Newspaper Page Text
Office—in Mm ah Mall.
Terms of Subscription :
On« Y e*r—Payable In Advance .It -... .. ft 00
J9x Months— “ ** 2&)
Terms of AdrertlslnSY
Tuiwm AovrarisKMU-tTn—2*l On per equnro Mo
linos) for Ike flat inserilnn, nail 80 teal* per square for
each aut-seqiwut parable In advance.
MAKKiAuk ASB OmriTAßi N'otii’Ks—'Five line* or lona,
80 cent*. When over tliat number of Uue*. the ivsu
lur rote* will berheigeil.
Teats* er Auvamante Bubinkm Oarim-1 square 8
month* 510 00—li months s|B oO—I year<l2.’); timpmr.
ft month* $lB 00—fl men tin $25 00— veer S4O ; qaar
ter column 1 month sl2 00—S months s2fl u,l—Oue.nlh*
S4O 00; half column 1 month s!o—a.ummhs S4O I
>imn b» $ 0 00; 1 rolunm 1 month this 00 -S month*
$0 i oo- 0 months SIOO.
A M. NPKFIS. k, \jr, BUCK.
O PEEK-& TIECK. Attorneys at Law.
O Grill! i, Os. Will practice In the state Court*. nn«l
in t.lit* United States Dbtrlct Courts, at A lanta. Office
in Menitt'ußniik Itnildinit. Dec t% 18CS*1y
tSoYNTON & DISMUKE? Attorney* at
Ivm-.0.1111n, tie. Otllcein AI mail Hall, next door
to the Star t'Olcc. Practice In the Counties coinpeslne
the Flint Circuit, Mil In the C. S. District Court. At
tention given tocMcsin Bankruptcy. N0v.07-ly.
PEEPLES & STEWART, Attorneys at
Law, Crlttin. Georgia. Ollice on the corner of
lltll Street unit Broadwav— Up St»lrs-ln tho Moor
Building Prompt attention given to business placed
1n our hands. November 27-’y
Y W. THURMAN, Attorney nt Law
JL ■ »n.l Notary Publlo. Will praotlce Law in the
Counties oonipo*tng tho K Int Circuit. Prompt atten
tion given to all business entrusted to Ida care. <)fhco
limit Side of Ulll Street, up stairs, In the Moor Build
log Orlllin, (la., October sl, 1868-Sm
TM. CAMPBELL, Attorney tit Low,
. Griffin Georgia. Will attend promptly to all tms
lneiw ontrusted to hi* care. Strict attention will be
fiven to Cou.KorioNß snd casos In Dankbpptot. Oilice
ii Almah 11 ill, i A|utl 11, ls«7-ly
I "LOYAL & NUNNALLyT Attorneys nt
Law.G-iffin, Georgia. Ollice In Cunningham'*
building. Hill 8t the Flint circuit. and
elsewhere by spectut contract ; and also In the United
States District Court. Special attcmion to Bankrupt
cy Casks. November 97, lSfo-l y
DU. MJ. DANlEL—Office nt Harris’ •
Dntg spire. Hill Street Orlllin, Gs. N0v.51-ty
Di. L. U. BR ANTLEY, formerly of
Henry Uoiihty, tenders his professional services
to the citizens of Grllon and tho surrounding country
CoNaircrAi ions and Anvicn strictly confidential Office
next done to the Nelms House where bo will bes und
when not prufes&lonaUy engaged. 1100 ft IbCT ly
A CLEVELAND & SON, Resident Don
J Y.. tints - OflUsu ,
ndjoininn CHARLIE *
wuicHira, sin. of ~
where they iH!I be v
pleased to receive \S
CalU from parties do-
siring work done in ** f
our lino. We feel / / a-s
certain that we caii 7
give satlslaction, and £i-. /Ai/A TVy a
therefore warrant a'l ' U * °
work. Tends Cash. * 1
William M Cline,
Wotary I^utolio
Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace,
WILL attend promptly to all business
entrusted to him ***Oflice—over G. R. Beech
er k OoAsStofc*, corner 11 ill and Solomon Streets, Grit
fin, Georgia. October 81, 1965-3 m
Having been appointed Notary
Public and Ux-Oflflclo of the Peace, for
the 1001st HUtriet, G , M., Spalding County, I hereby
give not ce that I wilt hojd a Court monthly, at the
Court House in Orlllin. on the :Jd Monday in each
month, nnd will attest instruments or attend to uny
criminal business brought before me at hut time, at my
ollice T. W. TIIUIIMAN.
December 1. 1868. Bra
Blood Purifier
seen and its various ns
Consumption in all its earlier stages. En
largement and Ulceration of the Glands
Joints, Bones, Kidneys, Uterus, Chron
ic Rheumatism, Eruptions of the
Skin, Cironic Sore Eyes,
&c„ &c.
S Y PeTiL I S ,
Lose of Appetite. Sick Headache, Liter Com
plaint. Pain in the Hack, Imprudence in
Zijfe, Gravel, General Bad Health,
And all dtseoaes of the
ROiS£nALIB rradlcatos every kind of humor and
bad tatnt, restores the entire system to a healthy
It is Perfectly II a rules' , never producing the
slightest Injury.
It is not a Secret Quack Remedy. The articles of
Which it is made are published around each bottle.
Recommended by (he Medical Faculty and Many
Thousands of our beat Citizens.
t3P~ For Testimonial, of remnrkable cures, see
**Jloßadalis Almanac ” for this year.
iDr. J. J. Lawrence A* Co s,
244 Baltimore Street,
For Sale by Druggists Everywhere.
N. B. Drewry, Agent, Griffin. -
oot, 7, 1868-Iy v
John H.Jossej,
HAVING permanently loontei] himself
’hero, offfert his wnleos to bay, olswlfy usd ship
From flftees yssrs sotlrc esporlonae In th. Cotton
Trad*. he flatters hlnusir Ibu he oen fin g.nrml »»t.
l.faetioD to bis patrons Llhrral srtvumv, mmle on all
conatfinenu of COTTON or HtuIHTCK Konoraliy.
laroinee over On H. Ilwcber A Co/I Store cor
nertllil and Solomon Strseta.
Southern Linamcnt!
tr I'slns, Neuralgia, Stiff Neck, Sure Throat,
Weak Back, Cramp, Colic, Boreaes* of the Limbs,
Fresh O t*'A***' 1' taaaLe ami Inject Bites
The Best Linamcnt ever known for
It cutes Colic. Lameness, Scratches. Windgalls, Sprains 4
Nall in the Foot, Druij*cs, U4K U«U SpßotMi Hvx In
ney, Hlg Head, Botfß.iHinPtng.stifle, Over-beating, Sure
Throat, Blind Staggers, Weakness la the Loins, Ac
It Cannot, and Ktrer lias, Failed in a Sin
gle Instance, and it is acknowledged by
the many thousands who have used
J. S. Pemberton &. Cos.
B hciisele Agent* fur the l'ruprletors, 7
Not. 27, 1868-3 m COLUMBUS, OA
Prices Reduced.
Mrs, S. A. Jackson,
HAS reduoeil the prioe of her entire
stuck of
Millinery Goods
from this date, and is receiving another krge supply of
Goods for the Ladies !
ami will keep up with the latest, ami MOST FASII
IONAHLK .STYLUS .luring the winter. She ih-slrcsto
have all her f. It-mla cuure noil ex nnlne her guoiU feel
ing certain thataliu can pltaae them. THUMB b'ASlf
Not. IS, 1808. t s
Mrs. S. S. Taylor,
r ES hia method of informinp; the pub
-1 lie, and her old customers, that she Is now winding
up nnd cl.«dntr out that portion of her business w ith
which her lute husband was connected, ami Ueaires all
portions indebted to come up and settle.
She is also Receiving a full Line of the
Newest end most Fashionable
so be found in Market, selected by the most experienc
ed birytf, and will bn pleased to supply her former cus
ttimefs, and a< fnshv new ones ns may visit her. a* the
..ry LOW lj6l’ PltfCKf) consistent with the principle
"Live ami lA*t Live ” nov. 11, 186S-2w
Sims & Threlkerd,
HAVE rpnmTrdPtn their new Office In
the BKICK WABE-HOUSE, un Solomon St.,
where they will be pleased to see their friends. They
are prepared at Ad tines to puy the
Highest Cash Price
for COTTON, and respectfully Invite the Planters
to give them a trial selling Agents for the
warranted to d6 first cl ns a wor£, And probably the best
and chenix\st GIN in the market.
HT KXCIIANOK on Now York for sale at all
times, in sums to suit purchasers at current rates.
Griflhi. September 18, Is6B-8m
11l AVK TAKEN tho Agency for DICK
SON'S cdohrotwT COTTON 9KKD, which Mr.
Oloksnn has tieeii for many years perfecting. He has
now Almost reached perfection In <■'otton, rfllnlng, and
hlf tteed is the best in ihe market, as every planter
knows \Vho will Admit that the selection of the best And
most forward seeJs are the bbst for planilng. 1 a»i
prepared to fill orders with dispatch %* Orders left
for me at tho M 9TAU OFFICE’* will be prompt y at
tended, U>. and the genuineness of the Seed warranted.
Oriflin, Georgia, November 18,1808.
J. M, Sparks,
China Goods, Vases, Dolls, Tin and
Wooden Toys of every kind
and variety.
O .A. K. E3,
JOED and EMBOSSED In the finest style, by a French
Artiete. ITTGreut VARIETY of
Fresb. Fruits.
Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Fine Apples,
Ac., Ac., Ac.
Candy Manufactory.
In frill operation. Can All orders cheap to an unlim
ited extent. Large Mock of
Fire Worbs.
Prompt Attention to all Orders.
’.’Country Merchant, will And tt to their Interest to
examine thl. stock before purchasing.
West Side Mill Street,
ono door below J. N. llarrls di Co’. Drug Store.
oet. 21-3 m f GRIFFIN, GA.
Lanier House,
Collier and Boys,
HAVE assumed the management o{ this
lIOUSK, reepeetfully .ollott a .hare of puhlle
i.alronaga. PT Free Oinnlbti. to and from tha
Himih. AttanUv. Purtan. uet. 7, Hts.
dpaloihu eouviv.
Postponed Administrator’s Sale
BT virtu® *f an outer (bum the Or. Unary of the coun
'F *2? 1 »iH shII boft>re thi* Ct»url-hoiise
IUY 1V JANlMiel?4jfyi?K 0n th"^U»TTUBS
*.r between the usu 1 honra
.f, e r QIS* I **. I '** ot I ~ K and, to the L-
n * leased, t.»:wit: oS e hut
efiTitnlnf scres, more or !es*. Np 88, origtuallv
U the 2nd fMairtut oflicnry county, now Spalding; and
r -° l 77, situated as above ; and 75 ncresof the
uorthhnlfor laot No. &2,aL» situated as above-hlng
run *»£flhution. «,»ri:KMb
L a i |. W .r rt^ njl,)ll '*^
Atlmltilsirotor’s Sale.
R 7 'OH I KQF AN OKDER from ths Orillnarr
i,* r 8 P^" II .« *l» h r *'M before U,» Court
";}* J' s r < in Grimn. on the FIIIST TUESDAY In
fnv'nr n-' !“'! wc ®" th » *«•' bourß of *»'<•, ths follow
','?.Tr:'l l r V, heloUglng to the saute of the late George
uf is id, more or
A l ."' *h, Lr " the rleoossvrt re»nl,el, .u„,-_4S tiers* 4a
Hoprrt taruutjr Terms enah. rt W. I’AltKlCl:.
hot ember 18. ISlK.Printer'sfc* f-. 7. Arim'r.
Kxocutor’s Sale.
TIT 11-L bo sol,l before the Conrt iimise door of Spihl
pVvi"vm OU !l* y i‘." ,l "' FIRST TUESDAY
„ 7 u «""» «h* Lot belonging to ilio astate
or Mrs, Lucy KBui4th. tlvcoaacd, a<ijoimng the lota of
Mullins and Terms cash.
. *L 8. JONES, Executor,
nov. 23. 1 sfib-tds-lVa fee sfb
A«lmlnlkii-ator's sale.
1 K I A'iTlr* ow P lr l i‘. l P^ C r m,y ' "" l . h *- ISI 'IUKBDA Y
, dANI AKY Nt.\ 1. br-tween llie nanal hour* of
as e, pursuant to an order of the Oourt of Ortlluorv of
said County— 1
Giieumliri'h and lmlflntere-t In one vaeanl BUSINEB3
L(H.oo Hill Street, framing hi font by 1)0 hack—be
Us on the southeast cori or of the orklnal BaptUt
t huich let—aenarntrd from tho business house of
Messrs. Mo*** Williams by an alley.
Also—Doe half Merest tn HOUSE nnd LOT no the
north side of Broadway, frontlmviliout i7 feel ami mi
nmg back 210. Bounded west by tho ltialto, and coat
by Alexander a old Livery Stable.
City of Griifin, kiiowuim the lat- residence of Mr*,
•lolin blmmoii* containing ono aero—house has six
looms bounded by t'aptoln lt.ffon tho west, nnd east
by New Orleans Struct, north or lt.dl Hoad, sc it muted
from Dr. Hmotb y hv an alley, being well located to
business, and bulhliligs in good rtatv <i rep dr To be
soldo* the property of M. I). Smith, deceased, for the
beneHt ol heirs end erodltots. J. U STEW AUT,
Nov. I*, ISRS-IV. fee sls. a Im'r
AilinlnlKtratoi-’M Sale.'
BY virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Sn dd
lug county, will he sold, bi-foro the court house
door. In the CITY uVGHIFFIN, on ths Ist TUESDAY
I5 .IANUA.UY, 1869, one tract of land, ndjolulng Jones
Urldges and Lovlck Jones, known as th • ‘Sidney Trav-
Is Ulsce’ ’—property of rat e. Sold for the Iwncflt of
the heir#. Terms CASH. MDSES A. SHIELDS.
nov H, ISftS-tds-Fr’s fee $5 Atlin'r.
A«liniiiiNt 1:1 tor's Sale.
1)1 IRTUEOF AN ORDER from the Ordinary of
iP Spntlllng County. 1 will sell before the Court
House door In Spalding County, between the usual
hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN’ JANUA
RY. Hi* f Rowing property, to wit: lit BUSINESS
HOUSE on Solomon Street, known ns the > Jierrltl
Hanking House”, now occupied hv J 11. John*on
Bold tia the property of A. Merritt, deed, for the beti
etltof heirs and ct editors Terms cash.
s. W. MANUUAM, Adm'r.
November2l. iss-MiM
Ct EOUI A—Si-Ai.DißnCou.NTT—'Whereas, .LolinO For-
I rill. eT t'hatham County, appli. s to me for Letters of
Admlntstrathm on the Estate of Annie C. Ferrlll, lute of
said county, deceased. These aro therefore, to cite nnd
admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors,und
others concerned, to ho nnd appear at my office, and
(iiveu under my hand at oflioe,this, S'lFi OcU»bor, 1868.
F. 1). DI-skUKE, Ordinary.
Pocmnber Ist, 1869 -Pru fee
C'l KoliGlA—Spalding County —To the Kindred and
J Or editors of i\ at Imniel Reeves, deceased: No ad
miii'stration having been anpllod for tfn the estate of
deceased you will tako notice that unless steps shall
be taken to have su administration by or before the
FIRST MONDAY IN .IANCAKY next, I shall appoint
the t.lcrk of Spalding Superior t'ourt Adtnlnbtraior or*
sail) estate. F. J). I>IBM IIKK, Ordinary.
November 16,1568-Printer’s lee SB.
CJ. KOUGIA— .Spamuno County.— Sixty days after
M date, implication will be made to tho Cpuft of Or
dinary of Paul county, for leave to s U the Rsal Ka
tote belonging to George P. Parker, late of said county
deceased GKO. W. PAHKKR, Administrator,
oct. fcl, foe $6 .
C'IKOHGI A—Spalding County.—\Vhereas Wiley W.
J Williams applies to me for Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of D. M. Johnson late of said coun
ty, deceased. Thesb are, therefore, to cite und admon-
Uh all persons concerned to be and appear nt my office
within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if
any they have, why letters should not be g-anted aaid
applicant. Given under my. hand at office, tiffs Dec.
H$ 1868 F. I>. DISMUKK, Ordfnary.
dee. 11, 1968-30d-Pr‘s fee *1
GEORGIA - Bi*alding County—W. C. Champion,
trustee of the children of John IV Champion, ap
plies for Exemption of Persontt’ty, and setting npart of
Homestead, und t will ptoi union the same at my of
fice, Dec 21 at, at 10 o'clock. A. M.
Dec Ift, 1868 F D. DffeMUKR, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
EOV.OIiY- PtK» Coitjttr—By virtue of .an order
from the Hunornblo Court of Ordinary ol eultl
county, will bo Bold bofoae the Cortrt Hodsedoor in
imat, between the legal hours of sale, tho following
property, bddonglng to tho estate of Ocorgo Stewart,
mttj of said county, deceased, to wit: One lot, contain
Ing 202# acres, tnoro or less, kijown ns the “old Sim
mons l'lnce.” Also -20 acres adjoining said lot. Also
—<i» acres, part of the Ist upon which is situated the
residence of the late deccasod, known as the residence
of T. 0. Trit*©. Hatd lands are well improved, with good
dwelling and orchard on the full lot. Terms cnsli.
J D STEWAItT, Administrator.
November 18,1808—!Printer’s fee $lO.
Administrator’s Sale.
GF.Or.OK— riK* County—Tßy virtue of an order
from tho Ordinary fit I’lko County I will, soli
b.roro th. Courthonse door In the town of Zuhulon. oh
tho >'II»T TUKSDAY IN .IANUAKY next, between
the legal hours of sale, Ihe following Lots of band : 125
acres off of Lot No. 26, in the bth District of Pika
county, known n» th. “Culpeper Place," ami Lot No.
62, In the sth district of Pike county, containing 2U2J6
acres Sold as the property of the Kstute of John N.
Mungham, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred
itors. Also, one Town Lot in Zebulou, on the north
•Itle of the square, unimproved.
Nov. 4. 186S-tds-Pr’s lee $5
Administrator's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordlhnry
of Pike County. (J».,will bk sob! on the FIRST
TUESDAY IN J UARY, 1809, before the Court
house door in ZEBULON, between the b-gal hours of
sale, the LAND belonging to tho estate of Pinckney
Protbro, late of Pike county, deceased, six hundred
neres of land, more or less, lying in the Second District
of Pikecolmty, known as the Bloiner White Pine©
Terms cash. IIIRAM TRAVIS, Administrator.
Nov. 11.1868—Printer’s fee $-s—paid
GEORGIA —PiW County.-— Whereas. W. 9. Scott.
Executor of the Estate of Mdry Scott, deceased,
npplles to m© for letters of Dwabslon from said Cm
tate. Those are, therefore to cite and admonish all
persona concerned, to be and appear at my office, with
in the t'liio prescribed by law, to show ennse. if any
they have, why letters should not be granted said ap
plicant Given under my hand and official signature,
October 21,1868 J. J. HARPER, Ordinary,
oci. 24, 186S-6m-Pr's fee $6
GEORGIA— Pike County. Notice is hereby giv
en to all peiSons having demands against John
Harper, late of said county, deceased, to present them
to me, or leave them at the Ordinary’s Oifice, of Pike
county, properly made out, within the time prescribed
by law, so as to show their character and amount; and
all persons Indebted to said deocased, are hereby re
qnlred to make immediate p irroent. in me; or leave the
aame with the Ordinary of said county.
B. V., Executor.
Oct. IT, 1868-40-Pr’fl fee $H
T II E "nriICK HOUSE” adjoining
I Burr’s Tin Pimp. Apply at Uio STAR OKFM 'g.
Beoatnhcr Oth, Iboß, Bw
j legal notices.
I brrrs coumty.
Executor’et Sale.
Firtie.of an order from the Court o's
door lo tUet->\v Dv t JAoKSOtf. ll,m.
ofkhS’vo’sm “* propfly. to-»it : »« v , O , tl
m ’<)',¥ acres of land, No. I«tl. sold »*
''' C for thapurposo Os
1 L i y r ' f o i Executor!
SUmlnlstrator’s Sale.
•nlTlrtu-of an order from tho Cwdrt of DrcTlnatv of
r ,l,t inlh-tosa >if ,IAOK.
ISgR n, ,u ?. r ® or »»«> known as tho
N <h lands of John B.
0u ' 1 ." , ,“ r , d » nil D ”'l'Wn Lindsey.-
" ,ot containing one hundred nnd ond
anarair-forth acre*, more or loss, Rdjnlmng the lands
v Bailey, lUUlalh and others
KhSan ** Hie Manglmm estate. Sold M the Real
K»las,; 4 J, M. Miuighoiu, doceaaed. Term* f„*h.
. o. n. FLhYOIIEB, Administrator.
oci 2S. l!l(l<-ti|*-IV» fee 9R
HultH mortgage Sale. r
\I7ILL be sold before tho court-house door, t n the
town of JACKsdN, Butts county. Oa . within
'lra, Jog’1 hours of sale, on tho first liTE.'DAt IN
1)1.( KMUh.It NEXT, tho I. Rowing pronertv to wit-
I’.'.’f.".'/ 0 of l ' am !' ™»r* or les,, > on 'chid, is nltunted a
Still Hoaro-satd laml lying and being In the Eighth
District of originally Henry now llntt* countv. adloln-
Ingiho land* of Justlna A. Btodgtalll, Jesse T Oimn
and Walthall and Lyon*. Levied onj,. the property of
James A Spark* to satisfy a mortgage f! fig Issue,l from
the Superior Court of snl.t eounly, in favor of Micha
el A. Boherts vs James A. t*na,k«. Propertr pointed
out In said uiortgugo n la. Tenant In iiraseaaioh noil
tl«l. GEO. W TllOlt.M'ON, llebFh’ff
_oet H|, ISdS-Pr’B fee $6 p
KOUGI A—Bi rr* CDpstt—Sixty days „Ror date
J" appllcniion will be made to the Ordinary of said’
County for leave t„ sell land, of Riley s Fear* ml.
nor, of said oounty. B. E. WATSON, Guardian
nov. 7. ISfis-Prs fee s.*>
ff^JKOKGIA— Buns Couierv.— Mary J Collins au
, pile* ti# me for Exemption of Personalty and act
tint apart and valuation of Homrateud, and I will act
upon tlo- same, at tnv ollice. on the 22,1 day of D.-cem
her, 18118, a, 10 o’clock A. M
a ~ ,o» .n WILEY COODMAN, Ordinary.
dee. 11, tSB--2t-Pr * fee $5 J
GKOItOIA— Buns Oountt—Jaooh Vickers aSCILs
loi Exemption of Personalty, und setting apart ami
valuation of llomastead, and I will pus, „ pon t |„. same
at my oflice, on the Oih day of December, lolls „t 1,)
o clock, A M. WILEY GOODMAN, Ordinary
December sth, IBoS J o t
lluttN nioriKHKP Male.
WJ BR 80L1) before the Counhouse door, In the
of Jack on. Butts county, on the JFIK3T
FUESD \ Y in JANITAUY, IStiO, during the usual hours
o side, the following property, to wit .*
One clerk’s sare, ono Iron* tire-proof safe, one hall
l imp, 8 bureaux, one dining room safe, ono rocking
clmif. one piano, PS table*, Il>B mattresses 58 bedsteads,
•Jff G imfrN, 56 looking glasses 51 chambers, 82 candle
sticks, 7‘2 pitchers, :;4 basins, 81 tumblers, *2 goble's, one
tin bucket, 18 waab-stand-, 7 water buckets, ‘27 wash
bowls. ‘25 foot-tubs, ‘2 slop-buckets, 5 tubs. 2 quilts, 5
pair blankets, 8 solas, ono wardrobe, 10 castors. 2 f» ult
stands, 1 cooking stove and fixtures, 1 ice-box. 4 com
forts. I*2 pillow-cases, 12 sheets, 12 bed-spreads, and one
bed pan.- Also— -At the same time and place, will
be sold the Mclntosh Property, known as the 4 Mein
toeli Uotelat Indian Springs, lot No. 86. according to
the survey of said plaoe, containing 4 acres, morn or
le«*. Also—Port I>n of lot No. 4b, west end, and
a portion of let No. 50, end, containing ten acres, more
or less. Alho —Thrao Hundred acres of Land.
more or lew, No. not known, but known as tho
Garaylo Mill Place Property,nnd Plantation, adjoining
tho lands of K. D. Andrews on the south west by -loci
W Byars, north by Sarah Byars, east by Win. A Elder
11!!^ j n d I* m<M °
Gilmoae, on the east, ahd west by William Gilmore
Alho BO acres, more or less, number not
known, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Head on the
west, and by Mr. Head on tho south. Also—SO
acres, more or less, No not known, on tho west of In
dian Springs Reserve, adjoining binds of Humble on the
north, und westby Mis. standard, south by James Row
land* Aiao—l store-house, lot known as the Newton
and Mickclberry lions *, on the east of the street lead
ing to Forsyth, about 50 feet square, more or ad
joiningtho Mclntosh House. Also—One lot known
as the Post* flicO Lot, now occupied by Tipton &. ilardii
way, Also—One bay mule aftd pne mouse colored
mule, one 2-horse w agon. 1 old carriage, and one ol«J
conch Also—Ono house and Lot, containing *2 a
cres, in wo or less No. fit>, on the west side of street
leading to Forsyth, known as the Mlokleberry 1 t..,
Also—B7.> acres of land, L raorc or less, known as the 8
H. Maunders place, now occupied by J. F. Clea* eland,
adjoining lanes on the south of Alexander Sounders,
east »y Mia Head, north by It. 8 Allen, nnd others. No
not known. All tin* above property levied on as tho
property of Bryan W. Collier, to satisfy ono mortgage
fl. fa Issued from Butts Bup’error Coun. in favor ot Clar
enceT Walker ag-Inst lirynn W. Collier. Property
pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attornoy. All tho foregoing
props ty included amjf, described in the Levy, under
the Mortgage fl. so., been levied on. and also now
udveftised under, nmUljy virtue of this fl. fa., due and
legatjjiotlce has been served on parties aud 1 tenants in
possession of said propertv
G W THORNTON, Den’y Sheriff.
Oot. 19th 1869.—Prs fee 422 60,
ANMlgnee’N Sale.
ON THURSDAY, the 24th day of DECEMBER,
869, between tho legal hours of sale, before the
eourt-honse door in the town of 7.EUULON, couhty of
Pike, und State of Georgia, will he sold, the following
property, to-wit: The north half of Lot No. 125, tn
said County, containing 160 gores, more ot Iceland the
whole of Lot No. 188, except 05- acres, reserved as a
Homestead Also 85 acres, adjoining the above and
Mr. ,A. B. Bhaokelii>rd—-nil of which la known as the
property of MOUNTAIN GREEN; The same to be
sold under g Docree In Bankruptcy, for tho benefit of
his creditors. bAMUEL U. WKEMb, Assignee.
the District Court of the United States, for the
Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of Wyatt
8. Reaves, Bankrupt.
Td.Aduuii It may concert The Undersigned hereby
gives,notice of his nppdntmeut as Assignee of the Es
tatoof Wyatt 8. Ueevas In the county of Bpnlding,
and State of Goorgia, wlio has been adjudged a Bank
rupt upon his own petition by the District Oourt of
said Distilet. Datec at Griffin, Ga., the 11th day of
Deo., A. D., 1868. JOHN D. ALEXANDER,
dee, 11, 1868. Assignee, «fcc.
District Court of the United Bta os, for tho North
orrr District of Georgia, lu the matter of Joseph G.
Hcaia, Bankrupt.
To Whom it may concern :—Th© undersigned hereby
gives notice of his appointment as assijneeof the Es
tate of Joseph G Sears, in tho county of SpaMiog, and
State of Georgia, who lias beoon adjudired a Bankrupt
upon his own petition by the District Court of said
District. Dated at Griffin. GV, the 11th day of D< ceui
ber A.D ,1818. JOHN D. ALEXANDER,
dec. 11, 1863. Assignee, Ac.
I FORE WARN all persons from trading
for a certain Promissory Note made payable to Geo.
ft T'' r »‘e r » due one day after date, otid dated February
17, ISOB, written with a pencil, and signed by myself.—
The consideration for wnloh said Note, was given huv-
Ing fulled,. I urn determined nut to pay it Aniens cmn
pelltMl by Ibw. K. M. MATTUKWS.
dee. 1, 186--lnwlm
The Ladies’ Store.
Just Opposite the Methodist Church,
Y T exquisite and wdll selected stock of
Kver brought to Grlfhn, consisting of
Millinery, Dress Goods, Notions,
tntl In f.ot,everything (n rl.lnln. u, I.ADIKJ1 1 WKAH
(In nnh MM them, nn.l ml .Huron yon au get gnoil. nt
th. lowott Cuh ptlcc. Hsv.inbrr 2T, 1(68. |
Tuesday, Dee. »8. >B6B.
‘,‘tns Devil to Pay.”—This phrase no
doubt originated in n printing office, on
somo Saturday night’s settlement of wa
“John/’ Bays tlio publisher to the book„
or, "bow stands tho cash account ?”
"Small balance on hand, sir.”
“Let’s see,” rejoined tho publisher; "how
far that will go towards satisfying the
John begins to figure arithmetically—
bo much due to Botkina, so much to Ty
pos, so much to Grumble, and so on thro’
a dozen dittos.
Tho publisher stands aghast!
“H<re is not money enough hv a iu<»
full I” J J fe
“No, sir, and besides, tl e-e is tho devil
to pay.”
About ono hundred delegates from vari*
ous parts of tho Stute, snvs the Macon Tel„
egrnph, are in attendance upon the Con*
vention here. Business pours so fast upon
tho Secretary, that we arc instructed tosnv
that the official rcoord of proceedings will
not appear until after the adjournment.
So soon ns the Convention was called tn
order, B. C. Yancey, Esq., in the Chair, a
committed was appointed upon tho subject
of an union of the various Societies repre
sented. This committee, after retirement
and and, bate, reported a proposition to unite
and organize under the charter of the old
State Agricultural Society, of Georgia, and
that the Legislature should be memorializ
ed for such amendments to the same as
would embrace all the objects of the vari
ous Associations, nnd adopt the orgnnizas
tion to the situation and wants of the peo
Tho report and resolutions being receiv
ed and adoptod, the Convention proceeded
to onroll members, and afterwards to elect
officers, with the following result:
President—David Dickson, of lluncock.
Vice Presidents First Congressional
Distriot: Wm. Sohley, of Cliathnm.
Second Distriot—Gen. Goode Bryan, of
”Till, J Olsli lut -!?. Is, Wlfcr; vflfmistsai
Fourth District—Joseph Olishy, of Bibb.
Fifth District—B. T. Harris, of Hancock.
Sixth District—B. C. Yancey, of Clarke.
Seventh District—o. W. Howard, of Bar
Tbo following gentlemen were then ap
pointed the
0. W. Howard, of Bartow.
James A. Nisbet, of Bibb.
J. S. Hamilton, of Clarko.
\V. J. Russell, of Clarko.
B. T. Harris, of Hanoock.
J. V. Jones, of Burke.
A. S. Reid, Sr., of Putnam.
C. M. Irwin, of Leo.
B. 11. True, of Morgan.
,P. \V. J. Echols, of Fulton.
T. R. Bloom, of Bibb.
D. W. Vischer, of Houston.
J. Ilillsman, of Crawford.
Tho afternoon Session was principally
devoted to a desultory discussion of the
emigration question, without any definite
conclusion. Tho Convention has before it
a highly interesting communication upon
tho subject from F. Schuller, General State
Agent ot Immigration tor Virginia, which
we will publish as soon as convenient.—
The Convention adjourned till this morn
ing, the 15th, at 9 o’clock.
One of tho most remitrkable cases that
ever camo within mv experience was that
of Lucille Dutton. Fascinating, brilliant,
dashing, possessing an exquisite grace of
manner and rare conversational powers,
that charmed every ono who camo within
the sphere of ber influence. Until her
crimes were known and her arrest attempt
ed, she reigned here an acknowledged
belle. Even the most jealous of her own
sex admitted the wondrous spell exercised
by her singular and surpassing beauty.—
An actress, a vocalist, it would have been
no extravagant eulogy to'have called her a
primndonua. Tall beyond the average of
women, her slender, graceful form was
modeled into an exquisite symmetry that
would have been a sculptor’s ideal. Cur
ling, silky tresses of nut brown hair, shaded
a face fair and delicate as a obild. Great
luminous black eyes flashed from beneath
the beautiful laslros with a strange tnostno
rio power, that few indeed had the {lower
to resist. Thio expression, combined with
her rare intellectnal gifts, made her reg
nant over many a heart that had never be
fore felt the spell of a woman’s charms.—
She had come to New Orleans as a vocal
ist. Her engagements was attended with
a success never before equaled by the most
accomplished professional. Night after
night the theater was crowded with her
admirers. Reff appearance was ever the
signal of an enthusiasm all but wild. As
the weird light of the prosoenium flashed
on jewel and gem, and tho queenly form,
radiant in beauty, stood before the multi
tude, who awnyed to the magic charm
and impulse of tone and voioo. 1 have often
fancied her supernatural. Youth and age
alike felt its influence. There was a thrill
in the low utterance, that trembled on the
eir like the eo© vibration of a harp whose
NO. 14.
strings the wind had struck, and rising in
fulness and strength of tone until n rich
delicious harmony filled the vu*t building
with a magic cadence which no car attuned
to musio could resist. Her name »»< „ n
every window along the fashionable*
oughfare. Before the charm of
strange, wondrous beauty, fashion forgot
exclusiveness, society . pem and its doors'?—
1 ettod nnd caressed in every circle, admir
ed nnd loved, her heart remained insensi
ble to so much flattery, and homage of men
and women was reeeiTcd as if it were her
It was at a time when her fume was
greatest, and her success in fashimahlo
life most assured, tnat an event <ki •uitoJ
wliioh changed it ail and precipituted a
catastrophe _ which I cannot even now re
flect upon withmit a sense of puin. A few
month botoro her advent hero, a series of
the most, startling tragedies hud occurred
in Montreal. An entire family had been
poisoned by a Governess. The papers
were never weary of tho epi: ndu of hor
rors the recital furnished. The instrument
of this wickedness had tied, aud with such
oonsnmate skill had her flight been contriv
ed, that not even a trace of her was left.
It appeared that her beauty nnd acconu
plishments had won the nffections tfa
youth, whose marriage with her his parents
opposed. Driven to desperation, llarlow
) incant had, in a moment of frenzy, per
ished by his own hand. Over the corpse of
her lover the governess had sworn n dire
revenge. How faithfully she adhered to
her guilty oath, the rapid dcoreaso of his
relatives full well attested.
Tho story of tho Canadian homicides hod
long since reached us, hut had left but lit
tle impression, ns a matter with wliioh we
had nothing to do.
One night a gentleman returning from
the theater, eutored our office. Him look
was disturbed, and his face wore un ex
pression of profound agitation.
Mr- I handed him a chair, nnd after
a moment’s hesitation, he inquired if I had
beard of tho tragedy at Montreal.
I replied that I had.
"Have you no suspicion of the actor in
that fearful drama’?”
"The governess, of course.” *
"Yes, hut have yon uo suspicion of who
the governess is ?”
"Certainly not.”
“Would you like me to point her out to
you ?”
"Most certainly I would-”
"And you would utrOst her if I did ?”
"Then, sir, your task is easy ; the wo.
man who is setting your city wild at pres
ent, the fascinating Lucille Dutton, is tho
"What ?” I exclaimed, “yon are mad 1”
“Not I, I speak advisedly—l know the
woman ; am a resident of Montreal, and
have known her for years.”
The telegraph was at once put in requin
stttoh, and In less tmm an honr nil the in
formation sought for was obtained. There
was no longer a doubt ; the enchantress of
the theatre was the murderess g 1 ’ Montreal.
We were warranted in takin/ er in cus
tody at once ; hut as there was ho probabil
ity of escape, we delayed until morning.—
I confess I felt a strange reluctance in ex
ecuting tho duty I had to peforra. I ads
mired the beautiful creature, despite her
crimes. I thought I could understand how
these could hnvo been committed without
her being wholly bad. Maddened by the
death of ono she loved ; lmting with hitter
nnimosity those who were, in a measure,
responsible for it, and incited to the deed
by the fierce, revengeful naturo of her rncc,
it seemed to me more the crime of others
tlinn her own. Still I would do my duty.
Early the ensuing morning Mr. I. ami
myself visited her apartments at a fashion
nble boarding house on Camp street. Al
though the hour was early, sho was up, and
to tho servants inquiring if two gontlemen
oould ho admitted to see her, returned an
affirmative answer. The bright golden
sunshine of the early spring morning
gleaming in at the open window, filling the
room with light. It shown on the beauti
ful lady like a crown—rod with crime, she
might have been—hut tho nuthrown hair,
in the sheen of those golden rays, seemed
plory crowned. Robed in white, a si agio
jowel flashing from the belt that onoireled
her waist—a bud of the early spring roses
peeped from her hair. llow beautiful sho
looked—bow innocent. My tongue faul
tered—my utterance indistinct as I told my
“And yon believe me gnilty ?”
“By no means, lady ; I but execute my
duty/’ . 3
“You do right.”
Her voice was low and sad—so exqnisito
.ly sorrowful that, tears oame into my eyes.
A single hectic flush fevered on the smooth
round cheek as she rose and walkod across
th# room to an esoritioire that stood in the
corner. The great Inminons eyes were
sheated now, and the long dark lashes
drooped over them. She sat down at tho
desk and leaned her head on her hand for
a moment; then searched for a paper or a
pnreel in a nook in the desk. I did not
observe her closely until sho turned around
facing me.
“I am gaily,” she said— the same low.
tone of Borrow ; “yes, guilty in the eyes of
the world, but not iu the sight of Heaven.
I was insane when I did the deed. Insan
ity has its cunning—dolirotn its passionate
sense of revenge. They broke my heart,.
destroyed in their bloom all the flowers of
my life. I am a maniac even , now, for I
feel no tn my crime, r hario long
looked for this boar. lum ready ior it.—
My dead body the law may have, but with
no sonso of shame.”
As she spoke she swallowed a dull gray
ish looking powder, threw up her arms, aud
fell back in her seat—dead.—New Orleans
Picayune, 15th alt.
19* A suite of rooms was advertised at
a fashionable watering place na having
among its attractions "a splendid view over
a fine garden adorned with numerous scul,.-
tur#s.” It was found on applying nt tho
address that the garden adorned with’
sculptures was the oemetery.
Kjy*lrritul>lo schoolmaster—“ Now, then,
stupid, what’fl that next word t What
comes sfler cheese I”
Doll boy—“A mouse, sir.”