The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 16, 1839, Image 4

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Stewart Sheri/T sales. WILL oe s W oefore the Court House door id the town of Lumpkin, Su.w --* t county, on the Ist I uesday ;n DE- C i-.iti i!KB licit, oetweeu the usual hours ol sate, the following property, to out: One sorrel horse and one two horse wag on, taken as property ot Simeon 11. Lester, to satiety <v e ii Fa. issued out <d {Stewart Super.or Court, iu favor oi Edward Smith, vs. George l). Lester and Simeon 15. Lester. . , . Also, Lot of Land No. IG3, in the 24th district of St i county, takeu as the pro perty of .la >“* M. .tiilai r, tosutisij 6uudry Fi Fas issu I oil of a justice's court o( Stewart co ity n t.iv.o o( Henry M • Spears aud hers, v- .aid Milner. Also. No. I m tiic 24:ii district of Slew art county, ta .on as the property of H. Kel ley, to sat iff.’ s iviry Fi Fas issued out of a justice’s coil t of S ewart county, in tavor ol D. G. Bodge and on--. vs said Kelley. Also, Nos. >7, 219, 3, 1?9. 143, in tha 16th district. No «30, iu the 23d district. No 161, iu the 24til district, and Nos. 32 and 146 in the 32d district of Stewart coun ty, all taken as the property ol I’. J. Mnr ray, to satisfy a Fi Fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Halt county, in favor ol Henry H. Field, vs. said Murray. Also, one road w«gon, one feather hed and furniture, seven chairs, one lot of crockery ware, one looking glass, three pi:rol stirrup irons, one lot ol sell tol books, one lot of medical books, two pine tables, one pot. one oven and one frying pan, one lot ol knives and forks, one cow and call. 110 bushels ol corn, morenr less, one bri k kiln, one sad dle. one lo» of medicines, live or six acr«s of standing corn, three slacks ol holder, one roan horse and oue negro woman named Tildy, 4") or 30 years old. all taken as the proper,y*-of George D. Lester, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out oI Stewart Superior Court in tavor f iVJiiler, Ripley As Cos and others, vs said Lester. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Oct. 31, 1839. Lee Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the court house door in the town of Starksville, with in iiic usual hours of sale, the following pro perty , to wit: Lot ol Land, No. 202, in the 14th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Levin Argoe, to satisfy an attachment Fi. Fa. issuod from the superior cotiri ot Lee county, iu favor ot' James Hay, vs. said Le vin Argoe, property pointed out in said Fi. Fa. Oue nsfre boy named Washington, about tenor twwite years old, levied on as the pro perly of Mark M. Brown, to satisfy a Fi V a issued from the Superior court of Sumter couuty, in favor of Richard L. Salter, vs, Michael Madden and Marl. iM. Brown, pro perty pointed out by James M. Kelly, plain tiff's attorney, Also, Lot of Land, No. 232, in the 2a dis trict of L-e county, levied on as the pro perly of Joshua Roberts, tu utisfy 1 Fi Fa issued from the ,Superb mrt ol Jackson county, in tavor of Urn . If. Duke, vs Ed ward Adams,jr. Josh » Roberts Mid 1.. \V. Shackleford, security on appeal. Property pointed out by pl.un'itr in execution. A. DYSON, Sheriff. At ihe same /hue and. place. Lot of Land. N *. 89, in the 15th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of John B. Horn, to "satisfy a Fi Fa. issued from the court of common pleas of the city of Augusta, in favor of William Shan on vs. said John B. Horn, property pointed oir by plaintiff’s attorney. Mao, three negroes. Silver, a woman, and her two children, Eliza id kidney, six head of horses and fifteen hundred ushels of con . levi and on ns the pm why of Zenns Par ker, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Su perior court of Lee couuty, in favor of John Rawls and Ilenry V. King, vs. said Parker, property pointed out Ivy defendant. 1). GOFF, Dep. Shff. Oct. 28, 1839. EXECUTORS’ SALE. "VTTILL be sold, on tire first Tuesday in v V JANU AR Y next, at the court house door in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, pursuant to the h st will of Clement Bryan,dec'd, four Negroes, viz. Abram an old man, about sixty years old, Joe, a man about fifty years old. Lucy a woman, about fifty years old, and Daniel, a man about thir ty-five years old. Sold for live benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day, by the EXECUTORS. Oct. 29, 1839. 31 QJ* The Columbus Enquirer will insert the above tidl the day. L. BRYAN. A GREEABLY to the requirements of the will aud testament of the late John Guilford, of Randolph couuty. dec’d. we will expose to public sale, on the last Satur day in DECEMBER, at the residence of Colson Guilford, six negroes—a woman and five children. Terms of sale made known on the day. JOHN GUILFORD, t v . COLSON GUILFORD, \ rs ' Georgetown, Nov. 1,1839. 31 A ORF.EABLE to an order of the Hon orable Inferior Court of Sumter Coun ty when setting as a Court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next before the Conrt House door in Amer icas, Sumter county, lot No. 243, in tlie 5.h If ntTTX/' K> " 'l'jixjo day in December next, at the Court house dnorof that county. Sold lor Ihe benefit of the heirs and creditors of Uriah Fuller deceased. WALTON \V. FULLER. Adm'r Septembers, 1839. 23 A GREEABLC to an order of the hotior -kjL afiie the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, when sitting for ordinary pur poses. will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu JANUARY next, nt the court horn door in the county of Randolph, Lot of Land No. 7, in the ten'll <1 <!rict of torn rly Lee now ' Randolph county, tor th» benefit of Alexan der Carrethers. a minu’r. ELIZABETH BUCK, (formerly Kliawbeth Joiner,) Sum'*r eo. Oct. 22. Guardian ADM EXISTR ATORS SALE. AGREEABLE to an . .r i -,r of the ] ferior Court of Stewart county w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next at the Coart House door ,in the town of C larks ville, lUber-haui county, one ha'f -lot of Land No, fid, in the 6th foist, of said coun being apart ol the real estate of James Giimspie u?sea ed, ot Mississippi. Terms cash, RICHARD KIDD, \dm'r. N.iv. Y,,1'839. I hereby 'constitute and appoint M. r>i wetbsr (llem-ors, > i< \g- ,t a id Att.,rn«v, to sell and make titles to said bind. RICHARD KIDD, Adair. AGREEABLE to an order of the hon orable the Inferior Court of Sumter county, when sitting as aCourt of ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANU ARY next, before the court house door in Ameriens, Sumter county, lot ol lacd. No. I*B, in the 17rh district of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, to be sold Ibr the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of Uriah Ful ler, deceased. WALTON \V. FULLER, Oct. 22 29 Afim’r. TDOUK months after date, application wifi -l* be made to the honorable Inferior court of Btuke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Francis, and her two children, Bill and Mariah, belonging to the estate of 11. C. Maund, deceased, lor the benefit of the creditors solely. WILLIAM W. MAUND, June 26,1839 15 Adm’r. GEORGIA —Lee County. % IT II E RE AS, Garey G. Ford applies ro i me for letters of Administration oti the estate of John J. Ford, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors Oi -aid deceased, to be and appear at iny office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 28th September, 1839. 27 _S. C. WYCHE, c. cqj (JEOJtt (2IA— 1j ('aun /y. i ITIIERE AS, Ann Mercer applies to me v F for letters of Administration on the e«tatp of Silas Mercer, late of said county, decease!. This is, therefore, to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bs tod an at my ol gee, wiibin the lime prescriuel he law. to shew cause, if any t‘ e» * ave. why said let l tcr.sliuuM fee cieio-d. Given under my hand at office, this 4th September. 1839. SAM L C. WYCHE, c. c. o. L \XD FOIi sale: " f |AHE Subscriber offers for sale two set , I- tlemente of Laud. One containing 966 acres principally oak and hickory and hammock, with 130 acres open and under cultivation; one Grist Mill, Gin and Cot ton crew on the same. The other consists of 640 acres, oak and hickory with 150 acres under cultivation. Theahov I unis lie u,i the Hatr.hachubbeo Creek, about 16 miles west of Florence, in Russel! county, Alabama. Persons wish ing to purchase will do well to rail and view the premises. Terms to suit purchasers. JOHN TARVER. October L 1839. tl D ST. JOSEPH AND JBLA RAIL ROAD. IjHIE undersigned announces to the pub- S. lie that the St. Joseph and lola Rail Road is now completed and open for purpo ses of transportation. Cars, suitable for the transportation of all kinds of merchandize, budding materials and live stock, are provided. A wharf and ware house are erected at * lie Chipola Depot, where goods and pro duce to and from the interior, will be receiv ed or delivered. The houses and cotton sheds attached to tile Rail Road at lola and St. Joseph, are large md commodious, and euiton and other merchandize, ;f so directed, will be placed at either point, under cover. TANARUS! despatch, economy and safety with which merchandize and produce may be transported t»y the new route, through the coy of St Joseph, when practically tested, will be fully appreciated by a discerning public, and all the undersigned now asks. is. that the Haulers, Cotton buyers and Mer chants of the interior, will make the experi ment, confident that it will result to their profit and satisfaction. Rates of Charges established on the St. Joseph Sf lola Railroad, T i? A NSPORT a tion. Passengers, git 00 each. Children, under 12 vears,.... 50 „ MERCHANDIZE. On each bale of Cotton 15 cts prbale On Hhds, Barrels, half qr. (’asks. Tierces, Boxes Bales, or packages of Mer chandize, at the rate of. ..,10 ~ bbl. On each bag of Salt, Coffee, Pepper 6c Pimento, Corn, Oats or grain of any kind, nor measuring over 5 ft:.... 10 ~ bag. On all Iron castings, krgs of shot, lead, or nails, grind stones, mill stones, and all heavy articles, at the rate 0f...' 5 „ 1001 b. LUMBER, Ate. Lumber, Are 2 59 pr 1000 ft. Bricks 3 00 ~ 1000 Shingles, put up in bundles, 50 „ ~ „ ia bulk 1 00 ~ „ Staves 2 00 „ „ I loop poles, 50 ~ ~ Wood, ‘2 00 ~ cord. Fine or oak I- gs, hewn or rough, 3 „ cubit ft. Cedar logs ~ leniel. Gigs and Carts, ] 00 each. Four wheel Carriages, 200 „ LIVE STOCK. Horses and Oxen, 3 00 per head. Cows and Calves, 2 00 ~ ~ 5.1.C0..-anil Hogs 25 ~ ~ Poultry i oo „ hun’U WHARFAGE. On each bale of Cotton, 3 cts per bale. On each bbl of Merchandize 3 ~ bid. On all other heavy goods, 10 „ 1000 STORAGE. The f Aiming rates Wll he charged for all Goods, .(jr. stored m the Company's Ware- Houses : On each bale of cotton, not exceeding OH days 15 cts. pr bale. On each barrel of Merchan- / !i *c do io „ bbl. On all measurement Goods, 2 ~ foot. Bon castings and all heavy i,r, ' L ' lt '» 5 „ 1001 b. JOHN D. GRAY. Agent. St. Joseph. Oct. 28. 1839. 31 Lo«l or WO NOTES given to the subscriber -■ by Thomas Howard, and endorsed by John A. Shirlmg, for twenty-nine dollars cacti, dated sometime the first of the year, 1837, due ih» 25th December following.— All persons are cautioned against trading for said notes, and the makers not to pay them to any person but tbe subscriber. JOHN R. BARTEE. Oct 90 31 at OLRSON3 having any Rooks in their * pu.Session belonging t u the subscriber, will pleas-,- return them to the Mirror Office July 27 16 H. H. BARROW GEORGIA— Lee County. Rule Nisi, to foreclose a Mortgage, in Superior Court. James L. Ross. ) I T appearing to the vs. V A Court, on the pe- Tiiomas Butler. ) tition of James L. Ross, of file iu this Court, that Thomas Butler, then and stiil of the county ol Bald win, in said State, on the filth day ot Janu ary, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, in the said county of Lee, made amt sealed, and then and there delivered to the said James (j, Ross, his cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, theteby mortgaging to the said Janies L. Ross, the two lotsortratts of land, known as the lots numbered two hun dred and sixty-one and two hundred and se venty, in the fourteenth district of the coun ty of L^e; (the word fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviated and written fourth, but intended fourteenth;) and both ol said lots together, containing four hundred and five acres of land, more or less, the better to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, beaming date the same day and year aforesaid, which the sai-l Thomas Butler had then and there made and delivered to liie said James L. Ross, whereby, by the first day of February, eighteen hundred and thir ty-eight, the said Thomas Butler promised to pay the said James L. Ross, or order, the sum of two thousand dollars, witn interest from the first day of February then next, for value received, and which said mortgage deed and promissory note, are now here pro duced in Court; and, it further appearing to the Court that the sum of eleven hundred and eighty-three Dollars and (itty -nine cents principal, besides interest thereon, from the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is still due on said note and uti paid, and the said James L, Ross having prayed the foreclosure of tlie said mortgage In terms of the staiuto in such cases provi ded; and whereas, the ua'nl James L. Ross is aDout to file his bill for the purpose of te formisg said mortgage deed. It TANARUS», on motion of James M. Kelly, attor ney for said petitioner, ordered, thatthesani Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, the. principal, inter est and cost due on said mortgage, or sho-v cause to ihe con'rarv, and that on his tailing so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler be servod with a copy of this rule three months previous to the next term of this Court, or that ser vice of the same he perfected by a publica tion of this rule once a month for 4 months, in some puidic gazette in this Siate, previ ous to said term. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, thisdrh September, 1839. SAM'L C. WYCHE,CI’k S.C. m-lrn 24 TIfOFF \T’S Vegetable" Life J* fpiia*ns\ fitter*. Fhe universal estimation in whickthc celebra ted Like Pills and PuokSix Bitters are held, i- satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand lor them in every state and section of the Union, and by the volun tary testimonials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that tiiey are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his afflicted tellow creatures than from interested considera tions, and the proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous of keeping them constantly before tbe pub lic eye.—The sale o f every addiuttinnal box and hi tile is a guarantee that some person will be relieved from a greater or less degre ■ of suffering, aud be improved in genera! health ; for in no case of suffering front disease can they be taken iu vain. The proprietor has never known or been in formed of an instance in which they have failed to do good. In the most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billions head ache, costiveness, piles, general debilitv, sciofulous swelling and ulcers,- scurvy, sah rheum and all other chronic affections of the organs aud membranes, they effect cures with a rapidity and permanenev which few persons would theoretically be lieve, but to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds ami coughs, which, if neglected, sup- rinduee the most latal disease of the lungs, and indeed the vicera in general, these medicines, if taken but for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, they so promote die insensible perspiration, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent ob structions, as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day, the repetition of a suitable dose at the next hour of bed time will almost invariably effect permanent reliefwithout further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more a< ut- and more violent kind is not less sure and speedy i t taken in proportionable quantity; and persons retiring to bed with inflamatory systoms of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the fierce enemy has been overthrown, and can easily he subdued. Iu the same way, vicera! furgesenee, though long estab lished, and viceral inflamations however critical, will yield—the former to small aod the latter to large doses of the Life Pills ; and so also hysterical affections, hypocou driocism, restlessness, and very many other varieties of the Neuro»ical class of diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Phreenix Bitters. Full directions for the use of these medi ci es. and showing their distinctive applica bility to different complaints, accompany them; and they can be obtained, wholesale and retail at 375 Broadway, where numer ous certificates of their unparralled suc cess are always open to inspection! For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat's “good Samaritan,” a copy of which accompanies the medicine : a ropy can always he obtained of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can be obtained on application at the office. 37.3 Broad way. All post paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New York A libeial deduction made to th‘»se uic» nur chaseto sell again. Agents —The Lite Medicines may also be had of any of the principle. Druggists in every town throughout the United Slates and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters; and be sure that a simile of John Moffat's signature is upon the label of each bottle of Bitters or box of Pills. Prepared and sold by W. F». MOFFAT 3C Broadway New York. The above medicine for sal- by THOMAS GARDNER, \~ent Sept. 14 23 ! ?lanl, ST *tl*, ~~ FCR SALE AT THIS OFFICE UNEXAMFIED MAMMOTH SCHEME. THE following details of a Scheme ot a Lottery, to be draw n in December next warrants us in declaring U to be UNPARAL LELED in the history of Lotteries. PRI ZES, to the amount have, never before been offered to the public. It is true, there are many bktijks, but on the other hand, the ex tremely tew charge of a>2o per Ticket—the value and number of the capitals, and'he re vival of the good old custom of WARRAN- T'NGTHAT EVERY PRIZE SH.-vLL BE DRAWN V.NU SOLD, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction, and espe cially to the Six Hundred Prize Holders. To those disposed to adventure, we re commend early application being made t<> ns for tickets—when the Prizes are all sold blanks only remain—-the first buyers have the best ettsnee. We therefore, emphati cally say—DELAY NOT! but at once re mit and transmit to us your orders, which shall always receive out immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, aud applications made to SYLVESTER A Cos. 156, Broadway, New tff* Observe the No. 156. $509,000!! $35,000!! SIX PRIZES OF $20,00©!! TWO PRIZES OF $1(5,000! . THREE PRIZES OF 10,000. GRAND REAL ESTATE AND BANK STOCK LOTTERY OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN N. ORLEANS. {£/** The Richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public in this or an./ other country. TMCMfSi TS (KVSj 5* s*2o Authorized by a-n act of the Leg islative Assembly of Florida, and under the direction of the Commissioners acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT T\CKSON VILLE. FLORIDA. DEC. 1,1839. SCHMIDT HAMILTON, Managers. SYL V F.STiP, & f’n. 156, BROAD WA Y NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS. m COMBINATION NUMBERS! I The deeds of tlie Property, and the Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said Act of he Legisla ture of Florida, for the security of the Prize- Holders. SPLKNDID SCHEME! 1 Prize. TIIE ARCADE, 286 feet h inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street: 101 leet, 11 inches, on Natchez street ; 106 feet, 6 inches on Gravierstreet. Rented at a bout £37,000 per annum. Val ued at 8700,000 1 Prize. CITY HOTEL. 102 On- 1 on Common street; 146 fml 6in ches, on Camp street. Rented at 825,000. Valued at 500,000 1 Prize. .DWELLING HOUSE, (adjoining the Arcade,) No. 16, 24 feet 7 inches, front on Natch ez street. Rented at 1200. Val ued at 520 000 1 Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade, No 18, 23 feet front, on Natch ez street. Rented at $1200.- Valued at 20,000 1 Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade, No. 20,23 feet front, on Natchez street. Rented SI2OO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 23, North-cast orner of Basin and Custom house street. 40 feet front on Ba- ' sin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 feet deep in Custom house street. Ranted at SISOO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 24, South-west corner of Basin and Custom house st; 32 feet 7 ill. on Basin. 32 feet 7 inches on Franklin, 127 feet 104 inches deep, in front of Custom house street. Rented at SISOO Valued; 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 339. 21 feet, R in ches on Royal street, by 127 feet 11 inches deep. Rented at SIOOO. Valued at 15,000 1 Prize, 250 shares, Canalßank stock 100 each, 25,000 1 Prize do. 200 do. Cos imercial do. SIOO each, 20,000 1 Prize do. 150 do. Afechanics’ l & Traders'sloo each. ' 15,000 1 Prize do. 100 do. City Bank, SIOO each, ' 10,000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10.000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Prize 50 do Exchange Dank, SIOO each, 5.000 1 Prize 50 do do do Si 00 each. 5,000 1 Prize 25 do Gas Light Bank, SIOO h, 2,500 1 Prize 25 do do do do do 2,500 1 Prize 15 do Mechanics' 6c Traders SIOO each, 1.500 1 Prize 15 do do do do 1,500 26 Prizes each 10 shares of the Lou isiana State Bank, SIOO each, each SIOOO, 20,000 10 Prizes, each 2 shares, of SIOO each, each Prize S2OO of the Gas Light Bank, 2,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Bank of Louisiana, ’20,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the New Orleans Bank. 20,000 150 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 000 5i.500,000 TICKETS S2o NO SH ARES. The whole of the Tickets, with their Numbers, as also, those containing the Pri zes. will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, previously to their being put iato the wheels. One wheel will contain the Six Hundred Prizes, and the first 600 Numbers that shall he drawn out. will be entitled to such Prize as may be drawn to itsnuoibers. and the fo»- innate holders of such prizes will have such property transferred to them immediately after the drawing, unencumbered and without an if deduction ! June 18 11 tID \'i 1 •’ M*N. w' > can - > qgm L tionsble refercnee. wants a situation averse , for rh* vear isio. Apply jt flic store of icC . far A: Pgtrv, JLffrut.ihu, Ga. Oct. 22 2J The article published below, concerning tlis new and popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke, ol Germany, cannot fail ol exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. KalclilesN Sanative. FOR CONSUMPTION. q q q [ Translated from the German.] LOUIS OFFQN GOELICKE, OK GKRMAMV THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizens of Sorth and South America, rrio Lotus Orrax GoK.LicKt:, M. D. of JL Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding anew and precious doctrine of the Science of Medicine-—a oetriDe which, though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz : Consumption is a dis ease always occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Vitae (or Life Principle) of the human body: fj** open secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint of the Lungs —and which may be as cer tainly, though not so quickly cured, as a com mon cold or a simple headache. An invalua bly precious doctrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teachin g them that this insid ious foe may be an,unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gine themselves secure fro.a its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN TIIE ART <)F PRESKRVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustriousoeuefactor of man is also entitled to our unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it basso signally triumphed over our great common enemy Qjr*CONSUMP TION. both ir. the first and last stages,---a medicine which has throughly filled the va cuum in the Materia Medica, and thereby proved itself the or Physi cians^/B —a medicine, for which all man kind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent baud of a kind Providence, —a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often be come the happy instruments of changing de spondency iuto hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. .9 5. T 9 9 GOELICKE’S is a medicine of more value to man 'hail the vast mines of Austria, or even the united reasures of our globe, —a medicine, which is oh. iiued equally from the vegetable, animaland mineral kingdoms, aud thus possesses a three-fold power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the I .man system,—a medicic;, which begines to be valued by Phyricans ; w] j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the g»aspol the InsaiiablkGrave. DOSE of the Sauative. for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for in ants, a qnarterdrop ; the directions explain ing the manner of taking a halfor a quarter 1' 99 9 b A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION iu Germany, in Europe. AVe, the undersigned, practitioners es me dicine in Germany are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but not of its benevo lent members, who are uninfluenced bv sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, cither of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelirke’s new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known—-for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offon Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor ami the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounded duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful mafadies,. which we have heretofore be lieved to be-incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as am-.ills for our abuse of him, we do franklv confess to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist who does honor to the profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tnis medicine into some of our European hospitals is a suffi ent guarantythat it performs all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used >" is its own best witness. HERMAN ET.'IULLF v. M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M. I) ADOLPHUS WERNER, M and. Germany, December 10, 1838. fa b b fa fa fa Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. July 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately been effected, through the virtues of Dr. G’o eliek’s Sanative, in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was fargene and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY BY HIS FAMILY PIIYSICAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myself a few days since, in company witidhis wife starting on a journey to the western part of this State. He ascribes his escape from the very jaws ol death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug property, but, savs he. “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONETHOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT. IF I COULD NOT PI .CHASE IT FOR A LESS PRICE. To him'he Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL. P. M. The above Medicine for sale, by rHO'I AS G ARDN Eli, Agent. Florence, Jan 26 The Cause of Bilious C« M/ . plant! a oft a *!iotte of ! o \ VV ELL regulated aud proporii, -TS-quantity u( blle upon she way. requeue t or tb e promotion of hea;tb-.t .umulate. tltgestion, at) dii nd theinteatiuqjpanal free from all obstruct. '* Un the interior surface of tl* liver T itular bladder. in which the bile is fi * pe * served, being termed bv ttie liver IV , re * blood. Thence it pas Jes into the "‘f and intestines, and regulates tbe ‘nd"*"* tiou. 1 bus we see when there is a 7 ts * cy ot bile, the body i„ coustantlv and fitlPn ' On the other hand, overah m l^' bile causes Irequent nausea in the \tonr i°‘ and ollen promotes very seiere \ disease, which sometimes endindX t *° f b evers are always preceded bv of a disordered stomach- scorlulous disorders, and ail , a,so functional, organic or tebri.7 From the same cause, the nan..-. 1 , ; ,Se *- thy action of the heart, and the beul cular system is impaired and reduced I " s nM ' ir « standard, as exhibited i,, " pita;ions, languid pulse, torpors of he i, syncope, aud even dead, j tS( |, ~,übs. quence of a., overabundance of a J? 0 , 8 ' * offensive substance to tbe U lar organs. t ' , K t “stive The approach of bilious disease, is ~ „ times attended by decided svm„to ln ' , a!1 of 2 bowels; t.e. with those signs w | lk .. an,J known to point out iheir contents to be V morbid, irritating nature ; but whenever", ,e alimentary canal happens to be loaded ' ? .rr.tating matter, some derangement of i ‘ healthy operation, either of ~ , system, or of some particular organ* ofrl/e Duly is the certain result; and when state happens to be united with any symptoms of disease, its effects :m . ,1, thereby much «*g; 3 va.ed The of organic obstruction is often ho l lnb scarcely ,0 admit of time for the ‘a... r '' S .toll of such aid as is to be offered b\ ' yer, in general the premonitory S y ni ' t ™’ ol gastric load arc perceptible fora two previ. us to the fev.- rKh paroxism °I period, when the most efficacious ’ ,Mis mokka-i-s i.ifk mhckinks should always be taken in thee iriv « ol bilious complaints; am! if persevered l £ strictly according to the directions, positively effect a cure. 11 The mineral medicines often prescribed ... these diseases, although ,|. fiv L, a temporary cure at the same 'time create an unhealthy state of , h * blood, ar q consequently tend : 0 promote a Inrn „ • the very disease which tlicv are cmidoved 10 cure. It is then by the use of purgVtivVs exclusively formed ol vegetable which,' possessing within themselves ...» deleterious agencies, which drcotm,ositi ( ,„ combination or alteration can develope . bung into action, and therefore rai- Vv,-! producing no effect, save that which m ,iedr •id—tha, a safe remedv is tout'd. Ti e LIFE FILLS k PFCENJY P’t I'ERS have proved to be the must hat • y mi their effects in cases of bilious diseases V.f any purely vegetable preparation nn ~n ed to the public. If ,| ie M nmach is | ( ,„l they cleanse it by exciting it to ibmv c in Contents ; ifnot, they pass ,0 tbe dundewi, u w. bom exciting vomiting or nausea in i|,« stomach ; stimulating the iieir bboinig vu fa ns the liver and patterns, so as t„ prcdi re a moie copious flow of iheir secretions „ u» the intestines; stimulating the .\abit capillaries, terminating in the inner roar which an increased flow of the u -« >e ’ particles of the body, foreign matte,,'„ r retained secretions, are completely di; 1 , ged. ' - For further particulars of the above tncdi me see MOFFAT'S GOOD S \ MARI TAN, a copy of which aceoini arm* the medicine. A Copv may also be obtained of (lie different Agents who have the nteni cities (or sale French, German, and Spanish ,'j. rections cao be obtained on application t the office. 375 Broadway. 85® AII I'osl pud letters will receive immediate attention. Sold wholesale and retail by WILLIAM B. M' FI- AT, 375 Broadway, ft. y. A liberal deduction made to those who pm chase so sell again. Agents. Ihe Life Medicines may aho be had ol the principal druggists in 'every town throughout the United States and the (’am,das. Ask for Moffat's Life Fills and I hemx Litters: aud I . sure that a far simile of John .Moffat's signature is upon the label of each bottle of bitters, or box of piils. The above medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER. Agent. September ]l. 1839. 23 .3. A.~ffi7lßACO?«, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T-nfP' ,lILE i LEE BOUNTY, GEORGIA, A \ at,cll «l the Courts of the CIIAT <7 TAHOOCHKE CIRCUPi. Nov. 25 ]y WILLIAM R MAY AHonicy ;«i La,tv. r.\ RKSV ILLE, Lee county, Ga. wifi * , practice in all the counties ol the Chat, tahoocliee circuit. March 10 48 ®i-r .11. Hardwick, LUMPKIN, GA. t J AN, at all times be found by those wisli , * h** services, at Ris office, sr t e .louse ol M. '•lcCullar, Esq. when not pro essio-_'ly engaged. Jin 26 42 M’S BUS M Ul'TI GAUL'IIS' 71'HE subscriber lias for sale TWO ■ I HOUSAND verv fine MORUS MULTICAULIS TREES, that will aver age over one hundred buds to the tree. „ w. W. EILANDS. Florence. Oct 18 28 I B A H lx Subscriber will attend to the < ollec l tion of all debts dus the late firm of Gardner be Barrow, up t 0 April, 1839. Persons indebted to said firm will please make payment immediately. A urit 30 H fa BARROAV notice: UfAIIE public are heicby cautioned against A trading for a promissory note given by me to Raymond be Allison, ol Apalachicola, lor Three hundred and forty-four dollars and ninety-two cents, dated on or about 15th day of May 1838, unless the exernlor, ad ministrator or assigns of said Raymond, al lows me for a quantity of bagging suffered to be injured bv him whi'e in his safe keep ing, it will not be paid unless compelled by law. H. W. WOODW ARD. Florence, Sept. 30 3t 26 H ENR YA. GARRETT is the author ised agent to take notes, receive cash and give receipts for any demands due the Male and Female Academies at Florence. May 6 THE TRUSTEES •