The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 25, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH AND DURABLE AKE THE LINES OF Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings We are allowing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade and urge you to give us a call and let uh show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER TRUSS., best Fitting / AND I ( MOST COMFORTABLE cool.. Easy to Wear. Retains X /No pressure on THAT YOE CAN Bl Y. EVERA ONE IS I i.evr.r.M V * p*» r 11 •<GUARANTEED TO (JIVE SATISFACTION. Hernia I No unuerstrapv iwith Comfort. I Never moves. We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. SOAP. White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very b ine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, J- N. HARRIS & SON. 3PIST-3Z IDTVYb WILL HAVE TOMORROW, SATURDAY, BARREL OF THOSE 25c. SI IA D. FRESH CAT FISH, PERCH, BREAM. V KG ETA BLKH. WE ARE HAVING INERT DAY FRESH BEANS. ISPARAGI'S, SAI.ID AND RADISHES. NEW RYE IN BUNDLES, AT sc. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GIUH EKS IN HOT N. New Case Butter Thin Wafers. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. flic Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., APRIL 25. I*V9. (Hliceover havin' Ii ardwareStor e TELEPHONE NO. 22. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OR. J. M I IIOMAS, I’HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: Ng. !?:H Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams A Son. Tele, phone 27, 2 rings. (’apt. W H Hartnett, .i Neal, was iti the city today. Will Logan, of Chattanooga, ,ih i-peudiug a few days here. Cnl. Mat Couch, of Senoia, .-pent today >n thia city on bu«ine-s. Mr. and Mrs. J. <2 1! >v ii ton are i spending (several days hi Atlanta Mra. Florence IL- vea la* returned from a pleasant vi<it tn Wild on- n '' A '' ;ant» ■ i <y, i:. i s|i. i - v •ral day- Kf'tme-i'v Hiw B >m- Meal f r fer tilizing rose-, pot p ah's, grape viuts, lawns, etc F r -ale bv J <> S' wart .1 Ii i; W \\ a; d, i-I Ni w (>rl< .ma. is -pending - -me time with Ina children in this city. W Ii Williams, who has been spending h vet a! days with in rue folks 1 at Woodbury, returned this morning. Mrs .1 Ii Yarbrough o' William son, w as the gIK st I I (i 11 Ilin I: . I nds to dav while > nroiite home from a visit to ! nt eb (i> C■ . M C. <' ibania-. .0 the M .-. roe A .Iv--r i-i ■ t< I: icd I I' r-y th t his non u c .i 'er sremiing asl■ rt while wit it Ins m my friends here. Mr- I K M K"I ea,. ] Mrs W, 1 M. K i i . M 'i; uni, spent tod IV iitIIIIS. i' Vw I r Mrs \\ tn B IL » v - whi e ■ I oil> .■ - \ t ii t a .1 us' r i ■ v dti i e Am b i S. r - g'nuni S d, >i- rm in Mi ■ ' Ifii't ■ r 'JO Day (> its. ’I tie latter can i> sown Until the ni ibl eof tins mtjni i and make i. . I. '- D C>< r k 20 H i Mi- M. !-. W i - i '. i i i Atlanta this n wI; • ill w i visit 'r. 11 IV i- I ife a :y -la fore |. avi ng I ~ lid I. Mis <t 11 Mel* i .d and children ■ uii 1 d t ■ : I ■•. r b ine in Atlanta this m n : -a.:, r -pi rd i g r( , v ( ral days w h le’al 1 1 i s ami frit nds in this city. V. . teg' -i rii bi t lie new spa<> pt s that M s l’!ini| Kendrick, of I' it \ i( v is d, ad. She lias relatives fieri aed It iive <tw sons, J D and J. W Kind k I. mit •rt ■ D.’ 11 hti 1... ..i d Mit* s ks immedtati y with, at it jurv to the > r - 1 cb . kens , t! < t m<t s 1 pi nmnvc , y• I pu r: ti: s ami clea -ea <l. >w n the skill. For s ill by Lew.a D C a:k, 20 Hid s. r -it (iiHial bimpot and Cake v, i a at Pattv! ■ n's 11 i ti-m >rrow night. Spe.-im seals wri be te-eried the w i 11' em I .p'e nd a . a'eli V1 e I logo out •■d-teii lii:> Admit*- >n tidy Pae, M ■ i I w ■ Iti st (-ceil y tv etl in mo ii y di-< m> rgt d i. m the i 1,. rd i Gt t r.j.i H giin ti .1 S Vs, i t - spend* I MONEY ■” LOAN ON Real Estate. i Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. ; i)g a few <laya in this city with bis many friends before returning to bis borne in Cartersville. Hot weather is coming on now and if you are not careful the lice and mites j will kill your little chickens. Try Lambert’s Death to Lice and Mites, and it will stop them For sale by Lewis D. Clark, 20 Hill street. Sheriff J, G Tanner and deputies J. J. and J 11. Moore, of Carroll county, were in the city today enroute to Cor dele. They had in charge nine negroes who were sentenced to the chaingang, and who will work out their sentences in the large saw mills around Cordele. T (). Skellie, of Al aeon, is in the city today looking after the fruit prospects in this section Mr. Skellie is Fruit Agent, Central of Georgia Railway, and is gathering some valuable infor mation throughout the state regard ing this most important branch of Georgia’s industry. Her Life Was Saved- Mrs. J, E. Lilly, a citizen of Hanoi ble, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverance from a frightful death. In telling of it she says : “I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia My lungs became har dened. I was eo weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me, I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis covery. One bottle gave me great re lief ; I continued to uae it, and now am well and string, I can’t say too much in its praise ” This marvellous medi cine is f1... surest and quickest cure in the world f,r all Throat and Lung Trouble K guiar size 50 cents and $1 0”. Trial bottles free at Haiiie A Si n’s and Carlisle A Ward’s drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. <3 X. S 3 TV C3> It X _ZX „ Bears the n( * Y u Ha,B Always Boi-pH SI MUSE DOTS. Si nki.-k, April 20, Mrs. Linnie M iles is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John B< .yd, J. O. Boyd visited J. M. Dingier Sun day. T. M. \\ lies was here Sun lay. Johnson Boyd and Frank ( ’liver visited friends and relatives here Wednesday. Mrs. Jonas Boyd returned home Wed nesday, and we are sorry to say that Mrs. 1 Dozier is no better. TVi ire glad to know that little Douglas i Boyd i- improve 1. i ( rn and cotton planting is the order — in fair weather. Mrs. J M. Robert.-on was shopping in Griffin Wednesday. t How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be ’ cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, , F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. TV. , th<. undersigned, have known F J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able t > carry ■ "tit any ol'b. ati.'ns made by tin ir firm. ; West A I'm \U, Wholesale Druggists, I .led'>, O. Wai.din. . Kinn an A Maki in, Whole salt Druggists, Tolwl >, (). Hall's Catarrh Cun is taken in'i rmilly, ( acting directly up n the bl aland muc ous surfaces of tb> system. L '.inionials -ent free. Price .5< per b. :.le Sol.l by all !i-ts. Hall' Family Pills are the best. C' .A. S LC <O XX X TV . In New Jersey, of Course 1 i;i,n ioN, N J, A ptil 25 Tin I ni- j ted States Winsted Comply. with an j authorized capital of .f 7'»t ■ 0< and ; the American 1' umbim. Sujit v and i I .< !<' a,; my , w. ■ : i- <| | capital Os $35,000,001 >. were i-.<- ,rp ra- I ted today at the <th ft S. i retary lof state Ihi f “tm r -i t: powend to j manufacture ami di ;;j « r-t. d .nd wo, ien varus i I c Js r fab | ties, I’be c.; -' kis iv d- J into S3O 000,0'‘0 [■ ILl\ i (i | Hid '|l1• MH I I l(i() I emm ,n -be prelerrv-l t .. 7 ~ , l ent e tuna'at He dividends CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought j Signature of ) Mrs Felton's Views- Jthe heat i i passim , when w 1 oh' c< n, muti it iet, n i at oust d and indig join' ver the c inmission <>f a eiiine of unusual brutality, at is difficult to in' ii'ojre words or thitl; calmly. Tn I i .■ , lb< anna -of mtn. ■ in this stale, it i j i si',, tu say that m n<- I .cker than I iioat i'. tumit 11 ■ I by the negro Sam I Ho-e nppi aia 'l’l,' blond of southern j luio i: - b.>.l- ii. ■ r veil, -, < very pnb e i I. i' is of synij .hi for the poor w - , i m in, wi low, d and outraged by a blai k • t.i'.if.. We refrain from speaking di I rictly mi the act of the manses of the j community in wh ; ch Sam Hose was punished, but we ask were his fuller ings one-hundredths part as great as those of poor Mrs. Cranford, his vic tim? Has she not suffered at least enough already? Oa this subject we quote from a recent article from the pen of Mrs TV. II Felton “The premeditated outrage on Mrs Cransord was infinitely more intolera ble than the murder of her husband* It is exasperating to consider her help less condition, after such an experi ence. I have even less regard for the apologist of the black fiend than pity for the perpetrator. Some weeks ago we li< ard many deliverances on the i duty of moderation which we should I exercise for criminals, and much acrid : criticism upon those who avenged promptly such villianous attacks upon helpless innocence. And it is remark able that since the open, glaring atro cious crimes of Sam Holt, deep silence i prevails where assumacy and arro j gance so lately prated about respect I for law and humanity. “Slavery was full of evils. —no doubt the curse is following—and society is I handicapped by many hindrances, but it is a grievous pity lor both races that the misguided negroes of the country have been tutored and trained into hellish hate and fiendish cruelty to the whit women ami girls of the south. “I have respect and regard for the honest, truthful and upright colored citizens, who deplore the odium that the black, lustful fiends are bringing upon the race, but I do not forget the white victims who, without warning or excuse, are dragged into an abyss of woe, Buffering and despair, compared to which oblivion would be a bo >n,and murder a present blessing 1 Talk about common law trial for such a beast, and the compelling of Mrs. Cranford to go into a courthouse and plead her j wrongs in an audience composed of i Sam Hose and lawyers, perhaps one or more defending the wretch for a feel “It fatigues the indignation to men tion it. Sam Hose needs and deserves no trial. When such a fiend abandons humanity to become a brute, then he shall be di-petclii d with no more civil than would prevail with a mad dog’s fate, after he bad bitten your child. I do not know a true-hearted husband or father who would not help to tie the rope to the beasts’s neck, with lees concern than he would el oot down a poor d. g foaming with hydrophobia. In one case there is hellish iment, in i the other ah. peless diseiiee. The dog is more worthy of sympathy.” Mrs. Felton is a woman, speaking from a woman’s standpoint. She lias 1 a right to be heard The hmwety of her purpose can not be doubted, al though there are those who may differ ! as to the corn clues- of her views as ' voiced above —Columbus Enquirer Su n — - ■ Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for' Cuts, Bruise,, Sores, UK r.-, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cliilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect s disfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. | Harris A Son and Carlisle & Ward. BaKGAINS. I If you are thinking of buying A SEWING MACHINE. OR AN ORGAN, OR PIANO. You will find it at 24 Hill street. J. fi. HUFF. NEW laundry: CUT IN PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, He. Cuffs, per pair, 3c. Undershirts, se. Drawers, sc. Socks, per pair, 2 • ! I Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c. Neckties, 3c. Parties arc earnestly requested to notice ' the place (under old p ’Stofflce) where they ' i will always get good work, at the pri- -s I n imed above. I. C. CHUNG, at New Laundry, r Life.” t in, Ga., September 16, 1891. Atlanta, Ga. J tend your Pitts’ Gtrminatire too 4 it. She had Cholera Infantum I ino relief until I beran uslnr Pitt’s X n 1 had given her but two bottles ? ok like the same child ladvbeili t hildren to give this remedy a trial 5 Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. J -W/H Save Year*. $ 1T.... C EDWARDS BROS. ) —— You do not often have the opportu nity of buying a desirable line of seasonable goods at NEW YORK COST I You may save many dollars by attending the cost sale of Mr. W. P. Horne’s stock at the SCHEUERMAN STORE This sale continues until May 1. Why not save a few dollars here ? EDWARDS BROS. > I Eagle brand > Condensed Milk > Has No Equal as an Infant Food C C “INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. *• vCo*o tr ’ s£ »£ f Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER. NEVER AS MANY NEW SPRING GOODS IN ONE HOUSE IN THIS TOWN AS IN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS, IN FACT, YOU'LL THINK THE CLOTH MAKER GOT HIS WOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT COTTON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. 43 Silk Shirt Waist Patterns at $1.06, worth $2, 36 “ “ “ “ 1.50, you would call’em cheap at $2.75 28 “ “ “ “ 2 85, some merchants would charge $5. To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Bass Bros. Black and colored Crepons in short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 per cent cheaper than the same goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 short lengths in black and fancy woolens in Worst ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to < lose nit very cheap. Lace Curtains and White Quilts at your price. WASHABLES. I’iques at 12ic, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, red, green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, i real value 17 ic. White Organdy, 34 inches wide, at 10c. “ “ “ 15c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1.000 yards colored Jackonets, 40 inches wide, as long as they last 8 5 y<l Yard wide I’ercal at 4jc. Spring style Percale at 5c LADIE’S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our stock is big enough and varied enough to meet ■ its multiform and multiplex requirements. 285 sample Corsets Nos. 18 to 30, at just half price. 200 pairs ot Silk Gloves, your choice tor 25c. Some of them worth ise. Kid Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, busies Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt Buck es, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. Undervests at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. 100 new Sailor Hats just received for this week's sale. BASS BROS.