Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, September 05, 1866, Image 2

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Sontfrtu aftrVu. oFfifun m ud f« \njiSssii; b it niaim. «v R * nro * m Dual that at Inat (obi* of oar eitinenn ntSSJ#"*** «t t&« Kail rend !] WWI T I! P-PJ* down tUero, ud .boat Md 0 , ik , •re ie sober earnest abou Ae grMt connoct Mawphia and the Tennesson River. mgn ’ they intend to build aatd ron w just as quick m energy f. capital—of which they have an effect it. We ssy, we trttt that mmtf cwr * CD * are down there to day—sc« WJ |j back here to-Morrow brimftH, at orer, with railroad excitement. w yj tho Orffinitea feel, should* they gard, and let crooked roads rigsag them, and about them, and by thorn, ,j, en thiy have a route that a would fly almost plumb orer, all the \_ were it flying the shortest route from'Grit,' to Decatur.—Surely our citltcna sre reco lectmg it, almost every minute, —we lupi they are—that a grand Railroad Mass Ueet ing i« *n "«»•■» in itit* oity on neat' wock —to wit, September 18/A, Anno Domini \Bf*L . be so, Wk auk Glad Hk has Lett. In a published list of thirty names; purport ing to be Georgians, attached to the call for tlio negro ujuali/y Convention that met in Philadelphia, ltat Monday, are are somewhat surprised to notiee the name of Mr. Mi 0 IhjbbinM, formerly, and till very recently, of Grifiio, but now of Atlanta. Mr. 1). is, confessedly, nnd has always been an out and oul Union man ; but his best friends here, as also his worst enemies, do 9M believe that )m has yet taken the black degree in Union ism—that is, is willing to swslfow the negro, without greasing him, —kinky hair, fiat noee, thick lips, gizzard foot, and the floquet </*- Afrique, all thrown in. If he has, howev er, wc shall not cry that he prefera Atlanta toOvif&n. Tub Loyal SotTiiMiNKas’ Convention- This concern, “bossed” by Hamilton of Texas, iiotts of Virginia, lirownlow ofTrtn** and l>orant of New Orleans, el id omne '/onus, came off last Monday (Sept. 3,) at Philadelphia. It docs not appear that Georgia was repiesentsd in said body at all unless, as has been suggested, it may bo in the personage of the redoubtable-Ambrose Spencer, of American, compiler of a reccut publication, in which the testimony given in tho Wire trial, with other details of the hor rors of the Andersonville prison pen, is serv ed up to gratify the morbid taste and l * vin dictive spirit of the Northern Radicals.” I.r.T ,l Wr.u. Knovou ” Alone.—Preai dent Johnson’s proclamation, declaring Max imilian’s blockade null and void, so far as thin Government is concerned, and ordering men-of-war to be* stationed on the Mexican coasts, may seem to be a small affair. The Kuropeau war is virtually over, and it is not recorded that Austria is so badly whipped, and France is so anxious for the “ peace of tho nations,” and Maximilian himself in so afraid to recent, that a combination between these three powers, perhaps long ago made* may not tell the conqueror of Pixie : “ Hith erto shalt thou come, but no furtbor : and hero shall thy proud waves be stayed.’’ In the eyes of the monarchists of tha world, tire IT.l T . S. has done well enough in putting her foot orr a struggling republic, and de stroying it. To attempt the tame on a struggling monarchy, is something more, wo opine, than she will be permitted, quietly, to do “Katy Dll), and Katy Dib'nt.—A couple of paragraphs —one stating that Ex tiuvcraor Wise’s property has been restored, and the other that it has not beau are industriously taking the rounds of the press. The annexed dispatch seems to settlo the question in the affirmative. Fortress Monroe, Aug.Bl.—A nephew of Ex-Govornor Wise arrived hem yester day, with an order from Major General Schofield, permitting the Department of Virginia to recover all personal property of the Governor that could : be fouwdt A con siderable quantity was found in the posses sion »f different persons, who were quickly and unceremoniously dispossessed. In Ohio the rallying erv of the KepufcH* cans in the canvass is, “ The constitutional amendment as it is and Johnson aa he was.’ One steamer with a cargo of 117,000 wat mncllons left Norfoak recently. Eight ships are loading in San Francisco with wheat for England. £fT The Fall name of the 3Veaerea premier isO-liarfes .Otto von Tiismarek auf Seboubaosen und Kniepbof. t&BF Mr. Isaac Solomon, of Haiti more, has purchased one of the fiaest 'elands in the Chespeake Hay, and is erecting a mag nificent mansion, wich, with its buildings forits oyster business and other improve ments-, aid cost over five hundred thousand dollars. Ttiis tortilee was toads- ilPlha oys ter business. Information received iu Washington re cently from influential men in Texas, is to the effect that Hon. John Haaeock will be elected United State* Seuator from that State. Eight ships are loading in rlsn Francisco oltb nlivatior England. «OMMONICAm>. Nmtiwm ÜbA Pai» We || f Th* Telia* star k* sb4 its light a«m» F**V and lurid ■« m W its Hear. WJ •mrk a thß wild,. X| - i “° r distant**, ear *** ,r ** ‘he tablet of' mcnaory—the ' n,e 1 *“»• «o rw t .— ■ distant j* m *Y ftrete h ita canopy aJove 1 my hea/ '^ c prairie may spread its er#* heweeth my feet; yet, will my i he*t untrammeled, proudly tore to th~> eblffhood’i home 1 ' “Tls beta* *b«V*r iha b«art ia. Wbers'er ita loved one* dwaJl, M In eltfasf ta anffisgn, Thronged haunts, or Bossy esll." Home ofay childhood adieu; all thy ?lea»- aat memories of early days ehildbsod’s lovea aad friendships—youth’s gay dreams, and tboaghtleas, guileless yean, whea ia my path there grew no thorns womatA hopes and fears;— all eadear you to my heart. llow ad* I forget yak ? home at ms best I and happiest days T —days past, never to re_ turn. The friends af my youth, who wan. wlUl ma through the suaaKne of life strfitfnf Bfuflu paCiwdy with the sweetest flowers, aft fdrfeid to forget. While a mother's joys and sorrows have engraven themselves on my heart—twined in memory around my heart with the loved— end aainted dead—those moat loved, and vat on narih, ».«. within thy bosotft. hrenta, husbands, brothers, and atsteft, nave ningled their dual with thine, and thou art ever the holiest spot of earth to me. a,y buried treasures are in thy bo**- , •nmitted to thy *nre, they rest in peaoe, lighted to the tomb hy tha Chris tian's hope, to await the morn [that shaft awake them to life and immortality. Happy ! thrice happy if when the storms of life are o’re, I may be permitted to mingle my dust with theirs. Angela guard them ! Onee more my native land farewell —may no hostile foot pollute thy toil, nor sonnd cf war be beard within thy borders ! May peace and plenty crown thy board —may wisdom preside over thy councils, and valor guard thy homes, where virtue sits enshrined, and lastly, may future years crown thee Star of the South ! Maxctactirks or Cotton.— The Ncw buryport (Mass.) Herald says : The manu faetdre of coarse cotton is at present an unprofitable business at the North, and is very likely to remain >o, from the iact that the Southern Htntcs are better adapted to that branch of industry. To make cotton manufacturing profitable, with tho cost of labor, machinery awd uvothc power as high as they are now, theve mast be a wider difference between the cotton and the manu factured goods. The SoMb, previous to the war, was largely engaged hi the maoufaatnre of coarse cotttni, there being one hundred and fifty-nine factories in the States that re belled ; North Uaroftfra has thirty. South Carolina seventeen, and Alabama fourteen The largest factories aifd best establishment were sir UeorgkL Many of dseoc factories were ruined irf’tlie wap; but' they afie re building, and will be increased, since the operative population, both white nnd Mad, will be increased, and it is labor they most need. We will not be stffprised’’ to «<“•’ •» -r owvifig macnioery for ooarae fabrics, within ti»b years taking it out to send South, where the water power is abundant, the oolem at hand, and the labor cheaper than here, replacing the Mat with finer machinery, which is more profitable, and for which our educated labor L« better fitted. Personal. — We had the please*.* of meeting, yesterday, with Mr. Kagan, of the Griffin, Ga., Herald. This paper is to be converted iota «t' daityv tlte ;*dWioattoit of whioh will be oOnmnsiKiSd on TVeedaj* west. Aa a weekly, the Herald has bee.Y edited with first Ate ability, and it is entitled to the patronage stri' support of the people. We commend it to our friends everywhere’.— Atlanta Nr*c UrT &pt. Ist. The girls in Michigan- aeer taking decis ive measures with the a ruled tied young men. A girl asked a voting mart when be intended to marry her. The youiny-otan said be bad no such intention, wlion the giil broken teapot filled with hot water ever his head. Andrew T. Stewart’s (of New York) in come is larger thknthe annual salaries 002*-' bined of the President of the United States, the governors of the States, Senators and Congressmen, State officers, and members of the legislatures of the different States, (tut of non an income Mr. Stewart cbtiTd pay the entire expenses of several State govern ments as easily os many men now support their own fifed! rtfea. A diamond of the first water, recently discovered in Georgia, sold for 11,500. Hide Your Spoons. —liotton Aug. 20. At a political meeting held last evening at WotKeater, Sen. Butler was one of the speak ers. ffc made a very bitter revolutionary speech, threatening if the South did not submit to the central directory, that he would march down there once more, and woe be to them who opposed him. Ned Buntink.—A* recent Jfew York letter save : “ And this reminds me. Yes terday I met with a men whose name has been before the public and notoriously. He once possessed a noble intellect; but,- now, alas! he is but a remove from- ar brute: I speak of E. />. C. J udsouy aticn “ Ned Buntfine.” His has been a wonderful ca reer, but ever tending downwards. Did dis sipation ever tend otherwise! A sailor, aoldier, author, dueliat, murderer and drunk ard—he eEesHed m elk No better sailor ever sailed ship-; a splerrded swordsman; his was thfe pen that only gewie wields. Judeon is a drunkard wow—the vile6t of the vile—and the wrick of a mart. A wretched,, homeless vegaboud. And such Is ever the fate of thoee whoee gifts of intellect axe per verted from their high end nobel purposes. The whole receipts of wheat at Freder icksburg, Va., this season, do not amount to over ten or twelve hundred bushels, which is as nothing ia’ cowporwoO with the wheat, trsde prior to the ttar. j TelegrapbiP I -~vq ■ - - * jr-/Otion market dull Lvsaro.t, Sept. *70,000 Uu. Mid f wiili sales to-il' 4 ** *t 13 l-4d; df # . uplan. L l’ 1 - 1-—America* sbeuritie* Lour united Stale* F.ve-twenliea at I StWA-t. lUaut’* CoaraNT. Sept. 2.- AUaeable «f last rear —a p*cked up tut* morning, »t e:*Zoclock, in latitude 51, 52, longitude 36, Ofl. The splice was made and the cable lowered at 7 A VI. The Great Haste: nit now 700 miles from here paying out. Kverythiftg Is going on well; and they ex pect to react) beta cm Sgtuidiy. Hmtow, Artg. fl.—Hamilton Hamlin has reaig.ied the position of Collector of this non. He intends to speak against the President’s policy. New Yors, Sept 3.—Gold 45 7 8. Cot* ton dull —Uplands 99; Orleans, 95. Dukfalo, N. Y., Aug. 3. —The Presi dent and pxtty wefe met to-day by a tre mendous crowd. Yesterday they rested at Niagara Falls, hnt uo formalities were ob served. Tba President is suffering from hoarse ness, owing to frequent and long speaking, but iu other respects is in good bodily trim. The expenses of the Presidential tout, so far as transportation and hospitalities are con cerned, are defrayed by committees of citi- Zens at the different places. Prtn.AOEi.PHi a, Sep*. I.4—The Union I>eague marched from their rooms to Inde pendence Square, where the delegates to the Contention united with them, snd all pro ceeded to the National Hall. Gen. liutler, Fred Douglas, (negro), and Gov. P r o,'hl’(on» al Uiisrits" °1 1 11f r t>eTore' 1 iV' 1 11 >«cting of the Convention. Charles Gilbons received the Southern delegation, and Jack Hamilton, of Texas, responded, at tfie conclusion of which, someone in tin crowd called for ? roans for the “Dead Log of the White louse,” which was followed by a general bovine exclamation. On opening lbs Convention, which was very largely attended, four-fifths being from the North, Thomas J. ftutict, of New Or leans, was chosen temporal-,- Chairman, and a Committee was appointed, after which the Convention adjotfrned until to-morrow. The City Council, by a fotnal resolution, welcomed the delegates to tbecity, and ex tended to them the hospitalities thereof. Vienna, Sept. 3. —The Austrian Govern ment has given orders to reduce the army to a peace fooling, and the <vork ba£ al ready commenced. Paris, Sept. 3.—it is said that Count Bismarck is trying to form an alliance be. tween Prussia, Austria r.nd Rusuia. Rebut tlri'ir Lies. A. M. Kelly, a Virginia Confederate, twice a prisoner in “ Federal pens,” and, now the editor of the Petersburg Index, has a volume just issued, —styled: “In Vincu lis; or, the Prisoner of War”—from the preface of which wc make following extract, as we find it in the New York Netcs. “ Through books, newspapers, magazines, military commissions, Congressional legisla tion, proclamations, reports, novels, so called, and histories that arc far more romantic, the Nocth is not only writing the story at the [war, but tho character of its late enemies. A great deal of this from proclamations up, we liow Iff be false, but the timo has not come, nor does every one who feel' the need fee! the power to contrib ute something to our own euiry of this war. even though it be as pure a trifle as tin . The living claim it, aad the inexpressibly loved and honored deai desvaod it. And I hope to live to see the day Vfhert the infamous atrocities of Hunter, rn the Valley of Vir ginia, will have a fitting historian; when |the monstrot’s tyranny and knavery of New -(Orleans rule will be exposed; when'the se jcrcta of the bastiles will be given up ; when I the murders of Missouri and Tennessee shall •jbe heralded to the world, and, above all, [when* the story of that bullish carnival of lust, and rapine, aud outrage, and arson, and murder, and nameless villanies which Yan kee poets and magazine writers' eepkcmiously name the “ Great MuTch from the Mountains to the Sea,’’ shall be painted with abroad -brush and a free hand, that mankind may shudder again to think of the crimes com tnited in the name of Liberty.” A Paris paper apologizes to its readers for being compelled to make an erratum, it having placed four marriages under the heading of “deaths.” Anew religious order - fias been founded in New York, known as the sister hood of St. Mary, the Virgin, which is to the Episcopal Church what trie Sisters of Charity is to the Catholic. A number of the most fashionable ladies are joining the new order, which has caused a sensation in religous circles. hsT John W. Forney, and other promi nent radical leaders of Pennsylvania, have procured from the War Department a list of deserters from the army during the war, comprising sixty thousand names, with the inteution of challenging at the polls such of them as shall offer to vote the National Union ticket. The intention is to keep the matter quiet, and only challenge such of them as will vote against the Radicals. High Tiwfc'fe to Quit It. The National Republican, at Washington, that stood, “ cheek by jowl ” with the “ so called” rebels at the late Philadelphia Con veutron,after having forgiven them, or prom ised virtually' to forget their “ sins, ” is still constantly mlfing them “ traitors ” and pirates." When a man marries his Aspa gia, he either descends to her level, or rather, she ascends to his. Thus, in either event, they are madd peeis’and he has'no ri£ht af terwards to stigmatize her as courtesan, or even aa Magdalen. CcEi/- Fields.—The Montgomery Mail jays that when the“ South and North Ala bama Railroad ” is finished, making accessi ble the coal fields of that State, l’cnsaoola iwill be supplied with enough coal to freight three hundred and *fty ships weekly. The Canadians report the' prospect of a splendid harvest, and the largest wheat har vest for 15 years it nothing untoward hap pens between this time aud the ingathering of the crops. Mormons. —Os this remarkable people, it is eetim ited that there are in thiu oountry rone eighty thousand, and in the whole world T "<*i than f.n»> hundred thowMnd. HEWS, PACTS, AC- Bishop K*riy of fl ' e Methodist Church has ao tar rticoVerefl f*»m hi* recant inju rieana to Be able t* aUond pukß. worsh.p He bears scarcely any kvideoee of his re cent severe injuries. “ Mai O'-"-" n - r ■ isutler WM expected .. no in Milwaukee recently, on a tour of in spection connected with the Soldiers’ Nation al Asylums, whereupon Brick Pomeroy, of the LaCfosse Democrat, advises the people of that city (o look up all their portable property. It is stated in Washington, on the : uthor ity of advices from Spain, that there is every prospect for an enrly penee between Spain and the Bouth American republics. The qaestion it to .fee referred to a friendly pow er for arbitration, so as to avoid the appear ance of cither party ifhpoSing terms. A Frenchman is Out witti a pamphlet re comnionding the French Government to transplant the freedrflcflof Ibfe United States to Algeria. , .. General John C. Breckinridge and family sailed from Quebec for Kurope a few days since. The Louisville Courier says the story recently published in all the papers about the twins was not even half true. Gen. Marcus J. Wright has purchased an interest in the Memphis Commercial. The following special dispatch reached us last evening, ft contains a gratifying pdeee of information -.—Atlanta ’ IntelU n ' a-" dispatch received Atrot T states that Governor Jen- J. er it" Georgia, now in New York, found the credit of the State so good, that he dis posed of live hundred thousand dollars of Georgia Btatc bonds art irinety cents on the dollar* The flafrlsbuTg Telegraph Says: ft is estimated that the corn crop qf Pennsylva nia will reach this year, nearly- 30,000,000 bushels; that the average yield per tftro will be rn the neighborhood of thirty-ibTee feush els, although in some localities as many as one hundred bushels will be grown on a single acre. There arc several comities in the State where tfee average pfoducl ffill Pft 6V#r forty bushels per acre. Boston Corbitt has received oue thousand six hundred and eigty-four dollars for his share in the capture of Booth. General Sweeney requests the name of sonic competent person in each circle of the Fenian Brotherhood 1 , to be appointed to the task of reorganizing the military force. Private letters from Spain, state that the Spanish Government has decided upon renew ing, at an early day, the war against Chili -and Peru. Not satisfied with the severe ■drubbing Ulrich Nunez received in the har bor of Callao, other war-vessels are to be dis patched to tho .VdmiYal, and he will make his appearance agaitl iW a few weeks’ time on the western ooast of South America. A Duet, <*Gr a La rue Scale. —A letter from Baden contains tfie following, which illustrates the state of feeling in the lesser German States : Last week, forty students arrived near the Castle of Durbach, near Orenburg, from Fri bnrg, accompanied by a suTgcorV. TLVty Wcrd armed with r piers, and retired 1 into the in terior of a forest, where t!h«y selected n suit able spot for fighting duels on a large scale, twenty to twenty. They fought for a *Png time, inflicting wounds on each other* ib the face and arms. Oncjs s^ s VeThc origi’n of this battle ? Politics. Twenty were for* Austria, and twenty for Prussia. It is stated that the President lias intima ted to General Howard, Chief of the Freed man’s Bureau, that his resignation would be acceptable, but General Howard declines to resign. Tiie Univbrsity of Georgia —The Athens Watehman says : The Fall term of this Institution commenced on the loth of August with very flattering prospects —over one hundrdd pupils being in attendance. 9ST The Citizens of Montgomery have voted by a large majority to aid the *3outh and North Alabama Railroad, by taking stock to the amount of one million dollars. Reports of cholera at Memphis are rife, but the city papers are silent about it. COMMERCIAL. ATLANTA.— Bacon —Shoulders, 20(<t) •20 l 4 lb. Corn —White (3 bushel, 1.35@1.3t ; Yellow or mixed bushel, 1.25; Mdid bushel, 1.40. Coffee. —Rio lb 28(5 32. Factort Goone.—Cotton thread 2.20@ 2.35; Osnabergs, 27@28; Brown Shirts ngs, 36@38; Brown Sheetings, 20@28. Fi .ot'R. —Fancy, 17@18 bbl.; Family, 14(5 15 ; Extra, l'2 50(»rl3 ; Superfine, 11 @l2. CHARLESTON.— Cotton. —Ordinary -v(a 27 ; Lo .v Middling, ‘29 ; Middling, 30 (a 31. .> ■ i ■ 1.l t - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POSTPONED. After consulting with the Lady AfCv.- Management of the “Soldiers' Memo rial Association/’ the Lecture proposed for Thurs day evening, in the basement of the Baptist Church, has Beeu positioned untlf TtIUSStfAY, 11th ot October. This arrangement is made in view of the pro. traded meetings at the Baptist and other church es in this city. Persons who have obtained tickets will he ad mitted on them at the time appointed in October. sepS-lw EX. COM. KNOW TIIY DESTINY! •JYTADAME K. F. THORNTON, the great En -LYr; glisli Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Pay ch ometrician, who has astonished the scientific classes pf the Old World, has now located herself at 'Hudson, A. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such tthndevfSl potfert'cff'seetiftd sight, as to en able her t) impart knowledge of the greatest im portance to tke single or married-df either sex; While in a slate of trance, she deliaeotes the rtrjr features of the person you are to marry, ana by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known ns the VsyelioHawtrspe, guarantees to produce a life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, po« sitidli in life, leading traits of character, At-. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can asaffrt She will send when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is wbat it purpoits to he. By enclosing a small lock of hair, snd elating place of birth, age, dis position and complexion, and enclosing {u cents an 1 stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and deaired information by return mail. All communications strictly con fidential. Address in confidence. Madame E. K Thornton, P, O. Box 'itx, Hudswo. N Y. s«pA--1 a w *ta - DRUGS w. xi. dHBWnf, }\ H * EAST SIDE OF UILt STREET, (N«sf the Pott O^ce.) -1 Griffin, Georgia, . s ON n A GOOD ASSORTMENT. AND RECEIVES WEEKLY SUPPUte OF \LL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO DRUGS, FRESH AND GENUINE. AUo, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOiLET ARTICLES, \N mdow Oil*, Lamp*, Ao., Cooking Kxtrnou, Tobnooo, Cignra, Ao. x*R P«rRIPTIO3i liromptlv filled DAY or WIGHT, under the direct tuperrlsion of \ w nAw*v M D Vnd llr J. l!. Moowe" (CftemMt* and PharmaceultiU,) who ha* been in extensive practice for over ten yemre, both eivij and military. *»f>4—lra WINBHIP & GOEBfijf, hoßsxa of niLi avo broad strxiw, GRIFFIN. GE6IKHIA. wmjm JB WLolobbU £iu) r«t*il D««»Urt rn Boots, ishoesf Hats, Umbrellas; LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, and READY-MADE- CLOTHING. we Are receiving «ndopting 175' cases BOOTS and SHOES of every style and description, which we propose se'lling as cheap as can be purchased in any* South ern mArkdt.' We invite all persons who expect to wear' Shoes to call nnd ezamine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. OuV Senior Partner has bad many rears experience in the Shoe business, and is well acquainted with the manufacturers' at the north, which gives them superior advan tages in getting up t heir slock. Every ar ticle in odr lifie will be sold at a small ad vahea on cost. We shall confine ourselves strictly lo the carii system. No one can sell goods on a credit at the j ’— aslfiii* i*x>- COUNTRY M-KHCWANTS wishing to replenish their stc-Clr are re»_-yeclftitly in vAed to give us a call. BOOTS' ANU'Sn’OU.'? M ADE TO 0121 >ER. l*T ring done at short notice. WANTBU, TWO GOOD BOOTMAKERS. scp4—3 m AMCKL T. BELL. O. W. WTLI.T. UENRV K. CHRISTIAN BELL. WYLLY h CHRISTIAN, Cotton Factors nnd GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, savannah, GrEi'o. ADVANCE-S made on nil ns or to cor friends in Liverp»ol, Jieetoe, Kew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. _ Penoual attention given to the *ale of Cotton and forwarding of nierchandiae. A 9*“p4—dZui* BOYNTON * DISMUKE, ATTORNEYS AT tA W, iRIFFIIT, CEmtHlA.' (Office in’front room up stairs in AlAah it all opposite Brick Warehouse.) WILL give prompt nttentio'if td'sucTi business' as may be entrusted to their care, in the counties of Spalding, Henrv, Butt*,- Monroe, UpsoD, Piftfe; Fij-efU abd Clayton. J. S. Boynton, Fsr.D. D. Dismiike. j sep4—4m. Mrs. S. A. Jackson, (AfttNT.y HAS just received a splendid stock' dt BON NETS and HAPS of the very latest stales, Also, &-eitfe'ir*Voit'es’of' nmmsm amstmm Ac., 3tc., to which the attention of the ladies is 'respect fully invited. bkesa prepared to furniab country dealers'at W HOLES A Ii E”! with MILLINERY, upon ns favsrnble terms ns they cou be purchased in Atlanta or Macon. CALL ON HER at the old stand of JACKSON A NEWTON, which ha? here »c nl\ fitted up and improved, sept 1! GEOKfIIA —SrALDiso Oecwrr.—Where** it, kindred aad creditor* of Henry Helm* of raid oanoty. d«ee»»ed. neglect* and deeboe* i* sue out letter* of adiniai*trsuon on lb* ~« Tt , j **id deceased. These aye therefore to cite *»j admonish atridred and creditor* of *»ia a? .„*ae<l to be and appear at wy office wftkia time prescribed by law, make application aad ' eeive said administration, or I shall arpoiai i**' H. Connolly, Clerk of the Superior Court, Ad/id istrstor On said estate: Given under tov UTs* office, tilts Ist September f#Mf' X aefl ffi F;B.- WSIIP j|K, Ordisary- * JCnie* W. Middfef/c*W tottiMl, (or leave to sell thilduchi belonging tVs'kid tor the ben.fit of heirs and creditors. The "ril to cite aud admonish irll persons eouoeraedto 2 and appear at roy office within the tithe pre*riU by law. and show fcjirie, if *ny exist wny * n , der should noe fee granted authorltini; said Adrabl iatrator to' sell said lands. Given under iny hand at office this. SeDfeo,K*i ’“.18 66. F. D.WSMEfcT gt Pt Ordinsry. *’ EJ'aily Now JBJvetT ATLANTA, GW. LARGEST aitf circiilatio’n. Largest country circulation. A live jotirual. The paper tee the fireside and the counting room. Subscribe for the Era. Price of subscription only f7 per annum or one dollar per month. * s*p4—tf PRATHER A SCRUGGR SHERIFF’S ALE. WILL BE SOLD before the Court House d«of , in the city of Griffin on the first TEES DAY in October next, one house and lot. known as'the Middle Georgja Medical College, situated 1 o:i Broadway, nenr the Macon <4 Western R. Depot, levied on as the property of Edward F. Ki.ott, to satisfy costs on several 8. fa. V issued from Inferior aud Superior Court* of Spaldirr County. John L. Doyal vs. Edward F. Knott, James M. Couch vs‘. EJwarJP. Knott, and otbcrx , . AtsO, _ x , At she same tin.c and place’ will be sold fquars : fifty-six fS6L known :h plafi of the city of Gtiffin (VV the Parade Ground, containing four (4) neres, the same having been sold on the first Yiiesd*r' inst. Parties buying, and failing to comply with' the terms of said sale, it will be re-sold si Uuif expense. ALSO, she onie time nnd place will he sold one Rouse anil lot in the city of Griffin, bounded o' i the east by M»j. Sulley’s, on the south by nnopen ! lot, and ou tile west by as: reet known aad le ; vied db iV the property of Win. E. AVright, to I satisfy edstt on several n fa s from Superior Court i and Justices'Co'tVt. Property pointed out by E I K. Knott. I>. D. DOYAL. «*'igßn-ltfi' Sheriff. ALSO, A.l same tirijc uud place, will be sold one grey HOUSE, aLiiut 11 years old, levied on at the property ■:? iVO.-yu tihcriaan to satisfy one fi. fu. issued from Spalding Cddnty Court, Thoms, Byrne vs. Hiram Shennn'iL c! ft! DOYAL, sept—td Sheriff EC-P.GlA—fi-AiM»c Cn my. —W lift das, tVm. T. t'gletree applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Adeline C. Colbert, minor, and orphan ehilifoi A. G. Colbert, deceased, in place of A. A. Gaul<l ing, removed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exist, why said letters of guardianship should not he granted. Giveu un der my hand at office this 4th day of September/ 1860. F. D. DISMUKE, eep4 Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE~ CtE?*UG!A — Spadmng Cointv.— By virtue of " fir* order from the Court of Ordinary of said Comity will he sold before the Court House doorik sITt County, between the usual hours of sale, on tUe fiVfit TUESDAY in November next, eigkt}-*ix aerse ofl.ind of lot number eleven, (No. 11.) TjJird'Dibtrict of originally Henry, now Spxld ing county, nine trifles north-west of Griffin, ad joining the lands of J. H. Starr, Robt. Andrew,, and Samuel E. the same being sold as the estate es W. !♦. StaVr, deceased for the benefit of the beirs.nnd creditors. H. M. STARR, sep4 Adtw'r estate of W. D. Starr, dec'd. Railroad Meeting AT GRIFFIN. THE Stockholders of the SAVANNAH, GEIE FIN <t NORTH ALABAMA R. R. CO?. Ac the friends of the entei’jJristL- rfftc ’to as semble at Griffin, Ga., oh THURSDAY, th* l*th day of September neat, to adopt some plan to complete the llaml. This call hJehSaa srusfgested by numerous stoch : holders', A’d dordiall/assented to by C. H. JOHNSON, atfe3—td 1 President! A and' GFaiul in filedi-" diAeP Dr. MACoJEtis(lie"”founder oTa new Medical SysferPVThee;«hlrtitarians, whose vast internal doses enfeeble'the stomach and paralyse the bow ela, must give precedence to tbeman who reatores health ana appetite, with from one to two of bis extaordinsry Pills, and cures tha anost virulent eoree with a box or so of his wonderful and »u --healing Salve. These two great specifies of to* Doctor are fast superseding all the stereotype# nostrums of ttr*- (lay. Extraordinary cures by Maggiel’s Pills nfad Salve have opened the i the pubHd to the ineffio’lbcV of the (so cal.ecj remedies of others, and upcn'which people bare so long blindly depended. Maggiel’s Pill* * ra not of the class that are swallowed by the doreo, aud of xirich m ary bdx f'dt taken create* *b ab solute for ahotier. One or two o. MSE giel’s Pills sumcea to piaffe the btf#el«ln I** I**- 1 **- ord«, tone the stomach, ereat* an appetite, a reader the spirits light sad bnoyant! There, no griping, and no reaotb n in the form of eon path>n. If the bver is affected, its functions a restored ; and if the nervous system is feeble, i is invigorated. This last quality makes the medt cine» very desirable tor tha wants ot deheata males. Ulcerous and eruptive diseases ars liter ally extinguished by the disenfeclant Maggiel's Salve. In fact, it is here annouoced tua Magoiel's Billols, Dvsrimc ani> Diarsboxa 1 Jtu : cure where all others fail! While far Bom*’ iSc aide, Chilblaiaa. Cuts ahd all abrasions of tn> skin Maaom’s Salve is infslliUe. Sold by Matciel. 11 Pine Street, New Ybrk, and all Dru? ri?t?, at •»» ctr.fs per box. [*wp4— ly