Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, November 27, 1866, Image 2

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■ •■Tun*.
The New YorL U'ur! / ha* thi* paragraph,
among other*, in regard to the late c. -c
--tion* :
God b'sss t’ « old Democrat'.’ part? i—
all the routumi y ai i abn-e winch
*8 been aliow-red u; on i', it rmo •• i ot
l!i*> onicst wuraied tor the n.u*. nu; m l.
colots filing, it* l irutr untarnul.el, it*-
number* increased. and i's euur.'g- t ghe.
than ever. A pan? that, can sta-l whne
it ha? >tuo«i for MV )r«t» f*a«t, is i;cl>s :jt
iblc. It Ji W 1 it tel* ’ll the l-sjsik of ► t.v
that it* future will be as gloi.on* as it- | « t
To it will be cuta-tu tto 1 lh<’ task of rest. : ug
the l.'n on. ’
Democracy, forsooth! There 1- no one
particle of’ pure, living dem*>cra-y on the
continent ot Am. rica. Stephen A !“• "gL.-
knew nothing in the world »'ont demo. r«
CJ. ll* Wus but a Tied Republican, o! ti e
Vrcti.h School, the practical woikiiga <•
which ar* not a whit different from tic,.. . !
the black Uepulihean School. AV h t j tire
democracy there was in Am«rica, the M ite*
Right* W hig? and ilctnocrata, ah <1 whom
were S#cc**iot ists, had it. Mora thin hilt
of this class perished in the laic war, while
the remainder wetc force! to * mi< n
their bcinocracv, at the bidding ot il.. . n
quercr*, ot, at has’, hold it in m ey» e- !.;t
the time bilng. At any rate it might
well be v!i ad.
Talk to us about that N< r 1 ’ ern stuff tl. <•
the New Yoik HW/<* is j ruling al-ii', a .1
call it Dcfliocta. j ! Just such D* non racy
amt millions ot men d..wn .South, to inor
tier us, Luru ns tip, ad ihvaslate us in
every wav that main e could inveut. Me
CJ 1c 1 lan wss a Democrat, and so vv is M.i
nian, an 1 • o was Dickinson and so rue Bun
croft, and so was Beast Butler.
“God Ideas the old Dcr.i'iern’ic t ai 1 v !"
eh? Yes, and wcil-ngh the lu-l one ii
you would join the Kadi-als t.., tit .-, row
ahoti’d they choose 'o act and and v-:i South
another “attny with banners" to eiav, si •'
burn, and lay waste
te>~ Tho IJ. s'on l’cst, noiiided a? among
the most orthodox of It.-unn ra:o; pup-.?
and defendi rs of S"tltln rn right*, non >uu
ecs itself in favo.r-»>f givi, g s-iffi.i/- • > tlo
negroes on ttie same tetm as it is given ti
the whiles.
“ The cry is still. Tin y c rather.
"Th'y -jo." (►itchy one of the Suuti.’a so
called friends is deserting her We and i
fondly hope that “of a!i the tailb!e*s" ‘ i .i:M
fu!,” would, at least, be the Boston F
Now tli it that is gone, --‘surre. dried, hois -,
foot, un i dragoons"—\?! ere can wo loo',
lora fast friend! The signs are fu I of
portent; wa tremble at the very thought of
reading tlie first meagre Ny impsi-i. .;* o! tl.o
President's m<‘a*ag«i as it sail cuiite on
lightning wings, in tho first d-iyx of tux.
week. We tremble, we om.fe.ss it, f..r fear
the President may value any srt of in on
na preferable to the maintenance < ! the ri*-ht
provided that inalntcnance of thy right at
ail imp. ril? tho 1 ; ion.
The I ts: com! rt we van p t v.p in the--'
oniinom? tiim.'s, :* the urngul.a' i .h.un'itv
of a number of., u ,*' ■ > .them brethem of the
press, that :ho I in i<!cnt i? a? firm and tin
yielding as G’bruit t'j ruck, and that he h
taken his position, and *, l a-.ili-re to it
“thou. !i the heavens fa !." for c.-u-r.-e'ces,
right now w > m ■•. n.vo.r, ut.re»ci ?•-. i.
to Andrew Juhu-on, or any other man
among our cov pi-ror*.
A Cham i: Onuun—l he prof not.>r
of the “Georgia ( irz-n," puhiisheu Mu
ccn Ga., prone,s s to tin pose ot a f.nn th, a
half, (or even the whole) of tho establish
went. From a familiar a•pi bn ..;u\ a inf
the “Georgia citi/eib j. 0 un ixcl.ange, v
arc free to say ih.i’ we d'ei m it one ojf the
nca'c j t looking, most tastclul'v pm te !, .i. !
best-cd.tcd paptf' tc-meto ou itaL'o. It
l ss, too, the appcaram-e of h*. -ng !..ir. !-0i,i....
Iv rustainrd hr the aJveiti.M c •mmui.iiy.
it is jin lbs sadly -. bin-loess arid t
litical paper, like the great m-J ii ity > .
dailies, it has the attractive tea tuts of ru
ing morn than common attention to w. l!
selected matter for tins familv, ami fn- tl, -
general reader. Wo will let the Doctor
apeak for himself:
I desire to sell an inter.ct in tl.o ‘ Geor
gia Citizen” to some coinj.cfcnt business
man wl.o can conduct the si bis of the ntliee
during my anti. ipitad absence. e..i!y i, xt
year, from the Mate, One fourth, one half,
or even the whole establishment will be s.> and
to suit the purchaser, and on the most liber
al terms, Aiy preference will he to retain
an interest and the position of res deot or
corresponding Editor, but will be ready r<■
make any arrangement that will secure the
reliable and energetic management of tut
paper, during my compulsory absence, to
attend to the prosecution of an i nportant
ease in the I*nw Courts of another s;a?e
My brethren of the press will confer a f.vor
by making mention of this notice.
Children Sieeehino ton the Parent.
A grandson of old John Qninct Adams
the tuan who .'•tailed the ingrj agitation
oo *OOll us Gen. Jackson heal loin for i’re.si
dent— lias failed to get to the Massachusetts
Legislature, while a brace of leg buck no
grues hate been eV t.-d to the same, from
lhiston. If any family in Y .nk -edotu, j
more than another, rods to he dost u with i
nigger, it is sutely tfie family of that old !
South-hater, John Quincy Adams. Th
great piFv, however, is tluf alter lie sowed
the uiud broadcast, his children »t.d grand
child, instead of h uiielf, i.ru doom u to
cap the whirlwind.
(iportriu Legislature.
Fiotu ih Journal •» «J Mc*i fgfr
ilu.i.tiMii viT.Lr.. Nov 24. Ot*.
Senate tnet j n-...ni i>> a.lj mrnmeiit
I’r.o-i bv l!ev 'ir. Ysrte.i.M» v »h
An e'*i_’e ss* r.- ci» tr im 11 • i'.w.i.
Sen y i r i r< f«.. flic** r •f« » n
i Ji#» w* »k t«» Ik* «bi ti*e V% rn mi i
j Atlantir T •• i:r-*• *-•* * ur?
! on. I »i M j 4 W » uc*. v n
j \* ?* •» e » .ft hi • ii*
j r*. its. mu! fi«»iii *'• a j • .S j»f •E i j i»*. r
j rii* , |iii»‘f a jf 9 »• rii ».!i ::*v v r. t err!
I* i«l r •vmr *#‘i* **:i tli- |* r*:'. i■ ri «n .
H '!'*•* i* i f.t ?• :• k' f*» K -v. F.
W Warrvii, t* .'I i« dh, i r f»i> I Dtv
; -cnii’ ii \* >*■ .* • * 1. .
IU-.iut .ii f rs.pj.iy c u:i
--j t. tti i.wt b-s.k- Wa. | O’” *
Ml l’> Ihr li’r. 1. . a L:l- s-ilii". t i.g
1i,,. t*. v, r<i“i to is- lie tew bonds .-I I i.a
! S:»te i :i ii ..t *ni'li Ml .1 -as incur J dur
! the war and i <*t j ad.
Mr CtroZicr A !• 1 l • all ,w fir .* r« and
| planter* to trunsjairt during tl.e year l x, i7
i!■ r tb.’ir ii*ii us- fee ot cnarge, t bu>h
, . Is oi corn and 2 o-tO pouius of j.»i* or
■ oil.
Al* ■, ab ; 'l In .-lung the time of hnldi .g
!.s ('oiii.tv l'• ,ris ot Drug i*rty, Baker a id
j Win ih com.tn ».
, .dl'.i, u li'.U to in ..r;or.:*» <’..>• \l! my
and At ant c liai r. ad < '■•. •« iuu fr. ui I
| -•*'•, I crr.-ll count! to No. 7on the .1 Un
i tic and Gulf It .bio. 1
) Mr. tlAcn-, \ tuil to r.-pe.d the s. t ini
! nosing a spec Ji. t.v on Isiuors so! i in the
| State.
| Also t<< allow the t'ei.'r.l K.ilr -.d
'ro idiaiige its line ul roal track ou cerium
oi.dm. i:s
Al-.i, tu r<« t 'i r.* the cre iilnrs ;>f an i ?"!-
vei l 1..0s to t. eir . aims eul.m a
.muted t me.
Mi '•m t !i. I o ic.oil t.v on li.j i .rs f-r
1 e li;-i ip. ir •r ot 1 “li •
Ibe ! i . to ii.c rj.or i’e : h-s I’- ople liv
ing 11 .nk id I > ..t -n. I’jmii I.
To . bang., the name ot Die I*.ant.rd t "oli
ve. .to nol Goi.rgni. I’assc.l
To rt i. iire c sis m suits a: law to le paid
in i ivanc.i. Jtcdcri*. and.
'ln legal.;:- certain *a!ea of l.»n 1 by Julia
IJ-iii. . Fa-a J.
To incorporate Hie Cartcrsvii c and Van
U’ it 1 1 at road Fas- and
ihe Gown not rei'irncl wit!.out his H_i
- i.b ii re o till *ll doliuliog to Certain cmi
les lost b. oks.
yr. J01.0.0n, from a j ir. - cottiti.itfcj
naif- a r p rt ‘ li (tie hn.kh of .1 .rid I
Wt.itai-r. tat- couiun—ary ol in- S itc. —
foe r *|i.i|Ttiiiii|. - linen t.? * 'ol. W liitaker. ;!
rcc-iiiimi nds that his nooks be .iopimiti-J in
■ fi-i- i | the Sti-rcluv of Futti.
.1 rc-ohmoti in tli .' i ffect wa-adopted.
Mr. Grcshatn inir.Jiiccd a bill
no co iii t ... statiiie beks -d ms t e
loii.' tdmg ul:-ns bolding real esa'c m
j .‘ir. K. rian. A bill t-i in ik- i' a cap t.l
Ii dh lie- i-'l c "1111. ’s In cx-tte 111--li II I-;.
I lie In Ito* xt nipt 1 1 .. in t.ix i:;..ii for ti ii
! \e ns • apilal cu i p .yi.i in the i...u.n h i ii e
lul colt mi and wool vv,is, all cr so ne «•> .• • •
j :.••!, rti-1 lUlll.tti .1.
! Aj- a ,e..
November 2-1, '.6b l *.
Mr Moves in red to rcem.-id r tlm I 1 i
i r j . tid y-.-t. i.inv to .u l in ito- e uiple nm
| -t ibe Vi Luo- Kioto nl. Al'er sou:- f..w
remarks l>y .'di-vis liar:-in tl, M. r. >a ol
It. v ll l l > ll , in 1 ovt.r id’ iho moio.ii, the v.i «i
was 'akon mci r< suited Ml icu 7'. 1 , ton.- id
I >o t. v mol:-.'!, pi c.-ii,. i.
1!!’ (D lit. [>l\il
To extend km is ihe Slate f'ltlte Air Lino
1 fill road. F- •' ioy vi‘,i.i 71, nays ;Vf
To ami'll in’ ’ m ike uoif.iuj th- r.tl.s
j 'Hin'in gli e eol'ice! in • ot' i ••.-!*. F iss-.1,
| 'fill-. -,b iv m - t’l >il but..
' i iy. 'I.MO, ! > I’. a-. Jones and If nil. r,
j., .- . i la. or i I lie lib I, atld Mi.—in 15 lilies
■ tile n, I. u»- . A '.iiii-. and tfrosi opp. «-i
i it. Jif (110-sii oV ilo pi —,’ diin* l id* lie l
; t-iy—upon wh.iM motion be yeas w. r< 2!,
j ns?- •17 A' o r v.ii I’Mi.i p. op.i :ii iii t i iittiend
j we.« io*i, one 1 v Mr. ltd-tin, to except
: fmai the proi i.-iotis of the bill seagoing
i vessels so av : i alio.? tl :n t > .tit-r
j pert ott Sum! iy, being a.looted, tlm pre
j ii ms ipti.-iio i was i i.led hi Mr, I’o'ti.: on
! ii- p. age ol Ihn bill and i'! ulted in ve. s
I’ ' ni\s ii 1 1 ‘asM-d.
I'lt i .; ti c time of offer!' g t ! c iiinen l
e.eti'.,. Mr. llardciitan sj a* i-i . pp.i sit ion
to the t '. and Mr Baker ill favor id It.
Mr 11 i il, eh ot m.iu of the emi.uo;'c- to
e .aitii'ic tho bo. ks Kiid p.ija r» conueetid
With (' ~f -i-.-iry GeiMTa! of the F-.tlc, to
pVC I. file r-porl WISII-1 el 11 10.
lb - ('ominitfeo , II Ftti.v. e i.jf r 1 a bill
I:o <• :t.pcl sate M ess *s. lhv Ight.ui .V; ('■> for
■ ; • . ••• j tinting ii. lie I v ti cm it. I'b'il and
A v • ilioii wa-aJ-i’eil tor the born iii
ji . Ul limed solders, am| H|ipoiniii'g I (On
| ii.;11 1 t* to exsimne Messrs. }L rd A Kolh-'a
jarioiei.! :u,
| Mr I! iivsi'ti present'd * petit ion/of ii i
| ZCIi- id >.i?ai>ii«h, i• 1 t ivf I. • lie hid ri ■ > b*»
' |n lining before Die lion-- lo teorgali z. the
ti.'o dejßirlluent of Sava. nail.
el Cl.tttilV'.lAV lately addre-.s ,1 hii
female auditory -s foliinv-; 'I! mil proud
that til- tbe.’SOl Lot.l paid \ "Ul sex the
distinguished Compinii-ut of a Jipeiiring tj k
liii.ale niter the resurrect on. for it was only
done that the glad ti ling* tnigul spread tl.e ‘
Tnk Ft itKAt' — I tie curresj'Oi.dctit of j
the N-w A >'tk Tun-.?, *v riling Irotn Millclgo- 1
Vl:h», G-wrgta, oil the s:it lu-M'it. say* : “I
have in v-r k, ' rt trnulii.! ;t v* ,'i.mu,.ity |
l- iwci’n 'hr i, a k< m l tb.r 1 iiavc i
not lou, and the R.trc.U a;• ni ,t tli- h ttnUl ]
Huw long Eve, the ti'-t w, titan, lived,
We I. tiot know. it ia H curious f;u t tl at
iu racial hisioty, the age, u-alli and burial
us hut one Woman. Sarah,-the wile ot Abra
ham, is liMnictlya"noted. Woman'* age, ,
cv-r - nice, appeua to have been a »a j eet
for Li.-tury or UigctiKsiun.
id the diffi uliy
R. v. Mr *p trg.'i>n in a recent n’lnvm,
ell-llacrl Z l ILgtl Chur.-lit.*!., it,* 'l'.Sal U
Fop' t \ . ttl ; BiL.ail Li. u* c;.*s.o a- tF-In
esl It.tide iiy
flte B"*io.i 1’..-t s*y* it* ten year* tl.o
oegio ihl-oi qii-»tiuu wi.J be lost iq tl.e
( t'H (|Ui. *'1011.
Telegraphic News.
\|tv I'l l iiii, Nov. gu —I IHU 'I ill. I—
> lit baits. 1. w Middling ol to 32;
.’•i nj-il.bg 2 i.
I.tvi i:|'mi|„ Nor. 23 - N.i'-n. Dur nc
tb- we k e it.-I has be-o ra'lor ilii'l, In'
... eh ai 14d f. rm o l. g np amis. Ihr
I r v!:-:««-! «<■»•- MO 111 V ,r > liavy. M'.tl tie
• a*, s • t tbe Ae, k d.l lot fool Uji &•
iH-i (, i r-. lo :. v the in ket tl. v? some
• .I.i>: iern lit. a: | rices have an sdv.i . nig
lelo,. i■ v. Mi. .'ii g Uplands quoted Kt
I lid aid sai- > to diy ai l pr-hafi'v r.ieh
I. IM I. b.i e- lira i-'oli eoiitmile I . a !
Vaoee. iii I tie iiiatkct I'div 1- sM Cmer
Fai V*v. 22. A J .pular ou br-ak
against mi tiiivi-ii.iu nt ot .’■pain is !i amr
I # oC. iir rtf aiiv ili'Oi.eiii. "1 i ere are v
ruui .r* that the tj'isrn will ab ;i.;ate lo
ail eat tiio thit.lil.cl rtOTltl.
Lii.vi i.v, No». 2-L—A nu’iibsr of p-r-uns
ace i iul 1 cnuul-ui liite beau arre-’-d at
i linen, k. and at ge . .. »nti i. »ol i-.fies ami
otto r<r is -sized o\ me au'lmriiies.
\\ Asll iMiluS. Nov. 24. Gen. (laorge
li. A'e *art, .aieM.jo Genera n the ( oil
ie . ra:e seiv ce, was pardou-d to-day bv the
Ibis dsl.l Upon the eitui I' reConillienO l'Kill
of several disii a ul-tii.l ofii. rant therigu
-lir iiron, i.' idid f*v tieiisral Grant. 1 lie
\iioiiny General was also Ine.uded iu tl.e
n jurat.
Nt.tt Y'dth, Nor. 21 —Cotf.vn rjiiel.
Will, sa •' ol 1 2“'t I'.ot's a' 331 t> 3dJ.
i 1 ir P! to 1.) Cents to Mel. bill closed
si li -oil ;::i advaoCe S ate 110 11 i o
MuBIU. Nov. 24. (otum sabs today
1 200 fiaies. Middling 32 Cents Mai ket
steady. *^
Mm i£ration to Ilrazt!.
If the ip.eiai o iliic' ineios now t-'ing of
fer id t,< A uimie in eu' giant* lo tie IJ •,z ><■
»u Govei niiieii area, cep ul, a .1 »e belfeve
they wil. 1 - to i vety imge oxicn'.thei■ v. 0
Set •• it Itv.fil tins C"' li'lV a l.o'ge’emigration
t i»id- ih' b ru." lanos in tli- A'.i .t m.
on U-i liti i i> '•.••«} :: .'n. S;. ii' or Im
| -rial t'o a'liK-in .-r <d K n h.»
iipeneij an • fhee No X'iS Br a'tviy,
vi hi re tic wdi h- dal v in an* dime loguc
iiihi! in.'t;-oi ref a'i vc to the j t-p - .2 coloui'
‘tall Ul by Vie Br-Z b Ii G .VC! niii-ti’.
’ilie f.i mg are tlis, [ iillMieiU in iuc
n.ri la i !l ill :o s ! vi ho de- Te lo slli'giate:
l pia- ig. give.* to {• :t;_r.ill's to Bra
ZI io lie i Old S aUs atld Bu:ii Mall
■Vctr l ip t .mii
Ihe in.j a o (i .vetnttu ftf !-nk* w.tii
yiaja’ly aim interest .iti Aun ric-Mi etilig: a
lion Iu Br-Z'i, rod Is rt sofv< and to L i•. e the
n. C rlial «el ( uiiifl to any et;,! s '!ojnt. am.
ill Ia: : ''thir Io »gi iru!'lira •t* and mg bait
;C.4. i t' '-1 Uirf V. k li'S e '
;;i and.
I tmerupn .1 :iswi !he sold the rate
'flm. Iti, ,' ► oi 'J' ten* per acre ai
equal io 1' "I re . for tho leiiii ot font
yen.-, payment, to i.-gin one y e-r alter date.
<io\ inltilllt w i . p.i\ ni. I X pptlsi S fol
I: i'. .. i , , -I. . at;.,l, to holi.csiead al.o
!'. u.at tultol si rival UtP.il tl.e.i
oej at’u'r ! r sct'.'euieiit.
f i 1 ■* .\ I' i 1 I ' ; .; v fa v : - *, .
CIO gian:s l .-u-i, t icmp'iioi 1•;u to poll
i dUMes p .!i, .• ao! •. r-. -Iml b-o. .o, p i
Uieios of tr.i.m it. ill agr:'Udui'af anpltm us
| - l lit -. !|OO I
I 1' oig rants aid 11. j ,y. utn.ler tie cor.s.i
i lUUmii td tin* 1 .in jii e, a 1 nil t:-gl •.? ami
i : in , lies w, ici hi long lo i:f: v” BmZiliaii
i’ney Will v jov liheriy of coii-t,icucv in
. religious unit ft s.
t miLiaii s nmv lie, l ine naniral z and ciii
l.s lilt, r tun y, sis’ la silt n. c ir. iii- Km
pin , ami will i o ex, mjit tnon all mi it-ry
. oioies excejd toe X limit il (fiiaril nil i.i.i
a the inunicipaiuy —.V, i-
Cl MM.UiV.
Ihe c;t '/il:.s ol Augusta voted, on M ii
li IV a-t, im tl.e iptesliull el i c ty subsrnji-
Il oi of S1 UO,l"'ll lo the Au.Usia A i'oium
b i Kaioaml. ihe Mil reiipllon Was Mis
! t .Md l,v a 1,.: ge in .jin ity .
| N-l less than s viiil.v s.-ngs 0 f viio.oy.
' |.\tun« and Can'a as. i> .1 c >np..sed !■.; t e
« 1 11- % of I lur’d'nisHinn trouts min li-ri:i
j S : ■"; : ago an \ .11 -• 1 ■!' 1.1 merchant,
ai,- r • mg a I’-n.i e 1 11 .' ir ,nure .aid
... - ill !>.' !m(W]! Il .spa .oil do!. Il *
Hr I on " .' . " A ■
I, - was a a \ -■ I o'.
! (1, 11 : 1 ' ■’ . 1 • and h.C- 1 ! .!».* o:
cotton 'h s v. ..•
1 P M. ii c l.s ! a ! a 1-g till puts
j:l'' '
I I. oi 1 lay M-rsha ! J ores being a cat -
and: ia t.r any • fli-e in Keiitnckv.
; AJ" .'-(Hi's do.fadi r and pendy a g ~jd d-'il
upon i r'n_ing up 100 ii stain e. 1 man
wlo 1, is been br- light lip by the police,
Id' in tiiriisjniH 11 spel tahle.
A MW and heiiutilul Ul .ss. hv Kosini, l as
j•.s 1 1 .ia n 1 utilisln and in Far *.
I llie Herald - focign corn si'Ond-nc- says
the ei:,/ iis ut i oicnc- are q iite Certain
tl it Italy wiii have lh.me, sintl dial tl.e end
if I I.C ten p to I |on Ir Os Fono I* j list al
I. .ml.
' At least 'JO l ,''('ft people io the Au* : r an
i.-npitc have Im-cii ati .ck-d ov tl.e c .olcra,
' at,.-.,' on, halt " vvluun l.'.vc dt-‘l.
V. ..at air ..o-» til. young in u«c sing Iu
t: - i»d li u—. when Ft unf hi* w-y ihrougt.
I tlo sc* mil .• t the , n ia ! '■ licit in- gtiaw,
A ictti.T from Nmv Or can*, ot the latest
ui.il, 8 *\s: 1 Fr.-tti ti. 0,000 to 1.200,001)
!>-: • * t- tlm f- illhl'i ' 1 . X cut "f thl' c. it Lull
; . r. j. ol inti couth hr both |>>:tnsets and tai
lors tor*'. It cannot j-. *ib ( y exceed the
g,- «o r amount n .iii .I.''
I. a hi-ami*! wo ,e s. nt-nc-d to live wiili
hi* two wive* m the .-am* house, the crime
Would booii become tx'ln*
Sorghum i* I-co a. mg a valuable crop in
the Valley of A ii-inu.
’ll.c card* ar- evidently shuffling for a
deal of w,r i Eutope.
a here i* a Club House in Glasgow where
for twelve cent.* m tuunth a iu.ui can have
access to ail the priuc pie papers and uiaga-
In ;, ih- cold autumn there has perished
nosweuttr ti -wer than Fannie A. Seward. —
L'llUKl nil J Urinl/.
.1. C. 1 rcu.oi. proposes to himself *he
l III' -.1 S. l.at.'l sli :P ti 1,1,, MISsUUI i.
I ornev s.ys “I have yet to mak° my
fi.-t li.isi ,kc.” If it i* a* y greater than
some he I. >s mad--, it will be h v.'.o.pper.
A Memphis di-j,.ill'll says pi.inteis will
chase Imis sed—ui Indvi’ltfl tU Cub* nfsSiUtl
I w.-iitv one divorcee have been granted
bv the pHSI l.t «-s-l"li,xit Conneet cut >u
preme Court. I lic .1 udge say* tothepar
-on, "AV bat v-.'J C"M / '’"l' 'Way."
*taf' ill !</ »o. 11» ‘O tll.l 10 xi G
fl|d ~t wiaifi at ai! in .nk 11 1 ab in' *,-mti*.
11- I a* tl.e miiiliiiie impudence to talk of
ih- !atig* r* b- fa* ts. id, wlien fie is himself
i. ,| N i grtuus to auaruied liien and help
e-- woitieu. “ 1 » n not afraid ol Butter,
abound a wag in i political rrowd, “I've
I, .i'v. r siavn*. —L' »i-i <f/e Jj- iw- rat
\K \\ lU\ K H TIS E3IE \T S
•stl’MllOlt f'l'L'KT t»cto!i«r Term. Is.;*
-SL» !!«»»»or AVx. M. •'Ju L
i * • I A—!!*'• T i 1 NTT. IM." * >l arp
\ I
•„ t rr- I T a,-* 1 loth* l • ir* l»V
’ .** irinm • 1 "hv-rirf. ili.il i! «* <ief»-i'*!ti».l
J. »**-..!»■ •i• ■ * a >i t 1 Jr! •mr
iit ‘j ilif** .iasiV «i-t it «l vi n<»l rfsiiii* in tlii*
r *>f. Ol ?:■•»! « l 0*1:1. «»*!. ffiiicfftl l»iat ?li«* ;
nit*i ai.rwct m? the t *x* u-rtn of
I !h»a l'*s*irt. p.ec lafi* he <_•••(-M**!* i l :
,j. : , • ~ . ; H ■- ■ *! 1 loW€> 1 t«* {■'••"*! *
.. .] .: .« . .irit* r • t»*i fi.ai U.i- n.U L»* j .i.i # -
in t tic i..t ifti.i Ji'rad «•!.. e a n.ovtlh f«*r r
ii• ontiia Ui:« RUL Nl. N«»L\N,
I ftn ioa* At»orn«*y.
I lifK iiy cctluv tha f lilt- i-* ft li •♦* t*x- ;
tract h<*m* li»< luiufite* "f ll**nrv .'U|'«*ti«»r ( o»»ft.
iu.l-7 Ir O. WEi.M>, Cerk.
SITKRInR OH ill. (>, !* >.r» r Term.
I’lv f!.* Ili« lltMior, Al« t M Ju-ljfr.
\ Hnm y (’oi'MY.— \.Tofi >-. <
I \ •», Mn■" 1 1 h M. 4'hmi;. Lihel for dir&rtf.
flit's ti. y< r;W7 *-rrur. —|t u|| »*n Hijf to ihr
l ot ;i ti( i»t- rflurti i*f rlie- t! at »!»■•
tie**'* 1 I . «|.ir- Mr ti*l«* ( oiinlV. ft’ it fur
t liVr Mpp*-M! if £ flint •it** d**!*?* »»»‘f r*'i*i*V i»» flt*-
Mu!f, if ;**. nmfiuii jf or*i. raii flint
‘a J -lui t a|>i’**ar m? i a*f fi»*i i***x
!•!(:: «»f fi»** *-!-**. filif ill f t-.* i<"i*»i
r*f**i} in :»» <1 'i*** |: 1 trfl I *** al • '**•<l hi
; »• j glmi-Ju >i i*. li.«» liii llrchl oi,*-** h f: * oil tlt
f*H luurmmilh**. iiL< »!?•>!*. M M#LaN,
IVtitioiir-r*? A:*"ftcy.
I lioir*] v rrr’ifv lliftt 1 ?i** ai*"T»* i <h Inlet'S*
trad In.m lii« u*n.Glea of IJ.'iirv St:; **i i«»i* Omt.
...,V '7 f; (; \Vf ! \
i tIM filT ! (H\t’EllT! COMEIIT !
I'aii: l.iii «*f iu*: ■P* >.!>*>ru* htc.N'.
I o.*>" val! r.il,** |.:*».**• Tiil' I.Vi.MM, at
Hit? (1 it*si:» Ft*'i;.i!i* l'i.l,*-L r « 'i’ltk-'-vf! < 'liitlr**!!
. *i*nt- (.. 'i?vt; w ith. r.; t'i* ir : *‘r L r i:af
• iir*?,-* w.i.fj' T d'i :n»!f «-<). litk*la Hi *IV I>(*
,? »’.»*• |*i ii.a» ti at ti.c (j«or. i%> j
. > •UlrlM r- I»f !.U.f |M»-t 7 o'vlo'-k. IJ'AiT—lt'
/ t;oß.|\ -P.\i.!»!Nf; (nl N I V.— Hv t ]
v Dip **f an t» m*-! I»Y 1 hi? i loiioi alilt*
ilicUourt of On» *iiof ?>. i CoiintT. «ill be
t ni*l on ibt-I i 1 1.-> fl» i*>J»A V iri .lain ary, 1K67.
nt I’. * C'*»m? i{*» ll -• *• .itn.r in rani Gnn.'.y nil she
lain ;a hi-l-Migihir t*> lit- r* t ?»J it of Janus V. • Kt.ee! v.
i i?e of -»i‘l coirniy. and -cPH'«' I o-itsisi i yof Ufa
.No* 117f«* e iniit'b t-d m«i 6«‘v* i?. ei. i. >n. 1! f,
ft.i.e iitii.tiled m and •alien, l.nl? ’**t of No. li.\
one h »i**if"ti m.d liftroo. n* and fihy u* F*a t f h't.
in liii< af, c fiijni-n v*»n aero‘. bting
!:. !??; ;.*J • ;* iMcirallv I'ikr. in* 'fib
r*tn!,? v There ;• cm -jim! ! tiem about
t!i;c* ! isiif!red ii;. ! tift\ r..-(rs in r! »• ur>t«la— tlo*
f*jjJ;jt • lo*i- c f(»:*•-ftltly nod fiodei p*i*'!
• ■•?»?»*, y,\'uh ;'•'<•(! *• :<iiihiy ImiMiitga N*iil
p r.intfi-ii »l s \ ►>' ( fit of tiie htiisatn*
' : * 1 nv,
l:\id l.V.ei'.r
AOTfC'E !!
T< i
AND nlill llv
\V('l Ll> i».\::o a ra ! fi t'in ail who witlt Lo
Groceries and Provisions
in t.:.i, llmkct Bis .■- 1. 1 St- ek i- » ell b-light
t 0.,! ;... ,1.-1 1•• -i t - aeli.
11- Im* on -and :
e-iii. Kui’i:.
■i ■ bairn \ BA'.liiN'..
Ta,'' ins IVv| NK,
2t«' sacks ■■s.v,
_ a . I !.- . '
baza rttl-'KBK,
f.'htnls V
boxes l i.e.s-,
■/ ' tut,* lftiit-r,
2" hid* I e and,
•/,, I,.as lb, i,VS heat Fi-ur.
*T. bfs *U e a , :
i'.n nm-U:v>. - I t 12 wl.'.ls t.nrr.'l* No*.
j. 2 •,,-! and MaskerA, Br.. M.a.e and me----.
2b Id.l* iii.a- Fl
In half Id.!* Wilts 1 isli.
In lut f i.t,l* l.ake T.nut,
2-0 • i!»- Codfish.
a, t- xes .'-uii>2-d lie: i in-,
24 l.li.f* lbic-.i.
1 o ii-. riug (’.ire lllir *.
Ill) l.'il'S SO,l» BM.I i. tier '.barkers,
2 t>-Xe.s s„ H| , ( , |-i, us fvl'.l *l* )
2'MI l. v- «IV a.m.. c r«,j
J0, ',1 il.’s.ufr
f;■ l) Ir --In king T,ihareo,
h-ve- -t,, l lid.as,
To l bis Fnp.o,*
A general assoi-.rnenl of
( aimed I i'iiiis, I’ichles. [.ohslei s,
Mim. TiCA'«. Ai.MONIIS, etc.
Wiih i.1.) so t an'3 thii g u**ua!l) k.-j 1 in n
S T 0 i! B .
I nm more del*-, mined tit«n ever to rush nuai
ncf's. .lust give me «-ulpif y oil want to
"Ukt vui'n money back.”
J. A. SEUIOi n.
F)u k-g. Nails,
2b i a—* o.i—ntralvl Potash,
lo vus'm iteok Pul Asli.
For sal« by
nov2S-iw j N SKYMOL R.
(J >; J: iti
Ui‘l>eiiteil by Reiiuest!
rrx 111. p„iil„i, >c,-h ty of Gntiin, will re
l J'-al tlieir . <‘Ni't-.RT. by ri.j.ivst, in. next
Ti IDDAY Nov-mt- r tm; 27th, with an entire
' g“ ~r r.r-grsß’-..J "-C".*2 -««.
p. IV PEASE A c<W J LBl li, PFA -L A CO.,
No, J 7 Alabama street, Atlanta Ga. Ralston*! Range, 34 at,. JJaeoi r >l#
P. P. PEASE & CO.,
Cotton Factorsaml Coniitiissioit Merchants,
de ; ti-,. at. »***-!„
at wnoi wale and .tier ail tr
‘f , ?/, EWI,
! have ou hand a large an'! well ’cl-CtcJ stock of j'ure Drugs, Medicine*, Otrad.j,
Fancy and Tuih-t Articles, Sponge.*, Btusi.es, Perfumery »tc., As.
These articles have been sslect and with great -ate, buJ, in Kuropcatt an 1 A.aeri«»i
mark, ts, snd will be sold on the most rcasonacle terms.
mmuznm & vmnwz,
( i tN.-iSTi.N ■. , ;■
1 Kf.Nk 11 MKK'N"- A LI'A! V AS.
■ At'll-i’iy- AND A! •>• i, DLL AIN fjHt’"
Aid; *ivcry vaiufv o.* I'ili.N i •>. A*»j .» h;,- ' ;fut .! »
I ; '^ 5 ‘ V •’ ■ v 7.
' itK Jt£ £ ti 4 J& ' ODJj & and
EAltiliOl 1 *fc.Jt IKS, all nete,ii: on. »„d-I **•:.. -i. ••
D SP*ME N Tl C'*S.
A la.gr Iu- '*f HI.KM 'BErt and BROWN I)OMI>TI A.
O.r st‘>, k of N' I fD >N S nr” en,l!c*« in v iri-tr. and not to h’ ex •••!!*,I m quality
' [Bv;—i v. (> ~ve*. 11 ami In rch -! -. Im -i.' *1 Fk'.nei, I.dglng ami Inserting, llair Bi ashe*
luiltf Article., A•. A spiel;.' and 8 "di us
£Joottj, iilioca and Hats.
The Largest Stock of Ready-Made Clothing
Ever brought to Griffin.
iTI t! o Pu!»li • for foimrr ! ■ Lora | i'di ; cjp, nyo invi’e Speciu’ attontioß W ®nr
i*»*w >;o. k of the I‘nld c t at wo c«n i* ? ve os
| -Ir’O’Oß
V* it is possible to bo had in this, or anv other M interior of lh»
laOidViuNs’ti:in a. fpkifkk.
! ' o tl.i. Sni
vn t, Uccllicccl Prices,
s.-p Gt— 3nt
irT. xs . r>nz: xt
- EAST SID E 0 F IIILL STRE ET , (Near the Fu*t Offis*,)
GrixHn, Georgia,
J-tV Also, a fine lot of FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, NYindow GlaM,
(i f | ■**,)•.« CoOklng Extract* foltHC-o, C)g -,r ’- A”'