The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 26, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING GALL. Vot X- No. 199 memorial day. Interesting- Exercises at the Olympit This Afternoon The O yir.pic theatre wits fi led to tie utmost capacity thia afternoon to pay respect to the dead heroes of the Con federacy. A larger and more appre ciative audience never before aseetn bled on a like occasion in Griffin. The Ladies Memorial Association anti Daughters of Confederacy deceive great credit for the great success in their arrangements for this occasion. The stage in the opera house was decorated most beautifully with flow ers and evergeens At 2 :40 o’clock the procession was formed in front of the Griffin R'flee Armory and marched to to the opera house while the band played a beauti ful and appropriate selection. The procession was a very noticea ble one, for the public schools were more than three hundred strong, and each child carried a bouquet of flowers to be placed upon the grave of some hero. Capt. David J. Bailey called the au dience to order, and announced the opening of the exercises by a selection from the bend, after which Rev. T. W. O'Kelley offered up a very beautiful prayer. Hon. R T. Daniel then introduced the speaker, in which he upheld the true, loving custom of the South, in paying tribute to her Confederate dead. He said so long as the pure, white flowers of spring shall blossom, will the South decorate these graves on Memorial Day. Mr. Daniel said the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Lillies Me morial Association were most fortun ate in securing as an orator on this occasion Hon. Mr. Pace, of Covington, whom he then introduced. Col. Pace’s speech was an eloquent piece of composition and oratory, as was demonstrated by the perfect at tention accorded him by hie large au dience. He said that thirty-three years ago a day was inaugurated for the paying of tributes to the Codfederate soldiers, by a woman, and since that day it had grown dearer and more beloved in the hearts of the southern people. The truest and highest tribute to these men should be expressed not in words but in silent emotions of the heart. Col. Pace grew more eloquent as he advanced in his speech, His compar ison between the soldiers of the South and those of the world brought loud applause. The closing remarks and tribute to the soldiers buried in our cemeteries caused many an old veteran to drop a tear in remembrance of the days when men fought not for money and glory, but for home protection and rights. Rev. W. G. Woodbridge then pro nounced the benediction after which the procession again formed and ad journed to the soldiers cemetery where the graves were decorated and salute 8 fired by the Griffin Rifles. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the // Signature of Punishment Must be Severe. Sam Hose has bsen caught and dealt with in a manner that should be a warning to all negroes. It should be distinctly understood that it is the wdi and intention of our men to pro tect those who are dearer to our hearts than life itself, at the cost of good rep utation, and every one who is guilty of the awful crime for which Hose was executed will be disposed of in that same way Even then it has no ten dency to alleviate the crime it seems. But were lynching done away with entirely, and the law were to take Us course, these horrifying atroci ties would be perpetrated every day and those women who are left at home ln the rural districts when the bus band is in the field would be in more peril than now. Lynching, therefore, dees to a considerable degree, check the crime. In fact it is the only way with which to deal with the inhu mane brutes. The magnitude of the time transcends the bonds of human aw, and methods more severe must be r ‘“ <rtedto. When the crime ceases then lynching will cease. But the * T omeu of this country must and shall cave protection —Marietta Journal. , CONFEDERATE VETERANS MEET c The Resignation of Commander Han leiter Was Not Accepted s Spalding County Camp, No. 510, U. y S. Confederate Veterans, met in the - council chamber this moi ning at 10 :30 o'clock and was called to order by the commander, Col. W. R Hanleiter. The chair stated that the meeting i was called for the purpose of taking 3 action in regard to the reunion to be i held in Charleston on 11th, 12th and . 13th ot next months, and to elect an* s other commander of the camp. In . tendering his resignation he was not rebuking the camp for its lack of sup s port, but thought some one else should i be elected to the place of honor. It i was not a wise policy to retain the ■ same officers indefinitely, and he thought it would be better for the camp to elect another commander. > When Mr. Hanleiter took bis seal I T. W. Flynt arose and said : “It is f well known by all present that wo will > not accept the resignation of our be loved commander, so we will just pass ■ that matter by and proceed with the i other business demanding our alien* i tion.” . Upon the motion of D. W. Patter son, the resignation of Mr. Hanleiter was not accepted. Mr. Hanleiter said he would acqui i esce in the matter until the camp could secure a larger attendance, but h» wished they had taken other action in the matter. An invitation from the Daughters of the Confederacy was accepted to join in the parade to the soldiers cem etery in the afternoon. A letter was read from the executive - committee of the Charleston reunion 1 association, asking to be informed as > to how many veterans from this camp would attend the reunion. The chair was authorized to appoint i five delegatee to represent the camp ■ at the reunion, and announce their names at next meeting. T. W Thurman was appointed a committee of one to secure appropriate badges to be worn by ail members of this camp who would attend the reun ion. B N. Barrow made an appeal to those present to take more interest in the meetings of the camp. He said the old Confederate veterans could not expect to be here long. They were dropping out of the ranks at every turn. He loved the old confeds and wished he could meet with them often er. There was not as much life in this camp as there should be, and he was in favor of getting up something to bring the men together frequently. D W I’atferson heartily endorsed the wo r ds of Mr. Barrow, and suggest ed that they give a big barbecue at Camp Northen every summer—some* time in July. They gave one, two years ago, which was a grand success and there would be no difficulty in securing sufficient money to have an other this summer. Several other speeches wi re made, and all were heartily in favor of hav ing the barbecue, but action was des ferred until next meeting, which will be held on Saturday, May 6th, at 2 p. m. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cents, 1 bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. >uly. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. i EAST GRIFFIN DOTS. East Griffin, April 26.—Scott Colbert . of Erushey, was here Monday , , Wilbur Gossett, Ed Oxford and Whit , Oxford, of Midway, will attend memorial exercises this afternoon. The farmers are tired of bad weather. Geo. Barrow spent last night with his ’ sister, Mrs. H, G. Thurman. The rain on Monday afternoon was a ' trash mover. , Ben Barrow, Jr., has a large number of ; coffee signatures, and wants to buy yours. , Some farmers will have corn to plow , when the weather fairs off. 3 J - F - Chapman, of Brushey, was here! ; yesterday on business. Gip Head and Phil Ogletree, of Brushey, ' was here today. s «. j For Diabetes use Stu art's Gin and Buchu. k GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1899 NEGRO CARRIERS Have Been Appointed for the Rural I Delivery It was staled in Salon!,i\F Nt,'B that two negroes had been appointed mail delivery carrieis and yesterday morning Postmaster Hertz received official notification from the first as sistant postmaster general at Washing ton that Martin L' gan and Charlie Stubbs, two well known Macon ne groes, have been appointed rural de livery carriers in Bibb county, and that the rural delivery would be in augurated on May Ist. Postmaster Hertz had previously ap pointed Mrs. Lightfoot and Mr. W. J. Hopper rural delivery carriers, but Postmaster Hertz’s appointments have been turned down by the authorities at Washington, and the two negroes ' appointed in the place of Mrs. L : ght« foot and Mr. Hopper. Logan is now a janitor at the govern ment building, and was formerly chair, man of the Bibb county Republican executive committee Stubbs lately published a Republican weekly news paper. United Stales Senator Bacon and Congressman Barlett left Macon last Wednesday night for Washington on business matters, among which was to make a request of the postmaster gen eral to revoke the order appointing the two negroes They saw the postmaster general after the notification had been sent to Postmaster Hertz, of the appointment of the negroes, and Bacon and Bartlett received assurances from the postmas ter general which make them hopeful that their request for white carriers for the country districts will bo grant ed.—Macon News. —— Schools in Cuba and Elsewhere. Prof. J. F. Draughon, who recently visited Cuba with a view of investigat ing the outlook for establishing a school in Havana, Cuba, next fall, on bis return visited Savannah, Georgia, where he arranged to open a well equipped Business College June 15tb, Prof. Draughon now has flourishing business colleges located in Nashville, Tenn., Galveston, and Texarkana, Tex as. These colleges have s u per io r courses of inslructions, and special facilities for securing positions. See Prof. Draughon’s ad. elsewhere in this issue. Special rates will be given all who enter either of his colleges soon. For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu, Summer Time Approaches Have you thought where you are going this summer? No! Well, before it is too late, let us call your attention to Salt Lake City—the island city by the sea. The late Col Cockerill once said to the readers of the Cosmopolitan : “There are three quaint and unique cities on the con tinent, Quebec, St. Augustine and Salt Lake,” and to this he might have truthful ly added—and Salt Lake is the most quaint and unique of them all. To the visitor, it is all that Col. Cocker ill describes it. To the summer resorter, it offers sea bathing in < Ireat Salt Lake, a mile above sea level, all the curative prop erties of Hot Springs, Sulphur Springs, etc. ; a delightful temperate climate with cool nights ; a walk or drive through the cannons and parks ; a glimpse of all that is beautiful in nature, and all the advan tages of a city of thrift, enterprise and commercial supremacy. 'Die RioGrande Western Railway, with its Colorado connections, the Denver A RioGrande and Colorado Midland rail roads, offer choice of three distinct routes through the very heart of the Rocky Mountains and the most magnificent scen ery in the world—not excepting the ia mous Alps. Those celebrated summer re sorts, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Glen wood Springs, eti , are located idon.t t? ; » route, and stop-overs are permitted. Low summer excursion rates t Salt Lake City can be obtained from all cities of the Union. Before deciding on your summer outing, write for descriptive pam phlets, etc., to E. Copeland, General Agent, Bedford Building, Chicago, or F. A. Wadleigh, G. P. A.. Salt Lake City. Bears the ‘ W to Have Aiwavt Pitts’ < Carminative aids ligestion, regu lates the towels, cures Cholera Infantum, Ch-dera M-rbus, Dysenu ry, Pains. (>n; - | ing, Flatulent C lie, Unnatual Drains ; from the Bowels, and all liseases incident j to teething children. For all summer c<>m-' plaints it is a-peciflc. Periect.y ..arm . and free from injurious drugs an 1 chemi - j cals. I RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum J Alum baking powders are the greatest j mcnaccrs to health of the present day. | ROYAL BAKING FOWOtfl CO., NEW YORK. OWL HOLLOW ECHOES. Owl Hollow, April 26—Prof. J. H j Morris and Eugene Ogletree visited Lon Beckham, of Liberty Hill, Sunday. Miss Leila Futral attended the box-party . given by the Misses Swint, at Orchard’ Hill, Saturday evening. Sir. and Mrs. Tcm Hiles visited the for mer’s sister, Mrs. Gossett, Monday. A good many of us attended the “tackey I party" at which Miss Bertha Maddox was ; was the graceful hostess, on last Saturday ; evening. Yes, that young man did go to “Fiori-j da” Monday, but says he failed to tind 3 I certain young ladies. He must remember I that girls joke sometimes. Without a doubt, some young man won ’ a heart Saturday evening. Wonder who ! it was? Prof. Morris went to Griffin Saturday. Can you tell us what has become of the Orchard Hill correspondent? Moved to Milner, I guess, with “rattle trap, twenty cents” and all. Eugene Ogletree visited friends near, Semper Sunday atternoon. Lon Beckham, of Liberty, called on Miss \ Leila Futral Sunday afternoon. The writer saw one of Akin's Corner's bright young ladkfs, sitting by the road- i side Sunday morning, watching for that I “ ” mad dog. I heard some one say that “they” had j the “jolliest, sweetest" time at the party ■ Saturday evening. By the way, Prof. Morris didn't fail to visit. Semper last Sunday afternoon. ——• ■ • 9 Bears the /) lhe Kind You Have Always Bought Gov. Johnston of Alabama in afraid that if “gold men” were permitted to sit in the proposed constitutional con vention, it would be a “partisan” body and write a "partisan” constitution. Apparently what the Governor under*, stands to be a non-partisan convention is one in which all of the delegates shall be of his way of thinking A"" ■ ’‘to. ; V. - J / • . I ■ M 1 • ■ ■■ ■ toW** C •- t ‘Z: Z Excellent ('ombination. Th pleasant cu.l 1. effects of the well knu'.vn i-.-nadv. Srnri’ of I-'igs, manufactured lc the California Fig Syiu-p Co., ilhi-tr-in the value of obtaining tin 1 li'piid laxa tive principles of plant I i.>.v. >i to 1.- medicinally laxative m- pj. ■, :| <- them in the form most r< • bin; t .11 taste and aceeptabk to is the one |>< |-f . t • • ••• : tive. cleansing the st tleetua dispelling e<>ld . In :■ ;.i . i- ~ gently yet pr >mpth • al. : to overci-im- habit -i • r i : inent 1 .■ 1 p--r ■ ‘ in every • >bj- •! ;< HHi i; <■ ' p ::. .. ‘’. .:; ; •»< stance, and i - autini/ on th< < -‘u* ■. s. I iver and I .'..-els. i‘ -.ik' inng | ->r irrita th:"' I Hein. m. ' ' e iaxative Inthepro.-e . f n .nufaetvring figs are used, as fli. -. are pan at 1 ■ th< taste, but the medicinal onalitie remedy are obta.ned from senna and other aromatic plti.ii . I . n • t u known to the California i io *i , t i < ■. only, in order to g< ■ .'s benet •ffects and to avoid .: • • , j remember the full nane ■ ■ ' ■ ■ n printed on the front of < - - rv pa'tag. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL EOUISVILLT'.. KY NEW YORK. ' . Y For sale by all Druggists --I’r;. :S v. j.♦ i t: .< Notice of Removal. I have moved my Plumbing an t Tin | ware establishment to the ■• '. 1 Br - k I. iun i dry Building on Br -'id street, wher lam i totter prepared than ev rto do ;.l kinds ' "f work in tuy line. If y i n •:! any Plur.' .ig r Tin w >rk } lone, .' vc me a call—satisfacti n guaran teed. A S. CAMPBELL. R.F. Strickland & Go. We put on sale tomorrow 120 Embroidered Pillow Shams, Bureau and Washstand Scarfs, in match sets, at 50 per cent, less than regu lar price. These are the prettiest you ever saw, and will delight every housekeeper. 50 styles to select from. Come in early tomorrow. We received yesterday new Rib bons, new Laces, new Piques, new Crepons, new Organdies. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. We are making special low prices on Toilet Articles and Lamps Pure [Drugs always at bottom prices. N, B< DREWRY fc SON. Watches Free to Young People. The firm of Forshee & Co., Ink Manu i facturers, Cincinnati, Ohio, have adopted a : novel plan for the introduction of their i Mew Idea Writing Ink. They are giving J away a fine stem winding and stem setting 1 watch to each boy and giri who sells 14 pints ot their New Idea Writing Ink at the introductory price of 10 cents a pint (ink is worth 50c.) They don’t want you to send money, simply mention that you saw the notice in this paper and they will forward you the ink prepaid, and when it > is sold, you send them the $2.40 you get ! for it, then they send you the watch free (prepaid). This is a splendid opportunity i lor some of our young people to easily earn a watch. They also have other valuable presents for the introduction of their inks. We intend to use the inks in our office. :K, H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. STEWART, M D. DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Bja. m, to sp, m, FA i physician will always be in our office I during that time. LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. I will superintend the work at. both Laundries and guar antee sat isfaction. i HARRY LEE. i— [FRESH MEAT, ■ We’d ■*•.<ted, r- worth considering in . every household. We keep on hand , I the best and largest stock of Beef, Mutton and Port and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to I be found anywhere. Give us your > order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on band. Also a first class RESTAURANT •in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all! P.S. PARMELEE, Act. | rybouy *• jys Sc, Us ‘ a\ ■. <■ /id.. ti,«‘rr.■ s - n derf 1 umii. c di- o . trv rd tin- a- ■ i as- R’ ’ >d t• r ■ to th ’ <•. lu‘ j •; y(n 1. J . i i.d I ; Ci‘-a' ■ •:>).' T'•*<’•!;• re • ‘ , <..1- ■I < ds. I Cure / adacne. fer, i . >it tl constipation ■ ano ■>. io Poow b <- arid try a box of < . < C to-day; 10. 25, 50 < •••nts. bold and guaranteed to cure by all dru; $3.00 per Annum GOOS | . . ■ FOR ■ tilll 6()C. taken Ho the I lUUSTRHED TOOTH MO AGE I ■ ‘th t Adioeal« ‘, | AMSHV/LLX, TINN., and it will be «.• t I <•’;© year .■ < ’trial siita rlptiou;” or will bend it the J i affc i • •>r 3OC. Regular price per \r,ir. It is a: H u.-.t rated, M ini inum ly j<>, of i'4o p lu.M-b. I- 1«-J I- P> -E 1 1< k, AfAFMt Hi -in Sta AMd. \ S|., W 1 r AND il l MoH. | iIsTORV, BMX. H A Ell \ ,'1 ft A V tLh, S< n n< k, (>kNH<Ai. 1 m ow mat ms. Woman’s !>» m i .\t, and Gov. Taylor Di far imi nt. laylor’M Love letters to the I’ubllr ure of . i d mt.-r. ,t. S I’liplr < npy Agents Wanted. PKFF 1 CATION, etc. To ai! V su> r; 1 . r * I’A-k- • v. bo w ill t.c, tre enough new 1 vr: •rs at our regular r.ttcn to equal the rtplar price ■f the article selected, we will tflve fre<- bicycle, watch, diamond rinp, or a s< holarsl.ip in rithr r >f Praughon’s Business( .illrgr-s, Nashville, Tenn , •a! vest on, or I exa r kuna, I ex., or one 1 n almost any lusin* -m College or I.iterar v bchool. rite us. Mention Griffin (Ga.) Morxino Cali, Fine Chickens For’Sale. I have f<>r sale full breed Minorcas, War hot.l aii.] Sh i wl-ne<’k, (T - <•<! Game ar ’ Bari I’ - ’ ’ . . < . ■ ■' ttingi u i Iran each breed. There birds are select. E. L. Hooeks. Summer Homes’ Folder, 1899. Mr. W. A. 'lurk, General Passenger Agent of the Southern Railway, is collat ing information for Summer Homes’ Folder Lt the ensuing Summer, giving the- names of proprietors, post office ad dresses, at or near what station, convey ance used, numlier of guests, terms per day, week and month. This information will be printed in an attractive form ami a large edition published and distributed !>y the various agents of this immense system throughout all sections of the countiy. Persons contemplating taking h arder- for the ensuing summer are re quested to apply to the nearest railroad agent for blank to be filled out giving the abovy information, and forward at once to W A Turk-. General Passenger Agent Washingtun, I>. C., so that it may reach him not later than April l -.t. I d JI It ; ■£! I ■ L 11 Wail ■ Hill anything you invent or improve; also g(-t J CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHTor DESIGN J / PROTECTION, fiend model, sketch, or photo. / J for free examination and advice. / i BOOK ON PATENTS fee before jiatenl. / i ; C. A.SNOW& CO,; NGTON, D.C. J FurniwreßepairSliop o o John T. Boyden has opened an L fiholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. I’lease call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN 19 1-2 Hill St. th; k. l. it a x i<s DENTI-T. Office upstairs in building adjoining. >u the north, M Williams di Sm.