Daily Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1???, December 19, 1866, Image 1

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„ SOUTHERN' HERALD, PUBLISHED DAILY AT GRiFPix, GEORGIA, «T MARTIN & CO, orncK rr*TMW*BA\K‘-> Bt'lUitNO. et*- |„ j T liuti-s us SufexrrliHlotii One copy one year One copy six months ( 3 Oae copy three niuntlis, 2 (*, tW Orders for JOB WORK »nd At>VERTTS I\G respectfully solieiied, ami promptly attended to AUGUSTA. AUOUiTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following named lending Lit,input hnnses of ,'fcngn«t», Georgia, desire to call tlie particular at petition of the merchants and traders of Middle Gem gin to t heir large and well selected stock '1 hr iu.fiuenTu*!** held out to l>tt\ers are iinsor psesed in any Southern market. Ordera will he promptly and carefully attended to, thns saving the expense of time and travel Every firm named t«dow is perfectly responsi ble. and safe, and refer with confidence to their eld customers: D,y Goods •* Mammoth Stock on hand Ittld for Sale by u tL P. RUssELL A CO. 11. F. Hustc.i Dsnlel, J. J. R us .. e) Cruccrlis 0DOVV1) A MI".,HERIX. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Broad >trect. Groceries Motions Ac-, W. HENRY W aKRKN Groceries, Notions, 4c., at. w holesale. felloes, Boots, Ac , CONLEY.FORCE A CO Wholesale Dealer*. Hr, ad Streeet. tSIIOtS, Hoots AC., m. conr.x. Wholesale and Retail Dealer, Broad Street. Hardware, Cutlery Ac., BONES, DROWN, A CO., Offer splendiddudueements. Saddlery, Ilmnrss and Carriage Alater.ala, SHERMAN. JESSUP A CO., Wholesale and Retail dealers. Buggies, Carriages, Ac., WYMAN A MAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Crotkety, Classu-lVare, Ac-, MOSHER, THOMAS. A SIIAUII; Have ou hand a large and splendid Sloek. MOO UK &, BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Crockery ami Glass Ware. Clothing anti furnishing Goods, I. SIMON A DUO. 176 and 224 Broad Street, oiler a splendid assort ment. Drugs. Medicine , Ac. F A. BEALL. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Broad Street. II DTEL3. A util ta Hotel, Ac- First Class and splendid accommodations. UROAIJ STREET oot6-tf 6 HE Will’S Globe Motel, Augusta, O-00. W. C. HEWITI', Proprietor, latent the Hewitt House, Va. The Glob* Hotel, tinder the present Pro prietor. hits been iboroughly renovated, repainted and refurnished, and is second to »•* Hotel in the South. Attached to the House is an elegant, bar room, barber shop and bath house for ladies and gentlemen. Also, a No. 1 Liverv >tab o, where nacks and horses can be procured tor pleasure or for trips to the country. ocly—3m KO..H CARRINGTON, JAMKS GAHDNKR, president, (Os Aug. Constitutionalist,) Vice Pres't <k Jsee’y. CARRINGTON & CO. S CENERAIuPL'RCIIASING AGENCY, QO Broadlway IST- Y. * - -. I "f_)URC’II ASK to order, any arfiolß wanted. ; A ingiy nr in iput'lty. from thisnry or 'from Europe, for consumer* or dealers, for use or wear, I comfort or and at prices guaranteed as I low as couil jEe obtained by lie customer iu per son. If you want Bo k*. Prinls, Clothing. Instru ments, Music, Tools, Weapons, porting Imple ments. fancy Stock, Jewelry, Silver or Plated .Ware. Wines, Ctgais, Fine Groceries, Furniture, n short, ANY article, large or small, singly or in quantity, for Ladies’or Gentlemen's use, or wear, . or for dealers’ supplies, from a seal ring to a steam ermine ; a cameo or a cashmere ; l.ce or ( leather, Send on your Ord rs Tkrms—Kor over Ten Dollars in amount, and for all perishable goods, live stock, Ac., a remit tance with the order, or provision for city pay went when filled ; under Ten Dollars—CO D.. , Commission on minor orders and fine goods 6 per cent. On staple goods in quantities, ma chinery. implements and vt hides, the usual trade co missions Consignments of produce received n remittance, and | romptly and carefully at tended to. the usual advances made on bills of ! ading. Address, >o xO-4t CARRINGTON &.CO; | SAVANNAH. 3KXRT rHTAN . A. L. IIARTRIHGE. .E. W. S. NEW! BRYAN.HARTRIDGE O COAIMIsMO.N MERGIAN TS A.ID Broltors, SAVANNAH GEORGIA WE solicit consignments and make advances on shipments to ourselves, New York and Liveapool correspondent*. Y#"PLANTEU- c ; SUPPLIES FURNISHED Jil DAILY SOUTHERN HERALD. VOL. 1. professional cards. Charlie Wright, W.l TL’HMaK ER .1 ,Y/> jkuhJ.e, EASI sll,|:mil - >ti:ect. jBTY- OVER CFFORD'S. r . „- A, ‘ ' v,,rk warranted. Dec 27.181,5. vi ltd IL C. ('()()K. attorney atlaw griffin, GEORGIA. * . n,«\ 8 if ‘ I). N . M • TTp . v ATTO"\ U 1 1 .N --N E V A T L A \r , I G R I FF ; is . 0 go KG I A . wtinee next doer lo ilie Heinid office. inayStf D . M. J. DANE! L, PRACTtCINi; PHYSICIAN, Orl l» tip fetuiis 1 rout Uoinei Uuo.ii .Jo:***\-* i Building. Mu rib ItrSm .1- Q- A. ALPOKI), ATTORNEY AT LAW, (ilili riN. CA \ \ T 11*1. attend to such |>r<«f,*3jtioiml business as ; ▼ v may be eittrugwd t<* his cure* in the c-.un ties of !S|>a tling. I‘ikt*, Upson. Monroe. Butts 11 can , Fayette. Coweta and Mem wether. By I >i tini pi ati-1 fliiige* t attention to prof, seionnl duty J 1 1 «• will endeavor t«» please tho-e wl»o may en trust Irisn with bu-i' tr-s. II" h determined that j the business of Ins clients, together with, hi- own shall occupy Ins time and attention exclusively. Office on Hill Street, up staiis, opposite 11 UK Al*t) OFFICE. February 2*2, IBtiC. ly. DOYAL A- NUNNALLY, ATTORNEYS A' 1 ' LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA Y\TILL i'RACTR E IN 'I HE COUNTIES til iv spill.ling, Henry, Fa\fit**. l‘»n*.ts. Monroe Upson Fikf, Clayton, ami M*t t i wlealher; amt w ill attend lo the ct llectum »4 .-inline hg umU th Federal Crovemm nt; ami ul&tt *>» the purchase ami sale ol real * u»a» ?. As we shall devote our whole attention to our profession. we hope t«» be able to gi\»** general Miti-laetiou to all who may think propel to engage I our set vices. I*. T. DOVAL, Pee 27. ts A. 1). M N > A LEV. BOYNTON * DISMUKE, ITTUIi NK Y S A T J, A ii\ | PUFFIN GKoßina, ! Office in fiont room tip staiis in Altnah Ila’l opjM»*?ile i»| iek Waif boils**.) ’IT r I Ll* give prompt attention to sucH business v v IISIOHN be eliliUsTed to th* l eaif*. in the counties of Spuhlli g, Henry, Units, Monroe, Upson, Pike. Merriwcthef, '/ayetle andUlayton .1. S. Hf>YNTON. ) Fi:ki». 1> I Msmi'kk. 1 aep4 --Fm. J. T. J &, CO., W II 0 l* It S A I. E A) H V G GISTS, VND Dealers in I’.-iihfa, Oils, Wiiuf'vv Glass, (.‘lie Chemical 'Apparatus. Siatiunary, I'uteul Medicines mid a eumpiete assuriuieut ol FAN 'Y AND TOILET AHTIf’LKS. BAHAMA, -T ATLANTA, GA. I'“"I8«5. C i muK COTTON BH3KBU, AND GEN ERA I. COM M ISSION M ERCIIA NT Will |ay the highest, mu’ kct pi : ce for COTTON, Or will make liberal CASH advances on Cotton J Consigned to Ills correspo dents ill Liverpool, New York. -av imiiih, or Augusta. New York Exchange For Sale Griffin. Gco.igm— Giliee in Almtth Hull, oppo » t.e Brick Ware House. O ct l am A CA UI), TO T II E L A 1) 1 KS. INSURE YOUR LIFE!! and thus SEUVRE your family a-competence in j - CASE OF YOUR DEATH. r |'HlE UNDER3MNED has obtained the 1 Agencv '‘f one ot the largest and most re liable Insurance Companim in America, and is now prepared to furnish Policies upon the most ; approved plan,. ; O * IsiXj on ms and learn all the particular*. faS" office i*. bttllwell I3eck*\ o*B-1/ F. L. GROCE. REMOVAL! | A A. PORTER has removed hi* shop to the » basement story of Beets’ o and stand, where he still eonliiiiiies to i REPAIR GUNS, Ntf do all other work in bis line. Thankful for she liberal patronage heretofore revived from •jus eld friend*, be respectfully solicits a continu ance of their favor*. i*ov.]2— J. S. JON KS, W. P. PUi'M Hl** I IT, J - C. FULKMAN. j.vu n ; ' i- J, S, JO\Es, Dill MIGHT 5 CO., ■ Rankers A Cot ton Brokers. GRIFFIN, GEO. \\/ill Pnrcliase Mjtbt and Time Bill* on W tNtvaiidHli, Gt»arleat.*»n. and York. Make advances on Produce and Merchandize in store Receive Deposits, Buy and selWCoiton and Produce generally. Gold and culver Coin, Nauuual, Slate, and Kailioud Securities. Particular attention given to collection of mer cautile paper, and prompt remittances made. j We are also prepared t FURNISH SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK AND SAYAN iKAH, in gun* to tui* vurebarert. ! 1 cm** t/ m TIh U than the* fcvtnrtl.** GRIFFI.V, CEli„ WEIi.VSD.iI BfIBVIVC, DEI’EBEI 19. IK6C. ATLANTA. REMOVAL! JOHN H, WHITE & CO, 1> I I l RV their grntrfiil thaek* to th* .itix.i- I ■ V ol t»i tllii and eutroit,*'*,ng eouulTV foi th. I - / ' LIDEUAL I’ATRONAGB Fxie'..ied lo them for the U-t B ieen year*, »ud ll is Willi regiel llial they leave l«r die and llieir old ft . I.ds aud eU-U'lUets, lor alt Ulitl ‘eel tield ul Uusineßs. Tlicv are now opening 03 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, - Georgia, the l est sto- k of .STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ■ Clothing. ll;\ts and Caps. Hoots and S' oes. | that they *v*r l r.mgLt. South They would It- happy to so*' their old frloiul* when they visit Atlanta, and show ! them ihrough Ho ir stork, as they are satis j li ! they rail sell *s oh »p HII-I ns troo C lioO'.s, as :ind House in the i tit ot At-.n t:i J II WHITE S e2s t,. W. WHILE. | Pi I ll7'-A. , T‘ El Entertainment ■*v ARTHUR w. BROWS' takes thD tee tliod ol Infurniing his <»1 -1 fiie'-ds Inst he. - me. i in the city of A'lanta. on the corner ol Hun ■ ter mill 1 Jo\d street*, immediately in Irotil ot 'ln* Cmlirlir l.'liureh. and ahontmie Imudied and tr‘\ ! vt.ids fi,.i itl e t ae-slud. 1 lie tciuii lire VeM lies ' > ! rtttg::o— dylyr Alt L'III W. ISROM N I ,1. M. Cooke,' DEALER IN lIIUTiS, CilF.lllf.lLS, FEDFOiEiIV, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, , N“- 5, Knnpire liuilding. Whitehall St., Atlanta, Georgia. Prescriptions earefi'Hy prepared at ail luu!i*i*. day or night. «i^v«-lf JOHNSONS & GORDON, C o in in is >• i an M ( r c h <i n t s AND DEALEUS IN GRO3 TIES, PROVISIO’ S ALABAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, j Jauy 4, MISCELLANEOUS. A, W.-JONES, DK \I.KR IS STAPLE AND I NCY DRY GOODS. . .<■ * 4 «... 5 - J <5 MEN ANI) BOYS’ CI.OI IIIXG. Hats and Caps, Hoots & Shoes I . i CROCKERY, GLASS\V A RE, -A, | and every variety of FANCY COCOS, NOTIONS &C. West side Hill Street. G iflin, tin. i I* now receiving <ne of tlia largest and I best selected Stocks of Goods ever brought to tins mai k-t, wl i.-li will be smd on very REASONABLE TERMS (or Cnsli, Relieving that be rail sa'i-fy purchasers as to quality and price, be cordially invites EVERYBODY 'to Call, and inspect bis (roods. After doing so. he isKutisb 1 that they will not be diy | posed to try either the Atlanta or -Alaeon : m irkeU. TUB LADIES are especially requested to examine bis mag nifi' cnt assortment, of CLOAKS, Sll A l.jy MiNTAGS, NL-HlAs.and Hi; SNGOODs. I'onsisliug in part ol Rich Black and I COLORED SII.KS. Rens, Si ! k ami Worsted Poplins, So'id j Primed AH-Woll atid Paeitic lb Lames, i Merinos, Alpacas, Empress Cloths, etc., etc. | A beautiful assortment of LACES and EM3ROIDERIES, among-which will be found the Real Cluny I and Valpiicienn-s, Pr-as Trimming*. in F ndless Varietv, and a THOUSAND other things u-ually kept in a First Clai-a Dry j Goods Slum. ! Oct. and 18CS-3no CHARLESTON. GEO.V/.WILIIAMi&CO, FACTOXIP. CHARLESTON."* - 8C WILLIMIS, TAYLOR 4/3., Com mifa in n Mrrrhu N W YORK. l iberal adv»nc fnr-de on Conr*gi*u»«ui» «f I'ihlu*'( > •«* «*llh«r lli’ilbe. 0«tl6-2iu F. HOSRBY, BCCCESSOK of HORSEY, AUTEN Sc CO., AND>THa'V (,>,O r H, No 25 Ut.ynv at ( It uT«'»foti. *. C OatlsSui E. B;8TODDAlU) & CO, (tolSolcsiilc (ct.iltrs IX BOOTS, SHOES, VXD THEWS, AT M AM’L ACTUUEirS I’RIfJES. IGS hi etingSt , Chaile«ton, S C I | zFKII I. IS -idDDyRD, 111 I■'.!'• KRUNKM U*: R, ' I.FMUEI. CHANK. ! el 15-Sttt JOHNSTON CREWS & CO., lmpt»lt*Mvalid Wlr »l« Aa'.e I)«abi§ in STABLE A KAMA DRY GOODS, l So. tl Iluyiie SI root. Charleston, ■ • * S.C.! nov7—lw -4> ! VI IL L S II OUSE, ; (orm'roOU'i'Uiig mill ({uof'ii Slw., CHARLESTON, S. 0. 'l’ll IS tv-dl-known fil'd einaa lint-I liw* jn*t 1 Oeeti I hoi "uglily repaired, ivfitud niul re furni.lh I. a id i< i.i.w ready f"t' the a- ci.in-undti I ion if ill* 1 raveling puhlk), whose putruti.ge ia lespeetlully » lieited. I'uiu-liee'always i.i readiae*, to convey | 0-sen gets to Hil l lliilll the lintel. „„v7 2 JO-EIMI PURCrI.L Prop’ j MISCELLANEOUS. W. F. FALL, ! Whulevnl# HARDME MSRCHiKT, No 3-1 Puhliv Square, Nashville, - Tenn. | a | and in how pnvi: g *ppci*i? to j »UoU>ALK l KADK. Rod will be j ** moatbapi \to i'ht’ive imy •*:<!• »•». (large or small) for good* that the trade i»»a) uenk u liioh will be SENT AT ONCE, i ¥ l and nt LOW FICURBS! W F. FALL. oj‘27— lm Sucoe*«or to G. W Fall <fc*iiro. < THE FINEST FRESH OYSTERS OF THE SEASON! JUST RECEIVED AT Mitchell’s ! ’ rig rnmnaui STORE. ptt PATRICK & BRO. KEEP on band at all times a fine assortment of Men and Buys’ BES l lIOM E MAI »K SHOES ! all sizes, manufactured and warranted by them. Th"y have, and always keep in store for sale a tine article of UUtv&fciT, KIP AND COUNTRY’ JOB WORK AND REPAIRING put up to order and warranted. ur i ATuivK & Dao. puy ‘be market : r»rkM» in c ish ur barter fur Gi jcl haivl Ifry Hide*, ! i aIIOW *;ld Utr'J-XiJA# IX 9!. ■ MACON. J. N. SKVMOR , CHERRY STREET. MACON, - GEORGIA. KKT'pd on h.i and B lull .tnrk of Grtverien an«l Prii.idtwt*. »' irh h» uffer* b* low a, any other house in th* eitj. ll* al*o keep- or band all tfr*.!** ofT< 'R \t’Un and deaUm Lmiltard * -M'KF. a.d SN ORING TOHAfXO of rnrivfi* brand*, ml in%ite« A call (ton narrvbont* I*l knt«*r»», ®ud othri*. •ngr.n .f\nrn j y 9T.YWm. Li and i LIT, SMITH & CO., Mm.U’aeturrri ii.Julf abr* iu SAL>r>r.ES AXD II MIX ESS, CARRIAGE MA lERIAL SHOE FIX HI Ml S. and , Saddlery, hmnp'fii, llaulwiiv, l.r»ilh»*r of nil k• i• i- M.t. hit .■ IMting, 'I mi lit Traveling Hat chrb ami ngfin Hament of all kinds Han»f*tfc unde t«* otib*r. * j 2 CTIKUKY s i IH.FT. Macon - - Georgia. *epß—Sm S 1 It l P ! O A lUH.'J. Choice N. (» Syrup ; —V * 6t.u >»t! , Btcoti ride* ni-d Miouldein : {*n MMi-kn t’• »tf.-t* ; Cni'Acr* of nil kinds; J«M» boxet t h«’»'b« ; !*n»*dn»f*n < »\end I’irklct ; 2<M» Ih»X*« Tfhm eo ; )fnt k« ga N uiU ; TO AKRIVEI 7'» Un'k ; bbU. Fb*»ir ; 1 • l»b!i afd kits Mnckeicl , 2o tack- I!iff ; sI.VMoUU. JollN-ON A CO., \N tioLi *alk hi t.i n « net2B Macon, (i«*o, CUR it r»- IINI I.AT. Tin n w HAM.IIA FINDLAY & MAM;IIAM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in H\U FAMILY kItCCKItIKS AND ri:nVl>ll>N> GKNFUALI.Y, Wytiro, l.i<|«or«, Cigar*, Tohaceo, ITutU. CarJy Nut*, ike . ike. *m:om> mum. offoKirr. rinar batiovai. ha" k dl it 03, UM KUiA. may 10: LARGE STOCK of CHEAP GOODS I p.onirht for < a*fi when Gold v«« at 25 per eant .vi.d siiid low. Our luutto », ' tjuivk sale*—*tnalt pro tile. * DRUGS, I'IIVTS, OILS, YVUMSIIES, PATENT MEDICINES, DYES, &C. 25 per cent. Saved t'V huy h g at By &A J. 11. ZEILIN &CO. S Drug store, flpp Telegraph Printing U JUae, GA. A* stir motd of fho Pufr-nt Man nfiictm **rs. » p nru offe ring then proparttliou* at Hboiif Yutk ctat, «*X|*rßt« cdiiPil. M*r« bn it* hid! are fn ing sum>lied fioTo our slock alk ti-i"Hgli the country, timling wr nr*/rflmna am 1» mipvrior ii.<bn;pni**uT* thaf n#» i.y hximh" f«»r going to more ditt'ani mar* kfcto >l>*rn» Oil. Lin«petl OH, Tanners’ Oil, a Oil all ki'iil* of * >i!- for liibrb'Ht ing I nrning. Hair Hr|»«ho* (ih«» finira don’t I come out.,) lliiii Ui l #, l »ilet Golognp* I Wine* and liiMiufo'S. itnjKjrted by nurse)v<* fn»m ! EnglnniJ hi <i Fi nn* **. nitfi our name* atamped on tlipm !>s fbe .on ufHclure , ». I i»"t pad of wasung your time on long journeys | laying out your mom v. overetoeking yourself, rmyii g tnsiii'ance. risking bi«*«kagp, and I life ami limb send to the '1 known fraius Drug .Store, and get your goods ciuap and purs. J. 11, ZEILIN & CO., Can show you anything in their line. PoUah. Snulf. Coal < 'il. W illi*.- Lead, Zinc. Quinine, Cop peras. Opium. Pepper, Blue Sioue, Ac. oeixl-lt B. A. WlS¥^ ' CHERkY STREET, MACON, OA., " dealer In -■ - W House Furnishing Hardware, SILVER PLATED GOODS, GLASS. CHINA, and EARTHEN WARE, Table anil I’odiet • titlery. TIN and WOOD WARE. BROOMS, BRUSHES FEATHER DUSTERS. <te , STOVES. Hollow W are/Cook i l.g Utensils of every Kind. oe-Yi-lm HOUSE TO RENT. HALF’ Mile friun business portion of 'he City. Eight Rooms newly plastered ; all out houses eou.idete, Mabl.f. Ae One Hundred acre*« Lai about Thirty uuder cultivatin' . i apply t« JB. REID. Oet », 1885-ts SOUTHEKNJIEItALD, lATiif* Rm rTRa axr AbTttnmt, |A a# <H>*espT sixtooi-tb* . . ... ..j §4 iNttrsp; tiuw M-wU,,.....:....*. ..IN nrAitiMi n Mtisnf . Es A 1 papers M< pp*d at tit* rud{ ot th« tia* paid fer U aut pr«' iwu* y rra « wtd. e A .k»*elU**a*B»i htnlnl at tb# r-fia ot 000 D-dlar aad t»Ay ObB» per B>-nars of Tea I jobs, tor U>a ft*** in-*rii*o. « 4 (Va*a bt »»e'i »' lu*Yi*trnt Htßßrtma -puy»M* G» adravv*. I it**, at -l-deeli-K-B mod* no mktruets for miro t ♦mst* * rom dog ibrae M>4k< ltd I«>**«#; BACK’S e v° OD p, l is \A 8U (JAR-COATED, S9 2 PURELY VIIGETJLBLE. 2 Free Oram Xrrcaif 8° ILL MINERAL POMS, g And are, undent.tedly, Uaa pt beat remedy aaUot yj SIEKJVD VEBVfln IILIDICUB! yt’ ” O t^r,tln*, jfiwE M "'** 'l*, hjr virtue ' ®< ■ •perm, slttn.tr for the / amroiiß membrsim of the howeH, \ thereby removing ttiv onuses. As e g LIVER PUL g W. limy ssn hsve an rtvel, NHag com- H pe*ed of tbs roost Powerful Vegetable ExtrMt* J? Q uhich hares direct eettoeoe the W SPLEBN AND L.IVEB, W W”" the I).[TT effeet nf wtneh ssn be fSk seen eiier one or two do.es. They VS Remove the Hite, j. A set of I>! (/rut ion, u Cure Co*tirenere, w P In fset, they sre. ss (heir Dame tl VA I.hlichlpii, I|i« M O BLOOD PILL § “The Life-Giying Principle." They se.rr-h out di««s>« »n I It. «tn!t» at us very mot,' testing the k 351 vyetein *n the Toll vigor ~r hestth ; |9 r. sre rKKftn T I.V IIAIt.MI,K»* lit r. N INFAN ta.oK I'KIIHIiNh ur THK 5* ■3 M"*T I'KI.K AIK Uti.NSnIU- I km I IONH, nnU sre s kj W SATEK, SUHEB ANDBETTEH I * r Purgative Pill p IH than tin, ever before tmen STsdshle ; i lo "uw-bui.l, nn.t. 1.-mg llti--t.lv r-U- i 0 ft A It-‘ ’l VI Kl», sre es|*e* liilly ii.lst.t- ! Weilasa ItKMKIiY FORi:ttl f.ltKKN. ‘ M so l persons slio have s dir.i-l of I L J swkllowmg . pill They are, un k_g m questiimshly. one of <.i>r meet S3 ■ SKti-te tory ctTIl AKTIPM, / X ktul no tiousetiolU At X A should le with- S a— X x out them. %zs- PRINCE, WALTON a COr. fSoccessors to Dr. C. W Ttotxvik,) sole rnormEToßa, Nos. 66,68, 60 A 62 But Third 8t« CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by ell Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine* EVERYWHERE. - f-• ILCIgHT RAILROAD QXTIIOE macon and western railroad. A. J. WHITE. Pamiri knt, K. B. WALKER, Ser’r. Leave Maeon 1 30 A. K Arrive at f»i idV* . . . 1* 30“ * 4 Arrive at Atlanta." 1 67 P M. l.**ave Atlanta •• A 65 A. 9 M. Ari iv** ot (iiiflin 9 M “ “ Arriw ot Macon -> . 1 30 T. M. SOUTH WUSTKKM RAILROAD. i WM. IIOLT. Fccpmnt. VlitGlL POWUIto, C-LTT. , . Lcavpii Macon 7 M AV Arrivesat Fufaula t IS P. R Leaves KufnnU ....8 It) A. k Arrives at Mi con .....4 It) P.JH ALBAST BBANCU. leaves Smithville, ....1 41 P^l. Airivea at Albahy 4 84 P. I'- Leaves Albany 7 80 AMI. Arrive* at SudlhviUe ....a-oe A,JL MUSCOqEE RAILROAD. ■' > .4 JOHN CLARKE. See'?. • LearhMaroo 717!!.'........ 7 S3 A. M. Arrives at ColwwhM..’. h^L. Leave* Colundius A. MY. Arrive* at Maeau......... ltf P. M» J. P. KlN^j|g»il.reT. Arrivee’WMlaota 6 50 P. M. Leaves Atlanta. . 7 03 A. M. Arrive* at Aujr?*«». » 8*) A. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave* Augusta ...... 8 10 A. M. Arrive* at Atlanta .i. 8 41 A. M, Leaves Atlanta .' 7 8U P. M. •Yrnvesat Augusta..., V 3U A. M. ATLANTA A WES I POINT RAILROAD. G 1-O^Vlll Svr’r. Liarea Atlanta',. 8 OA A. M y.-rivss at West PutßJ. 11 45 A.M. Leaves Eatoutrm 18 85 P M irives at Atlanta. 6 10 p. M Notice. tl EXTLEMKN nnwt <«nv np *nd pay ♦ k*i? I Ticket*, and frum tbia dale a*k f»*r t: > aior«, la» it \< im|H>4Miible to g*?t th* m made. S>cod in your u»m#*f aud <»nr goani* will *«»ld a* low aa at any interior towa ia tLc zoovry <)ct<iw>t).t/ fc. B REWRT*