Oxen, levied on as the property es Wiley Gilmore to satisfy onefi fa from Sumter inferior Court in favor of Griswold & Popes, v*. saC Gil more. property pointed out by Lott War ren. GREEN M. WHEELER. D. Sh’ff. June 19. 1839 12 GUARDIAN’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of Sale, 1 before the Court House door at Starksvillc in Lee County, a lot of land lying in said County, known as lot Number Twenty-Six (26] in the second District, containing two hundred two and a half [2024] acres, drawn by William H. and Sydney Ann Edwards, Illegitimates; sold for tha benefit of said children. Terms at the sale. HENRY W. MASSENGALE, Guardian. Wrightsboro, May 28, 1839. 9 Adminisirator’s Sale. WILL be sold agreeablyto an Older of the Inferior Court of Sumtercou ty when si:tiog for ordinary purposes on the, first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale beforejthe Court House door of siad county. One acre of Land in »he North East cor ner of lot of Land 175 in the 27th district of originally Lee now Sumter countv, whereon William H. Pege i*ow lives. Also a lot in the Town of Danville, in Sumter county No. not recollected. Term* made known on the day of sale. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of S« M. Psgg, de ceased, WILLIAM PROG, > .. , SAMUEL O PEGO, \ Adnitn. Mav 26 1839 7 Hlanl* Traffic F >R SALE AT THhS OFFICE- Z>ee sheriff sales* WILL be »oiii ou. Uie Inal Tuesday in AUG US l next, el the Court House door in the T owjj, ol Statksville, wiUun the usual hours of sale the following property to ) wit Ikuc of Land' No. 170; in the I2th dist. .of Lee county, levied on as the property of •tesse Fausi, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justice Court of Lee county, in favor of Green Knowles, property pointed out by tbe . ilainudf* levy niada ami returned to me by I t constable. Also. Lots Nos. 3,4, and 26, in the 12tit listrict of Lee coun'y, levied on as the property of John Lawboo, to- satisfy two fi fas issued from the Superio Court of Lee county, and i favor cf Effey Dyson, ! 's. John. Sherrard principal, and John i. iwhon security and one in favor of H. ones, aod J. Bond*Admiuistrators, vs. John 1 uawhon principal and Elijah Tucker, se curity mi appeal. One bay horse, about six or eight years old, levied on as the property of Garrett Oglesby, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Mer iwether superior court, in favor of John J. Ridgeway, vs said Gar sett Oglesby ; proper ty pointed nut by M. F.llis. Also, Lot of Land, No. 136, in the 16th district ol bee county, levied on as the pro perty of Jesse Scarborough, to satisfy a Fi. Fa issued- from the superior court of county, in favor of Campbell, McDougald Sc Harris, vs. said Jesse Scarborough. Also, the undivided half of Lot No. 247, in the 12th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Paschaef J. Wto satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice's court of Walton county, in favor of Ismae W. Wooldridge and James J. Masten, vs. s,id Puschael J. Watley ; property pointed out by James 1. Masten ; levy made and re turned to me by a constable. ABRAHAM DYSON, Sb'ff. June 28. 183SL Also will be sold be as aboxe. Lot of Land No. 75, in the district of originatly Donly_ but now Lee county, levied on to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, Joseph Gla ton. vs. John J. Ford, Moses Pipkin, Luke Jenkins and Benjamin Pearson, for cost- Also, Lot of Laud in the Ist. district of Lee county, No. not known, the pjuce whereon John C»in now lives, Pine Land with a small improvement,. Levied on as the property of said John Catn, to satisfy an Alias fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Houston couniy, in. fayor of Richard V. C. Ruffin, vs. said John Cain. PropeMyr point ed oul by Plaintiff’s Attorney. D- GpiFF, D< p. Sheriff. June 27, 1839 ; Vilministi a forts’ Male. A T the Court-house in Baker county, f\. will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, by an order of the Inferior Court of Lee county,the following describ ed Lots of Land, belonging to the estate of the late Lewis Bond, deceased, all sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said, deceased, and to effect a distribution ; a. part of which lots confitprise the Bakes-planta tion.—-Sales to continue from day to day un til the whole is sold. Terms made known on the dav of sale, viz: Lots 347 2d, 21'4 2d, 187 2d, 137 2d, 136 2d,1452d. North half «4‘215 2d, 18G2tl, 144 2d, 354 2(1, 148 2d, '73 2d, 148 2d, 334 2d, 223 2d. 1382d, 226 2d, 213 2d, and 192 in the 2d District of Baker, originally Early county ; and also Lots 186 3d, 183 3d, 205 3d, 234 3d, 137 3d. 113 3d, in the 3d District of Baker, formerly Early county; and also. Lots 10,100,21, 66, and 257, in the seventh district of Baker, formerly Early county ; and also. Lots 400 and 197, iu the V2th district of Bakei coun ty, formerly Early, and also, lot 78 ia-the first district of Baker c-ounty, formerly Early. Also, on the first Tuesday in September next, will be sofcl, at Starksviile, Lee coan ty, before the Court-house door, the follow ing-Lots of Land belonging to tire said de ceased, and sold for a similar purpose, viz : 216, 200, 217, 214. 168, 230, 186,190, 202, 185, 56,>184, 203. 141,215 and 201, in the se cond district of Lee county, a pari of which lotß comprise that valuable plantation known as the Fowl-town settlements and also, lot 203 in the third, and the north half of lot 217 in the first district of Lee co.unty. Also, on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Court-house dovr in Irwi.atoa, Wilkinson county, the following Lots #f Land belonging to said deceased, a part of which comprise the Wilkinson plantation, said for a similar purpose, viz: 214 4’h, 149 23d, 96 4th, 28 4th, 313 4th, 123 4th, 174 4th. 262 3d, 124 4th 25 4th, 26 4th, 29 4th. 30 4th. 882 sth. 2--<3 sih, 286 sth, 194 4th, 134 sth, 185 sth. 297 4th, 300 4th. 3-25 3d, 349 3d, 350 3d, 353 3d, 354 3d, 311 14th, 342 14th, 347 4th, 34 stn. 45 sth. 287 sth, 296 4ib, 280 sth. 309 4th. 299 4th, 170 4th, 279 sth, 196 4tli 167 4th 179 4th, 151 sth, 160 5th,730 sth, 200 4th, 207 4th, 34 4th, 91 4th, 92 4th, 210 sth, 178 23d, 93 4th, 248 4th, 275 4th,7 69 4th, 278 sth, 400 12th, 18 22d, 114 sth, 115.5 th, 133 sth, 187 4th, 92 16th, 272 4th, 252 4th. 263 4th, 230 4th, 249 4th, 247 4th, 231 sth, 231 4th, 233 sth, 237 sth, 216 4th, 330 4th. 28 4th, 207 sth,i 774 4th, 175 4th, lGß4tli, 208 sth, 326 3d, 2115th, 182 sth, 46 sth. 159 3d. 159 23d, 326 23d, 1 Lot, No. not known, sth, 5524 acres ; 1 lot in the town of lrwinton, 4 acre ; 4’lot in Wilkinson, No. not known, 101 Ja cres; 1 lot No. 36, f raction, 3d, 66| acres; a part of lot No 90, in the 4th, 20 acres : a parcel.of land 166, 4th,containing 58 acres; part of 169, in 4th, containing 70 acres; part ..of 306, in sth, containg 504 acres; ail the above lots of land lyin'* in the districts an nexed to each number. The said several sales of land to continue from day to day until the whole is sold Terms of sale, one third the twenty fifth day of December next, the balance in two equal annual instalments. H. JONES, JOSEPH BOND, Adm’rs of Lewis Bond, dec’d. March 23,1839 51 _ eowtf GUARDIAN’S SALE. GEORGIA, Sumter County.—Agreea ble to an order of the Honorable In ferior Court of Sumter county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be aold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in Americus,Sumter county, a tract of Land, known as Lot No. 220 in tbe 30th District of formerly Lee now Sumter county, containing 9024 aztres. Sold forlhe benefit of John Mathews minor and John Mathews idiot. Terms on the dav of sale. MOSES MATHEWS, Guardian. Americus, May 16,1839 6 WILL be sold at the Court House door in Cuthbert Rando'ph county, on the first Tuesday in October next. Lot of Land, No. 7, in the 10th district of former ly Lee, now Randolph county, the same fiejng of the estate of Alexander Car rethers"a Minor orphan, and to be s< Id un der an order of the Inferior Court of the county qf Rumter. ELIZABETH BUCK, formerly Elizabeth Joiner, Guardian, June Jo, 1839, 13 i The article published below, concerning ths new and popular doctrine advanced by the ilUwtriotts Goelicke, of Germany, cannot tail ol exciting a deep and thrilling internet throughout our. country. iViiUhlettM feanativev .FOR CON SU MPTION. *35,1 q *3 *3 [Translated from the German .l LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, OF G£RM.\.NT THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizensofyorth ant South Alinerica, npo Louis Offjis Goelicke, M. D. of -E. Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding anew and, precious doctrine of the Science of Medicine--—a octrine which, though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—-a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the lives of millions of our rate, and. which he boldly challenges his op | posers to refute,, viz Consumption is a dis ease always oceasi tried by a disordere l stale of Vis Vitct (or Life Principl )of the human body: ‘often secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint of the which, may be as cer tainly, thoueh not so quickly cured, as a com mon sold-usr a simple headache. An invalua bly precious dectrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, te.ichin g them that t his insid ious foe may be an, unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gin-e themselves secure fro n its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, VNDNOT WALT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustrionsoenefa.ctor of man is ajso entitled to our unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the invention of his MATCHLESS SAN ATI V E, — vhose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy itJ*CONSUMP- TiON, both in the first and last stages,---a medicine which has throughly, filled the var rnum in the Materia Medica, and thereby proved itself the of Putsi cians,_Q} —a medicine, for which all man kind will have abundant cause tp, bless the beneficent hand of a, kimk Proyidenpe,—a medicine whose- wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they otten be come the happy instruments of changing de spondency into.hope, sickness into health, and sadness of frieuds into joyfuluess. GDELICKE’S is a medicine of more value to, man than the vast, mines of Austria* or even the united reasures ot our globe,—a medicine, which is ob, lined equally troin the vegetable,.aaiiimU and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a, th.rf.e fold power,— a medicine, which thoilgd designed as a remedy for consumption.solely, is, possess ed,of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the 1 .man system, —a inedici""!, which begines to be valued by Physicans ; w’ j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the gt a&pof tfie i lablk G.ravk -1 DOS"E of the Sanative, for aduhs, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for in ants,a qnarterdrop; the directions explain ; ing the manner of taking a hadfor a quarter drop. q *2 <3 *3 «3 A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We, the-undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in Germany are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of tbe fac.ul ty, but not of its benevo lent members, who are uninfluenced by sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of ojtr opinion, either of the soundness orunsounffness of Dr. Goelicke’s new doctrine, w« are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis ! Ofibn Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much aaid about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, ftQin motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a numberof our moat hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore be lieved to ha incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as amends for our abu-e of hitn, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist, who does honor to the profession, and to ourcountiy, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tais medicine into some of our European, hospitals is a suffi ent gnarantythat it performs all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used H is its own best witness, HERMAN, M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M D- Germany, December 10,7338, bbb b b b Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. Jnlv 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately beeneffected, through the virtues of Dr. Go click’s Sanative, in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was far gene and wasted awav in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY BY HIS FAMILY PIIYSICAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myself a few days since, in company withjhis wife starting on a journey to the western part of this State. He ascribes his escape irom the very jaws of death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug property, but. says he. “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF 1T,. 1 FI COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR A LESS PRICK. To him’be Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL, P. M. The abnve Medicine for sale, by THOM VS GARDNER. Agent. Florence, Jn 26 THE GOOD SAMARITAN- A C’< fNTRAST.. ALL. nations, from the remotest ages, have had ships,, but Columbus only found out the way to America-. Before the time of the great Spanish navigator people were only enabledto padtlln about the shores.. Just so with tha Luc Medicines, it is but two short years since i first ventured upon an unknown.ocean,, and L tj«vV discovered the precious obj»ct I was in search, of- HEAL TH. Vegetable medicines were in deed known when 1 commenced my search,, but their use was not. By the use oftfem, 1 have not only, passed Irowi the dejected invalid, to the hale hearty and; active man o i business, but comparatively spmking, I have renewed) my 1 cai: thus,, with eorifi dence in my own experience, advise with my fellow-citizens. Does the reader want proof that the VEGETABLE LIFE ME DICINES are suitable to hi own case ? I h ive on tile at my office, 367 Broadway, hun dreds of letters, from some of the most re spectable. citizens of this my native land, voluntarily ottered in testimony of the vir tues of A GOOD VEGETABLE MED IC IN E. Persons whose constitutions have been nearly, ruined, by the “all infallible” mineral preparations of the day, will bear me wiittiess, that the Life Medicines, and such only, are the true course to permanent good health. John Moffat., GENERAL REMARKS RELATIVE TO MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS- AND PIItENIX BITTERS. These medicines have long been known for their extraordinary ami iip, mediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suffering u/.ider nearly every kind of disease to. which the human frame is liable. iti many hundreds of certificated instances t hey have even rescued sufferers from the very verge es an untimely grave,, after all the deceptive nostrums ofthe day had: utterly failed; and to many thousands the have permanently, secured, ffiat uniform, eoj°y ment of be.dith, wirbpnf which, life itself is but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were unac quahffoff with 'he beautifolly, phffojsophjcal principles upon which they are compoun ded, and upon which they consequently act. It was to their manifest and sensible action in purifying klip spring* and' channels of lift;,. and, enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their name, which was bestow"d upon them at the spontaneous request of several l individuals whose lives they had obviously saved. The proprietor rejoices in the opportuni ty aflotded'by the universal diffusion of the uaily press for placeing his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS witltfa, tb/e and, reach,of eyery individual in the community. Unlike tha host of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pills are purely ami solely vegetable, and contain Mercury, Antimony, Ar.suic, norany mineral'whatever. They are en'irely composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues ofwhich, though long known to.several Indian tribes, and re cently to, some eminent pharmaceatieal chemists, are altogether unknown tp the.ig norant pretenders to medical sci nee; and' were never before administered in. so, happi ly efficacious a combination. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various impurities and,crudities constantly setting^a.- r-onnffthem; and to remove the hardened fieces which collect in the convolutions ofthe small intestines. Other medicines only par tially cleanse these, and leave such collected UVissesfiehin l. as to produce habitual cos tivenoss with a,H. its train of evils, or sud denthariiiQsa, with its imminent dangers.— This fact is well known to all regular anat omists, who examine the human bowels af ter death ; a,nd/ hence, the p.rej ( usUcp of these w« I informed men against the quack medi cines ofthe age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE UFE PILLS istocleanse the kidneys ane the bladder, and* by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which enti ely depends upon the regularity o,f the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red code*- from, the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, a:i«l nourished bv food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews everv part ofitKe system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of healthy in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases, to which the Ve getable Life Pills are well known to be in fallible • DYSPE.PSTAi by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow or of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind:— Flatulency, Pal pitation of the Heart Loss of appetite. Heart burn and Head ache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety Languor, and l\f‘lanrhoUy, which arp the general svmtnms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cuyg, Cosliveness, hy cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days, Diuuh*' and Cholera , by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which tkese complaints are occa sioned, and by promoting tbe lucrative se cretion of the mucas membrane Fevers of all kinds by restoring the blood to a reg ular circulation, through the process o per spiration in some cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstructions in oth ers. The LIFE PJLLS'haye been known to cure Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Qaut in half that lime, by remov ing local inflarnm itian frqm the muscles, and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kid neys and bladder ; they operate most de lightfully on these important organs and , hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Qravel. Also, Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bow els slimy matter to which these crea tures adhere; Asthma and consumption, by relieving the air vessels ofthe lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds wiij cccason,which if not removed becomes har dened, and produces those dreadful diseas es. Scurvey, Ulcers, and Inverterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood, and all the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and, Bad Complexions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morbid state of which oc casions all Eruptive complaints, Salow, Clou dy and other disagreeable Complexions. — The use of these Pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum. Erysipelas , and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the skin. Common Coldsand Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two. even in the worst cases. Piles, —as a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady. )be Vegetable Life Pills deserve a distinct tpd emphatic re commendation. It is known to hun dreds in this city, tbst the Proprietor of these invaluable Pill*, was himxelf afflci td with this complaint for upward# 0 f (Ui r ty-Jiv* years, and that:he tried in vtuq f or ’ remedy prescribed within the whgfa Q 0„. pass.ofthe Materia Medica.. De however at length,.tried the medicine which h< uow offers to the public and ho was. cured ltJ very shoM, time,, after bis recovery hod been pronounced not only improbable, but ab#o. lately imposible by any human means DIRECTION FOR li>E.-’lho p ro . prie’or ol the \ egetable Life Pill* ,j 0f . g follow the base and mercenary practice o» the quacks of the day, i„ abv.smg nersonl to take his Pills in large quantities. N ft good medicine can possibly be so required 1 l.esc p.JJsare bobs taker, at bed rime everv night foe a week or according to the obstinacy of the disease. 'J h e ” dose is from 2 to 5, seconding to the consti tuuon, ol the peiiKom \Cy delieate per sons should begin With but two, and - reaseas the nature of the case may require (hose more robust, or of ve y costive habit" may begin with 3, and increase to 4 or even o Pills, and they wph effect a sufficiently happy change to gmde the patient in their I t - urU,e < , use ' t'Bls sometimes occa sion; sickness and vomiting though very sel dom unless the stomach, is very foul; thi. however may be considered a favorable svm iP'um. as the patient wiff find himself a ‘t once relieved,, and by pemeverance will soon, recover. They usually operate *uh,u I bO.or l-houis and never give pain, unless the bowels are very much *«mumbered ihe> may be taken by the most delicate fe males moifor a ity circumstances hj K j iow ever recommended, that those in Inter per nods ot pregnancy should take but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels ope", and even two m;.y be taken wbtietU patient, is very costive. One pill in a solu tion ol Mvo table spoons full ol water niay be given to an infant in the following doses —a tea- spoon lull every two hours til] j, erates ; fora child from one to five years of age, hail a pill—and Iron) five so ten. on# 1 HE FI.ICEN.IX BITTERS, are so cal j led, because tjiqy possess file i-ow-r ol re storing the expiring amber* tff, a glowing Vigor throughout the consiitution os tfoe Phumix is said to be resto ed to Ide Iroin the ashes of its own dissolution. The Phoenix Binei*. a;;q entirely vegetable, cow*, posed ol roots found only in certain parts of the western country., w(ifol) v. II in cure FEVERS AND AGUES of all kinds; will never (ail to eradicate entirely all the ef fects of Mercury, infinitely sootier than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla aod will immediately cure the determination of BLOOD,TO THE lIEAD ; never lad the sickness incident to young females end w ill be found a certain remedy in all cases of ner vous debility and weakness of the most im paired constitutions. Asa remedy for If bio nic and Inflammatory Rheumatism the elhca cy ofthe Phoenix Bqtew wiJ.I b<? demonstra ted by thmuse of a single botffg. Tlje usu al dose ol these bitters is half a wine glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be tag.en Iwq q r three time a.dajl, about half 1 a " hour iwfare meals, or a less quantity may be taken a all times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion after meals, these Bitters will prove in valuable, as they v»ry greatly increase the action of the principal viscera, help, tjiqro to perforin their fonc (tions, a«d enable the stomach to disci,arge into the bowels whatever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and speedily removed, appetite restored and the months ofthe ab sorbent vessels being ckwi nutrition is fa ciliiated, antL si-rength ol body and energy of mind are the-happy results. For farther particulars of MOFFAT'S LITE PIELS and I’HtKNIX BITTERS, applv at Mr- Moffat’s office No. 367 Broadway, New York, where the Pills can be obtained for 25 cents, 50. cents,or $1 per box ; and the Effters for $1 or s‘2 prrbottle. apfldi cates ofthe wonderful efficacy of both, may bt? there inspected. In some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic and inflarwinatory Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague, Dyspep sia* Paj,sy, Pilis, injuries from the use of mercury, quinine , and other diseases of tony standing it may be found necessary to take both the Life Pills and the Phoenix Bit ters, ip fh,e doses befn.# recommended. N. B.—These P-ffri and the Sillers wijj get all mercury out of the system infinitely faster Gi;tn the best preparations of Sarsapa rilla and »re a symedy for the rust - iny of blond, to the head or alt violent heads aches, tic douleuirux, Ac—All persons who ara predjstposetf tp, appoplexy, palsy, Ac., should never be without the Life Pills or the Bitters for one (lose in time will gave life. They equalize the circulation of the blood, draw all pressure from the head, re store perspiration and throw off cve;y ipqiu r! vj» -7} the pores of the skin. The above medicine for safe by THOMAS GARDNER, Agep«. A pri 11. 1839 (• F.ORGIA—Lee County. VX7H&REaS Wliliam R. May, t\rpl' f * tv so me for Letters of Administration «n ihe Estate of Daniel A. Carrington Deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Law, to show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under iny h? n 3 at office, this tli* 26th day of June 1859. SAML. C. VVYCHE.c. c. o. FOUR MON THS alter uate api iteatSn will he n#tle tp the Hon. Inferior Court p.f Sumter county, when setting for ordinary purposes for leave t» sell the real estate A Alexander Currethers a minor. ELIZABETH JOINER, Gnardfan. Americus Ga. May 20 1839. 7 Months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes' for leave to sell the land belonging to ths estate of Albert H. Shepherd, deceased. JAM E S M SM YTH. A din’r. ANN E. SHEPHERD, Adm’r* May 14 1859 fi 4 m OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable, the in ferior court of Sumter county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Uriah Fuller, late deceased, of said county. WALTON W. FULLER, Adm’r. Mav 13. 1839. 10 mouths afterdate, application will be made to the honorable 1 nferiorcourt of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Francis, and her two children. Bill and Mariah. belonging le the estate of H. C. Maund. deceased, for the benefit of the creditors solely. WIL LIA MW. MAUND, .1 one 26. 1839 35 Adm’r. UNIUS JORDAN, is the legally thorlsed Agent of Rood A Talrnau, during my absence from the State. July 10. 14 4t AP. ROOD-