The graphic. (LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.) 188?-190?, April 11, 1899, Image 1

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VOLUME XII. | j® All Clothing t 1 /at7 Is Alike—= | ♦ /A4 /< .l v ♦ T Ai > [I in tha newsp.ipers. imi ♦ r uefer saw any other kind ♦ w t'T'A—but clothi-ng of the very ▲ ■ 111 11, \\\ ‘ J B l(| A zx best muterial- perfectly Y B IfeMftV c*t and tailored by e\-- JImHL ‘ WsraiaPK pert* —in fact, the very ▼ ♦ JtWak-; X 2sE§Li= \ ’•’ every wav—ad A. ▼ WSk\ , ? ‘^gT—lgy- wMk \ \ _•• ver Vised. Y It is after you have worn a suit of clothes a few + weeks that its good or poor quality is manifested. ♦ J Safest way is to buy only clothing of known met- X £ it—clothing that has made a reputation for high ♦ T qualify—and whose makers show a firm determi • £ nation to maintain that reputation. Such dotting ♦ J is that manufactured bv + ♦ <& (Co,. ♦ ♦ Il can be depended on. New Sprwi" I.inti ▼ ♦. . ♦ 4 Justin. 0 IIW Hi 18. I ♦ LaGrange, <ia. ♦ = ! : ————— . _ — - 1 , r Our Easter trade last two weeks was good. We sold lots of Suits, Shirts, Hats and Shoes. BUT WE HAVE ONLY FAIRLY BEGUN-® i ■w !kj EVERY SUIT WE SELL WILL CAUSE ANOTHER TO GO OUT, AND SOjON UNTIL WE CLEAN UP. * OUR STOCK IS TEEMING WITH BRIGHT,-PRETTY THINGS INg:’MEN’§ APPAREL, AND OUR PRICES ARE SO LOW THATj WE •USu7TLV , "saTW? OUR CUSTOMERS AND THAT’S ENOUGH. GIVE US A CALL. JIM BRADFIELD’S / CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE. » a The Graphic. i.agrangk. troup county, ga„ Tuesday, april u, iß9'.» “RE MJRE YOU ARE RIGHT. THEN GO AHEAD." In a recent lecture delivered at Liverpool. Dr. William Carter pointed out that the deaths di. reedy attributed to intemper ance in 1896 were 91 per 1,000,000 among males and 52 per 1,000,000 among females; that the nite is constantly increasing and that deaths are increasing among wo* men far more rapidly and in a far greater ratio than among men. Pitt's Carminative aid diges tion. regulates the bowels, cur* es Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Dysentary, and all dis* eases of the stomach and bowels. It is good Tor both children and adults. So id by alt druggists. Go to Roprr tor groceries. Interest in the assassination of the Marquis de Mores has been revived by the prosecution insti tuted by his widow, who was Miss Von. Hoffman of New York, against M. Millet, the French resident in Tunis, whom she ac cusses of murder. A Slejje of Five Years. “My mother has been trou bled with rheumatism for five years and used nearly every kind of medicine, but with very lit*- tie relief. After taking a few bottles of Hoad's Sarsaparilla she is well. What this medicine has done for my mother I b*~ I'eve it will do for others.” Carrie Stuminer, Baroe’tShoals, > Gr a. ,£ Hood’s Pills fjivc strength even while their cathartic quali ties are ;.t work. Easy to take. Are I. so silly as to ita £ k that every- t< g we sell is sr than any- # ining sold by > everybody else. yrl I » I But ope ii |WngWe Be Say ,} Zeigler Bros, fine Ladies 'j t <f Slippers are the best goods 1 £ < • £- known-and we sell them. > A. '<? ■ ■ We have just received our > > |i Spring Styles. | IFWPSSS FIPENESS | X I Characterizes this cele- > < I brated make. We are > < I showing them in black, > X tan and nobby brown. All .> « .ztzlz the new shapes and tips. /> , < —Our slipper department is ,> if a busy corner in a busy J* £ store. Every pair is guar- ’ { anteed. J? > <r t Seay Bros. I JF > $1 year