The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, April 27, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL. Vni X. No. 200. SEND THE RIFLES. let Them Represent Griffin at Dedi cation of Confederate Monument. The monument erected by il ■ Slate of Georgia, on the Chickamauga bat tlcfieid, wifi be dedicated at 10 o’clock cn the morning of May 4th Griffin baa been honored by having her diatinguielied citizen, Ex-Gov. Jas. S. Boynton, placed on tho State Memorial Board, and she should show her appreciation of tho sama by send* ing the Griffin Rifles as an honorary escort to Judge Boynton. The Rifles presented a fine appear ance yesterday as they marched through the streets with tlieir new guns and other equipments, and they would reflect credit upon our city if they were sent to Chickamauga next Thursday. The cost would be very s nail, as the railroads have named a low rate for (lie round trip, and going as a body even better terms could be ma le w : th the roads. It would be a compliment to Judge Boynton, a pleasant trip for the boys, an advertisement for our city, and the expenses would be burdensome to no one. We hope some one will interest him self in behalf of the Rifles and solicit subscript! ins from our business men to pay for their transportation to Chickamauga and return. . The necessary amount could be easi ly raised. Who will come to the assistance of the Rifles? Her Life Was Saved- Mrs. J. E. Lilly, a citizen of Hanni ble, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverance from a frightful death In telling of it she says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became liar dened. I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me, I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. One bottle gave me great re lief ; I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvellous medi cine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular size 50 cents and SIOO, Trial bottles free’ at Hanis A Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. BATTLE WAS DESPERATE. Americans in Possession of Calumpit After a Hard Fight- Manila, April 'll.— General McArs thur’i troops entered Calumpit yeeters day, after a desperate battle with the insurgents at the trenches before the town. After entering the town the Americans planted their guns in front of a church and bombarded the sub urbs where the enemy were still fight ing behind the trenches. Our losses were fifteen killed and wounded The insurgents are strong ly intrenched on the opposite bank of the Rio Grande and for the first time are using cannon. Major Starr, of General Lawton’s staff, arrived at Manila tonight, travel ing via Bocave. The object of bis visit is to confer with Gen. Otis regarding further opposition. Gen. Lawton’s troops are utill en camped at Norzagaray, which is eigh teen miles due east from Calumpit- Colonel Summers, with two regiments and a troop of cavalry advanced and captured Augat, but returned to Moza garay. Gen Lawton is still without communication and it is impossible to maintain it throughout the enemy’s country. It is reported from Spanish official sources that Luna has superceded Aguiualdo as the Filipino leader, Luna, report says, has issued a proclamation pronouncing death upon all natives found with an American proclamation. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve HIE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhett m Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, snd positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. Pitts' Carminative aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip ■DS> Flatulent Colic, Unnatual Drains trorn the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer com plaints it is a specific. Perfectly harmless an ! free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. I COUNTERFEIT STAMPS Griffin is Raided by a Government Official Today- ’. The. newspapers over the United | Stales have been full of accounts of I the counterfeiting cigar stamps by i factories in the Ninth District of Penn sylvania. 11 has reached almost every portion of the country, but the credu lous South seems to have been the material victim of the cigar advertisers. Every advertisement taken in good faith by the unsuspecting man is an swered. Just what is sent out cannot be learned, but Griffin today bad Deputy Collector Frank S Brown going around looking into every cigar dealers estab lishment and getting data about the counterfeit that came from the Penn sylvania factories of the ninth district. He found at the Griffin Grocery Co., a large amount, and al other places smaller quantities. It is also under stood that two weeks ago a man came to Griffin, claiming he was the receiv er for a house that failed, and wanted to sell goods, having ten thousand ci gars at a station near Griffin, which he would sell at a low price. Whether they were bought or not, it can not be stated, but the fact that between four and five thousand cigars were found in the possession of Griffin merchants, shows that the operator of the scheme was, in a measure, successful. The matter of getting into position is left to the United States Govern ment, and reflects no discredit on any merchant that has bought cigars from factories using counterfeit stamps. The Pennsylvania stamp will likely be taken in charge by Uncle Sam, as goods without his credit, are his pro perty. Local dealers can not be af fected by this action of the govern men t The merchants should be on the lookout for these counterfeit stamps, if they wish to avoid a dispute with Uncle Sam’s revenue men. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature* of • * . For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu. ... s Wrong Place to Stutter. £ ■ It was in one of the elevators of a Nassau street sky scraper, says ths New York Sun. As the elevator shot toward the zenith, a little man, with a mourning badge on Lis silk hat, began to sputo r. His face assumed the com plexion of a lobster that had passed away in boiling water. "Bufc-but, rl-jt-tt-br-,” he said, as the veins stood out upon bis neck. "Guess he’ll have a stroke” said a passenger to the, elevator man, while the latter gazed anxiously at the man who was sputtering like a lamp going out. At the twenty-third story the stout man’s eyes were nearly starting from his head, and as he grasped the arm of the elevator man the hitter pullsd the lever and the lift started for the bottom at a terrific rate. The solitary passenger danced about, gurgling spasmodically, and it seemed as if the threatened stroke would get him be fore the floor was reached As the car struck bottom, he lushed through the door and up to an impor tant individual whose cap bore the creed ‘‘Starter.” “S-.-ay,” he sputtered, "t-tbis is the th-third trip I-I’ve t-taken in the d-d— — ole vat < >r g-git off at the seventy-seventh fl-oor. Before I-c-.ian say sev-ueven I-I’m up t-top, ’n be-bofore I- can c-catch my br-brelli, I-I’m down 1 -here agin> ’n I-I’m in a h—bell of a h-hurry.” The starter put him on a ear, closed tbe doer, said “Seven,” and started the car. cas r L on x .zv. - ' Signature .// /// of For Backache use Stu art's Gan and Buchu, Bears the Ihß K '' d Yl) ' j Have Al * a,; To k tiro i « tput ioi; t orevfr. Take Cubcure is Uana.v Catharin- or 25c. h C C C. fail to cure, dr'.’refund rucuev GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 27. 1899. SENT ANONYMOUS LETTERS I Parties Are Trying to Stir Negroes. Up to Vengeance Atlanta, April 2fi—Gov. Candler has received a score or more of letters from anonymous writers d< nouncitig the burning of Sam Hose at Newnan last Sunday, and conveying threats of vengeance against the white people of tho state. Most of these letters, which the Governor will not allow to be pub lished, come from outside of the state, the North and East. The Governor stated this afternoon, in discussing the affair, that he was reliably informed that hundreds of let ters were being received by negroes in various parts of-the state from people North and East advising them to arm themselves and take vengeance against the white people for the burning cf Hose and the other lynchings that have taken place in the state. In speaking of this phase of tbe un fortunate case the Governor did not mince words in denouncing the writers of such letters. If he could fasten the authorship of any of them upon any one, he said he would take summary measures to punish the writers who are endeavoring to incite tbe negroes to assassination and arson. Congressman Bartlett’s Protest- The News, in the name of the people of this congressional district, most heartily commends tbe voluntary ac tion of Congressman Bartlett in trying to prevent the appointment of negro postmasters in Bibb county, in con nection with the proposed suburban free delivery. It is most strange that the postoffice department should con sider such a proposition for an instant. Judge Brawley, of the United States court, trying the men charged with the lynching of Baker, the Lake City, S. C.. postmaster, protested strongly in his charge to the jury, against the ac- ‘ lion of the administration iu attempt ing to force negro postmasters upon the people Yet h : a words would seem to have had but little effect upon the ' department. It is not in accordance with a sound public policy, that tbe government should make such ap pointments as are bound to challenge' the wishes of the best and most sub-[ stantial elements of any community.' The appointment of negro postmasters in the North would surely make the most vehement opposition there, and in tbe South the policy is intolerable ! utterly. Judge Bartlett, who, of his own mo tion and instantly, upon learning of 1 the department’s intention, went to i Washington to pievent appointment of negroes in Bibb county, was moved by no spirit of party prejudice, but by tbe highest sense of duty to bis con ! slituents, white and black, and with |an eye single to the public welfare. I Let tie hope that the department has! fielded him and complied with his • advice and suggestions. The News' understands that Judge Bartlett in go ing to Washington on the mission, represented Sena'or Bacon an well as himself. The lessons of the recent experiment of the administration in this direction have been too plain for tbe department to ignore them. To do so is to invite trouble deliberately and recklessly Macon N"ws. When Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec tually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fever, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cents, Lotties by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. mly. For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. An Ordinance. To prohibit persons, while serving a sentence in the city chaingang or city prison, from escaping therefrom, and pre scribing a punishment for the same. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Griffin, that from and after the passage of this ordinance, that it shall be unlawful for any parson, while seiving a sentence either in the city chain gang or city prison, to escape therefrom , and it thereafter rs-taken, such person shall be tried by the criminal court or said city tor an escape, and, upon conviction, fined in a sum not more more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceed ing sixty days, or both, in the discretion of said court, baid imprisonment to b<- either in the city chaingang or the city prison, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2 Be it further ordained, That adj ordinances, and parts of ordinanc’s, in . conflict with this ordinance be, and the I same are, hereby repealed. I » RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are. the greatest me tracers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAK.XQ POWDER CO., W# YORK. Death to Ail Rayishers. Death to all ravishers! Let Georgia’s laws be amended. We are against mob law; we must put down mob law, but how ? 'There is one crime which the people of Georgia, and the people of the south will not tolerate. No use to mince wotda. Death is the penalty to the negro or white brute who ravishes a woman. Why not make the killing of such creatures who are “worse than murderers” jus tifiable homocide? This would at least put mob law within the semblance of law. 11 this is not dore we must have speedy trials. The trial should take place and the penalty of death be im posed, where there is no doubt as to identification, within twelve hours after the capture of the criminal. But there is little use to suggest remedies, or temporize, or deplore mob law, when the public mind is aroused and inflamed as it now is in Georgia- Public opinion in Georgia will uphold the killing of Sam Holt, but not his tort ure. No use to speak of the outraged ma jesty of the law now. The outraged majesty of the people is the law for this heinous ciime! Os all the fiendish and diabolical crimes ever comitted in Georgia it is doubtful if one ever equaled in horri ble brutality that of Sam Holt, the negro villain who was burned alive at the stake at Newnan Sunday. No one who knows the facts of the awful crime will venture to say that the brute fiend did not deserve death The details of the crime and lynching will constitute one of the blackest pages iu the history of Georgia. Sun day, April 23, 1899, will be known as “black and bloody Sunday” in Geor gia. When we read of the vengeance of the crowd on the “brute fiend” and remember that the Book of Books says : "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.” we can only imagine what more excruciating agony is in store for such a creature in tbe hereafter. How can we prevent such crimes? j Has death and burning no terror for ■ rape fiends? Commentary as we said before is useless. The ravisher lakes his life in his hand. He deserves death. —Rome Tribune. - o l ; C 5 ■■ I By*' 5 ' ie '■ Excel lent (’em Limit ion. The pleasant rmtln.d effects of the well km..' , ,(•. . Sviirp or I io-, munufio tio . il .' California 1- io Syri p < o . , t. -nao the value of obtaining tin- liquid i..;-.;. tive principles of plants known to ! •- medicinally laxative ar..' pr< • in - them in the form nio-t r-:r< i. ■to !■ • i is the one perf, . t st n t ’T< : tive. cleansing the .system eifectua b . dispelling colds, headaches and fev. :s gently yet promptly and vnubling or., to overcome habitual constipation ;i>-r --maneutly Its perfect freedom fr- in every objectionable quality and - stanre. and its acting on the k.• 1-, liver ami bowels, with .it w<•.?><> or irritating hem. in ik laxative. In the process <>f rnann ffct i:r ng : ,'s are used, as thev are pleasant t . the taste, but the rnvdi in oiaiit' • >f ' ■ remedy are obtained fn m s.-rna 'id other aromatic plant-. I;, a n• ■ id known to the Cai.lF< RMa ITo Co. only. In order to pet its b.m ‘ al effects and to avoid imitations, plea . remember the full name of t h< < on pany print don the front < - rv pa< huge CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK N Y | Forsale t>y aB Druggj ts Pri.- . . per tattle R. F, Go. We put on sale tomorrow 120 Embroidered Pillow Shams, Bureau and Washstand Scarfs, in match sets, at 50 per cent, less than regu lar price. These are the prettiest you ever saw, and will delight every housekeeper. 50 styles to select ' from. Come in early tomorrow. We received yesterday newßib bons, new Laces, new Piques, new Crepons, new Organdies. i R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. e M We are making special low prices l on Toilet Articles and Lamps. Pure i Drugs always at bottom prices. N. B. DREWRY SON. R, H. TAYLOR, M. D. F. STEWART, M. D. I DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from B'a, in. to Bp. m. FA i physician will always bi. in our office during that time. ! > DftQITIANQ SKOCKEB. May < moaey rvOlllvltd ,or Billion In till portion In wuml, or will accept note*. < heap board. Car faro paid. So \;h alien. Enter any time. Open lor both i* x.- DRAUGKON'S X? /ZZ? PRACTICAL / BUSINESS \f/tffyff} f Nashville, Tenn. Ct Savannah, Cio. Galveston, Tex. Texarkana, Tex. Indorsed by merchant* And banker* Three I month** Ixtokkeophitf with u* equal* hix. elHcwliero. All commercial branches taiqdit. For circulars explain- Ing Horne Study Course '* wl<lr»*M “ DepMtiuent A,’* Fur college catalogue, aUdresa “ I**partmeut FRESH MEAT, I i Well selected, is worth considering in i every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of ; Beet, I'l'iiiioii and Purl and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your 1 : order and be convinced, FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a first class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. NEW LAUNDRY 1 . CUT IN PRICES: Shirts, 10c. Collar, lie. 1 ufl-s per pair, 3c. Undershirts, 5 . Drawers, sc. Sock-, per pair, Handkerchiefs, Ic. Towels, 2c, Parties .re earnestly requested to notice the place (under old |>ostoffic<) where they will aiwny-get g<x>d work, at the prices L. G. CHUNG, at New Laundry. Fv< rv! f. >y ? >* J C . ■ - ■ cm- - .n | ar I t • 1 . t. ! v Notice of Removal. 1 have moyed my Plumbing and Tin- [ ware establishment t>- the old Brick Laun dn Building on Broad street, wher lam better prepared than ever to d all kinds of w< irk in my line. ■ If you mod any Plumbing r’l.n w rk I done, give me a call—satisfaction guaran |teel. A. S. CAMPBELL. $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. 1 will superintend the work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD | | : 6oc?- ! L . a ‘..<3 r. J HiUWSTRITFD YOUTH AND RE MKHMMM ~J it ■ ,;M.„ ’",'x ‘.‘f r ‘tri.,, s . i wi,J u I.. t . '■‘>r 3OC. K-i-ular pr. •. r v. ..r. Hi il- F' I W1 I<• -i, 111 M .|H A .’l H I II ■' I, <O -.1 Im-.,,. „< , „... w ..MAS- in' ‘ 1 ■ ’T ♦ •' ' 1 ' JA ’ ' Ih PAK I MPS r. I rajrlor’* Love Letters to the Public ar- <,f i :. s.-- -rr.! vfrc»». Agents Wanted FREE! EDI CATION, etc. J.- . s r-r ts it our reg.)! r» to run.d t-.e regular pri< «• •f the article s« will b,..- bicycb* •-I!W .O h, di.u ... .; r:r.„ .or .t M o nin 4 Dr. Bin.-, --sf ... N (lb,'J , i . <lv.- ton, i,r I. » rk *■ a. i»■ * ,or one i■- tin • ■ » .1: . v kbiuess College ur Lit. rar? School. Write us. Meii’iun Ghifkin (Ga ) Morsimi Call Fine Chickens For.Sale. I have fir sale full breed Minorcas, War horse an i Shiwl-ni ' k, Crossed Game and Bard I‘lymouth Rock Chickens. Also settings-.figi.e irom each breed. Three bird- are select, E. L. Boger-. JlLdl ■ Mui ■mi j HHKJKJKJxJLaHdUBkfIU * > anything you invent or improve; also tr< t 5 J CAVEAT TRADE MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN * a PROTECTION. Hend model, sketch,orphot. . / / for free examination and advice. e i BOOK ON PATENTS fee before patent. P C.A.SNOW&COJ, { Patent Washington, D.c. J Furniime Repair Shop o 0 "e: n T. Boyden Las opened ar. I j Lpholster Shop, and w... do all other General Furnit .re Repair* ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN. 19 1-2 Hill St. 13 I {. K. L. HA X KS DENTIST. Onice upstairs in building adjoining. <>□ the north, M Will tm- & Son.