Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 04, 1866, Image 1

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SOUTHERN HERALD PUBLISHED DAILT AT GBIFFIX,GEORGIA, tr martin & eAgan, O fH« * IIVTAIM BANK*’* miLDIVO. F.A'T MM: HILL ST. |(alr« of Snb»«rlplion. One copy one year Ou On* copy »** mouths, 50 ] One copy three months, 2 CO I Jjf ( Irjers for JOB WORK and ADVERTIS : J.N'O respcctlully solicited, and promptly attend’d | 10. I “Hope on, Hope ever.” ProuJ, haughty, domineering, tyranuical Austria, that has lorded it, and mastered it, no long, over two enslaved countries, Venetia and Hungary, has at last jomc, herself, to grief, an<l has grown .-0 Christianly liberal as to relinquish all right of juri.-dictiou over the first —ceding it to Louis Napoleon—and to grant anew Constitution and Ministry to the latter. The Fsnians, or some other in fluence, have made England less merciless to their slave, poor IrelanJ. May not Algeria, Poland, and other enslaved and tyran yiircd-ovcr countries, derive some hope and ‘comfort from the developments of the last few months ? God’s chosen people were in captivity once seventy years. In the mean iiine, they deserted not tbeir Gdd, or forgot the religion of their fathers; and, at last, { in the fulfilment of a promise, based ou the i contingency of their fidelity to their princi-) ‘pies, a third power, under the guidance of’ Heaven, smote their oppressor, and set them ! free. A virtuous people, however down- ! trodden and enslaved, is ever encouraged to hope, aud to persevere in virtue. In God’s just and wise economy, virtue, and adhe rence to principle, must and will triumph, sooner or later. On the contrary, where a people in wickedness, or in <fe»jiair, forget their faith, or fritter it away in unmanly •vieMings and cowardly compromises, then fchen reverses are upon them, or overtake Vh'cVh, they go down like the heathenish j Canaanitcs, justly and righteously—never to rally again. The union of the “Alabama A tch nessce Rivers’ Railroad’’ and the “Dalton A-Jacksonville Railroad,” was effected on the 15th of August, and the consolidated Artitiparty was placed under the control of the first-mentioned road, with Gen. Joseph K. Johnston as President. The road is graded lti miles beyond Blue Mountain, and assurances have Iccn given that the road will be completed to Rome by the Ist of September, 1^(»7. often i eckive —The Host dangerous s'anders are those that con tain ago dly quantity of truth ; the most poisonous pill is frequently Covered Over with * thick cottirig of sit-- - tnguiy Utvorcd with .-..lie delicious essence ; and the most dangerous platform of political principles too olten has a mahogany or rosewood ve ; neering without, dipping in the carvings and curvatures, while all within is diy rot and cankerous decay. Georgia is the healthiest of all the Southern states, except Florida, and ii healthier than any Xcw England state, ex fiept Vermont. OF the whole thirty-five states, there are but eight that are healthier than Georgia. Hail Road I'hiduk—The Dispatch, of August 23d, says that the ll ail Road bridge over the Ocmulgec at that point, will be finished before Christmas. 6S™ The Macon papers state hat Charles Cherry and Alexander Redding, brothers-in law, had an altercation, in that city, on the 23th of August, in which the former was hilled by the lattcf. Death of Tbs Oi.d Citizen —’he Augus ta Press records the death (which took place in that city’, on the 24tli of August) of Mr. John Odom, long and favorably known in that Ctmimunity as a successful merchant and high-toned gentleman. s-sf’* The Augusta Daily Pi •ass is to be I increased in size fifty per ccfrt., aid issued — beginning on the first of October—as a sub scription paper, at five dollars a year. We toish it, what it merits, abundant success. OvEßtksisd K?e.v a Goodr Thing.— Jtev. Russell Keneau, a membef of tire Ar kansas Conference, died in that State, about a year ago, on a Wednesday, after having, the Sabbath before, preached a sermon on a set Subject, six hours long. A European correspondent pungently fays that the accord and friendship of the United States and Russia, are stronger than rver—since they both have a Poland to keep ! “ What chiefly endears the American Government to the Czar, is that they give bim ‘aid and comfort’ on the Inland ques tion, by grinding Virginia and the Carolinas under military rule, and denying ihem the benefit and prolection of the Taws of the bind.”' A Gi. oo my Prospect.— A private etter from Monroe, Louisiana, the well kn\ Wn Ouachita district, gives gloomy accounts->f the growing crops. No rain had fallcsr f<» nearly seven weeks. Vegetation was parch- ed literally. Trees had rfiei to the roots. The corn crop is a complete failure,- and the cotton nearly in the same condition 1 . The Writer has seen corn fields that look as if a fire had passed over them. The river was getting vei'y low* and navigation would soon be closed.— Macon Journal Major Heros Von Tlroekc, who was chief of staff to Gen. J. E B. Stuart, and contrib uted an account of Uia exploits to Black - wood’s Magazine, is tuc on the staff of Pr iuce Frederick Charles, of Prussia. DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL. 1. Public Meeting. At* meeting tn Jackson, or a large end respectable number of the citizehi of Butt county, or. Thursday, the 23d August on motion, Col Wm. Thaxton was called to the Chair, and I>r. J. F. Wright reouested to act ns Nocretarv. The object of the meeting having been oxpkmed by ,hc Chairman, on motion of V 11 , Ba " ks,o ». the preamble and rcsolu (tons adopted recently by the citizens of 1 tkc county, were read to the audienc-q and II , l ) P ~otl ot 1,10 fame moved, which called forth spirited addresses from Messrs Fletcher and Williams— the former being opposed to the principles as set forth in said resolutions, whilst the latter advocated any measure by which the citizens of our buate might constitutionally be relieved of the heavy and destructive embarrassments now hnng ng ovfer Us, and which . eems to threaten to engulph the masses of the peo ple in a common sea of ruin ; there seeming to be a manifest disposition on the part of the vampires of our country, under existing circumstances, to overwhelm it, reduce ma~ tty, ltiheed the majority of our citizens, to beggary, and sap the foundation of all that is good and useful, and that, too, for mere selfish pecuniary advantage— not looking to the luture welfare and prosperity of our once lovely and enterprising State, now a mass oi ruins. We. therefore, the citizens of Betts coun ! ty, after due deliberation, adopt the follow j ing preamble and resolutions: > j H'ltrretis, The Government of the United I .States have emancipated the negroes the j forn,er property of the Southern States : and j whereas, the State of Georgia has ratified said | emancipation by the action of her people in j solemn i. onvention; and whereas, said Con veulion did repudiate the State and Confed erate debt, without extending anv relief to tub people, thereby leaving the goil citizens of the State without any means of paying debts formerly contracted ; and whereas, the , almost entire failure of a crop of grain as we" as cotton, in the greater portion of’the tlic present year, will make it impos Mble Ur the people to j ay any portion of tlieir indchttducss; and whereas, there is a tin, t" st dispo«ition on the part of capitalists i and money dealers, to press their claims to j the gicat sierifiee of what little property is left the citizensof this State; and whereas ! the relief contenip!a-ed by thcGener.il \s sentbly in the passage of the act known* as the stay law, requiring one-fourth of the indebtedness to be paid annually for four fce in view of ettv tin* whole of tlto r<- ~ ho value of prop vj tlieVitiVens of this S.ato, wculU do cots- \ sunied in the payment of the one fourth of said former indebtedness, titer by failing to render the relief intend..d by the passage* of said act, to the peop ! e of the State; there- j lore. O' so'‘oil 1. 1. That the citizens of Butts \ county feel it to he a duty wo owe to hu- \ inanity as well as society, to cuil upon our J Senators and Representatives of the Genera! I Assembly, when convened, to pass a law re .ieving the people of their present embarrass ments, either by stay law, exemption, or r< pudiaiion, by calling together a Cotiven tion or otherwise. 2nd. That, we most earnestly request that the people in the various counties of the State favorable to this cause, to call the citiz ns together, and unite with us in this great and important movement. 3rd. That the public Gazettes in the c'ty of Griffin, and others throughout out the Stale, bo requested to publish these pro ceeding-. Wm, Thaxton, Ch’n, J. F. Wright, Stfc’y. r*6utii-Westkrn Georgia.—A corres pondent of the Southern Recorder, speaking of the advantages that South-Western Geor gia holds out for settlement, says: ‘‘The most important agricultural product of South- Western Georgia is upland rice, whie.i grows on lands that have been worn out by cultivation, yielding to the acre a quantity and quality that is surprising. The rice is planted in checks or hills, about fifteen inches rash Way, and from six to ten stalks left in a hill. A good hand and hoise can cultivate twenty-live acres of this land in rice, which will, on an average of seasons, make thirty bushels to the acre. This, at j the present price that rice sells for, gives H I much greater reward to labor than the best cotton lands in this State. With this rice i crop, the same hand and horse can cultivate j a small potato crop of several acres, and an ; acre in sugar cane, which will yield ten barrels of sugar equal in quality to MttSco vado sugar. The rice crop needs to be 1 ploughed twice, and hoed as often, to insure a good result. This wonderful result is, in parr, explained by the influence of the salt water atmosphere, which so favorably affect.- •he f?ea Island cotton, the West India to ! bacco, which grows finely in this part of the gtate, and the Indigo, which is cut three times during the season, and from which j the indigo of commerce is made. As this : was in the first settlement of Georgia culti vated successfully, what may we not hope j from it,when the young and the old can both engage in its cultivation and manu facture, and the quality equal to that pro dseed in Bengal?” Tfiß L Alton. OnvkntKKT. — The Balti more Labor Convention adopted resolutions that working men should cut loose from ex isting political parties, and organize a Nation al Labor Party, the objects of which shall he $o secure the enactment of a law by Congress, i«nd the fltatc Legislatures, making eight -’Lars a legal day’s work-, and the election of n <H pledged to sustain and - represent the ia te.e.ts ot thcindustrial classes. *■ _ A meeting was held in Memphis, a few g j nce _ f or t he purpose of ratifying the P roc, -qi fl jTs of the Philadelphia Conven tion, over r j c jj (general Forrest presided, and Generala lonelna , (Federal) acted as Secretary, ioh made Geeehes, endorsing, l in the mam, Declaration.,f Principles. “TU* F.-n i» Wiilillrr than lb* Sword.’’ CRIFFIV, GEttIGII, TI ESDAY HOB.VLM,, SEPT. I, 1801 NEWS, FACTS, &C It is tfficially announce 1 that the Empe ror francis Josepth has granted anew Con stitution and Ministry to Hungary. The new Catholic cathedral at Indianap olis, Ind., is to he crowned with a higher tower thnh any other in America. Gen. Grant n reported to have said that Butler stole enougli silver-ware, while in New Orleans, to enclose his new residence with a silver railing. 1 he *' enaniellctl face ” is the latest novel ty iu Newport. The work, which is done in 1 aria, costs §I,OOO, and will last four years with proper care, and a placid expression of count, nance. 1 he finest residence in the .South, is that ot \\\ B. Johnson, of Macon, modeled after the European palaces. In ord.r not to know Imw much it cost, he destroyed the bills as fast as tbey were paid. A man stopping l.t.s paper, wrote to the editor : “ I think fukes ottent to take papers ; my dady dident, and everybody says bo was the most intelligentcst man in the country, en lied the smartest family of bois that ever digged taturs.” The monument to the memory of Col. Colt, of pistel fame, is to be a splendid pile. It is to-be of Scotch granite, sixty feet high, and w ; »? cost not fat from twenty five thous and dollars. "it, loiepti Jones, at. D, of Augus ,a ’ Jj’i Si| ys ?/"* Dhpatch, has ac cepted the chair of Pathology in the* Medi cal department of the University of Nash ville. ProfesSot* Jones is known in Europe no tags than in America as one among the I most eminent scientific cclebritict in the I Union. A Union Meeting at Reading, I’ennsyl vania, on the 22d of AtigUst, resolved, among other things, that Henry J. Ray mond, “by following the lead of the infa mous Andrew Johnson, ’ “ lias become un worthy and odious,” and therefore urged his expulsion from the Chairmanship of the Republican National Executive Committee. The Methodist Protestants of Maryland are making active preparations lor the hold ing of Centenary camp meetings, interesting the Sunday schools in the work of the Cen tenary year, by providing medals, etc. The Montreal Witness says that, from all accounts the crops are likely to be abundant in Canada, this season. A Saratoga correspondent says that in consequence of the quarrel existing between Morrissey and the hotel-keeper, the former intends to erect in Saratoga the largest hotel It will co s t $1,000,000. To keepers, the rates of board fire iu at §2 per day, instead of §5, the present price. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VIRGIL C. COOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (J UIF F 1 N , G EOK li lA . may3 ts i). n. maiitin, A TToli X K V A T LA IP, GR I F KIN. GEOR GI A . Office next tiour to ihe Herald office.l mnyStf D M. J. DANIEL, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OH - ICE l p-atehs Front Corner Uoo.n Juseys' Building. March 19 Sm D. E. F. KivOTT, Rating returned to Griffin, respect full v tenders his ?ItO F E SSI OJf Ala SEIt V I CE S To those who mnv desire them. < )ffice and rooms in the BRICK BUILDING the Idrery Stables, where he may Ins AmnJ Hay or night except when I'rofeesionally engsged. aprU Fill Charlie Wright, \VA TCHMA KER AXU JE WE LEI gje EAST SIDEIIILL STREET, \ JhjßL OVER CFFORD'S- All Work warranted. Dec 27,18ti0. J. Q. A. ALFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GA. t X \ T ILI. attend to such professional business as i V may be entrusted to his care in the eoun. ties of Spalding. I’ike, Upson, Monroe, Batts Henry, Fayette, Coweta find MerritvCther. By ptomptand diligent attention to professional duty lie will endeavor to please those who may en trust hfnY With t)'i‘siees& fie is determined that the business of liis clients, together with >iis. own shall occupy his time and atteniiou exclusively, (lllieeoii Hilt Street, upstairs, pposite HER AI.I) OFFICF. February 22. 1 BfiA. Iy. DOYAL & NUNN ALLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA WILL PRACTICE IN TIIE COUNTIES OF Spalding, Henry, Fayette. Butts. Monroe ! Upson, Pike, Clayton, and Mcrriweather; and , will attend to the collection of cluhns »j»ainstth Federal Government; and also to the purchase : and sale ol real tstai;. I As we shall devote our whole attention to our j profession, we hope to be able to give general ! satisfaction w all who may think propel to engage ' our services. L. T. DOTAL. A. D. NUNN ALLY. Dee 27. ts _____ JOHNSONS 0 6rDON\ Cammi asi on 31 erch an t 8 GROC"HES,'PR'VISrn-S &C. ALABAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, Jany 4, to. j. j, lui t r. rr. t'iiiuma* Hall & Thurman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JA CKSOX GEORGIA WILL practice in the counties composing the Fuvr Judicial Circuit ood attend'to lEe collection of Claims against the Goesal Ocvm- MtNT . . .’*<> . | March Ist. ts. AWARDED A GOLD MEDAL AT 1 UK Am. Inst. Fair, Ocronr.R 19, 1865. In direct competition with all the leu,lire maker* m the country. “A* i: LOU B KT” ORGANS I AND 31 ELUDE ON S. I’fcI.OUHET, PELTON M O. Respectfully invite the attention «.f Michuser*. llie trade nmi profession, to the FOLIA>\VIXU IXSTKU.WKNTS Os their Manufacture: PEDAL BASE ORGANS, Five sizes. Five octave, one to three banks of keys, three to eight setts of Heeds, Prices 8330 to S3OO SCHOOLORGANS Nine styles, single ami double Heed. Rosewood and BUelc W»1 nut eases. Prices 9100 to 9400 Piano style and Portable. Twelve Varieties, fi om four to six I leaves, single and Double Heed! Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases Every 1 i.«t current is made by competent work tnen, from the Lest material under our personal supervision, and every modern imj rovement worthy of the name, is introduced in them.- — Among these we would call attention to the TEE MoI.ANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own ttianitfaetur* From among the very flattering Testimonials ot j eminent Pn-iessnrs and Organists, tie give the fol- , lowing extracts: ‘‘The pedals I conceive to be unapproachable in 1 their beautiful smooth quality.”— Wm A. Kino, j “It is a grand, good Instrument, and does cred- j it ot the builder."—ll. C. Folgk«, Troy, N. Y. ‘'l ii, are among the finest Instri’ments manu factured eiti. 'r in this country or abroad.—Wm Beiio. J. Mosi.ntiial, Aptbrnas.- ! “They have given Unifer”tf7 BatisfSeUofi."--W. E lliw t.tr, Fon-du-lac, Wis. “There is a peculiarly sweet and -sympathetic tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice." —W. 11. Cooke. ‘ I am particularly pleased with the arrange ment of the different registers."—Wm. H. Bn.vi*- bi lt», “No other instrument so nearly approaches the organ."— The Chorister. X. Y. “This instrument has a clear superiority over anything yet introduced among us.— lndependent, v r. ■ 9 and “Tlie tones and the action are excellent " —Rev. ; W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York "The more we use it the better we like it."—J. B Haove, Hudson, N. Y. “The TWr. Rank Organ Harmonium is really a gem."—J. W. Kixxictrr, Boston, Mass. “We havs found them excellent in all pointi constilulinga good instrument.”—J. C. Cook, T. J. CooX. •‘it looks ami sounds splendidly."—S. B. Sax ton, Troy, N. Y. “The most perfect toned Metodeon I ever saw." Gw F. North. “They fall back,on such substantial merfls as superiority of workmanship, jie&uty of tone and reasonnblene* of price. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of prarse.”— Musical Pioneer, Auy. ’65. I3jf” Every Instrument is fully warranted, and Boxed an.l Shipped in New York city «itkout charqe. Circulars, Cs*s, and Price Lists, Ac, sent on ap. plication to PELOUBET, PELTOX 4a CO. 811 BROADWAY, N Y. Or to any of our Afauta in th« principal cities of the Union. TdiT THE subsertbers, having completed their ar rangeineuta, are now prepared to furniah the citiaens sf Orii% and surrounding country, with IOJD in qnaatitle* to suit, at their new It opposite tba Passenger Depot The price for the present is five c«n* bv retail, and a fiber*! deduction will be made » the trade, dale «-ts MANLEY «t JACKSON. ! TAIL O RING! C. B. SMITH Having » tmu»p -hop in up Hair* over Ch#iry‘i Stor*. on ilill street, i* now doing all kind of work in hi* lin* at fifty per c*nt. 1« «* than any other ahe and in Middle <»eorgia. lie i* an«l will continue to lie receiving the latent American and Kuropean fa*hiona Cutting done ai a moment** warning. aug<» lyr JOS. ENGEL’S mu 1 siom. r l he under-igned desires to inform the public that he baa returned to hia old home IN GRIFFIN, " here he is determined to furni-h them with GOODS a p. LOW as they can jvossibly be affordcl. I have on hand FIIESII cJb KTBIW, A Complete Stock of CRY GOODS, Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Hats, &c. My well known Character os a business man here in fortacr days, is a sufficient guar antee of Fair and Honest Dealing. Call on me at my NEW STORE, at the OLD STAND, West Corner of Hill street and Broadway. JOSEPH ENGEL Aug. 2,lßCH —tm. QUEEN S W ARE, CHINA AND GLASS WARM. ALII RIDE, DOIWETT &. CO. Coruer Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta. Full lines t'f C. C. f.rdnitc find Glassware IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE or in lots to suit purchasers. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine assortment of •• Assorted Crates” very low to the trade. ..JJ/jJi rsjirc n«|tl..ula,l w |„ call am] YORK rates, and our stock is ai complete as auy n the country, North or South. McliUlDE, DORSETT A CO. July 19-Htn IIEXKV DCTAN. A. L. HAInnIUUK .l_ H. ». ,E>, BRYAN? HARTRIDGE SCO.. COMMISSION MEHCHANf« i A'D firols-ersf SAVANNAH G EORGIA WE solicit consignments anil tnnke Advances on shipmentii to ourselves, JSew.York And Lfverpbol corrfeflpondente. j OTPLANTERS’ SUPrLIES FURNISHEDJ£f RUg*»3—tf _ J. N. SEYMOUR, | , CIIKRRV STREET, mm, - 6EOR6IA. KEEPS on hand a full stock of Groceries and Provisions, which he offers e* tow a> any other house iu the city. o • ; He also keep- on band ell grades of TOBACCO, i and deals in LorillardTs SNUFF, and SMOKING ! TOBACCO, of vat ions brands, and invitee a call from merchants, Planters, ami others. augSO-dySin J. X. SEYMOUR. (Bftffiu 4:malr (gol!cjc. * FIRST TERM, SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SES SION BEGINS AUGUST zotli WITH A FULL FACULTY. I Primary Class, per Term, - - - $lO. Preparatory, •* ... Is. College Class, “ “ • • - 20. Music “ “ “ - • • 20 Use of Piano. “ “ ... 3. Modern Language! and Painting, - 10. Incidentals, ........ j. Tirnos Patablf. in Advax k. i 'Hie ample facilities and tlmiough instruction i afforded appeal to public confidence and patron 'age. W. A. tOCtfCS. A. M., aug9-ot* Freaident. DR, f.A. WARrM & CO., URUGFGHBTS, DECATUR ST.,- ATLAJTTA, GA DEALERS in Pure Drugs, Chemicala, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Toiiet Articles, Ac., ' Cigara, Wines. Liquors. Dye Stuffs, Farota. Otla, i Glass. Putty. Ac. Coal Oil and Lamp and Tanc»r'» Oil. All at the I- ’ l "* T *. Price ‘"d 9 “ SOl THK/I.Y HEtt.ll.lJ. astasos traainiss AXb Aumnsixs, Os* copy one year * td w Oas copy six months ’" 3 On* copy three month. ' * ut IVV4IUK.V I. AI>VAM, tw Ad stopp'd at tb« end of the: a.# paid for if uot pr*-. ious’y renewed. Advertisement* inserted at the ret.* of Or* Dollar and fifty Cent, per wjuare of T»e 1 ineo fat th» Sort iasertion. and Sevsott-five Issli for each «üb*e<iiieiit insertion j.oy able in advaaee. Lilieral ‘l**dcc(innt made ot. euaiTMta far tuerasn’s running three'n.-.i.ths and longer CITV DIKECTOUY. A. BELLAMV—Mayor— DflScc «t City Hall. 111”'. NAIJ.--tl.il, »~| Tresiurvt ..f City 1 t ouiieil.-- 1 ’ffii-e nt Nall s Uai-Ms*,'. m„„ GKO. D. J’iHNxj.s --t hies M ir-ba’. lb -, at | Cits Hall. Aidant* —W. 11. C Mickdb rry J. s. Wm, A. B. Ms'liew e. J. Ni. Harris. C. F. Newtoa. kl t>' Smith, Heniy Moore, John 11. t hfi«. IU SI.NKSS COiIMITII.I.' F.vavci.— Wise, Moore, Harris. Srtr.cTS A.sn AllkvV—White, flickclber*-y,M.th w*. OaMx.fscts—Moore, white ( 'tanmi- ,xi, hull I.oiw—Miekelbcny Har ris, ..until, • I Tars AM’ l'vnu' Wuu Mathews White. Stsmt Em 1.- 1 u nurxts—Harris. New ton. Moor* Xtt.ASic**— Mathew*, Newb- Yt'i-.- CJPanovrr. — Newton, Wise, Wright. cot'STY OH 111. US F. D. DI-Mt KE—Oidinary —t *tT. -» nt. in Alm..h Hi 11. J. 11. C< >N N\l IA t’lerU i.f Shim 1n r t 'ourl. flk * in Almah llall. \o. i. j -I. II I.A>E—Cleik Inferior ti n1 - 1 Hk# up stair. ;n Almah llr.ll I>. D. IKIVAI, he, lif TIIOS. SI M< INT' >N—Count v Tt - a-irer.-Of ficcat Dr. J. W, S. Mitchells fUtVEKNiIENToF! !fEI!S, B. toill’lON—U. ti. Internal Kevrnu* l\ t Collector. -Office at the Plant.ra Bank Build, Solomon Stieef. D A. Joll.NsoN- r. s.'fax Assessor —offiew n Planter’s Bank Ifnileing. RAfES OF LE(4AL ADVERTISING. Sales of I.lin.lt by Adiiiini.tralors, Kveulort nnd liiiardians are■ re.piired by law to be held on the first ruesdny in each umnth. bet wcea the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in li e after noon, at the court house in the county in which the property is situated. No’ices of tlo se sales mutt be {riven In ». publis IfoxeUe todays previous. Notices of sales of peisnnal property tmi«t fit given ill n public gaectte lo dais previous to sale. Notice to debtor* and creditors of an estate must fie published til days. Notice that application will lie tnsds in ifi* Court of Ordinary for leave to 11 land must b* published two moot Its. Citations for letters of Ailiuinistru’-iuii, (luirJi vil ’ ip Ac., must be publisbed 110 days. Citations f>r distbission from administration, j once a moiiUi for six month*. ! Lor letters of dismission trnin GuarJianshiti to days. 1 Rules for the foreclosure of mortgages must ha published once a muiith for four muuttis—for es tuhlidiing lost paper’for tbs full space of three mouths—for compelling title, from Adiuinistrn tors, where bonds have been given by the deceas ed, for the lull space of three months. Publication* will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwia* ordered at the following KATIvL SlierifT.s sale* per levy ol ten lin«*orl*" #3 00 Sheriff's mortgage fi I* sales per lev * **o Tax Collector's sales, per Citations for letters uf -’,l,»nuss>m■ ,^‘, *''" " C. Citation* for lcyor’ 1 0 S' ’ : »,0/. *«wttMl I p • - from Applii sti. ii to sell Land and W. Notice to Debtor* mol Creditors, 8 Off Sale if Land per square, 3 00 Sale of perishable pr perty 10 day* 2 00 Estray notices. t’>o day*. 4 00 Foreclosure of mortgage, per square, \ 0 For man advertising bis wife, 111 advanee. 10 0 RAILROAD OXTXX3E. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. A. ,T. WlllTK. l , iii>ii>KNf. E, 15. WALKER, SiVr. Leave Mm >:i 7 30 A. M. Arrive at Griffin H S* l " Arrive at Atlanta 1 57 I’M. Leave Atlanta 8 65 A. M. Arrive at Gnftin 9 60“ “ Arrivti at Macon 1 FO P. fioUTH WEbTEItN RAILROAD. . W.\l. HOLT, Phoim'vt. VIRGIL POWERS, Sum "* Leaves Macon 7 23 A Arrives at Kufaula 6 18 P. , Leaves Kufaula., 3 10 A. M. Arrive! at Macon •••ye ■ 4 10 P. M. AI.B SS.*- BRA Mil. I l.eavcs SinithviUe *2 42 P. 7*l. 1 Airive«-‘ Albany 4 ->4 P. M. 1 Leaves Albany 7 XO A. M S Arrives at Stnithville 9 09 A. Jf. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. JtillN MUSTAIN, Par-siDKar. CLARK E, Sum. leaves Macon : 7 23 A. M. Arrives at ColurnlxH 4 24 A. M. Leaves Colurrdiu* .............. ..7 A. M. Arrives at Macon 4 10 P. If. GEORGIA RAILROAD. •T. P. KING, Pir-mi-vr. E. \V COLE. Si r'T. leaves Attgu-ta 7 A.M Arrives at Atlanta 6 50 P. M. leaves Atlanta 7 05 A. M. Arrives at Augusta 9 30 A. JL NIGHT TRAIN Leaves Augusta S 10 A. M, Arrives at Atlanta.. 6 41 A.M. Leaves Atlanta Ho »’ Me Arrives at Augusta 9 30 A. if. ATLANTA & WEST POINT KAILR- >.\D GEORGE 0. HULL, Sum. LiivM Allan tii .. . fS A. M. Ai*rivM at Went K*omt *li -15 A.M. L«avct Hat on ton 12 35 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta. ts 00 P. M. miVATB Enter tainme nt. iua ARTHUR W. BROWN' lakes tin me -9 tliod of inforuiing hi* old friends that ha opened a bouse for priraU entettarn. the city <>f Atlanta, on the corner of Han-* 1 tor and Lloyd streets. imrucdi*sely in (Foul of the Catholic Churuh. and about one hnndrad and fifty yards from tbe Car-shed. Uia terms are vary r *ang3o—dy 1 yr ARTII UR W. BROWN. SCHO^> L NOTICE rj-nR uodaraiguad proposes tw X the building known a* KnoU% Cbltge, a-j. gust 6Ui.. Term* from $3 to (3. jutytf a U MORlQw*