The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 30, 1839, Image 4

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tenor! nherktT tales. \ "%TTILL :•« s M fcelore the Court House \ T door hi the town ol Lumpkin, Su w art county, ou the Ist Tuesday ;n DE CEMBER nest, wet ween the usual hours oi sate, the following property, to * :: One sor ret horse and one two horse wag on, Mheu as the property of Simeon £. Lester, to satiety one Ft Fa. issued out of Stuwaii Superior C<‘ .rt, iu faToi of Edward Smith, vs. George D. Lester and Simeon B. Lt.ur. A iso, Lot of Land No. 163, in the 21th district ol Stewart county, taken as the pro perty ol James M. Milner, tosatisfy sundry Fi Fas issued out of ;» justice’s court of Stewart county, iu favor of Henry W. Spears and others, vs sai-l Milner. •Visa. N >. 167, in i.i ' Jl;h district of Stew art county.’ taken a- the _i: .perty of H. Kel ley. to s i.i a , suit irv Fi I’as issued out o( e justice’s court of H ew.»r, county, in favor of D. G. 11 i hi : others, vs said Kelley. Also, Nos- 87, 249, 93, 189. 143, inti.e ■\Bth district, .%.» ’3O, i.i the 221 district, No 161, iu iU; 2ith „*t, and Nos. 32 aal 143 in the 321 di .. of Stewart coun ty, aii taken as the proporty ol P. J. Mur ray, to sati; V a Fi Fa. issued out ot tlic Superior Court of H 11 county, iu favor ol Henry H. Field, vs said Murray. Also, one road, one feather bed and furniture, seven chair;, one lot ot crockery ware, one looking r.ln throe pair of stirrup iron;, one lot oi school hooks, one lot of medical hooks, t.vo pine tables, on* pot. one oven un i oan li vin ' pan, one lot ot knives md forks, one cow aol calf. 11l bushels of corn, more «>r I'**-*, one brick kiln, one snd ivn or -fix acres of »ra I 1 * *t g com, three stacks of fodder, one rii.i horse, and oil! negro woman named Tihly, l'i or s') years old, all taken as the pranerty of Ga irge I). Lester, to satisfy a Fi Fi m ted o r. of -he varl Superior Court in favor of Miller, Ripley Ac Cos. and others, ■p said Lester. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Oct. 31, 1830. Sjte Stierilf' Sales. VT/riLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in * f DECEMBER next, at the court house -loot- in the town of Starksville, with in the usual hoars of sale, toe following pro pc rtv, to wit: Lot of Land, No. 232 in the 14th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Levin Argoe, to satisfy an attachment Fi. Fa. tssuml from the supi rior court of Lee county, in favor of Ja nes Hay, vs. said Le ,vin A.rgoe,property pointed out in said Fi, a. One nejpn boy named \Vushington, about ten nr rwelve years old, !<*vie ! on as the pro !’er ty of Mark \l. Brow ,to satisfy aFi Fa * 3S tied frointlio Sup“ri it court of Sumter Cu uoty. in favor ol Rie,i ■ 1 L- Salter, vs, Michael Madden and Mar ; M. Brown pro perty points 1 out by .lames M. Kelly, plain tiif’s attorney, Also, Lot of Land, No. 262, in the 2d dis trict of Lee county, levied on as the aro perty of Joshua Roberts, to satisfy a Fi Fa issueil from the Superior court of Jackson county, in favor of Green R. |)uke, vs Ed ward Adams,jr. Joshua Roberts and L. W. Shackleford, security on appeal. Property ■ pointed out bv pbun’ilf in execution. A. DYSON. Sheriff. At the. same time unit place. Lot of Land, No. 89, i t the 13th district of Lee county, levied n:i as tb - property of John B. Horn, to satisfy a Fi Ft. issued from tiie court of common pleas >1 th" city of Augusta, in favor of Viiliam Shannon vs. said John B. Horn, property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Abo, three negroes, Silvey. a roman, and her two children, Eliza and Hdney.six head of horses and fifteen hundred bushels of corn, levied on as tin propeity of Zenus Par ker, to satisfy a Fi Fa. issued from tiie Su perior co lift of Leo county, in favor of John Rawls and Henry V. King, vs. said Parker, property pointed out by defendant. D. GOFF, Dap. Shff. Oct. 28, 1839. E XE C U T 6 RS’~~S A L e7~ WILL lie sold, on tac first Tuesday iu JAM' YKY next, at th u court house door in the town of Cutubert, Randolph county, pursuant to the I, «t will of Clement Bryan, dec'd, four Negroes, viz Abram, an old man about sixty years’ old, Joe, a man about fifty years old L i v a woman, about fifty years oid, and Daniel, a man about thir ty-five years old Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known O ' the day. bv the EXECUTORS. Oct. 20, 1839. 3' (E/ 5 * 'Phe Columbus Enquirer will insert the above till the day. L. BRYAN. ON Tuesday the last day of December next, will he sold at the plantation of Albert H. Sheoherd, deceased, in Stewart C Hinty all the perishable property of said deceased consisting ot Horses, Hogs. Cat tle, Corn, Fodder, Oats, Plantation Tools, Household add Kitchen Furniture, and stai dly other articles two tedious iu mention. 0-j Perms made known on tiie day of sale. JAMES M SMYTHE. Adih’r. ANNE E. SUEPPERD, AJm’.x Nov. 23, 1839 33 ADMINISTRATORS 7 SALE sold on Friday, the 20ili of V v DECEMBER next, between the u sual hours flf sale, at the late residence of Silas Mercer, the perishable property of Si las Mercer, late of Lee county, deceased consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, two horse wagon and harness, household and kitchen furniture. Also, at the same time and will be hired, two likely -negroes, and the plantation rented. Terms made known on the day. ANN MERCER. Adiu’rx. Nov. 1 32 \ GREENLY t*< an order of the lufe- A. riorCourt of Leecounty, whensitting tu a court of ordinary. will h * sold on tli« tirst Tuesday in JANUARY next, before* the Court House door in Starksviile: All tue Negroes and other perishable pro perty, belonging to tiie estate gs Robert 1). Ile?pes3, late of sai l county, deceased.— S'old f>r the benefit of the heirs aud credit ors, of said de. e.i-'ed. DUDLEY' SNEED, AdYn’r. Nov. 6. 52 de boas non. AD MINIS ntATOUS SALE. VGrtEEABLE to an order of the fn •trior Court ot Stewart County wiieri siitmr: for or linary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday iu January next at (he Court House door ,in s he to<"u of Clark a ville. Habersham county, one half i o t of Land No. SO, in the 6th Gist, of sai i can ty- il b ein2 nart of the real estate of Jam s Gillespie desease I. of MississWi. Term •ash, RICHARD KIDD * Nay. 1. 1839. 1 hereby 'Constitute and appoint Merri srotiter ClemeUM, my Ag~»t an ! Attorney, make titles to said land. RICHARD KIDD, Adm'r. i ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. I \M7~ILL be sold, at the late residence of v v Galba Mathews, dec’d. iu Stewart county, on Friday, the 27th DECEMBER, next, all the Perishable Property of said deceased, consisting ol five head of Horses, two Mules, two yoke of Oxen, one Cart, Stock of cattle, consisting of about seventy head ; hogs, goats, one double Rarotich and Harness, a quantity of Corn, Fodder, Pota toes, Cotton in the seed, one Cotton Gin, Farming tools, household and kitchen Fur niture, besides many other articles. Sale to continue from day today until a.I are sold. Terms of sale made known on the day Also. Land to rent and Negroes to hire. JOHN 51. W. PEEL. f . . . ANDERSON C. MATHEWS ( Admis - JANE MATHEWS, Adm’rx. Nov. 15, 1839. rd 4 GRREABLE to an order of the hnn orablc the luferior Court of Sumter county, when sitting ns a Court of ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday id JANU ARY next, before the court Impsa door iu \ mericus, Sumter county, lot of land. No. 188, iu the 17rh district of formerly Lee. now Sumter county, te be sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors el Uriah Ful ler, deceased. WALTON TY. FULLER, Oct. 9o 09 Atiw’r. VO REE ABLE to an order of tiie honor 'd*.e tiie Inferior court of the county <;i Sumter, when sitting tor ordinary ptir- P f,s will lie sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, tit the court hotts- door in me county of Randolph, Lm of Laud No. 7,i’i the tenth district ot formerly Lee now Randolph county, lor the benefit of Alexan der Carrether*. a minor. ELIZABETH BUCK, (formerly Elrzabetii Joiner,) Sumter co. Oct. 22. * Guardian. \GREL.\BL3 to the fc-niremeuts of the wilt and testament of the late John Guilford, of Randolph count.-, dec’d. tv6 will expose topub'ic snip, on th* iast Satur day iu DECEMBER, at the residence of Colson Guilford, six negroes—a woman and five children. Terms of sale made known . oil the day. JOHN GUILFORD. ) , COLSt)N GUILFORD. \ hji r3 ’ Georgetowp, Nov. 1,1839. G 1 \GREEABfHR to an order of the lion . orable Inferior Court of Sumter Coun ty when setting as a Court of ordinary, will be sold ou the first Tuesday in December next before the Court House floor in Amer icus, Sumter county, lot No. £43, in the sth district of Early county, on the first Tues day in December next, at the Court house county. Sold for the benefit* of the heirs and creditors of Uriah Fulfor deceased. WALTON W. FULLER. Alm’r Septembers, 1839. 83 NOTICE— ~ A LL persons indebted to the estate of f.\. Galba Mathews, late of Stewart coun ty, deceased, are iiereby notified that pay ment will!); required as speedily as possible; and those holding demands against said es tate are required to hand them iu according to law. JOHN M. W. PEEL, > , , , \ NDKRSON C. MATHEWS. $ AtJ " ) rs - JANE MATHEWS, Adm’rx. Nov. 15 32 fit GEORGIA —Lee County. John Mclnnis applies to * » me for letters of Administration on the estate ol Archibald Mclnnis, deceased, This is therefore to cits and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 6tl. November, 1833.’ 32 SAM’L C. WYCHE. c. c. o. GEOK.GI A —Lee County. \\f HERF.AS Robert ti. Ford applies to * » me for letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Merchant, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my olfice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 6!li November. 1839. 32 SAM’L C. WVCIIE.c. c. o. ' LANI> TOR SALE 7 ■ FIT HE Subscriber offers for sale two set- A tlements of Land. One containing 966 acres principally oak and hickory and hammock, with 130 acres open aud under cultivation; one Grist Mill, Gin and Cot ton crew on the same. The other consists of 610 acres oak and hickory with 150 acres under cultivation. Theabove lands lie on the Ilafchachubbee Creek, about 16 m*!es west of Florence, in Russell county, Alabama. Persona wish ing :o purchase will do well to call and view the premises. Terms to suit purchasers. JOHN TARVER. October 1. 1839. tID mouths after date, applioafhra I will be made to the honorable the In ferior court of Lee county, when sitting RS a court of ordinary, fur leave to sell tho rea estate of Silas Mercer, late of said county deceased. ANN MERCER, Aflm’ra. No v i, 183:}.. .3 j notice: ~ T GST during the week of the Inferior *- J Court at Lumpkin, a larga Leather or Moroco Pocket Book coutaing a Dumber n! small notes to the amount of three bun dl'd aud ten dollars on Dr Goode, one note on B. Steateiuan for three hundred and Eighty, or the rise, due some time about Christ.nas next, also one note ou David Harrell, due about the same time; also one note on J P Hamdl. for five hundred and sixty live dollars, due the twenty fifth 0 f December. 1838 ; also one note, given hy the subscriber for sixty dollars, due the twenty fifth December 1838; also one note on Ardiv Nicbalson and Laurence, for eighty three dollars and twenty cents, due the first day of next July, together ’ with sundry other notes and accounts not recol lected. I do hereby forwaru any person from trading for the abov e notes :w 1 claim them as mv property, I will also give ten dollars reward to any person or persons who will deliver the said Book and contents ;o me living iu Stewart county, 14 miles from Lumpkin, on the Road leading to Travel ers Rest. JESSE HARRELL NoNeinbe: S3, 1839. 33 St JVr>tic€. A AI person wishing to exchange a nc- AiT R ro .R"' l ; 12 or 13 years of age, fora nusk, active boy, can be accommodated by 33 L. BULL. GEORGIA— Lee County. Rule Aui, to foredot • a Mortgage, in Lee Superior Court. James L. Ross, j I T appearing to the vs. \ 1 Court, oil the pe- Thohai Butler. ) iitiou ot James L. Rom, of file in this Court, that Thomas Butler, then and still ot the county of Bald win, in said state, on the tilth day of Janu ary, iu the year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, in the said county of Lee, made sad Sealed, and theu and there delivered to the said James L, Ross, his cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, thneby mortgaging tu the Said James L. Ross, the twe lots or tracts of land, known as the lots numbered two hun dred and sixty-one and two hundred and se venty, in the fourteenth distnetof tiie coun ty of L*e; (tiie word fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviated ami written fourth, bin intended lourteenth;) and both of said lots together, containing four hundred anti five acres of land, more or less, the better to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, beaming date the same day and year aforesaid, w-.iich t he said Thomas Butler had then and there made and delivered to tins said James L. Ross, whereby, by the first day of February, eighteen hundred and thir ty-eight, the said Thomas Butler promised to pay the said James L. Ross, or order, tiie sum of two thousand dollars, with interest from the fir«( day of February then next, for value received, and which said mortgage deed and promissory note,are now here pro duced iu Court; and, it further appearing to the Court that the sum of eleven hundred and eighty-three Dollars and fifiy-nine cents principal, besides interest thereon, from ihe ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is still due on said note and uii pti I, and the said James L, Ross having prayed the foreclosure of the sai I mortgage in terms of the statute in such cases provi ded ; and whereas, the said James L. Ross is about to file his bill for the purpose of re running said mortgage deed, It Is, on motion of James M. Kelly, attor ney for said petitioner, ordered, that the said Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, the principal, inter est anti cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, and that on his failing so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. Arid it is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler be served with a copy of tliis rule three months, previous to the next term of <his Court, or that ser vice of the same be perfected by a publica tion of this rule once a month for 4 months, in some punlic gazette in this State, previ ous to said term. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, this 4th September, 1839. SAM’L C. WYCHE,CI’k S. C. tn4m 24 TITOS'FAT’S Vegetable Lift* ' 6*l S * aiui Fhu*ifii\ Bitter**. The universal estimation in which the celebra ted Life and PhoeSix Bitters are held, is satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand for them in every state and section of the Union, and by the volun tary testimonials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his afflicted fellow creatures than from interested considera tions, and the proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous of keeping them constantly before tiie pub lic eye.—The sale o‘‘ every addinttional box and bottle is a guarantee that some person will be relieved from a greater or less degre ; of suffering, and be improved in general health; for in no case of suffering from disease can thev be taken in vain. The proprietor has never known or been in formed of an instance in which they have failed to do good. In the most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billions head ache,costiveness, piles, general debility, sciofulous swelling arid ulcers, scurvy, salt rheum and all other chronic affections of tiie organs and membranes, they effect cures with a rapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically be" lieve, but to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds and coughs, which, if neglected, superinduce the most latal disease of the lungs, and iu«leed the vicera in general, these medicines, ts taken but for three or four days, never tail. Taken at night, they so promote the insensible perspiration, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent ob structions, as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return (faring the day, the repetition of a suitable dose at the next hour ol bed time will almost invariably effect permanent reliefwithout further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more acute and more violeut kind is not less sure and speeiiv I taken in proportionable quantity; and persons retiring to bed with inffainatory systoins of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the fierce cn* ny has been overthrown, arid can easily be subdued. Iu the same way, viceral furgesenee, though long estab lished, and viceral inflainations however critical, will y ield—the former to small and the latter to large doses of the Life Pills; and so also hysterical affections, hypocon driocism, restlessness, and very many other varieties of the Neurotical class of diseassn, yield to the efficacy of the Phaenix Billers. T ull directions for tiie use of these ruedi ci ps, and showing their distinctive applica bility to different complaints, e o npatiy them ; and they can be obtain* ', wholesale and retail at 375 Broadway, w •l• a , uer ous certificates of their iinparruued suc cess are always open to inspection. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat's “good Samaritan,” a copy ofwhich accompanies the medicine’; a copy can always he obtained of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can be obtained on application at the office, 375 Broad wav. \l* P ost paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B MUi I* Al\ 375 Broadway, New York- A libeial deduction made to those who pur chase to sell again. A"enU~- The Life Medicines may also he had of any of the principle Druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat’s Life I ills and Phcenix Bitters; and be sure that a simile of John Moffat’s signature is upon the label of each bottle of Bitters or box o( Pills. Prepared aud sold by W. B. MOFFAT 367 Broadway New York. 'The above medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Kept. 14 23| J5Li;aG - ■• > t H.. > il .’ L f . . UNEXAMPIED MAMMOTH SCHEME. I WAHL following details of a Scheme ot a A Lottery, to be drawn in December next warrants us in declaring it to be UN PARA L LELED in the history of Lotteries. PRI ZES, to the amount have never before been offered to the public. It is true, there are many bfjmks, but on the other hand, the ex tremely low chatge of S2O per Ticket—the value and number of the capitals, and the re vival of the good old custom ofWARRAN T’iNGTHAT EVERY PRIZE SHALL BE DRAWN AND SOLD, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction, and espe cially to the Six Hundred Prize Holders. To those disposed to adventure, we re commend early application being made b us for tickets—when the Prizes are all sola ( blanks only remain—-the first buyers have the best chance. We therefore, emphati cally say—DELAY NOT! but at once re mit and transmit to us your orders, which shall always receive out immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, and applications made to SYLVESTER & Cos. 156, Broadway, New York' ft?* Observe the No. 156. $70(MM)0! $500,000!! $95,000!! SIX PRIZES OF $20,000!! TWO PRIZES OF $15,000! THREE PRIZES OF 10,000. GRAND RE\L ESTATE AND BANK STOCK LOTTERY OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN N. ORLEANS. (Y-T 3 The Richest and most, met crnitirenl Scheme ever presented to the public in this or ano other country. TMCKETS OfYL V s*2o Authorized by an act of the Le"- islative Assembly of Florida, and under the direction of the Commissioners acting under (he same. TO BE DR VW NAT J A CKSON VIL LE, FLORIDA. DEC. 1,1839. SCHMIDT i.y HAMILTON, Managers, SYLVESTE R Sct’o. 156. BROAD\VA NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS!! The deeds of the Property, and the Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said Act of,he Legisla ture of Florida, for the security of the Prize- Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME! 1 Prize. THE ARCADE, 286 feet 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 (eet, 11 inches, on Natchez street; 106 feet, 6 inches on Gr i vier street. Rented at a bout ?37,000 per annum. Val ued at . $700,000 1 Trize. CITY HOTEL, 102 feet ou Common street; 146 feet 6in ches. on Camp street. Rented at $25,000. Valued at 500,000 1 Prize. DWELLING HOUSE, (adjoining the \rcniie,) No. IS, 24 feet 7 inches, front on Natch ez street. Rented at 1200. Val ued at 5.20,000 1 Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade^ No. 18, 23 feet front, on Natch ez street. Rented at $1200.- Valued at 20,000 1 Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade, No. 20, 23 feet front, on Natchez street. Rented SI2OO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 23, North-easi orner of Basin and Custom house street, 40 feet front on Ba sin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 feet deep in Custom house street. Rented at SISOO. Val ned at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 24, South-west corner of Basin and Custom house. st; 32 feet 7 in. on Basin, 32 feet 7inches on Franklin, 127 (eet 10A inches deep, in front of Custom-house street. Ileoted at SISOO Valued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 3.39, 21 feet, P in ches on Royal street, by 127 feet 11 inches deep. Rented at SIOOO. Vahied at. 15,000 1 Prize, 250 shares, Canalßank stock 100 each, 25,000 1 Prize do. 200 do. Commercial do. SIOO each, 20,000 1 Prize do. 150 do. Mechanics’- <sc Traders'sloo each. 15,000 1 Prize do. 100 uo. City Bank, SIOO each, ‘ 10,000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Prize 50 do Exchange Bank, SIOO each, 5,000 1 Prize 50 do do do SIOO each, 5,000 1 Prize 25 do Gas Light Bank, SIOO each, 2,500 1 Prize 25 do do do do do 2,500 1 Prize 15 do Mechanics’A Traders SIOO each, 1,500 1 Prize 15 do do do do 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Lou isiana State Bank, SIOO each. each SIOOO, 20,000 10 Prizes, each 2 shares, of SIOO each, each Prize S2OO of the Gas Light Bank, 2,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Bank of Louisiana, *20,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the New Orleans Bank, 20,000 150 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 co ° $1 ,500,000 TICKETS 820—NO SHARES. The whole of the Tickets, with their Numbers, as also, those containing the Pri zes, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, i previously to their being put into the wheels! One wheel will contain the .Six Hundred Prizes, and the first COO Numbers that shall be drawn out, will be entitled to such Friz as may he drawn to its numbers, and ttm for tunate holders of such prizes will have such property fr nsferred to them immediately after the drawing, unencumbered and without aws, deduction ! June 18 11 tID \YOI NG M AN, who can give utiques . tionahle reference, wants a situation as oversee., for the year 1840. Apply at the sum* of McCulku A Petty, Lumpkin, *T». * 35 •29 if The article published below, conceruin tils new and popular doctrine advanced by * the illustrious Goelicke, of Germany, cannot lail ol exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. jflatchlesM Sanative. FOR CONSUMPTION. VS H [Translated from, the German.] LOUIS Os FUN GOELICKE, OK UK. KM AM’ THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. 'itizensof Sorth and South America, r |'M) Louis Orron Goklicke, M. D. of l Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding anew and precious uoctrikk of the Science of Medicine—a oetrine wliicb. though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be w e l founded in truth as any doctrine of H Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity of are suspended the lives of millions of out race, and which he boldly challenges his on posers to refute, viz : Consumption , s a * dis ease always occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Vita (or Life Principle) of the human body, fy ojlcn secretly lurking i u the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint “J ,iIC LungScjTQ—and which may be as cer tainly, though not so quickly cured, as a eom ii,on cold or asi tuple headache. An invalua bly precious dectrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this insid ious tee may be an,unobserved inmate cf their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gine themselves secure from its attacks teaching them that TIIE GREAT SE CRETIN THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH IS I’O PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLAIM AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. 'I his illustriousoenefactor of man is also entitled to our uufeigned gratitude, and the gratitude ot a world, tor the invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE, whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it hasso signally triumphed over our great common enemy OyCQNSUMP i ION. botii in the first and last stages,—a medicine which has throughly filled the ra enum iu the Materia Mediea, and thereby proved itself the of Piirsi —a medicine, for which all man kind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence,——a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means thev often be . come the happy instruments of changing de spondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness ol friends into jovfulness. q, q q" q q GOELICKE’S isn medicine ol more value to man ’han the vast mines of 4ustria, or even the united reasures of our globe,—a medicine, which is ob. fined equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,— a medicine, which tiiougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed ol a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the I .mail system,—a medici*'*, which brgines to be valued by Physieans ; w, j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the gt asp of tiie Ensa i iable Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for in ants, a quartei drop ; tire directions explain inglhe manner ol taking a bailor a quarter drop. qqq q q t A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION iu Germany, in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in Germany are well aware that, by our course, wo may forfeit the friendship of some of the faenl ty, but not of its benevo lent members, who are uninfluenced bv sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain frorn an expression of our opinion, cither ol the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke’s new dot trine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not M be generally known—for what our eyes behold and nur ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Oflon Goelicke first came before rlie Germau public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be abase impostor anil the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it aud for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore be lieved to be incurable. Our contempl fur the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as amends far our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, (hat we believe him a pliilao thropist who does honor to the profession and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tnis medicine into some of our European hospitals is a suffi ent guaranty that it performs all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used * is its own best witness. HER MAN ETMULLF u, M D WALTER VAN GAULT, M. d‘ ADOLPHLS WERNER, M D.‘ Germany, December 10, 1838. bbb b b Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Cod July 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately been effected, through the virtues of Dr. Go elick's Sanative, in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was fargone and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY RY HIS FAMILY PIIYSICAN. He. is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myselfafew days since, in company with'his wife starting on a journey to the" western part of this State. He ascribes his escape from the very jaws of death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a -nug property, but. savs he, *1 WOU L D W i LLING LYP vV ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR 4 SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT, IF 1 COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR a LESS PRICE. To him he Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL, P. M. The above Medicine for sale, by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Florence. Jan 26 The i ause of mtio of c„, " Moae proportmjy. \ LLL regulated and touiach, *e xm-quantity of bile up«n the son of . waysrequisite lor the proiuoti and kee'd ealth i tsti mutates digestion,obstructions the intestinal canal Iree from alihver fc g* On the interior suriaceoftbe is fi r Pei cular bladder, in which the bileer r, ~re* served, being formed by the l.vhe I, 01 " ,h# blood. Thecce it passes into the °c Sch and intestines, and regulates ts > Ac' ge *- tion. Thus we see when ,he re L ,tn ' cy ol bile, the body is consta m ,Lr Wß,,Ve ’ On the other Baud, an overube « 6of bile causes Irequent nausea imh a „?'? at:h ’ and olten promotes very ° f disease, which someiimes end ,n . h evers are always preceded by Jr!"' 0 ?* ot a disordered stomach; a/ml,i. a, o scorlulous disorders, and all s V ,r he,i c functional, organic or febrileVn'T,* 8 "*. Iron, the same cause, the natural hoL * thy action of the heart, and the ij Va » cular system is impaired and re,lnc . bp,0 «' '*.• nat " rH 1 l B,aD danl, as exhibited I Pa| - pitations, languid pulse, torpors of syncope, ami even death i,mlf ; ° D se. quence of an overabundance of a Jj!l c# Jia oncnsive substance to t } ie Se,i ti r organs. v 6 1 he approach ofbdious disease* is at times attended by decided symptoms o," existing diseased state of the sr ,,m i bowels; i.e. with tiiose sums whS' known to point out their contents morbid, irritating nature; but whenever ,? * alimentary canal happens to be |„ 1 ? ! 11 e irritating matter. Soule, mm healthy operation, either of it * system, or of some particular organicfS 01 y»» Hi* certain result; and u)? * state happens to be united with a, v o''* symptoms of disease, iis efiec's s J thereby much aggravated The pro. of organic obstruction is often so i „and scarcely to admit of time , 0 r the ‘.'. c 3 non dl such aid as is to be offered' yet, m general, the premonitory a "’ ol gastric load are pereeptiblefc/a dav? two prevt, us to the fiverislt iJr .• > ° r period, when the most effi, acious .s T’ a may be given, by unloading the sR, i »" (1 alimentary canal of its Trritaii, uof’d-::.:: 1 .' 15 -4S ot bi,ions complaints; and it strictly according to the doe,. 1 n positively effect a cure. and, * ecl ««U the mineral medicines nfio •. :V‘ a tempo,ary cure at the same an unhealthy state o’ ,l, e blend consequentlv rend to promote a return*'!' ’ •l.e very disease which they are r,, p vc °j • ocure. It isthen by the .me of exclusively formed oi vegetable , Vff. i—a™ .wTftert aide erions ag*r, it s, which deco,„ P osi,i„ combmatmn nr alteration can dcu'o o r hm.g mto action, nn ,| therefore capable of produemg no cfirct, save that v. Jfich is iff! -d tnat a sale letucdy is liiun,}. J no LIFE TILLS ic IMICEMN BIT ERti have proved to be the most i ... v »> there fees .It of bilious dis, ,!;!) tnv purely vegetable prepnraiion ever off r od to the public. !| I Kti „ . , ! • hey cleanse it by exciting i, to ,L„!“ “[■“ contents; ts not, they pass to tbc dun,ln', , Vol »Htirig or nans, a itl ,|„ stomach ; stimulating th e neighboring vice ’, •■.stilt fiver a„d pan,-ras, so ns m p olice •. more copious flow of their see, etiims S tiie intestines; stimulating <l, e exnl, i,t, te n.mating j„ ,J, e 'Voiclt an increase,l flow es t|, e ’ »r ii» secretions, are cotnpictely dffei. For further particulars of i] lf . «p„ v .. maritav 8 MofFat s «o< -Dea- MAKIIAN, a copy ot which aceompaiu v tiie medici tie. ’ACopy may also be „lm, isissr - Cf* I,Tuch - Germ*n, and Sttanish ci h '" r " *"■ B iS yi ( l ,e ' ;,il ;, - v wu tham tri i,} 1, °" J kruadway, N. y A hheral deduction made to tho’se w ho pur t,nase to sell ngnm. I i-ff-' 1 ' 1 "- fife Medicines may aKn ■e had ot the principal druggists i„ every own throughout the United States and ti e Canadas Ask lor Moffat's Life I'dff ; ,nd The above medicine for safe bv r i homas Gardner: a gem. September ]4. 18.39. 0.3 WJLLIAM It MAY :V*o»*uey at Law m AK KS\ ILLE, Lee county,*Ga. will kJ practice it. all the counties of the Chat. tahoochee circuit. _Marchlo 48 iv !ts. fiias<iW 134:7 ' I.UMPKIN, GA. f J A N, at all times be found by thois wish , w ? '‘ IS services, at his office or t e house o M. McCullar v a „ , ’ “-v.uiidr, Esq. * hen not:ro engaged. * J in 'JO qy I l ' LO i i KKceLuJaTTkaTvT JHIc, exercises of the Male Deja-ftent ■ ol the I* lorence Academy, will com menceon Monday next, 7th inst. under the superintendence of Mr. George J. Mr- Cleskkv, who comes well recon nt niled as an .nstructer of youth. The follow u g w U be the rates of tuition, poi quarter: Oithography, Reading and Writing $4 0J Fn„r i r* d ° 1,0 wit, i Arithmetic, 503 II !?h h t' r Tr,l a " d Geo X»apijy, 6 Off HigherLtigltsh Brauches, c r>ft Languages, ly 'Hie Female Department will commence on the same day under the direction of Miss Margaret Harvey. Os Miss Far* vev s ij'ialifications the Trustees deem ■t v-~ uecessaiy to speak, as they are too wall known to require any recommendation fro r them. Jhe terms ol tuition, will b“ th' same as state above, aud for Drawing and Painting, 22 0' Needlework an extra charge of 3 fp Board can be had, for males and fsmal»3 in the most respectable houses, at rousom ole |>rires. Jan. 5 39 BY TIIE TKUS'.K.;., OERSONS having ary Books in their ■ l.os-esston belonging to the subscriber, «- r " r Y Y«a- MULT I CAMUS MULTICAULIS TREKS, Z age over one hundred buds to the tree. r , _ VV. w. E(LANDS. I lorence, Oct 18 op