Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, December 04, 1868, Image 1

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(Sriffin Srmi Tlifcklß Star. VOL, IV. 88IFFIN SEMI-WEEKLY STAR BY SPEIGHTS 4 BRIDGES. PUBLICATION OATS -TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. OMce—tn Mmmh Mall. Terms «f Subscription : Ob* Year—Payable U Advenes *0 BU Month*— '• « SOU Terms or Advertising t Tbabbibnt AnvKanasiuvTs—Sl .00 per eijuare (10 lines! star th« flint insertion, mml BO tenia per square for each subsequent In.crllon—alw»vs payable in advance. Mabhiauk and OUtI’AKT Nimc,-lIK lima or leas, 00 cents. Wheti n*.r that number of lines, the rcgu tarealc. will be charged. , , . . Tbnma or AoriariaiNo Rnsmaaa Ganns t eqnare S fnonths fllO 00—H months fllß 00—lyearflift; 0 square 8 months flit 00—0 month, lift 00— year fl40; quar ter column I month fllS OO—B month* fl.’ft On— 6month* fl*o 00; half column 1 month flto—o moniha fl*0 —0 moults too 00; 1 calumu 1 month fluO 00 8 uiuntha PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T>OYNTON & DISMUKR, Attorneys at 1) Law. Oilflln, Ga. (Mice In Atmah Hall, nextdner ill the Btae t ÜBco. Practice !u the Count)** Composing the Hint i ircutt, and In thu U. 0. District Court. At tentlnu given to Bankruptcy Noy.OT-ly. 13BKPLKS& BTKWART, Attorney* at I law, Grifhn, Georgia. Oftice on the oorhrr of Hill Street ami Broadway—l’p Stairs-in the Moor Building Prompt attention given t» nnatnean placed tn our httnda. November 27-ly rr\ W THURMAN. Attorney at Law 1 . ami Notary I'uMio. Will practice Law In the rnuntlo* oom|M»glnir the F Int Circuit. FroniQt atten tion given to aK l»«'ln«-M entrusud to hli care. Ofhoe Kast Side of Hill Btre-'t, up stains In the Moor Build ing Gridin, Go., October ‘2l, l8(W-<in TM. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, . Gridin Georgia Will attend promptly to all bus- Inraa entrusted to hit care. Strict attention will l>e given to Coi.LKOiieNa und cases tu UANKuui-ror. O nce In Aliuali Hall April It, IXBMy TAOTAL a NUNN ALLY, Attorney a at I / Law.Grtffin, Georgia. Office In Cunnlnkhaura building, 1111 181 Pmotioe l» the Flint «Ircult. and elmi \here by spcclrtl contract; and also In the United Male* District Court, special otteitioii to Bankrupt* uy ('asm. November 27, 186-*-*y DR. MJ. DANlEL—Office at Harria* Drug Store, Hill Street, UH'i n, Ga.’y JYR L G, BRANTLEY, formerly of f Henry t'ounW; ten.iera hS- profeaalonal service* the clilieiiaur orflßp and the surrounding rountry C'lMU’i.TAimNannd Anvio* .trlotly ooalldeutlul Oltice next door to thu Nolma House wheie he will be fund wlien hoi prefeaileualty dugoged. Dec ft 1867-ly 4 CLEVELAND A BON, Resident Den \. . tiet* work. Term* C'a»h. ' ■ "ii if I—■ biins & Threlkeldj SOTTON BROKERS, HAVE rwmoT'd tn tHnir nfiw Office in the BKIOK WAKE-IIOUM, on flolmpon St., where they will b« pleased to »e« their IrUodi. lb«> are prepared at ad tinea to pay the Highest Cash Price for COTTON, and respaetftilljr Invite tjie Planter* iv give ti.ein a trial bcl re Milling Agents for the E. CARVER COTTON &IN, warranted to do find, data work, and probably the boat ami rbeiipoht GIN in the market. Mir SIGHT EXUHANGKoii N*w York for sale at all tlfflW, In mu him to suit pon haaera at current rates. Grltlln. September 19, >Bd&-Bro ToTADUisr THE GREAT Blood PttFifief CURES SUfill II HI B Still AS Consumption in all its earlier Hoyts', Jin- Ukryement and Ulceration of the Glands Joints, Hones, Kidneys, Uterus, Chron ic Ilheuinotism, Eruptions of ths Shin, C ironic Sort Eyes, dec., <fv. ... _ , —»w ——- 8 TPHILIS, IN' ALL ICS FORMS. DISEASES OF WOMEN, lust of Appsrtu. OWt /Ui/ttuff. Liver Com plaint, Coin in (he Sack, Imprudence in Lift, Gravel, General Had Uealth, and all dlaenaea ol the Aood, liver, kidneys and bladder, IT IS A rNWKCT RENOVATOR, RO9APALIB eradicates every kind of humor bioll* nt, and restores the entire ryateiii to a liralthy condition. *. It w !»• aracTMr Habhllss, never producing tho *kf| h^ a r fteoret Qnack Remedy, The arUalee of which U U made are iiubilit>od aruund each bottle. Rteotaarndtd by the Mefllml Family and Hflsr Tbunrantfa of oar bent UUzeflfl. r#“ For Tmtioiunlali of ri markabU curoa, aoo •ifotaddUk Almanac" tor tbia year. rfaranao oxtr nr jgtr. J. J. Lawrence Jt Co s, 2-11’ Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. For Sale by Bruggists Everywhere. N. B. Drewry, Agent, Griffin. l ret. 7, 1868-1 y Master Mason. THE undernigned offere hi* nervice* to the public for tb» execution of all manner of Masonry Work. arm draft *» Igm, make coatraeta, Ac. G. B. ROOKS. Orillia Ga.. April 18. Mflfl-ly THE. in i lOUIK S'VONK at short notioe, by the undrraign ) Vd. Ord.ra em. Ul.ftat yr T WILI HMa OKB *a Taylor Btreet, i.aai Idh »T< HK. ra HII.L STREET. *• “• OG6TL**. Grtsa. V IHb-ta QRIFfIN SEMI-WcLKLY STAR ~¥rid*y % ttee. 4, 1808. THE MANAGEMENT OF COL ORED FARM LABORERS. In a long and interesting artiole upon this important aubieot, the Central Geor. gian of Wednesday, saya: Not lo«g linoe, we had the pleasure of spending a nignt with one of the most in telligent gentlemen and suooessfnl plan ters in Jefferson oounty, to wham we pro pounded our usual questions on this sub. jeet us to management success, oto„ all of which ha seemed to take pleasure in an swering. Be manages as follows t Bis large trade of lands, he divided off into small farms, upon eaoh of these farms he haa a eom for table settlement for hie tenants. He famishes eeoh tenant with as many mules er horses as may be nroessary for the cultivation of the land, puts in twenty bushels of oern and twelvo hundred pounds of fodder for eaoh mule and re„ quires the tenant to furnish the same amount. The tenant is held responsible for the oondition es the mules until the orop is Iftid by, wben'he retunrs ths mules to the owner, or ret&ins them at his own expenses in feediDg. The expense for blanksmith Work, etc., is equally paid by owner and tenant. At gathering time the orop is housed, one-half retained by the tenant, ihe other carried and put into the barn of the owner of the, land. Tlift cot ton is pioked out, oarried to the gin-hnuse on the premises, ginned and divided, eaoh bearing bis part of eipense in ginning, eto. Eaoh tenant is required to Cultivate his orop well. The tenants are. encouraged id laising hogs, poultry—in fact, everything that they may need. While the landlord does not assume to be overseer of the orops, as in days gone by, he visits the different farms occasionally and by his advioe and counsel aids his tonants in planting their crops and in cultivating the same. Our informunt remarked that occasion ally ho met with a hand that could not be reliod upon, and with such an one he did the best be eould until bis time was out, if a tenant,’ or if a hireling, after giving him a fuir trial, supplied bis place with a beta ter. lie stated that his net profits were much larger than under the old system of slavery ; (and be was then a very success ful farmer) and that he had less care upon his mind and wha't he made wee his own. Ilfs tenftnt* were happy and oontsnted, and were doing well for themselves. This conversation occurred about the first of Oo tohc'r, and he told us that even then all bis lands, hundreds of acres, were taken for the next year. Wa have met with other gentlemen who were pursuing very muoh the same line of policy, and with like results but we give this one covering the whole ground. As before remarked’, wd believe this to be the plan for the management' of freeJmcn, end « mmend it to the consideration of farm* ors generally, TliiJ negroes were good workers when slaves, and W'e believe can be made so as freedmen. There are thousands among them who are too lazy to work, and who will congregate about cities and towns un til they find their way into the Penitentia ry or something of that sort. But we find lszy, good-for-nothing men %m mg all na tions and kindreds—men who have been free all their lives, and yet at thirty or for ty years, though stout and healthy, have not accumulated enough to give them a de cent burial. A Living Bkadlkds Child.— The Depos it (N. Y. Courier is responsible for tbe following marvelous story: In tbe vicinity of spoon River, in Illi nois, is a child that wan,born and has lived five ywire without a bead. Mrs. ——, the mother, is the widow of a soldier, for merly living in Murshnll Oounty, who en listed in the Sixty-fifth or Scotch Regi ment, and was killed at the battle of Dev ington. Mo. Bhe was standing bsside her husband duri«g*the engagement, when a cannen hall oarried his bead away,bis body falling into her arms,, and dovering, her with blood. The ebook affected her great ly. When her child was born there was ' not the semblance of a bead about it. The limbs are perfectly developed, the arms long, and the shoulders) where the heed and neck should be, smoothly rounded off. But the most surprising thing of all the face is situated in the breast, Ot course, there being no neok, tbe power of turning its bead is wanting, except as the whole body is moved ; but this aifficnlty is over come by tbe singular faculty it possesses of tufhjbg- its ayes in their sockets, enabling it to see quite as well on either side as those more perfectly formed. The upper Con of its body is white as the purest Asian,; from tbe waist downward >a blood' red; This strange creature, now an active boy of five years old, as it to oompenssts for bis deformity, possesses tbe most clear and bird-like tones ever lis tened to, singing correctness everything it may bear, and its voice at this early age accomplirbes two ootsvsx masilv. A couple of screws loose. A father and son by the name of Screw, recently e soaped from tbe Wetumpka {tail. She that marries a man because he ie a "good matoh.’' must not be surprised if he turns out a “Luoifer." GRIFFIiSr, GA.. DECEMBER 4, 1808. IBK DtISIKB dff WEALTH MODERA TED BY PHILOSOPHY. feut while la hasps hlawli kad wealth assoada, Ha la aot »f wish poeae-sM; Thcru’a aetuaUtbifl wanting eUU to niahsbtiJl MarnM Teonas. As the love of money haa been, in all ages one of the passions that have given great disturbance to the tran quility of the world, there is no top ic more copiously treated by the ani cient moralists than tbe folly of de voting the heart to the accumulation of riches. They who are acquaint ed with these authors noed not be told how riches incite pity, coutempt, or reproach, whenever they are men tioned ; with what numbers of exam ples the danger of large possessions is illustrated ; and how all the pow ers of reason and eloquence nave been exhausted in endeavors to erad icate a desire which seems to have entrenched itself too strongly in the mind to be , driven out, and which, perhaps, had hot lost its power, even over those who declaimed against it, but would have broken out ia the poet or the snge, if it had been exci ted by opportunity, and invigorated by the approximation of its proper object. A ,fl Their arguments have been, indeed, so unsuccessful, that I know not whether it can bo shown, that by all tho wit and teason which this favor ite cause has called forth, a single invert was ever made ; that even one man has refused to be rich, when to be rich was in his power, from the conviction of the greater happin neflfl of a narrow|fortune ; or disbur dened himself of wealth, wheu he had tried its inquietudes, merely to enjoy the peace, and leisure, and se-, curity, of a mean and unenvied state. It is true, indeed, that many have neglected opportunities of raising themselves tononorsand to wealth, and rejected the kindest offers of for tune ; but, however their moderation may be boasted by themselves, or admired by such ns only view them at a distance, it Will be, perhaps) sel dom found that they value riches less, but that they dread labor or danger more than others; they are unable to rouse themselves to ac tion, to strain iq the race of compe tition, or to stand the shock of con test ; hut though they, therefore, de cline the toilot climbing, they never theless wish themselves aloft, and would willingly enjoy what they dare not seize. Others have retired from high sta tions, and voluntarily condemned themselves to privacy and obscurity But, even these will not afford any occasions of triumph to the philoso pher ; for they have commonly ei ther quitted that only which they thought themselves unable to hold, and prevented disgrace and resigna . tion; or they have been induced to try now measures by general incon stancy, which always dreams of hap- Sineas in novelty, or by a gloomy which is disgusted in the same degree with every state, and wishes every scene of life to change as soon as it is beheld. Such men sound high and low stations equally unable to satisfy the wishes of a dis tempered mind, and wore unable to shelter themselves in the closest re treat from disappointment, solicitude and misery. Yet though these admonitions have been thus neglected by thoso, who either enjoyed riches, or were able to procure them, it is not rashly to be determined that they are alto gether without use ; for since fur the greatest, part of mankind must be confined to conditions comparatively mean, and placed in situations, from which they naturally look up with *nvy to the eminences before them, those liters cannot be thought ill employed' that have administered remedies to discontent almost uni versal, by Showing, that what we cannot reach may very well bo for borne, that tho inequality of distri bution, at which we murrner, is for the most part less than it seems; and that the greatness, which we admire at' flf distance, haa much fewer advantages, and mhch less splendor, when we are suffered to approach it. , It is-the business of moralists to detect the frauds of Fortune, and to show that she imposes upon the care less eye, by a quick succession of shadows, which will shrink to noth, ing in the gripe; that she disguises lire in extrinsic ornaments, which serve only for show, and are laid aside in the hours of solitude and of pleasure; and that when' greatness aspires either to felicity or to wisdom, it shakes off those distino tions which dazzle the gazer and awe tho supplicant. It may be remarked, that they vrhbsh tendition has not afforded them the light of moral or religious instruction, and who collect all their ideas by their own eyes, and digest them by their own understandings, seem to eonsidtr those who are plan ed in ranks of remote superiority, is as almost another and higher species of "beings. As themselves have known little other m aery than tl • consequence of want, they are with difficulty persuaded, that where there is wealth can bo sorrow, or that those who slitter in dignity, and glide along m affluence, can be acquainted with pains and cares, like those which lie heavy upon the rest of mankind. This prejudice is, indeed, confined to thedowest meanness and the dark est ignorance ; but it is so confined only, because others have been shown its folly and its falsehood, because it has been opposed in its progress by history and philosophy, and hindered from spreading its infection by pow erful preservatives. The doctrine of the contempt of wealth, though it has not been able to extinguish avarice or ambition, or suppress that reluctance with which a man passes his days in a state of 'inferiority must, at least, have made the lower grating and wearisome, and has consequently con tributed to the general security .of life, by hindering that frahd und vi olence rapine and circumvention, which must have been produced bjr> an unbounded eagerness of wealth, arising from an unshaken conviction, thatt# be rich is to be happy. . Whoever finds himself incited, by somo violent impulse of passion, to pursie riches as the chief end of be ing, must surely be so much alarmed by the successive admonitions of those, Whose experience and sagaoity have recommended them as tho guides of mankind, as to stop and consider whether he is about to en gage in an uudertaking that will re ward his toil, and to examine, before he rushes to wqplth, through light and wrong, what it will confer when he has acquired it; and this exami nation will seldom fail to repress his ardour and rctaad his violence. is nothing in itself, it is not useful but when it departs from us ; its value is found only in that which it cfcn purchase, which, if we suppose it pit to its best use by those that possess it, seeinsnot much to deserve the desire or envy of a wise man.— It if certain that, with regard to cor poral enjoyment, money can neither oper new avenues to pleasure, nor up the passages of anguish.— Disease and ipfirmity still continue to tmture nnd enfeeble, perhaps ex aspirated by luxury,or promoted by softness. With respect to the mind, it his rarely boon observed, that wealth contributes much to quicken the discernment, enlarge the capaci ty, or elevate the imagination; but by hiring flattery, or laying diligence asleep, confirm error and hasteu stupidity. Wflidth cannot cannot confer great ness ; for nothing can make that great, which the decree of nature has ordaiQed to be little. The bramble may he plrced in a hot-bed, but can never become an oak. Even royalty itself is not able to give that dignity which it happens not to find, but op presses feeble minds, though it may elevate .the strong. The world has been governed in the name of kings, whose existence has scarcely been perceived by any real effects beyond their own palaces. , When, therefore, the desire of wealth iq taking hold of the heart, let us look round and see how it ope rates upon those whose industry or .fortune has obtained it. When we find them oppressed with their own abundance, luxurious without pleas ure, idle without case, impatient and querulous in themselves, and despis ed or hated by the rest of mankind, we shall soon be convicted, that is the rea| wants of our condition are satisfied) there remains little to be fought with solictiude, or desired with eagerness. Jkfferson Davis.—TUo onse of Jeffer* son Davia the President of tbe late Con federacy, was oalled for trial at the Oir, ouit Court in Richmond yesterday. On motion of the counsel fur tbe Government, it wa* postponed until the uest term of tbe Court. - 1 It is dear that Davis will never be tried, and also that if be should be‘ brought to trial be would be aoquitted. Ia it not time the oereraboy of calling bis case and put ting it off should oease ? What is the use ’of beeping up a formality to destitute of meaning f Wby not enter a nolle prosequi and disutuM the defendant to the judgment ot hiitory,—N. Y. Sun. Nov. 24th. Good faith is tbe richest exchequer of government, for the more it is drawn upon tbe firmer it is, and it* resources increase with its payment. ’ LEGAL NOTICES. FIBER COUNTY. Administrator** Sale. fJKORQIA Pikk Cowrr-By virtu* of i*« ordwr " from th*‘ Honorable Court of Onllnury ol oonutv, will be ooUl ln*f«ue the Court HouMed*M>r In Zebulon, on thj FIIiHT TUESDAY IN JANUARY D'-xt, botwoen the legal hours of tale, the tollowiuit pr«n»orty, bolonctnp to tho osUte of Goorc Htewarl, •ate OT MM county, dcoeueetl, to wit: One lot, •umtam ing Acree, more t»r 1« as, known u the “old Miu mons Place.** Alto MO nerve Mt]otn!nN said lot. Aso —acr»‘o. part of the 'ot upon which ie situated tho residence of the late ilecvaMHl, known as the redd uoa of T. «\ Trice Said lands nre well imf roved, with good dwelling aud orchard ou the foil lot. Terms eash. J. D >TKW VK l\ Administrator. November K —Printer's fho $lO. Atliniiilslrulor’* sale. I from the Culinary of Pika t'. unty I will, soil iMMoro tho Oounhouao door tn lhr town >if Zukuhin, on Un> FIKXTTKKBIMY l\ .JANUARY null, het»,..n th lcg«l hours of sale, the following \m\o of Land : lsft acre* oft of Lot No. Ys, in the Bth District of Plko o -unty, known as the “Culpeper Place,*' and l*ot V*. *•2,1.1 the sthdistrict of l*lke county, co mining Mh acTOA Sold as Hie property of the Katate of John N MitngUam, and seld for ths lu m-tlt es thehsir* amlcred- Itors. Also, one Town Lot in &ehuk>u, on tbe north side of the square, unimproved. BKNdfIN BOBKRTB. Adra’r. Nov, 4 18'S-td«-Pr*« <• A€!;nlnlNtrutor*ti Milo. BY VIK rUK of a order forni the Coart of Ordinary of Pike County. Ga.will l»o aold on the FIRST TUKSD 'Y IN J xNCXKF. 181$, before the Court houac door in 7.EHULOV between the It gal hours us sale, the LAND hotonging to the estate of Pinckney Pro thro, late of Plko oounty* deceased, tlx hundred acres of loud, more or leas, lying in the Second District cl Pike county, anon n a* the lllomer White Pl-ose Terms cash. HIUA.M TUAVIS, Administrator. Nov. 11. 1,8(18—-Print>T*a fee $ * -paid GEO KOI A—Pi kk ( gussy-Whereas, Hugh drows ier, xdmlnlstrator es the Estate of J. W. Town send, docetouul, nppllos to me for Loiters of D.smlsslon from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and ud monlah all persons concerned, to be and appear at my othce, \lthln the time preM'rlbcd by law, to show cause If any toby have, why be should uot bo dismissed from said cctMlq. Given under my hand at otUce Juno 1, mb J J. 11A HP Eli, Ordinary. JunqJl, lßdß~Bm-Pr*a foe $ JyKOltft-IA Plus ufti-i^r.-\v*'i»caa..WW.VotK Executor of the Estate ot Mary Scott, deccase<l, nppllflie to uie for Letters of Dlsudaaion from sold Ke tale. The*" are, therefore to ctsa and adwonlfib «U ■ perhona conoerncd. to bo and sppeurat m> otfibe, with in the t mo proscribed bv law, to show cause. If any they have, why letters should uot be granted said ap plicant- Given under uiy hand and oAolal signature, October sl, 186S .1. J. UAUPttB, Ordinary. ocda4, IBdS-tlin-Pr'a feu $6 EOHGIA—I*wk CotJMTr. Notion la hereby giv 'T fn to all persons having demand! against John Harper, late es said county, dcoeasod, to present them to me, or leave them at thu Ordinary's Othce, of Pike county, properly made out, within tho time prescribed by law, »ou o show their character and amount ; and all persona Indebted to said deceased, arc hereby re quired to make Immediate p lyment to me, or leave the sutue with the Ordinary of said county. R F. HAKPEtt, Executor. Oct. IT, IMR-10-PC* foe sft /WOHOIA—Pit# County —Whereas, Thomas 11. \T Campbell, Admi Utrutor «>n the E-tate ot James Nelson, lato of said oounty, deceased, applies to me for bdters of dhinlsclou from odd Estate. These are, therefore, to olte and admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my oittec, within the time pro scrlbrd by law, to show cause, If any thev have, why letter* of dismission shout l not begranteii sstd appli cant Given under my bund at oilice, thU July ‘ih, SOd J. J. HAULER, Ordinary July 25, lsf>B-Bm-IYs fee S8 UOT I'M UUIINTvi Fastponed Oxccuior’M fialo. BY virtiiu of (in nnlor from fius Court of Ordinary of Rutt# county Ou„ will be sold on the KillrtT TIJKfIDAY IN IANUARY NEXT, beforw the court-house door in the V*wn or JACKSON Hulls county, Ga , the following property, to-wit: of land. No. 200 187>f acres of land, No. 166. Hold us k the Heal Estate of 0 C. DoLcwote. for tho purpose of Übtitbution. Terms coah. JOUN U. WYaTP, dec. t f c $5 Wvc«mfor 4ilinlnlNtrtttoi*’« Sale. |'J Y virtue of au order from the Court of Ordinal s os It llutts county, will he Hold In the town of JACK SON, on the HUNT TUESDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, lsUi* twere# of Lund, more or less, aud knowu as tho 'llendi r.Hon Plu o’*—HiU'dntng th lands of John 0. Carmlch* 1, N. II Woodward an«l Dolnhln IJltdsey.— Aijmi— One half lot conlain ng one hundred undone and ou> -forth acres, inoro or less, adjoining the lands of Wm. Thaxtou.B Hailey, D. Ileath and others Known as the Munghuin entsto Sold as the lUal l'j&tuto of J. M. Mungham, deceased. Terms Cosh. 11. It. PIaKTCHBK, Administrator, oot. flint fa Mortgage Hale. -IX TILL bs m. 14 lii.ft.r* tbo court hims# <t«or, In tha \\ town of JACKSON, ButU oounty, Qa wUhln tha i-g ■ 1 hours of title, on tho first TUKetDAY IN m CKMBKIt NEXT, Iho Mlowtnir property, to wlti Otic norc of I, an it, more or less, oo which !• situated a Hit I ll.m e R!thl*Wntl Mng soil hrtto tho Eighth District of orliduslly Henry now Butta oounty. adjoin tns the lands of .Tuition A. stodnhill, o.oss TANARUS, Oflnu and Walthall and Lyona. Levied .mine tha proparly of .1 >moa A [sparks t • s illily a mortgage fi. fu. Issued Iroiu the Superior lloort ot suid oounty, In fnvor of Uloha el A. Roberta vs James A. suaiks. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi la. Tenant tn poaaesslon n.'tl fied. ciW W TftUU.Vi'jiN, Dop. r-lt'fl. oot 10, IMS-Prem flft W CA KOKH lA—Burrs Voitntv—Slaty days after dele. ■ ii|ip!lc:d!uti e 111 be mad* to tlio Ordinary or aaul County so. leave to aSII lands of Alloy s. Fean, ml i.or, of sal i county B. T. WATBOfi, Guardian, uov. 7- IMI--t‘rs too flft t rsI’ALOI\(J COUiVIY - - m l»ustponed Adinlnhttrator’N Sale Y>Y Virtue of an order from th#Ok4to%CF of the ooun- IJ tv of Spul’iliijr I will sell 'before th* court-bouae *W. lo the 01 TY OF GUIKKINjru the FIRBT TUES DAY IN JANU'KY NEXT, between tfo* usu 1 hours of sale, tho lollowlng b*ts or Loud, belonging to the K»* tute or the WlUUui Weldon, dooeoaed, UFvit; One hit eontalniegSi X uerea, m*»f4 or iei»K No «rlglitally lutEeffod DlfitrUit of Henry tcoiMty, now B{tal(tlng; and Lot No 77, hltiuted mm itfrotfou and jftrc«of the north half ol Lot No. 52, übmaltUMted a* above- lying oat .o muin roud betweengtuc.ksou and Griffin, 7 miles from Gridin. |MT*Bold for d'slrlhutioti. VTRIHIb CABII 1* K WELDON, AdiuluLtrator. deo. Is 1868-Pr'> fee <»0 > AdmlnlNli’dloi ’u Mal«. r»rtfVIRTUK O V AN OfWIKR from the Onllnary 1) 4f Bnuldlns County, wl>be solflrt>e(oS| the Court lloiisu <mor, tn Hvllttn, on tbe FIHST TrIHSUAY Hr JANUARY, lietwce,, tho legal Imura of sale, thy follow ing propei ty belonging to the astuiouf tha late'Uoorga C. Parker, dreesaed, to wlti ft acfflf of nnd, more or less, where ths deceased resided Also—All mires la Floyd County Terms cash. O W. PARKKR. November 18, ISSS-PrlnterThef flft. Jldm’r. Uxccutor’N Male. WILT, be cold before tho court house door of Snsld tng county,on the *KIIWT TUKSI) AY IN JANUA RY NKXT, the lloiisu anil Lot belonging to the estate of Mrs. Lucy K. Smith, deceased, aojolmug th* lot*of Mull,u* and McMuliiuc Terms cash. • n . J. & JONKd, Executor. ’ nov. S3, 1868-tda-Pr’e foe |ft AduilnlNlrator’N Male. _ WILL UK SOLI) BKJgfIRK TfITK OOHBTHQIhJK door lo Bpsiding ußnty. omthe IST TUKfIIJAY IN JANUARY NEXT, betwflogrth* usual hoifrs of •ale. pursuant to ao order ot ihe Court ot Ordinary o( Mala t>«unty— • * Onaundivided h»lflntera.'k!n one vacant BUSINESS LOT. on HUI btreet, fruntuf B 6 feed by haok—be ing on tbe southeast oor> fr of tbe -orlolnal Baptist Cliuioh lot—separated from tbe buslnesa bourn of Mc-sra Mow A wtlllwuc by an alley. . • Also—one half Intereatl In UOUsgand LOT on tha north sl<U of Broadway, fronting about 97 feet aod cun ning back 210. Bounded west by the Ktsito, aud seat by Alexamler’a old Uvery Stable. Amo—One Ot\ KLI.INO HOtflßE and LOT In the Uty ul Ortffln, hnos tbe Isle residence of MrS. John UtKinmne, oontulnlag one acre—house baa alx loom#—liounded by ' aptaln 11. fTenJlui west, nnd east hy New Orleans Btreet, north of Knll Hoad, aep .rated from Dr Brantley by an alley, being well located <u bustneea, end hnil tings tn good state o repair. To be •old as tba property or M. It. Smith, olecewad, for tha bvneflt ol hclra end credttom. J. P bTKWAoT, , Not. 18, HM-Pr a fee (IA AlmY NO. 10. LEGAL NOTICES. MPA LDl ti t’OI V l'Y-Lunl 1 UuVd Adiulnlbfrufor'M Sale. BY virtue an oiler from th.* Ordinary of 8p *ld- Ingc unty, will be 'Hiid. bvfore the c« nrt nous# door. In the CITY OF WK IFF IN, on ih Ist TUF.HDaY IN JANUARY, ImMAone tract *»fland, sUJtvlnlng Jones Bridges andr.oviek JiWies. known um th “aidney Trav t! Place "—property ot *a. e. bold tor tbe bi-ncfn of the heirs. Terms CJ\>H. A. blllEl.D", t»ov I|, fee $5 Adut*r. 4(li)tlnhlral(»rN sale. TIY YIRTUK op AN OKDKK from tho Ordinary of I bpaldlng County I will soil b fore the Court Home door iu bp ddinc Countv. between tho usual hou** of »ale «».* the FIRST TUESDAY IN J \M A RY, the f Rowing prop. rty. to wit: th.- HU lIOUHK on Snbimoti Street, k own an the ‘ VevrlU Hanking llouee M , now ooouplod by J 11. Jhn on— Sold us the property of A Merritt, dec and, for the ben efit of heirn creditors Tonne esh S. \Y MAMI II AM, Adtu'r. November 21. spai,oi\«; SILG9. \lMl«Lbe sold ontheilmtTNuwlav In Ja' uary nett v v betwee the usual hours of aaW, be ore the Court House d.M.r, In Grttho, Ga.. Hpaldiug county, the fol lowing property Uewlt: One bn *e l«t in Um City ol UrW-U, Spalding county, centalnl'ts one acre, more uy Ivs, hu<l known ra the “Robinson Lot, 1 * bounded on tbe son lb by an open lot, north by ths old Macon road, end went by A. It. NUes on as the prope?ty es Jm M. IVuch, toOOtisiy a 5 fa. Irtuußpa d.ngsmpeilor Court, tn favor of Henry Moor vo. Fielding W. Allen, John K. Allen Alfred M.’Rocvea, serurltv, and Jau.o.-i Nt Couch, en dorser Properv polnt.d out by Jame* W. Lot bln, who is tUe tranatervc sand nor of sold t. fa —AIAO— At the same time nird mace, one IMnse and Lot, In 'Vest Gtlthn, containing four aeretv uh*m) or leas. * nd known as the “Maiohml College bounded on thu north bv *h:' uremises of I. C. Nichol-, «iu tbe oust by Marshall College street, on the eo.ilh by th«* premises of Folia i ehron and others, and on the wed bv a branch. Levied on ao Cue if A E. Marshall, to satisfy two ft Ins Moure.- Superior t'ouik In favor of Alfred Uuekuer ami J. W. Atlaway vs A. K Marsloill The tenant iu poasetsfon bus had due uottce. Property pointed out by pluiniltTs alter tLi* ft die wing lota of lam), to-wlt: Non. iu and M, containing 2fr2)i aoreaea« h, more or Wxh**, In the Cabla District, and known aathti property of the eMtoe of 8 0. Mttchell, deceased. Levied ou to satisfy one fi. so. In favor of Meredith M ynard Administrator of B Maynard.deceased vs. Shatter nC. Mltoh. 11. lhop erty buinted out by i'**oples A. dtewarl, plaintitV ’» at tornevs, and tenants In imst>uN»iou hav e had Icgul n lice. ALSO—will bo sold, lour hundivd auroe ot land,more vor lesi, bouudad outlie porth by thq U»d« u< Joseph Manley, on Mho casDby the UUtds of ’FnJ Mitchell, trustee, on the west by the lands of T W. aud Jaineir Manley, on the south by lot ot !u< and N-* beboigii g U» sold estate, and known os tins “Double Cabins Uimjc** —the same levind upmi as tbs property of 8. O. Mitch ell. dsesasedvand to tatlsfy one U. m. tu favor of Mer frdUh Maynard, Administrator of It. Maynard, deceas ed vs. 8. C. Mlteusll, deceased. Property pointed out by plalutlff's attorneys, aud tenant in puej*s*iou bus had legal nmlea ALSO—tho following property, to-wlt : 566 acres of land, mure o loss, tu the 3rd Dfotrlet or >pnldl»g comi ty, a- ths property of ihe estate of 8 C. MDobell, dw cssiod—bouiitled on the uor h by the la da of the cutato of J. H. Stark, decesMal, west by tho lauds of Manl y und Mitchell, a>»uth by tbe lands of Bamuel Hlukelj and K. F. Kuott. east by the luiid« of 0. H. Uostwick— and the same kuowu as the pro|H*rtv of the -aid 8 O. Mitchell, deoennod. Levied on oa the pr.»|mrty of the said 6. 0, Mitchell, to satLfy a 5 fa. In favor of J 11. White ACo , vs. 8. C- Mituhell, uLv used. Teunuts la posHosslon have hud had legal iiolloo, and property pointed out by plaintiff's utlorneva. UOiiLKl 8. GUNNELL, She tiff. dec. t, 1868. Uep’y MivrlftN Jununry Hales. \\J lIL HE SOU) holoro «he Coerthouso door In spal- Ml dtng oouuty, on thu VI HAT THRRDAY In JAN U- A KY, IfW, between tho usual hours of sale, the follow lug property to wit: Due uouho and lot In the city of Grlilln, containing 4 acres, more or less, and known as Marshall College, levied nus the property of A E. Marshall, to sutl-fy . »no/l. f>. from Spalding Bupeitor Coart, in favor of G. J. rrnmt Aaorr tr* rr. tr. iiurv. wmccnaxvn. vrre, tww •hall. I'roperty poln'fd out by theplalntUT'a uttornsy. ■ Also- Onohuu.H« and lot In the cliy of GilOin, con tain In* ooe-bulf acre more or leaa, hounded south by st.eot,on tbe nor h by tho llowcn b»t, on the west by 8d 81reck and now occupied by N<*d Trapp as a resi dence. Levied on ns tho property"of lHooy Trapp, to satisfy one fl fa from the Court of Ordinary for cost* Dropurty pointed out by V. D Disimike, Ordinary. Aiao—The Ltv ry btalde and lot co • tabling ooa-balf acre mors or lees, on north Hide of lh oa.lwuy, city of Grlilln, houndsd on went by Foaters Li vary Blade, lev ied odm Ihe proiisrty of T G Manley to saiLfy atl fa from Hpsldlng Superior Court, In favor of W 9 Her rington vs T. u. Manly, principal, and W. W. Xv'ood* ruff.Mcurlty. A ibo— One bouse nnd lot In the city of Griffin, cou* tatnlng one-four h otan u"ro bounded oil the Mouth by Mr*. Tho man, «*w the west by 4th btreat, on the noitn by Broadway, levied on iu the property’ of Aaron Cfouii to satisfy one U. la. from Spalding Bup«rior i ourt in fa vor of N« wtoo Mniiufauturiug Compuuy vs. Weals y Leek, prlnctpul, and Aaron Cloud, security. Amu—Ons bouse and lot In the oily of Griffin, con taining one acre, m»to or lean, bounded ou tbe uorth by Holcombe, on the eo*t by Johtt i>. Stewart, on the wcithy - street, ou tbesoutli by i oplar slrecU Levied on n* m* prop* riy of Kvbceea O. Jones to satisfy a Ufa. from Spalding Superior Court iu favor of M J. Daniel va. &. 0. Jones. • * a uo—Oiie hundred aovoa of land, bring the north hnlf of hit No 41 and one hundred acres tt bvlog the south half of lot *Jlo 56, and 4U aoro« of lot No. 42. lev ied on as the property of E J. MoKlroy tu satisfy a tl. fa. fron< Sn&ldliiK Hupcrtor Court In avor of Mias Cog gin vs. B.J. Elioy,principal, aud lauao cKlmy, se curity. Property pointed out by J. 1) dttwart. PtfO. 14186 H. 11 li libV’U. ?Wv»Mfi . CT EOKGlA—Bpai.i>ino OoimtY—Whoreus, Nicholas X Miller. Administrator on tbe EaUte of T M. Toulliilon, late of auld oouuty, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Disiuladoil from said Estate. Theta are, therefore, t«i cJfo aud admonish all iiersons con corned, to be nnd appear at tuy office within tbe time praacrllM and by lnw. to show ouuso, If any they have, why-sold Itfitom should not hegramed the applicant. Given uuder my bund at office, this 22nd July. ls6i. V. 1). DidM UK E, July 2», IMS-dm-lVs fee f6 C't KOUGIA-dFAi.iu.NoCoL«iY-W LirofiO, Htepb' UO. X Jones, Kxocutur of M- pbca Jones, lata 01 said oounty, deceased applies to toe for Letters of DUiuis slon froDisubl ttftlute. llk sc arc, tliw refoe, to elm and admon.ah all persons p<mo< rno I, to bn aud appo irai my otUoc, wl hin the tinieprcsortbed by law to show aauss. If am they have, why ls'icra « 1 (liMm.vdon should u»i be granted void applicant. Glvou under my hand at otlsoc,this July loth, lobs. F. D DISMUEK, Ordinary. July 18, lß6*-6m-I*r's fes *0 GEORGIA —SPAi.imu CsurwTV. Whereas, Dr Nicholas Miller, Administrator of T. M. Tomlin-, •on, dsocoaeif, upplb ■to nio for Letters of DLtu ssitm from said Estate. Thase arc. therefore, to idle an«l al m-nlfth »! I person - conoc.-ncd, tube und apicaratmy office within the time prescribed by law, to show uause.. If any they have, by Loiters of Dlsuilsalon should not b« granted sold applicant. Given under my hand at office this July 4, H>*B F. D. DISMUKE, Ordinary. 6-Pr'p fee >6 Georgia— 81*41.01 no doowtr. —pleasant x Ltw doii, Trustoe for his wife, Julia A. Lawsou, and h*r children, ho* applied lor Exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of ifomestoud, and I will paas itporj tbs same at 10 o’olouk, A. M , ou tbs -th day of Deocmher, IS6B, at my office, nov. VT IS4S F D. DISMUKR OrilHrav. GEORGIA Bfali»n<> Ooitnty Lovlok P ogleiree applies for Exemption of Pursotmllv and sotting apart anil valuation ot Lom< stead sad t will pass up on tbe fismo at it) o'clock, A. M , ou the 12th day of December, 1808, at my office nov. OT, 1808. B, f). DISMUKK, Ordinary. /'\.EoßlA—Bp4U)iNaC'oUNTY—Whereas, JoltnO F«r vXrill, of Chuthaui Oounty, apulics to uic for Letters of Administration ou the Estate or Aunio t\ FerrUl, late of said county, deceased. These are tberebiro, to olte and adiuoulih all aud singular tbe kindred and oredltors,aud others concerned, to Iki and appear at my office, and •howtrauos, if any they have, duriuff tbe Uiim ptovcrib.d by Jaw, why sold odiulnlelruUon should not-be granted.. ; Given under my bond at offio«»,thls. 2-th Octobud. l#ld- F. I). Dl>kuKE, Ordlnorr j December lat, 1868,-Pr* foe 48 GEORGIA— BW4I.DMO8W4I.DMO Oouwtt—To the Kindred and Oetlltor* of Nathaniel Reeves, deceased: No ad mln’strstion having been applied for on the estate of and, ceased you will take notice that unless ntepe shall be taken to hare an admliustratlon by or before tha FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY next, I shall appoint the Clerk of Hpaldlug Buperior ‘'ourt A'lininLtrator or. •old ettale. r. D. I)IBMUKE, Udluory. November 10,1868-Printer‘s I*h* SB. GEOUGIA— tjfAUMNu Mxty oay. ~t;«r date, application w!ll h* mode,to the « ourt oi or dinary es oaid oounty, for laa*e so a h tbe Real Ba te e balocgiug to George P. Parker i»t.*.or eatd county ~ ur r},