Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, November 14, 1866, Image 4
MISCELLANEOUS. Q3DIM UIIAL LUTS AKD EMIGRANT A O £1 X O Y WITH II EAD-Ql' ART KltS AT "GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. 1 *4»*!l k*#p * K#|n*trv in my office. «brr« all par iwAud* Plantation* City, ur olbti prop <*f Mlt. rant, or •xrlitug#. *r« rotpertfullv —h«St*d So K*fi*t*r them (r*f of rlisrgf, wUrlbti ■f— rviooc *r* )a* Agent or not. I—■ ikurotighly Arqutir.:*.] w lib Southern kaiiAi. I*4 tbarafor* amply at*U to divert u ibe Oaitlj and *tr«i#g<h, a* wall a* alt at tliav arr t—4 ad a p tad far, *(«.. ate., which will a» ah!« M»a t* raadn aaltiabl# arrriar* t » Cap.taluia and aiAara wishing to inva*t or exchange. I a#w Kara several Plantations. I ot* a*d a aaaoidarsV.a quantity of wild land* in and (Teirnt parts af Georgia for rale, rent or exchange, and will soon have them mapped out on my K**gi*trr aa that all eau examine for theturelvea I an> now making, and *lll«o«»ri hare perfected arraagerurnt* with par tie* In New York. I’M I*- daiphia, aad lUltitnoi# hy which I all all he able to •drauee aiouey on land*, growing crop* #le RirUhrM ; George N Niehola. K*»j . P>av street • arantiak Ga ; Kanaom U *g»r*. K«mj . So 11V Saatk 4th Street, Philadelphia, and the buemea* ■aa a/ this city. A JACKSON FtOGLKS Empire SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Pris«inal Offtea. 616 Hmadwav. New York. 6 RXAT IMPROVEMENT iu Rawing machine. Empire Shuttle, ('rank Motion, .*»awing Mi ahlos. It is thu* rendered iioi»r|es« im action. Isa motion being all ix»*iti\e, it it not liable to g«*t aMI of ardar. lli«Uiebe»t I’ntnilx machine N.<« tise ia called to our uew and improve.l M»u iifnc bating Machine for Tailors Mini Hoot and >h-*e Filler* Agent* wanted, to whom a liheial •lia *asM will be gnen. No cb a.guinenls will hr —ad a EMPIRE HEWING MACHINE CO. aspl 1 d6ra [nr] Remington & Sons ilana'vjturcra of lITOLVKRS. RIFLES, MUSK EIS ANI> CARMINES, for the United Slate* service. 1 i Alio, Poekat and Helt Revolver*, Re- i pealing Rielol*, Rifle Canes, Revolving Ki- ; flea, Kill* etui Sliol (#nn Harrela, and Gun 1 Material* eold by Gun Dealer* and th* trad* generally. In the** day* of lioo*«-l,r»iik ng and rob' ( Vary. every Honan, Store, Bank aud OlTb.u I *ken!4 bare on* of REMINGTON’S REVOLVERS. Fartiee desiring to avail tli«uu#!v*s of tba lata improvement* in Ri*tol», and stipes rinr workmanship and form, will find al cotabmed in th* new Komihgton UeuilviM*. Circulate containing rut* and description af our anna mil ha furni»h*,l uj'On applies ties. K. REMINGTON A S< >Ns. Lion, V V Moore A Nieliol*, Ajjan'e, No. <0 Court land St. N. V. *cp6-3,n. HOUSE TO RENT. 11 AI.F Mile from biuinsen pm lion of th# Citv »Rht Room* newly plaster* <1 , nil out h«*ti«M*s 1 ••millets, Stabler. Ac. One Hundr**i acir** a! Leu J ; absut Thirt\ under cultivation. Apply to ' | Oat 1,18 B« —Vs Yureka oil, The Oreateit Discovery of the Age! The Hufforing TubUo will be glad to know that Q.W,CROFT’S EUREKA OIL a AS been wrested front oblivion by a company of philanthropic gentlemen. and fit an m meiia* imiluv of capital. line hKiun been placed be (ore the people We do not claim it to lie a tor, mil, like aoma of Ibe im#triini« o( th. day am *iod to be ; but we do say tliat it possesses a,Kantung. e erer any oilier known onmponnd for the elite of 1 aflanonatory and Ulcerative Ji»en*e» and ns an Allreiato? of rain. It will not only alleriatr. but will tort a vast majority of tbe followmg dis.'ui>*«. aoeh aa Incarnation ami I'lceralitfn of the .l/mt/A. Thrunt. Stomneh. amt It,or. It, < '"hr "f ittn, Cad, Dyttnlrrji(or Hut) IHarrh,r<i. "I'ilc*. IHptheria /n/fomma/orv /thnttnalism and is ala«t an in'al aal.U reineily for ,\ rurnl</ur. I l<rr* o/ <if»y kiu*i >iot malignant.| Eruption*. Horn* Stai.h, In ui*n Outi, itont FtUvn*. Swollen Oluotb. S.;* hy* •or anH Truth Arht*. .Spnml Ah’* "»t*. Ac. Ami t| Cnuyht, we cliallenK-* lift* wmld tor us equal, (rdiuare coughs it tctV/ tort. In I'tilnioiioi \1 on •umption, Asthma, and Uioucliitis it is the best palbatire know n 1 Iba Superintendent of this Company is a (I rad uat* af the Medical Collude of Nasi \iile and from long experience in his proleesion, and a 1 Knowledge of Chemistry, he has been iutuiet- and with the selection of chemieuls for ihr jne.i ifa.- luro of the medicine, and has been aud will eareful to relent the very finest materials 1 In found in either foreign or home markets, and w. are satisfied tliat the article we are non potting ap eieels any forner article of the same kno’ .or parity of chemicals, and most he mol e rtlieaeioos We place the " Krkaaa On l.efore tite w.uid aod upou ill n.arita or demerits it nitist ri wr r<i ; l Hut we know if the peoyle ndl try it, they wu. He wrere than Mtitfirj For sale by all the principal Ih iurgists every where throughout the country. I'ompoundcd l.\ W. W C aos*r. the original manufaeturor, f-r iht Uuroka Oil Manufacturing Company ut .Atlanta Oa. Priee at retail >1 23 per bottle Liberal deduc liana made to the trade. M. A. SUACKF.I.FoIM). M L).. Nuperteiulent Far aale by K. B. DRF.WRV A CO.. n.iiggiste, Kaet tide Hill etreet, (irrrfim^^^jj Notice. CA JtSTT.EME?? mutt <nmr rp and p»T their 1 Tickets, tnd from tills date ask for no more •• it l« impossible to got them triad e. Send in your Bam.-s pmi one good* will l>e Belli us low' as it but interior town in the eonntrr. Oot X 1866. if N b DRV'* UV T?BRORS OF YOUTH A tfcntiemnn "ho autf*r**d U»r \ «*«>» I’mtn N**rvom J*rcmAtnrc IWkv, k and ill ♦!»*• of \o\rhf :! i»di»crr*ion, w ill. for thr »rtk •* of ruHcrin % humm 1 jtj, lend fre* to nil who i»e« <1 it flu* iec**'f't nrul dir»«tioQ« for the implc remedy h\ wkieh he w»*ctirc«l Nuff**rrr« wichii -g to profit ) y the •dTtrti-*er‘n experience, can do »«• by std , d>#c®*n'. in perfect confidence. 4-ouv.b. oot>fw ryff It —F— 4S Cedar Ht, New York. NEW Medical College. rpHR public are hereby notified that thsl.ee A tneoo will conis.enee in tlie t.EOUti 1 A JH'f.ttTlC MEDICAL CvILBEUK. m Atlanta, on ♦w* fifwt Mondav ia ,r , MISCELLANEOUS. (* rent Distil It uli <> n itv tub AMERICAN JLH'I.I, J:V A v i. i \Tir»\. Depots; 37 A ,t<* NLuaui, At. , a :-s L bvriy hi .Nr a k • .In. |Of R >*ewiMw| I’lill'.s all ‘ M .IS 1 lie j Oil Ran.tings. Ef.olai vei Ware 1 Go and ami S »■ r \\ an ! I gant Jewe lv, < .1.- iiijj . t |I 1 id »n l R:n*. 1». mi..i. i R ■ .a, Golil llfrrreo, I'm., h , j Clilille, Mo-a c .1 •. L ve, an.l t’siiisu L i..-a >. ts t Go and I*.- 1 s. aid J aiul .Sl'aer l.ji.-u --s «.n H.. .Ir., Bieeve lbutm.s, .■'e-s it t i V.s* n Neck ( llama, Ram ■i. Ii - ...j O a.na, A-.- , Ac, i.. no i at ♦ l,OOi»,IIOO. t !t ..\ k 1..1. \u \ which that lie*.l not pa', until ,; ia known I what IK drawn an I its va ue. Ihe Autiil. tv Jnwi.ntiis’ !►•....mii.i | calls your i.llentl >U (<> It c I'.n ..! t, . tl.a largest and in**»t j-f 11 ~r J a . -1 1 . I I lalloll 111 tbe 11. led > ~ies. 1 t.n —n.s. ie ami u ware I.us bi-.-ii c.-nl. • | , . moat csiidiii and koi.uiit' c mc m r ii u , rapiuly iiicreaamo iu.ii* s , .« .. j ol the apprecal.'li i.l .. ,i | . t.. i . |, nieiii.xl ol obtaining rich. « • ... N ! s. Ine su i.ieii ala/h'.r. n ..| . Europe. <>» mg 1., toe ri. •r •' : . i u ., •„ | recent riieaa lolls lit, m, ..i .i-- ( baa Caused tt.o tal .r. ot i .n_- n i .o [ Jewelry houses in Ls .or a i Ru injilliehl to sail I loir .. -da at .. , son,. 1 li. <l, Nil HllllO Ms: Hi, . a |,■vsf i.. • i|,|. | Ibe i oat o| ill unit o' ii \\ . i ... , , i pur. iia.-c l icit 1 1» i i oi iic.se i: ,»ik •.i j • Goods, also.-!, imhoo- v low i , wa_cMli atbiru to andan *i Ir.i i. i Bill] give (latter chan, en to ili .iw • ... m ■ : ralualile prizes than inn oil.i-i i ' , |, i.. i men! doing a aim ..,r l.iis "• s . ■ ,■ ~ ' II lO I* La Aba. and we 1.-i . lim 1 i j nr pati oiiago, n« » . ar - .<> I: .■ i. . * :i - I fig the ut moat Bii* t a * >■ Dm ~ ■ tr. j past year >. e 'an loiwm :n h n.. ~i r ... ' tbe most i a tiao.e p -to • yu|. . ; . country. 1 1 o«. wl opati..' ns w i. Cell's tU I'll., i i.mr "I is.' I in i . hi aft it; les oil oil Ibe f. w . It ..:j, ~ lire Dollar, U lan, and ti ne ur * i.n |. ,• k' l’arto s liea liio w ;:h ui in.n ■[• r, i . i having ptoinpt ii' ns, and tl i( , drawn will be mo., J et.-li m It,. ,o,i a. dress by lel jri. in n* or >\, i. s Thu fo.tola ii g [ii is I. lie r. *■ ' t drawn valuab «• |iz s!; on ti A -i ~ 1 Jewel, rs’ .L'Siie a j ! ... k \ I- I I milted the use ol their i m > : Char ps J Uni, ..-I. 1. -■ j li. i- n■ y In- | par I men I, \kash mg ion, I » t’ , R ~, van, j Woo; Ml sa \tuii li. V it,.--. s- M, l i 1 dace, N . , Sen mg M ..e 1 n iiu ■, Editor Mnskn'ein R r Mnska M n, Ladies ell amid. 1U , . i ( y | .; \\ i S. ilaitxa, Vli King s re- t, 'i , . - „, v. 0., gilver U Kiel', I alu*.. 1 ; I' I I . Elkhart l'u legists J -:. • i.•,, I. k .NJ . j I bullion,! I’m, i a,tie S,' : 'l l ; l.' r |a ~ \ | Dnzer, Albany, N. V, In. and I. m : I>i in.' ’ Nut, value £.IOO. Many nun, k could be p u-i.l .nt ,■ t.Ut W«< publish t. )II t '.!■• w ■•• m,-a ~ , < 'ur p iiioiM are no r.-d to 'it Stales etirreiii y when it is com I'auilu ii* 1 ,' r a i.. Iri t. -i. > i... siLii r, n ' Without regard tu va ir in .1 i., ’ *• pied t*r i until iou know wlin! in are 1,, i- ,n, : lh elegant lies, we, UI" .. w , I ,0,1 • j to 1151.; t iegaut 111. and S I. • I l , V : *i .r. *. ........ : ■ . . . • Fine Oil l'Aiirting-, I I • 1 .1 .1 ..1, g iraim.l; t.O Miisie 11.1.'-, 1., !>' i‘,t •■ ’ i Castor*, >0 V,-I. ;,n Mil e In, l a ■ ! ol - I 11.11l 1 .11 Bela ni l'■a to 1 lid ■' 1 •'■ e, - ! , i , .l : . . IMg t U.r M ilt.dll s, "s- i ' ■ ', . 1 Rings. •'I it.t. i and it o le - , i,. <, 300 I.a-lies' kt a tel- e 1 >!.',! \l , . ' i'. . i 111 olid RlliS, le , ,'eUea S'ul IHI I•' ■ * I ', • ' ~f 1...1.1 and I • lal, .1 ■! ~ . < ■ ■ • I • i", ' . kh ie. Lai a and IV ..... ' '-. • I M i \ ad N.-ek Chains I'lani and t • c- <• I'll Ulbles. 1.0, t U i.. ol ■■ I'. (.1 '■ 1 Feus and Fell. >1 . 1 .on-. V\ ■ i. I. 1 i ... j I will, gold and lei . 1 1 •■ - K j laige nasm latent ol lire -■ el W«•.d ,1 ■w . j ot el eri ,1 esc 1 1 pt i- ndl h • ... li ■ aI l.n , i .Stile,' | gar .-I , /i ff. , ,11 . „h; ■ | 1 Alto Its hr <>.x/-. Ui. '/ it u. , j '»;/ " !■./.. J r _•.» •' ■' Wf* Uves. al.d ■ '• e - - w I be-■ ' f-l » Kh i. i Ue i . thirty f..i f 1 L <D»* liu .mli * 1 ta.. J ! ... ,x<. \rw w wi i : m t i \ u . • • \ I rn.’tjMxll.fl - . ... . fTc ’ •. 1 r i bT**'.: w ■' ■ »»• »«- - “ | logee. will If.* on :.| p.n . I 1 f|'i i ihu:n. ' ..re in.ei. ■■ ii e w ginaioe I rcitil,Ciles miming • I,'h e .ad s ' nr, , Ipi set 1 ... sea "1 . i-velop. - « it, ■ I ~r »' ler tm stunt to". •• w i !••• i ,■ e . o , our ortiee. ms ' *• in. a y v -. w o ... t Ifg il and lo i h ie •* ''i . e lin l ev'Olvti.g the I'• 1 1 dle.it e , w w I.wi at 'O le r Sad ' . . . . . I , then VO and f'si !'■ ' UI .. i I • '•>•••!• • list ot the -fill e \ nine. I'tir,hast i- ol or von den.' in I 1 ■ ' ms' Ill's. id. fain 11. ur t n , wollh !.■■ • o t.li. 101 l ill ~1 v!h r s 10l g 1 'll. I S are n ' 1. lb. the ko 1 ’ .btfereiit ai ne!o from so ilf.inn, • ' o the I Sty le, dee lv 1 | r aeei id) anied w un Hi. *sl Hi e pis' \ " o'. I , leii.-.s-hou ! ~. ,i Mivie 1 r V. '«;ei ru follow s -11 T.i.' M' ' 'A \ I'm ‘ A, n , f- A f* N.o«au k . .a .. ... I 1 cctSS'Sniw ]K»\Vl.'s lMl’Ii'»VL-:i» Cotton Picker! j rou riCKINO ■ >lTO'. I.N i'll Li Ml. 0. | A SIMIM V and oompact ln«t""t’. * w. . '■f i V hhnu t t '•■>> pounds— ]■: k»f. e•. i ' ! luster th.m bv btl *l. leaving the s. ’.U>- e,eatl an | free trout lrn~h. I'* f-0 i Orders be till-! bv Till-: lUdW i: liAMT.V'I t .1 M. 1 r . | ft. bv on. \o • • It! > _-■ I- I . MISCELLANEOUS. HARDWARE «z. CUTLERY. » ARRi \*. K M\ I I.Ri A|,> I !.i M ‘.t I \(,S. FA IM ; *I \ Alt •' 1.-llljs AN!) i.I,A" I If J*»IINS*»\ •• .***•• i .... ~. . , . ■ ■ It -• -I. •- ... •l < a 1 . ■ gl.l FLltils ( A'il. Insure ] our Property! •’ H .|m!lVn,iV U Agent f,r tie •! N II l \|. I, • j ’ll ' IMH.I.W til l KKS At.CNi V *1 • 1,.t lb'Ml- I riaiiraiiee t'otni.ani ..f %*.„• ! V" k. ne.l ‘ j* i V Mciehar.-i -• i I " I•• ... 1 lon do ... . t?- I I- rdi iute.l. A. NIiriJANS Anv Store! I/ill Strict ... C* rijjin. ' I bib IM>! l; :i,M I) ,b-i,es to inform ! is • •• dt’i-,. U us I the j :>..ie in general, th t h- ’ 1- II e.l ,i ios old u and IIU iilll .lleel u it* • has <>j.i n Ijujrt* iul ul f ds'clrj a'uM simrlM L'>rv ««(!.*»! 'll \ A I>. i 1 » K and nd Lu n-s a- i is. o , , As i, CL* •TillN’i;, ii \I m |t nil', n | M 1 j 11L-N, (.!■:\ iidd.\i-hiNt; bOfilt.'. I RU Nil's, an.l V\LINKS, l'i.A NKKIN, and NOTION’S ■ and a , k.u.ls. IM.AI i:\IR,Uli, id's si. , k • f is has 10-ei light ni.di I ■, , 1 t:. e, - - -t. .O and I g 1 V , 1/ mu t/t In tier Pries '• y '».*•*• »••*•-*a K-ulki lor ii g t!»« las tw<» I*. • e Httbi ii*. »m i. (*n i;: ( o.m/: all:: ,1 lolll' goods of XmITLsTIU M an ;■■■ fwii ti'iora abova Engel’, criier. ( o ,'ii SLY.hOUH, JOHNS OH &C. {J2fd COMMISSION MERCHANTS < It ri i sititl I liiii! ta. Maeim, (in. \\ K J :Yi: r:t * •*' 7 ; ' ' ■' the latest A uJ nw t*<.::,j i*> n»♦*r;t <»f ...• e : to Vnern Cor .iu'ii gj u ai: i 'e..l >le'ks I nee,...,,! .S,|,, ■ ' I -e '.ea.ls of I>.n.:«n, ", i » I.- rr-ii.i l, 0 I'l■ s A it ‘ viitar. I . * k' l(o. rn. ,1 .la. a i oft-*, l 1 1. les '! 01-a., g Kill s, 10 "• V- ■ Veil. ' b \es S -ia Love. l'l|:> hi.#, - \| ... ;.... .•■it'.. :« U'-pv Miicl.ii * a i.l Hand n-a le, ' ■ ' -i,s ! 1 r'.r-li (' and t.*h K .It Mens ...ol Ms k. I el, 1 t sirra Ac. ,ve. p. m nVnw, \ J \N! KA'-111: IK of Fr-r-h Rnrr Mil j . 1 ! e« Mill dl. • Mil ’ O f nil I • - • . . .- ' Mb. 'it a It, bit L . nr,.l In . , -1, v,.,ee„ \\ lie. Mil |‘i. h*. I‘U.te. of f,. - «U>.VS or 100 1 ft .1 to , rd. , A 1 v. k .1 •• V w. iv,,iir ...I IH' so I'ftl'l I *.l |.. r tl e e, .•>'■• of V.Bx ■ ■ rof l' 'e.-e . 1 Bros I streets. \ \St (. 111,1.1, !I\\, \e« ■! 81i«v |>t' «' * tun t •«" s vv in; *li(hii\es. V.FAV.U.V AN n MAMA U ;11N<. MB. '•"'l>. A-ens w..nted A.:..ess r KMriltr's M r.v . 'e|.l 1 dl v r o n ft\ N 1 j.vrs v ueooKt iin.il m.i,.,,n i um* it srn,v “ Wilbur F. Johnson/ - nF ('• I' l >1! ('• 1A w ilh ' yroohs, JttiifionalD £ i o, C:}o'sWiO-A f\£% *1 o’?-! s] aNP k OMMISSION MhI»CH.\NTS. j!i ( ti i itii.lv I<■ t strcrt.Ai n Orlcstns. Lnnlor lldvimo, in 1.1 UIKY SIV.KI. , .'/(iron, - - Georgia. ft, .' V 1...V.AN, Pvrii-'iir. J fi ... . Ini. ib'lt. and !■ tv..',,., «• en-i. I l ftl I. to e-'O(" V p«B8."goi« j* i« (he rl-~- -X s- LEo.’G ADVERTJSEMEETS. lin t tt tor's S'i/t . IV , ee of an ... ler f e ( ~.; r - of I .■ i 1 .i i,..f File o* wI : !• . • < • -i . o ..' / i,i , ■ | • • and -t In.* lay i.. 1». .einh.o --'?• f w. i Is, i- 111-wil : l.ot No one hi- I ... * i , ■ 1 1 t-,1 . | ail ol lot '..| one lot ' .-dud i...- :i -a ...... ii *s •! lull: iii.-t alwi tluellor., 1 1-.| No one hi i- ! 1.1 -I fell t.iee, ■ . 1 ]. ; AH .. : . Vill Ml .-! i ' .• Ml . re and. 1 proj-ei’ y Will be -e 1 111 J pn.e . ... p!.I »• :■ • riga.d m.iri ginal leva kboiit :*t> » "Ire.l rirea of .• •ne, ~ ’ the Mils* Fi e w ikk ranilloi: ■ all it,.-..- a- !. w .' f.e j rr*,rtcd in juror ut the jur 1.0 . r eldic Mill | ]' a.•• | Al.so.hv virtue of the.,id onler of th- Court Io! Il|.:r a, v of Fite fotml , V.III be >..M l.elo-e I lie t Ollrt. lloiluc d.wil in the low of wile ! \leir.Wi . : Comity. g,., , l|,e Ibo-. ! .lay In dill. :m to Ki (tie J .||. ; o , l:\oe,, i, J aid-\l I M (leg I.!• I Vo two I .1-, bed ai iF -we <v'three , '»«•■ two bundle I nod tw. iy-n, , . f.: Z 1 .1 ,1 he Jll, In-trlet of or.ginall v l rinq . .11. Comity can 'a il g two'l bell a »< ! a ball \ : -i \ ■:) u.'i.s each ('note or !.-►.) tl.vi fr.iv 1 n.iiai lot N.) 111, I.ondi.d. ad eiel.i i -tour, I1 ) I'l til.. il Itisii iet of ■m;in».ly ill.Up low '.ie, I'l ,1 . ’ her 1'.010... , :' a 1.. 11 e ( | aee. tile IV ol e-'|; |,;i;l ~f i,. ,\... tl I 1,111. nrigii ally. Troup . li. t r e-.il I v uontaii.i.g thirty 111... 1,.-.1 know.. Ine Ff.lo't p!.,c • , Alan. 111, In idg 1 0..i,i o 11,,. Mem well er M.le „f (■ ,i .'. R.ver e- '1 i'l,.. ~.,e II and te Ul.. t an ... I ■ g • ot .... \ wo hundred HI. . g ty tin. in : ; Ul!, : ,( ur urinal,l i roil 11. i.uw M.iiiv b.-i .-■ , .,;.!| t *,,»* ui i a An *i by virtue of said or-i -r I ivii. il on Ist i'ues.lay in ldio:i,n next, l.otn.e l ie t ,nn; IJou-i' door in lillll n, .spaldi l,,,iiiin . une ll.i.d pai! of in divided lot .Vo t»„ |i[,, .i,',d ,i Siirl". ( J'.'S rill lie >eao:el iu.-tn,t ol o.lglnaill \i.,'i loe now .'pro!: " t o.inlv I'i its ol tad fl 'ienl p „e'..|s „f land «.j b e i ex'lll.ltei o.n Id ll ol .ai,. A . f . id till ... .... ! n, Ibe p.,.j erty of .! c. i ei •.i tors . f s in! e-i ile. T-I'l.a , |le k ii, l„l , . and lie at lel I.MI ol'eiir Ili i,, ii,!, v»b abb | ropeily. It is n ,t. .i , Fimt idler, 1 lid!,-- f., 'll l.iitlin on tile (,1 • e-.i In. I„.„ ’ I e! oi.rg the T- , l.ir 1.0 . ho, . Ir.. -I. and lie i .1. \I Is ill I the ntri ai...:t,d it. m. the le -t in tut |.I t the >trit’. l't .. M.. know ledge. Bid HIS . i ... T’ ■' 1 ; • i" th el. St wo.k I , e two wheal anti |Mo , . ' a very- ajiount ; Mi.is A V ' •ore,-.. . _ I, -. Hie rile !-• ito 1 . It. Go II I 1,. F.-ij o' .1. \l !'• I 1.. soil the p> I lo th • - . her 1.l J A 111 •-lx —. ... •,S I Mr, f'• ie -k- ■• e. .1-. .1. ! «t i < in \ i K’s n \ i j i> : I 11.- li.y 111 I fe.'i '■ at the ',. r t im - he tired, ot J 1.l -. Ii .\l• .‘ . die • 1o ' .. .. : ■■■ f File -. : . i) Maths i t -jo n W 1. : aelo'lo I • :. -r;,.. . 1.. g w e'J | -e ; . a ■ .:. lady. and ■ n..- ~ ~|. , CHAbif. :m; Del t 2 I!» K , eri li !' f ' ' ' '• . out y ul >| n ■lt ,t I |,el e Mill so! !■ I 11. e t'.i-'t ■ li. -d - \ I I, .4 I ex', b foie the ( ' r ■ ' ! •!' lied',; ,1 -ittt aet'e* in 'll 'li is i 'iv. !rg ar- I- • 01. -, «. a .1 H. aeo.l V „ r -V.. I ■ ■!"".!■■■- H.e le 1 ! .m, < 11. .1 . .... ' V ‘ 1 (.1 lli it 11-ll g 11,. ; he .1 w s. . ■ J■" .-lit . i 1,.-ii -and - 1 »<1 ••. i - A M.-t did 111 ■*•!!. Ol" In \e- .I«r l ,|.it. I. '."r I '.'--it ;;! ■ ;*• *ll,o e•' I lor the | , lay i ! o .- ‘ Minty ..... the usual ho rs of wil, : d'e -as ! - uis.’-iii eot on. . • and lot - ’tin ■ ot DirtH". a.tioi'i.ug | .... , ; • i W l'a mo. n and |'i p-l . iM".e.| l.y M 1‘ -1 ol • I 11. •.. h • 1 Ul. .1 s;\u:us :. oe 1 it 1 Aeeii'or / vle "• .1 A -!' '!dd S' Its, Nd \ —H. VI ■ - ale dost for tier-ol b- .‘i-’-im adn“,X the Vlld te. Ti roe r I ... ~- Sand :i 1: ■ r i.-!. », 1 :; , ; 7 1 . 1 \ 1-lit', i.l' I'l-MUKI'.. *ep i -u.i',,l ' i dmary. 1 * l.i iK i: l A -1 Ai.id M. till Vl'V -Hi 'lev \ 1 U F :.l,n r, .1- pies' lu ! ' .1- let!. IS In-,,. ~.'. the , bi.o.u !...: 1 hate of -is: 1 . , tiny . a-.*' 1 ,. ! h . tl.el ■ : r H -i a li al my i,thee leiii.in tile time | r . -ei ih,:V. ' .aw '< shoM ■ rinse i' any exist m Itfp-auijTlellers o! . 11 s mi-- or, should not l e gear.l't and Diver. Hi de, Inn:,! '.<flV.ee this IMh \ngiisl is ill. rrn ' ] |, |||SMI KK |/ 1 i :.’ A V ) i.l • ! e. '. ... .It f"• i lie • u..: : .... Id •• . Ihet'u-t I ue-day i 1 into- i,.-V, the V .ill.'. ' . : t,tv. be ee. H | o.fOf ,I. Il'l lre.l He || O ,i’ l.eii L* »>»lt of ! I: • i.. I i-’l |. : o ;o i fin !1 *, Hell 'r ~M •' 1 " ,| w. -t ■ ; Ct.iUt. so u tot the t.. ..■..t i,. 1 ' 1-A A l A II Ai-IKN. <.ll ! -net) Jt.B A *i*n i .M. i'i. N.i.l >l'A I.UIM, i i>l A t V -■ W :.. i. •, \ 1 .Innte- II I . ft' U !| ;.| I’. « to rue sot lettelsid .I'STIH 1..11 >l.i ". i lost rllol on the ..1 :,t e,t 11 ,lgli tin'll i. i11"...‘.|-el. by linvi.jj li.lv “ill. In 1.-tel eu H 1..! ' t. »«' 1 oMte ill.-e :■!• ... . ..to, .• t.. elt e 111 and and lee' nII pel > the tl e|• te • he.: t.y !:!„ .„r,i >h w . •It “»• 11 HI V ex -t V. .. V -ill.l 1.1 t.i - ot .ileUVI'-:,,,, and U' in*..i (. « rti lit,tier tuV l.ni'd ft' InV oti.ee this Max 7th J,,.,;. ' K |>. Id-SH KB. M»V 17-tiui V>i .iitiHix I‘Mi.Ms‘K vT'H.'S saI.K. /'i T < >KOIA —Sr a i i»jno C*iatt—lk rirtno « \ J «*!vb-i ftoin the Com l **t Ordinary H«i.i c«»unlv. *!i♦*t« will t e -t>hj on the ti"»t Tuo«dii\ in IVceinh' t : hot«eon tho imuji! h<uir« of salt*, hetoiv the Cmn f lli-c .i. * .j- of «ai.l cou-t\ a p.M tmn nf th*. land* hi lunt'ii u r to th*' estate ot W . A l:.»hli: C. d.v.. te .and . ;<• wii.oi.f inm>e and ot in the oit\ ol <.i:lr.ii on til.- \\ .st side of 11 ttl •itircM i*. tl •* Sou’hfrn p.irtipn ofil.a vi \ «,}j •.»> t> 4T the' rests!.*! e»• of John Al.iltew-, Hi I li«u the p emiv.‘ <>t C. I'i ••• man. oontninn c: toi.i aot «- ist i c, wiNsiiir. LEGAL ACVcRTiSEMENTS. l 1 10-e, h ' L-t: I • I i.i • --■■ inin.l* These ate ti e,. !....• to , I „ : i „ r . - - - 1. to lie a,..| . . .' W'ldl'r De fill*. J I.e.j bv ‘att -a : ra S :fa - \ • xi-i why trill ttcravt • r - . .i da< - • -rpter, -r l-t, 1. i> i»: --M: KF. • id «*ft. ! I / ' ' 'I . . of II I'. K ifcj dC. ’"e ... . { .., , . and : ere • . Wlltllli the trr-.e j.,, . '-.ill I:. w to afil. w* ~.. * v,. 11, | “grin t. .1. 1,,.. , , ;• : . : • « • • 1... 11 1 - i'. F' ! i I !-i KK. / ' • Il ; v ; elil ol the heir, i.l.i 1"’ and l:e.-e are lb-let re. 1.. . a, .[ I, , if any exist, why -oi i . er - , i ( ’ IT.sfVij.in.. N| , —U |o ' 1 ' : '• T. i. : 'V:; ; ‘-i : - ■ • " ’ ‘ k !>.' i : ; ki t <.i:f:f:,\Ri.v t.. s and f ..Tf. • • V ■he I “ I* Hulls., ■ tl , | V. ol la. i At el i ,v> .. r eon- t\ .~n ; 1,, Mr '( ii. - ' i, ee l.er I,ext. «||. „ t l . |. •. -.j „’ . -S' e It' -t ' e a.-r rs 1,. : .. . | .... pint us lot No. OIL in tin ' «id . , nut y. ’lj mil O : |■,. |,„ _ ' I. • I ■ 1 ; < 'Ct n 4 .1* a _ U Bill . 1 5..„ ! p Ii 1 *,kf ’r fit f’. 1•••. • . I ■ ,s . ! I , . n ii- i-’‘- T t ' l\ .! ;•• ' 1 > • :,r» »!■•(, .1. i. i Plantation f r ale. the I r.!u •> UFI | I\|i . . - \!.:,i Y ~o . . ' ** l •a ■ i! Oct l't 4 i li"...’' y . V o Id MI K : t- ,Ihv .1 I 1 :. •. 1.,-!.' !*• ... 1 H Id.- Mbiw. Pike Min iirs Siilos. W ... (he rillsT 'iI'ISDAV-•‘in 1 - ■ ■ ■ /nee /lie |..•!1II el IV \\ mV OS. Be v>. lon - t 1... -|.i '-I 1.7 > i'll forme rlv I I\-| :t \UsUiui-. II tl fa. for eieo. issued ft-.". I the Coll .! v t'i, ■ ' !■' -all fount v. in the ea-0 of Bavvi.lie- Sl.'iitll. Ad 1111:1-'! -l'' 01't,,.- . .'ate o' .lohll B x-o t b de... V S IIV Ia l-lee!; 1.. 1 B. .llel 1,1. 1 .if :■ I . ' -lit . " W li, \:l BB X 1" 'N. 1',,.,' v - i.n til Alsu, nt ill.’ .-at! S tit. e i , .... . M !.. so •!. ft 100. 1. I 1" the tow., o! lilt . svi; e. Vvlotiv .... Bltr.al • til slioekl V now Bv. - 1 ,-vi. .i on n« the 1""J erty of -ml Btl.al.etll S.o .u.. V . ...115 tv a .t. t.l t-s'ted f1.,t1l tile .Ills'!.-os' foll't "f the . Aißiii l> :-I‘'et, f il W i;limit A. V ■ A " Klin! eth Shoekh v 8.-v v n, ole and .n '' ' • W.ll M- BB\!" iN tr..v); -,1 !•■ i "'J " • / M.t ■'.• !A IVI ! 'IN- i« •' M • \ I ,1 I.n B .*.!• ' V!' . ■ l ■ i of Bee ~t Il.kat .. i#lp ot sit..l ... i \ .. . ■ .1-1 Hpp'teft to ",e tor leti.fs ot ,i,sin io•: ’i lies, are tber- fori to cite a I id ish at Ul V o lit e e Wltlil 1 , ! • • , • and elio-.v eftlts. ,1 in.v .x -t. will su'd lrttets oi Attg.t-t ,s. ' ll' W-Mrix-f. _ • i'' c ~ v " ‘ ••vnlw Y-n" ' ’ l ' ,T -Wkciwa. u £ f. CV«e la .L-t him. of ,Q GREENBACK AKS O’ © Oi i£B ? uur M B 0 i rI• • . I,’ '' ' ; ' • u;. ;i: rn A .rV ; T CIIII ; K ' ' I si S s -T r Jft, vie s—— —“ » ,x 1 Vi, AV. #r.i : I ~1 ! S' - <1 * is, I N V I I * < . Arr So I by i orircic' * ’ Dealer* in P. ’ :-r\ 'Jo b.-'rv.s EVERYWHERE. Mi \:\ ■; - y SiUT.il! #H)II!\SON l\. GGuIIDN K • t enio, i ■ • : • f lj*-. t iiv-itt'si. t:n Vi VS reel, . ; 'e I ■ ;- . .I . .. : ■ yS* i. \ U !I' nil { OlßTfHNsion s' /' r*i >i k G«G i? *'-*Y ■ t’V n *;oi f.i t < only ;j \:. ( i 'G'i'C. 2* A> 5 If S1 l't', vV *»< ;, 'Vic's. , ; ~ „ , , \; 1 ; - '." I; ' - ■' ;', 7;, r.a 1; 1:1 i- 1: 1 and il e.l i,i\N \\i) ni\i>i;\SEßS! \- I ll’ l-e 11., -t «•:. . • this tt.aclittie !» 1: 111. • > : r, 1 ■ van, it A!.- I 1.l :: - FlltbXiX d-r \N'» ' ' ..r ;•- , „‘ . . , , \’. i. Uitß. 1 , U • ,-i,a i St. • • * Nsn ■ 1 ' - . w. ,1. parish, Y f A r> esc cs c c f .p/i SS-t'' t f lit 1 IV I> M 4 I |li I** Itu-li 1 r thliehi.il I.KII !• 1 !' !l ■ Ml.il>. nf eveiy id ! r-'! -\t;r.a FINK -1 :- rii! l.'V < v ' ‘ i , . .# Confectionaries!! . • * C 't : t b-t 11 •d«' ' 1 ' ■•'jit to I ,’■■■: r- 111 p l't • ■ o . •t.d b0.:.-' " >" " , , A Jail. V.-t -b 1' - "■ '