Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 04, 1866, Image 3

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jin Soutbtrn geralll. «.riCO 11. (irorcia, n< pt 4, 1H66. Uiifflj* This city, or, according to tlie Macon jfteqraph, ‘‘village,” seems to have an up ward tendency. The merchants are all lay ing in fres& stocks, and preparing fir the •Fall business, while several new houses are being opened. Messrs. G. A. & FI. C. Cun ningham, Reid «fc George, and Daniel &, Rucker, are erecting new building* on grounds hitherto unoccupied. Messrs. John H. Wl ,ite *fc Cos., arc removing to Atla t but the house they leave, will be occupied by Messrs. S'-illwell & Becks, who will be receiving a heavy stock in a few days. They aBo contemplate establishing a largo furniture store up stairs in the sam'* build ing, which is an excellent place for the business. Messrs. \Vinship & Gordon are just opening a heavy stock on the corner of Bill & Broadway opposite Joseph Engel; Mr. W. W. Woodruff is likely to open his carriage business on a large scale pretty soon; Mr. Bach will occupy Stillwell & Beeks’old stand. Messrs Rhea & Johnston have recently opened business on Solomou street next door to Almah Hall All these and other changes have been, arc being, and will be made in this interesting city, town cr “village,” as the taste, inclination or ca price of persons may incline them to call it. Wc might add that there is aWeokly, a Tri- Weckly, and last, hut not least, a Daily paper being published here. Messrs.* Winship & Gordon, have just opened their new stock, at the corner of Hill Street and Broadway, oposite Joseph Engel’s, consisting of boots, shoes, hats, and various other articles. We suppose their stock is very large from the number of box es. opened and unopened, which covered the entire hou-c. Read their advertisement in another column, and then call on them. The New Organ. — We have no regrets to announce, for yielding to a polite in vita tion ou the part of that excellent. Christian gentleman, R. v. Mr. Fulwood, and trails fering our presence to the Methodist cluirel bh last Saturday evening, I t the purpose mainly of witnessing the drlutt, mi to speak, of the net organ. We are no musician nor the son of a musician,—but, were we allowed to Judge, we should say that the iu.-truuieni is one o! m >st excellent tone. Whether the organ is so excellent of itself, or the master tnatiipiilut onr. id the [ir o iner, Brules.-t i Schoedtr, made it stem \ <• tit any how we cannot tell ; but a.- m ■ mu>;c was supei latively cxcelh nt at any rate, we have cho.-n. to decide that only a muster ins.'rnmiit h been sltutk by a uiasttr hand We an gla 1 to leiro tint Pint’ S.dueller has bee engaged as regular organist. SOUTULRN C’t'Llll VATOIt. —This very excellent ‘practical and sen otitic news*-aper for the plantation, the garden, and th< family circle,” for September, i- before u-. It happene 1 to reach us when, luckily. v,- had more than con.iiioii 1-isure to < x.nniin it We rise from its petui.it. with tlie r. • t’cwed assurance to c uimlv's. that henathr especially in the South, agricultural journal cormot be too highly priz and or too mucl encouraged,—that this journal in particulai stands A. No. I. in I lie list. —and this par ticular number (for September) is first rate We hope to reproduce much of its valuable matter, from time to time, in our columns. Published Monthly at Athens, Georgia, t y Win N. White Terms Tiro dollar* s> year, or One dollar, for six months, or ha// o dollar, for three months in adranre.. SeRVIOES AT THE METimiHfl’i' Cllt'RCII. • —We are reque.-ted to say that the sun ri>e prayer meetings, as abo divine service every niirht, will be con inu- and through the present week, further protraction of these services will be duly announced. te?* Dr. N. U Drewry is now sole pro prietor of the Drug store of the late firm ot N B. Drewry <fc Cos., his stock of Drugs is extensive, and he is prepa.cd to sell at the lowest rates. We advise all parties who de sire anything in the way of Drugs, medicines, Kerosene oil Eureka oil, and the various other articles, which may be sect! in his ad ver iscment, to be found in the appfopriatt columns, to call at Drewry’s—Dent i'urgc. —Dtewry’s Drug store. B©* A prayer meeting of some in sere- 1 has been held at the Baptist Church for ter days past, commencing at 5 P. m. and clos ing at 6. Tbs interest has been such as to Induce the the membership to have preach ing at night during the present week, and a prayer meeting at 8 in the morning, to which the community are invited. fiitiFFW Lames’ Memorial Association.—On next Thursday night. (Sept, fith.) Col. C. Peeples will deliver a lecture in the basement of the _Bapti.t Charch, for the benefit of the “Griffin Ladier Memorial Association ” *1 lie question may be asked—" What, does the Assoeiaii on want j with money ? ’ Kuo ving ihoir v?p#s, we answer. firtl object is to look after the graves of our Con ederate dead between this place and At faatA, collect t<g**tber their bo net. and place th?m in some convenient bnrying-ground. After they have accomplished that work, th-v intend to erect a monument in honor to all that lie in and around Griffin--to do all, in fact, that the\ can tc perpetuate the memory of ihoge who -an*- ficed lluir lives for u«. They feel confident no one will refuse to aid them iu this great and no» tie cause Admittance 50 cents; children half price. «r Tickets enn be had it Messrs. Daniel A Bueker s, the Look irtore.aed at Messrs. Luwen stoin <t Pfeifer's. 3t tes“ See the Card of Messrs. Patrick A Brothers. They are furnishing shoes, boots, feather, Ac. to all who may favor them with 8 calk .JTou ennnot trade at a belter house. ItUHllOca —We are gratified to notice, that there is a marked increase of religious interest in this community in most of the Churches. Tee Primitive llap’ists have held a series ot meetings retailing in the addition of a -targe number to their membership, some he. ing restored, aud others joining ou a profes sion of faith. At the Methodist Church, a meeting has b-cn in progress for lour weeks, and contin ues with increasing interest. A number have been received into the church, and among them some prominent citizens—heads of families. A remarkable feature in this uiect ; ng is a regular sun rise prayer meeting, which wc understand, is well attended. The Methodist Sunday school is in a very flourishing condition, and really rejects credit on the church. Under the efficient instructions of Mr. I fford, the children are taught sacred music. And how well he has succeeded, alj know, who have had the priv ilege of attending one of his concerts. C®* Mrs. Jackson is still carrying on her Millinery establishment, and is now pre pared to show to her lady friends a vast variety of bonnets, hats, &c , names not re collected She will soon have in her stock complete. Go, ladies, and have a foretaste of the new styles.—We went and took a view—would have staid much longer, but were crowded out by lady customers. Music—Many thanks to the young gentlemen who favored us with “ninsic. sweet and soft," near our • ftiee on Hill street lost evening. 1 hough not intended epoeially for us, we enjoyed it never theless, and would assure them that when dis posed to favor us again, we will “lend a willing ear."* r * The Richmomd Enquirer hits the nail on he head when it says of the Philadelphia Convention, *• we do not endorse or accept the theories of the platform or address, tho’ '•oncuring in the practical objects and aims <d the Convention.” This is the right po sition. Ret Democrats everywhere spit up on the platform of the Randallites, while at tho same time they stand ready to aid in re storing the Souihcrn States to their rights in Congress, aud in the Union —-V. U. Don limit. * THE GREATEST INDUCEMENT OF Till*; SEASON AT MRS. TAYLOG’S MILIINEKY EMPORIUM /'IONTKMIM.ATI N(* a radical «l»nise»* in bu-i V-V lies* tin* comii g season, tin* m l i >itr • and «»•« or tli- next Full! V or FIFT Y PAYS, a LAIIGE. . i:f>ii und Fashionable viu k of Mill inert/ arid Fatten (load*, .f prift a that u ill aslfti.isli. tlu* most incredulous. •N ♦* attempt no limnbu/. hut tin* goods MU>T and A ILL In* sol l at 50,,,,, pi itM*. a portion us the *tock at less than cost. A gi«Mt inducement will ho «jr«*red to any wish ing to inukc n gOod bill. Call soon, as ilie best fiance* arc first taktu. S. S. TAYI.O'tt. Ag . t. at Ladies’ bturc. Griffin, July 19 180'i --1 1 NEW I'M YSIOGNOMY. or “Si is.it.” us iim . fe-led through Ten-p« ratnci.l and. r.xternal 'o n s. nr.d » ia!l\ in the "himan kuk • iviXE.” One elegant volume. with nearly giw» •ages aid I,mm ihustrations. By S, li. Wells. Editor I‘/t r< nolof/ical Journal. Price, postpaid. <5. Address Fowler and: Weils. No. 389 Broadway, New York. “New Physiognomy" is eminently practical, fully ill strated, and well * ited to the wants of all. In the study of ’the face” the reader soon learns to read each mid every feature. Noses aie classified as the Roman, Greek, Jewish. Snub and Uelestiul. The eyes sp*ak all languages, whether lack, blue, brown or hazel. In it like nihiinei Tieeßs, neck, ears, hands feet, walk, voice, laugh, •t .• . are,shown to be “sign** of elmritcler In riiMithcr work is so much light thrown upon he character and desf inv of in .iikind as in this. »»• the distinctive traits of nations and tribes so clearly pointed out. Poi traits of distinguished persons of ancient nnd modern times, witti bio graphical sketches and delineation of character, ire given. ]>ivr es, Orators, Statesmen, War riors. Artists. Poets, Philosoph is, Inventors urgeons. 1 >is-*oVei. ia. Actors, Musicians, etc , are included, it is an •Eneyclopiedia’of biog rnphy, acquainting the reader with the career und chai act er of many great men and women, of the past 2,Out) years, and of the present—such, for instance ns Aristotle, Julius Cfcear, Slinks penre, Washington. Napoleon, Frank in, Ban croft, Bryant. Tongfellow. Irving. Rosa Boa hen r, Theodosia .Burr, Colden, Bright. Lawrence, Bolivar, Whateley. Thackeray, I>ow . Knox. Rich eJiei , Hooper. Buckle, Bickons, Victoria, Wesley, . ai lyle, Motley, Mill, Spencer, Thompson, Guth* ie, Alexander, and hundreds of others. Agents wanted. 800 : sent by return poa*. or express, on receipt of price. aug3o-3w BDRLBMAX & IU\KB, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOT?, SHOES, LEATHER. SHOEMAKERS TOOLS. LAST’S. PEGS. Ac. ; also. jlamfactuikrs ok BOOTS Cb Keeps the LAUGESI iTOCK of Goods ill their line, llm* is lo be found in any one House in Geor gia. Country Merchants are invited to examine our stock t ‘tor • purchasing elsewhere. CHEROKEE BLOCK, PEACHTREE ST.,. Atlauta Gtoreiu May 3 llf Travelers Look to Your Interest! MRS. REBECCA IIARLEY, W il.li an experience inferior to none, keeps a Firs! Class BOARDING HOUSE, On tbe corner of Broughton and Montgomery s»s SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. July 26-ot NATIONAL HOTEL. Comer Whitlmll Street and \V. <t A Railrosl ATLA VTA, (,I'.()R(,IA. This Newly.l.rtctedr, Commodious, First Class Hotel, Mlrgamly furnished throughout, a:.d complete in all itr* appoii.tmenu, ig now open for the reception .of guest**, nnd in successful op»*ia«i<»n. Attach, and i«> this Hotel i.« u fine Jiilliard Parlor, with Phelan Tallies. \ I t lass liar, fully ami completely stocked with cho’ce liquor-*, Wines and Cigars. Tlie patronage of the public is respectfully *o licked. PRATT, POND A COKKY. Proprietors. 11. D. llapris Clerk, bate of the "jlrown House,” Macon, Ga .Tun** 28ll». Sm CRQCEMES $6. 11)()0 BtTSIIKLS wHiTEc ° Rjf * -| | SAi Ka COFFEE, -j | BARBELS SUGAR, A 1$ and C. Fur sa'e by SALMONS A WARD. Atlanta, Ga •)( :lj » DRIED BEEF, Cli'.ies,; qi || iu beef tongues. For »a\t by Salmons a ward. Atlanta, (. a ,y j rv ISARRKLS KfAJUIt. all grVlta. “q 6oxicscandi.es, KEGS POWDER. For ealo by SALMON'S A WARD, Atlanta, Ga. BALKS PRIME TIMOTHY HAT. |*Q DOZEN OYSTERS, -|| KEGS ASSORTED NAILS, For fair by SALMONS A WARD. Atlanta, Ga. Just Received. 20 lIIIDS. CLEAR SIOES, UO Titrceß Ctiou'e Rib Sides, 20 “ Shoulder*, 10 " Sugar Cured Ham«, 2od Rids Sup'fine and Extra Futility Flour, 2000 Bushels Corn, 25 Sacks Coffee. SO Barrels A B ai.d C Sugar, 600 Dried Beef, 20 Barrels Syrup, 100 Sacks Virginia Salt, 60 libli. Virginia Salt. SALMON'S A WARD, We have removed t*. LYNCH'S GRANITE FRONT BLOCK, corner Whiteli ill and Alabama streets, where wo are prepared to serve custom ers, as we have a large stork of Groceries, Provisions &c, A*'d our house bring of huge capacity, and oort veniditly located, is well suited for the storage of goods. SALMONS A WARD, rbmtnipfiion Merchants, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, Juno 14-3 m Atlanta, (is. WAR "DECLARED! XIV EUROPJ3, JOHN H. WHITE & CO., I’r 'pose to sell their entire Stock of GOODS at greatly REDUCED PRICES Until the first of September next. If you want BARGAIN’S, now is the time, and John 11. White & Cos., is the place to get them. Call soon or the chances may a 1 be taken. iv i: ii noons Now in TRANSITU will be included in the proposed reduced rales. Come and satisfy yourselves. Griffin, Ga., July 5 if GREAT INDUCEMENT! We respectfully invite the attention of all per sons who desire to purchase Hoods nt prices sur passingly low, to our >Unk of SI'III\G A\l) SmiER coons. TO THE LADIES, We ofTVi a Beautiful and Fashionable selection of Lawns, l’ackolls, French Jackonets, Mozambiques, Foulard*, Calicos, et<*. Also, a large assortment of White Goods, such as Jaconet, Swiss and Or gandie Muslins, Nnnksook, IMain and Striped Em broideries of nil descriptions, with a large variety of other Useful uud Fancy articles. THE GENTLEMEN Will find ft Superior Stock of the Latest nnd most j fashionable Styles of READY - MADE CLOTHING, Together with French and Scotch Csssimtres, Dahlia Cloths, and evejy other article of Furnish ing Goods necessary to complete theif Wardrobe. Besides, our STOCK OF JYOTIOJYS, Consisting in part, of Hosiery. Gloves, Handker chiefs, Laces, Linen and Jaconet Edg ng and In selling. Hair Brushes, Toilet Articles, 4e., nreun surpassed. In addition to the above, weofl'er a large nsarot nient oi BOOTH, SHOES and DOMESTICS, from the best manufactories in opStaHqn. All of the above articles will be sold at a small advance upon jrime cost. We can assure the j public Cfiut our goods were pirEchased for cash, I nr on as good tc i-nis as they can be bought, and we are determined to sell as low as any other house in Griffin. We will be pleased to show our assort ment to purchnshera, feeling confident fn offr abili ty to give sntisfretion to even the most fastidious. LOEWENSTEIN & I’f'KIFKII Griffin, Ga , April 19,1306. ts Corn and Bacon for Sale, ON TIME. | SMITH, ST iRK A CO., at the warehonse of Jarnigar, corner of Forsyth and Alabama streets. Atlanta, Ga.. have a large lot of Cera aad Ba on. wilieh they p-opoaa to f~urntab--£o prompt, responsible planters on the following terms: They will give fifty bushels of Corn or three handled pounds of Bacon for five hundred pounds of good Middling Cotton. The planters will receive the Dorn or Bacon now, and deliver the Colon iaexf November, at tbeir store in Atlanta. ‘ The planter mustgive two approved endorsers nr a lien “I ’.island jnne nf 2m. DANIEL & RUCKER.! a GENERAL ft Grooors, Produoo 0 AS D 0 Commission Merchants, t Far ha it's old stand. ft ■II 1.1. ST., GHIFFIN, GA. s Wc will soon receive large acces*?i«*n« to our already splendid Stock. Come m and see us at the lute Hand of the i *l’ \ I !N(«II A We guarantee universal natisfaction to our customer* May 24, lbC6-tf Johnsons & Gordon, EXTEKIVE TRADE S A L E, PHICEN DOWN TO SUIT THE TIMES ! 20 BOXES GROUND PEPPER, 600 BBLS. FLOUR, nil Grade*, 60 BBLS. SUGAR, all Grades. OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L! EXTENSIVE DEPOT. Any quantity furnished at prices so cheap ns to guarantee every family to buy a Barrel. Cheaper than Candles or Wood. 2000 SACKS CORN, 25 llllDS. BACON. 20 TIERCES LARD. 10 BARRELS WHITE BEAN'S, 20 SACKS COFFEE, GREEN AND BLACK TEA, 60 Bids. NEW CROP s. O. MOLASSES. 20 BOXES CANDLES, fmo Bid., and Boxes CRACKERS, all 100 BOXES PICKLES, all kinds, 10 808. PICKLES, Cucumbers, 20 BOXES RAISINS, Aim rude, Brazil Nuts, Tccans, Waluuts <tc. CANDIES, nil sorts, 800 Id's Biaek Pepper, Ginger Spice Ac. Common Starch, Pearl Starch, Maizcua. Large STOCK OF LIQCOUS, To be bartered for Produce, Cotton or Lard. In fast anVTTiThg you may need can be found at our House. Call soon at JOHNSONS A GORDON, mnyTo;3m ALbana St,, Atlanta, Ga. [’’eureka oil, he Greatest Discovery of tho Age! The Suffering Public w ill be glad to know that G. W. CROFT'S EUREKA OIL HA*’' been wrested from oblivion by n company of philanthropic gentlemen, and at an im mense outlay of capital, lias again been placed be fore the people. We do not claim it to be h m fr ail, like some of the nostrums of the day are Paul to be; but we do say that it pnssersesndrantangc* over any other known compound for the cure of Inflammatory and Ulcerative diseases and as an Alleviatoi of Pain. It will not only alUviafe. but will cure a vast majority of the following distune*, such as Inflamation and Ulceration of the Mouth, Throat, Stomach, and Horn lx. Colic of any kind, I)y*cntcry(or Flux) Diarrhoea, "File*," Diytheria, Inflammatory Fhcumatiem ; and is also an inval uable remedy for Neuralgia , Ulcer* of any kind (not malignant.) Eruption*, Burn*, Scald*, Bruises, Cuts, Bone-Feltons, Swollen Gland*, Soie Eyes. Ear and Tooth Ache*, Spinal Affections, <tc. And in Coughs, we challenge the world for ns equal. Ordinary coughs it will cure. In Pulmonary Coo sumption, Asthma, nnd Bronchitis it is the best palliative known! The Superintendent of this Company i* a Grad uate of the Medical College of Nashville and from long experience in his profession, and a good knowledge of Chemistry, he lias been inti usted with the selection of chemicals for the manufac ture of the ifredicine, and has been and will be careful to select the very finest materials to be found in either foreign or home markets, and w e are satisfied that the article we are now putting tip excels any foiner article of the same kind for purity of chemicals, und must be more efficacious. We place the “ Kukkka Oil ** before the world, und upon its merits or demerit* it must ri*»orfalt. But we know if the peoyle will try it, they w ill be more than salisfled. For sale by ell the principu! Drtrggists every where throughout the country. Compounded by G. W. Cteon. the original manufacturer, for tie Kureka Oil Manufacturing Company at Atlanta, Ga. Price at retail (1.25 per bottle. Liberal deduc- j tions made to the trade. M. A. SHACKELFORD, M. D., Hupcrtendent For sale by N. B. DREWRY A CO., Druggiata, I East aide Hill street, GriffimG^l Store House For Sale. OTILWjiLL 4 SEEKS expert to remove to the *-7 Wore now occapied by J. H. White * Cos. I now offer for sale the Store House oecupied by them. It iagonaidered hy many the beet stand m the «ity excepting the one we go to, being a com er House, 00 teet long, with a fine basement story. This property will bring 20 per cent interest on tbe price 1 will taka for it 1 also hare three Dwelling Houses for sale. july26-Cf J. A. BELK3. * L JOB WORK OF every description Priuted al the Sovthxxn ll eralij office, with neatness and despatch orders r*jwc<.tfuliy solicited. ts THK MAM WHO FAILS TO BUY WHERF. THE BEST BAL , -- * HAD, 18 IS THE VERY NATURE OF THE CA3E EITHIV'AjSt •** IGNORANT, OR CAIIKLESS. THE QUESTION: WHERE CAN THESE BARGAINS BE FOUND? TRY THE NEW FIRM OF j Who offer their bc->t Service*, with t LAUGH snd ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of * FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Among which they enumerate l.aJi'V l*re« Gvkmls in every vsrielj. GRENADINES, fTI-EAHOI PRINTS, LAWN’S, MUSLINS, PACKALS, FRENCH JACONETS, MOZAMBIQUES, Indeed everything that the most fastidious could desire. WHITE GOODS, JACONET, SWISS, ORGANDIES, NANSOOKS, LONG CLOTHS, * IRISH LINENS, LINEN LAWNS, COTTON A* Linen DIA I'KIL\ SHEET INGS A Shirting*. Especial attention is called to the Stock of LACE POINTS, end LACE GOODS generally. In EMBROIDERIES they ran not be hurpaesed. The endless -» ricty of FANCY GOODS and YANKEE NOTION’S, forbids even a partial In their department devoted to ■*'*. GENTLEMENS’ WEA,fS (tralloe. They take especial pride believing as they do, that they offer a stock far aupv n 4a jioiiit ol STY LE, (Jl ALITY and QUANTITY to any ever before opened in Griffin. BOOTH A.\l> SHOES-I by lb# deccaa s and iwor^iftt J For the Million, we simply throw ourselves in the front, as second tp nope, •.(jtrrwiM Price, Quality, Style, or any othei particular. The Ladies especially arc solicitor.' i amine our stock of SHOES, as we claim to have superiorly in that line. Connected as we are with the largest houses in this section—with a New York wf! ! sale house to represent our interest in purchases—buying as wc do for cash, snd » | ' . t.‘ oo Intending to Become Permanent 00 j too 1 In Griffin, wc think that the trading public will readily sec that wc havo not onl # i ABILITY’ but the DISPOSITION and INTENTION to sell goods upon each tr 4•# ' cannot tail to give sali-fuction. Remember * ?* Scheuerman, Bro. & ) iel, 4 00 !At tbeii Store, West fcido llill street, North of Becks & Stillwell, and opposite 0. 4 u Johnson's Hardware store—better known as SCIIEI'KUM AN’S OLD ST AND Jane 28, 1866-ts NT 3E m , PaxaroKvt, w. h. g. £ ■? A . .. I 57 P M •* a 6 56 A, M t o" i so r u IllliOlKlL Hi IEUII & Llfy EUCCESSOBS OF REID, MICKELBERRY & 00., OFFER FOR SALE AT PRfCES SUITABLE TO THE TIMES i Rio Coffee, Sugar from 16 to 26 cts., per lb., Mackerel, in bbls H-2s, l-4s and Kits. A LARGE LOT OF CROCKERY, HARDWARE, N Al LH, KNIVES and FORKS, HAND SAWS, SHOVELS and TONGS, AXES. ANDIRON’S. CHOP AXES, SADIRONS, y - ; Chisels, butts and screws, Track chains, b nm kittles, PAD LOCKS, SKIIX*WC AUGERS, sgf OVENS/ PO IS, ETC HOLLOW WARE, BRASS HOOPED BUCKETS, CHURNS BROOMB, PAINTED BUCKETS, TUBS, Ac., ko., A*. CORN, CORN MEAL AND FLOUR. BACON &c, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SUaES, ; „ * 50 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, CANE SYRUP, Ct’BA MOLASSM, 100 Sacks TiIfGIN'LA SALT, 200 Bunches SWIITS and ALCOVY Factory THREAD. LARGE LOT of* A, B, and C SUGARS. WANTED. 3000 Bushels of WHEAT delivered in good Merchantable order. Tba highest et price paid for BACON, LARD, CORN, -MEAL, I LOUR, PEAS, &*., &e., £» r Southern Bank Notea, Gold & Silver received for auy of the abet* artjfte. hoc! in market value. 1 * C»*e, A» GKIIO. B. fiSBXOBBI' u 1 MOaROT» * June 21, lSfifi—Oßl