The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 26, 1899, Image 4

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NEAT, STYLISH AND DURABLE AKE THE LINKS OF Clothing and Cents’ Furnishings We are showing this season. We are fully alive to the wants of the trade | and urge you to give os a call and let us show you through. WILEY L. SMITH, 23 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN. GA. IF YOU NEED A TRUSS BE SURE AND GET The American Silver Truss. AMERICAN SILVER / TRUSS. BJCST FITTING / and I most comfortable Easy to Vv ir Retains XNo pressure on I 11A 1 \< H ’AN I>l A . TA EIA ONE IS i Snve.rn Y li ‘ ck - GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. I iictma I Tvo underslt aj v IwitU Comfort. I Never move We also carry a full line of Suspensories, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. CARLISLE & WARD. SOAP. ’ White Honeymoon Soap, and Brown Windsor Soap. Very l ine. sc. a Cake. Nice line of Best Pei fumes. KODOL, the great Dyspepsia Remedy. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. * J. N. HARRIS & SON. STRAWBERRIES. You can get home grown Straw berries every day. All kinds fresh Vegetables. Fresh Bread and Cake. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GRIM EKS IN KHVX. New Case Blitter Thin Wafers. J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. The Evening’ Call. GRIFFIN, GA , APRIL W>‘d. iHUceover Davis' Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. as. | PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS OH. J. M. I’IIOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SVRoEON. Office No. 2-t Hili sired, stairway next to H. P. McVV.’dianis A Sn. l'< phone 27. rings, R W Hale. of .! iy, spent t-af.iv m I the city. J. S. Hale, of Milm r. pet: t I al ay in this city Paul Fit nt spent t lav in At inta !i ■ ■ J W. Billiard tn idea bi* aes- trip to McDonough tod iv. J. E Taylor w. nt up tv .Atlanta ti » morning on bus r,-.s Allie Baker l« spending a lew d. s with friends in Atlanta. Kennesaw it v.v B in Meal f. r fer tilizing r. S'. S, I It pint! IS, gripe villi s, lawns, etc. Fur sale by J, O Stewart G > I'.. Argird went t‘ an i > ’(a- , eon thi- ni r.iiitig n Masonic busineeß, O N R luschi nberg w nt down to Macon this morning to (-■ g an! a few d tys Mirs Mo Ji 1 nsim ill i'll to \an ;Itti ' iis m•<.i• gto spot. >-■ v. ral days. * .1. I'. l<i ■ of s■ i a, wis in the i.ty ti :iy < nroute to Macon, w • n .. a, U - ~ ■ »s \\ aa I I '—l !|.I ;•; . ■ two small com ciii .f r mis. ci "ap. I me in. R“h It mrs i\ gid Addri-a b>X "i" <i - >is morn -11 Kfy r i ei I rm I S ith ( gin, c.p i h -i v. - ■ ~.... s r ,t- M : •• ... d ~ ". i ka ■ i hi p <• I ... is f• v 1. itt i I 1 >ca to I ■ nd M It. ii t)d it v-1 1 wi- 1> C k 20 H i: ws| o. <r t< prt i-.mi nti i. ~in tin st i , w Coen ating .in ng H .n ~n Gris. Mat i< t. a h ‘ • k - W c,o Ja.s u o of Griffin's b. iai d « , . }■;. o 1( .. Rev. J. W. Mor; .. I and wi -ft III" n>. n g 1 1, | ■ "..o 1. r% ritory, where they wi.. make their future Irnnit I'heir Griffin irieude regret t > give them up, l>ir wish them a -iiee- s- a: i : th. tt ew home. J os’ t- , . . 1 ti,.. \mb r S r- gbum S i if, t < 'rrtian M i i t Burt r tfO I’ Il l Gt- I . II!, ■ , I e . m , in til tin mni.i i t i: a niimth and mak. tine ua - i. w.s D. C ark., 20 H ’ll street. I MONEY *° LOAN ON Real Estate. Easy and Limited Number of Payments, to be paid in Monthly Installments. No delay for want of Funds when Security is satisfactory. For full particulars, call at the ; Office of W. H. NEWTON & CO., Griffin, Ga. LoiiD IJu-h, of IJarnenville, who un til nccnlly a meiukir of the 3rd Georgia regiment, passed through the city this mornig enroute to Atlanta. He will return tonight and spend eev* i eral days with Griffin friends. A train load of the 160th Indiana i regiment of soldiers, who were nius ' tered out in Savannah yeeterdayj passed through the city this morning about 7 ;30 o'clock, and if they were given their just deserts, they would be taught the same severe lesson admin* islett d fi> the nt gro immunes from North Carolina, who raised so much disttirbancj on their homeward jour ney some weeks since. Fully 500 shots were tired in the city limits of Griffin, and their conduct in general showed them to be no l etter than their broth ers in black from Carolina. Lambert's Death to Lice and Mites works immediately without injury to the eggs or chickens; does not soil plumage, yet purifies and cleases down the skin. For sale by Lewis D Clark, 20 Hill street IL W. Howley, of Savannah, is spending a few days in this city and will probably locate here. He wishes to go into the dairy business, and spent today looking over several small farms near the city. He is charmed with this section, and says it is better adapted to dairying than any section be ever -aw. Mr Howley wag born iu the state of New York, was raised on a d iiry farm, and so -oon as he saw in the r - that Griffin Wa- t,n have a ci ■ nno ry, lie determini <1 t > h < here if lie could si cure a small farm near the city Fun For AU Friday Night- \ jolly g" d time is in elura 'or the' |>i . ' Gi illin 'i xf Friday nig . ’ at the Olympic TH titre, when a real Georgia Coin Cuke Wa k will be pro timid iu all ihe buest slips, move nu n* n i ■. , et Yon have < ’en heard • I an entertainment like this but few have ever witnissed it A -’ri.-t\v up relined :er formane at the wp: ice >f 35, 25, 20 and 15 cts. Secure \ our si nt -at Reavis I’har* maey C< . nd have an < vtni of p .UK'. - -♦ Her Life Was Saved. Mrs L E. Lillv, a citizen of II iniii bb . M . c ,y i. id a w O.L r'l.l de iv< i nice from a frightful death In telling ol it she says: “I was taken ‘ with i'yph■■id Fever, that ran into I’le ijnumi i My lungs became bar dent'd I lias -o Weik I c uldn’t even -it up in bed N jibing helped me, 1 > ex; ci, I to - i ii die >1 C ns'inintion, «: en I . i’d of Dr. ]<;: g.~ N .> Ds* ■ v. • v Oi ‘ h'ttle gave me great re lief ; 1 c n:i:.titd Ki use it, ami n >w am « . and -tr i ; 1 in'i i y too much ; in its pr i;< I’U tnnrv r.s m di- I cine - tin aurt-' >n I quit -I e k in I the wnJ re '.ml Lung I , i I : oil■'■■ K gular -..■>50 ■■ ,t ind I 1 'TOO, Tim b * Ire- H u • A I ■ 8 n'- arid (’ irii-lc A W u ■ ■ drug -• re. MIIIWaT I.OCAIL Miiw iv. April 26 . r B Ic and. ! ar I’> wb ~ t Patrick, v.sit- 1 friends I ! near here Sunday afternoon. Lemari Fiitnd and W u-tt v • '. fri • ear Kek- ’ll Sonday I | afternoon. We ire glad t< know that If we i was ' ‘ ablet ■ till • regular nppointmeu' Sun- ' I d .a after:: on. A- Ar.i.ic Welde.n <p. . t T ■.-day n . lit w th Mis - Emma Head. I w .. '.er w here AVI..: Ox rd .ad Fred ■ G ; bir : went Thursday n;gb: A' <o - Leila, Minnii an ! D . sy Fntral v - it . friends at Orchard II 1 Sundae. ! ■ tins Chapman, of Brush called i nM. \nnc l ; ’cs Sund it Air- E B. F. Welden spent M.-ndav in On-’n Bucklen s Arnica Salve- 11L BE'T S.kLVE tn th. w - J for i Cuts, i>ru st's,Sores, I. r-. ■. : Rheum ! Fever Son,-. Tetter, Chapped Hands. I Chi Tains, </ >rns, an-l all Ska Eruptions, ar. I p - ’ vely cures I’ik-. or x. ' pay re- ’ , quir< .. It .- g : tran'i e1 t ■ . ivc per'ect I cents ;ar x. For sale by J. N. j , Harris & S>n and C irlUle i Ward. VAI'GHN VOICINGS- Vai i'.hn, April 2C.—Well we are still having rain, but the farmers are putting in good time when an opportunity isopen Dr. J. L. Gable and wife, of Brooks, spent Friday here with relatives. W. J. Bridget r- turnel L me yesterday t i the delight oi’ his friends. Prof. R W. J ■ ■’■s m and W. W. Bates spent Saturday i> '’ifflu. Miss Dosser G i lovely young lady, of Brook’s, spent .' here with rela ti ves. Cleveland Reeves had the misfortune of falling from a scaffold a few days ago, and sprained bis knee, so that he will be confined at home for some time. R. O. Gay, of Birdie, was here Saturday morning a short time. Miss Janie Freeman has returned home after spending a few T days pleasantly in Griffin. J. W. ami T. J. Allen spent yesterday in Griffin. N. North, of Macon, visited his best girl here Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Springer and Mrs. Allice, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here with friends. J. B. Reeves spent today at home with bis family. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last Io years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai. dint., KrNNAN A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills arc the best. REHOBOTII. Rehoboth, April 26.—Quite a heavy rain fell here Monday night. Prof. Morris called on Miss Mary Akin last Sunday afternoon. Oscar Duke and Miss Exie Maddox, attended preaching at Liberty Sunday. W. D. Bennett was the guest of Miss Mary Akin Sunday. The Tackey party at G. W. Maddox Saturday night was a success, and enjoyed by all. Rolf Bloodworth attended the Tackey party here Saturday night. H. W. Johnson and J. O. Grubbs spent Monday with relatives near Brushey. J. R. Lindsey spent Thursday in Grif fin on business. J. W. Slade made a business trip to Griffin Friday. Miss Rosa Maddox is visiting friends near Liberty Hill this week. Lon Beckham was the guest of friends here Sunday. Misses Mary Maddox and Gussic Cooper spent Sunday night with Miss Clifford Grubbs. _ _ —— No Bight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, f >rm and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attract ive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she ■ has constipation or kidney trouble, her i impure blood will cause pimples. ■ blotches, skin eruptions and wretched c..inphx: n. E ectric Bitters is the lit-t mi uii'io. in the world t> regulate st miach, liv r ami kidneys and puiily the blond. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, -m< ■ i.h, vi Ivt ty skin, rich I complex ■■!) 1: will make a good Luk in g, < ■ ;>rm; i' wumaii f a run d> wn invalid. Only .i l cet.’- at Harris A Sun's and Carlisle A Ward’s drug store. POSITIONS b ■ run'll, or will < ‘jit D>'t»-s Cheap board. <ar fare paid. No va atlon. i Killer aby time. OjX’U for b-<th sexes. DRAUGHOTES ' Nash ville, Tenn. Sax tinnah, Ga. . Gal vrsfon. Tex. Tvxarkana, Tex. Indors* 11 v r.ier< hsints n* 1 bankers- Three I months - buokkeepio)'wit’; us e ouds -ix. elsewhere. | Allcoioniei< i.u hrar ’h -i hik. ]’or rircular-explain I Vifcr •• H s: <■■ ( .rs< " .'v i.. • >•• s•• T>epaitiiV'Dt A It or colle<v cata;otfu . address “ I partuieul 4. I i bargains. ' If you are thinking of buying A SEWING MACHINE, OR AN ORGAN, OR PIANO You will find it at 24 Hill street. J. fi. HUFF. NEW LAUNDRY CUT IN PRICES: | Shirts, life. Collar, Ifc. i Cuffs, per pair, Sc. Undershirts, se. I Drawers, 5c Socks, per pair, A- I I Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c. Neckties, •’< Parties are earnestly requested ! > n t ice i the place (under old p 'St 'dict' where they will i'wavs oct good w -k. at the : ’ = I named above. it. C. CHUNG, at New laundry.: 1 toe O-fcrOlUrra-tJ-rKer<T.iHrrr-*<> f><J OO o J PMts’ CarminativG ? | Saved My Baby’s Life.” 1 Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. I LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. A Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too 4 L strongly, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum X I when five months old, and I could ret no relief until I began using Pitt’s J ? Carminative. The fever left her whan 1 had given her but two bottles ? V and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. lad vise all’ v □ mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial 4 J Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIH MURRAY. C i // Saved Her Baby—Will Save Yeura. i . . . .TRY 1T.... C EDWARDS BROS. You do not often have the opportu nity of buying a desirable line of seasonable goods at NEW YORK COST! You may save many dollars by attending the cost sale of Mr. W. P. Horne’s stock at the | SCHEUERMAN STORE This sale continues until May 1. Why not save a few dollars here ? EDWARDS BROS. < Eaglebrand Condensed Milk / > Has No Equal as an Infant Food C C ‘‘INFANT HEALTH’sent FREE. < Scores of Customers Wanted! THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO OFFER, NEVEH AS MANY NEW SPUING GOODS IN ONE HOISE IN THIS TOWN AS IN OURS NOW. SOME OF OUR FREES ARE POSITIVELY MARVELOUS. IN FACT. YOU LL THINK THE CLoTII MAKER GOT HIS WOOL AND SILK FREE AND THAT U ’TI'ON HAD GONE DOWN TO NOTHING. 43 Silk Shirt Waist ratten:* at $1.06, worth -T2. 36 “ “ “ “ 1 50, you would call’em cheap at $2.75 2S ‘ “ 2 85,-ome merchants would charge $5. To buy Silks cheap is to trade at Bass Bros. Black and colored Orepons in short lengths for skirts, newest effects 25 per cent cheaper than the same goods sell elsewhere. We have about 100 -hort lengths in i-'a and fancy woolens in Worst* ed Serges and Henriettas, just enough for a skirt; we are going to close dot very cheap. La ■ Curt;-. : .- and White Qii’ils ■: your price. WASHABLES. Piques at 12Jc, 15c, 20 and 25c, all colors, worth much more anywhere. Organdies in pink, blue, red, green, heliotrope and lemon at 10c a yard, real value 17ic. White Organdy, 34 inches wide, at 10c. 2 yards width at 38c. 1.000 yards colored Jackonets, 40 inches wi le, • long as they last 8 y 1 ard wide Perea I at 41 c. 8: ring style Percale at 5c LADIE'S FIXINGS. A big subject, but our .-to. k i- big enough and varied enough to meet I its multiform and multiplex requirements. 2'5 sample Corse's Nos. 1' te 30, at just half price. 200 pairs of Silk Gloves, your choice for 25c. Some of them worth 75c. I Kid Gloves at 50c, domaged a little. Fans, Parasols, Umbrellas, Belts, ladies Ties in newest styles, Collars, Cyrona Chains, Collar Buckles, Belt ‘ Waist Sets, Sash Pins, Beauty Pins and Tie Pins. Undervests at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies Hats in any style or color wanted. I’X) new Sailor Hats lust receive ! for this week’s sale. BASS BROS. i