The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, October 19, 1839, Image 2

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ARMENIAN WEDDING. We went about eight o'clock in the eve ring, and found the house lighted up, and full of the lady "a friends, among whom were tue prie,t who was to perform the semce, aid in* wife, both tcry plain aud »i opie-look irtg persons. We pastil thro, several ante r juiti-, tuti of peo,..w and were finally us.ier e I uuo an inner arid seci.uled chamber round which was a ti’Van. )u this sat cross- legged n nuirtScr of Aimeman ladies, two or three deep, aod at the idi Corner was a motion less rigure, like, a bust in a niche, covered with a rich ««d glittering with gold, hung riosn on all sides, so as entirely to couceal her figure beneath it. The last was the bride. Acioss the room, was a line of men two or three deep, who stood gazing oil her in s'dence. In compliment ito our hank customs, chairs were procured for us in the neighborhood, on which we sat. and contin ued gazing on her in silence in the same way. To gratify us, the bride permitted her veil to be raised a little; it was instantly dropped again, but the glimpse we had, showed us a slight figure aud a pale face, with a countenance exceedingly pensive and joyless. Her companions, however, were of a different character. They were all unveil ed, and displayed faces radiant with beauty and cheerfulness. Some of them were ex ceedingly lovely, crowned with cornets of gold, tiieir long hair floated about them in extraordinary profusion down to the divan, like the veil of the bride. Though seem ingly in high spirits they spoke in whispers, and all their motions were tempered by gen tleness and modesty. After some refresh ments and music, in open space was cleared before the bride, on which two embroided mats were laid. On them were placed two enormous candlesticks, containing wax ta pers of a proportionable size, and between them was a third, of a still greater magnitude without a stand, but bound upright to the •other two by ribands. This mysterious em blem was called -the nuptial taper.’ It rep resented the midden state of the girl, and was to burn till that state expired. It was then extinguished, and kept as a relic to the family. The snulf of the wick became the prerequisite oft he priest, who attributed to it many conjugal virtues. The priest was now called on to perform another important ceremony. A low taper was placed neat the nuptial, covered with a white cloth. The priest took from bis bosom a crucifix and waving it several times in the air over the ta ble, lee ottered a benediction, aud conclu ded with a psalm. We were curious to see what mystery was under this cloth. It was slowly lifted up, and there appeared a rich shawl, which was taken up and wrapped a boui the bride. This ceremony was deem ed one of the most important parts of the marriage service and is called ’blessing the nuptial shawl.’ When these and other rites were over we expected to see the bridegroom but he never appeared. 11° was down in Galata enjoying himself with Ins friends ; nor was it till ihe end of three days that the bride was carried to him wrapped up in her shawl, like a child in swaddling cloths, when the husband saw her for the fi st time, and the final ceremony was performed [Walsh’s Residence in Constantinople. Ti e following exquisite, interesting;, and very passionate billet-doux was written by a person who has for some tune figured as a poet: and is dedicated to all tlto admirers of chivalry throughout the globe. It is re commended particularly to those whose lair misstresses are too much disposed to re ject the offerings of Cupid— an J thus never know that “In Hymen’s sweet endearing lot, They may improve the scene, That some may be when they are not, ; To tell that they have been.” Dearest Miss: —lt ii with pleasure that I assume the wonderful task of private ad dress to your honor. Notwithstanding the bars of obstruction which traverse the course of iny mind by other studies, it is impossi ble to impede the pure stream of affection which flows like an irresistible torrent from its n hive fountain. Dearest minion oj inter ior deight!!!\ were I apprised of an equiv alent blaze of constant partiality burning in the breast of inimitable beauty, it would surpass the power of human utterance to develop* the mystic animation fluttering in the cabinet of transport! Hut alas! in my present condition of mind, I can but sadly languish in a gloomy anticipation of unfavor able success, having no manner orally to ex press my fond regard for one in whose breast I fee! willing to repose th • trust of my life. Cons-'qumnly 1 sit as one retired and alone, in a dasert of sequestration, with a mind en circle I bv the Mvilight of suspense, medita ting thnsc favorite beauties buried in the glonni of dt-t wee. Hence on the pinion of thought, by die light of fancy, my heart steals away, drawn by the magnet of affoc ti >n, to solicit a smile from your heavenly visage. Oh! dear little fovorite! Could you but trace your faithful admirer brood ing pendant on the verge ol despondency, ready to rclinguish the last beam of hope playing dimly on the visage of doubt, would it not inspire a sympathetic emotion in your intender breast or convert a petrified heart into a sou itain ofpity ! Cut all the maga zine of eloquent gallantry is vain if never touched with the fire of aftccti >u. Sail I trust that a series ol intimacy may inspire an equal flame of reciprocal fire, fanned bv the wing of reflection,’till faithful Hymen shall strike the note of conjugal h irmonv aud the streams of friendship flow together like the conflux of a torrent mingling in eter nal eestaey, never to fall till the wheel of life shall lire, and mortality terminate in Death!! C dieve me dearest minion, Your best and most faithful LOVER “♦***« A Trance of a Rec/i's Duration. —A ; oung girl residing in a house back of Ger man si, between Fourth and Kith st., Southwark, a member of the Methodist Church known as the Academy, in Fourthist, near Arch, on t!i) evening of Wednesday, the 26th ult., arose from her bed under religious excitement, uad began to pray.— Tile religious exercises with the workings of her own imagination, produced such a sUUe.ol excitement in her n ind as to throw her io.o a trance, in which condition site has remained since yesterday week, insensible to .every object and event around her.— During that period s„t»e has partaken of no iood except such aliment as thin gruel, which her friend-* ot attendants force into her m mth, between her clenched teeth— Such a iorig period of unconsciousness and ab-unie ie>* lias ha t no apparent effect upon her health; she breathes regularly, her re*. p>rat>o .is similar to that of a person in a and ’P sleep, ami oer eh-eks and bps have (tie glo v md fi-.v* •)', n» ififi.. the-ruddy color of wMiigrv add. and to afar.- possessing'regularity niieaf ir*-, gives fi*r an extremely interesting nu'iCb"’-uitifal V.pei ranee. Ttie only mo- Uon'thit hi* bee* observed during this length iff ilnia, by those around her is a b*n ve n-’V* of’h) head, which is turned oe cn; g»a illy troavoux mde to the other,*as she lies upon her back, and a rapid rolling of the eyeballs under the closedlids. She has now been eight days in this smgular state, and seems no nearer a restoration to a state of coo«c«?ii»ness than at the time of the first attorn, though yesterday oue of her attendants heard her whisper, indistinctly, somethiup about her brother, which made them believe that the fit ol unconsciousness was near to its termination. .She has been visited by five or six physicians, though it is not known to what they ascribe her present condition, whether the effect ol >hysical or mental causes. The ’true behevers,’ many of whom have Visited her daily, asetibe it, of course, to supernatural causes, and be lieve that her spirit is communing with the blessed inhabitants of another world, and that she will be able to make some strange revelations on her recovery , a period to which many of them look forward with feel i iiigs of anxious hope. Whatever may have been the cause which produced and con tinues this singular effect, there is one thing certain, that the facis detailed by her friends, in regtvd to her present condition, are strictly to be depended on. Tire name ofihe girl is Nancy Simpson.— Ledger. A Short Sermon—how to maize morn y. —Do you complain that you have nothing to be gin with !—“Tom," you s.»y, “has a farm Harry has a thousand dollars, buts have nothing,” 1 say to you look at your hands, and tell me what they are worth. Would you take oue thousand dollars for them, or for the use of them throughout your life? If you can make a half a dollar a day with them wot Id it not be a bad bargain, for that sii’»» of the interest of more than two thou sand dodars; so that if you are industrious and Harry is lazy yon are more than twice as rich as he is; and when you can work,and make a dollar a day, you are four times as rich and are fairly wjitli four thousand dol lars. Money and lan I therefore, are not the only capital with which a young man can begin the world. It lie lias good health and is industrious, even the poorest boy in our country has something to trade upon, and if lie be besides, well educated and have skill in any kind of work, and add to this moral habits md religions principles so that his employers mav trust him and place confi dence in him, he may then be said to set out in life with a handsome capital, and cer tainly lias a good chance of becomin indepen uent and respectable, and perhaps rich, as a uy man in the country “Every man is the maker of his own fortune.” All depends upon f iie right principles, aud they are these : 1. Be Industrious:-— Time and skill are your capital. 2. lit Saving. —Whatever it be live with in your inco me 3. Bcrautious. :—Buy not what you can do without. 4 Be Prudent: —Let your economy be always of to day. and not ot tomorrow. 5. Be Contented and Thankjul:—-K cheer ful spirit makes labor light and sleep sweet, and all around happy, all of which is much better than being only ric l '. MOST SHOCKING MURDER. I’niLADKi.riiiA, October 1. The quiet of our orderly city is rarely disturbed by such an appalling tragedy as was acted yesterday, and we do not remem ber to hate seen tiie members of this com munity more shocked at any event. Few if any of our city readers but will recollect the elegant ice cream establish ment of Mr. Wood, opposite the t>tate House. ’Hie house has recently been put in orJer at very great expense, and is, pei- Imps, one of tits most splendid of the kind in the United States. Mr. Wood was as sisted in his business by Ins wile and a daughter about twenty years ol age. Some two weeks since, .Miss Wood was privately married to Mr. Peak, a bootmaker in Fifth street, and, as we gather (com inquiries, on Thursday last she left her father’s for her husband’s house. No sootier had the knowledge of his daughter's clandestine marriage readied the ear of Mr. Wood, he i "mediately closed his store, anti refused to attend tobuisness. Mrs. Wood, however, on Friday nr Saturday, induced tier daughter to return to the house, assuring her of her father's for giveness and of an early reconciliation with Mr. Peak. We did not learn that there was any cordiality in the reception of Mrs. Peak by her father, and the place remained closed. About ten o’clock yesterday morning, the report of a pistol in one of the upper rooms of Mr. Wand’s house attracted the atten tion.of persons in the street, and it was soon ascertained that Mrs. Peak (late Miss Wood) had been shot by her father. The body was found lying in the back room of tiie third story, the face covered with blood. An examination was immedi ately held by Doctors Janies Rush and G’ Emerson, which resulted in the discovery that the ball had passed entirely through 'lie head, entering immediately beneath the right eye, and carrying with it a portion of the skull and brain. . A few moments be fore the examination she expired, not hav ing spoken from the time she had received the fatal injury. Mr. Wood was immediately conveyed to the adjoining room, apparently in a state of phren/.y, where he was detained by the instructions ofthc Attorney General, George W. Pai'on, Esq , until the physicians should Jiave concluded their examination, and made repo.' thereof. The idea that Mr. Wood had sw„. ,| owed poison was at tirst entertained, but this wa*' soon dispelled. He avowed (hat he had committed |he act, and declared tint he considered it justifiable, iroon after the arrival of Mayor Roach, Mr. Wood was aroused from the apparent stupor into which he lud fallen, aud upon being questioned by the Mayor and Mr. Barton, lie admitted that he drank three glasses of brandy about ten minutes before he perpetrateil the horrid deed, and that he deliberately went into the room in which his daughter was sitting, placed the pistol close to her head, and tired. One of the servants, a colored man, named Joseph Seymour, testified that lie heard the report of a pistol while he was engaged i;i liie kitchen, that he iiamedi , at-ly hastened up stairs, and found Mrs. Peak lying oil the floor, her face covered with blood, a pair of pistols lying-near her, and Mr. Wood standing a little distance from the deceased. The hnshaud of the unfortunate lady remained in the boUse with his dying wife for some time, in a state of great distress, but was finally persuaded by Mr. Barton to retire. Immediately after the examination of Seymour and of Doctors Bush and Einer sin, Mr. Wood was committed to- Moya menstng prison. —U. S. Oaietie. Bail Road Laborers —The shareholders of the London and Brighton Railway, in En gland. have voted ,£IOO a year towards the support of three clergymen, who are to go among the laborers employed on their line, j and impart to them religious instruction, 1 A similar measure has been adopted by sev ierai other rail road companies in England Ftom the N. Y. Commercial, 24 th inst. \ THE AMISTAD. The anxiously expected decision of the Circuit Court, ujhiu the questions raised by tha habeas corpus, was pronounced yester day morning, in the presence ol as many persons as lould possibly find place m the Court room U'liai it would be no one could form an opinion ; and of course it was listen ed to with deep aud profoundly silent atten tion. We are ena led to place it before our readers almost in the very words of tiie learn ed Judge who gave it. DECISION OF JUDGE THOMPSON On the opening of the Circuit Court, Mon day- September 23d, Judge Thompson gave hisdecisiou with respect to the application of the prisoners’ counsel, to have the Africans discharged under the writ of habeas corpus —and denied the motion. He said the ques tion before the Court was simply as to the jurisdiction of the District Court over this •subject matter. He regretted that the case had not been held up for farther considera tion, and that he had so little opportunity to examine the various important questions that are involved in it, with that thoroughli ness and deliberation that were desirable. lie regretted this the more as the ease is a very peculiar and complicated one. It was one also difficult to be understood by the public. He could not be iusensib'e to the fact that the feelings of the community were deeply involved in the question, and he feared there might be misapprehension ol the real ques tions to he disposed ol by the Court. It is possible, he said, that there may be some misrepresentation. He would therefore have preferred that time should have beeu allow ed for him to give a written opinion. But the counsel have thought it advisable, and he did not say it was not excusable, to call upon the Court to dispose x>f the case now, and lie was compelled, though much against his wishes to dispose of it iu the best way he could. The question to be decided note is not as to the ultimate lights of either party.— but it is whether the District Court can take cog nizance of the subject matter that grows out of this case. In order to ascertain this, we must recur to the laws of the U. States Tiie case.lias been placed before the Court on the abstract right of holding human beings in bondage, or on the general question of slavery. The f ourl is not called upon here to determine this abstract question. It is sufficient to say that the constitution of the United States, although the term slavery is not used, and the laws of the U. States, do recognize the right of one man to have the control of the labor of another man- The laws of the country are founded upon this principle. They recognize this kind of right. Whatever private motives the Court may have, or whatever may be their feelings, oa this subject, they are not to be brought into vie k in deciding upon ibis question. 1 hey must give the same construction to the laws of the land, sitting in this state, as they would were they sitting in Virginia. It is the province anil tiie duty of the Court to determine what the laws are and not what it might be desirable they should he. My leeliugs, said Judge Thompson, are person ally as abhorreut to the system of slavery as those of any man here, but I must on my oath, pronounce what the laws ate on the subject Thenue question then is as to the law’, and not as to any of the questions involved in the case. The simple question t‘> determine is as to the right ot the District Court of Connecticut to take cognizance of the matter. Under the laws of the United States all seizures in a distrit t are to be taken notice ol in that district where the seizure is made. Ihe important question is always as to the place ot seizure, and the question always turns upon that. It a seizure is made with in the limits ot a state, the jurisdiction of the District Court is local. If it is made on the high seas any District Court may take cog nizance of the matter. Where then was the seizure made in this case ? It seems to be agreed by the counsel on both sides that the seizure was actually made in the district of New York. If that be the case this District Court lias no jurisdiction of it whatever.— But it the seizure was in tact made on the high seas this District Court lias jurisdiction. Judge T. said he had supposed at first.'that the siezure was in fact made in the district ot New York, but when he came to examine the matter he found it was not so. Lieut. Gednev, in his libel, states no such tiling. He says be -was on a survey within the state ot New York but lie does not say that be ac tually discovered the schooner Amis and within that district, and that he made the seizuie within the district of N'-w York.— All tile evidence before the court is what is set forth in libel. The vessel it seems was taken off Montauk Point. The grand jury, in their statement, say if was a mile dis tant from the shore. If this be correct it was seizure upon the high sea, and there fore the matter is rightfully before the court for this district. In the aosence of absolute certainty on the point the court can endeavor to ascertain from the best evidence in their reach, by ex amining maps and charts, the locality of the place ; and after making such an examina tion, they are of opinion that the actual place of seizure does not appear to be within the jurisdiction of the district court of New York, but upon the high seas. The admi ralty jurisdiction upon the the ocean extends to low water mark. Between high and low watermark there is alternate jurisdiction be tween the admiralty and common law courts. In deciding then that the seizure, was made ill the judgment of the court, upon the high seas—if either party is dissatisfied, the court cad institute inquiry to ascertain the exact jja' e. bit 1 the more regular course is for the patty dis.'atislK.' 1 to interpose a plea to the jurisdiction ol the cottrt, and then the dis trict court must institute nu ivauiry to ascer tain where the seizure was hjade. I? B not competent then for this court, at th e present time, to sav the district court has no juris diction in the case. Consequently this court can not now pass upon the question as to the property—that matter belongs to the dis trict court. Should either party be dissatis fied with the decision of that court, an ap peal can be taken to the circuit court, aud afterward to the supreme court of the U S. Meantime the parties must be put to their plots in the district court in order that all the fatts fee. may be put upon record. It has been said this is a question of liber ty, and tlterefore that the court ought to de cide the case in a summary and pro mm man ner. But in the judgment of the court, this ought to have no influence in (lie decision. 1 he situation ot the prisoners is such that they must be taken care of by somebody. They did not come here voluntarily. It is not the case, therefore, of persons coming here of their own accord, aud being taken up by other persons against their will, lfj the district court has jurisdiction of the per sons of these Africans, they are bound 1 to provide necessaries for them. They can provide for them as well ns any other persons. Fhe case seems to have been argued on the part of the prisoners as if they ought to be discharged if the. court has no jurisdiction. This is uot so. If it should be decided that the district court here has no jurisdiction, they can decide also that the cause be sub mitted to the district court of New York. The court would, in that case seud vessel and cargo, and every tiling appertaining, to that court. The prisoners wouid not be discharg ed, but seut also to the district court of New Fork, No benefit would arise to them iu be ing removed from this to auother district. It is therefore a matter of no consequence to the prisoners w hether the question is tried here or in the district ol New Yo>k. It has been “aid that the subsequent pro ceedings in filling these libels and claims here, were without authority. But if the ease is within the jurisdiction of the district court, other libels could be filled. It is true that if the original bills have been filed iu order to bring the matter within the juris diction ol this court, the proceedings may be irregular. It there is any irregularity, it can be corrected by filing a uew libel— the case being in the possession of the dis trict court, however, it is bound to receive claims of any body. The court cannot de cide whether these Spaniards have a right to these persons, or whether they should be put in the possession ofihe President of the United States. These questions are not row regularly before the court. They must come up hereafter, and the court must dis pose of theni. The courts of the United States have taken cognizance of cases auala gous to this. "The question Oi jurisdiction is a preliminary question, and the courtshonld noi decide questions of abstract right. The courts of the United States have taken cog nizance of cases where foreigners claimed the persons of slaves. Butpiliis is the first instance where a writ of habeas corpus has been applied for. It has never been made a question whether they were instantly free on being brought into the Uuited States. The case of the Antelope is directly in point. The Spanish and Portuguese consuls claim ed these subjects as property—the court said they must show their title. There may bean impression here, that because slavery is not tolerated in Connec ticut, the right of these Spaniards should not be investigated. The coupt, however, must be governed by the laws of the United States, and not by the laws of the State of Connecticut. Our form of Government re cognized the right to import slaves tip to the year 1808. It is true the constitution does not use that language, but it recognizes that right up to a certain period, and declares that till then it was a lawful importation. The constitution also provides for the recov ery of persons that may escape, from one state into another where service is due. It goes even beyond this, and interdicts the state from passing laws that oppose claim ants from taking fugitive persons in the free states. Should any s'ate pass such laws, they would be absolutely void. We must look at things as they are. The court feel bound, therefore, to say that theie is no ground upon which they can entertain the motion under the writ of habeas corpus. They fear that some misapprehension ex ists in the public mind as to the effect and ground on which tlre'case has been disposed es by the grand jury under the directions of the court. The question now disposed of has not been affected by what previously look place. The only matter settfed previ ously was that there had been no criminal offence cognizable by the courts of the Un ited Stales. Ji the offence of murder has been committed on board a foreign vessel, with a foreign cn?w aud w ith foreign papers, this is not an offence against the United States. It is an off nice against the laws of the country to which the vessel belonged. The courts of the U. .States have*, in such cases, no jurisdiction—-but if the offence be against the laws of nations this court would have jurisdiction. A murder committed, as in the case of lb** captain of the Armistnd, is not a crime against the laws ol nations, con nected as it is wi'li the slave trade. The court said that as they perceived there were note-takers present they jioped they would be careful to make a true representa tion ol the decision. The court not undertake to say that these African share no right to their freedom, but leavo that matter iri litigation in the district court, subject to appeal. Aud for reasons assigned, deny this motion. One of the course] for the prisoners then asked the court if they meant to express the opinion that a for, igner coming heie with a slave can call upon the United States courts to enforce the claim of the foreigner to the slave. Judge Thompson, in reply, said lie did not wish to decide now upon the abstract question. Asa judge he did not feel called upon to decide it. * The court was then ad- jo u rued sine die. The district court was opened. Thejudge said he should direct that the U. S. Attor ney should repair to Mountauk Point, in the revenue cutter, with a gentleman on the oth er side, to investigate the facts,- ascertain where the seizure was actually made, A'c; that the court would be adjourned io meet in Hartford on the third Tuesday in No vember next; and that mean'.imc it would he the duty of ihe marshal to see that the prisoners were comfortably situated, and p.o vided with clothes suited to ihe season, that they had sufficient food, medical attendance, vVc. The court would it is presumed allow the prisoners tv be discharged on giving bail, but ns if must be on appraisement their conselwould not consent toil. Tiie prison ers will p ’obably be remanded to the jail in New Haven. Corn. —A. Galena correspondent of the Boston Atlas mentions the valley of the Wabash as ihe greatest corn country of the United State*, and states that contracts may he made at this time to deliver it in the autumn at 12j cents per bushel. Coni in Missouri. —The Springfield (Mo.) Standard of a late date says: “We do not recollec* ever to have seen finer corn crops than there are in this and the adjoining counties. There are fields of Baden corn in this county, which, it is confidently be |lb;-ed by many, will produce one hundred bushels |o th e at ‘ rc — son J<‘ stalks contain thirteen ears, pommou corn Ul the same proportion." MELANCHOLY AFFRAY. We regret to learn, that in an a/Fray at A mericus, Sumter county,on the day after the Election, a man by the name of John Dra per, was shot through the head, by a dis charge from a pistol, in the hands of Demp sey J. Justice, Esq., which caused his death, in a few hours. Justice immediately left the place, and has not since heen heard from. Thus has this unfortunate atfair, growing prsbably out of the excitement of the Elec” tion, thrown a whole community into gloom, and deprived two families each of a head and protector. The two men had always been friendly, and walked info the store where the difficulty occurred arm in arm. The coroner's inquest found a verdict of wil ful murder against Justice. Macon Telegraph. The Georgian says the Savannah Kiver-t' Augusta is lower, at present, than it was cv •rkpowu to be. From the yational Intelligencer. Oel. 4. MARYLAND CONGRESSIONAL E LECTIONS, Inthecityof Baltimore, the Van Buren candidates, Messrs Carrol aud Hillen. have received an average majority of 395 votes over Messrs. Kennedy and Pitts, the Whig candidates, which majority there is no pro bability that the vote m Anne Arundel coun ty (tunning a part of the district, and from which we have not heard,) w ill overcome, so that the Van Buren candidates may be considered as elected. The political fluctu ations in Baltimore have been remarkable. Some years ago the Jackson majority wasteu or twelve hundred. In July, 1837. the Van Buren candidates received a majority of less than 300, in the following April the Whig candidate, Mr. Kennedy, received a majority ill the city of upv'ardsof 600; and now the Van Buren candidates have succeeded by nearly 400—that party having increased its poll io little more tnanone year 1,270 votes! without retrenching at all on the other—the Whig party having, in fact, not only main tained its strength, but gained upwards of two bundled votes. It is very plain, then, that this increase of the Van Buren vote has result' and from no retrogression iu public sentiment; and the gieatly augmented Ad ministration vote in Baltimore must be as signed to other causes, which, we dare say, are well understood there, and will doubtless be explained; some of them we might our selves surmise, were it necessary. We have heard it suggested, for instance, tint one cause might possibly be found in the undue license which has been exercised in the reg istration of persons as voters. If this be so it will, doubtless, be exposed by the presses on the spot. The Baltimore Chronicle of yesterday, in annouarciug the result of the election, observes; “We record this result with profound mortification and regret, al though our close observation of the means by which it was brought itbout had, in sime measure, prepared us to expect it.” From the same paper of Oct. 5. The cleciionsin Maryland,both State and Federal, have, we regret to perceive, run strongly in favor of the Administration.— We have not received lull returns from eve ry district, but there are appears to be no doubt that the election of seveu of the eight members of Congress ha-s resulted as fol lows : Second District—Philip F. Thomas, (V. B-) in place of James A. Pearce, (Whig.) Third District.—J. T- 11. Worthington, V. B. re-elected. Fourth District.—Messrs Carroll and Ilillen, V. B. elected over Messrs Kennedy and Pitts, Whigs. Fifth District.—William C. Johnson, W. re elected. Sixth District, Francis Thomas, V. B. rc-elocted. [Frederick and Washington counties have given luru a majority <*f about 500 over Mr. Price, which it ts not suppos ed that Allegany, yet to be heatd from, will change.] Seventh District. Daniel Jenifer, Whig; re-elected. Tha First District is the only one uot yet heard from, aud in that two Whigs were in the field to one Administration man; making the issue fl< übtful. It seems probable, also, that the Adminis tration part v have carried a majority of the House of Delegates of the State. T hese resells, so unexpected, and, we confess, s» mortifying, are uot easily recon eileable with tlte confidence which we have ever place.l in (lie inheHigence of the people. One might have anticipated that the suffer ings o( the community; its ruined business; the corruptions, •tiauos, and defalcations of public ag«»ts ; the practical violation of al most every republican maxim ; iu a word, the proofs, multiplied and disastrous, of in capacity and ruinous misrule in tiie manage ment of the public affairs, would, by this time, have weaned from the Administration even the most attaches! of its disinterested followers. But it would seem that the arts of demagogiuos, the magic, of party names, and the jmteocy.of tJie patronage of the Go vernment, Me aw overmatch lor unaided piinciple and tlie appeals of reason. From the yational Intelligencer. MR. PRENTISS. Th's distinguished orator, whose letter accepting Ins nomination for Unitad State* Senater from Mississippi, we published in our last, commenced his canvass of the State on the 31st ultimo, by a visit to Raymond Spring, in Hinds cora-nty. His reception by, the people was entluwia'stic, and bis address on the occasion, if we may judge Irom the account of it given in the Ravmnr.d Times of the 3<l instant, must have fullv equalled any of his former efforts. No report of the speech was made, bnt,t he editors have pre served a few passages. One of them is as happy an exhibition n| ati argument in the form of a simile as w« recollect ever to have seen. It seems that M r . Prentiss s competi tor, Mr. R. J Walker, in a published letter had asserted that “the whole banking sys tem.’’ State as writ as national, “is founded in fraud, because a bank ’promises to pay' more if is able to do,” Mr. Walker argued that as no bank can keep specie m ottoh to redeem its issues, and yet be profi table to the stockholders, their “promises ’ are made in fraud, and the whole system is subversive of the interests of true religion. After reading from the letter, Mr. Prentiss referred to the spring of water on his right band: “h ellow-citizens,” said he, “you have a spring, whose gentle flow supplies the wants of your whole town. Here yourselves, votir wives, and your little ones are aocusto’med to drink. True, it is a modest fountain— yet its steady current is more than sufficient for you. You know it—-you have confidence in its ability to continue that supply. But suppose someone of your citizens, suspec ting the inherent ability of yoursp>ing should recommend a “run” upon if—and suppose every man of your town, with bucket in hand, should commerce dipping therefrom toiioard up the precious fluid in his own private re servoir, would not ihe spring soon be drained and, instead of pure water, ivou'd you not presently scrape up mud and filth ? No, fellow-citizens, you would not permit such madness, Aon would punish such an expei i i.nenter- Let the spring alone vou would say—we have no fears of its exhaustion.” Mr. Prentiss availed himself quite effec tively of the argumentum and hominem by reading the following letter, which his op ponent had writrento Judgeßlack, of Miss issippi, when the Judge was io the U. S. Senate: Natchez March T. 1834. Dear Sir: As I promised at our parting to give you rny views on any subject winch might be interesting to your common constit uents, I hasten to sav that Mississippi will with great unanimity sustain you on the deposite question, in fact, the public voice loud!> demands a restoration of the depos itee, and the creating a bank to supply a gen eral currency. A State bank can no more supply and govern the general currency, than a State Government can direct and con trol the affairs of the nation. Good your ' constituents are with you—the country mui t be relieved from the frightful scenes of di*. tress which have visited us. In haste, as the boat is leaving, yours trn •y- R’ J. W ALKER. “Yes, (said Mr. Prentiss.) the boat teas leaving him then—the ‘Democratic’ boat • but he has since changed his mind; left the solid ground on which he then stood and has again jumped on board the boat, rea'* dy to sail wherever the Missouri pilot steers* even though they all go to the bottom with the entire cargo. 4 Mr. Prentiss referred to the charge n ?dc against the Whigs, ihat they had brought upon the country the numberless ill-contriv ed Slate institutions scattered over the land This unjust and undeserved stigma was spo ken of oy the orator in a stiain ot lofty i n . dignationand scorn, and ga.erise to anoth er metapho- of great beauty and force. H e pictured before us a fine ship, riding gallant ly over the seas with its joyous crew, when suddenly the commander cuts away her masts for fear of hersailing too fast. Down comes the whole of the rigging, covering the decks with a confused mass of fragments. In the mean time, astortv arises; the useless hull, au unwieldly thing, must be forsaken. The boats are manned. All those who happen to be friends of the commander get seats in the yaw), the jolly boat, or the pin nace; while the re>tofus, who have the mis foitune to have uifl'ered from the comman der about the propriety of cutticg away the masts, must construct rude rafts and »et ashore the best way we can. And no*w, (said Mr. Prentiss,) when there is some danger ot the whole crew being, swanq ed ; when those iu the boats and those clinging to the rafts are all likely to be swallowed up, in the raging sea, upon which we have bren thrown through the madness-of the comman der, we are to be blamed, forsooth, with having Brought on these disa-ttr! Was ever so reckless and unfounded a charge manufactured ? To force the People to> create these State instilurions. and them blame them for t reating them, is, indeed, adding insult to injury.” INCONSISTENCY OF THE LOCO FOCOS. From the St. Louis Republican, The whole conduct of the leaders-of the dominant party is a compound of the most gross inoeiiMsteocics, and a consiant re petition of practices in direct opposition to, their ow n theories anti professions.- Fn-r their professionsof refotni iw’tlie 'ex'- penditnres-of the Government we have an increase ofthc expense from tkh fcrn tomore than thirty miliums of dollars per annum. Their “cleansing of the Auge an stable” Iras resulted infilling nearly every officein the Government with irresponsible-partisan*, .whose abuses of the trusts repoeed and in;d-practices iu the office they hold, are daily earning tw light, because their enor mity has grown to such an extent that thev can no longer !:*■ couccaled. Their opposition to-bank* and monopolies h»s swelled the bank capital aud the num ber of banks to three-times tliMemuunt they were when this consistent party ensue into power. Their;opposition to ferrign capital) tbei-r --fear-of. the free people of this country be coming the mortgaged slaves and vassals of foreign fowls aatl enpfabsts, has resulted in filling Europe to a surfeit with American stocks, and tire sending nnmerous-mnis saries, some of them’ the-loudest declahnerw acaiust the introduction, ©f foreign capital that the halls of Congress.ever had,' t0,4,-** of.foreigners the favor to.,seud their capital *o this country. Their opp„*ition to the officers t fthe Gen eral Government interfering.-wuls State elec tions has grown- irvto a eoaipJtMa* tyistew «£ official influent e, under whrchfievcry.o/lSw-cr-,. from Ihe President down to the. petty |h>.-.i. master of the most remote post office-, is hound to do his utmost to sustain-, the party in power. From a Government.' of the People, they have made this emplrtuiea'lv ♦, a Government of ofre-hoL ers ' For the care anti safe custody of ’reven-. ties-of the Government they have ftirnishwll the leg-treasury system, under- whisht th**’ treasurers have legged away millions of ike. J’lt’ople’s money. Forthfc better currency they hnve ccaered-t the country with the notes’ and.. i"igs- oiT local, irresponsible banks-, quadrupled, tl.i«*. notes of exchange, and filled the w! oj.c, lanrli with divtiusi and uncertainty, and dcrjuged,: all tiie channels of trade. Their gold, which was “to flow up tJiStv Mississippi,” turned out to he all paper, apd the settler on the public lands, wlion-e,, friend. they,have ever professed to lie submitted to-,be shaved to the tune of froyn, filly Io a hundred per cent, to get wh'-rewith to purchase his home. ' 'limy who boasted that they were.-the poor man’s friend, have lined the broker's and rich shaver's pockets with thousands,, taken from the h*>rd earnings of the-labor ers and consumers. They who are the opponents of State baul -sand opposed to bank rags, bank paper, and cry aloud for a pure metalic currency, are nevertheless the president, directors, :.nd company of these irresponsible itnd soulless corporations. They who opposed a national bank. ntxF urged and adopted the State bank system, as all that the country needed, rifntr for carrying on commerce oi the safe keeping, and disbursing the revenue, row denounce that system, and urge the leg-treasury, which they then so zealously opposed. They-promised' to free the Government ol her national debt, and they have given her another. They were to give a better currency, and; they have destroyed all. They were to reform abuses in the ad ministration of the public offices, and the number of corruptions in office never were so great as now. We might go on and add column upon column to this account, but it were useless. Let the inquirer after truth ask from the history of I lie past lor one promise which has been fulfilled. Let the supporter of the “pow ers that be” point to one pledge which lias been redeemed, or one of their measures which has been carried out and produced the results promised, 'J’ruJy, "consistency, thou art a jewel!” From the Ohio >taie Journal. MORE FRAUD EXPOSED. Tl c clamor raised against the banks by the Lmcofoco leaders is without sincerity, and a deliberate and wicked Iraud upon the public. Facts are too numerous aud sig nificant to ne»'d comment. They are core than sufficient to fix a burning and indel iablc mark of shame upon the lorrbratl of every knavish demagogue who has been engaged in propagating the belief that the AVhig party is the Bank party. They know better. The Lorofocos have ever made it a point of party tactics, in and out of tlte Legislature, to attack hunks already estab lished with such rank, indiscrin ina'e. and unfounded abuse, and to propose such nonsensical and impolitic laws as to com' el the Whigs to disagree with them, in order to get up an accusation fit for their fraudn