Newspaper Page Text
rcmjgmtzt bmt ntnuiur auuno
yy m jfr. Martin cb 00.,
*4M «<*.
IM«FT “* f***
voifuj Aprnmi
pitTi *—**■» ffy aafcaw**. mJ yr**a*Uy HH»»<
M ,
mik* «■■■*!
** Pr*pi* Tka Live la Mm Bmhm
ntowm’ffn'f Tkrww ffstomne
TV* k«Wrlk, '« of Vtifinia ky Um
-j—-e fca ewdr. 4 *mi Km h*» ex
nW t •gr *: M aft ligudM ia.tV« (ItiiW
-,, W j allade u it mi a* wadi to
iit 'wx* to oar opiaiaa a* la it*
atn(M *a a aawal, Military, ar rutwrna
«al y—i »•*•. aa la read aartaia psr
a IrtiJ* Wetwr* aa da •*!»*» last,
a P«*iJa «Sw bra ia glaa* boaaaa akalda’l
thm* Moo*.
('► ila, tta awW rrpebli a of Sooth
AorfMa, a'lav kiUly dcrlariag nr atiiat
ha* ari< no effort to fortify her
pn«i*al MipM Valptraim, nor, indeed,
•attfht' j>ru llrr aavy aach aa i< la,
yo iuw’f li44m aoay ia aa arrhipcWgw
tl irr 8> inhere won Spaia haa no fotcr
oaM tha Usd, and. Ikarrftirc, iha gaaa* lit
tle Hrpa>--r carnet oa % idea and bitter
aar oa pa \m T.
Spau la <mt oa rortagiag abat aha eon
aider* an .aaall—and aka I* the beat judge
aftba a-.*<rr —finditg it iu.|«r-»ibl« to rri
at her r'.nay ia any oih> r «ay. ordered thr
boaUr acat «l Va pjiaiso; bat impuwi rid
bet AJ*« ral U(itr taking that »*cp to . ffer
«raa / peace. Tier terms were eoo.iua
•mul by Admiral Non- a <• liramt Kit
patrirh and (’on. iu.. lore Roger*. of tbc 1 si
t ted Suln atriir, abo ia Chile bare a *«ry
I diff.ri n* i lea »l hum -oily and civilised aar
i iba* any abich they a. old be ruppuned to
i retrrta a, judging Ir. m tbeir action* in the
| inte aar
We confer* that «e cannot #9* an) iking
1 objectionable in toe tuna <fhnd f'liik
war nquind to mj that al>e ariir intcodrd
j «.« wished to in.lilt Spain, and that the
iiw'j b-twirn bir Suit a t not bto
l ken. bat uniy inti rtu| tad. It aaa abo
j nquirrd t" dclircr the (’ovadonev brr arm
aniral, cri a and officer*. On In ? aide Spain
; aaa to my that .he did n«t darirc to hutuili
ate Chile, or t«i acisc a.iy of her territory.—
And in return lair i* c Corndunga. ha r arms
| a rot. crea and < ffi a r», aba* a (hied to give
up all tbc prise* (i«a Ire) eap'ured in Chil
ean aa'cr-, and ail t'lnia-an | ri-ainern. Fur
: fbrr it wai n<|<iirrd that a reciprocal mlur
• of twenty nc guua .liuubi be fired, Chile
firing thr fir-t gui^_
| Now, lo «i ih™i , '-«n n-vhing bat an
ipnbi.'t, the n»tnrai <m thing* to 'hi
j Write ya» oa’r 1-lUm, and «n ixchnngc id
. rour'cait* lo ntvik llir ri a*< r iiiou ol Irirudly
i inirr-nurm The t hib-an (i urt-rom. nr rt
I lu«rd 'O li.i n to ihi-an* term*. I- CaUM* i
l c**'ild .Mil male jh-jci auk u' conaa tit a-f ii.
| allies, iin-i bea-auae the Cotadotiga wa» a
pc's* anfl »!l lair and opa n bailie at *a a, uii.l.
tlur-f..*r, O-tul I mil be CXChnßg* i| lair all)
faumbat *fUiur Ltd pnta*. .Vi'icc that tbi-
c r.r'y a poll t a.f honor. .o-calbd
aad mat u a ail ingot." to ct mini'it-va e will
her alio* are* rspree-i'd. *n bi.
orrrtare* V-■ * prao-. Admiral Xumc gave
fair warning of hi* i uni .on t« Imnibuid tin
City if l..l|iliihi lndra*d, ahen ac rr
Call t mg* 'bat bare taken placi in -mr oan
country «;*h'N ike I art Tea rearr. the pro
feeding* a) ibe Snaniah Adu-.ral prrparato
r mb# e-tti'esiauirnt read bite a romance,
lie in'orm- ,i>e I'bdeans that at S h'cßh k hr
aill fire ta<- iilank cartridge* and will give
•alii 9 o'«k,/t balnre cooiim Being ibe boui-|
bardmi-oi. ila al-o Main, that he aill direel
ha I re Mile)) tii-on | üblic haildinga. and ail!
gi«e notice -tl ine trrininatio iof the bom
bardmeal by hoi-ling a flag no a oertaia |«rt
M hi* iag-aftip.
Tie rraa'. oftbe bombardmtnt aaa thc
Um )i l*o «jr three lire* in the city and the
fitatractioa -if about taeii'y tnillions of dol
lar*. Moat •••?' (hi* aa., of cuarae, uaiulcu
ttuaal, bat snaroidable
N-ia. m —€-*• I‘mt-d Stale*, great, free
and ghriru , ». great hoal of indignation ia
iai*ed. Sf.i'U ia called haughty, ignorant,
btgiued, M .ivilised, and turlmrou*. The
Iced la ehai -e'ensrd aa a gr-«a o'jiragc upon
lavakiiy, •» abamelul riolaiion *M the right,
•f aar.
All tbi* aty be true, but *e *Io no just at
!*nrai be i« «c *t. S|Kiin htiu. to u> xbout
• ri» is.d, I -*icli ma'lcr* at la-j.t, a> Kng
aa*l. France -,.r the I'ai'cil Stale*. The
«a*bar liaaa. i*f an aiiforiificd loan to es
'« redrma lie* injury received or insult of
trd u a-t a**tt-Mit pro edent. It is enough
■ r «*ur purj. -« io in-tance Cri jtuwn, which
I ailed SI »tiS bombard- and wime year, ago,
|*i« biing ai tbe lime no war declared.—
m eiample* -i jnng a Mate of war we have,
••her*, • iAaburg. which Mr Orant
-ad two with -si n-.iit.-, firing n«it at batter
* or public twil ling., but at the town Mself;
.riaatuw, wk wi- Mr. Gi nnrre fired into
tboataay preciou. a'tempt to silence the
> ; trri*w; I onga, which the gr sal and
•and and pi-iu* lUweerans fired into one Sun
T ■ n ** | *g Ut dout the aiiglitest earning.
• Orlean# was taken by Farragnt’s fleet,
?*J by a th:c:\t that be would bombard
Cm'reader oot ionic titbooi resin-
There ~-s wore neutral in
’ OHsmi th-*n than Valparat-o g worth,
ekes, Mi*., raa shelled by Fone.’ wheo
t *** *ha» there Was not a gua or aCm
*** >‘dw Tilkia yrt ty miles of M
hdM owe TIMs riH fc Prt-nkarw ard
J" p "* , ily aad
*• >* -rtt-Mingly indigasat that
ter iAu«ld b" read ihereiu, accm-ing
iw Sberaaae. of buraiag Columbia, bat
* bora it, acd what haa Admiral Mwaes
•a hod*'
°P*e who Lvk la glam kills** shooid’ot
* Mnasa.
®* »i K i ,)«v. Vus—Hisiy A
<ieltrs»id e leer art roeemly at tha
* Asylom at Alessadna It it rs>
i •baa ha ktii ot tha w*j ka dhmlj a
V 'b« wuk t af hs Awe. Iklfi
be** wee ■ . it«|i
«• if drmtar: Mr lM ikrea
**ht far tl JtuSL
k ' r *Mi^lbr«i«Mr
Old Tsai Kesrcat.
Witaea* baiww haw tha aid yellow-bad ad
rattle-awake «f Paw way Irani* with raaeomr
-*ullage aad fork ad tongue, fulminates hi*
raageaaaa agaioM he poor rebels. This
van ia the sooi waalber of #f ring (May 10.)
_ abat, ibea, viU ha do when tka “ fierce
soluiaa rcigwa,” or when “th« Dog-Star
3a said ha waa glad tos*e tbe great una
aaaMy ssistiag arooag ail the true freak, of
the Cairni ta tha Joa*e npna ali the prori.
iona «f tha prapomd amendment except the
third aaadoa—bat he was grieved u> see any
dirisioa smong them on what he eoosidered
tha vital urnpmdiio* of the whole smond
mewt. Wttowtit, »t awwaatad to nothing
Without it ha a«M wot give the snap of bis
fi gcr wheth-. the jm«v roaolution pa.-std or
not If it Catted, there w.mld he no power
b-ft among tha Irioada if the Union iu tbe
acs Cnoi.iv** ta carry v.O! the measure*
o< the Gnvorameat. ha should be .torry if
the third seotioa wi ro stricken out. btcause
■hea. Hots aav mra-ur. of tbe anu-ndioent
o uid ha pu*. into oparaiion, the other aide of
Ibe How*! w*«uld be filbd with yelling Se
armnsiMta aad appro in* Copperhead*. Givi
ii., tkmfiiis. be euniinued, the third section
or give aa n ithing I)o not m>«k us with tbc
pretenec ol ao amendment which throw* tbe
I nioa imalhe band- ot iiaeee.nies. Gentle
men ray we ate striving for p»ry. L do seek
to aiunai*. uiy par'J when that party is necs
canary to save lb* Union. I say rally to
yn»r party and save that party, or you lose
the Union. Ido not he*na'e to .ay that
• bat Mem o ia there to save or destroy the
Uunm Grn'b-mcn tell us that it i. too strong.
Toe strong for what? T-o .tr ng for their
at. mach*, but not l<>r the pco[tle. Some say
it ia too koien*. It is too lenient for uiy
hard beau. W.-ulil to G"d that the exclu
ai.* n of ihc re'-eh* not only run to the
year IK7G, but to the year nineteen thni!.-
and and aetenty six It would t* en be tesi
ii.nd a piirjishmcrt. Hut I hear it said that
y.-u must not humble these people Mum jle
thi-ni. why not ? l*o they not deserve hunii'i
iation ? lbi thi v not dew rve d.-gradaiioti v
Ifih.y do art. who do<-s? What animal
lehoi and -rv s it more? Th y have not
)rt oonlrrvd their sins, why should they he
lofgiicu? He. who administer* justice and
nnr- y. nev % forgiv<s until the .inner eon
|e-Miat the foot-u.-l i's power. \V hy .lioiiltl
we luroivi any lli're than lie? If they arc ?n
Collie hi k, let I belli entile bok in sack cloth
and a- lies, let tin 111 Come buck and a.k
lirgiie-ns*. and then h t u. con-nder wl.oni
ue -iiali forgive and whom we shall exclude.
That i- my piinciple. All 1 regret is, that
ihi. i« not .ufficicntly stringent. Let not
tin »e friends ot siccion and scecssionis s
•log lo me their halctun songs of peace anil
000-l mil un'tl they cun step my »ur. to tin
liriiku and groans oftbe dying victims at
Memphis, a sot nc more horrible in mroei
tics. ihougli not to tin same extent, than the
titnblc tragedy at Jamaica. While I am
willing that these rebel States should he
admitted here, I pray you not to admit those
who Imvp ciuscd the .1 lUghter of millions of
our coun'ninto, while tH.'ir clo htt are still
wet with blood Wait until they *Te and ffer
en'ly clad. Ido not wi.h to sit side by
side wi.h men whose gat mints smell of the
blood of my kindred Gentlemen forget
the *e ties that look place here twenty years
ago, when the n ightv Toombs, with histdiag
gy Inck*. headed Northern fire-eatera with
shout* of dtfiance, and rendeted this House
a hell cf legislation. They seem to forget
the .ci ties enact and hrre six year, ago, before
Souihi rn a.embers left to j >in the armies ol
Cataliue; and, when encourage 1 by their
allies, they came ui? here in one yelling body,
because m spi’cch for freednien was Wing
nude on this side, and when the rnffiin
t'roig, of North Carolina, drew a pistol, and
the a-saasin Barksdale drew a bowie-knife—
Mr. Thayer reminded Mr. Stevens that
ife third section did not ail-ct the eligibili
ty of tin** poisons as representatives, but
merely i relink'd them from voting, and he
i.ked him if he thought he could build a
penitentiary big enough to hold eight mil
lion. of people ?
Mr. Stevens: Vos, sir, that peni’entiary
w .ich is guarded by bayonets down below ;
ami if they undertake to come back we will
ahoot th- m. The penitentiary of hell is the
penitentiary that they deserve to have till
Why Pon’t we Love Them.—Judge
‘Rurn»tt, of Ohio, has written a letter to »
member of Congress in relation to aff.iirs that
eu'"e under his nonce while acting as Trea
sury Agent at Xatchex. lie thus “peaks of
a reign of terror which be witnessed :
If a complete, impartial narration of thu
facts of oppression and fraud, cf the insult
ing ou'rages against personal rights perpe
trated doling he 11 reign nl terror” inaug
□ruled - and mat.luinrd by those t»u cotnman
dets, could be wri't.n, with a stateuien* of
the amount stiffen from the Government or
Slackaia'led from the citizens, I oubt if his
toirveoald furnish its parallel. The (jnestion
ffUMt who was entitled to favors, hut could
pwfMHfeMß ; not who was loyal or disloyal,
ba t w aaytjbing to areal. To describe
to joa the t*dfWi||* ofaMairr under iheii
ouaimand ia igipossTbTe^^fcfclyd
end Bmtth, of the in
ia Naw Or lee 99, «to eompreaerd it, you
Orta* fare «M«f h.’*
'flat Hka crimes, under like pretexts, were
vffMt***d ta other deiorti motifs, there is no
tffMk ts dwabl; indeed I have beard the
•Ssitak ofproyvmy deetfwycd and earrfcd off
ht Hm> smphi|i»aa organiwtiup the “aaarroe
£ 180.ff00.000. *
l a kvt»Awaallfth? moot singtlar things In
th* gffp> people eoder sucV-
MfiMfiMe mamiiffl do net b«eorH> instant--
hfjngta—finanr enaeh ia h>«e with ihv;r W
• WwiHlllwf. fteVtateWa* we mast
| ZWr k NarCtHi letteessye Mrs Jefferson
2? i?-£L-’2fisS CT"'
•eaff es sfl (unds, taeMbig Huieart hrwfae»«
turns, 6E«ii(il\, TBIISD.U lOkMB, lAY if, 18ft.
l»f,.«s*m.' | Cwod«sct;.
The Memphis Atgti* Jerivas the following
information from owe of th* eoodnotors "f
thn Memphis A Railroad. The
oecurreaees took place e«J thu 16th April:
About ooa hundred nud fifty negro troops
were traosportod over the Memphis t
Charleston Railroad from Taucumbia to
Hnntavilie. Before starring, many of these
colored soldiers loaded up thertr puns, aad.
fm the way, w«e onoafeatly aannvog them
selves by firing from the windows oi the
ears, unchecked by their white officers, at
any white people that might come within
range of their vision.
They deliberately fired at a man plough
ing io th# field;i between Courtlund aod I)e
--■:aiur, but f.irtr.nately mis»ed him. Hu' if
was at Leighton, a fl.ig gUtion a few miles
west of Courtlaud, that they perpetrated
their greatest enormity- one of those now
oft-recurring outrages ;vhieh are so well c:ul
culatorl to set on fire the passions ot boui It
em uien, and make them perfvetiy ruthless in
their hatred toward nut only 'the criminal
oegrxs, but also the bad white men who
have deluded the ignorant blacks into the
belief that they are bow the ruling .face, titid
and that vengeance it a duty.
At l-eighton one of these black devils saw
a lady—Mrs O borne King—standing on
the balcony of her residence, with hot' in
fa'.t child in her arms, about one hundred
and fif'y or two hundred yards from the
moving train ; whereupon he rais and his gun,
and, pointing it through one of the windows
oftbe car, took d'ebbciare aitn at the lady
and fired. The ball struck Yra K'tig’s
tliuiub, tearing off the tntil, passed on
through the clothing ol the child, and
lodged in the fleshy part of the Judy’s arm,
inflicting a everc and most painful wound
After the perpetration of this im-bt hell
ish eiiortni y, a negro servant, who was pres
ent in the san-e car, eras heard to approve
the deed, and cried out *' Keep on .hooting,
b ys, ts you want to; dn\.i’t shoot .my person
in particular, but keep on shooting.—
T'wuiii’t make any difference it you do kill a
few of the damn secish.’’ The white offi
cers on the train, ol course, heard the nbo-tt
ing which was going on at intervals, all the
way from Tusenmbu to IJiiiiwnllc, but they
made not. the least effort to put a stop to it;
on vl.e contrary, th y seemed to enjoy the
Tiie 'Bore or the Senate —The Wash
ing on Correspond) ut of the U'hicago 1 une»
**>« : . i
.tiii tginc a hot deflate, in which every
mental faculty of the few tliinking men of
the ,S< nate bus been strained to the u'limst
The li gers t f the Globe reporters ache |
tr m liipi I aid lal oriouit work Siadical.
Uonscrviitive as>•) Deiii-ocrat have exhausted
ilieir power.of reasoning and illustration —i
K'ery phase of the subject has been held J
up to praise or reprobation. Like a con- j
tracte l kaleiilo;«copc in a crowd of children,
it has been shaken into every possible com
bination. Five o’ef-ek U< been reached—
cries of ‘‘question”’ are heard from both!
.ides of of the chamfer—the rr sub of the ,
coining vote is clear to all—a Webster
couldn’t change it. Senators already smell
their .-O' p, and begin to enjoy their dinners !
in anticipation. “The sect eta y will call t
the ro 1,” says the chair Alas', not yet! I
Conne-s rises just ts the first ntinie is about |
to be called. lie says again and again what
has been much better said hy others ; he
Cefoga everything, and spends an hour in ]
doing it. Curses, net loud but deep, ex
press the general disapprobation and dis- |
appoin nient, as every prospt ct of dinner van- i
tshes snd the thought suggests itself that;
luck; alone can secure even supper.
Con ess is, unquestionably, the greatest
bore in the Senate. Ue will talk more ne
gro than Sumner, more law, than Johnson,
more army than Wiil»on, more Fin rscc titan
Fessenden, and uJI the while can make a
bigger fool of sober than his col
league, Mr. McDougal ever approached in
his tipsiest condition. In one word, with
the learning of Saruftbo I’anzu, he situs at j
exhibititi-g the accomplishments of an Adnii- I
tal Chrichton and the profundity of a Jef
ferson. -
Fortress Monroe, May 4. 1866.
Mrs. Jeff Davis—ln answer to a
question how long she propost and to make her
visit, Mrs Davis said emphatically, “ 1 itrv- j
tend »o remain until Mr Davis is ordered
away for trial, or ho is released from prison, !
or dies.” And she is a woman of that decis
ion anti spirit that she will do what she says
unless some intermediate interdiction occur
to prevent it. 8;Ihc evidently hes no sucli 1
feats, as it is believed she know* too well
the tenure of lo r sojourn, to silt w htrteli !
to entertain any such apprehensions
lit is nutu*~al for won. m to l*e enthusiastic, |
particularly when their strongest affections
ami more cherished hopes are interested.
Mrs. Davis is probably not an exception.—
U u certain that she is enthusiastically
h peful regarding tfir future of Mt Dwvis.
She expr-Sftv belief that UMnll
very soon b« rslfflPld on his parol
possible that tfipT wish in her evsc in Tbtfhr
to the ibof hut she talks with tlut de- - '
gree of •■ifftimce on the topic, carrying as
etmvictHSWf a srrooget baste ftr the bsitef
ahcyn(ipre:*scs than idle surmises founded on
jjkffksive hop*. There might be person*,
The says, who won Id like tv rescue Mr. If»-
vis from prison, bst she snoots die idea ot
any aach n Wse. He wilt <w*go*w»y from
here, ska doe fares, ta a mauuer com
porring tpieh his salMs of high honor, and
ste claims for him a ponctitei ofhoeor par
fo?»»g of tk« n# vbe «4d ktrighu of
th? med.atvj vgsft. O* 'tbs suhptci of pa
role she irndste wkh WBai cmpltssa, fiat be
would sacrifice hie fits before vi»’; ttrng bis
r". —4'
ffSf" On toe 11th cf Mnf the Senate pom
ind the pestoi bill, after strik
ing ont the amendment adopted,
preventing pamea appointed to office during
tbe rneero »r m roeovsriug any ( wj un;tl
the appotatment was evafirmot by tbe Ren
| Opinion or a Repuhmcan Connu
poMi ent on the Measures or Conoerss
and Neoro Burn \oc.—'V’e <jlip the fol
lowing frt*tn the Corinth (Mian )Cor espoad
eiioc ot the Cincio .tti Coaunereial of the
7ih inst.
I The implacable telfishnean, the viadiotive
and revengeful disp union and tyrannio poli
cy which character .se the measures snd leg
islation of the doin’, rant party io Cotigrrm,
has driven and is driving from rham many
of their past suppo ter*. Another cardinal
consideration is th :ir persistent opposition
10 the inunediato re; toration of the tnee in
iiurrcctionary Siat<. There cannot he a*-
inred peace to the country, or stability to
alter and investment, confidence in trade
md finance, and |i«riuanem*e to law and
trdcr, so long at* tno present eond.tion of
hings, or status, < xist*. Henoe, all true
jatiiotism, the intelligence, capital and in
i tistry el’the country, will array themselves
i gainst the dominun ; radicals in Congress if
I phey do nut desist ft tin their course iiumedi
[ se-tcly.
Aga ; n let in* inst ». our radical Republi
! < in friends North, t.iat universal negro suf
|ltage would not o <ly huve given to the
|B' >utlt increased polslljul {xtwer, but anti-
I I Ypublican poatT. From what I know and
■ hive (teen, and from the observation and
j e nviciion of some o. the most astute North
| e n men of the Sot* h, I tlo assert that in
t o years hence the negroes of the out h
1 n nety five out of c try hun<lred will vote
w*h their Southern c nployera in all elections, .
11 [nrtn,tied to vote. My reasons are—the
: g'tnerally kind dispi -itiona of ths Southern
! eri towards the negtTi-s who wire their fur
■ m r slaves, their i interests, their
1 mi fual dependence, rnd ineir native climate.
! soi ami section of’ cot ntry Tuc ncaro In ars
, not nor chits for the oratorical lumber of Sum
1 tit r, the vindictive and aer monious (VuiiHa
lting of Thai!. Steve is, or ‘lie [iliillipics atnl
hi. Incimitions of Wendell Phillips Their
i eo fidence and respect attach alone to those
wl u give them labor who feed, clothe and
Isu port their familiei, aod who are present
ro minister to their .'ants and sou lie their
| son rows and distn s t •.
Confederate Dead at Vicksbcro.—
Th •! following list o; Georgia soldiers who
we e buried at Vick'burg, or vicinity, up
per rs in the Homo C urier:
. for 11th, Jos ; ah A Owen ('o. 1). 56th
Ga ; given to the citizens of Greenville,
Mi si-sippi
I ’ov. 12th, \V 11. Carter, Cos F V\ Geor
gia turned over to the city of Vicksburg
for nteroient.
Nov, 11th, Hczclriah Ila’l, s")ih Ga.;
buried on Mr King’s plantation 55 miles
abo c Vicksburg, on tlto river.
bw. 12th, Jame. T. Blenchard, 56th
>,;»v. loth. Robert Donnelly, Cos 11, 3ru
G* i sent to Vieksbuig lor interment.
V'tt Bth, C. S. Gicen, Cos. A, sfrhGa :
at \ ickshurg
I>!C. sth, 11. Strii gcr, Cos. K. 54 h Ga. ;
11*63, Feb. 10th, 11. C. Ktmrson, Cos G.
42d Ja.; S. Huberts Cos A, 42J (j .; Capt.
Mai te. Cos. A, 43d Cn
F b. 13eh, (J. VV Wix. Cos. C, 40th Ga.
Jtn. 7th, J. W. Bennett, Cos B, 42<l Ga.
Ji n. 12th, N Danger, Cos. I, 52d Ga
1852, Dec. 31.-t. G. Iliggin*, Cos. C,
36th Ga.
Jar. 2d, G \V limn r, Ct. A. 34th Ga.
Ih c. 17(h, Lt. J. 8 I’erry. 31th Ga.
IV t, 21, Win Shie dock. A, 66th Or.
Dr «. 22d, Jus. H.'kton, s,’>th Ga died oo
F.'de al boat.
Ne t. 7th, Jno Harper, Cos I), 34tli Ga .
inter: :d at Memphis—-died <>u Federal boat.
Tiie Reion of I’Ruseim ion in Tennes
see--"I he Albany (N Y,) Argu., in re
ferrioj: to the prest-nt condition ol Tennes
see, and awH the iollowing coiiclu-i<>n “ J,ed
on on hy their ruffian Governor llrownlqw.
the I egUlattirc of TtMinessee has, -Ittlg-JBlT
pi llitf • cnuuch of it ; menih'Ts
I ni.jur ly, and intimidating others
and tciml h.alily violence,
! j'ftssin- a Dtr hv wl icli tiie bsllot-hox is
j closed to nine t«;ntLa of the people of Ten-
I nessee
“Th p Oligarchy of one-tenth, who now pro
propose to govern Tennessee, have entered up
jon tlie.r reign of terror nod corruption. But
I in the nidi, of ihvir triumph, trouble awaits
| them. The people ol H;»pt Tcnne see have
called n Gunvi n ion, ard demanded a division
'of the State. They d<s : re »*< pirate gvstein
I cf plur. lev and t) runny —a Governor and nffi
i cers, t ip Senators, an 1 Congressmen to the
' Lower Irouse.
"Th» whole history ot their revolutionary
j iieasur s shows how legfuded hss become
! polities' morality, anil how lost the senti
j iiient t ’ State [ ride. Why should not a
i .State ft verned hy u 'irownlow, and legisla
ted for by the riotous mob ol Nashville, be
cut in l ro? t»e cit in twenty pieces?
“ It 'tas the harlot mother that cnnsegtHb
to the livision of the i l;tld shfe rlritfled
it is a 1 istani br od that oonfipire* to di
vide thr mother land (f tbcbßWtb.
) “ Let this anarchy it daw Mot
cure iu If U will at h»**ißfch its authors.”
t — 1 **9 ’*
A Gb eat Deal of Truth i* a Little
(’ impa*s Mr. I rut an, in e repoit to Um
Presi« B ei t upc’t the ctndiliuff fff fffa Soffdkt
1 ran ..t '.iv that, i-heo G— CCipfafießapy<
went dunn, there wax .mi a ettfaeeia aß.te’j
D.-nlcrs vlio did not ><■
i -giunce as lie ever '
hut I do not
were not fin promStb #
n. who cuv and truly ssitlMH']
riously and *clar* th— t! ts lfttX‘% 1
first, or 1 at, their Sjr |h’
it H and me an interest—,b*—k
gtu.iy to ; ook up .ft-. 1
men wh« , whcO OUr
pva.-ance were fiirwuiNl ta ffifliF
if U .io* i»m. A.*—.!
mature! Scarcely f* Minn’r^'
either aci -pt*-d an oflbw under tfie
r racy, or “gnifled hi" witßowp
vol l xo. a
Mora than a thousand persona Kara died
annually, of Pulmonar) Con-umprioa, in th*
city of Bostou, fur tha last fifty years.
There are seven thousand t oofederata sol
diers buried in and around 1 ynchburg, Va.
The Memphis \rgus proposes to make a
new State oat ••{ West l eant**—e aod North'
Mississippi, |u be ealtrd the State of Jack
son, with Memphis tor it* capital.
The State Department has reocivnd new*
that the Mexican Umpire has been recog
nised h> Qusteniala, Nicaragua, 8t Salvador,
and Costa Brea.
Washington, May 14. —The Senate,
to-day, confirmed Johu Bowlrr, of Augusta,
a* aasts-or of Internal Ue venue for the
Third District of Georgia.
A Teas* Journal, den mr.cing the Civil
Rights bill, and the Texas papers that ap
prove it, says :
We’ve buried the hatchet—yes, we've
eaten dirt enough to cover it forever; hut,
as some emphatic writer says, -d and if w«
have much respect for the man who prcleitd
thut he likes it.’ ”
The murder of Mr Lincoln has been dra
manxed and performed at Mulhauscn. The
piece is entitled “ laj Vie M ri ti'Alirshsin
Lincoln,” and i* divid'd into seven tableaus,
lu ibe fourth act Mr. Jefferson l» up
pears on the scene and giver il as fits opin
ion that as long a* Lincoln is permitted lo
live, the cause of tlto South is lost, und ex
claim*, “ \\ ho will get rid ol this man lor
us ?” “ l,” 11. pins his future murderer.
The Washington Ci'y ltepubiican (Ad
mi lustration) says; ** Under nueircu.uaian
oe* will Austria he allownl to laud a singe
soldier in Mi xieo ” We shall see.
Only three revolutionary soldiers are now
The first regiment of Austrian voluntceis
lor Maximilian's army in Menoo, waa sent
I rout Trieste for Vera Crux iu the last days
of April.
lt is Reported that Gov. Brownlow is go
, i'ig North to consult the Lex.cngrapher«
| about coming some new words, for s reply to
! I’retilice, who exliauHted the vocabulary.
I'rcsidetit .1 ohns .n recently rental' ed t<>
the wile of a In ton officer that lie did uoi
eon-ider Cletnent C Clay as culpable as
ThaUdi us Stevens and hie elan.
H. F. Remington, of Springfield, has ob
tained a patent fur a papi r shirt—to be got
up Ibr the tuode-t ruur of twenty-five cents
and to be sweat-proof.
A life size statue of Stonewall Jackson is
to be erected in Memphis.
The Freednien’* Bureau piece
of kitchen furniture. A hrtMtegptlte c’oni
mittce on apprupr.alinawr reported on the
30th. ult. makes for it an aggregate approprta
non of $11,684,006 lor the next ii cal year
There ar • ten tieaspapers now being pub
lished by negroes—one daily, and nine week
lit s. They all look weakly enough to die
The Agricultural Bureau is in receipt of
a swarm of Hiiiiglea* bees from Honduras.—
They are said to be excellent honey makers.
The General Methodist Conference recent
ly held in New Driest s v ud twenty-seven
thousand dollars lor the annual support ol
the Bishop*.
Queen Victoria and tiik Fenians.
\ London correspondent of the New York
Tribune writes :
An interesting smedo'e of tbe Queen's
humanity and attachment to her army hs*
just come to my knowledge. You may have
noticed in the news from Ireland the trial
ant Pifragh for Fcriiatii'tn.of which
he wa* found guilty and m u'eneed lobe shot.
When the warrant was brought to the Queen
for signature, her consent was urgently so
licited on tlie grounds of the necessity of
making an examp'e, and s' lengih obtained,
though she butsr into tear* in the act of ac
cording it. Within an hour afterward she
—at for the warrant again and tore it Hi
piece* —and God bless har for It! The act
will effect more toward extirpating Fenian
ism in the rank*—tf it exists thare—than a I
the constables spies. Dwyers, Judge* and
hangmen within the fair scasof Britain could
Cure for Asthma.—ln a Ist* number
of the Country Gentleman, we find the fbl
lowing rcc.ipe f<*r asthma, communicated
hy l)r W 0. liicknk, of Harrisburg I*a:
I have a son, nix years old, that had the
a«thma in rhe m at distressing form for umn*
three or four month*, when he was one or
two years old. We tried everything *«•
iould hear of without getting rebel, till
we were told to ran hi* neck and hrooat with
petroleum, and we u-ed it both crude nod
r* fined, experiencing very speedy reltaf and
a final and p< rmane it cure; fur ha,ban net
since had a rctui a of it, sad it Row R-*—j
tusllliy child. . ' JHt
» wt
-The Mormon
’l'tfl'Mfonnic, who a nan^#^PftHß— >m
■•* I leHjFrnJm^. ffijjMWro and ex nW<—lf,
Oa* mr, ~t ymr ... ••• ■**•«
Owaaa»» m
palter If foaS^ro—wadL*"*
Dollaraard fiftyCwUpOfOifor
lb* first is-erma. aad s«*«wryA*U Canto tut
aaah auhaegwaw* iaaiKha psyakla te tohwa**.
Liberal ilakh^atteaa aawfoto^umAeaMajW afro
Ml. A Mr—pnodaoc nl is fftoariwa
Farmer gin* tha fallowing Miff far on horse*, whidi ka had tftad, ou
many hoc*— far sc* oral y—ra. and m—
failed in aa iaitocdta • oara: “ faktssksv
•l fall ts hot ashes, (waud mJk—J and tfrrww
it anda-r the I—l—k and al*—« fit Mas,
the part akrayt first sleeted, tf&fana
hw iwtdty iff *i (j thorn, rwi— U.a f«t ami
pear tha —he* no, dropping th* ts find
»y. la two hours, the hutxj yß.ororq With
ease to hiomoir, howev ar *<iff he may fia*«
been. The disease is immediately eared hy
•he application. Tbo cracks ta tb« akin
require a lew days to heal.”
Kffik. There are about thirty thotomil
hod 1.1 of Federal soldo re buried io Georgia,
which the U. 8. Go* rnm-nt prop—— ter
eoacentraie ia three separate eemeteriee iff
this Mate.
Why not take all tha Federal dead back
to the North, and let the Boath bring thaiiv
hack to tb< ir own i-wetiow. It woukl not
surprise us lor the rule and-rota party yet
n issue an edtot that tha Bader.l gr.v«
should he annually decorated, and ihm Con
federate grave* *pit-upon and dsnood-ffpM,
all to the tune of Yankee Doo-Jle Dandy.
W The Radical Central Commute of
ffissonri have, in wdemn conclave, declared.
“ That wc htdd it the duly of Congre— not
to adjourn before the fourth of Miroh, 1867,
unless the reconstruct ion of tbe Union ha*
been settled before that lima in tha »<n— of
the principles laid dosn in the Declaration
of Independence.” That in, “ that all mart
are croated free ,- nd iqit.l.” except aigittt*,
who are unjtrrior, and B</uth«tn white folk*,
who are »«/rrior.
M. A curious a|.paratus for propelling
halloons ihr .ugh the air haa been
hy Mr. Butler, one of the tin tuber, es the
Gouneil of the new aeronautical fucirty in
London. If eonsiais of a pair of wings, op
erated from the car of the balloon, who—
downward blow is calculated to strike with
force exceeding forty pounds, a power equiv
alent to an ssecn-ive force of one thousand
cubic levt ol carbureted hydrogen. Tbc
action required Dsouewhatsimi'ar la that of
i’liospßonuH IN TUX A IK— The impnv
•ant discovery haa barn made b* aMr 2hir
rul, that rain water oontei'iM a notable q*t*a
lily of phosphoric acid, probably in the f.»rin
"f phosphate of hate Carried hy thr wind k*
lust, or as phospffnreUed hydrogen from the
puir faction of auimul matter*. He com
putes that 440 gal ona of rain water contains
from 13 to 15 grains of phosphorus, and that
the atmosphere yields annually to the #•» 1
2,400 grains per aura.
23?** The Rev K. B. Fairchild says that
w h U-in Palestine, he met on tbe boeke oftbe
lordan, two English clergymen fill'ng bn
assortment of cans and bottles with water
f our ihe river. Iha water waa MHradsd far
me baptism of children on their rotor* boom,
ar and one remarked th— H weald pay tha ax
|.en-ev of his tour to tbe Holy ha
would not baptise a child with it fa# tab
than a £4 nett.
tST Thu New York Ceaa—erois! Adver
tiser, speaking of the inoonvatency oftbe
Republican [wrty says: •* It favag* oMT«*nf
ag* ie the Swath. It tan— Kin Con**—
icut, and di-own* it whm the *oootitn|itin cf
* «• w Territory w submitted f-w neer—aace.
vS'hai honesty of pur pi wc ean bn jf—Kted
of party representstivee wb# a— as tbeee
have dors on Hie Colorado ysMlbm ?”
SBT Theddou* Stetent. the leader of the
Republican f arty, ita forvm-et np«Ml»-
tixc mm, and the esp-mant and ita beat iotal
tipeoeey go* up in the H<mim of Kipww
tative* yeot. fday a>4 **id he Wan credibly
informed, that, with free labor, cut too Bifid
be pruduend tor pi «er«4 « pnmmd l
Woaid je not be beau Cattery to call thi*
ui a a aa aaa ? — X. Y. World.
A PaoreaßD BatLMa* UMrmnM,~d
call haa beam for the l'reaiilaata.Chtof
Engineers anti General bituerintanlenu «f
nil the t*ilro*d» id Ibe United StaU* is
meet in Contention, at Philadelphia, to it#
4ib of July nest, the otseH Mag «. Ototohtt
oa to tlie couai ruction, penatal
and operation of ll%eafi#fhspMp*^
* ■ : '
STHAxr.r, RetKBBAL —lt it qwWyll
«crv"d by a oolroiporary that' Ipt
a traitor. r. bel or rappathihl
•«fd »tt(*t»in the pohttf jjatJCOMK:»
Tbi« »'P ing a rebel
«h> dot* support A* 9 ; < - v ; :
year to apeak %ht dH? t ‘ : * -V V,^
irca-on Thai year. ‘
' | J 'y”Y* ,> l ■ \ *
'• ..V ■ V'*• V'*