The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, March 27, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. Vol. X. No. 173. GBIFFIN GETS A CREAMERY Thu Was Settled at a Kass Meeting Held This Afternoon A large number of our business men met at 4 o'clock this afternoon for the purpose of securing a creamery for Griffin. The meeting was organized by electing Dr. N. B. Drewry chairman and R. H. Drake secretary. Dr Drewry in taking the chair made a short speech, showing the ad vantages such an enterprise would be to the farmers of Spalding county, upon whom the merchants of our city depend so largely for a support. Col. Redding staled that the station had demonstrated the fact that as good butter and cheese could be made here as anywhere in the country. It was the most profitable business that could be engaged in, and the trouble so far has been that it was only enjoy ed on a small scale, He was sure that if those present would contribute to the enterprise, it would prove very profitable. He stated that a first class creamery would cost between $5,000 and SG,OOO It was the desire of Mr. Wallace, who represented Northern capitalists to have the citizens of Griffin sub scribe $2,500 toward the enterprise, which amount was to be paid back to subscribers, with 7 per cent, interest, as soon as the creamery was estab lished on a paying basis. The matte? was discussed at con siderable length, and all entered harti. ly into the plan. Upon motion of Judge Robt. T. Daniel, a committer, consisting of N B. Drewry, R. H. Drake, H. J. Wing, H. 11. Bass and Douglas Boyd was appointed to raise the necessary papers, and complete all the arrangements for establishiug the creamery. All present pledged their hearty support to the enterprise and a cream ery for Griffin is now an assured fact. The meeting then adjourned subject to a call from the Eleven Companies Go Out. Atlanta,Ga , MarehST.—As a result of the inspection of state troops by In spector General Obear, eleven compa nies located in different parts of Geor gia, were today discharged. The com panies ordered honorably discharged are: Marietta Rifles, Marietta; Signal carps, Fifth Infantry, Atlanta; Gor don troops, Chipley ; Brown Fencibles, Columbus ; Columbus Guards, Colum bus; Piedmont Rifles, Third Infantry, Gainesville ; Georgia Cadets (colored), Atlanta ; Governor’s Volunteers, (col ord), Columbus ; Field staff and non commissioned staff, (colored), Atlanta. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Whashita, I. T. He writes: “Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent.” This shows what thousands have proved—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Harris <fc Son and Carlisle & Ward, Druggists, Guaranteed. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’£ EXPECTORANT. Recorders Court Only three cases were tried before Judge Wm H. Beck this afternoon, the others being postponed. Ed Ward, colored, and his wife rad a little family quarrel Saturday night and His Honor imposed a fine of $6 50 on the former and $5.50 on the latter. Henry Dickinson, a colored barber, was asked to deposit $9 50 with the city treasurer for quarreling and fight' ing. If he is opposed to enhancing the city s finances, be will be allowed to work on the streets for sixty days. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. " i"- ‘"'<i i :;T J.i,' hutiv > Ci ‘ iiy u fure ' cr 1 q ,na < ■ : „ ' : - to’.*? No To J'.? ’ r «n?r, Bi:it i iL- uraknnn l( . J*’’’- -. (urcguaran s , ‘ e-unple free. Andress /> *ci:.c lv Co - Chicago New Tori’ Tnt /< A ll4r<? t ‘ihi! ;<»H t'orrwr. face cS*?.. Cu, ‘ u . v ’ vrat V. c. rail t 0 cure dri-nuis refund uiuev. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT. Osborn & Wolcott Secure the Olympic Theatre for Six Years The Osborn A Wolcott Manufactur ing Company have closed a deal with the Odd Fellows, whereby they be come lessees ol the Olympic Theatre for a term of six years, beginning the first of next September. Osbern & Wolcott have made Mr J. W. Gresham manager of the theatre, who will give the business his persona] attention. Mr Gresham has had con siderable experience in the business, and staled to a Call reporter today that the house would be kept up to its present standard. He intended only booking the best of attractions, and would give no company a date unless he knew it to be all right. We wish the new management a successful career. While mentioning the Olympic, we will not hesitate to say that the finest attraction of the season will appear there tomorrow evening, and is de serving of a packed house. If you have not done so, secure your seats at once and see Rip Van Winkle tomor row night. Half a Century an Actor- Mr. Samuel W. Glenn was seen al the theatre in two performances yes terday in Rip Van Winkle. The per formance last night was a meritc rious one and deserved a belter audience The interpretation which Mr. Glenn gave of Irving’s famous character was natural, refined and in every way ex cellent. It showed oajeful study of detailaud an ixcdllent conception of the role. His enunciation—like that of most of the actors of the old school to which Mr. Glenn belongs; was perfect., and his movements were graceful. Mr. Wm. H. Bokec, who appeared as Derrick von Slauss, gave a splendid virile portrayal. The other characters were well taken. Julia and Josie Roon ey, two bright little children, as Hend rick and Lorena, were delightfully charming. They sang a pretty lisle! song and danced gracefully—Morning News, Savannah, Ga , Feb. 23rd. millineryopenTng. Millinery and Dry Goods Opening Tuesday and Wednesday at Bass Bros. You are invited to call and see the Pretty Hats and Beautiful Spring Goods that will be on dis play at our store. Prices will be made specially low during this opening. Eveiy one should attend. BASS BROS. This is The Week of Pesach- Peßacb, the Jewish week of paseover, began last Saturday night at Sundown, The passover feast, as is well known, is observed in commemoration of the night when the Lord, smiting the first born of the Egytptians, passed over the houses of the children of Israel. The passover feast is celebrated dur ing the full moon of Nisan, or Earch. List of Jurors- Judge E. H. Hammond held a short session of the city court this morning and heard several motions. He over rulled the motion to continue the case of John Holland, who is charged with gaming. The following jury was drawn to serve at the June term of court: L. H. Drewry, Geo. P. Elder, J. J. Thornton,N. B. Crowder, A. J. Farley, J. H. Harrison, Jno. SV. Hunton, 8. L Akins, F, B. Terry, B. F. Ogletree, W. H. Newton, J. J. Childs, W. D Dunbar, W. 11. Allison, E. P. Newton, T. P. McDow ell, W. T. Futral, H. P. Eady, E. B. Ox ford, J. T. Bates, W. D. Bennett, J. E. Futral, L. W. Gardard, D. A. Oxford. Discovered By a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that, too, by a lady in this country. '‘Disease fastened its clutches upon her, and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vita! organs were undermined and dea'h seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. Sne finally discover ed away to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; with two bottles, has been absolutely cured Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz ” Thus writes W C. Hamnick & Co., Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Harris & Son’s and Carlisle <£ Ward’s Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and SIOO (Every bottle guaranteed. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 27, 1899. AT BERNER S REQUEST The Third Georgia Regiment Will be Mastered Oat in Augusta Savannah, Ga., March 27 —Tisu Third Georgia regiment is al hump again. The transport Logan, which brought the regiment from Nuevitaa, reached the Savannah quarantine station at 12 : 30 o'clock yesterday and there it stopped »o that the men might go through with the process required of all passengers !rom Cuba, namely, fumigation. The moat interesting feature in connection with the return of the Third Georgia, so far aa has yet been learned, is that the regiment, contrary to all expectations, will be mastered out at Augusta, instead of Savannah or Griffin. This was de cided yesterday and will be done st the request of Colonel Robert L. Ber ner, who said be would prefer to have his regiment taken to Augusta to re maining in Savannah. The Third Georgia regi ment wall unloaded at once on the arrival of tbe Logan, and the work of disinfecting the men waa begun. They had to re move their clothing, put it all into one big pot aud have the disinfecting gases run through it. When the pro cess—to which the < ffic<*rs, even the colonel, are subjected, as well as tbe men—it completed, the regiment will be hurried up to tbe city as rapidly as possible. They will be brought up on lighters attached to tugs, and also on the river steamer Santee, which is used by the government for this pur pose Half Os the regiment will go to Au gusta by the Plant System and tbe other half by the Central of Georgia, Part of them will be left at the Gordon wharf and the others will go to the Central wharf, where trains will be in waiting for them. The Georgians are in excellent con dition, and there is no sickness among them. Tbe fumigation, however, is a matter of precaution taken in all cases and to which all troops will have to submit. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. Spring Opening. The ladies are cordially invited to attend Mrs. L. L. Heinz’s Spring Open ing Tuesday and Wednesday. A Peddler Arrested- “Mounted” Officer P. F. Phelps run down and arrested a Jew by the name of J. Bearman, this morning, who has been peddling goods in the city with out license. He was carried before Mayor Davis and was very emphatic in declaring he bad been selling nothing which would conflict with the Mayor’s trade. This however, had no weight and he was fined $5 00 which he paid. Sues the Southern Railroad. Arnos Jones. Jr., is sueing the South ern Railway for $19,000 damage-. Some lime ago Amos bought a ticket to Luella and the train failing to stop at tbe station, be was put off on the roadside in the night, and forced to walk back to the town. He claims bis ticket called for Luella and not the country therea bouts, and has placed his case in the hands of his attorneys Messrs. Smith <fc Stevens at McDonough. To Our Readers. Quite a number of this issue of the I Evening Call are sent to others than subscribers. If they are desired sent regularly, hereafter, those receiving them will please make the fact known at this office. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Eggs! Eggs!! Eggs!!! From thoroughbred Barred Piym outh Rock and Silver Laced Wyan dotte, SI.OO per 13 If you want to raise prize winners try a sitting of these eggs. Lewis D. Clark, 20 Hill St. RovK Baking Powder . Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. A COUNTY FAIR Is What We Want and Should Have in Spalding County. Did the people of Griffin and Spald ing county ever stop to consider the advantages we might have over other sections of the state in a county fair? And do 'bey ever think what benefits might and can be derived from a fair ? We do not mean a stale or world’s fair. We refer exclusively to a county fair, made up wholly of tbe products Os Spalding county. Several of the counties in Georgia have established annual county fairs, which are paying institutions, and there is no reason why Spalding should not advertise in this way what she can do. We have the Georgia Experiment Farm here, and it is but just that some mousideraiioit should be shown it in pulling upon exhibition its products. What aay tbe good people of Spald ing? Lal us get together and talk the matter over, and have a county fair in the fall. MW i ikn Excellent Combination. I r The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, SYRUP of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Sybup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance. and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasai taste, but the medicinal •,ua i;t i-• - •-f t • remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Sy me Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N Y For sale by all Druggist r. Price 50c. per bottle •' ■■ '-'i.——■ J. H. HUFF’S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE is the place for you to buy your Books, Stationery, Window Shades, and Fancy Goods. PIANOS and ORGANS. All at Bar gain Prices, J. H. HUFF, 24 HILL STREET. _____ rash for a Stogie stamp like cut! We pay to for many postage stamp* used between IM7 and I*7g. Look up your old letter* and tbo** or your n-’ighl< r*; j< u may find stamps worth thousand* of dollar*, send to-day for FKF.E HlMtrat.-! UM,. jrplKß HT,»r < l>„ Mt, u«a, »«■ ° -A- st on X A,. Bears the y? IhS Kind YtU Haffl AiWUTS Bfll'fh* OLYMPIC THEATRE TUESDAY, MARCH 28th. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON Dobson and Ring present America’s Fore ....nujst Comedian.... MR. SAMUEL W. GLENN AND A SUPERB COMPANY. In a Stupendous Scenic Production of Wash ington Irving’s Quaint Legend RIP VAN WINKLE Prices: 75, 50, 35 and 25 cents. Seats on sale at Reeves Pharmacy Co. R.F. Strickland & Go. Drop in Monday, we want to show you the prettiest line of Wash Goods ever seen in Griffin. WHITE PIQUE VERY FINE QUALITY AND LIGHT WEIGHT, IN TUCK CORD AND LACE EFFECTS. WHITE CORD AND CHECK MADRAS, THE VER> THING FOR SHIRT WAISTS AND CHILDREN’S DRESSES. NEW WHITE AND COLORED DIMITIES, ORGANDIES AND MUSLINS. NEW STYLE DRESDEN STRIPES. NEW STOCK OF LADIES COLLARS, HOSE, CORSETS, JEWELED BELT AND COLLAR BUCKLES. CHILDREN’S PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. LADIES PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. LADIES AND MEN’S PLAIN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS. For Monday’s Sales. 10 pieces Checked Muslins at sc, worth 7jc. 10 yards Dress Prints at 25c. Mohawk Valley 10-4 Sheets ready made, Mohawk Valley Pillow Cases, 45x36, 25c pair. 6 pieces 33-inch White Dimity at 124 c, worth 20c. 10 pieces 33-inch White Lawn at 10c, worth 12ic. 40-inch Curtain Swiss at 10c and 121 c. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. EASTERN GROWN SEED Potatoes. Fresh Garden Seed, Cheap for Cash. N. B. DREWRY & SON. ’Furniture R epair Slioj 0 o John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do al! other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2 Hill St. $3.00 per Annum anything you invent or improve; aleo get 5 CArEAT.TRAOEMARK. COPYRIGHTor DESIGN * PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. , for free examination and advice. r BOOK ON PATENTS ’e« before patent. i j V; C.A.SNOW&CO. | <; Patent Lawyers. WASHI NGTON, D.C. J H H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. BTEWAKT, M. D. DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians ani Surgequ. Office hours from 'fa.m.toHp. m, A physician will always be in our office during that time. GOO& g . ' J. .’■« «. ,if a ‘ j, this FOR & .. ♦ (jOC Uta••••* taken)to the | ILLUSTRATED YOUTH 110 ISE I (iSticoMwar to Fo«t**4 . ■ HMMVILLt, T<AW-» BKBBBSBaKRKHBKtftGA n J it .. .1 be sent cn-.e year as ‘trial mbbcriptoru U tend it the ftrt! 6 mux. for 30c. teg’ price $i per year. It is an U •istrateJ, s* mi monthly journal, of 16 to J J pages, f- ir ugn, P- hr y , >'«.• bySea andlanv, Wit andHcmon, Hiwtohy, . s<iej« k, General Ixformatyon. Woman’s D*.- ! SMTMENT, a.l hOV. 'IAYIOK DaPAJITMEMT. i.ySor’H Lore letters to the PsbHe are of spe* tai interest. Sampie copy free. Agent* Wanted. CDCE f EDUCATION, etc. To any aubecribev I nCE. J w ho will j« enough new anbecrib r~ a cur reg .tar r.dra to e>jual the regular price I 4 the article eriecte.!, we will give free: hicyrle, • ' /LI wat< h, dlar « nd or a sch--larship in either ! ’.f Draujfhon’H Business Colleges, Nashville. Tenn.. .aiveston. or Texarkana, Tex., or one in almost any } Jush-rss College or Literary School. Write u*. * Mention Griffin (Ga.) Call - Fine Chickens For Sale. I L&vc fur sale full breed Min tcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game and Bard Plymouth Ro. k Chickens. Adso rettings of eggs troin each breed. These birds are select. E. L. Ro*krs,